Maven / Gradle / Ivy
uses gw.util.Rational
uses java.text.NumberFormat
uses java.util.Currency
* Money represents an immutable amount of one or more currencies. An instance of Money may be
* an operand in any Gosu arithmetic expression. You can add, subtract, and divide Money of
* different currencies. You can exchange Money involving any number of currencies for another Money
* involving any number of currencies. Money also works with Gosu Binding Expressions where currency
* codes can be used as direct labels on number literals and simple expressions e.g., 35 USD is the
* same as new Money( 35, USD )
final class Money implements IDimension {
final var _amount: Map as Amount
construct( value : Rational, currency: Currency ) {
_amount = {currency -> value}
internal construct( amount: Map ) {
_amount = amount
property get SingleValue() : Rational {
if( Amount.size() == 1 ) {
return Amount.Values.first()
throw new RuntimeException( "Multiple currency amount" )
property get SingleUnit() : Currency {
if( Amount.size() == 1 ) {
return Amount.Keys.first()
throw new RuntimeException( "Multiple currency amount" )
override function fromNumber( value: Rational ) : Money {
if( Amount.size() == 1 ) {
return new Money( value, SingleUnit )
throw new RuntimeException( "Multiple currency amount" )
override function numberType() : java.lang.Class {
return Rational
* Always stored in Base units
override function toNumber() : Rational {
return SingleValue
override function toString() : String {
return toString( Locale.getDefault() )
function toString( locale: Locale ) : String {
var format = NumberFormat.getInstance( locale )
if( Amount.size() == 1 ) {
format.MaximumFractionDigits = SingleUnit.DefaultFractionDigits
format.GroupingUsed = true
return format.format( SingleValue ) + " " + SingleUnit.CurrencyCode
var sb = new StringBuilder()
Amount.eachKeyAndValue( \ k,v -> {
format.MaximumFractionDigits = k.DefaultFractionDigits
format.GroupingUsed = true
sb.append( format.format( v ) ).append( " " ).append( k.CurrencyCode ).append( "\n" )
} )
return sb.toString()
override function hashCode() : int {
return _amount.hashCode()
override function equals( o: Object ) : boolean {
return o typeis Money && _amount == o._amount
override function compareTo( o: Money ) : int {
if( _amount.size() == 1 && o._amount.size() == 1 && SingleUnit == o.SingleUnit ) {
return SingleValue.compareTo( o.SingleValue )
return exchange( Currency.BASE ).compareTo( Currency.BASE ) )
* Exchange this Money for another with the specified single currency and rate type
function exchange( currency: Currency, rateType: RateType = Mid ) : Money {
var rateTable = CurrencyExchange.instance().ExchangeRatesService.getExchangeRatesTable( currency )
var total = 0r
Amount.eachKeyAndValue( \ k, v -> {
if( k == currency ) {
total += v
else {
total += v / rateTable[k].get( rateType )
} )
return new Money( total, currency )
* Exchange this Money for a target Money with multiple currencies maintaining the value of this Money
* as a proportional distribution of multiple currencies of the target Money, using the given rate type
function weightedExchange( to: Money, rateType: RateType = Mid ) : Money {
var baseTable = CurrencyExchange.instance().ExchangeRatesService.getExchangeRatesTable( Currency.BASE )
var totalTo = Currency.BASE )
var totalFrom = exchange( Currency.BASE )
var result = new HashMap()
to.Amount.eachKeyAndValue( \ k, v -> {
if( k == Currency.BASE ) {
result.put( k, v/totalTo.SingleValue * totalFrom.SingleValue )
else {
var rateTable = CurrencyExchange.instance().ExchangeRatesService.getExchangeRatesTable( k )
result.put( k, v/baseTable[k].get( rateType )/totalTo.SingleValue * totalFrom.SingleValue / rateTable[Currency.BASE].get( rateType ) )
} )
return new Money( result )
function add( money: Money ) : Money {
var sum = new HashMap( _amount )
for( entrySet in money._amount.entrySet() ) {
var value = sum[entrySet.Key]
value = value == null ? entrySet.Value : value + entrySet.Value
sum[entrySet.Key] = value
return new Money( sum )
function subtract( money: Money ) : Money {
var sum = new HashMap( _amount )
for( entrySet in money._amount.entrySet() ) {
var value = sum[entrySet.Key]
value = value == null ? entrySet.Value : value - entrySet.Value
sum[entrySet.Key] = value
return new Money( sum )
function multiply( value: Rational ) : Money {
var product = new HashMap()
for( entrySet in _amount.entrySet() ) {
var result = entrySet.Value * value
product[entrySet.Key] = result
return new Money( product )
function divide( value: Rational ) : Money {
var quotient = new HashMap()
for( entrySet in _amount.entrySet() ) {
var result = entrySet.Value / value
quotient[entrySet.Key] = result
return new Money( quotient )
function divide( money: Money ) : Rational {
if( _amount.size() == 1 && money._amount.size() == 1 && SingleUnit == money.SingleUnit ) {
return SingleValue / money.SingleValue
return exchange( Currency.BASE ) / Currency.BASE )
function modulo( value: Rational ) : Money {
var mod = new HashMap()
for( entrySet in _amount.entrySet() ) {
var result = entrySet.Value % value
mod[entrySet.Key] = result
return new Money( mod )
function modulo( money: Money ) : Rational {
if( _amount.size() == 1 && money._amount.size() == 1 && SingleUnit == money.SingleUnit ) {
return SingleValue % money.SingleValue
return exchange( Currency.BASE ) % Currency.BASE )
function negate() : Money {
var negation = new HashMap()
for( entrySet in _amount.entrySet() ) {
negation[entrySet.Key] = -entrySet.Value
return new Money( negation )
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