lingua.cascade.Layer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* Copyright (c) 2018 Lucas Satabin
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lingua
package cascade
/** A layer is a basic part of a cascade.
* When data is reduced or passed-through, one may use and modify
* a context.
* This can be used, e.g., to assign the current position in the stream.
abstract class Layer[In, Out, Ctx] extends Transformer[In, Out] {
type Context = Ctx
/** For each unmatched input element, how it is
* passed through to the output stream.
* Context may be used to construct the value, and new, potentially
* modified, context is returned
protected def passThrough(ctx: Ctx, in: In): (Ctx, Seq[Out])
/** For each matched sequence of input, reduce to the produced
* out value.
* If the matching values must be dropped then, return `None`.
* Context may be used to construct the value, and new, potentially
* modified, context is returned
protected def reduce(ctx: Ctx, ins: Seq[In]): (Ctx, Seq[Out])
/** Process one step of this layer on the current stream.
* If the head can be processed by this layer, then
* returns the matched sequence and the rest stream,
* otherwise, returns `None`.
* Context may be used to match the value, and new, potentially
* modified, context is returned
protected def one(ctx: Ctx, s: Stream[In]): (Ctx, Option[(Seq[In], Stream[In])])
/** Creates a new context for this layer.
* This is called whenever transformation of a stream begins.
* If the context is not immutable, make sure this methode returns
* a new instance for each call, otherwise concurrent use of the
* layer may lead to inconsistencies.
def makeContext: Ctx
final def transform(s: Stream[In]): Stream[Out] = {
val ctx = makeContext
def loop(ctx: Ctx, s: Stream[In]): Stream[Out] =
one(ctx, s) match {
case (ctx, Some((seq, rest))) =>
// this layer matched the head of the current stream
// reduce it and process further
val (ctx1, outs) = reduce(ctx, seq)
outs.toStream ++ loop(ctx1, rest)
case (ctx, None) =>
// this layer did not match the head of the current stream
// pass through the first element and process further
s match {
case h #:: rest =>
val (ctx1, o) = passThrough(ctx, h)
o.toStream ++ loop(ctx1, rest)
case _ => Stream.Empty
loop(ctx, s)
final def andThen[Out1](that: Transformer[Out, Out1]): Transformer[In, Out1] =
new Cascade(this, that)
/** A [[Layer]] with no context. */
abstract class Layer0[In, Out] extends Layer[In, Out, Unit] {
override final def makeContext = ()
/** For each unmatched input element, how it is
* passed through to the output stream.
protected def passThrough(in: In): Seq[Out]
override final protected def passThrough(ctx: Unit, in: In): (Unit, Seq[Out]) =
((), passThrough(in))
/** For each matched sequence of input, reduce to the produced
* out value.
* If the matching values must be dropped then, return `None`.
protected def reduce(ins: Seq[In]): Seq[Out]
override final protected def reduce(ctx: Unit, ins: Seq[In]): (Unit, Seq[Out]) =
((), reduce(ins))
/** Process one step of this layer on the current stream.
* If the head can be processed by this layer, then
* returns the matched sequence and the rest stream,
* otherwise, returns `None`.
protected def one(s: Stream[In]): Option[(Seq[In], Stream[In])]
override final protected def one(ctx: Unit, s: Stream[In]): (Unit, Option[(Seq[In], Stream[In])]) =
((), one(s))