fs2.data.xml.xpath.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fs2
package data
package xml
import dom.ElementBuilder
import xpath.internals._
import pfsa.{PDFA, PNFA, Pred}
import Pred.syntax._
import cats.effect.Concurrent
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.annotation.nowarn
package object xpath {
/** Namespace containing the various XPath filtering pipes. */
def filter[F[_]]: PartiallyAppliedFilter[F] = new PartiallyAppliedFilter(true)
/** Namespace containing the various XPath filtering pipes. */
final class PartiallyAppliedFilter[F[_]] private[xpath] (val dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
/** Selects all macthing elements in the input stream. Each matching element is emitted in a new stream.
* Matching is performed in a streaming fashion, and events are emitted as early as possible.
* The match streams are emitted in the same order they are encountered in the input stream, i.e.
* in the order of the opening tags matching the query.
* The `maxMatch` parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most.
* Further matches won't be emitted if any.
* The `maxNest` parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted.
* E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to `0`.
* '''Warning''': make sure you actually consume all the emitted streams otherwise
* this can lead to memory problems.
def raw(path: XPath, maxMatch: Int = Int.MaxValue, maxNest: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit
F: Concurrent[F]): Pipe[F, XmlEvent, Stream[F, XmlEvent]] =
new XmlQueryPipe(compileXPath(path)).raw(maxMatch, maxNest)(_)
/** Selects the first match only. First is meant as in: opening tag appears first in the input, no matter the depth.
* Tokens of the first match are emitted as they are read from the input.
* Other results are gently discarded.
def first(path: XPath)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Pipe[F, XmlEvent, XmlEvent] =
new XmlQueryPipe(compileXPath(path)).first(_)
/** Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and builds an element DOM.
* If `deterministic` is set to `true` (default value), elements are emitted in the order they
* appeat in the input stream, i.e. first opening tag first.
* If `deterministic` is set to false, built elements are emitted as soon
* as possible (i.e. when the value is entirely built).
* The `maxMatch` parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most.
* Further matches won't be emitted if any.
* The `maxNest` parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted.
* E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to `0`.
def dom[T](path: XPath, deterministic: Boolean = true, maxMatch: Int = Int.MaxValue, maxNest: Int = Int.MaxValue)(
F: Concurrent[F],
builder: ElementBuilder.Aux[T]): Pipe[F, XmlEvent, T] =
new XmlQueryPipe(compileXPath(path))
.aggregate(_, _.through(xml.dom.elements).compile.toList, deterministic, maxMatch, maxNest)
/** Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and applies the [[fs2.Collector]] to it.
* If `deterministic` is set to `true` (default value), elements are emitted in the order they
* appeat in the input stream, i.e. first opening tag first.
* If `deterministic` is set to false, built elements are emitted as soon
* as possible (i.e. when the value is entirely built).
* The `maxMatch` parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most.
* Further matches won't be emitted if any.
* The `maxNest` parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted.
* E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to `0`.
def collect[T](path: XPath,
collector: Collector.Aux[XmlEvent, T],
deterministic: Boolean = true,
maxMatch: Int = Int.MaxValue,
maxNest: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Pipe[F, XmlEvent, T] =
new XmlQueryPipe(compileXPath(path)).aggregate(_, _.compile.to(collector), deterministic, maxMatch, maxNest)
private[data] def compileXPath(path: XPath): PDFA[LocationMatch, StartElement] = {
def makePredicate(p: Predicate): LocationMatch =
p match {
case Predicate.True => LocationMatch.True
case Predicate.False => LocationMatch.False
case Predicate.Exists(attr) => LocationMatch.AttrExists(attr)
case Predicate.Eq(attr, value) => LocationMatch.AttrEq(attr, value)
case Predicate.Neq(attr, value) => LocationMatch.AttrNeq(attr, value)
case Predicate.And(left, right) => makePredicate(left) && makePredicate(right)
case Predicate.Or(left, right) => makePredicate(left) || makePredicate(right)
case Predicate.Not(inner) => !makePredicate(inner)
def makeLocation(l: Location): LocationMatch =
l match {
case Location(_, n, p) =>
val node: LocationMatch =
n match {
case Node(None, None) => LocationMatch.True
case _ => LocationMatch.Element(n)
node && p.map(makePredicate(_)).getOrElse(LocationMatch.True)
val (transitions, fs) =
path.locations.foldLeft((Map.empty[Int, List[(Option[LocationMatch], Int)]], Set.empty[Int])) {
case ((trans, fs), ors) =>
val (q1, trans1) =
ors.foldLeft((0, trans)) { case ((q, trans), l @ Location(axis, _, _)) =>
axis match {
case Axis.Child => (q + 1, trans.combine(Map((q -> List((Some(makeLocation(l)), q + 1))))))
case Axis.Descendant =>
(q + 1, trans.combine(Map(q -> List((Some(makeLocation(l)), q + 1), (Some(LocationMatch.True), q)))))
(trans1, fs + q1)
new PNFA(0, fs, transitions).determinize
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