org.gnode.nix.Section Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.gnode.nix;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
import org.gnode.nix.base.NamedEntity;
import org.gnode.nix.internal.DateUtils;
import org.gnode.nix.internal.None;
import org.gnode.nix.internal.OptionalUtils;
import org.gnode.nix.internal.VectorUtils;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Section
* Used to store metadata.
@Properties(value = {
@Platform(include = {""}, link = "nix", preload = "hdf5"),
@Platform(value = "linux"),
@Platform(value = "windows")})
public class Section extends NamedEntity {
static {
// Constructors
* Constructor that creates an uninitialized Section.
* Calling any method on an uninitialized section will throw a {@link RuntimeException}.
public Section() {
private native void allocate();
// Base class methods
public native
boolean isNone();
* Get id of the section.
* @return ID string.
public native
String getId();
private native
long createdAt();
* Get the creation date of the section.
* @return The creation date of the section.
public Date getCreatedAt() {
return DateUtils.convertSecondsToDate(createdAt());
private native
long updatedAt();
* Get the date of the last update.
* @return The date of the last update.
public Date getUpdatedAt() {
return DateUtils.convertSecondsToDate(updatedAt());
* Sets the time of the last update to the current time if the field is not set.
public native void setUpdatedAt();
* Sets the time of the last update to the current time.
public native void forceUpdatedAt();
* Sets the creation time to the current time if the field is not set.
public native void setCreatedAt();
private native void forceCreatedAt(@Cast("time_t") long time);
* Sets the creation date to the provided value even if the attribute is set.
* @param date The creation date to set.
public void forceCreatedAt(Date date) {
* Setter for the type of the section.
* @param type The type of the section.
public native
void setType(@StdString String type);
* Getter for the type of the section.
* @return The type of the section.
public native
String getType();
* Getter for the name of the section.
* @return The name of the section.
public native
String getName();
private native void definition(@Const @ByVal None t);
private native void definition(@StdString String definition);
* Setter for the definition of the section.
* @param definition definition of section. If null is passed definition is removed.
public void setDefinition(String definition) {
if (definition != null) {
} else {
definition(new None());
private native
OptionalUtils.OptionalString definition();
* Getter for the definition of the section.
* @return The definition of the section. Returns null if not present.
public String getDefinition() {
OptionalUtils.OptionalString defintion = definition();
if (defintion.isPresent()) {
return defintion.getString();
return null;
// Attribute getter and setter
private native void repository(@Const @ByVal None t);
private native void repository(@StdString String repository);
* Set the repository in which a section of this type is defined.
* Usually this information is provided in the form of an URL
* @param repository URL to the repository. If null is passed repository is removed.
public void setRepository(String repository) {
if (repository != null) {
} else {
repository(new None());
private native
OptionalUtils.OptionalString repository();
* Gets the repository URL.
* @return The URL to the repository. Returns null if not present.
public String getRepository() {
OptionalUtils.OptionalString repository = repository();
if (repository.isPresent()) {
return repository.getString();
return null;
* Establish a link to another section.
* The linking section inherits the properties defined in the linked section.
* Properties of the same name are overridden.
* @param id The id of the section that should be linked.
* @see Section
public native
void setLink(@StdString String id);
* Establish a link to another section.
* The linking section inherits the properties defined in the linked section.
* Properties of the same name are overridden.
* @param link The section to link with.
* @see Section
public native
void setLink(@Const @ByRef Section link);
private native
Section link();
* Get the linked section.
* @return The linked section. If no section was linked a null
* Section will be returned.
* @see Section
public Section getLink() {
Section section = link();
if (section.isNone()) {
section = null;
return section;
private native void link(@Const @ByVal None t);
* Deleter for the linked section.
* This just removes the link between both sections, but does not remove
* the linked section from the file.
public void removeLink() {
link(new None());
private native void mapping(@Const @ByVal None t);
private native void mapping(@StdString String mapping);
* Sets the mapping information for this section.
* The mapping is provided as a path or URL to another section.
* @param mapping The mapping information to this section. If null is passed mapping is removed.
public void setMapping(String mapping) {
if (mapping != null) {
} else {
mapping(new None());
private native
OptionalUtils.OptionalString mapping();
* Gets the mapping information.
* @return The mapping information. Returns null if not present.
public String getMapping() {
OptionalUtils.OptionalString mapping = mapping();
if (mapping.isPresent()) {
return mapping.getString();
return null;
// Methods for parent access
private native
Section parent();
* Returns the parent section.
* Each section which is not a root section has a parent.
* @return The parent section. If the section has no parent, a null section will be returned.
* @see Section
public Section getParent() {
Section section = parent();
if (section.isNone()) {
section = null;
return section;
// Methods for child section access
* Get the number of child section of the section.
* @return The number of child sections.
* @see Section
public native
long getSectionCount();
* Checks whether a section has a certain child section.
* @param nameOrId Name or id of requested section.
* @return True if the section is a child, false otherwise.
* @see Section
public native
boolean hasSection(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Checks whether a section has a certain child section.
* @param section The section to check.
* @return True if the section is a child, false otherwise.
* @see Section
public native
boolean hasSection(@Const @ByRef Section section);
private native
Section fetchSection(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Get a specific child section by its name or id.
* @param nameOrId The name or the ID of the child section.
* @return The child section.
* @see Section
public Section getSection(String nameOrId) {
Section section = fetchSection(nameOrId);
if (section.isNone()) {
section = null;
return section;
private native
Section fetchSection(@Cast("size_t") long index);
* Get a child section by its index.
* @param index The index of the child.
* @return The specified child section.
* @see Section
public Section getSection(long index) {
Section section = fetchSection(index);
if (section.isNone()) {
section = null;
return section;
private native
VectorUtils.SectionVector sections();
* Get all direct child sections of the section.
* @return list of child sections
* @see Section
public List getSections() {
return sections().getSections();
* Get all direct child sections of the section.
* The parameter filter can be used to filter sections by various
* criteria.
* @param filter A filter function.
* @return A list containing the matching child sections.
* @see Section
public List getSections(Predicate filter) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Section section : getSections()) {
if (filter.test(section)) {
return result;
private static class SectionCont {
final Section entity;
final int depth;
public SectionCont(Section entity, int depth) {
this.entity = entity;
this.depth = depth;
* Get all descendant sections of the section recursively.
* This method traverses the sub-tree of all child sections of the section. The traversal
* is accomplished via breadth first and can be limited in depth. On each node or
* section a filter is applied. If the filter returns true the respective section
* will be added to the result list.
* @param filter A filter function.
* @param maxDepth The maximum depth of traversal.
* @return A list containing the matching descendant sections.
* @see Section
public List findSections(Predicate filter, int maxDepth) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
Queue todo = new LinkedList<>();
int level = 0;
todo.add(new SectionCont(this, level));
while (todo.size() > 0) {
SectionCont current = todo.remove();
if (filter.test(current.entity)) {
if (current.depth < maxDepth) {
List children = current.entity.getSections();
int next_depth = current.depth + 1;
for (Section child : children) {
todo.add(new SectionCont(child, next_depth));
return results;
* Get all descendant sections of the section recursively.
* This method traverses the sub-tree of all child sections of the section. The traversal
* is accomplished via breadth first. On each node or section a filter is applied.
* If the filter returns true the respective section will be added to the result list.
* By default nodes at all depths are considered.
* @param filter A filter function.
* @return A list containing the matching descendant sections.
* @see Section
public List findSections(Predicate filter) {
return findSections(filter, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Get all descendant sections of the section recursively.
* This method traverses the sub-tree of all child sections of the section. The traversal
* is accomplished via breadth first. On each node or section a filter is applied.
* If the filter returns true the respective section will be added to the result list.
* By default a filter is used that accepts all sections.
* @param maxDepth The maximum depth of traversal.
* @return A list containing the matching descendant sections.
* @see Section
public List findSections(int maxDepth) {
return findSections((Section s) -> true, maxDepth);
* Get all descendant sections of the section recursively.
* This method traverses the sub-tree of all child sections of the section. The traversal
* is accomplished via breadth first. On each node or section a filter is applied.
* If the filter returns true the respective section will be added to the result list.
* By default a filter is used that accepts all sections at all depths.
* @return A list containing the matching descendant sections.
* @see Section
public List findSections() {
return findSections((Section s) -> true, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Find all related sections of the section.
* @param filter A filter function.
* @return A list containing all filtered related sections.
* @see Section
public List findRelated(Predicate filter) {
List results = findDownstream(filter);
String myId = getId();
//This checking of results can be removed if we decide not to include this in findSection
results.removeIf(s -> s.getId().equals(myId));
int resultsSize = results.size();
if (resultsSize == 0) {
results = findUpstream(filter);
//This checking of results can be removed if we decide not to include this in findSection
results.removeIf(s -> s.getId().equals(myId));
resultsSize = results.size();
if (resultsSize == 0) {
results = findSideways(filter, getId());
return results;
* Find all related sections of the section.
* @return A list containing all filtered related sections.
* @see Section
public List findRelated() {
return findRelated((Section s) -> true);
private native
Section makeSection(@StdString String name, @StdString String type);
* Adds a new child section.
* @param name The name of the new section
* @param type The type of the section
* @return The new child section.
* @see Section
public Section createSection(String name, String type) {
Section section = makeSection(name, type);
if (section.isNone()) {
section = null;
return section;
* Deletes a section from the section.
* @param nameOrId Name or id of the child section to delete.
* @return True if the section was deleted, false otherwise.
* @see Section
public native
boolean deleteSection(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Deletes a subsection from this Section.
* @param section The section to delete.
* @return True if the section was deleted, false otherwise.
* @see Section
public native
boolean deleteSection(@Const @ByRef Section section);
// Methods for property access
* Gets the number of properties of this section.
* @return The number of Properties
* @see Property
public native
long getPropertyCount();
* Checks if a Property with this name/id exists in this Section.
* @param nameOrId Name or id of the property.
* @return True if the property exists, false otherwise.
* @see Property
public native
boolean hasProperty(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Checks if a Property exists in this Section.
* @param property The Property to check.
* @return True if the property exists, false otherwise.
* @see Property
public native
boolean hasProperty(@Const @ByRef Property property);
private native
Property fetchProperty(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Gets the Property identified by its name or id.
* @param nameOrId Name or id of the property.
* @return The specified property.
* @see Property
public Property getProperty(String nameOrId) {
Property property = fetchProperty(nameOrId);
if (property.isNone()) {
property = null;
return property;
private native
Property fetchProperty(@Cast("size_t") long index);
* Gets the property defined by its index.
* @param index The index of the property.
* @return The property.
* @see Property
public Property getProperty(long index) {
Property property = fetchProperty(index);
if (property.isNone()) {
property = null;
return property;
private native
VectorUtils.PropertyVector properties();
* Get all properties of the section.
* @return list of properties.
* @see Property
public List getProperties() {
return properties().getProperties();
private native
VectorUtils.PropertyVector inheritedProperties();
* Returns all Properties inherited from a linked section.
* This list may include Properties that are locally overridden.
* @return All inherited properties as a list.
* @see Property
public List getInheritedProperties() {
return inheritedProperties().getProperties();
private native
Property makeProperty(@StdString String name, @Cast("nix::DataType") int dtype);
* Add a new Property that does not have any Values to this Section.
* @param name The name of the property.
* @param dtype The DataType of the property.
* @return The newly created property
* @see Property
public Property createProperty(String name, int dtype) {
Property property = makeProperty(name, dtype);
if (property.isNone()) {
property = null;
return property;
private native
Property makeProperty(@StdString String name, @Const @ByRef Value value);
* Add a new Property to the Section.
* @param name The name of the property.
* @param value The Value to be stored.
* @return The newly created property.
* @see Property
public Property createProperty(String name, Value value) {
Property property = makeProperty(name, value);
if (property.isNone()) {
property = null;
return property;
private native
Property makeProperty(@StdString String name, @Const @ByRef VectorUtils.ValueVector values);
* Add a new Property with values to the Section.
* @param name The name of the property.
* @param values The values of the created property.
* @return The newly created property.
* @see Property
public Property createProperty(String name, List values) {
Property property = makeProperty(name, new VectorUtils.ValueVector(values));
if (property.isNone()) {
property = null;
return property;
* Delete the Property identified by its name or id.
* @param nameOrId Name or id of the property.
* @return True if the property was deleted, false otherwise.
* @see Property
public native
boolean deleteProperty(@StdString String nameOrId);
* Deletes the Property from this section.
* @param property The Property to delete.
* @return True if the property was deleted, false otherwise.
* @see Property
public native
boolean deleteProperty(@Const @ByRef Property property);
// Other functions
private int treeDepth() {
List children = getSections();
int depth = 0;
if (children.size() > 0) {
for (Section child : children) {
depth = Math.max(depth, child.treeDepth());
depth += 1;
return depth;
private List findDownstream(Predicate filter) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
int max_depth = treeDepth();
int actual_depth = 1;
while (results.size() == 0 && actual_depth <= max_depth) {
results = findSections(filter, actual_depth);
actual_depth += 1;
return results;
private List findUpstream(Predicate filter) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
Section p = parent();
if (p != null) {
results = p.findSections(filter, 1);
if (results.size() > 0) {
return results;
return p.findUpstream(filter);
return results;
private List findSideways(Predicate filter, String callerId) {
List results = new ArrayList<>();
Section p = parent();
if (p != null) {
results = p.findSections(filter, 1);
if (results.size() > 0) {
results.removeIf(s -> s.getId().equals(callerId));
return results;
return p.findSideways(filter, callerId);
return results;
// Overrides
// Overrides
public String toString() {
return "Section: {name = " + this.getName()
+ ", type = " + this.getType()
+ ", id = " + this.getId() + "}";