fs2.data.xml.xpath.XPathParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2024 fs2-data Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package fs2
package data
package xml
package xpath
import cats.MonadError
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.data.StateT
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
case class XPathSyntaxException(expected: String, got: String, idx: Int)
extends Exception(s"unexpected '$got' at index $idx, $expected was expected")
class XPathParser[F[_]](val input: String)(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]) {
private type Parser[T] = StateT[F, Int, T]
private def idx: Parser[Int] =
private def modify(f: Int => Int): Parser[Unit] =
private def pure[T](v: T): Parser[T] =
private def tailRecM[A, B](init: A)(f: A => Parser[Either[A, B]]): Parser[B] =
private def raiseSyntaxError[T](expected: String, got: String): Parser[T] =
idx.flatMapF(XPathSyntaxException(expected, got, _).raiseError)
private def next(expected: String): Parser[Char] =
.flatMapF[Char](idx =>
if (idx >= input.size)
XPathSyntaxException(expected, "", idx).raiseError
input.charAt(idx).pure) <* consume
private def accept(c: Char): Parser[Unit] =
peek.flatMap {
case Some(`c`) => consume
case Some(other) => raiseSyntaxError(c.toString(), other.toString())
case None => raiseSyntaxError(c.toString(), "")
private val peek: Parser[Option[Char]] =
idx.map(idx =>
if (idx >= input.size)
private val consume: Parser[Unit] =
modify(_ + 1)
def readWhile(pred: Char => Boolean): Parser[String] =
idx.flatMap { idx =>
def loop(idx: Int, builder: StringBuilder): Parser[String] =
if (idx >= input.size || !pred(input.charAt(idx)))
modify(_ => idx).as(builder.result())
loop(idx + 1, builder.append(input.charAt(idx)))
loop(idx, new StringBuilder)
private val eatSpace: Parser[Unit] =
idx.flatMap { idx =>
def loop(idx: Int): Parser[Unit] =
if (idx >= input.size || !isXmlWhitespace(input.charAt(idx)))
modify(_ => idx)
loop(idx + 1)
def parse(): F[XPath] =
tailRecM((List.empty[Location], List.empty[List[Location]])) { case (current, acc) =>
peek.flatMap {
case None => pure(XPath(NonEmptyList(current.reverse, acc)).asRight[(List[Location], List[List[Location]])])
case Some('|') => consume >> location.map(loc => (List(loc), current :: acc).asLeft[XPath])
case _ => location.map(loc => (loc :: current, acc).asLeft[XPath])
private val axis: Parser[Axis] =
next("axis").flatMap {
case '/' =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some('/') => consume.as(Axis.Descendant: Axis)
case _ => pure(Axis.Child: Axis)
case c =>
raiseSyntaxError("axis", c.toString())
private val wildcard: Parser[Node] =
next("wildcard").flatMap {
case '*' =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some(':') =>
consume >> ncname.map(n => Node(none, n.some))
case _ => pure(Node(none, none))
case c => raiseSyntaxError[Node]("wildcard", c.toString())
private val ncname: Parser[String] =
private val nameOrWildcard: Parser[Node] =
ncname.flatMap { n =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some(':') =>
consume >> peek.flatMap {
case Some('*') =>
consume.as(Node(n.some, none))
case Some(c) if isNCNameStart(c) => ncname.map(l => Node(n.some, l.some))
case Some(c) => raiseSyntaxError("NCName or wildcard", c.toString())
case None => raiseSyntaxError("NCName or wildcard", "")
case _ => pure(Node(none, n.some))
private val name: Parser[QName] =
ncname.flatMap { n =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some(':') => consume >> ncname.map(QName(n.some, _))
case _ => pure(QName(None, n))
} <* eatSpace
private val op: Parser[Option[(QName, String) => Predicate]] =
peek.flatMap {
case Some('=') => consume >> accept('=').as(((a: QName, v: String) => Predicate.Eq(a, v): Predicate).some)
case Some('!') => consume >> accept('=').as(((a: QName, v: String) => Predicate.Neq(a, v): Predicate).some)
case _ => pure(none[(QName, String) => Predicate])
} <* eatSpace
private val string: Parser[String] =
accept('"') >> readWhile(_ != '"') <* accept('"')
private val atom: Parser[Predicate] =
next("atom").flatMap {
case '(' =>
expr <* accept(')')
case '@' =>
name.flatMap(attr =>
op.flatMap {
case Some(op) => string.map(op(attr, _))
case None => pure(Predicate.Exists(attr): Predicate)
case '!' => atom.map(Predicate.Not(_): Predicate)
case c => raiseSyntaxError[Predicate]("atom", c.toString())
} <* eatSpace
private val ands: Parser[Predicate] =
atom.flatMap { a =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some('&') => consume >> accept('&') >> eatSpace >> ands.map(Predicate.And(a, _))
case _ => pure(a)
private val expr: Parser[Predicate] =
ands.flatMap { a =>
peek.flatMap {
case Some('|') => consume >> accept('|') >> eatSpace >> expr.map(Predicate.Or(a, _))
case _ => pure(a)
private val predicate: Parser[Option[Predicate]] =
peek.flatMap {
case Some('[') => consume >> expr.map(_.some) <* accept(']')
case _ => pure(none)
private val location: Parser[Location] =
axis.flatMap { axis =>
node.flatMap { node =>
predicate.map { pred =>
Location(axis, node, pred)
private val node: Parser[Node] =
peek.flatMap {
case Some('*') => wildcard
case Some(c) if isNCNameStart(c) => nameOrWildcard
case Some(c) => raiseSyntaxError("node selector", c.toString())
case None => raiseSyntaxError("node selector", "")
object XPathParser {
def apply[F[_]](input: String)(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable]): F[XPath] =
new XPathParser[F](input).parse()
// Mostly here for the literal selector macro, makes it simpler (esp with macro+kind-projector interaction)
def either(input: String): Either[Throwable, XPath] = apply[Either[Throwable, *]](input)
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