fs2.data.text.render.internal.StreamPrinter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fs2.data.text.render
package internal
import cats.collections.Dequeue
import cats.data.{Chain, NonEmptyList}
import fs2.{Chunk, Pipe, Pull, Stream}
private case class OpenGroup(hpl: Int, indent: Int, group: Chain[Annotated])
private class AnnotationContext(var pos: Int,
var aligns: NonEmptyIntList,
var hpl: Int,
var indent: Int,
var groups: Dequeue[OpenGroup])
private class RenderingContext(var fit: Int, var hpl: Int, var lines: NonEmptyList[String], var col: Int)
private[render] class StreamPrinter[F[_], Event](width: Int, indentSize: Int)(implicit render: Renderable[Event])
extends Pipe[F, Event, String] {
private def push(annctx: AnnotationContext, evt: Annotated): Unit =
annctx.groups.unsnoc match {
case Some((OpenGroup(ghpl, gindent, group), groups)) =>
annctx.groups = groups.snoc(OpenGroup(ghpl, gindent, group.append(evt)))
case None => // should never happen
private def pop(buffer: Chain[Annotated],
annctx: AnnotationContext,
rctx: RenderingContext,
chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit =
annctx.groups.unsnoc match {
case Some((OpenGroup(ghpl, gindent, group), groups)) =>
annctx.groups = groups.snoc(OpenGroup(ghpl, gindent, group.concat(buffer)))
case None =>
annctx.groups = Dequeue.empty
buffer.iterator.foreach(renderAnnotated(_, rctx, chunkAcc))
private def check(annctx: AnnotationContext, rctx: RenderingContext, chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit =
if (annctx.pos <= annctx.hpl - (annctx.indent * indentSize) && annctx.groups.size <= width - (annctx.indent * indentSize)) {
// groups still fits
} else {
// group does not fit, uncons first buffer
annctx.groups.uncons match {
case Some((OpenGroup(_, _, buffer), groups)) =>
renderGroupBegin(Position.TooFar, rctx)
buffer.iterator.foreach(renderAnnotated(_, rctx, chunkAcc))
groups.uncons match {
case Some((OpenGroup(newhpl, newindent, _), _)) =>
annctx.hpl = newhpl
annctx.indent = newindent
annctx.groups = groups
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc) // check inner groups recursively
case None =>
annctx.hpl = 0
annctx.indent = 0
annctx.groups = Dequeue.empty
case None =>
// should never happen
private def process(chunk: Chunk[DocEvent],
chunkSize: Int,
idx: Int,
rest: Stream[F, DocEvent],
annctx: AnnotationContext,
rctx: RenderingContext,
chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Pull[F, String, Unit] =
if (idx >= chunkSize) {
Pull.output1(chunkAcc.result()) >>
rest.pull.uncons.flatMap {
case Some((hd, tl)) =>
process(hd, hd.size, 0, tl, annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case None => Pull.done
} else {
val evt = chunk(idx)
evt match {
case DocEvent.Text(text) =>
val size = text.size
annctx.pos += size
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately
renderText(text, rctx, chunkAcc)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.Text(text))
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.Line =>
annctx.pos += 1
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
renderLine(annctx.pos, rctx, chunkAcc)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.Line(annctx.pos))
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.LineBreak =>
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
renderLineBreak(annctx.pos, rctx, chunkAcc)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.LineBreak(annctx.pos))
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.GroupBegin =>
val hpl1 = annctx.pos + width - annctx.aligns.head
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// this is the top-level group, turn on the buffer mechanism
annctx.hpl = hpl1
annctx.indent = annctx.aligns.head
annctx.groups = annctx.groups.snoc(OpenGroup(hpl1, annctx.indent, Chain.empty))
} else {
// starting a new group, puts a new empty buffer in the group dequeue, and check for overflow
annctx.groups = annctx.groups.snoc(OpenGroup(hpl1, annctx.aligns.head, Chain.empty))
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.GroupEnd =>
annctx.groups.unsnoc match {
case None =>
// closing unknown group, just ignore it
case Some((OpenGroup(newhpl, newindent, group), groups)) =>
// closing a group, pop it from the buffer dequeue, and continue
annctx.groups = groups
annctx.hpl = newhpl
annctx.indent = newindent
case DocEvent.IndentBegin =>
// increment the current indentation level
annctx.aligns = annctx.aligns.incHead
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
annctx.indent += 1
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.IndentBegin)
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.IndentEnd =>
// decrement the current indentation level
annctx.aligns = annctx.aligns.decHead
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
annctx.indent -= 1
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.IndentEnd)
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.AlignBegin =>
// push new indentation level
annctx.aligns = annctx.pos :: annctx.aligns
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.AlignBegin)
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
case DocEvent.AlignEnd =>
// restore to previous indentation level
annctx.aligns = annctx.aligns.pop
if (annctx.groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
push(annctx, Annotated.AlignEnd)
check(annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
process(chunk, chunkSize, idx + 1, rest, annctx, rctx, chunkAcc)
// rendering
private def renderText(text: String, ctx: RenderingContext, chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit = {
ctx.col += text.size
private def renderLine(pos: Int, ctx: RenderingContext, chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit = if (ctx.fit == 0) {
ctx.hpl = pos + width
ctx.col = ctx.lines.head.size
val _ = chunkAcc.append('\n').append(ctx.lines.head)
} else {
ctx.col += 1
chunkAcc.append(' ')
private def renderLineBreak(pos: Int, ctx: RenderingContext, chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit =
if (ctx.fit == 0) {
ctx.hpl = pos + width
ctx.col = ctx.lines.head.size
val _ = chunkAcc.append('\n').append(ctx.lines.head)
private def renderGroupBegin(pos: Position, ctx: RenderingContext): Unit =
if (ctx.fit == 0) {
pos match {
case Position.TooFar =>
// too far, do nothing
case Position.Small(pos) =>
ctx.fit = if (pos <= ctx.hpl) 1 else 0
} else {
ctx.fit += 1
private def renderGroupEnd(ctx: RenderingContext): Unit =
if (ctx.fit > 0) {
ctx.fit -= 1
private def renderIndentBegin(ctx: RenderingContext): Unit = {
ctx.lines = NonEmptyList(ctx.lines.head + (" " * indentSize), ctx.lines.tail)
private def renderIndentEnd(ctx: RenderingContext): Unit = {
ctx.lines = NonEmptyList(ctx.lines.head.drop(indentSize), ctx.lines.tail)
private def renderAlignBegin(ctx: RenderingContext): Unit = {
ctx.lines = (" " * ctx.col) :: ctx.lines
private def renderAlignEnd(ctx: RenderingContext): Unit = {
ctx.lines = NonEmptyList.fromList(ctx.lines.tail).getOrElse(NonEmptyList.one(""))
private def renderAnnotated(annotated: Annotated, ctx: RenderingContext, chunkAcc: StringBuilder): Unit =
annotated match {
case Annotated.Text(text) => renderText(text, ctx, chunkAcc)
case Annotated.Line(pos) => renderLine(pos, ctx, chunkAcc)
case Annotated.LineBreak(pos) => renderLineBreak(pos, ctx, chunkAcc)
case Annotated.GroupBegin(pos) => renderGroupBegin(pos, ctx)
case Annotated.GroupEnd => renderGroupEnd(ctx)
case Annotated.IndentBegin => renderIndentBegin(ctx)
case Annotated.IndentEnd => renderIndentEnd(ctx)
case Annotated.AlignBegin => renderAlignBegin(ctx)
case Annotated.AlignEnd => renderAlignEnd(ctx)
def apply(events: Stream[F, Event]): Stream[F, String] =
Stream.suspend(Stream.emit(render.newRenderer())).flatMap { renderer =>
new AnnotationContext(0, One(0), 0, 0, Dequeue.empty),
new RenderingContext(0, width, NonEmptyList.one(""), 0),
new StringBuilder
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