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gw.lang.gosuc.simple.GosuCompiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package gw.lang.gosuc.simple;
import gw.config.CommonServices;
import gw.config.ExecutionMode;
import gw.config.IMemoryMonitor;
import gw.config.IPlatformHelper;
import gw.config.Registry;
import gw.fs.FileFactory;
import gw.fs.IDirectory;
import gw.fs.IFile;
import gw.lang.gosuc.GosucDependency;
import gw.lang.gosuc.GosucModule;
import gw.lang.gosuc.cli.CommandLineOptions;
import gw.lang.init.GosuInitialization;
import gw.lang.javac.SourceJavaFileObject;
import gw.lang.parser.GosuParserFactory;
import gw.lang.parser.ICoercionManager;
import gw.lang.parser.IParseIssue;
import gw.lang.parser.IParsedElement;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ParseWarning;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IClassFileStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IClassStatement;
import gw.lang.reflect.IEntityAccess;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem;
import gw.lang.reflect.module.IExecutionEnvironment;
import gw.lang.reflect.module.IFileSystem;
import gw.lang.reflect.module.IModule;
import gw.util.PathUtil;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import manifold.internal.javac.IJavaParser;
import manifold.internal.javac.InMemoryClassJavaFileObject;
import manifold.util.NecessaryEvilUtil;
import static gw.lang.gosuc.simple.ICompilerDriver.ERROR;
import static gw.lang.gosuc.simple.ICompilerDriver.WARNING;
public class GosuCompiler implements IGosuCompiler
private static final String[] SOURCE_EXTS = { ".gs", ".gsx", ".gst", ".java" };
protected GosuInitialization _gosuInitialization;
protected File _compilingSourceFile;
public boolean compile( CommandLineOptions options, ICompilerDriver driver )
List gosuFiles = new ArrayList<>();
List javaFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for( String fileName : getSourceFiles( options ) )
if( fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith( ".java" ) )
javaFiles.add( fileName );
gosuFiles.add( fileName );
if( !gosuFiles.isEmpty() )
if( compileGosuSources( options, driver, gosuFiles ) )
return true;
if( !javaFiles.isEmpty() )
if( compileJavaSources( options, driver, javaFiles ) )
return true;
return false;
private List getSourceFiles( CommandLineOptions options )
List sourceFiles = options.getSourceFiles();
if( !sourceFiles.isEmpty() )
return sourceFiles;
String sourcepath = options.getSourcepath();
if( sourcepath.isEmpty() )
return Collections.emptyList();
sourceFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for( StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( File.pathSeparator ); tok.hasMoreTokens(); )
String path = tok.nextToken();
Path sourcePath = PathUtil.create( path );
addToSources( sourcePath, sourceFiles );
return sourceFiles;
private void addToSources( Path sourcePath, List sourceFiles )
if( !PathUtil.exists( sourcePath ) )
if( Files.isDirectory( sourcePath ) )
for( Path child : PathUtil.listFiles( sourcePath ) )
addToSources( child, sourceFiles );
String absolutePathName = PathUtil.getAbsolutePathName( sourcePath );
if( isSourceFile( absolutePathName ) )
sourceFiles.add( absolutePathName );
private boolean isSourceFile( String absolutePathName )
return SOURCE_EXTS ).anyMatch( e -> absolutePathName.toLowerCase().endsWith( e ) );
private boolean compileGosuSources( CommandLineOptions options, ICompilerDriver driver, List gosuFiles )
boolean thresholdExceeded = false;
for( String fileName : gosuFiles )
File file = new File( fileName );
if( options.isVerbose() )
System.out.println( "gosuc: about to compile file: " + file );
compile( file, driver );
if( driver.getErrors().size() > options.getMaxErrs() )
System.out.printf( "\nError threshold of %d exceeded; aborting compilation.", options.getMaxErrs() );
thresholdExceeded = true;
if( !options.isNoWarn() && driver.getWarnings().size() > options.getMaxWarns() )
System.out.printf( "\nWarning threshold of %d exceeded; aborting compilation.", options.getMaxWarns() );
thresholdExceeded = true;
return thresholdExceeded;
private boolean compileJavaSources( CommandLineOptions options, ICompilerDriver driver, List javaFiles )
IJavaParser javaParser = GosuParserFactory.getInterface( IJavaParser.class );
DiagnosticCollector errorHandler = new DiagnosticCollector<>();
List sourceFiles = SourceJavaFileObject::new ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
Collection files = javaParser.compile( sourceFiles, makeJavacOptions( options ), errorHandler );
errorHandler.getDiagnostics().forEach( driver::sendCompileIssue );
createJavaOutputFiles( files, driver );
if( driver.getErrors().size() > options.getMaxErrs() )
System.out.printf( "\nError threshold of %d exceeded; aborting compilation.", options.getMaxErrs() );
return true;
if( !options.isNoWarn() && driver.getWarnings().size() > options.getMaxWarns() )
System.out.printf( "\nWarning threshold of %d exceeded; aborting compilation.", options.getMaxWarns() );
return true;
return false;
private List makeJavacOptions( CommandLineOptions options )
ArrayList javacOpts = new ArrayList<>();
javacOpts.add( "-g" );
javacOpts.add( "-source" );
javacOpts.add( "8" );
javacOpts.add( "-proc:none" );
javacOpts.add( "-Xlint:unchecked" );
javacOpts.add( "-parameters" );
if( options.isVerbose() )
javacOpts.add( "-verbose" );
if( options.isNoWarn() )
javacOpts.add( "-nowarn" );
return javacOpts;
public boolean compile( File sourceFile, ICompilerDriver driver )
_compilingSourceFile = sourceFile;
IType type = getType( _compilingSourceFile );
if( type == null )
driver.sendCompileIssue( _compilingSourceFile, ERROR, 0, 0, 0, "Cannot find type in the Gosu Type System." );
return false;
if( isCompilable( type ) )
if( type.isValid() )
createGosuOutputFiles( (IGosuClass)type, driver );
catch( CompilerDriverException ex )
driver.sendCompileIssue( _compilingSourceFile, ERROR, 0, 0, 0, ex.getMessage() );
return false;
// output warnings and errors - whether the type was valid or not
IParsedElement classElement = ((IGosuClass)type).getClassStatement();
IClassFileStatement classFileStatement = ((IClassStatement)classElement).getClassFileStatement();
classElement = classFileStatement == null ? classElement : classFileStatement;
ExecutionMode mode = CommonServices.getPlatformHelper().getExecutionMode();
for( IParseIssue issue : classElement.getParseIssues() )
int category = issue instanceof ParseWarning ? WARNING : ERROR;
String message = mode == ExecutionMode.IDE ? issue.getUIMessage() : issue.getConsoleMessage();
driver.sendCompileIssue( _compilingSourceFile, category, issue.getTokenStart(), issue.getLine(), issue.getColumn(), message );
return false;
private IType getType( File file )
IFile ifile = FileFactory.instance().getIFile( file );
IModule module = TypeSystem.getGlobalModule();
String[] typesForFile = TypeSystem.getTypesForFile( module, ifile );
if( typesForFile.length != 0 )
return TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( typesForFile[0], module );
return null;
private boolean isCompilable( IType type )
IType doNotVerifyAnnotation = TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( "gw.testharness.DoNotVerifyResource" );
return type instanceof IGosuClass && !type.getTypeInfo().hasAnnotation( doNotVerifyAnnotation );
private void createGosuOutputFiles( IGosuClass gsClass, ICompilerDriver driver )
IDirectory moduleOutputDirectory = TypeSystem.getGlobalModule().getOutputPath();
if( moduleOutputDirectory == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't make class file, no output path defined." );
final String outRelativePath = gsClass.getName().replace( '.', File.separatorChar ) + ".class";
File child = new File( moduleOutputDirectory.getPath().getFileSystemPathString() );
mkdirs( child );
for( StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( outRelativePath, File.separator + "/" ); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
child = new File( child, token );
if( !child.exists() )
if( token.endsWith( ".class" ) )
createNewFile( child );
mkDir( child );
populateGosuClassFile( child, gsClass, driver );
maybeCopySourceFile( child.getParentFile(), gsClass, _compilingSourceFile, driver );
catch( Throwable e )
driver.sendCompileIssue( _compilingSourceFile, ERROR, 0, 0, 0, combine( "Cannot create .class files.", getStackTrace( e ) ) );
private void createJavaOutputFiles( Collection compiledJavaFiles, ICompilerDriver driver )
IDirectory moduleOutputDirectory = TypeSystem.getGlobalModule().getOutputPath();
if( moduleOutputDirectory == null )
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't make class file, no output path defined." );
compiledJavaFiles = e -> TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( e.getClassName().replace( '$', '.' ) ) instanceof IJavaType ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
for( InMemoryClassJavaFileObject compiledJavaFile: compiledJavaFiles )
final String outRelativePath = compiledJavaFile.getClassName().replace( '.', File.separatorChar ) + ".class";
File child = new File( moduleOutputDirectory.getPath().getFileSystemPathString() );
mkdirs( child );
for( StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( outRelativePath, File.separator + "/" ); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); )
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
child = new File( child, token );
if( !child.exists() )
if( token.endsWith( ".class" ) )
createNewFile( child );
mkDir( child );
populateJavaClassFile( child, compiledJavaFile.getBytes(), driver );
catch( Throwable e )
driver.sendCompileIssue( _compilingSourceFile, ERROR, 0, 0, 0, combine( "Cannot create .class files.", getStackTrace( e ) ) );
public static String getStackTrace( Throwable e )
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace( new PrintWriter( stringWriter ) );
return stringWriter.toString();
private String combine( String message1, String message2 )
if( message1 == null )
message1 = "";
message1 = message1 + "\n";
return message1 + message2;
private boolean mkDir( File file )
return file.mkdir();
private boolean mkdirs( File file )
return file.mkdirs();
private boolean createNewFile( File file ) throws IOException
return file.createNewFile();
private void maybeCopySourceFile( File parent, IGosuClass gsClass, File sourceFile, ICompilerDriver driver )
ISourceFileHandle sfh = gsClass.getSourceFileHandle();
IFile srcFile = sfh.getFile();
if( srcFile != null )
File file = new File( srcFile.getPath().getFileSystemPathString() );
if( file.isFile() )
File destFile = new File( parent, file.getName() );
copyFile( file, destFile );
driver.registerOutput( _compilingSourceFile, destFile );
catch( IOException e )
driver.sendCompileIssue( sourceFile, ERROR, 0, 0, 0, "Cannot copy source file to output folder." );
public void copyFile( File sourceFile, File destFile ) throws IOException
if( sourceFile.isDirectory() )
mkdirs( destFile );
if( !destFile.exists() )
mkdirs( destFile.getParentFile() );
createNewFile( destFile );
try( FileChannel source = new FileInputStream( sourceFile ).getChannel();
FileChannel destination = new FileOutputStream( destFile ).getChannel() )
destination.transferFrom( source, 0, source.size() );
private void populateGosuClassFile( File outputFile, IGosuClass gosuClass, ICompilerDriver driver ) throws IOException
final byte[] bytes = TypeSystem.getGosuClassLoader().getBytes( gosuClass );
try( OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( outputFile ) )
out.write( bytes );
driver.registerOutput( _compilingSourceFile, outputFile );
for( IGosuClass innerClass : gosuClass.getInnerClasses() )
final String innerClassName = String.format( "%s$%s.class", outputFile.getName().substring( 0, outputFile.getName().lastIndexOf( '.' ) ), innerClass.getRelativeName() );
File innerClassFile = new File( outputFile.getParent(), innerClassName );
if( innerClassFile.isFile() )
createNewFile( innerClassFile );
populateGosuClassFile( innerClassFile, innerClass, driver );
private void populateJavaClassFile( File outputFile, byte[] bytes, ICompilerDriver driver ) throws IOException
try( OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( outputFile ) )
out.write( bytes );
driver.registerOutput( _compilingSourceFile, outputFile );
public long initializeGosu( List sourceFolders, List classpath, List backingSourcePath, String outputPath )
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
CommonServices.getKernel().redefineService_Privileged( IFileSystem.class, createFileSystemInstance() );
CommonServices.getKernel().redefineService_Privileged( IMemoryMonitor.class, new CompilerMemoryMonitor() );
CommonServices.getKernel().redefineService_Privileged( IPlatformHelper.class, new CompilerPlatformHelper() );
if( "gw".equals( System.getProperty( "compiler.type" ) ) )
IEntityAccess access = (IEntityAccess)Class.forName( "gw.internal.gosu.parser.gwPlatform.GWEntityAccess" ).newInstance();
ICoercionManager coercionManager = (ICoercionManager)Class.forName( "gw.internal.gosu.parser.gwPlatform.GWCoercionManager" ).newInstance();
CommonServices.getKernel().redefineService_Privileged( IEntityAccess.class, access );
CommonServices.getKernel().redefineService_Privileged( ICoercionManager.class, coercionManager );
Registry.instance().setAllowEntityQueires( true );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
IExecutionEnvironment execEnv = TypeSystem.getExecutionEnvironment();
_gosuInitialization = GosuInitialization.instance( execEnv );
GosucModule gosucModule = new GosucModule( IExecutionEnvironment.DEFAULT_SINGLE_MODULE_NAME,
Collections.emptyList() );
_gosuInitialization.initializeCompiler( gosucModule );
return System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
private static IFileSystem createFileSystemInstance()
Class> cls = Class.forName( "gw.internal.gosu.module.fs.FileSystemImpl" );
Constructor m = cls.getConstructor( IFileSystem.CachingMode.class );
return (IFileSystem)m.newInstance( IFileSystem.CachingMode.FULL_CACHING );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public void uninitializeGosu()
TypeSystem.shutdown( TypeSystem.getExecutionEnvironment() );
if( _gosuInitialization != null )
if( _gosuInitialization.isInitialized() )
_gosuInitialization = null;
public boolean isPathIgnored( String sourceFile )
return CommonServices.getPlatformHelper().isPathIgnored( sourceFile );