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package gw.gosudoc.doc


uses gw.gosudoc.filter.*
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSArrayTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSClassTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSFunctionalTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSParameterizedTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSPrimitiveTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSTypeImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSTypeVariableImpl
uses gw.gosudoc.type.GSVoidTypeImpl
uses gw.lang.reflect.IConstructorInfo
uses gw.lang.reflect.IFunctionType
uses gw.lang.reflect.IMethodInfo
uses gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo
uses gw.lang.reflect.IType
uses gw.lang.reflect.ITypeVariableType
uses gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem

uses java.lang.System
uses java.util.ArrayList
uses java.util.HashMap
uses java.util.IdentityHashMap
uses java.util.regex.Pattern

class GSRootDocImpl extends GSDocImpl implements RootDoc{

  static var GOSU_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS : Set = {"gs", "gsx"}

  var _voidType = new GSVoidTypeImpl( this )
  var _typesByType = new IdentityHashMap()
  var _packagesByName = new HashMap().toAutoMap( \name -> new GSPackageDocImpl( name, this ) )

  // Config info
  var _externalDocs : List as ExternalDocs = {}
  private final var _filesToDoc: Set
  var _exclusions : List as Exclusions = {}
  var _outputDirectory : File as OutputDirectory
  var _typeFilters : List as readonly TypeFilters = {}
  var _methodFilters : List as readonly MethodFilters  = {}
  var _propertyFilters : List as readonly PropertyFilters  = {}
  var _constructorFilters : List as readonly ConstructorFilters = {}
  var _featureFilters : List as readonly FeatureFilters = {}
  var _pathFilters : List as readonly PathFilters = {}
  var _verbose: boolean

  construct( inputDirs : List, outputDir: File, filters : List = null, 
             externalDocs : List = null, verbose = false ){
    super( "Root", null )
    _verbose = verbose
    _outputDirectory = outputDir
    _externalDocs = externalDocs
    if(filters != null) {
    _filesToDoc = typesToDoc(inputDirs)

  private function typesToDoc(inputDirs: List): Set {
    debug(\-> "Beginning souce file scan")
    var types = new HashSet()
    for(file in inputDirs) {
      addTypesToDoc(file, file, types);
    debug(\-> "Finished souce file scan")
    return types

  private function addTypesToDoc(root : File, file: File, types: HashSet) {
    if(shouldIncludeFile(file.AbsolutePath)) {
      if(file.Directory) {
        debug(\-> "  Scanning " + file.AbsolutePath)
        for(child in file.Children) {
          addTypesToDoc(root, child, types)
      } else {
        if(GOSU_SOURCE_EXTENSIONS.contains(file.Extension)) {
          var typeName = computeTypeName(root, file)
          debug(\-> "  Adding " + file.AbsolutePath + " as " + typeName)
    } else {
      debug(\-> "  Ignoring " + file.AbsolutePath)

  private function debug(s: block():String) {
    if(_verbose) {

  private function computeTypeName(root: File, file: File): String {
    var absolutePath = file.AbsolutePath
    var relativePath = absolutePath.substring(root.AbsolutePath.length )
    var withoutExtension = relativePath.substring(1, relativePath.length - file.Extension.length - 1 )
    var asTypeName = withoutExtension.replace(File.separatorChar, '.')
    return asTypeName

  private function shouldIncludeFile(absolutePath: String): boolean {
    return not _pathFilters.hasMatch(\ f -> not f.shouldIncludePath( absolutePath ) )

  private function initFilters( filters: List ){
    for(o in filters) {
      if(o typeis TypeFilter) TypeFilters.add(o)
      if(o typeis MethodFilter ) MethodFilters.add(o)
      if(o typeis PropertyFilter ) PropertyFilters.add(o)
      if(o typeis ConstructorFilter ) ConstructorFilters.add(o)
      if(o typeis FeatureFilter ) FeatureFilters.add(o)

  function shouldDocumentType( iType : Type ): boolean{
    var shouldDoc = shouldDocumentTypeImpl(iType);
    debug(\ -> iType.Name + " - document : " + shouldDoc)
    return shouldDoc;

  private function shouldDocumentTypeImpl(iType: Type): boolean{

    if(isExcluded( iType.Name )) {
      return false

    for(filter in TypeFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeType( iType )) {
        return false

    if(iType typeis IGosuClass ) {
      if(_filesToDoc.contains(iType.Name)) {
        return true;
      if(iType.EnclosingType typeis Type) {
        return shouldDocumentType(iType.EnclosingType)

    return false

  function isExcluded( name: String ): boolean{
    return _exclusions.hasMatch( \p -> p.matcher( name ).find() ) || isSynthetic( name )

  function isSynthetic( name: String ): boolean{
    return name.endsWith( ".PLACEHOLDER" ) ||
        name.startsWith( "_proxy_" ) ||
        name.startsWith( "OSGI-OPT" ) ||
        name.contains( ".block_" ) ||
        name.contains( ".AnonymouS__" ) ||
        name.contains( ".ProxyFor_" ) ||
        name.equals( 'Key' )

  override function options(): String[][]{
    var l = new ArrayList()
    for( externalJavadoc in _externalDocs ){
      l.add( {"-link", externalJavadoc} )
    l.add( {"-d", _outputDirectory.getCanonicalPath()} )
    return l.toTypedArray()

  function genDocs(){
    printNotice( "Loading types to generate GosuDoc" )
    for( typeName in TypeSystem.getAllTypeNames() ){
          if(!isExcluded( typeName.toString() )) {
            var iType = TypeSystem.getByFullName( typeName.toString() )
            if( shouldDocumentType( iType ) ){
              getOrCreateClass( iType )
        } catch( e ){
          printWarning( "Could not load type ${typeName}: ${e.Message}" )

  override function specifiedPackages(): PackageDoc[]{
    return getAllPackages()

  override function specifiedClasses(): ClassDoc[]{
    return classes()

  override function classes(): ClassDoc[]{
    return specifiedPackages().flatMap( \elt -> elt.allClasses() )

  override function packageNamed( name: String ): GSPackageDocImpl{
    return _packagesByName.get( name )

  override function classNamed( qualifiedName: String ): ClassDoc{
    var packageName = getPackageNameFromTypeName( qualifiedName )
    return packageNamed( packageName ).findClass( qualifiedName )

  override function printError( msg: String ){
    System.err.println( "ERROR: ${msg}}" )

  override function printError( pos: SourcePosition, msg: String ){
    System.err.println( "ERROR: ${msg} ${processPos( pos )}" )

  override function printWarning( msg: String ){
    if( warningIsUnexpected( msg ) ){
      System.err.println( "WARNING: ${msg}}" )

  override function printWarning( pos: SourcePosition, msg: String ){
    if( warningIsUnexpected( msg ) ){
      System.err.println( "WARNING: ${msg} ${processPos( pos )}" )

  override function printNotice( msg: String ){
    System.out.println( msg )

  override function printNotice( pos: SourcePosition, msg: String ){
    System.out.println( "${msg} ${pos}" )

  function getOrCreateClass( iType: IType ): GSClassDocImpl {
    var baseType = getBaseClassType( iType )
    var className = iType.Name
    var pack = packageNamed( baseType.getNamespace() ?: "" )
    var clazz = pack.findClass( className )
    if( clazz == null ){
      clazz = pack.addClass( baseType )
    return clazz

  // Returns empty string for default package.
  function getPackageNameFromTypeName( fqtn: String ): String{
    var i = fqtn.lastIndexOf( "." )
    var packagePortion = i >= 0 ? fqtn.substring( 0, i ) : ""
    return packagePortion

  function getType( type: IType, owner: GSProgramElementDocImpl ): GSTypeImpl {
    if( type == null ){
      // there are some weird methods that have null return type.
      return _voidType
    var typeImpl = _typesByType.get( type )
    if( typeImpl == null ){
      if( type.isArray() ){
        typeImpl = new GSArrayTypeImpl( type, this, owner )
      } else if( isVoid( type ) ){
        typeImpl = _voidType
      } else if( type.isPrimitive() ){
        typeImpl = new GSPrimitiveTypeImpl( type, this, owner )
      } else if( type typeis IFunctionType ){ // handle blocks, etc.
        typeImpl = new GSFunctionalTypeImpl( type, this, owner )
      } else if( type typeis ITypeVariableType ){
        typeImpl = new GSTypeVariableImpl( type.Name, type.BoundingType, this, owner )
      } else if( type.isParameterizedType() ){
        typeImpl = new GSParameterizedTypeImpl( type, this, owner )
      } else{
        typeImpl = new GSClassTypeImpl( type, this, owner )
      _typesByType.put( type, typeImpl )
    return typeImpl

  function getAllPackages(): PackageDoc[]{
    return _packagesByName.values().where( \elt -> elt.Included ).toTypedArray()

  private function getBaseClassType( iType: IType ): IType {
    if( iType == null ){
      return null
    if( iType.isArray() ){
      return getBaseClassType( iType.getComponentType() )
    if( iType.isPrimitive() ){
      return iType
    if( iType typeis ITypeVariableType ){
      return getBaseClassType( iType.BoundingType )
    if( iType.isParameterizedType() ){
      return getBaseClassType( iType.getGenericType() )
    return iType

  private function processPos( pos: SourcePosition ) : Object {
    return pos ?: ""

  private function warningIsUnexpected( msg: String ): boolean{
    return !(msg.startsWith( "Parameter" ) && msg.contains( " is documented more than once" ))

  function shouldDocumentConstructor( iConstructorInfo: IConstructorInfo ): boolean{
    for(filter in ConstructorFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeConstructor( iConstructorInfo )) {
        return false
    for(filter in FeatureFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeFeature( iConstructorInfo )) {
        return false
    return true

  function shouldDocumentProperty( iPropertyInfo: IPropertyInfo ): boolean{
    for(filter in PropertyFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeProperty( iPropertyInfo )) {
        return false
    for(filter in FeatureFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeFeature( iPropertyInfo )) {
        return false
    return true

  function shouldDocumentMethod( iMethodInfo: IMethodInfo ): boolean{
    for(filter in MethodFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeMethod( iMethodInfo )) {
        return false
    for(filter in FeatureFilters) {
      if(not filter.shouldIncludeFeature( iMethodInfo )) {
        return false
    return true