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* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package internal
import cats.collections.Dequeue
import{Chain, NonEmptyList}
import fs2.{Chunk, Pipe, Pull, Stream}
private[render] class StreamPrinter[F[_], Event](width: Int, indentSize: Int)(implicit render: Renderable[Event])
extends Pipe[F, Event, String] {
private val emptyGroups = (0, 0, Dequeue.empty[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])])
private def push(groups: Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])],
evt: Annotated): Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])] =
groups.unsnoc match {
case Some(((ghpl, gindent, group), groups)) => groups.snoc((ghpl, gindent, group.append(evt)))
case None => Dequeue.empty // should never happen
private def pop(groups: Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])],
buffer: Chain[Annotated]): Pull[F, Annotated, (Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])])] =
groups.unsnoc match {
case Some(((ghpl, gindent, group), groups)) =>
Pull.pure((groups.snoc((ghpl, gindent, group.concat(buffer)))))
case None =>
private def check(hpl: Int,
indent: Int,
groups: Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])],
ghpl: Int): Pull[F, Annotated, (Int, Int, Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])])] =
if (ghpl <= hpl - (indent * indentSize) && groups.size <= width - (indent * indentSize)) {
// groups still fits
Pull.pure((hpl, indent, groups))
} else {
// group does not fit, uncons first buffer
groups.uncons match {
case Some(((_, _, buffer), groups)) =>
Pull.output(Chunk.chain(buffer.prepend(Annotated.GroupBegin(Position.TooFar)))) >> (groups.uncons match {
case Some(((hpl, indent, _), _)) => check(hpl, indent, groups, ghpl) // check inner groups recursively
case None => Pull.pure(emptyGroups)
case None =>
Pull.pure(emptyGroups) // should never happen
private def annotate(chunk: Chunk[DocEvent],
idx: Int,
rest: Stream[F, DocEvent],
pos: Int,
aligns: NonEmptyList[Int],
hpl: Int,
indent: Int,
groups: Dequeue[(Int, Int, Chain[Annotated])]): Pull[F, Annotated, Unit] =
if (idx >= chunk.size) {
rest.pull.uncons.flatMap {
case Some((hd, tl)) => annotate(hd, 0, tl, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case None => Pull.done
} else {
val evt = chunk(idx)
evt match {
case DocEvent.Text(text) =>
val size = text.size
val pos1 = pos + size
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately
.output1(Annotated.Text(text, pos1)) >> annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos1, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.Text(text, pos1)), pos1).flatMap { case (hpl, gindent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos1, aligns, hpl, gindent, groups)
case DocEvent.Line =>
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
.output1(Annotated.Line(pos + 1)) >> annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos + 1, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.Line(pos + 1)), pos + 1).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos + 1, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.LineBreak =>
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
Pull.output1(Annotated.LineBreak(pos)) >> annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.LineBreak(pos)), pos).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.GroupBegin =>
val hpl1 = pos + width - aligns.head
if (groups.isEmpty)
// this is the top-level group, turn on the buffer mechanism
idx + 1,
groups.snoc((hpl1, aligns.head, Chain.empty)))
// starting a new group, puts a new empty buffer in the group dequeue, and check for overflow
check(hpl, indent, groups.snoc((hpl1, aligns.head, Chain.empty)), pos).flatMap {
case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.GroupEnd =>
groups.unsnoc match {
case None =>
// closing unknown group, just ignore it
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case Some(((hpl, indent, group), groups)) =>
// closing a group, pop it from the buffer dequeue, and continue
pop(groups, group.prepend(Annotated.GroupBegin(Position.Small(pos))).append(Annotated.GroupEnd(pos)))
.flatMap { groups =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.IndentBegin =>
// increment the current indentation level
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
Pull.output1(Annotated.IndentBegin(pos)) >> annotate(chunk,
idx + 1,
NonEmptyList(aligns.head + 1, aligns.tail),
indent + 1,
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.IndentBegin(pos)), pos).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, NonEmptyList(aligns.head + 1, aligns.tail), hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.IndentEnd =>
// decrement the current indentation level
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
Pull.output1(Annotated.IndentEnd(pos)) >> annotate(chunk,
idx + 1,
NonEmptyList(aligns.head - 1, aligns.tail),
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.IndentEnd(pos)), pos).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, NonEmptyList(aligns.head - 1, aligns.tail), hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.AlignBegin =>
// push new indentation level
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
Pull.output1(Annotated.AlignBegin(pos)) >> annotate(chunk,
idx + 1,
pos :: aligns,
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.AlignBegin(pos)), pos).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, pos :: aligns, hpl, indent, groups)
case DocEvent.AlignEnd =>
// restore to previous indentation level
val aligns1 =
aligns match {
case NonEmptyList(_, i :: is) => NonEmptyList(i, is)
case NonEmptyList(_, Nil) =>
if (groups.isEmpty) {
// no open group we can emit immediately a new line
Pull.output1(Annotated.AlignEnd(pos)) >> annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns1, hpl, indent, groups)
} else {
// there is an open group, append the event to the current group
check(hpl, indent, push(groups, Annotated.AlignEnd(pos)), pos).flatMap { case (hpl, indent, groups) =>
annotate(chunk, idx + 1, rest, pos, aligns1, hpl, indent, groups)
def apply(events: Stream[F, Event]): Stream[F, String] =
Stream.suspend(Stream.emit(render.newRenderer())).flatMap(renderer => events.flatMap(renderer.doc(_))),
.mapAccumulate((0, width,""), 0)) { case (acc @ (fit, hpl, lines, col), evt) =>
evt match {
case Annotated.Text(text, _) => ((fit, hpl, lines, col + text.size), Some(text))
case Annotated.Line(pos) if fit == 0 => ((fit, pos + width, lines, lines.head.size), Some("\n" + lines.head))
case Annotated.Line(_) => ((fit, hpl, lines, col + 1), Some(" "))
case Annotated.LineBreak(pos) if fit == 0 =>
((fit, pos + width, lines, lines.head.size), Some("\n" + lines.head))
case Annotated.LineBreak(_) => (acc, None)
case Annotated.GroupBegin(Position.TooFar) if fit == 0 => ((0, hpl, lines, col), None)
case Annotated.GroupBegin(Position.Small(pos)) if fit == 0 =>
((if (pos <= hpl) 1 else 0, hpl, lines, col), None)
case Annotated.GroupBegin(_) => ((fit + 1, hpl, lines, col), None)
case Annotated.GroupEnd(_) if fit == 0 => (acc, None)
case Annotated.GroupEnd(_) => ((fit - 1, hpl, lines, col), None)
case Annotated.IndentBegin(_) =>
((fit, hpl, NonEmptyList(lines.head + (" " * indentSize), lines.tail), col), None)
case Annotated.IndentEnd(_) =>
((fit, hpl, NonEmptyList(lines.head.drop(indentSize), lines.tail), col), None)
case Annotated.AlignBegin(_) =>
((fit, hpl, (" " * col) :: lines, col), None)
case Annotated.AlignEnd(_) =>
((fit, hpl, NonEmptyList.fromList(lines.tail).getOrElse("")), col), None)