Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2013-2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.glowroot.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.checkerframework.checker.tainting.qual.Untainted;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
import org.glowroot.collector.Aggregate;
import org.glowroot.collector.AggregateTimer;
import org.glowroot.collector.ErrorPoint;
import org.glowroot.collector.ErrorSummary;
import org.glowroot.collector.LazyHistogram;
import org.glowroot.collector.ProfileAggregate;
import org.glowroot.collector.QueryAggregate;
import org.glowroot.collector.QueryComponent;
import org.glowroot.collector.QueryComponent.AggregateQuery;
import org.glowroot.collector.TransactionSummary;
import org.glowroot.common.Clock;
import org.glowroot.common.ObjectMappers;
import org.glowroot.common.ScratchBuffer;
import org.glowroot.config.ConfigService;
import org.glowroot.config.RollupConfig;
import org.glowroot.transaction.model.ProfileNode;
import static;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS;
import static org.glowroot.common.Checkers.castUntainted;
public class AggregateDao {
public static final String OVERWRITTEN = "{\"overwritten\":true}";
private static final ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMappers.create();
private static final ImmutableList overallAggregatePointColumns = ImmutableList.of(
Column.of("transaction_type", Types.VARCHAR),
Column.of("capture_time", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("error_count", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("transaction_count", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_cpu_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_blocked_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_waited_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_allocated_kbytes", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("queries_capped_id", Types.BIGINT), // capped database id
// profile json is always from "synthetic root"
Column.of("profile_capped_id", Types.BIGINT), // capped database id
Column.of("histogram", Types.BLOB),
// timers json is always from "synthetic root"
Column.of("timers", Types.VARCHAR)); // json data
private static final ImmutableList transactionAggregateColumns = ImmutableList.of(
Column.of("transaction_type", Types.VARCHAR),
Column.of("transaction_name", Types.VARCHAR),
Column.of("capture_time", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("error_count", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("transaction_count", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_cpu_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_blocked_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_waited_micros", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("total_allocated_kbytes", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("queries_capped_id", Types.BIGINT), // capped database id
// profile json is always from "synthetic root"
Column.of("profile_capped_id", Types.BIGINT), // capped database id
Column.of("histogram", Types.BLOB),
// timers json is always from "synthetic root"
Column.of("timers", Types.VARCHAR)); // json data
// this index includes all columns needed for the overall aggregate query so h2 can return
// the result set directly from the index without having to reference the table for each row
private static final ImmutableList overallAggregateIndexColumns =
ImmutableList.of("capture_time", "transaction_type", "total_micros",
"transaction_count", "error_count");
// this index includes all columns needed for the transaction aggregate query so h2 can return
// the result set directly from the index without having to reference the table for each row
// capture_time is first so this can also be used for readTransactionErrorCounts()
private static final ImmutableList transactionAggregateIndexColumns =
ImmutableList.of("capture_time", "transaction_type", "transaction_name",
"total_micros", "transaction_count", "error_count");
private final DataSource dataSource;
private final List rollupCappedDatabases;
private final ConfigService configService;
private final Clock clock;
private final AtomicLongArray lastRollupTimes;
private final Object rollupLock = new Object();
AggregateDao(DataSource dataSource, List rollupCappedDatabases,
ConfigService configService, Clock clock) throws SQLException {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.rollupCappedDatabases = rollupCappedDatabases;
this.configService = configService;
this.clock = clock;
ImmutableList rollupConfigs = configService.getRollupConfigs();
for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
String overallTableName = "overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(i);
dataSource.syncTable(overallTableName, overallAggregatePointColumns);
dataSource.syncIndexes(overallTableName, ImmutableList.of(
Index.of(overallTableName + "_idx", overallAggregateIndexColumns)));
String transactionTableName = "transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(i);
dataSource.syncTable(transactionTableName, transactionAggregateColumns);
dataSource.syncIndexes(transactionTableName, ImmutableList.of(
Index.of(transactionTableName + "_idx", transactionAggregateIndexColumns)));
// don't need last_rollup_times table like in GaugePointDao since there is already index
// on capture_time so these queries are relatively fast
long[] lastRollupTimes = new long[rollupConfigs.size()];
lastRollupTimes[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < lastRollupTimes.length; i++) {
lastRollupTimes[i] = dataSource.queryForLong(
"select ifnull(max(capture_time), 0) from overall_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(i));
this.lastRollupTimes = new AtomicLongArray(lastRollupTimes);
// TODO initial rollup in case store is not called in a reasonable time
void store(final List overallAggregates, List transactionAggregates,
long captureTime) throws Exception {
storeAtRollupLevel(overallAggregates, transactionAggregates, 0);
synchronized (rollupLock) {
ImmutableList rollupConfigs = configService.getRollupConfigs();
for (int i = 1; i < rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
RollupConfig rollupConfig = rollupConfigs.get(i);
long safeRollupTime =
getSafeRollupTime(captureTime, rollupConfig.intervalMillis());
if (safeRollupTime > lastRollupTimes.get(i)) {
rollup(lastRollupTimes.get(i), safeRollupTime, rollupConfig.intervalMillis(),
i, i - 1);
lastRollupTimes.set(i, safeRollupTime);
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public TransactionSummary readOverallSummary(String transactionType, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
int rollupLevel = getRollupLevelForView(captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
long lastRollupTime = lastRollupTimes.get(rollupLevel);
if (rollupLevel != 0 && captureTimeTo > lastRollupTime) {
// need to aggregate some non-rolled up data
TransactionSummary overallSummary = readOverallSummaryInternal(transactionType,
captureTimeFrom, lastRollupTime, rollupLevel);
TransactionSummary sinceLastRollupSummary =
readOverallSummaryInternal(transactionType, lastRollupTime, captureTimeTo, 0);
return combineOverallSummaries(overallSummary, sinceLastRollupSummary);
return readOverallSummaryInternal(transactionType, captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo,
// query.from() is non-inclusive
public QueryResult readTransactionSummaries(TransactionSummaryQuery query)
throws SQLException {
int rollupLevel = getRollupLevelForView(query.from(),;
ImmutableList summaries;
long lastRollupTime = lastRollupTimes.get(rollupLevel);
if (rollupLevel != 0 && > lastRollupTime) {
// need to aggregate some non-rolled up data
summaries = readTransactionSummariesInternalSplit(query, rollupLevel, lastRollupTime);
} else {
summaries = readTransactionSummariesInternal(query, rollupLevel);
// one extra record over the limit is fetched above to identify if the limit was hit
return QueryResult.from(summaries, query.limit());
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public ErrorSummary readOverallErrorSummary(String transactionType, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
ErrorSummary result = dataSource.query("select sum(error_count), sum(transaction_count)"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?",
new OverallErrorSummaryResultSetExtractor(), transactionType, captureTimeFrom,
if (result == null) {
// this can happen if datasource is in the middle of closing
return ErrorSummary.builder().build();
} else {
return result;
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public QueryResult readTransactionErrorSummaries(ErrorSummaryQuery query,
int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
ImmutableList summary = dataSource.query("select transaction_name,"
+ " sum(error_count), sum(transaction_count) from transaction_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? group by transaction_type, transaction_name"
+ " having sum(error_count) > 0 order by " + getSortClause(query.sortOrder())
+ ", transaction_type, transaction_name limit ?", new ErrorSummaryRowMapper(),
query.transactionType(), query.from(),, query.limit() + 1);
// one extra record over the limit is fetched above to identify if the limit was hit
return QueryResult.from(summary, query.limit());
// captureTimeFrom is INCLUSIVE
public ImmutableList readOverallAggregates(String transactionType,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, total_micros, error_count,"
+ " transaction_count, total_cpu_micros, total_blocked_micros,"
+ " total_waited_micros, total_allocated_kbytes, histogram, timers"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time >= ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " order by capture_time", new AggregateRowMapper(transactionType, null),
transactionType, captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
// captureTimeFrom is INCLUSIVE
public ImmutableList readTransactionAggregates(String transactionType,
String transactionName, long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel)
throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, total_micros, error_count,"
+ " transaction_count, total_cpu_micros, total_blocked_micros,"
+ " total_waited_micros, total_allocated_kbytes, histogram, timers"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and transaction_name = ? and capture_time >= ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? order by capture_time",
new AggregateRowMapper(transactionType, transactionName), transactionType,
transactionName, captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public ImmutableList readOverallQueryAggregates(String transactionType,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, queries_capped_id"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " and queries_capped_id >= ? order by capture_time",
new QueryAggregateRowMapper(rollupLevel), transactionType, captureTimeFrom,
captureTimeTo, rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).getSmallestNonExpiredId());
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public ImmutableList readTransactionQueryAggregates(String transactionType,
String transactionName, long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel)
throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, queries_capped_id"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and transaction_name = ? and capture_time > ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? and queries_capped_id >= ? order by capture_time",
new QueryAggregateRowMapper(rollupLevel), transactionType, transactionName,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo,
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public ImmutableList readOverallProfileAggregates(String transactionType,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, profile_capped_id"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " and profile_capped_id >= ? order by capture_time",
new ProfileAggregateRowMapper(rollupLevel), transactionType, captureTimeFrom,
captureTimeTo, rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).getSmallestNonExpiredId());
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public ImmutableList readTransactionProfileAggregates(String transactionType,
String transactionName, long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel)
throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, profile_capped_id"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and transaction_name = ? and capture_time > ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? and profile_capped_id >= ? order by capture_time",
new ProfileAggregateRowMapper(rollupLevel), transactionType, transactionName,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo,
public ImmutableList readOverallErrorPoints(String transactionType,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, sum(error_count), sum(transaction_count)"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time >= ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " group by capture_time having sum(error_count) > 0 order by capture_time",
new ErrorPointRowMapper(), transactionType, captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
public ImmutableList readTransactionErrorPoints(String transactionType,
String transactionName, long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel)
throws SQLException {
return dataSource.query("select capture_time, error_count, transaction_count from"
+ " transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and transaction_name = ? and capture_time >= ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? and error_count > 0 order by capture_time",
new ErrorPointRowMapper(), transactionType, transactionName, captureTimeFrom,
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public boolean shouldHaveOverallQueries(String transactionType, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
return shouldHaveOverallSomething("queries_capped_id", transactionType, captureTimeFrom,
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public boolean shouldHaveTransactionQueries(String transactionType, String transactionName,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
return shouldHaveTransactionSomething("queries_capped_id", transactionType, transactionName,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public boolean shouldHaveOverallProfile(String transactionType, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
return shouldHaveOverallSomething("profile_capped_id", transactionType, captureTimeFrom,
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
public boolean shouldHaveTransactionProfile(String transactionType, String transactionName,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
return shouldHaveTransactionSomething("profile_capped_id", transactionType, transactionName,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
public long getDataPointIntervalMillis(long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo) {
long millis = captureTimeTo - captureTimeFrom;
long timeAgoMillis = clock.currentTimeMillis() - captureTimeFrom;
ImmutableList rollupExpirationHours =
ImmutableList rollupConfigs = configService.getRollupConfigs();
for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size() - 1; i++) {
RollupConfig currRollupConfig = rollupConfigs.get(i);
RollupConfig nextRollupConfig = rollupConfigs.get(i + 1);
if (millis < nextRollupConfig.viewThresholdMillis()
&& HOURS.toMillis(rollupExpirationHours.get(i)) > timeAgoMillis) {
return currRollupConfig.intervalMillis();
return rollupConfigs.get(rollupConfigs.size() - 1).intervalMillis();
public int getRollupLevelForView(long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo) {
long millis = captureTimeTo - captureTimeFrom;
long timeAgoMillis = clock.currentTimeMillis() - captureTimeFrom;
ImmutableList rollupExpirationHours =
ImmutableList rollupConfigs = configService.getRollupConfigs();
for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size() - 1; i++) {
RollupConfig nextRollupConfig = rollupConfigs.get(i + 1);
if (millis < nextRollupConfig.viewThresholdMillis()
&& HOURS.toMillis(rollupExpirationHours.get(i)) > timeAgoMillis) {
return i;
return rollupConfigs.size() - 1;
public void deleteAll() throws SQLException {
for (int i = 0; i < configService.getRollupConfigs().size(); i++) {
dataSource.execute("truncate table overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(i));
dataSource.execute("truncate table transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(i));
void deleteBefore(long captureTime, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
dataSource.deleteBefore("overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel),
dataSource.deleteBefore("transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel),
private void rollup(long lastRollupTime, long curentRollupTime, long fixedIntervalMillis,
int toRollupLevel, int fromRollupLevel) throws Exception {
// need ".0" to force double result
String captureTimeSql = castUntainted(
"ceil(capture_time / " + fixedIntervalMillis + ".0) * " + fixedIntervalMillis);
List rollupTimes = dataSource.query("select distinct " + captureTimeSql
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(fromRollupLevel)
+ " where capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?", new LongRowMapper(),
lastRollupTime, curentRollupTime);
for (Long rollupTime : rollupTimes) {
rollupOneInterval(rollupTime, fixedIntervalMillis, toRollupLevel, fromRollupLevel);
private void rollupOneInterval(long rollupTime, long fixedIntervalMillis, int toRollupLevel,
int fromRollupLevel) throws Exception {
List overallAggregates = dataSource.query("select transaction_type,"
+ " total_micros, error_count, transaction_count, total_cpu_micros,"
+ " total_blocked_micros, total_waited_micros, total_allocated_kbytes,"
+ " queries_capped_id, profile_capped_id, histogram, timers"
+ " from overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(fromRollupLevel)
+ " where capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?",
new OverallRollupResultSetExtractor(rollupTime, fromRollupLevel),
rollupTime - fixedIntervalMillis, rollupTime);
if (overallAggregates == null) {
// data source is closing
List transactionAggregates = dataSource.query("select transaction_type,"
+ " transaction_name, total_micros, error_count, transaction_count,"
+ " total_cpu_micros, total_blocked_micros, total_waited_micros,"
+ " total_allocated_kbytes, queries_capped_id, profile_capped_id, histogram,"
+ " timers from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(fromRollupLevel)
+ " where capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?",
new TransactionRollupResultSetExtractor(rollupTime, fromRollupLevel),
rollupTime - fixedIntervalMillis, rollupTime);
if (transactionAggregates == null) {
// data source is closing
storeAtRollupLevel(overallAggregates, transactionAggregates, toRollupLevel);
private void storeAtRollupLevel(List overallAggregates,
List transactionAggregates, int rollupLevel) throws Exception {
dataSource.batchUpdate("insert into overall_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " (transaction_type, capture_time, total_micros, error_count, transaction_count,"
+ " total_cpu_micros, total_blocked_micros, total_waited_micros,"
+ " total_allocated_kbytes, queries_capped_id, profile_capped_id, histogram,"
+ " timers) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
new OverallBatchAdder(overallAggregates, rollupLevel));
dataSource.batchUpdate("insert into transaction_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " (transaction_type, transaction_name, capture_time,"
+ " total_micros, error_count, transaction_count, total_cpu_micros,"
+ " total_blocked_micros, total_waited_micros, total_allocated_kbytes,"
+ " queries_capped_id, profile_capped_id, histogram, timers)"
+ " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
new TransactionBatchAdder(transactionAggregates, rollupLevel));
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
private TransactionSummary readOverallSummaryInternal(String transactionType,
long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
// it's important that all these columns are in a single index so h2 can return the
// result set directly from the index without having to reference the table for each row
TransactionSummary summary = dataSource.query("select sum(total_micros),"
+ " sum(transaction_count) from overall_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ?", new OverallSummaryResultSetExtractor(), transactionType,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
if (summary == null) {
// this can happen if datasource is in the middle of closing
return TransactionSummary.builder().build();
} else {
return summary;
private TransactionSummary combineOverallSummaries(TransactionSummary overallSummary1,
TransactionSummary overallSummary2) {
return TransactionSummary.builder()
.totalMicros(overallSummary1.totalMicros() + overallSummary2.totalMicros())
overallSummary1.transactionCount() + overallSummary2.transactionCount())
private ImmutableList readTransactionSummariesInternal(
TransactionSummaryQuery query, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
// it's important that all these columns are in a single index so h2 can return the
// result set directly from the index without having to reference the table for each row
return dataSource.query("select transaction_name, sum(total_micros), sum(transaction_count)"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " group by transaction_name order by " + getSortClause(query.sortOrder())
+ ", transaction_name limit ?", new TransactionSummaryRowMapper(),
query.transactionType(), query.from(),, query.limit() + 1);
private ImmutableList readTransactionSummariesInternalSplit(
TransactionSummaryQuery query, int rollupLevel, long lastRollupTime)
throws SQLException {
// it's important that all these columns are in a single index so h2 can return the
// result set directly from the index without having to reference the table for each row
return dataSource.query("select transaction_name, sum(total_micros), sum(transaction_count)"
+ " from (select transaction_name, total_micros, transaction_count"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel)
+ " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " union all select transaction_name, total_micros, transaction_count"
+ " from transaction_aggregate_rollup_0 where transaction_type = ?"
+ " and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?) group by transaction_name order by "
+ getSortClause(query.sortOrder()) + ", transaction_name limit ?",
new TransactionSummaryRowMapper(), query.transactionType(), query.from(),
lastRollupTime, query.transactionType(), lastRollupTime,,
query.limit() + 1);
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
private boolean shouldHaveOverallSomething(@Untainted String cappedIdColumnName,
String transactionType, long captureTimeFrom, long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
int rollupLevel = getRollupLevelForView(captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
return dataSource.queryForExists("select 1 from overall_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " where transaction_type = ? and capture_time > ?"
+ " and capture_time <= ? and " + cappedIdColumnName + " is not null limit 1",
transactionType, captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
// captureTimeFrom is non-inclusive
private boolean shouldHaveTransactionSomething(@Untainted String cappedIdColumnName,
String transactionType, String transactionName, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo) throws SQLException {
int rollupLevel = getRollupLevelForView(captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
return dataSource.queryForExists("select 1 from transaction_aggregate_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(rollupLevel) + " where transaction_type = ?"
+ " and transaction_name = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ? and "
+ cappedIdColumnName + " is not null limit 1", transactionType, transactionName,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
private void bindCommon(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Aggregate overallAggregate,
int startIndex, int rollupLevel) throws Exception {
Long queriesCappedId = null;
String queries = overallAggregate.queries();
if (queries != null) {
queriesCappedId = rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).write(CharSource.wrap(queries),
Long profileCappedId = null;
String profile = overallAggregate.profile();
if (profile != null) {
profileCappedId = rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).write(CharSource.wrap(profile),
int i = startIndex;
preparedStatement.setLong(i++, overallAggregate.captureTime());
preparedStatement.setLong(i++, overallAggregate.totalMicros());
preparedStatement.setLong(i++, overallAggregate.errorCount());
preparedStatement.setLong(i++, overallAggregate.transactionCount());
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, overallAggregate.totalCpuMicros());
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, overallAggregate.totalBlockedMicros());
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, overallAggregate.totalWaitedMicros());
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, overallAggregate.totalAllocatedKBytes());
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, queriesCappedId);
RowMappers.setLong(preparedStatement, i++, profileCappedId);
preparedStatement.setBytes(i++, overallAggregate.histogram());
preparedStatement.setString(i++, overallAggregate.timers());
public static long getNextRollupTime(long captureTime, long intervalMillis) {
return (long) Math.ceil(captureTime / (double) intervalMillis) * intervalMillis;
static long getSafeRollupTime(long captureTime, long intervalMillis) {
return (long) Math.floor(captureTime / (double) intervalMillis) * intervalMillis;
private static @Untainted String getSortClause(TransactionSummarySortOrder sortOrder) {
switch (sortOrder) {
return "sum(total_micros) desc";
return "sum(total_micros) / sum(transaction_count) desc";
return "sum(transaction_count) desc";
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected sort order: " + sortOrder);
private static @Untainted String getSortClause(ErrorSummarySortOrder sortOrder) {
switch (sortOrder) {
return "sum(error_count) desc";
return "sum(error_count) / sum(transaction_count) desc";
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected sort order: " + sortOrder);
public abstract static class TransactionSummaryQueryBase {
public abstract String transactionType();
// from is non-inclusive
public abstract long from();
public abstract long to();
public abstract TransactionSummarySortOrder sortOrder();
public abstract int limit();
public abstract static class ErrorSummaryQueryBase {
public abstract String transactionType();
// from is non-inclusive
public abstract long from();
public abstract long to();
public abstract ErrorSummarySortOrder sortOrder();
public abstract int limit();
public static enum TransactionSummarySortOrder {
public static enum ErrorSummarySortOrder {
private class OverallBatchAdder implements BatchAdder {
private final List overallAggregates;
private final int rollupLevel;
private OverallBatchAdder(List overallAggregates, int rollupLevel) {
this.overallAggregates = overallAggregates;
this.rollupLevel = rollupLevel;
public void addBatches(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws Exception {
for (Aggregate overallAggregate : overallAggregates) {
preparedStatement.setString(1, overallAggregate.transactionType());
bindCommon(preparedStatement, overallAggregate, 2, rollupLevel);
private class TransactionBatchAdder implements BatchAdder {
private final List transactionAggregates;
private final int rollupLevel;
private TransactionBatchAdder(List transactionAggregates, int rollupLevel) {
this.transactionAggregates = transactionAggregates;
this.rollupLevel = rollupLevel;
public void addBatches(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws Exception {
for (Aggregate transactionAggregate : transactionAggregates) {
preparedStatement.setString(1, transactionAggregate.transactionType());
preparedStatement.setString(2, transactionAggregate.transactionName());
bindCommon(preparedStatement, transactionAggregate, 3, rollupLevel);
private static class OverallSummaryResultSetExtractor
implements ResultSetExtractor {
public TransactionSummary extractData(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
if (! {
// this is an aggregate query so this should be impossible
throw new SQLException("Aggregate query did not return any results");
return TransactionSummary.builder()
private static class TransactionSummaryRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public TransactionSummary mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
String transactionName = resultSet.getString(1);
if (transactionName == null) {
// transaction_name should never be null
throw new SQLException("Found null transaction_name in transaction_aggregate");
return TransactionSummary.builder()
private static class OverallErrorSummaryResultSetExtractor
implements ResultSetExtractor {
public ErrorSummary extractData(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
if (! {
// this is an aggregate query so this should be impossible
throw new SQLException("Aggregate query did not return any results");
return ErrorSummary.builder()
private static class ErrorSummaryRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public ErrorSummary mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
String transactionName = resultSet.getString(1);
if (transactionName == null) {
// transaction_name should never be null
throw new SQLException("Found null transaction_name in transaction_aggregate");
return ErrorSummary.builder()
private static class AggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
private final String transactionType;
private final @Nullable String transactionName;
private AggregateRowMapper(String transactionType, @Nullable String transactionName) {
this.transactionType = transactionType;
this.transactionName = transactionName;
public Aggregate mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
int i = 1;
return Aggregate.builder()
private static class ErrorPointRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public ErrorPoint mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
long captureTime = resultSet.getLong(1);
long errorCount = resultSet.getLong(2);
long transactionCount = resultSet.getLong(3);
return ErrorPoint.of(captureTime, errorCount, transactionCount);
private class QueryAggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
private final int rollupLevel;
public QueryAggregateRowMapper(int rollupLevel) {
this.rollupLevel = rollupLevel;
public QueryAggregate mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
long captureTime = resultSet.getLong(1);
CharSource queries =
rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).read(resultSet.getLong(2), OVERWRITTEN);
return QueryAggregate.of(captureTime, queries);
private class ProfileAggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
private final int rollupLevel;
public ProfileAggregateRowMapper(int rollupLevel) {
this.rollupLevel = rollupLevel;
public ProfileAggregate mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
long captureTime = resultSet.getLong(1);
CharSource profile =
rollupCappedDatabases.get(rollupLevel).read(resultSet.getLong(2), OVERWRITTEN);
return ProfileAggregate.of(captureTime, profile);
private static class LongRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public Long mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
return resultSet.getLong(1);
private abstract class RollupResultSetExtractor implements ResultSetExtractor> {
void merge(MergedAggregate mergedAggregate, ResultSet resultSet, int startColumnIndex,
int fromRollupLevel) throws Exception {
int i = startColumnIndex;
long totalMicros = resultSet.getLong(i++);
long errorCount = resultSet.getLong(i++);
long transactionCount = resultSet.getLong(i++);
Long totalCpuMicros = resultSet.getLong(i++);
Long totalBlockedMicros = RowMappers.getLong(resultSet, i++);
Long totalWaitedMicros = RowMappers.getLong(resultSet, i++);
Long totalAllocatedKBytes = RowMappers.getLong(resultSet, i++);
Long queriesCappedId = RowMappers.getLong(resultSet, i++);
Long profileCappedId = RowMappers.getLong(resultSet, i++);
byte[] histogram = checkNotNull(resultSet.getBytes(i++));
String timers = checkNotNull(resultSet.getString(i++));
if (queriesCappedId != null) {
String queriesContent = rollupCappedDatabases.get(fromRollupLevel)
.read(queriesCappedId, AggregateDao.OVERWRITTEN).read();
if (!queriesContent.equals(AggregateDao.OVERWRITTEN)) {
if (profileCappedId != null) {
String profileContent = rollupCappedDatabases.get(fromRollupLevel)
.read(profileCappedId, AggregateDao.OVERWRITTEN).read();
if (!profileContent.equals(AggregateDao.OVERWRITTEN)) {
private class OverallRollupResultSetExtractor extends RollupResultSetExtractor {
private final long rollupCaptureTime;
private final int fromRollupLevel;
private OverallRollupResultSetExtractor(long rollupCaptureTime, int fromRollupLevel) {
this.rollupCaptureTime = rollupCaptureTime;
this.fromRollupLevel = fromRollupLevel;
public List extractData(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
Map mergedAggregates = Maps.newHashMap();
while ( {
String transactionType = checkNotNull(resultSet.getString(1));
MergedAggregate mergedAggregate = mergedAggregates.get(transactionType);
if (mergedAggregate == null) {
mergedAggregate = new MergedAggregate(rollupCaptureTime, transactionType, null,
mergedAggregates.put(transactionType, mergedAggregate);
merge(mergedAggregate, resultSet, 2, fromRollupLevel);
List aggregates = Lists.newArrayList();
ScratchBuffer scratchBuffer = new ScratchBuffer();
for (MergedAggregate mergedAggregate : mergedAggregates.values()) {
return aggregates;
private class TransactionRollupResultSetExtractor extends RollupResultSetExtractor {
private final long rollupCaptureTime;
private final int fromRollupLevel;
private TransactionRollupResultSetExtractor(long rollupCaptureTime, int fromRollupLevel) {
this.rollupCaptureTime = rollupCaptureTime;
this.fromRollupLevel = fromRollupLevel;
public List extractData(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
Map> mergedAggregates = Maps.newHashMap();
while ( {
String transactionType = checkNotNull(resultSet.getString(1));
String transactionName = checkNotNull(resultSet.getString(2));
Map mergedAggregateMap =
if (mergedAggregateMap == null) {
mergedAggregateMap = Maps.newHashMap();
mergedAggregates.put(transactionType, mergedAggregateMap);
MergedAggregate mergedAggregate = mergedAggregateMap.get(transactionName);
if (mergedAggregate == null) {
mergedAggregate = new MergedAggregate(rollupCaptureTime, transactionType,
mergedAggregateMap.put(transactionName, mergedAggregate);
merge(mergedAggregate, resultSet, 3, fromRollupLevel);
List aggregates = Lists.newArrayList();
ScratchBuffer scratchBuffer = new ScratchBuffer();
for (Map mergedAggregateMap : mergedAggregates.values()) {
for (MergedAggregate mergedAggregate : mergedAggregateMap.values()) {
return aggregates;
public static class MergedAggregate {
private long captureTime;
private final String transactionType;
private final @Nullable String transactionName;
private long totalMicros;
private long errorCount;
private long transactionCount;
private @Nullable Long totalCpuMicros;
private @Nullable Long totalBlockedMicros;
private @Nullable Long totalWaitedMicros;
private @Nullable Long totalAllocatedKBytes;
private final LazyHistogram lazyHistogram = new LazyHistogram();
private final AggregateTimer syntheticRootTimer = AggregateTimer.createSyntheticRootTimer();
private final QueryComponent queryComponent;
private final ProfileNode syntheticProfileNode = ProfileNode.createSyntheticRoot();
public MergedAggregate(long captureTime, String transactionType,
@Nullable String transactionName, int maxAggregateQueriesPerQueryType) {
this.captureTime = captureTime;
this.transactionType = transactionType;
this.transactionName = transactionName;
queryComponent = new QueryComponent(maxAggregateQueriesPerQueryType, 0);
public void setCaptureTime(long captureTime) {
this.captureTime = captureTime;
public void addTotalMicros(long totalMicros) {
this.totalMicros += totalMicros;
public void addErrorCount(long errorCount) {
this.errorCount += errorCount;
public void addTransactionCount(long transactionCount) {
this.transactionCount += transactionCount;
public void addTotalCpuMicros(@Nullable Long totalCpuMicros) {
this.totalCpuMicros = nullAwareAdd(this.totalCpuMicros, totalCpuMicros);
public void addTotalBlockedMicros(@Nullable Long totalBlockedMicros) {
this.totalBlockedMicros = nullAwareAdd(this.totalBlockedMicros, totalBlockedMicros);
public void addTotalWaitedMicros(@Nullable Long totalWaitedMicros) {
this.totalWaitedMicros = nullAwareAdd(this.totalWaitedMicros, totalWaitedMicros);
public void addTotalAllocatedKBytes(@Nullable Long totalAllocatedKBytes) {
this.totalAllocatedKBytes =
nullAwareAdd(this.totalAllocatedKBytes, totalAllocatedKBytes);
public void addHistogram(byte[] histogram) throws DataFormatException {
public void addTimers(String timers) throws IOException {
AggregateTimer syntheticRootTimers = mapper.readValue(timers, AggregateTimer.class);
public Aggregate toAggregate(ScratchBuffer scratchBuffer) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buffer =
byte[] histogram = lazyHistogram.encodeUsingTempByteBuffer(buffer);
return Aggregate.builder()
private void addQueries(String queryContent) throws IOException {
private void addProfile(String profileContent) throws IOException {
ProfileNode profileNode =
ObjectMappers.readRequiredValue(mapper, profileContent, ProfileNode.class);
private @Nullable String getQueriesJson() throws IOException {
Map> queries =
if (queries.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return mapper.writeValueAsString(queries);
private @Nullable String getProfileJson() throws IOException {
if (syntheticProfileNode.getSampleCount() == 0) {
return null;
return mapper.writeValueAsString(syntheticProfileNode);
private static @Nullable Long nullAwareAdd(@Nullable Long x, @Nullable Long y) {
if (x == null) {
return y;
if (y == null) {
return x;
return x + y;