fs2.data.csv.CellDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fs2.data.csv
import java.net.{MalformedURLException, URI}
import java.util.UUID
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.util.Try
import scala.annotation.{implicitNotFound, tailrec}
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
/** Describes how a cell can be decoded to the given type.
* `CellDecoder` provides convenient methods such as `map`, `emap`, or `flatMap` to build new decoders out of more
* basic one.
* Actually, `CellDecoder` has a [[https://typelevel.org/cats/api/cats/MonadError.htmlcats`MonadError`]] instance. To
* get the full power of it, import `cats.syntax.all._`.
"No implicit CellDecoder found for type ${T}.\nYou can define one using CellDecoder.instance, by calling map on another CellDecoder or by using generic derivation for coproducts and unary products.\nFor that, add the fs2-data-csv-generic module to your dependencies and use either full-automatic derivation:\nimport fs2.data.csv.generic.auto._\nor the recommended semi-automatic derivation:\nimport fs2.data.csv.generic.semiauto._\nimplicit val cellDecoder: CellDecoder[${T}] = deriveCellDecoder\n\n")
@FunctionalInterface trait CellDecoder[T] {
def apply(cell: String): DecoderResult[T]
/** Map the parsed value.
* @param f
* the mapping function
* @tparam T2
* the result type
* @return
* a cell decoder reading the mapped type
def map[T2](f: T => T2): CellDecoder[T2] =
s => apply(s).map(f)
/** Map the parsed value to a new decoder, which in turn will be applied to the parsed value.
* @param f
* the mapping function
* @tparam T2
* the result type
* @return
* a cell decoder reading the mapped type
def flatMap[T2](f: T => CellDecoder[T2]): CellDecoder[T2] =
s => apply(s).flatMap(f(_)(s))
/** Map the parsed value, potentially failing.
* @param f
* the mapping function
* @tparam T2
* the result type
* @return
* a cell decoder reading the mapped type
def emap[T2](f: T => DecoderResult[T2]): CellDecoder[T2] =
s => apply(s).flatMap(f)
/** Fail-over. If this decoder fails, try the supplied other decoder.
* @param cd
* the fail-over decoder
* @tparam TT
* the return type
* @return
* a decoder combining this and the other decoder
def or[TT >: T](cd: => CellDecoder[TT]): CellDecoder[TT] =
s =>
apply(s) match {
case Left(_) => cd(s)
case r @ Right(_) => r.leftCast[DecoderError]
/** Similar to [[or]], but return the result as an Either signaling which cell decoder succeeded. Allows for parsing
* an unrelated type in case of failure.
* @param cd
* the alternative decoder
* @tparam B
* the type the alternative decoder returns
* @return
* a decoder combining both decoders
def either[B](cd: CellDecoder[B]): CellDecoder[Either[T, B]] =
s =>
apply(s) match {
case Left(_) =>
cd(s) match {
case l @ Left(_) => l.rightCast[Either[T, B]]
case r @ Right(_) => r.leftCast[T].asRight
case Right(value) => Right(Left(value))
object CellDecoder
extends CellDecoderInstances1
with CellDecoderInstances2
with LiteralCellDecoders
with ExportedCellDecoders
with PlatformCellDecoders {
implicit object CellDecoderInstances extends MonadError[CellDecoder, DecoderError] with SemigroupK[CellDecoder] {
override def map[A, B](fa: CellDecoder[A])(f: A => B): CellDecoder[B] =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: CellDecoder[A])(f: A => CellDecoder[B]): CellDecoder[B] =
def handleErrorWith[A](fa: CellDecoder[A])(f: DecoderError => CellDecoder[A]): CellDecoder[A] =
s => fa(s).leftFlatMap(f(_)(s))
def pure[A](x: A): CellDecoder[A] =
_ => Right(x)
def raiseError[A](e: DecoderError): CellDecoder[A] =
_ => Left(e)
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => CellDecoder[Either[A, B]]): CellDecoder[B] = {
def step(s: String, a: A): DecoderResult[B] =
f.apply(a)(s) match {
case left @ Left(_) => left.rightCast[B]
case Right(Left(a)) => step(s, a)
case Right(right @ Right(_)) => right.leftCast[DecoderError]
s => step(s, a)
override def combineK[A](x: CellDecoder[A], y: CellDecoder[A]): CellDecoder[A] = x or y
def apply[T: CellDecoder]: CellDecoder[T] = implicitly[CellDecoder[T]]
def instance[T](f: String => DecoderResult[T]): CellDecoder[T] = s => f(s)
def const[T](r: T): CellDecoder[T] = _ => r.asRight
def fromString[T](f: String => T): CellDecoder[T] = s => f(s).asRight
// Primitives
implicit val unitDecoder: CellDecoder[Unit] = s =>
if (s.isEmpty)
Left(new DecoderError(s"'$s' can't be decoded as unit as it is not empty"))
implicit val booleanDecoder: CellDecoder[Boolean] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toBoolean).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a byte", None, _))
implicit val byteDecoder: CellDecoder[Byte] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toByte).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a byte", None, _))
implicit val shortDecoder: CellDecoder[Short] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toShort).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a short", None, _))
implicit val charDecoder: CellDecoder[Char] = s =>
if (s.length == 1)
Left(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a character"))
implicit val intDecoder: CellDecoder[Int] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toInt).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as an integer", None, _))
implicit val longDecoder: CellDecoder[Long] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toLong).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a long", None, _))
implicit val floatDecoder: CellDecoder[Float] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toFloat).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a float", None, _))
implicit val doubleDecoder: CellDecoder[Double] = s =>
Either.catchNonFatal(s.toDouble).leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a double", None, _))
implicit val bigDecimalDecoder: CellDecoder[BigDecimal] = s =>
Try(BigDecimal(s)).toEither.leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a BigDecimal", None, _))
implicit val bigIntDecoder: CellDecoder[BigInt] = s =>
Try(BigInt(s)).toEither.leftMap(new DecoderError(s"unable to decode '$s' as a BigInt", None, _))
implicit val stringDecoder: CellDecoder[String] = s => Right(s)
implicit val charArrayDecoder: CellDecoder[Array[Char]] = s => Right(s.toCharArray)
// Containers
implicit def decoderResultDecoder[T](implicit ev: CellDecoder[T]): CellDecoder[DecoderResult[T]] = s => ev(s).asRight
implicit def rawOrResultDecoder[T](implicit ev: CellDecoder[T]): CellDecoder[Either[String, T]] =
s => ev(s).leftMap(_ => s).asRight
// Standard Library types
implicit val finiteDurationDecoder: CellDecoder[FiniteDuration] =
durationDecoder.emap {
case fd: FiniteDuration => fd.asRight
case d => new DecoderError(s"parsed duration isn't finite: $d").asLeft
implicit override val javaUriDecoder: CellDecoder[URI] = s =>
.catchOnly[MalformedURLException](new URI(s))
.leftMap(t => new DecoderError(s"couldn't parse URI", None, t))
implicit val uuidDecoder: CellDecoder[UUID] = s =>
.leftMap(t => new DecoderError(s"couldn't parse UUID", None, t))
trait CellDecoderInstances1 {
implicit val durationDecoder: CellDecoder[Duration] = s =>
.leftMap(t => new DecoderError("couldn't parse Duration", None, t))
// Java Time Decoders
trait CellDecoderInstances2 {
import java.time._
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
implicit val instantDecoder: CellDecoder[Instant] = javaTimeDecoder("Instant", Instant.parse)
implicit val periodDecoder: CellDecoder[Period] = javaTimeDecoder("Period", Period.parse)
implicit def localDateDecoder(implicit
localDateDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE): CellDecoder[LocalDate] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("LocalDate", LocalDate.parse)(localDateDecodeFmt)
implicit def localDateTimeDecoder(implicit
localDateTimeDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME): CellDecoder[LocalDateTime] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("LocalDateTime", LocalDateTime.parse)(localDateTimeDecodeFmt)
implicit def localTimeDecoder(implicit
localTimeDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME): CellDecoder[LocalTime] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("LocalTime", LocalTime.parse)(localTimeDecodeFmt)
implicit def offsetDateTimeDecoder(implicit
offsetDateTimeDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME)
: CellDecoder[OffsetDateTime] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("OffsetDateTime", OffsetDateTime.parse)(offsetDateTimeDecodeFmt)
implicit def offsetTimeDecoder(implicit
offsetTimeDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_TIME): CellDecoder[OffsetTime] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("OffsetTime", OffsetTime.parse)(offsetTimeDecodeFmt)
implicit def zonedDateTimeDecoder(implicit
zonedDateTimeDecodeFmt: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME): CellDecoder[ZonedDateTime] =
javaTimeDecoderWithFmt("ZonedDateTime", ZonedDateTime.parse)(zonedDateTimeDecodeFmt)
implicit val dayOfWeekDecoder: CellDecoder[DayOfWeek] =
javaTimeDecoder("DayOfWeek", t => DayOfWeek.valueOf(t.toUpperCase))
implicit val javaTimeDurationDecoder: CellDecoder[java.time.Duration] =
javaTimeDecoder("java.time.Duration", java.time.Duration.parse)
implicit val monthDecoder: CellDecoder[Month] = javaTimeDecoder("Month", t => Month.valueOf(t.toUpperCase))
implicit val monthDayDecoder: CellDecoder[MonthDay] = javaTimeDecoder("MonthDay", MonthDay.parse)
implicit val yearDayDecoder: CellDecoder[Year] = javaTimeDecoder("Year", Year.parse)
implicit val yearMonthDayDecoder: CellDecoder[YearMonth] = javaTimeDecoder("YearMonth", YearMonth.parse)
implicit val zoneIdDecoder: CellDecoder[ZoneId] = javaTimeDecoder("ZoneId", ZoneId.of)
implicit val zoneOffsetDecoder: CellDecoder[ZoneOffset] = javaTimeDecoder("ZoneOffset", ZoneOffset.of)
private def javaTimeDecoder[T](name: String, t: String => T): CellDecoder[T] =
s =>
.leftMap(t => new DecoderError(s"couldn't parse $name", None, t))
private def javaTimeDecoderWithFmt[T](name: String, t: (String, DateTimeFormatter) => T)(implicit
fmt: DateTimeFormatter): CellDecoder[T] = {
.emap { s =>
.catchOnly[DateTimeException](t(s, fmt))
.leftMap(t => new DecoderError(s"couldn't parse $name with fmt: ${fmt}", None, t))
trait ExportedCellDecoders {
implicit def exportedCellDecoders[A](implicit exported: Exported[CellDecoder[A]]): CellDecoder[A] = exported.instance
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