Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2014-2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray;
import org.checkerframework.checker.tainting.qual.Untainted;
import org.glowroot.collector.GaugePoint;
import org.glowroot.collector.GaugePointRepository;
import org.glowroot.common.Clock;
import org.glowroot.config.ConfigService;
import org.glowroot.config.RollupConfig;
import static;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS;
import static org.glowroot.common.Checkers.castUntainted;
public class GaugePointDao implements GaugePointRepository {
private static final ImmutableList gaugePointRollup0Columns = ImmutableList.of(
Column.of("gauge_meta_id", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("capture_time", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("value", Types.DOUBLE));
private static final ImmutableList gaugePointRollupColumns = ImmutableList.of(
Column.of("gauge_meta_id", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("capture_time", Types.BIGINT),
Column.of("value", Types.DOUBLE),
Column.of("count", Types.DOUBLE)); // count is needed for further rollups
private static final ImmutableList gaugePointRollup0Indexes =
ImmutableList.of("gauge_meta_id", "capture_time", "value")));
private final GaugeMetaDao gaugeMetaDao;
private final DataSource dataSource;
private final ConfigService configService;
private final Clock clock;
private final ImmutableList rollupConfigs;
// AtomicLongArray used for visibility
private final AtomicLongArray lastRollupTimes;
private final Object rollupLock = new Object();
GaugePointDao(DataSource dataSource, ConfigService configService, Clock clock)
throws SQLException {
gaugeMetaDao = new GaugeMetaDao(dataSource);
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.configService = configService;
this.clock = clock;
this.rollupConfigs = configService.getRollupConfigs();
dataSource.syncTable("gauge_point_rollup_0", gaugePointRollup0Columns);
dataSource.syncIndexes("gauge_point_rollup_0", gaugePointRollup0Indexes);
for (int i = 1; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
dataSource.syncTable("gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(i), gaugePointRollupColumns);
dataSource.syncIndexes("gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(i), ImmutableList.of(
Index.of("gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(i) + "_idx",
ImmutableList.of("gauge_meta_id", "capture_time", "value"))));
List columns = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
columns.add(Column.of("last_rollup_" + i + "_time", Types.BIGINT));
dataSource.syncTable("gauge_point_last_rollup_times", columns);
List columnNames = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
columnNames.add("last_rollup_" + i + "_time");
Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(", ");
String selectClause = castUntainted(joiner.join(columnNames));
long[] lastRollupTimes =
dataSource.query("select " + selectClause + " from gauge_point_last_rollup_times",
new LastRollupTimesExtractor());
if (lastRollupTimes == null) {
long[] values = new long[rollupConfigs.size()];
String valueClause = castUntainted(joiner.join(Longs.asList(values)));
dataSource.update("insert into gauge_point_last_rollup_times (" + selectClause
+ ") values (" + valueClause + ")");
this.lastRollupTimes = new AtomicLongArray(values);
} else {
this.lastRollupTimes = new AtomicLongArray(lastRollupTimes);
// TODO initial rollup in case store is not called in a reasonable time
public void store(final List gaugePoints) throws Exception {
if (gaugePoints.isEmpty()) {
dataSource.batchUpdate("insert into gauge_point_rollup_0"
+ " (gauge_meta_id, capture_time, value) values (?, ?, ?)", new BatchAdder() {
public void addBatches(PreparedStatement preparedStatement)
throws SQLException {
for (GaugePoint gaugePoint : gaugePoints) {
// everIncreasing must be supplied when calling this method
Boolean everIncreasing = gaugePoint.everIncreasing();
long gaugeMetaId = gaugeMetaDao.getOrCreateGaugeMetaId(
gaugePoint.gaugeName(), everIncreasing);
preparedStatement.setLong(1, gaugeMetaId);
preparedStatement.setLong(2, gaugePoint.captureTime());
preparedStatement.setDouble(3, gaugePoint.value());
synchronized (rollupLock) {
// clock can never go backwards and future gauge captures will wait until this method
// completes since ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate() guarantees that future
// invocations of GaugeCollector will wait until prior invocations complete
// TODO this clock logic will fail if remote collectors are introduced
long safeCurrentTime = clock.currentTimeMillis() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size(); i++) {
long intervalMillis = rollupConfigs.get(i).intervalMillis();
long safeRollupTime = AggregateDao.getSafeRollupTime(safeCurrentTime,
long lastRollupTime = lastRollupTimes.get(i);
if (safeRollupTime > lastRollupTime) {
rollup(lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime, intervalMillis, i + 1, i);
// JVM termination here will cause last_rollup_*_time to be out of sync, which
// will cause a re-rollup of this time after the next startup, but this possible
// duplicate is filtered out by the distinct clause in readGaugePoints()
dataSource.update("update gauge_point_last_rollup_times set last_rollup_"
+ castUntainted(i + 1) + "_time = ?", safeRollupTime);
lastRollupTimes.set(i, safeRollupTime);
public ImmutableList readGaugePoints(String gaugeName, long captureTimeFrom,
long captureTimeTo, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
String tableName = "gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel);
GaugeMeta gaugeMeta = gaugeMetaDao.getGaugeMetaId(gaugeName);
if (gaugeMeta == null) {
// not necessarily an error, gauge id not created until first store
return ImmutableList.of();
// the distinct clause is needed for the rollup tables in order to handle corner case where
// JVM termination occurs in between rollup and updating gauge_point_last_rollup_times
// in which case a duplicate entry will occur after the next startup
return dataSource.query("select distinct capture_time, value from " + tableName
+ " where gauge_meta_id = ? and capture_time >= ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " order by capture_time", new GaugePointRowMapper(gaugeName),,
captureTimeFrom, captureTimeTo);
public List readManuallyRolledUpGaugePoints(long from, long to, String gaugeName,
int rollupLevel, long liveCaptureTime) throws SQLException {
long fixedIntervalMillis = rollupConfigs.get(rollupLevel - 1).intervalMillis();
GaugeMeta gaugeMeta = gaugeMetaDao.getGaugeMetaId(gaugeName);
if (gaugeMeta == null) {
// not necessarily an error, gauge id not created until first store
return ImmutableList.of();
String aggregateFunction = gaugeMeta.everIncreasing() ? "max" : "avg";
// need ".0" to force double result
String captureTimeSql = castUntainted(
"ceil(capture_time / " + fixedIntervalMillis + ".0) * " + fixedIntervalMillis);
ImmutableList gaugePoints = dataSource.query("select " + captureTimeSql
+ " ceil_capture_time, " + aggregateFunction + "(value) from gauge_point_rollup_0"
+ " where gauge_meta_id = ? and capture_time > ? and capture_time <= ?"
+ " group by ceil_capture_time order by ceil_capture_time",
new GaugePointRowMapper(gaugeName),, from, to);
if (gaugePoints.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
GaugePoint lastGaugePoint = gaugePoints.get(gaugePoints.size() - 1);
if (lastGaugePoint.captureTime() <= liveCaptureTime) {
return gaugePoints;
List correctedGaugePoints = Lists.newArrayList(gaugePoints);
correctedGaugePoints.set(correctedGaugePoints.size() - 1,
return correctedGaugePoints;
public int getRollupLevelForView(long from, long to) {
long millis = to - from;
long timeAgoMillis = clock.currentTimeMillis() - from;
ImmutableList rollupExpirationHours =
// gauge point rollup level 0 shares rollup level 1's expiration
if (millis < rollupConfigs.get(0).viewThresholdMillis()
&& HOURS.toMillis(rollupExpirationHours.get(0)) > timeAgoMillis) {
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rollupConfigs.size() - 1; i++) {
if (millis < rollupConfigs.get(i + 1).viewThresholdMillis()
&& HOURS.toMillis(rollupExpirationHours.get(i)) > timeAgoMillis) {
return i + 1;
return rollupConfigs.size();
public void deleteAll() throws SQLException {
dataSource.execute("truncate table gauge_point_rollup_0");
for (int i = 1; i <= configService.getRollupConfigs().size(); i++) {
dataSource.execute("truncate table gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(i));
void deleteBefore(long captureTime, int rollupLevel) throws SQLException {
dataSource.deleteBefore("gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(rollupLevel), captureTime);
private void rollup(long lastRollupTime, long safeRollupTime, long fixedIntervalMillis,
int toRollupLevel, int fromRollupLevel) throws SQLException {
// TODO handle when offset is different for lastRollupTime and safeRollupTime?
int offsetMillis = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(safeRollupTime);
// need ".0" to force double result
String captureTimeSql = castUntainted("ceil((capture_time + " + offsetMillis + ") / "
+ fixedIntervalMillis + ".0) * " + fixedIntervalMillis + " - " + offsetMillis);
rollup(lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime, captureTimeSql, false, toRollupLevel,
rollup(lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime, captureTimeSql, true, toRollupLevel,
private void rollup(long lastRollupTime, long safeRollupTime, @Untainted String captureTimeSql,
boolean everIncreasing, int toRollupLevel, int fromRollupLevel) throws SQLException {
String aggregateFunction = everIncreasing ? "max" : "avg";
dataSource.update("insert into gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(toRollupLevel)
+ " (gauge_meta_id, capture_time, value, count) select gauge_meta_id, "
+ captureTimeSql + " ceil_capture_time, " + aggregateFunction
+ "(value), count(*) from gauge_point_rollup_" + castUntainted(fromRollupLevel)
+ " gp, gauge_meta gm where gp.capture_time > ? and gp.capture_time <= ?"
+ " and gp.gauge_meta_id = and gm.ever_increasing = ?"
+ " group by gp.gauge_meta_id, ceil_capture_time", lastRollupTime, safeRollupTime,
private static class LastRollupTimesExtractor
implements ResultSetExtractor {
public long/*@Nullable*/[] extractData(ResultSet resultSet) throws Exception {
if (! {
return null;
int columns = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
long[] values = new long[columns];
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
values[i] = resultSet.getLong(i + 1);
return values;
private static class GaugePointRowMapper implements RowMapper {
private final String gaugeName;
public GaugePointRowMapper(String gaugeName) {
this.gaugeName = gaugeName;
public GaugePoint mapRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
long captureTime = resultSet.getLong(1);
double value = resultSet.getDouble(2);
return GaugePoint.builder()