fs2.data.xml.scalaXml.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fs2
package data
package xml
import dom.{DocumentBuilder, DocumentEventifier}
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.xml._
package object scalaXml {
implicit val ScalaXmlBuilder: DocumentBuilder.Aux[Document, Node, Elem] = new DocumentBuilder[Document] {
type Content = Node
type Elem = scala.xml.Elem
type Misc = Node
def makeDocument(version: Option[String],
encoding: Option[String],
standalone: Option[Boolean],
doctype: Option[XmlEvent.XmlDoctype],
prolog: List[Misc],
root: Elem,
postlog: List[Misc]): Document = {
val document = new Document()
document.version = version
document.encoding = encoding
document.standAlone = standalone
document.children = prolog ++ (root :: postlog)
document.docElem = root.head
def makeComment(content: String): Option[Misc] =
def makeText(texty: XmlEvent.XmlTexty): Content =
texty match {
case XmlEvent.XmlCharRef(value) => Text(new String(Character.toChars(value)))
case XmlEvent.XmlEntityRef(name) => EntityRef(name)
case XmlEvent.XmlString(s, false) => Text(s)
case XmlEvent.XmlString(s, true) => PCData(s)
def makeElement(name: QName, attributes: List[Attr], isEmpty: Boolean, children: List[Content]): Elem = {
val attrs = attributes.foldRight(Null: MetaData) { (attr, acc) =>
attr.name.prefix match {
case Some(prefix) => new PrefixedAttribute(prefix, attr.name.local, attr.value.map(makeText(_)), acc)
case None => new UnprefixedAttribute(attr.name.local, attr.value.map(makeText(_)), acc)
Elem(name.prefix.getOrElse(null), name.local, attrs, TopScope, isEmpty, children: _*)
def makePI(target: String, content: String): Misc =
ProcInstr(target, content)
implicit object ScalaXmlEventifier extends DocumentEventifier[Document] {
def eventify(node: Document): Stream[Pure, XmlEvent] =
def innerEventify(node: NodeSeq): Stream[Pure, XmlEvent] =
node match {
case Comment(comment) => Stream.emit(XmlEvent.Comment(comment))
case PCData(content) => Stream.emit(XmlEvent.XmlString(content, true))
case Text(content) => Stream.emit(XmlEvent.XmlString(content, false))
case EntityRef(name) => Stream.emit(XmlEvent.XmlEntityRef(name))
case ProcInstr(target, content) => Stream.emit(XmlEvent.XmlPI(target, content))
case e: Elem =>
val isEmpty = e.minimizeEmpty && e.child.isEmpty
val name = QName(Option(e.prefix), e.label)
Stream.emit(XmlEvent.StartTag(name, makeAttributes(e.attributes, Nil), isEmpty)) ++ Stream
.flatMap(innerEventify(_)) ++ Stream.emit(XmlEvent.EndTag(name))
case doc: Document =>
Stream.emit(XmlEvent.StartDocument) ++ Stream.emits(
doc.version.map(version => XmlEvent.XmlDecl(version, doc.encoding, doc.standAlone)).toSeq) ++ Stream
.flatMap(innerEventify(_)) ++ Stream.emit(XmlEvent.EndDocument)
case Group(children) => Stream.emits(children).flatMap(innerEventify(_))
case _ => Stream.empty
private def makeTexty(nodes: List[Node]): List[XmlEvent.XmlTexty] =
nodes.collect {
case Text(s) => XmlEvent.XmlString(s, false)
case EntityRef(name) => XmlEvent.XmlEntityRef(name)
private def makeAttributes(md: MetaData, acc: List[Attr]): List[Attr] =
md match {
case PrefixedAttribute(prefix, key, value, next) =>
makeAttributes(next, Attr(QName(Option(prefix), key), makeTexty(value.toList)) :: acc)
case UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next) =>
makeAttributes(next, Attr(QName(key), makeTexty(value.toList)) :: acc)
case _ => acc.reverse
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