gw.lang.parser.coercers.FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Guidewire Software, Inc.
package gw.lang.parser.coercers;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IMethodInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IFunctionType;
import gw.lang.GosuShop;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.List;
public class FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer extends BaseCoercer
private static FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer _instance = new FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer();
public static FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer instance()
return _instance;
private FunctionFromInterfaceCoercer() {}
public boolean handlesNull()
return false;
public Object coerceValue( IType typeToCoerceTo, final Object value )
return value; // Ideally I'd throw here, but there are places that rely on this working
public static Object doCoercion( Class classToCoerceTo, Class ifaceClass, final Object value )
final Method abstractMethod = findSingleAbstractMethod( ifaceClass );
return Proxy.newProxyInstance( classToCoerceTo.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{classToCoerceTo},
( proxy, method, args ) -> {
if( method.getName().startsWith( "invoke" ) )
return abstractMethod.invoke( value, args );
return method.invoke( value, args );
} );
private static Method findSingleAbstractMethod( Class ifaceClass )
if( ifaceClass.isInterface() )
for( Method m: ifaceClass.getDeclaredMethods() )
// Java 8 allows for "default" interface methods, so we look for the abstract one specifically
if( Modifier.isAbstract( m.getModifiers() ) )
return m;
for( Class iface: ifaceClass.getInterfaces() )
if( iface.getName().equals( IGosuObject.class.getName() ) )
for( Method m: iface.getDeclaredMethods() )
// Java 8 allows for "default" interface methods, so we look for the abstract one specifically
if( Modifier.isAbstract( m.getModifiers() ) )
return m;
throw new IllegalStateException( "No abstract interface method found for " + ifaceClass );
public boolean isExplicitCoercion()
return false;
public static boolean areTypesCompatible( IFunctionType functionType, IType interfaceType )
if( interfaceType.isInterface() && interfaceType instanceof IJavaType)
IJavaType javaIntrinsicType = (IJavaType)interfaceType;
List extends IMethodInfo> list = javaIntrinsicType.getTypeInfo().getMethods();
int nonObjectMethods = 0;
IMethodInfo singleMethod = null;
for( IMethodInfo iMethodInfo : list )
if( !iMethodInfo.getOwnersType().equals( JavaTypes.OBJECT() ) && iMethodInfo instanceof IJavaMethodInfo )
singleMethod = iMethodInfo;
if( nonObjectMethods == 1 )
IFunctionType tempFunctionType = GosuShop.createFunctionType( singleMethod );
return functionType.isAssignableFrom( tempFunctionType );
return false;
public int getPriority( IType to, IType from )
return 2;