editor.util.EditorUtilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor.util;
import editor.BasicGosuEditor;
import editor.GosuPanel;
import editor.RunMe;
import gw.config.CommonServices;
import gw.fs.IDirectory;
import gw.fs.IFile;
import gw.fs.IResource;
import gw.lang.reflect.IFunctionType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IParameterInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.TypeSystem;
import gw.lang.reflect.gs.ClassType;
import gw.lang.reflect.gs.IGosuClass;
import gw.lang.reflect.gs.IGosuEnhancement;
import gw.lang.reflect.gs.IGosuProgram;
import gw.lang.reflect.gs.ITemplateType;
import gw.lang.reflect.java.IJavaType;
import gw.util.GosuStringUtil;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource;
import java.awt.image.ImageProducer;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
public class EditorUtilities
static final HashMap ICON_TABLE = new HashMap();
/* colors */
public static final Color ACTIVE_CAPTION = new Color( 210, 235, 251 );
public static final Color ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT = Color.black;
public static final Color CONTROL = new Color( 240, 240, 240 ); //UIManager.getColor( "control" );
public static final Color CONTROL_DARKSHADOW = new Color( 105, 105, 105 ); // UIManager.getColor( "controlDkShadow" );
public static final Color CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT = new Color( 227, 227, 227 ); //UIManager.getColor( "controlHighlight" );
public static final Color CONTROL_LIGHT = Color.white; //UIManager.getColor( "controlLtHighlight" );
public static final Color CONTROL_SHADOW = new Color( 160, 160, 160 ); //EditorUtilities.CONTROL_SHADOW;
public static final Color CONTROL_TEXT = Color.black; //UIManager.getColor( "controlText" );
public static final Color TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND = new Color( 255, 255, 225 ); // UIManager.getColor( "info" );
public static final Color TOOLTIP_TEXT = Color.black; // UIManager.getColor( "infoText" );
public static final Color WINDOW = new Color( 252, 252, 252 );
public static final Color WINDOW_TEXT = Color.black;
public static final Color WINDOW_BORDER = new Color( 100, 100, 100 );
public static final Color TEXT_HIGHLIGHT = new Color( 51, 153, 255 );
public static final Color TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT = Color.white;
public static final Color TEXT_TEXT = Color.black;
public static final Color XP_BORDER_COLOR = new Color( 49, 106, 197 );
public static final Color XP_HIGHLIGHT_TOGGLE_COLOR = new Color( 225, 230, 232 );
public static final Color XP_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = ACTIVE_CAPTION;//new Color( 190, 205, 224 );
public static final Color XP_HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED_COLOR = new Color( 152, 179, 219 );
private static final String BACKGROUND_QUEUE_NAME = "backgroundTasks";
static public void doBackgroundOp( final Runnable run )
editor.util.TaskQueue backgroundQueue = getBackgroundQueue();
if( backgroundQueue != null )
new Runnable()
public void run()
} );
private static editor.util.TaskQueue getBackgroundQueue()
return editor.util.TaskQueue.getInstance( BACKGROUND_QUEUE_NAME );
* Pumps through all current events in the background operation queue. Note that this is *NOT* a settle.
* Any operations added after this method is invoked will not be executed.
public static void settleBackgroundOps()
editor.util.TaskQueue backgroundQueue = getBackgroundQueue();
if( backgroundQueue != null )
final Object wait = new Object();
synchronized( wait )
doBackgroundOp( new Runnable()
public void run()
synchronized( wait )
} );
catch( InterruptedException e )
public static void removePopupBorder( final Container c )
new Runnable()
public void run()
Container p = c;
while( p != null )
if( p instanceof JComponent )
((JComponent)p).setBorder( null );
p = p.getParent();
} );
public static void centerWindowInFrame( Component window, Window frame )
// Note FileDialog instances in jdk 1.4.1 have no size until FileDialog.show()
// which blocks i.e., we can't center FileDialogs.
Dimension dimCenter;
Point ptOffset;
if( frame != null )
if( (!(frame instanceof Frame) || ((Frame)frame).getState() != Frame.ICONIFIED) && frame.isShowing() )
// Center in frame
dimCenter = frame.getSize();
ptOffset = frame.getLocation();
// Retry either containing window or screen
centerWindowInFrame( window, null );
Window owner = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( window );
if( owner != null && owner.isShowing() && (owner.getMinimumSize().height < owner.getHeight()) )
// Retry with owner window as frame
if( (!(owner instanceof Frame) || ((Frame)owner).getState() != Frame.ICONIFIED) && owner.isShowing() )
// Center in frame
dimCenter = owner.getSize();
ptOffset = owner.getLocation();
window.setLocation( ptOffset.x + (dimCenter.width - window.getWidth()) / 2, ptOffset.y + (dimCenter.height - window.getHeight()) / 2 );
// Center in screen
Rectangle screenRect = getPrimaryMonitorScreenRect();
dimCenter = new Dimension( (int)screenRect.getWidth(), (int)screenRect.getHeight() );
ptOffset = new Point( (int)screenRect.getX(), (int)screenRect.getY() );
window.setLocation( ptOffset.x + (dimCenter.width - window.getWidth()) / 2, ptOffset.y + (dimCenter.height - window.getHeight()) / 2 );
public static Rectangle getPrimaryMonitorScreenRect()
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gds = ge.getScreenDevices();
return gds[0].getConfigurations()[0].getBounds();
public static ImageIcon loadIcon( String strRes )
if( strRes == null || strRes.length() == 0 )
return null;
ImageIcon icon = ICON_TABLE.get( strRes );
if( icon == null && !strRes.contains( " | " ) )
URL resource = editor.util.EditorUtilities.class.getClassLoader().getResource( strRes );
if( resource != null )
icon = new ImageIcon( resource );
catch( Exception e )
// just return null
if( icon != null )
ICON_TABLE.put( strRes, icon );
return icon;
public static Icon findIcon( File fileOrDir )
if( fileOrDir.isDirectory() )
if( RunMe.getEditorFrame().getGosuPanel().getExperimentView().getExperiment().getSourcePath().contains( fileOrDir.getAbsolutePath() ) )
return loadIcon( "images/srcfolder.png" );
return loadIcon( "images/folder.png" );
String classNameForFile = TypeNameUtil.getClassNameForFile( fileOrDir );
if( classNameForFile != null )
IType type = TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( classNameForFile );
if( type != null )
return findIcon( type );
return FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getSystemIcon( fileOrDir );
public static Icon findIcon( IType type )
if( type instanceof IGosuClass )
if( type.isInterface() )
if( ((IGosuClass)type).isStructure() )
return findIcon( ClassType.Structure );
else if( ((IGosuClass)type).isAnnotation() )
return findIcon( ClassType.Annotation );
return findIcon( ClassType.Interface );
else if( type instanceof ITemplateType )
return findIcon( ClassType.Template );
else if( type instanceof IGosuEnhancement )
return findIcon( ClassType.Enhancement );
else if( type instanceof IGosuProgram )
return findIcon( ClassType.Program );
else if( type.isEnum() )
return findIcon( ClassType.Enum );
return findIcon( ClassType.Class );
else if( type instanceof IJavaType )
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/javaclass.png" );
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/empty16x16.gif" );
public static Icon findIcon( ClassType classType )
switch( classType )
case Class:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/class.png" );
case Enum:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/enum.png" );
case Interface:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/interface.png" );
case Structure:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/structure.png" );
case Annotation:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/annotation.png" );
case Enhancement:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/Enhancement.png" );
case Program:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/program.png" );
case Template:
return EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/template.png" );
return null;
public static void handleUncaughtException( Throwable e )
handleUncaughtException( "", e );
public static void handleUncaughtException( String s, Throwable e )
System.out.println( s );
public static void settleEventQueue()
EventQueue eventQueue = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
while( eventQueue.peekEvent() != null )
AWTEvent event = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().getNextEvent();
Object src = event.getSource();
if( event instanceof ActiveEvent )
else if( src instanceof Component )
((Component)src).dispatchEvent( event );
else if( src instanceof MenuComponent )
((MenuComponent)src).dispatchEvent( event );
catch( Throwable e )
handleUncaughtException( "", e );
public static Clipboard getClipboard()
return RunMe.getEditorFrame().getGosuPanel().getClipboard();
public static Frame frameForComponent( Component comp )
for( Component p = comp; p != null; p = p.getParent() )
if( p instanceof Frame )
return (Frame)p;
return null;
public static String buildFunctionIntellisenseString( boolean bFeatureLiteralCompletion, IFunctionType functionType )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String rawName = functionType.getDisplayName();
sb.append( rawName );
sb.append( "(" );
buildArgListFromType( functionType, sb, true, bFeatureLiteralCompletion );
sb.append( ")" );
return sb.toString();
private static void buildArgListFromType( IFunctionType functionType, StringBuilder sb, boolean topLevel, boolean bFeatureLiteralCompletion )
IType[] parameters = functionType.getParameterTypes();
HashSet generatedNames = new HashSet();
for( int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ )
if( i != 0 )
sb.append( "," );
sb.append( " " );
IType paramType = parameters[i];
if( bFeatureLiteralCompletion )
sb.append( paramType.getRelativeName() );
else if( topLevel && paramType instanceof IFunctionType )
IFunctionType blockType = (IFunctionType)paramType;
sb.append( "\\" );
buildArgListFromType( blockType, sb, false, bFeatureLiteralCompletion );
sb.append( "-> " );
//If we have a method info, we can use the actual parameter name
String name;
if( functionType.getMethodInfo() != null )
IParameterInfo info = functionType.getMethodInfo().getParameters()[i];
name = info.getName();
name = createUniqueParamNameFromType( paramType, generatedNames );
sb.append( GosuStringUtil.uncapitalize( name ) );
if( parameters.length > 0 )
sb.append( " " );
private static String createUniqueParamNameFromType( IType paramType, HashSet generatedNames )
String initialName = paramType.getRelativeName();
if( !GosuStringUtil.isAlphanumeric( initialName.substring( 0, 1 ) ) )
initialName = paramType.getDisplayName();
initialName = initialName.substring( 0, 1 );
initialName = initialName.toLowerCase();
String name = initialName;
int j = 2;
while( generatedNames.contains( name ) )
name = initialName + j;
generatedNames.add( name );
return name;
public static JButton createArrowButton()
return new BasicArrowButton( BasicArrowButton.SOUTH,
UIManager.getColor( "ComboBox.buttonBackground" ),
UIManager.getColor( "ComboBox.buttonShadow" ),
UIManager.getColor( "ComboBox.buttonDarkShadow" ),
UIManager.getColor( "ComboBox.buttonHighlight" ) );
public static Window getWindow()
return KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusedWindow();
public static Image createSystemColorImage( Image i )
SystemColorFilter filter = new SystemColorFilter();
ImageProducer prod = new FilteredImageSource( i.getSource(), filter );
return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( prod );
public static void displayInformation( String strMsg )
displayMessageBox( strMsg, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, false );
public static void displayError( Throwable e )
displayMessageBox( e == null ? "Error performing operation." : e.getMessage(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, false );
public static void displayError( String strMsg )
displayMessageBox( strMsg, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, false );
public static void displayWarning( String strMsg )
displayMessageBox( strMsg, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, false );
public static void displayMessageBox( String strMsg, final int iType, boolean bWrapText )
final String strWrappedMsg = bWrapText ? wrapText( strMsg ) : strMsg;
Runnable logMsgBox = new Runnable()
public void run()
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( getWindow(), strWrappedMsg, "", iType );
if( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
EventQueue.invokeAndWait( logMsgBox );
catch( Throwable t )
public static String wrapText( String strText )
return wrapText( strText, 60 );
public static String wrapText( String strText, int iLineLen )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while( strText != null )
if( strText.length() > iLineLen )
sb.append( strText.substring( 0, 60 ) ).append( "\n" );
strText = strText.substring( 60 );
sb.append( strText );
strText = null;
return sb.toString();
public static void convertRectangleToScreen( Rectangle rectangle, Component component )
Point loc = rectangle.getLocation();
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( loc, component );
rectangle.setLocation( loc );
public static java.util.List filterStrings( Collection extends CharSequence> collection, String filter )
if( filter != null )
int iDotIndex = filter.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( iDotIndex >= 0 )
filter = filter.substring( iDotIndex + 1 );
java.util.List filteredTypes = new ArrayList();
if( filter != null && filter.length() > 0 )
int iFlags = 0;
if( filter.indexOf( '*' ) < 0 &&
Character.isUpperCase( filter.charAt( 0 ) ) )
filter = camelCasePrefix( filter );
iFlags = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
// Replace all wildcard '*' chars with the regex ".*" expression
filter = filter.replaceAll( "\\*", "\\.\\*" );
// A '#' char indicates that the proper regex syntax has already been embedded in the string;
// we only need to replace the '#' with '*'
filter = filter.replaceAll( "\\#", "\\*" );
boolean bHasDot = filter.indexOf( '~' ) >= 0;
filter = filter.replaceAll( "~", "(\\\\.|" + '\u2024' + ")" );
// Match the expression string followed by any number of chars
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( filter + (filter.startsWith( ".*" ) ? "" : ".*"), iFlags );
for( CharSequence cs : collection )
String strType = cs.toString();
String strName = bHasDot ? strType : getRelativeTypeName( strType );
if( pattern.matcher( strName ).find() )
filteredTypes.add( strType );
catch( PatternSyntaxException e )
// Skip
return filteredTypes;
private static String camelCasePrefix( String strPrefix )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for( int i = strPrefix.length() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
char c = strPrefix.charAt( i );
sb.insert( 0, c );
if( i != 0 && Character.isUpperCase( c ) )
// Each uppercase char in the prefix match all but uppercase chars preceding it e.g.,
// "AcT" matches any string starting with "Ac" followed by any number of non-uppercase chars followed by "T".
// It's the same as the regex "Ac[^A-Z]*T"
sb.insert( 0, "[^A-Z]#" );
return sb.toString();
private static String getRelativeTypeName( String strType )
int iIndex = strType.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( iIndex > 0 )
return strType.substring( iIndex + 1 );
return strType;
public static void hideToolTip( JComponent c )
Method hideMethod = ToolTipManager.class.getDeclaredMethod( "hide", JComponent.class );
hideMethod.setAccessible( true );
hideMethod.invoke( ToolTipManager.sharedInstance(), c );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static JRootPane rootPaneForComponent( Component comp )
for( Component p = comp; p != null; p = p.getParent() )
if( p instanceof JRootPane )
return (JRootPane)p;
if( comp instanceof JFrame )
return ((JFrame)comp).getRootPane();
if( comp instanceof JDialog )
return ((JDialog)comp).getRootPane();
if( comp instanceof JWindow )
return ((JWindow)comp).getRootPane();
return null;
public static void invokeInDispatchThread( Runnable task )
if( task == null )
if( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
EventQueue.invokeAndWait( task );
catch( Throwable t )
handleUncaughtException( t );
public static Process browse( String strURL ) throws IOException
String strCmd;
if( PlatformUtil.isWindows() )
strCmd = "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + strURL;
//## todo: barf
strCmd = "firefox " + strURL;
return Runtime.getRuntime().exec( strCmd );
* Finds the first widget above the passed in widget of the given class
public static T findAncestor( Component start, Class aClass )
if( start == null )
return null;
return findAtOrAbove( start.getParent(), aClass );
* Finds the first widget at or above the passed in widget of the given class
public static T findAtOrAbove( Component start, Class aClass )
Component comp = start;
while( comp != null )
if( aClass.isInstance( comp ) )
return (T)comp;
comp = comp.getParent();
return null;
public static File getUserFile( GosuPanel gosuPanel )
File file = new File( getUserGosuEditorDir(), "layout.properties" );
if( !file.isFile() )
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put( "experiment", makeScratchExperiment( gosuPanel ).getExperimentDir().getAbsolutePath() );
try( FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( file ) )
props.store( writer, "Gosu Editor" );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return file;
public static Experiment loadRecentExperiment( GosuPanel gosuPanel )
File userFile = getUserFile( gosuPanel );
Properties props = new Properties();
try( FileReader reader = new FileReader( userFile ) )
props.load( reader );
//noinspection unchecked
restoreScreenProps( (Map)props );
return new Experiment( new File( props.getProperty( "experiment" ) ), gosuPanel );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static void saveLayoutState( Experiment experiment ) {
if( !RunMe.getEditorFrame().isVisible() )
File userFile = getUserFile( experiment.getGosuPanel() );
try( FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( userFile ) )
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put( "experiment", experiment.getExperimentDir().getAbsolutePath() );
//noinspection unchecked
saveScreenProps( (Map)props );
props.store( writer, "Gosu Editor" );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private static void saveScreenProps( Map props )
BasicGosuEditor frame = RunMe.getEditorFrame();
boolean maximized = (frame.getExtendedState() & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH;
props.put( "Frame.Maximized", String.valueOf( maximized ) );
Rectangle bounds = frame.getRestoreBounds();
if( bounds != null )
ScreenUtil.convertToPercentageOfScreenWidth( bounds );
props.put( "Frame.Bounds.X", String.valueOf( bounds.x ) );
props.put( "Frame.Bounds.Y", String.valueOf( bounds.y ) );
props.put( "Frame.Bounds.Width", String.valueOf( bounds.width ) );
props.put( "Frame.Bounds.Height", String.valueOf( bounds.height ) );
private static void restoreScreenProps( Map props )
BasicGosuEditor frame = RunMe.getEditorFrame();
boolean bSet = false;
Integer x = readInteger( props, "Frame.Bounds.X" );
if( x != null )
Integer y = readInteger( props, "Frame.Bounds.Y" );
if( y != null )
Integer width = readInteger( props, "Frame.Bounds.Width" );
if( width != null )
Integer height = readInteger( props, "Frame.Bounds.Height" );
if( height != null )
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle( x, y, width, height );
ScreenUtil.convertFromPercentageOfScreenWidth( bounds );
frame.setBounds( bounds );
frame.setRestoreBounds( bounds );
bSet = true;
if( !bSet )
setInitialFrameBounds( RunMe.getEditorFrame() );
if( Boolean.valueOf( props.get( "Frame.Maximized" ) ) == Boolean.TRUE )
frame.setExtendedState( Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH );
private static Integer readInteger( Map props, String prop )
String value = props.get( prop );
if( value == null )
return null;
return Integer.valueOf( value );
private static void setInitialFrameBounds( Frame frame )
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int width = screenSize.width*2/3;
int height = width*2/3;
frame.setSize( width, height );
EditorUtilities.centerWindowInFrame( frame, frame );
public static File getUserGosuEditorDir()
File gosuDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ), ".GosuLab" );
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return gosuDir;
public static File getStockExperimentsDir()
File gosuDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separator + ".GosuLab" + File.separator + "experiments" );
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
copyExampleExperiments( getStockExamplesDir() );
return gosuDir;
private static void copyExampleExperiments( File gosuDir )
URL marker = EditorUtilities.class.getClassLoader().getResource( "examples/marker.txt" );
IDirectory examplesDir = CommonServices.getFileSystem().getIFile( marker ).getParent();
copyExamples( examplesDir, gosuDir );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private static void copyExamples( IResource from, File to )
if( from instanceof IDirectory )
if( !to.getName().equals( "examples" ) && to.exists() )
// already have this experiment
if( !to.exists() && !to.mkdirs() )
System.out.println( "Failed to create experiment directory: " + to.getAbsolutePath() );
for( IDirectory child : ((IDirectory)from).listDirs() )
copyExamples( child, new File( to, child.getName() ) );
for( IFile child : ((IDirectory)from).listFiles() )
copyExamples( child, new File( to, child.getName() ) );
InputStream in = ((IFile)from).openInputStream();
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( to );
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while( (len = in.read( buf )) > 0 )
out.write( buf, 0, len );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static File getStockExamplesDir()
File gosuDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + File.separator + ".GosuLab" + File.separator + "examples" );
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
return gosuDir;
public static List getStockExampleExperiments()
List experiments = new ArrayList<>();
File experimentsDir = getStockExamplesDir();
for( File dir : experimentsDir.listFiles() )
if( dir.isDirectory() )
File experimentFile = findExperimentFile( dir );
if( experimentFile != null )
experiments.add( dir );
return experiments;
public static File findExperimentFile(File dir) {
for( File f : dir.listFiles() )
if(f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( dir.getName() + ".prj" ))
return f;
return null;
private static Experiment makeScratchExperiment( GosuPanel gosuPanel )
File experimentDir = new File( getStockExperimentsDir(), "Scratch" );
return new Experiment( experimentDir, gosuPanel );
public static void openFileOrDir( File file )
File parent;
if( file.isDirectory() )
parent = file;
file = null;
if( !file.exists() )
file = file.getAbsoluteFile();
parent = file.getParentFile();
if( parent == null )
doOpen( parent, file );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private static void doOpen( File dir, File toSelect ) throws IOException
if( PlatformUtil.isWindows() )
String cmd;
if( toSelect != null )
cmd = "explorer /select," + toSelect.getAbsolutePath();
cmd = "explorer /root," + dir.getAbsolutePath();
// no quoting/escaping is needed
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );
if( PlatformUtil.isMac() )
if( toSelect != null )
final String script = String.format(
"tell application \"Finder\"\n" +
"\treveal {\"%s\"} as POSIX file\n" +
"\tactivate\n" +
"end tell", toSelect.getAbsolutePath() );
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String[]{"/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", script} );
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String[]{"open", dir.getAbsolutePath()} );
String path = dir.getAbsolutePath();
if( PlatformUtil.hasXdgOpen() )
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( new String[]{"/usr/bin/xdg-open", path} );
else if( Desktop.isDesktopSupported() && Desktop.getDesktop().isSupported( Desktop.Action.OPEN ) )
Desktop.getDesktop().open( new File( path ) );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( RunMe.getEditorFrame(),
"This action isn't supported on the current platform",
"Cannot Open File",
public static void delete( File fileOrDir )
if( fileOrDir.isDirectory() )
for( File f : fileOrDir.listFiles() )
if( f.isDirectory() )
delete( f );
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
public static ImageIcon loadLabIcon()
return loadIcon( "images/project4.png" );
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