editor.search.StudioUtilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor.search;
import editor.BasicGosuEditor;
import editor.RunMe;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import static editor.util.EditorUtilities.handleUncaughtException;
* Sundry ui utility methods.
public class StudioUtilities implements SwingConstants
static final HashMap ICON_TABLE = new HashMap();
static protected Rectangle g_rcClipCursor;
static protected ClipCursorHandler g_clipCursorListener;
static protected Robot g_robot;
static final Rectangle RCTEXT = new Rectangle();
static final Rectangle SHOULDPAINT_RECT = new Rectangle();
static final Rectangle SHOULDPAINT_RECT_IN = new Rectangle();
private StudioUtilities()
public static void enableComponent( Component c, boolean bEnabled )
if( c.isEnabled() != bEnabled )
c.setEnabled( bEnabled );
if( c instanceof Container )
Component[] children = ((Container)c).getComponents();
if( children != null )
for( Component child : children )
enableComponent( child, bEnabled );
public static Component getFocus()
return KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getPermanentFocusOwner();
public static Window getFocusedWindow()
return KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow();
public static Window getActiveWindow()
Window activeWindow = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow();
if( activeWindow == null )
Frame[] frames = Frame.getFrames();
if( frames != null && frames.length > 0 )
return frames[0];
return activeWindow;
public static boolean containsFocus( Component c )
Boolean containsFocus = CONTAINS_FOCUS.get( c );
if( containsFocus != null )
return containsFocus;
Component focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getPermanentFocusOwner();
// Verify focusOwner is a descendant of c
for( Component temp = focusOwner; temp != null; temp = (temp instanceof Window) ? null : temp.getParent() )
if( temp == c )
CONTAINS_FOCUS.put( c, true );
return true;
CONTAINS_FOCUS.put( c, false );
return false;
public static boolean focusContains( Component c )
Boolean focusContains = FOCUS_CONTAINS.get( c );
if( focusContains != null )
return focusContains;
Component focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getPermanentFocusOwner();
// Verify c is a descendant of focusOwner
for( Component temp = c; temp != null; temp = (temp instanceof Window) ? null : temp.getParent() )
if( temp == focusOwner )
FOCUS_CONTAINS.put( c, true );
return true;
FOCUS_CONTAINS.put( c, false );
return false;
private static void addFocusListener()
if( CONTAINS_FOCUS != null )
CONTAINS_FOCUS = new HashMap();
FOCUS_CONTAINS = new HashMap();
KeyboardFocusManager focusMgr = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
focusMgr.addPropertyChangeListener( "permanentFocusOwner",
new PropertyChangeListener()
public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt )
} );
public static boolean isInFocusLineage( Component c )
return containsFocus( c ) || focusContains( c );
public static void centerWindowInFrame( Component window, Window frame )
// Note FileDialog instances in jdk 1.4.1 have no size until FileDialog.show()
// which blocks i.e., we can't center FileDialogs.
Dimension dimCenter;
Point ptOffset;
if( frame != null )
if( (!(frame instanceof Frame) || ((Frame)frame).getState() != Frame.ICONIFIED) && frame.isShowing() )
// Center in frame
dimCenter = frame.getSize();
ptOffset = frame.getLocation();
// Retry either containing window or screen
centerWindowInFrame( window, null );
Window owner = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( window );
if( owner != null && owner.isShowing() && (owner.getMinimumSize().height < owner.getHeight()) )
// Retry with owner window as frame
if( (!(owner instanceof Frame) || ((Frame)owner).getState() != Frame.ICONIFIED) && owner.isShowing() )
// Center in frame
dimCenter = owner.getSize();
ptOffset = owner.getLocation();
window.setLocation( ptOffset.x + (dimCenter.width - window.getWidth()) / 2, ptOffset.y + (dimCenter.height - window.getHeight()) / 2 );
// Center in screen
Rectangle screenRect = getPrimaryMonitorScreenRect();
dimCenter = new Dimension( (int)screenRect.getWidth(), (int)screenRect.getHeight() );
ptOffset = new Point( (int)screenRect.getX(), (int)screenRect.getY() );
window.setLocation( ptOffset.x + (dimCenter.width - window.getWidth()) / 2, ptOffset.y + (dimCenter.height - window.getHeight()) / 2 );
// public Point getCenterOfActiveWindow()
// {
// Window activeWin = getActiveWindow();
// Rectangle rc = null;
// if( activeWin == null )
// {
// Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
// rc = new Rectangle( 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height );
// }
// else
// {
// rc = activeWin.getBounds();
// }
// }
public static void removePopupBorder( final Container c )
new Runnable()
public void run()
Container p = c;
while( p != null )
if( p instanceof JComponent )
((JComponent)p).setBorder( null );
p = p.getParent();
} );
* @param comp the component to analyze
* @return the root pane for the component
public static JRootPane rootPaneForComponent( Component comp )
for( Component p = comp; p != null; p = p.getParent() )
if( p instanceof JRootPane )
return (JRootPane)p;
if( comp instanceof JFrame )
return ((JFrame)comp).getRootPane();
if( comp instanceof JDialog )
return ((JDialog)comp).getRootPane();
if( comp instanceof JWindow )
return ((JWindow)comp).getRootPane();
return null;
public static Component showWaitCursor( final boolean bWait )
return WaitCursorRunner.showWaitCursor( bWait );
public static void showWaitCursor( boolean bWait, Component c )
WaitCursorRunner.showWaitCursor( bWait, c );
public static void doWaitOperation( Runnable op )
Component key = StudioUtilities.showWaitCursor( true );
showWaitCursor( false, key );
public static String wrapText( String strText )
return wrapText( strText, 60 );
public static String wrapText( String strText, int iLineLen )
Vector vStrings = drawTextWrapped( null, new Rectangle(), strText, new Font( "Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11 ), iLineLen, false, true );
String strRet = "";
for( int i = 0; i < vStrings.size(); i++ )
strRet += vStrings.elementAt( i );
return strRet;
public static void invokeInDispatchThread( Runnable task )
if( task == null )
if( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
EventQueue.invokeAndWait( task );
catch( Throwable t )
handleUncaughtException( t );
public static void invokeNowOrLater( Runnable task )
if( task == null )
if( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
EventQueue.invokeLater( task );
catch( Throwable t )
handleUncaughtException( t );
public static Rectangle drawStringInRectClipped( Graphics g, String strText, Rectangle rcClip, int iHorzAlign, int iVertAlign )
return drawStringInRectClipped( g, null, strText, rcClip, iHorzAlign, iVertAlign, true );
public static Rectangle drawStringInRectClipped( Graphics g, FontMetrics fm, String strText, Rectangle rcClip, int iHorzAlign, int iVertAlign, boolean bReturnBounds )
RCTEXT.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
fm = fm == null ? g.getFontMetrics() : fm;
String str = SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel( fm,
null, // no icon
iVertAlign, // vertical alignment
iHorzAlign, // horizontal alignment
BOTTOM, // vertical text pos relative to icon
RIGHT, // horizontal text pos relative to icon
0 ); // text/icon gap
if( str != null && !str.equals( "" ) )
g.drawString( str, RCTEXT.x, RCTEXT.y + fm.getAscent() );
return bReturnBounds ? new Rectangle( RCTEXT ) : null;
public static void drawStringInRect( Graphics g, String strText, Rectangle rc, int justification, boolean bClip )
drawStringInRect( g, strText, rc.x, rc.y, rc.width, rc.height, justification, bClip );
public static void drawStringInRect( Graphics g, String strText, int x, int y,
int width, int height, int justification, boolean bClip )
FontMetrics fontMetrics;
int drawWidth, startX, startY, delta;
if( g.getFont() == null )
fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
if( fontMetrics == null )
if( bClip )
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.setBounds( g.getClipBounds() );
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2.setBounds( x, y, width, height );
if( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.intersects( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 ) )
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2.setBounds( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.intersection( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 ) );
g.setClip( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 );
if( justification == CENTER )
drawWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth( strText );
if( drawWidth > width )
drawWidth = width;
startX = x + (width - drawWidth) / 2;
else if( justification == RIGHT )
drawWidth = fontMetrics.stringWidth( strText );
if( drawWidth > width )
drawWidth = width;
startX = x + width - drawWidth;
startX = x;
delta = (height - fontMetrics.getAscent() - fontMetrics.getDescent()) / 2;
if( delta < 0 )
delta = 0;
startY = y + height - delta - fontMetrics.getDescent();
g.drawString( strText, startX, startY );
if( bClip )
g.setClip( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT );
public static boolean shouldPaint( Graphics g, Component comp )
Rectangle rcBounds = comp.getBounds();
return shouldPaint( g, rcBounds.x, rcBounds.y, rcBounds.width, rcBounds.height );
public static boolean shouldPaint( Graphics g, int x, int y, int iWidth, int iHeight )
Rectangle rcClipBounds = g.getClipBounds();
if( rcClipBounds == null )
return true;
SHOULDPAINT_RECT.setBounds( rcClipBounds );
SHOULDPAINT_RECT_IN.setBounds( x, y, iWidth, iHeight );
public static Vector drawTextWrapped( Graphics g, Rectangle rect, String strText )
return drawTextWrapped( g, rect, strText, null, 0, true, true );
public static Vector drawTextWrapped( Graphics g, Rectangle rect, String strText, Font font, int iLineLengthChars, boolean bClip, boolean bAppendLineFeed )
Vector vStrings = (g == null) ? new Vector() : null;
if( bClip && (g != null) && (rect != null) && !rect.isEmpty() )
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.setBounds( g.getClipBounds() );
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2.setBounds( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
if( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.intersects( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 ) )
MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2.setBounds( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT.intersection( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 ) );
g.setClip( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT2 );
return vStrings;
bClip = false;
if( strText == null || strText.length() == 0 ||
((iLineLengthChars <= 0) && (rect == null || rect.width == 0)) )
return vStrings;
// Replace tabs with single spaces
strText = (strText.indexOf( '\t' ) >= 0) ? strText.replace( '\t', ' ' ) : strText;
FontMetrics fm = (g == null) ? Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics( font ) : g.getFontMetrics();
if( iLineLengthChars > 0 )
rect.width = fm.charWidth( 'p' ) * iLineLengthChars;
int x = rect.x;
int y = rect.y + fm.getAscent();
int iWidth = rect.width;
if( iWidth < 0 )
return vStrings;
boolean bSkip;
String strLine = "";
boolean bNeedToDrawLastToken = false;
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( strText, MessageDisplay.STRING_DELIMITERS, true );
String token = null;
while( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() || bNeedToDrawLastToken )
token = bNeedToDrawLastToken ? token : tokenizer.nextToken();
bSkip = false;
for( int i = 0; i < MessageDisplay.STRING_DELIMITERS.length(); i++ )
if( token.charAt( 0 ) == MessageDisplay.STRING_DELIMITERS.charAt( i ) )
// Skip all delimiters but spaces and new lines, they have effect on output.
if( MessageDisplay.STRING_DELIMITERS.charAt( i ) != ' ' &&
MessageDisplay.STRING_DELIMITERS.charAt( i ) != '\n' )
bSkip = true;
if( bSkip )
bNeedToDrawLastToken = !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
int iLinePlusToken = fm.stringWidth( strLine ) + fm.stringWidth( token );
// if( bNeedToDrawLastToken && (iLinePlusToken <= iWidth) )
// {
// strLine = strLine.concat( token );
// bNeedToDrawLastToken = false;
// }
boolean bLastLineOfRect = false;
if( bNeedToDrawLastToken )
if( (iLinePlusToken <= iWidth) ||
(bLastLineOfRect = (rect.height > 0) && ((rect.y + rect.height) < (y - fm.getAscent() + fm.getHeight() + fm.getAscent() / 2))) )// last line of the rectangle
// Force the last token to paint if:
// 1.) We have room for it on the line
// 2.) We are on the last *visible* line in our bounds.
// Note determining the last visible line is a fuzzy scheme as the math above shows.
strLine = strLine.concat( token );
bNeedToDrawLastToken = false;
if( (iLinePlusToken > iWidth) ||
(token.charAt( 0 ) == '\n') ||
!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) // Force draw of last line
if( (strLine.length() > 0) &&
((token.charAt( 0 ) == '\n') || tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() || (iLinePlusToken <= iWidth) || bNeedToDrawLastToken || bLastLineOfRect) )
if( g != null )
g.drawString( strLine, x, y );
if( vStrings != null )
vStrings.addElement( bAppendLineFeed ? (strLine + "\n") : strLine );
y += fm.getHeight();
strLine = "";
if( token.charAt( 0 ) == ' ' ||
token.charAt( 0 ) == '\n' )
else if( token.charAt( 0 ) == '\n' )
y += fm.getHeight();
if( token.length() == 1 )
// Rectangle isn't wide enough to display a single character.
return vStrings;
int iSeg = token.length() / 2 + token.length() % 2;
int iLen = iSeg;
String strTokenPart = null;
while( iSeg >= 1 )
strTokenPart = token.substring( 0, iLen - 1 );
catch( Exception e )
// ignore
int iTestWidth = fm.stringWidth( strTokenPart );
iSeg = iSeg / 2 + (iSeg == 1 ? 0 : iSeg % 2);
if( iTestWidth > iWidth )
iLen -= iSeg;
else if( iTestWidth == iWidth )
iLen += iSeg;
if( strTokenPart != null )
if( strText.startsWith( "" ) && strTokenPart.lastIndexOf( "<" ) > strTokenPart.lastIndexOf( ">" ) )
strTokenPart = strTokenPart.substring( 0, strTokenPart.lastIndexOf( "<" ) );
iLen = strTokenPart.length();
if( g != null )
g.drawString( strTokenPart, x, y );
if( vStrings != null )
vStrings.addElement( bAppendLineFeed ? (strTokenPart + "\n") : strTokenPart );
y += fm.getHeight();
if( iLen >= token.length() )
// We're drawing the token anyway, so we might as well just leave
bNeedToDrawLastToken = false;
token = token.substring( strTokenPart.length() );
while( fm.stringWidth( token ) > iWidth );
strLine = bNeedToDrawLastToken ? "" : strLine.concat( token );
if( bAppendLineFeed && !vStrings.isEmpty() )
// Remove the last line feed
String strLast = vStrings.lastElement();
if( strLast.endsWith( "\n" ) )
vStrings.setElementAt( strLast.substring( 0, strLast.length() - 1 ), vStrings.size() - 1 );
return vStrings;
if( bClip )
g.setClip( MessageDisplay.SCRATCH_RECT );
public static Frame frameForComponent( Component comp )
for( Component p = comp; p != null; p = p.getParent() )
if( p instanceof Frame )
return (Frame)p;
return null;
public static Window windowForComponent( Component comp )
for( Component p = comp; p != null; p = p.getParent() )
if( p instanceof Window )
return (Window)p;
return null;
public static Robot getRobot()
if( g_robot == null )
g_robot = new Robot();
catch( AWTException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return g_robot;
public static void clipCursor( Rectangle rcScreen )
if( rcScreen == null || rcScreen.isEmpty() )
if( g_clipCursorListener != null )
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().removeAWTEventListener( g_clipCursorListener );
g_clipCursorListener = null;
g_rcClipCursor = null;
g_clipCursorListener = new ClipCursorHandler();
g_rcClipCursor = rcScreen;
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener( g_clipCursorListener, AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK );
public static boolean clipPoint( Point pt )
if( g_rcClipCursor == null || g_rcClipCursor.contains( pt ) )
return false;
if( pt.x < g_rcClipCursor.x )
pt.x = g_rcClipCursor.x;
if( pt.x >= g_rcClipCursor.x + g_rcClipCursor.width )
pt.x = g_rcClipCursor.x + g_rcClipCursor.width - 1;
if( pt.y < g_rcClipCursor.y )
pt.y = g_rcClipCursor.y;
if( pt.y >= g_rcClipCursor.y + g_rcClipCursor.height )
pt.y = g_rcClipCursor.y + g_rcClipCursor.height - 1;
getRobot().mouseMove( pt.x, pt.y );
return true;
public static Dimension boundDimensionWithin( Dimension preferredSize, Dimension minimumSize, Dimension maxSize )
return boundWithMax( maxSize, boundWithMin( minimumSize, preferredSize ) );
private static Dimension boundWithMin( Dimension minimumSize, Dimension preferredSize )
if( minimumSize == null )
return preferredSize;
if( preferredSize == null )
return minimumSize;
return new Dimension( Math.max( preferredSize.width, minimumSize.width ),
Math.max( preferredSize.height, minimumSize.height ) );
private static Dimension boundWithMax( Dimension maxSize, Dimension preferredSize )
if( maxSize == null )
return preferredSize;
if( preferredSize == null )
return maxSize;
return new Dimension( Math.min( preferredSize.width, maxSize.width ),
Math.min( preferredSize.height, maxSize.height ) );
public static void invalidateTree( Component component )
if( component instanceof Container )
for( Component child : ((Container)component).getComponents() )
invalidateTree( child );
* Finds the first widget above the passed in widget of the given class
* @param start the start component
* @param aClass the class to find
* @return the found component
public static T findAncestor( Component start, Class aClass )
if( start == null )
return null;
return findAtOrAbove( start.getParent(), aClass );
* Finds the first widget at or above the passed in widget of the given class
* @param start the start component
* @param aClass the class to find
* @return the found component
public static T findAtOrAbove( Component start, Class aClass )
Component comp = start;
while( comp != null )
if( aClass.isInstance( comp ) )
//noinspection unchecked
return (T)comp;
comp = comp.getParent();
return null;
public static void ensureWindowIsVisible( Window w )
int width = w.getWidth();
int height = w.getHeight();
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
GraphicsConfiguration gc = w.getGraphicsConfiguration();
Insets screenInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets( gc );
Rectangle screenSize = gc.getBounds();
w.setLocation( Math.max( screenInsets.left, Math.min( w.getX(), screenSize.width - screenInsets.right - width ) ),
Math.max( screenInsets.top, Math.min( w.getY(), screenSize.height - screenInsets.bottom - height ) ) );
public static void hideToolTip( JComponent c )
Method hideMethod = ToolTipManager.class.getDeclaredMethod( "hide", JComponent.class );
hideMethod.setAccessible( true );
hideMethod.invoke( ToolTipManager.sharedInstance(), c );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static void convertRectangleToScreen( Rectangle rectangle, Component component )
Point loc = rectangle.getLocation();
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( loc, component );
rectangle.setLocation( loc );
static final class ClipCursorHandler implements AWTEventListener
public void eventDispatched( AWTEvent e )
if( e instanceof MouseEvent )
MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)e;
switch( me.getID() )
// Process MouseMotion events only
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
Component comp = me.getComponent();
if( comp == null )
Point pt = me.getPoint();
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( pt, comp );
if( clipPoint( pt ) )
static final class WaitCursorRunner
private static final WaitCursorRunner WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER = new WaitCursorRunner();
private WeakHashMap _waitCursorMap;
private WeakHashMap _rootPaneMap;
private boolean _bWait;
private WeakReference _c;
private WaitCursorRunner()
_waitCursorMap = new WeakHashMap();
_rootPaneMap = new WeakHashMap();
static Component showWaitCursor( boolean bWait )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
// Can only do this safely from within the AWT Dispatch thread.
// Also note we can't make any assumptions about interaction between
// the AWT Dispatch thread and other threads e.g., we can't call invokeAndWait() here.
return null;
return WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER.run();
static void showWaitCursor( boolean bWait, Component c )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
// Can only do this safely from within the AWT Dispatch thread.
// Also note we can't make any assumptions about interaction between
// the AWT Dispatch thread and other threads e.g., we can't call invokeAndWait() here.
WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER._c = new WeakReference( c );
public Component run()
if( _c != null )
JRootPane rootPane = _rootPaneMap.get( _c.get() );
if( rootPane != null )
showWaitCursorNow( _bWait, rootPane );
return rootPane;
Component focus = _c == null ? getActiveWindow() : _c.get();
focus = focus == null ? getFocusedWindow() : focus;
JRootPane rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( focus );
if( rootPane == null )
// Just use the active window's rootpane.
// (e.g., the component is no longer attatched to a rootpane
focus = getActiveWindow();
focus = focus == null ? getFocusedWindow() : focus;
rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( focus );
if( rootPane == null )
return null;
if( !_bWait && !rootPane.isShowing() )
Window win = StudioUtilities.windowForComponent( rootPane );
if( win != null )
win = win.getOwner();
if( win != null )
rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( win );
_rootPaneMap.put( focus, rootPane );
showWaitCursorNow( _bWait, rootPane );
return rootPane;
void showWaitCursorNow( boolean bWait, JRootPane rootPane )
if( rootPane == null )
RefCounter refCounter = _waitCursorMap.get( rootPane );
Component glassPane = rootPane.getGlassPane();
if( bWait && refCounter == null )
Cursor cursorWait = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR );
rootPane.setCursor( cursorWait );
glassPane.setCursor( cursorWait );
glassPane.setVisible( true );
refCounter = new RefCounter();
_waitCursorMap.put( rootPane, refCounter );
else if( !bWait && (refCounter == null || refCounter._iRefCount == 1) )
Cursor cursorDefault = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR );
glassPane.setVisible( false );
glassPane.setCursor( cursorDefault );
rootPane.setCursor( cursorDefault );
_waitCursorMap.remove( rootPane );
//## NOTE: Do NOT validate here. Side effects could include perpetual validation.
// rootPane.validate();
catch( Exception e )
handleUncaughtException( e );
if( refCounter != null )
refCounter._iRefCount += (bWait ? 1 : -1);
if( refCounter._iRefCount < 0 )
_waitCursorMap.remove( rootPane );
static final class RefCounter
public int _iRefCount;
public static Rectangle getPrimaryMonitorScreenRect()
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gds = ge.getScreenDevices();
BasicGosuEditor frame = RunMe.getEditorFrame();
Rectangle foundBounds = null;
if( frame != null )
Rectangle windowBounds = frame.getBounds();
for( GraphicsDevice gd : gds )
Rectangle bounds = gd.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
if( bounds.contains( windowBounds.getX(), windowBounds.getY() ) )
foundBounds = bounds;
if( foundBounds == null )
foundBounds = gds[0].getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
return foundBounds;
public static Point getXYForDialogRelativeToStudioFrame( int width, int height )
Rectangle screenRect = getPrimaryMonitorScreenRect();
return new Point( (int)(screenRect.getX() + (screenRect.getWidth() - width) / 2),
(int)(screenRect.getY() + (screenRect.getHeight() - height) / 2) );
public static void mapCancelKeystroke( final JDialog dialog, Action cancelAction )
Object key = dialog.getRootPane().getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT ).get( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0 ) );
if( key == null )
key = "Cancel";
dialog.getRootPane().getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT ).put( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0 ), key );
dialog.getRootPane().getActionMap().put( key, cancelAction );
public static List filterStrings( Collection extends CharSequence> collection, String filter )
return filterStrings( collection, filter, false );
public static List filterStrings( Collection extends CharSequence> collection, String filter, boolean showChoicesIfEmpty )
if( filter == null )
filter = "";
int iDotIndex = filter.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( iDotIndex >= 0 )
filter = filter.substring( iDotIndex + 1 );
List filteredTypes = new ArrayList();
if( showChoicesIfEmpty || filter.length() > 0 )
int iFlags = 0;
if( filter.length() > 0 && filter.indexOf( '*' ) < 0 &&
Character.isUpperCase( filter.charAt( 0 ) ) )
filter = camelCasePrefix( filter );
// Replace all wildcard '*' chars with the regex ".*" expression
filter = filter.replaceAll( "\\*", "\\.\\*" );
// A '#' char indicates that the proper regex syntax has already been embedded in the string;
// we only need to replace the '#' with '*'
filter = filter.replaceAll( "\\#", "\\*" );
boolean bHasDot = filter.indexOf( '~' ) >= 0;
filter = filter.replaceAll( "~", "(\\\\.|" + '\u2024' + ")" );
boolean exactMatch = filter.endsWith( " " );
filter = filter.trim();
// Match the expression string followed by any number of chars
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( '^' + filter + (exactMatch ? "" : (filter.startsWith( ".*" ) ? "" : ".*")), iFlags );
for( CharSequence cs : collection )
String strType = cs.toString();
String strName = bHasDot ? strType : getRelativeTypeName( strType );
boolean shouldAdd = exactMatch ? pattern.matcher( strName ).matches() : pattern.matcher( strName ).find();
if( shouldAdd )
filteredTypes.add( strType );
catch( PatternSyntaxException e )
// Skip
return filteredTypes;
private static String camelCasePrefix( String strPrefix )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( int i = strPrefix.length() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
char c = strPrefix.charAt( i );
sb.insert( 0, c );
if( i != 0 && Character.isUpperCase( c ) )
// Each uppercase char in the prefix match all but uppercase chars preceding it e.g.,
// "AcT" matches any string starting with "Ac" followed by any number of non-uppercase chars followed by "T".
// It's the same as the regex "Ac[^A-Z]*T"
sb.insert( 0, "[^A-Z]#" );
return sb.toString();
private static String getRelativeTypeName( String strType )
int iIndex = strType.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( iIndex > 0 )
return strType.substring( iIndex + 1 );
return strType;
public static void htmlEncode( StringBuilder sb )
for( int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++ )
char ch = sb.charAt( i );
switch( ch )
case '<':
sb.replace( i, i + 1, "<" );
i += 3;
case '>':
sb.replace( i, i + 1, ">" );
i += 3;
case '&':
sb.replace( i, i + 1, "&" );
i += 4;
case '"':
sb.replace( i, i + 1, """ );
i += 5;
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