editor.SmartFixManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor;
import editor.util.TextComponentUtil;
import gw.lang.parser.IParseIssue;
import gw.lang.parser.IParseTree;
import gw.lang.parser.IParsedElement;
import gw.lang.parser.IStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.ISymbol;
import gw.lang.parser.ITypeUsesMap;
import gw.lang.parser.Keyword;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ImplicitCoercionWarning;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ObsoleteConstructorWarning;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ParseException;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ParseResultsException;
import gw.lang.parser.exceptions.ParseWarning;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IBeanMethodCallExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IFieldAccessExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IIdentifierExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IImplicitTypeAsExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IMethodCallExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IParenthesizedExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.ISynthesizedMemberAccessExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.ITypeLiteralExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.resources.Res;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IArrayAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IBeanMethodCallStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IClassStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IFunctionStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IMapAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IMemberAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IMethodCallStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.INotAStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IStatementList;
import gw.lang.reflect.IConstructorInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IErrorType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IMetaType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IParameterInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.TypeInfoUtil;
import gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.TextUI;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.Highlighter;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.text.View;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Handles state and functions relating to smart-fix functionality in the Gosu editor
* @author cgross
public class SmartFixManager implements MouseMotionListener, KeyListener
//This is a bullshit constant here to deal with the fact that in headless mode swing returns null
//rectangles when attempting to map points in a document to points on a widget
private static final Rectangle TEST_RECTANGLE = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
private static final String DISPLAYKEY_START = "displaykey.";
public static final String SHORTCUT = "Alt+Enter";
private Timer _timer;
private GosuEditor _gosuEditor;
private JTextComponent _editor;
private SmartFixMode _mode;
//Fix state (should be reset on all updates)
private Set _possibleTypesToImport;
private IParsedElement _peToFixWithAsStatement;
private IParsedElement _javaStyleCast;
private int _obsoleteCtorStart;
private int _obsoleteCtorEnd;
private String _possibleDisplayKey;
private IParseTree _stringLiteralLocationToReplace;
private IParsedElement _sourceOfIssue;
private String _typeToCoerceTo;
private SmartFixPopup _managerPopup;
private int _offset;
private int _length;
private static final Color SMARTFIX_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = new Color( 180, 180, 70 );
static boolean _allowUnusedParameterFix = false;
SelectClassToImportPopup _selectionPopup;
public enum SmartFixMode
NONE( "" ),
IMPORT( "Add import for unrecognized symbol" ),
FIX_IMPLICIT_CAST( "Make implicit coercion explicit" ),
FIX_JAVA_STYLE_CAST( "Fix Java-style type cast" ),
// CREATE_DISPLAY_KEY("Create unrecognized display key"),
// CONVERT_STRING_TO_DISPLAY_KEY("Convert string literal to new display key"),
FIX_CTOR_SYNTAX( "Change old constructor syntax to new" ),
FIX_UNUSED_ELEMENT( "Remove unused variable" ),
ADD_MISSING_OVERRIDE( "Add missing \"override\" modifier" ),
// IMPL_FUNCTIONS("Implement functions and properties"),
FIX_CASE( "Fix case issue" ),
FIX_RETURN_TYPE( "Fix return type" ),
GENERATE_CONSTRUCTORS( "Generate constructors" ),
GENERATE_SUPER_CALL( "Generate super call" ),;
private final String _humanName;
SmartFixMode( String humanName )
_humanName = humanName;
public String toString()
return _humanName;
public SmartFixManager( GosuEditor gosuEditor )
_mode = SmartFixMode.NONE;
_gosuEditor = gosuEditor;
_editor = gosuEditor.getEditor();
_editor.addMouseMotionListener( this );
_editor.addKeyListener( this );
public void performFix()
switch( _mode )
case IMPORT:
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
// createDisplayKey();
// setMode(SmartFixMode.NONE);
// break;
// createDisplayKeyFromStringLiteral();
// setMode(SmartFixMode.NONE);
// break;
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
// ImplementFunctionsSmartFix.instance().addFunctions(_gosuEditor, _editor, _sourceOfIssue);
// setMode(SmartFixMode.NONE);
// break;
case FIX_CASE:
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
case NONE:
if( !offerPassiveFix() )
public JTextComponent getEditor()
return _editor;
public void setEditor( JTextComponent editor )
_editor = editor;
public IParsedElement getSourceOfIssue()
return _sourceOfIssue;
public void setSourceOfIssue( IParsedElement sourceOfIssue )
_sourceOfIssue = sourceOfIssue;
public int getOffset()
return _offset;
public void setOffset( int offset )
_offset = offset;
public int getLength()
return _length;
public void setLength( int length )
_length = length;
public GosuEditor getGosuEditor()
return _gosuEditor;
public void setGosuEditor( GosuEditor gosuEditor )
_gosuEditor = gosuEditor;
private void fixUnusedElement()
int start = getStartOffsetOfUnused();
int end = getEndOffsetOfUnused();
_editor.getDocument().remove( start, (end - start) + 1 );
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private int getStartOffsetOfUnused()
int i = _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset() - 1;
while( (i > 0) && (_editor.getText().charAt( i ) == ' ') )
if( (i > 0) && (_editor.getText().charAt( i ) == '\n') )
return i + 1;
private int getEndOffsetOfUnused()
int i = _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getExtent() + 1;
while( (i < _editor.getText().length()) &&
((_editor.getText().charAt( i ) == ' ') || (_editor.getText().charAt( i ) == ';')) )
return i - 1;
private void addMissingOverride()
int offset = _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset();
offset = getOverrideTarget( offset );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( offset, "override ", null );
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private void fixCase()
ReplaceChunk replaceChunk = getReplaceChunk( _sourceOfIssue, _gosuEditor.getText() );
if( replaceChunk != null )
int offsetShift = _gosuEditor.getParser().getOffsetShift();
_editor.getDocument().remove( replaceChunk.offset + offsetShift, replaceChunk.length );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( replaceChunk.offset + offsetShift, replaceChunk.replaceText, null );
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private void fixReturnType()
IType type = getReturnTypeFromPartialStatement( _sourceOfIssue );
IParsedElement functionStatement = _sourceOfIssue.findAncestorParsedElementByType( IFunctionStatement.class );
if( functionStatement != null )
List trees = functionStatement.getLocation().getChildren();
for( IParseTree tree : trees )
if( tree.getParsedElement() instanceof IStatementList )
int offset = tree.getOffset();
String prefix;
if( _editor.getDocument().getText( offset - 1, 1 ).equals( " " ) )
prefix = ": ";
prefix = " : ";
_editor.getDocument().insertString( offset, prefix + type.getRelativeName() + " ", null );
catch( BadLocationException e )
private void generateConstructors()
IType supertype = ((IClassStatement)_sourceOfIssue).getGosuClass().getSupertype();
String text = _editor.getText();
int insertionPoint = text.indexOf( "\n", text.indexOf( "{", _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset() ) ) + 1;
List extends IConstructorInfo> constructors = supertype.getTypeInfo().getConstructors();
for( IConstructorInfo constructor : constructors )
IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = constructor.getParameters();
StringBuilder constructorText = new StringBuilder( " construct(" );
for( IParameterInfo parameterInfo : parameterInfos )
constructorText.append( parameterInfo.getName() ).append( " : " ).append( parameterInfo.getFeatureType().getRelativeName() ).append( ", " );
if( parameterInfos.length > 0 )
constructorText.setLength( constructorText.length() - 2 );
constructorText.append( ") {\n" +
" super(" );
for( IParameterInfo parameterInfo : parameterInfos )
constructorText.append( parameterInfo.getName() ).append( ", " );
if( parameterInfos.length > 0 )
constructorText.setLength( constructorText.length() - 2 );
constructorText.append( ")\n" +
" }\n" );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( insertionPoint, constructorText.toString(), null );
insertionPoint += constructorText.length();
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private void generateSuperCall()
IType supertype = ((IFunctionStatement)_sourceOfIssue).getDynamicFunctionSymbol().getDeclaringTypeInfo().getOwnersType().getSupertype();
List extends IConstructorInfo> constructors = supertype.getTypeInfo().getConstructors();
if( constructors.size() == 1 )
IConstructorInfo constructor = constructors.get( 0 );
generateSuperCall( constructor );
Rectangle caretRect;
_selectionPopup = SelectClassToImportPopup.instance();
final Map ctorMap = new HashMap();
LinkedHashSet ctorStrs = new LinkedHashSet();
for( IConstructorInfo constructor : constructors )
ctorStrs.add( TypeInfoUtil.getParameterDisplay( constructor ) );
ctorMap.put( TypeInfoUtil.getParameterDisplay( constructor ), constructor );
caretRect = getEditor().modelToView( getEditor().getCaretPosition() );
if( caretRect != null )
SwingUtilities.convertRectangle( getEditor(), caretRect, null );
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
_selectionPopup.show( getEditor(), caretRect, ctorStrs, new SelectClassToImportPopup.ClassSelectionCallback()
public void onSelection( String className )
generateSuperCall( ctorMap.get( className ) );
}, "Select constructor", new DefaultListCellRenderer() );
private void generateSuperCall( IConstructorInfo constructor )
int insertPos = _editor.getText().indexOf( "{", _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset() ) + 1;
int firstParamStart = -1, firstParamEnd = -1;
StringBuilder superCall = new StringBuilder( "\n super(" );
for( IParameterInfo parameterInfo : constructor.getParameters() )
if( firstParamStart == -1 )
firstParamStart = insertPos + superCall.length();
firstParamEnd = firstParamStart + parameterInfo.getName().length();
superCall.append( parameterInfo.getName() ).append( ", " );
if( constructor.getParameters().length > 0 )
superCall.setLength( superCall.length() - 2 );
superCall.append( ")" );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( insertPos, superCall.toString(), null );
if( firstParamStart != -1 )
_editor.setSelectionStart( firstParamStart );
_editor.setSelectionEnd( firstParamEnd );
catch( BadLocationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private int getOverrideTarget( int offset )
int functionLoc = _editor.getText().indexOf( "function", offset );
int propertyLoc = _editor.getText().indexOf( "property", offset );
if( functionLoc != -1 && (functionLoc < propertyLoc || propertyLoc == -1) )
return functionLoc;
return propertyLoc;
// private void createDisplayKeyFromStringLiteral()
// {
// JTextComponent jTextComponent = _editor;
// try
// {
// Rectangle rectangle = jTextComponent.modelToView( jTextComponent.getCaretPosition() );
// IParseTree locationToReplace = _stringLiteralLocationToReplace;
// String s = _editor.getText();
// ArrayList nearbyDisplayKeys = new ArrayList();
// Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "displaykey\\.[a-zA-Z.]*" );
// Matcher matcher = p.matcher( s );
// while( matcher.find() )
// {
// nearbyDisplayKeys.add( matcher.group().substring( DISPLAYKEY_START.length() ) );
// }
// String value = _editor.getDocument().getText( locationToReplace.getOffset(), locationToReplace.getLength() );
// value = StringUtils.strip( value, "\"" );
// ExternalDisplayKeyDialog dialog = new ExternalDisplayKeyDialog( null, value, jTextComponent, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, nearbyDisplayKeys.toArray( new String[nearbyDisplayKeys.size()] ) );
// if( dialog.createdKey() )
// {
// String keyName = dialog.getDisplayKeyTypeName();
// _editor.getDocument().remove( locationToReplace.getOffset(), locationToReplace.getLength() );
// _editor.getDocument().insertString( locationToReplace.getOffset(), keyName, null );
// _gosuEditor.parse();
// }
// }
// catch( BadLocationException e )
// {
// // ignore
// }
// }
// private void createDisplayKey()
// {
// try
// {
// JTextComponent jTextComponent = _editor;
// Rectangle rectangle = jTextComponent.modelToView( jTextComponent.getCaretPosition() );
// new ExternalDisplayKeyDialog( _possibleDisplayKey, "", jTextComponent, rectangle.x, rectangle.y );
// _gosuEditor.parse();
// }
// catch( BadLocationException e )
// {
// //ignore
// }
// }
private boolean offerPassiveFix()
return false;
// private boolean offerToTurnStringLiteralToDisplayKey( IParseTree locationAtCaret )
// {
// if( locationAtCaret != null && locationAtCaret.getParsedElement() instanceof IStringLiteralExpression && !locationAtCaret.getParsedElement().hasParseExceptions() )
// {
// IType[] contextTypes = ((IStringLiteralExpression) locationAtCaret.getParsedElement()).getContextTypes();
// if (contextTypes != null) {
// for (IType type : contextTypes) {
// if (type instanceof ITypeList) {
// // typekey comparison, don't offer to turn into a display key
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// showSmartFix( locationAtCaret.getParsedElement(), StudioDisplayKeys.resolve("SmartFixManager.Convert_string_literal_to_DisplayK") + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
// _stringLiteralLocationToReplace = locationAtCaret;
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
private void setMode( SmartFixMode mode )
if( isModeAvailable( mode ) )
_mode = mode;
private void fixImplicitCast()
IParsedElement expr = _peToFixWithAsStatement;
if( expr.getParent() instanceof IImplicitTypeAsExpression )
expr = expr.getParent();
String to = _typeToCoerceTo;
IParsedElement parent = expr.getParent();
if( parent == null ||
parent instanceof IStatement ||
parent instanceof IBeanMethodCallExpression ||
parent instanceof IMethodCallExpression )
_editor.getDocument().insertString( expr.getLocation().getExtent() + 1, " as " + to, null );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( expr.getLocation().getExtent() + 1, " as " + to + ")", null );
_editor.getDocument().insertString( expr.getLocation().getOffset(), "(", null );
catch( BadLocationException e )
private void fixConstructorSyntax()
Document document = _editor.getDocument();
document.remove( _obsoleteCtorStart, _obsoleteCtorEnd - _obsoleteCtorStart );
document.insertString( _obsoleteCtorStart, Keyword.KW_construct.toString(), null );
_editor.setCaretPosition( _obsoleteCtorStart + Keyword.KW_construct.toString().length() );
catch( BadLocationException e )
private void fixJavaStyleCast()
Document document = _editor.getDocument();
IParseTree location = _javaStyleCast.getLocation();
int pointToRemoveFrom = location.getOffset();
int lengthToDelete = location.getLength();
if( pointToRemoveFrom > 0 && document.getText( pointToRemoveFrom - 1, 1 ).equals( " " ) )
pointToRemoveFrom -= 1;
lengthToDelete += 1;
int startPosition = _peToFixWithAsStatement.getLocation().getOffset() - lengthToDelete;
int castInsertionPoint = _peToFixWithAsStatement.getLocation().getExtent() - lengthToDelete + 1;
String coercionString = " as " + _typeToCoerceTo;
document.remove( pointToRemoveFrom, lengthToDelete );
document.insertString( castInsertionPoint, coercionString, null );
_editor.setCaretPosition( startPosition );
catch( BadLocationException e )
private void fixImport()
Set possibleTypesToImport = _possibleTypesToImport;
if( possibleTypesToImport != null )
if( possibleTypesToImport.size() == 1 )
_gosuEditor.addToUses( possibleTypesToImport.iterator().next() );
Rectangle rectangle = getLocationFromOffset( _editor.getCaretPosition() );
SelectClassToImportPopup.instance().show( _editor, rectangle, possibleTypesToImport, new SelectClassToImportPopup.ClassSelectionCallback()
public void onSelection( String className )
_gosuEditor.addToUses( className );
}, "Select class to import", new TypeCellRenderer() );
catch( BadLocationException e )
* Updates the state of the SmartFixManager, which may display tool tips and offer to fix issues in the
* gosu program.
public void updateState()
if( _editor.getCaretPosition() == _iCaretPos )
if( isOtherPopupShowing() )
if( isOtherPopupShowing() )
return; //don't clobber existing popups
//Iterate through all the closest issues within one line of the current cursor and offer to fix the closest one
final List parseIssues = findParseIssuesOrderedByDistanceFromCaret( 1 );
setMode( SmartFixMode.NONE );
for( Highlighter.Highlight highlight : _editor.getHighlighter().getHighlights() )
if( highlight.getPainter() instanceof SmartFixHighlightPainter )
_editor.getHighlighter().removeHighlight( highlight );
final Set processed = new HashSet();
// if (isModeAvailable(SmartFixMode.CONVERT_STRING_TO_DISPLAY_KEY)) {
// int lineNum = _gosuEditor.getLineNumberAtCaret();
// Element line = _gosuEditor.getEditor().getDocument().getDefaultRootElement().getElement(lineNum - 1);
// try {
// if (_gosuEditor.getEditor().getText(line.getStartOffset(), line.getEndOffset() - line.getStartOffset()).contains("\"")) {
// IParseTree locationAtCaret = _gosuEditor.getDeepestLocationAtCaret();
// if (offerToTurnStringLiteralToDisplayKey(locationAtCaret)) {
// _stringLiteralLocationToReplace = locationAtCaret;
// return;
// }
// }
// } catch (BadLocationException e) {
// // ignore
// }
// }
final String wordAtCaret = TextComponentUtil.getIdentifierAtCaret( _gosuEditor.getEditor() );
final ITypeUsesMap[] uses = new ITypeUsesMap[]{_gosuEditor.getTypeUsesMapFromMostRecentParse()};
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
if( uses[0] == null )
uses[0] = _gosuEditor.getTypeUsesMapFromMostRecentParse();
for( IParseIssue parseIssue : parseIssues )
IParsedElement source = parseIssue.getSource();
if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.IMPORT ) && _gosuEditor.acceptsUses() && handlePossibleImportFix( source, uses[0], processed ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.IMPORT );
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.FIX_IMPLICIT_CAST ) && isImplictCoercion( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.FIX_IMPLICIT_CAST );
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.FIX_CTOR_SYNTAX ) && isObsoleteConstructor( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.FIX_CTOR_SYNTAX );
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.FIX_JAVA_STYLE_CAST ) && isJavaStyleCast( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.FIX_JAVA_STYLE_CAST );
// else if( isModeAvailable(SmartFixMode.CREATE_DISPLAY_KEY) && isPossibleDisplayKey( parseIssue ) )
// {
// setMode( SmartFixMode.CREATE_DISPLAY_KEY );
// return;
// }
if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.ADD_MISSING_OVERRIDE ) && isMissingOverride( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.ADD_MISSING_OVERRIDE );
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.FIX_CASE ) && isCaseIssue( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.FIX_CASE );
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.FIX_RETURN_TYPE ) && isVoidReturnTypeIssue( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.FIX_RETURN_TYPE );
// else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.IMPL_FUNCTIONS ) && showImplementPopup(parseIssue))
// {
// setMode( SmartFixMode.IMPL_FUNCTIONS );
// return;
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.GENERATE_CONSTRUCTORS ) && isMissingConstructor( parseIssue ) )
else if( isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode.GENERATE_SUPER_CALL ) && isMissingSuperCall( parseIssue ) )
setMode( SmartFixMode.GENERATE_SUPER_CALL );
editor.util.EditorUtilities.doBackgroundOp( runnable );
private boolean isMissingConstructor( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_NO_DEFAULT_CTOR_IN )
_sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
if( _sourceOfIssue instanceof IClassStatement )
showSmartFix( _sourceOfIssue, "Generate constructors" );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isMissingSuperCall( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_NO_DEFAULT_CTOR_IN )
_sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
if( _sourceOfIssue instanceof IFunctionStatement )
showSmartFix( _sourceOfIssue, "Generate super call" );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isCaseIssue( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue instanceof ParseWarning )
if( isCaseParseIssue( parseIssue ) )
_sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
showSmartFix( _sourceOfIssue, "Fix case issue " + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isVoidReturnTypeIssue( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue instanceof ParseException )
if( parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_RETURN_VAL_FROM_VOID_FUNCTION &&
getReturnTypeFromPartialStatement( parseIssue.getSource() ) != null )
IType type = getReturnTypeFromPartialStatement( parseIssue.getSource() );
_sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
showSmartFix( _sourceOfIssue, "Make function return type " + type.getRelativeName() + "? (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
private IType getReturnTypeFromPartialStatement( IParsedElement source )
if( source instanceof IAssignmentStatement )
return ((IAssignmentStatement)source).getIdentifier().getType();
else if( source instanceof IArrayAssignmentStatement )
return ((IArrayAssignmentStatement)source).getArrayAccessExpression().getType();
else if( source instanceof IMapAssignmentStatement )
return ((IMapAssignmentStatement)source).getMapAccessExpression().getType();
else if( source instanceof IMemberAssignmentStatement )
return ((IMemberAssignmentStatement)source).getMemberAccess().getType();
else if( source instanceof INotAStatement )
return ((INotAStatement)source).getExpression().getType();
else if( source instanceof IBeanMethodCallStatement )
return ((IBeanMethodCallStatement)source).getBeanMethodCall().getType();
else if( source instanceof IMethodCallStatement )
return ((IMethodCallStatement)source).getMethodCall().getType();
return null;
private boolean isModeAvailable( SmartFixMode mode )
if( mode == SmartFixMode.NONE )
return true;
// if(ExperimentProperties.getInstance() != null) {
// Set disallowed = ExperimentProperties.getInstance().getCodeCompletionOptions().getDisallowedSmartFixModes();
// if(disallowed.contains(mode)) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// if (mode.getExcludedViewTypes() != null && StudioShell.GET.instance() != null) {
// IView activeView = StudioShell.GET.instance().getActiveView();
// if (activeView != null) {
// Class extends IView> activeViewClass = activeView.getClass();
// for (Class excludedViewType : mode.getExcludedViewTypes()) {
// if (excludedViewType.isAssignableFrom(activeViewClass)) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// }
return true;
private boolean isMissingOverride( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_MISSING_OVERRIDE_MODIFIER )
_sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
if( _sourceOfIssue != null && _sourceOfIssue.getLocation() != null )
int offset = _sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset();
int length = _editor.getText().indexOf( "\n", offset ) - offset;
if( offset <= _editor.getCaretPosition() && offset + length >= _editor.getCaretPosition() )
showSmartFix( offset, length, "Add missing override?" + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
// private boolean isPossibleDisplayKey( IParseIssue issue )
// {
// IParsedElement source = issue.getSource();
// if( source instanceof IExpression ) {
// while (source.getParent() instanceof IFieldAccessExpression ) {
// source = source.getParent();
// }
// try {
// int caret = _editor.getCaretPosition();
// if (source.getLocation().containsOrBorders(caret, false)) {
// String possibleDisplayKey = _editor.getDocument().getText(source.getLocation().getOffset(), source.getLocation().getLength());
// if (possibleDisplayKey != null && possibleDisplayKey.startsWith(DISPLAYKEY_START) && possibleDisplayKey.length() > DISPLAYKEY_START.length() + 3) {
// _possibleDisplayKey = possibleDisplayKey.substring(DISPLAYKEY_START.length());
// showSmartFix(source, StudioDisplayKeys.resolve("SmartFixManager.Create_display_key___") + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")");
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
// catch (BadLocationException e) {
// //ignore
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
private boolean isOtherPopupShowing()
return _gosuEditor.isIntellisensePopupShowing();
private boolean isImplictCoercion( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue instanceof ImplicitCoercionWarning )
ImplicitCoercionWarning warning = (ImplicitCoercionWarning)parseIssue;
IParsedElement element = warning.getSource();
int caret = _editor.getCaretPosition();
if( element.getLocation().contains( caret ) || element.getLocation().getExtent() + 1 == caret )
_peToFixWithAsStatement = warning.getSource();
_typeToCoerceTo = warning.getTypeToCoerceTo().getName();
showSmartFix( element, "Coerce to " + _typeToCoerceTo + "? (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isObsoleteConstructor( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue instanceof ObsoleteConstructorWarning )
ObsoleteConstructorWarning warning = (ObsoleteConstructorWarning)parseIssue;
IParsedElement element = warning.getSource();
int offset = element.getLocation().getOffset();
String text = _editor.getText();
int nextParen = text.indexOf( '(', offset );
if( nextParen != -1 )
String functionDecl = text.substring( offset, nextParen );
int caret = _editor.getCaretPosition();
if( caret >= offset && caret <= offset + functionDecl.length() )
_obsoleteCtorStart = offset;
_obsoleteCtorEnd = offset + functionDecl.length();
showSmartFix( _obsoleteCtorStart, _obsoleteCtorEnd - _obsoleteCtorStart, "Convert to new constructor syntax " + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
private boolean isJavaStyleCast( IParseIssue parseIssue )
if( parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_LIKELY_JAVA_CAST )
IParsedElement source = parseIssue.getSource();
IParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpr;
if( source instanceof IParenthesizedExpression )
parenthesizedExpr = (IParenthesizedExpression)source;
parenthesizedExpr = (IParenthesizedExpression)((IImplicitTypeAsExpression)source).getLHS();
int caret = _editor.getCaretPosition();
if( parenthesizedExpr.getLocation().contains( caret ) || parenthesizedExpr.getLocation().getExtent() + 1 == caret )
IParseTree nextSibling = parenthesizedExpr.getParent().getLocation().getNextSibling();
if( nextSibling != null && parenthesizedExpr.getLocation().getLineNum() == nextSibling.getLineNum() )
_javaStyleCast = parenthesizedExpr;
_peToFixWithAsStatement = nextSibling.getDeepestFirstChild().getParsedElement();
_typeToCoerceTo = ((IMetaType)parenthesizedExpr.getType()).getType().getName();
showSmartFix( parenthesizedExpr, "This appears to be a java-style cast. Shall I convert it to a Gosu style cast?" + " (" + SHORTCUT + ")" );
return true;
return false;
public void resetSmartHelpState()
_possibleTypesToImport = null;
_peToFixWithAsStatement = null;
_typeToCoerceTo = null;
_javaStyleCast = null;
_possibleDisplayKey = null;
_stringLiteralLocationToReplace = null;
if( _managerPopup != null )
_managerPopup.setVisible( false );
_managerPopup = null;
private boolean handlePossibleImportFix( IParsedElement source, ITypeUsesMap typeUses, Set processed )
String relativeTypeName = null;
//If this is a type literal, dig through it to find a reasonable type to attempt to import
if( source instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression )
ITypeLiteralExpression typeLiteral = (ITypeLiteralExpression)source;
IType iIntrinsicType = typeLiteral.getType().getType();
if( iIntrinsicType.isArray() )
iIntrinsicType = iIntrinsicType.getComponentType();
if( iIntrinsicType instanceof IErrorType )
IErrorType errorType = (IErrorType)iIntrinsicType;
if( !errorType.getErrantTypeName().equals( IErrorType.NAME ) )
relativeTypeName = errorType.getErrantTypeName();
//If this is an identifier, use its symbols name
if( source instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
IIdentifierExpression identifier = (IIdentifierExpression)source;
if( identifier.getType() instanceof IErrorType )
ISymbol symbol = identifier.getSymbol();
if( symbol != null )
relativeTypeName = symbol.getName();
//If this is a bean method call expression, look to see if the error is a symbol not found and the
//symbol name is a valid type
if( source instanceof INotAStatement )
INotAStatement nas = (INotAStatement)source;
if( nas.getExpression() != null &&
nas.getExpression() instanceof IIdentifierExpression &&
((IIdentifierExpression)nas.getExpression()).getSymbol() != null )
relativeTypeName = ((IIdentifierExpression)nas.getExpression()).getSymbol().getName();
//If we found a possible relative name, see if it is a possible valid type
if( relativeTypeName != null && !processed.contains( relativeTypeName ) )
processed.add( relativeTypeName );
Rectangle rectangle = getLocationFromOffset( source.getLocation().getOffset() );
if( _editor.getVisibleRect().contains( rectangle ) || rectangle == TEST_RECTANGLE )
// See if the type is already available through the type-uses map of the parser
IType type = typeUses.resolveType( relativeTypeName );
if( type == null )
// Detect if the type resolves as a top level type
type = TypeSystem.getByFullName( relativeTypeName );
catch( Exception e )
// ignore
TreeSet possibleTypesToImport = new TreeSet<>( new TypeNameComparator() );
if( type == null )
List fullyQualifiedNames = RunMe.getEditorFrame().getGosuPanel().getTypeNamesCache().getFullyQualifiedClassNameFromRelativeName( relativeTypeName );
if( fullyQualifiedNames != null )
for( CharSequence fullyQualifiedName : fullyQualifiedNames )
possibleTypesToImport.add( fullyQualifiedName.toString() );
if( possibleTypesToImport.size() > 0 )
String displayText = possibleTypesToImport.size() == 1
? possibleTypesToImport.iterator().next() + "? (" + SHORTCUT + ")"
: "Multiple Matches...(" + SHORTCUT + ")";
_possibleTypesToImport = possibleTypesToImport;
showSmartFix( source, displayText );
return true;
catch( BadLocationException e )
return false;
private Rectangle getLocationFromOffset( int i ) throws BadLocationException
Rectangle rectangle = _editor.modelToView( i );
if( rectangle == null )
rectangle = TEST_RECTANGLE;
return rectangle;
private void showSmartFix( IParsedElement source, String displayText )
showSmartFix( source.getLocation().getOffset(), source.getLocation().getLength(), displayText );
public void showSmartFix( final int offset, final int length, final String displayText )
Runnable runnable = () -> {
_offset = offset;
_length = length;
Rectangle rectangle = getLocationFromOffset( _offset );
if( rectangle != TEST_RECTANGLE && _editor.isShowing() )
_managerPopup = new SmartFixPopup( displayText );
_editor.getHighlighter().addHighlight( _offset, _offset + _length, new SmartFixHighlightPainter( SMARTFIX_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR ) );
catch( BadLocationException e )
resetSmartHelpState(); //The user must have cleared out the given smart fix.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( runnable );
private List findParseIssuesOrderedByDistanceFromCaret( int maxLines )
ArrayList issues = new ArrayList();
int caretPosition = _editor.getCaretPosition();
final int line = TextComponentUtil.getLineAtPosition( _editor, caretPosition );
final int col = TextComponentUtil.getColumnAtPosition( _editor, caretPosition );
ParseResultsException pe = _gosuEditor.getParseResultsException();
if( pe != null )
for( IParseIssue parseIssue : pe.getParseIssues() )
if( Math.abs( parseIssue.getLine() - line ) <= maxLines )
issues.add( parseIssue );
Collections.sort( issues, ( o1, o2 ) -> {
double d1 = getDistanceFromPosition( o1, line, col );
double d2 = getDistanceFromPosition( o2, line, col );
if( d1 > d2 )
return 1;
else if( d1 < d2 )
return -1;
return 0;
} );
return issues;
* Returns the cartesian distance of this parse issue from the given column/line
* in column/line units
private double getDistanceFromPosition( IParseIssue pi, int line, int col )
if( pi.getSource() != null && pi.getSource().getLocation() != null )
int squaredDist = ((pi.getSource().getLocation().getLineNum() - line) * (pi.getSource().getLocation().getLineNum() - line)) +
((pi.getSource().getLocation().getColumn() - col) * (pi.getSource().getLocation().getColumn() - col));
return Math.sqrt( squaredDist );
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
public SmartFixMode getMode()
return _mode;
public Set getPossibleTypesToImport()
return _possibleTypesToImport;
public IParsedElement getPeToFixWithAsStatement()
return _peToFixWithAsStatement;
public IParsedElement getJavaStyleCast()
return _javaStyleCast;
public String getTypeToCoerceTo()
return _typeToCoerceTo;
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e )
if( _managerPopup != null )
if( getTargetBounds().contains( e.getPoint() ) )
if( !_managerPopup.isShowing() && _selectionPopup == null )
bufferShowPopup( true );
else if( _managerPopup.isShowing() )
private void hidePopup()
if( _managerPopup != null )
_managerPopup.setVisible( false );
if( _timer != null )
if( _timer.isRunning() )
_timer = null;
private void bufferShowPopup( boolean restartIfActive )
if( _timer == null )
_timer = new Timer( 500, e -> SwingUtilities.invokeLater( this::showPopup ) );
_timer.setRepeats( false );
else if( restartIfActive )
public void keyTyped( KeyEvent e )
public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e )
if( _managerPopup != null )
if( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ALT && !_managerPopup.isShowing() )
bufferShowPopup( false );
public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e )
if( _managerPopup != null )
if( e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ALT )
private void showPopup()
if( _managerPopup != null )
if( !SelectClassToImportPopup.instance().isShowing() &&
(_gosuEditor.getBeanInfoPopup() == null || !_gosuEditor.getBeanInfoPopup().isShowing()) &&
(!(_gosuEditor.getValuePopup() instanceof Component) || !((Component)_gosuEditor.getValuePopup()).isShowing()) &&
(_gosuEditor.getJavadocPopup() == null || !_gosuEditor.getJavadocPopup().isShowing()) &&
!EditorContextMenuHandler.instance().isContextMenuShowing() )
_managerPopup.show( _editor, getLocationFromOffset( _offset ) );
catch( BadLocationException e1 )
// ignore
private Rectangle getTargetBounds()
Rectangle p0;
Rectangle p1;
TextUI mapper = _editor.getUI();
p0 = mapper.modelToView( _editor, _offset );
p1 = mapper.modelToView( _editor, _offset + _length );
catch( Exception e )
return new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Rectangle bounds = _editor.getBounds();
if( p0.y == p1.y )
// same line, render a rectangle
Rectangle r1 = p0.union( p1 );
r1.grow( 20, 20 );
return r1;
// different lines
int p0ToMarginWidth = bounds.x + bounds.width - p0.x;
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle( p0.x, p0.y, p0ToMarginWidth, p0.height );
if( (p0.y + p0.height) != p1.y )
r1 = r1.union( new Rectangle( bounds.x, p0.y + p0.height, bounds.width, p1.y - (p0.y + p0.height) ) );
r1 = r1.union( new Rectangle( bounds.x, p1.y, (p1.x - bounds.x), p1.height ) );
r1.grow( 20, 20 );
return r1;
private class SmartFixHighlightPainter extends DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter
public SmartFixHighlightPainter( Color c )
super( c );
public Shape paintLayer( Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape shape, JTextComponent c, View view )
if( shape == null )
return null;
Shape result = null;
result = view.modelToView(
Math.min( p0, p1 ),
Math.max( p0, p1 ),
shape );
Rectangle bounds = result.getBounds();
drawWavyLine( g, bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height - 2, bounds.x + bounds.width - 1 );
catch( final BadLocationException e )
// ignore it
return result;
protected void drawWavyLine( Graphics g, int x, int y, int x2 )
Color oldColor = g.getColor();
g.setColor( getColor() );
int wavyLineWidth = x2 - x;
if( wavyLineWidth > 0 )
int[] wf = {0, +1, 0, -1};
int[] xPoints = new int[wavyLineWidth + 1];
int[] yPoints = new int[wavyLineWidth + 1];
for( int i = 0; i <= wavyLineWidth; i++ )
xPoints[i] = x + i;
yPoints[i] = y + wf[i % 4];
g.drawPolyline( xPoints, yPoints, wavyLineWidth );
g.setColor( oldColor );
// Common methods shared with BulkFixManager
public static boolean isCaseParseIssue( IParseIssue parseIssue )
boolean caseIssue = parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_VAR_CASE_MISMATCH ||
parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_PROPERTY_CASE_MISMATCH ||
parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_TYPE_CASE_MISMATCH ||
parseIssue.getMessageKey() == Res.MSG_FUNCTION_CASE_MISMATCH;
IParsedElement sourceOfIssue = parseIssue.getSource();
boolean fixableElement = sourceOfIssue instanceof IIdentifierExpression ||
sourceOfIssue instanceof IBeanMethodCallExpression ||
sourceOfIssue instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression ||
sourceOfIssue instanceof ISynthesizedMemberAccessExpression ||
sourceOfIssue instanceof IFieldAccessExpression;
return caseIssue && fixableElement;
public static ReplaceChunk getReplaceChunk( IParsedElement sourceOfIssue, String gosuSource )
ReplaceChunk returnChunk = new ReplaceChunk();
if( sourceOfIssue instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
returnChunk.offset = sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset();
returnChunk.length = sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getLength();
returnChunk.replaceText = ((IIdentifierExpression)sourceOfIssue).getSymbol().getName();
else if( sourceOfIssue instanceof IBeanMethodCallExpression )
returnChunk.offset = ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)sourceOfIssue).getStartOffset();
returnChunk.replaceText = ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)sourceOfIssue).getFunctionType().getName();
returnChunk.length = returnChunk.replaceText.length();
else if( sourceOfIssue instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression )
if( gosuSource == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The original source must be passed into getReplaceChunk() so that it can determine what text to replace" );
String literalToReplace = gosuSource.substring( sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset(), sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getExtent() + 1 );
int openCaret = literalToReplace.indexOf( '<' );
if( openCaret != -1 )
literalToReplace = gosuSource.substring( 0, openCaret );
returnChunk.offset = sourceOfIssue.getLocation().getOffset();
IType type = ((ITypeLiteralExpression)sourceOfIssue).getType().getType();
if( type.isParameterizedType() )
type = type.getGenericType();
String typeName = type.getName();
returnChunk.replaceText = typeName.substring( Math.max( 0, typeName.length() - literalToReplace.length() ) );
returnChunk.length = returnChunk.replaceText.length();
else if( sourceOfIssue instanceof ISynthesizedMemberAccessExpression )
ISynthesizedMemberAccessExpression access = (ISynthesizedMemberAccessExpression)sourceOfIssue;
returnChunk.offset = access.getStartOffset();
returnChunk.replaceText = ((IFieldAccessExpression)sourceOfIssue).getPropertyInfo().getName();
returnChunk.length = access.getLocation().getExtent() - access.getStartOffset() + 1;
else if( sourceOfIssue instanceof IFieldAccessExpression )
returnChunk.offset = ((IFieldAccessExpression)sourceOfIssue).getStartOffset();
returnChunk.replaceText = ((IFieldAccessExpression)sourceOfIssue).getPropertyInfo().getName();
returnChunk.length = returnChunk.replaceText.length();
return null;
return returnChunk;
public static class ReplaceChunk
public int offset;
public int length;
public String replaceText;
private static class TypeNameComparator implements Comparator
public int compare( String o1, String o2 )
int o1category = getCategory( o1 ).ordinal();
int o2category = getCategory( o2 ).ordinal();
if( o1category != o2category )
return o1category - o2category;
int idx = 0;
while( idx < o1.length() && idx < o2.length() )
char o1ch = o1.charAt( idx );
char o2ch = o2.charAt( idx );
if( o1ch == o2ch )
if( Character.isUpperCase( o1ch ) && !Character.isUpperCase( o2ch ) )
return -1;
else if( Character.isUpperCase( o2ch ) && !Character.isUpperCase( o1ch ) )
return 1;
return o1ch - o2ch;
return o1.length() - o2.length();
private ITypeCategory getCategory( String typeName )
if( typeName.startsWith( "java.lang." ) )
return ITypeCategory.JAVA; // Use case: java.lang.Double shows at top of list
if( typeName.startsWith( "java.util." ) )
return ITypeCategory.JAVA; // Use case: java.util.Date shows at top of list
if( typeName.equals( "javax.xml.namespace.QName" ) )
return ITypeCategory.QNAME; // QName is prevalent in new XML system - move to top of list
return ITypeCategory.NORMAL;
private static enum ITypeCategory
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