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gw.lang.Gosu Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Guidewire Software, Inc.
package gw.lang;
import gw.config.CommonServices;
import gw.fs.IDirectory;
import gw.lang.gosuc.GosucUtil;
import gw.lang.init.ClasspathToGosuPathEntryUtil;
import gw.lang.init.GosuInitialization;
import gw.lang.parser.GosuParserFactory;
import gw.lang.parser.IFileContext;
import gw.lang.parser.IGosuProgramParser;
import gw.lang.parser.IParseResult;
import gw.lang.parser.ParserOptions;
import gw.lang.parser.StandardSymbolTable;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ParseResultsException;
import gw.lang.reflect.IMethodInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem;
import gw.util.GosuExceptionUtil;
import gw.util.OSPlatform;
import gw.util.PathUtil;
import gw.util.StreamUtil;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import gw.util.concurrent.LocklessLazyVar;
import manifold.util.JreUtil;
import manifold.util.NecessaryEvilUtil;
import manifold.util.ReflectUtil;
//import sun.misc.URLClassPath;
public class Gosu
private static final LocklessLazyVar> BUILTIN_CLASSLOADER =
LocklessLazyVar.make( () -> ReflectUtil.type( "jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader" ) );
* used as a virtual package e.g., for scratchpad
public static final String NOPACKAGE = "_nopackage_";
public static final String GOSU_SCRATCHPAD_FQN = NOPACKAGE + ".GosuScratchpad";
public static final String JAR_REPO_DIR = "JAR-REPO"; //!! if you change this, also change it in Launcher
public static final String JAR_REPO_TXT = "jar-repo.txt"; //!! "
public static final String FAILED = " FAILED: ";
public static final String SUCCESS = " SUCCESS ";
private static List _classpath;
private static File _script;
private static List _rawArgs;
public static void main( String[] args )
start( args );
private static void checkArgsLength( int i, int length )
if( i >= length )
private static void start( String[] args )
if( args.length == 0 )
int i = 0;
checkArgsLength( i, args.length );
String cpValue = null;
boolean cmdLineCP = false;
if( args[i].equals( "-checkedArithmetic" ) )
checkArgsLength( i, args.length );
System.setProperty( "checkedArithmetic", "true" );
if( args[i].equals( "-classpath" ) )
cmdLineCP = true;
i += 2;
checkArgsLength( i, args.length );
cpValue = args[i - 1];
switch( args[i] )
case "-fqn":
List classpath = makeClasspath( cpValue, "", cmdLineCP );
init( classpath );
runWithType( args[i + 1], collectArgs( i + 2, args ) );
case "-e":
List classpath = makeClasspath( cpValue, "", cmdLineCP );
init( classpath );
runWithInlineScript( args[i + 1], collectArgs( i + 2, args ) );
File script = new File( args[i] );
if( !script.isFile() || !script.exists() )
if( cpValue == null )
cpValue = extractClassPathFromSrc( script.getAbsolutePath() );
List classpath = makeClasspath( cpValue, script.getAbsoluteFile().getParent(), cmdLineCP );
init( classpath );
runWithFile( script, collectArgs( i + 1, args ) );
catch( Throwable t )
t.printStackTrace( System.err );
private static void launchEditor() throws Exception
Class> cls = Class.forName( "editor.RunMe" );
Method m = cls.getMethod( "launchEditor" );
m.invoke( null );
private static List collectArgs( int i, String[] args )
List scriptArgs = new ArrayList<>();
if( args != null )
while( i < args.length )
scriptArgs.add( args[i] );
return scriptArgs;
private static String extractClassPathFromSrc( String file )
BufferedReader br = null;
String line;
String ret = null;
br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while( (line = br.readLine()).trim().isEmpty() )
; //ignore
if( line.startsWith( "classpath" ) )
int b = line.indexOf( '"' );
if( b != -1 )
int e = line.indexOf( '"', b + 1 );
if( e != -1 )
ret = line.substring( b + 1, e );
catch( IOException e )
{ //ignore
if( br != null )
catch( IOException ex )
{ //ignore
return ret;
private static List makeClasspath( String cpValue, String scriptRoot, boolean cmdLineCP )
ArrayList cp = new ArrayList<>();
if( cpValue != null )
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( cpValue, ",", false );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
String s = st.nextToken();
if( (s.contains( ":" ) && !OSPlatform.isWindows()) || s.contains( ";" ) )
for( StringTokenizer sysTok = new StringTokenizer( cpValue, File.pathSeparator, false ); sysTok.hasMoreTokens(); )
s = sysTok.nextToken();
String pathname = cmdLineCP
? s
: scriptRoot + File.separatorChar + s;
cp.add( CommonServices.getFileSystem().getIDirectory( new File( pathname ) ) );
String pathname = cmdLineCP ? s : scriptRoot + File.separatorChar + s;
cp.add( CommonServices.getFileSystem().getIDirectory( new File( pathname ) ) );
return cp;
// Note this is a giant hack, we need to instead get the type name from the psiClass
private static String makeFqn( File file )
String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
int srcIndex = path.indexOf( "src" + File.separatorChar );
if( srcIndex >= 0 )
String fqn = path.substring( srcIndex + 4 ).replace( File.separatorChar, '.' );
return fqn.substring( 0, fqn.lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
{ // the Gosu Scratchpad case
String fqn = file.getName();
fqn = NOPACKAGE + '.' + fqn.substring( 0, fqn.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ).replace( " ", "" );
return fqn;
public static void setClasspath( List classpath )
classpath = new ArrayList<>( classpath );
removeDups( classpath );
if( classpath.equals( _classpath ) )
_classpath = classpath;
ClassLoader loader = TypeSystem.getCurrentModule() == null
// Can be null if called before the exec environment is setup, so assume the future parent of the module loader is the plugin loader
? CommonServices.getEntityAccess().getPluginClassLoader()
: TypeSystem.getGosuClassLoader().getActualLoader();
if( loader instanceof URLClassLoader )
for( IDirectory entry : classpath )
ReflectUtil.method( URLClassLoader.class, "addURL", URL.class )
.invoke( loader, entry.toURI().toURL() );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
reinitGosu( classpath );
TypeSystem.refresh( true );
public static List getClasspath()
return _classpath;
private static void reinitGosu( List classpath )
GosuInitialization.instance( TypeSystem.getExecutionEnvironment() ).reinitializeRuntime( ClasspathToGosuPathEntryUtil.convertClasspathToGosuPathEntries( classpath ) );
catch( Exception e )
private static void removeDups( List classpath )
for( int i = classpath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
IDirectory f = classpath.get( i );
classpath.remove( i );
if( !classpath.contains( f ) )
classpath.add( i, f );
* Initializes Gosu using the classpath derived from the current classloader and system classpath.
public static void init()
init( null );
public static void init( List classpath )
List combined = new ArrayList<>();
if( classpath != null )
combined.addAll( classpath );
combined.addAll( deriveClasspathFrom( Gosu.class ) );
setClasspath( combined );
public static boolean bootstrapGosuWhenInitiatedViaClassfile()
if( GosuInitialization.isAnythingInitialized() &&
GosuInitialization.instance( TypeSystem.getExecutionEnvironment() ).isInitialized() )
return false;
return true;
static void showHelpAndQuit()
System.out.println( "Gosu version: " + getVersion() +
"\nUsage:\n" +
" gosu [-checkedArithmetic] [-classpath 'entry1,entry2...'] program.gsp [args...]\n" +
" gosu [-checkedArithmetic] [-classpath 'entry1,entry2...'] -e 'inline script' [args...]\n" );
System.exit( 1 );
public static List deriveClasspathFrom( Class clazz )
return deriveClasspathFrom_Java9( clazz );
public static List deriveClasspathFrom_Java9( Class clazz )
List ll = new ArrayList<>();
ClassLoader loader = clazz.getClassLoader();
if( loader != null && BUILTIN_CLASSLOADER.get().isAssignableFrom( loader.getClass() ) )
Object ucp = manifold.util.ReflectUtil.field( loader, "ucp" ).get();
if( ucp != null )
for( URL url: (URL[])ReflectUtil.method( ucp, "getURLs" ).invoke() )
IDirectory file = CommonServices.getFileSystem().getIDirectory( Paths.get( url.toURI() ) );
if( file.exists() )
ll.add( file );
catch( Exception e )
return ll;
public static GosuVersion getVersion()
InputStream in = Gosu.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( GosuVersion.RESOURCE_PATH );
if( in == null )
return new GosuVersion( 0, 0 );
Reader reader = StreamUtil.getInputStreamReader( in );
return GosuVersion.parse( reader );
public static File getCurrentProgram()
return _script;
public static List getRawArgs()
return _rawArgs;
public static void setRawArgs( String[] args )
_rawArgs = collectArgs( 0, args );
private static int runWithType( String fqn, List args ) throws Exception
// set remaining arguments as arguments to the Gosu program
_rawArgs = args;
IType type = TypeSystem.getByFullName( fqn );
if( type instanceof IGosuProgram )
Object result = ((IGosuProgram)type).getProgramInstance().evaluate( null );
if( result != null )
System.out.println( result );
IMethodInfo mainMethod = hasStaticMain( type );
if( mainMethod != null )
gw.lang.reflect.ReflectUtil.invokeStaticMethod( type.getName(), "main", new Object[]{new String[]{}} );
else if( type instanceof IGosuClass )
runTest( (IGosuClass)type );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Don't know how to run: " + fqn );
return 0;
public static void runTest( IGosuClass gsType ) throws Exception
Class cls = gsType.getBackingClass();
runNamedOrAnnotatedMethod( cls.newInstance(), "beforeClass", "org.junit.BeforeClass" );
for( Method m : cls.getMethods() )
if( isTestMethod( m ) )
Object instance = cls.newInstance();
runNamedOrAnnotatedMethod( instance, "beforeMethod", "org.junit.Before" );
System.out.println( "- " + m.getName() );
m.invoke( instance );
System.out.println( SUCCESS );
catch( InvocationTargetException e )
//noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
Throwable cause = GosuExceptionUtil.findExceptionCause( e );
if( cause instanceof AssertionError )
System.out.println( FAILED + cause.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + cause.getMessage() );
String lines = findPertinentLines( gsType, cause );
System.out.println( lines );
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( cause );
runNamedOrAnnotatedMethod( instance, "afterMethod", "org.junit.After" );
runNamedOrAnnotatedMethod( cls.newInstance(), "afterClass", "org.junit.AfterClass" );
private static boolean isTestMethod( Method m ) throws Exception
int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
return Modifier.isPublic( modifiers ) &&
(m.getName().startsWith( "test" ) || hasAnnotation( m, "org.junit.Test" )) &&
m.getParameters().length == 0;
private static void runNamedOrAnnotatedMethod( Object instance, String methodName, String annoName ) throws Exception
for( Method m : instance.getClass().getMethods() )
if( m.getName().equals( methodName ) )
m.invoke( instance );
for( Annotation anno : m.getAnnotations() )
if( anno.annotationType().getName().equals( annoName ) )
m.invoke( instance );
private static boolean hasAnnotation( Method m, String name ) throws Exception
for( Annotation anno : m.getAnnotations() )
if( anno.annotationType().getName().equals( name ) )
return true;
return false;
private static IMethodInfo hasStaticMain( IType type )
IMethodInfo main = type.getTypeInfo().getMethod( "main", JavaTypes.STRING().getArrayType() );
if( main != null && main.isStatic() && main.getReturnType() == JavaTypes.pVOID() )
return main;
return null;
private static void runWithFile( File script, List args ) throws IOException, ParseResultsException
_script = script;
// set remaining arguments as arguments to the Gosu program
_rawArgs = args;
byte[] bytes = StreamUtil.getContent( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( script ) ) );
String content = StreamUtil.toString( bytes );
IFileContext ctx = new ProgramFileContext( script, makeFqn( script ) );
IGosuProgramParser programParser = GosuParserFactory.createProgramParser();
ParserOptions options = new ParserOptions().withFileContext( ctx );
IParseResult result = programParser.parseExpressionOrProgram( content, new StandardSymbolTable( true ), options );
IGosuProgram program = result.getProgram();
Object ret = program.getProgramInstance().evaluate( null ); // evaluate it
IType expressionType = result.getType();
if( expressionType != null && !JavaTypes.pVOID().equals( expressionType ) )
GosuShop.print( ret );
private static void runWithInlineScript( String script, List args ) throws IOException, ParseResultsException
_script = null;
// set remaining arguments as arguments to the Gosu program
_rawArgs = args;
IGosuProgramParser programParser = GosuParserFactory.createProgramParser();
IParseResult result = programParser.parseExpressionOrProgram( script, new StandardSymbolTable( true ), new ParserOptions() );
IGosuProgram program = result.getProgram();
Object ret = program.getProgramInstance().evaluate( null ); // evaluate it
IType expressionType = result.getType();
if( expressionType != null && !JavaTypes.pVOID().equals( expressionType ) )
GosuShop.print( ret );
private static String findPertinentLines( IGosuClass gsType, Throwable cause )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StackTraceElement[] trace = cause.getStackTrace();
for( int i = 0; i < trace.length; i++ )
StackTraceElement elem = trace[i];
if( elem.getClassName().equals( gsType.getName() ) )
sb.append( " at " ).append( elem.toString() ).append( "\n" );
return sb.toString();
public static List findJreSources()
List sources = new ArrayList<>();
Arrays.asList( "", "" ).forEach( fileName -> findJreSourcePath( sources, fileName ) );
return sources;
private static void findJreSourcePath( List sources, String archiveName )
String javaHomePath = System.getProperty( "java.home" );
Path javaDir = PathUtil.create( javaHomePath );
if( PathUtil.getName( javaDir ).equalsIgnoreCase( "jre" ) )
javaDir = javaDir.getParent();
Path srcZip = PathUtil.create( javaDir, archiveName );
if( PathUtil.isFile( srcZip ) )
sources.add( srcZip.toString() );
String javaDirName = PathUtil.getName( javaDir );
if( javaDirName.startsWith( "jre" ) )
javaDirName = javaDirName.replace( "jre", "jdk" );
Path jdkSrc = PathUtil.create( javaDirName, archiveName );
if( PathUtil.isFile( jdkSrc ) )
sources.add( jdkSrc.toString() );