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editor.debugger.DebugPanel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor.debugger;
import com.sun.jdi.IncompatibleThreadStateException;
import com.sun.jdi.InvalidStackFrameException;
import com.sun.jdi.Location;
import com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType;
import com.sun.jdi.StackFrame;
import com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference;
import com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException;
import editor.AbstractListCellRenderer;
import editor.CommonMenus;
import editor.FileTreeUtil;
import editor.GosuEditor;
import editor.GosuPanel;
import editor.LabFrame;
import editor.Scheme;
import editor.ToggleToolBarButton;
import editor.splitpane.CollapsibleSplitPane;
import editor.tabpane.TabPane;
import editor.tabpane.TabPosition;
import editor.tabpane.ToolContainer;
import editor.util.EditorUtilities;
import editor.util.HTMLEscapeUtil;
import editor.util.IDisposable;
import editor.util.LabToolbarButton;
import editor.util.ToolBar;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class DebugPanel extends JPanel implements IDisposable
private JComboBox _cbThreads;
private JList _listFrames;
private JTree _varTree;
private List> _listeners;
private Debugger _debugger;
public DebugPanel( Debugger debugger )
_debugger = debugger;
debugger.addChangeListener( e -> EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> debuggerChanged( debugger ) ) );
setBorder( null );
setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
_listeners = new ArrayList<>();
CollapsibleSplitPane splitPane = new CollapsibleSplitPane( SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, makeThreadsPanel(), makeVariablesAndWatchesPanel() );
add( splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
add( makeRunToolbar(), BorderLayout.WEST );
splitPane.setPosition( 30 );
public void dispose()
private JComponent makeThreadsPanel()
JPanel panel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
_cbThreads = new JComboBox<>();
_cbThreads.setBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder( 1, 1, 1, 1, ) );
_cbThreads.setRenderer( new ThreadCellRenderer( _cbThreads.getRenderer() ) );
_cbThreads.addActionListener( action -> threadChanged() );
_cbThreads.setFocusable( false );
panel.add( _cbThreads, BorderLayout.NORTH );
DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel<>();
_listFrames = new JList<>( model );
_listFrames.setBackground( );
_listFrames.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode( ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION );
_listFrames.setFixedCellHeight( 22 );
_listFrames.setCellRenderer( new StackFrameCellRenderer() );
_listFrames.addListSelectionListener( e -> updateVars() );
JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane( _listFrames );
scroller.setBorder( null );
panel.add( scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER );
TabPane tabPane = new TabPane( TabPosition.TOP, TabPane.MINIMIZABLE | TabPane.RESTORABLE );
tabPane.addTab( "Threads", EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/thread.png" ), panel );
return tabPane;
private JComponent makeRunToolbar()
JPanel toolbarPanel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
toolbarPanel.setBackground( );
toolbarPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 1, 2, 1, 2 ) );
ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar( JToolBar.VERTICAL );
LabToolbarButton item;
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.ClearAndRunActionHandler( () -> getGosuPanel().getRunConfig() ) );
item.setToolTipSupplier( () -> {
IRunConfig rc = getGosuPanel().getRunConfig();
return rc == null ? "Run..." : "Run '" + rc.getName() + "'";
} );
toolbar.add( item );
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.ClearAndDebugActionHandler( () -> getGosuPanel().getRunConfig() ) );
item.setToolTipSupplier( () -> {
IRunConfig rc = getGosuPanel().getRunConfig();
return rc == null ? "Debug..." : "Debug '" + rc.getName() + "'";
} );
toolbar.add( item );
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.StopActionHandler( this::getGosuPanel ) );
toolbar.add( item );
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.PauseActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
toolbar.add( item );
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.ResumeActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
toolbar.add( item );
item = new LabToolbarButton( new CommonMenus.ViewBreakpointsActionHandler( () -> null ) );
toolbar.add( item );
ToggleToolBarButton titem = new ToggleToolBarButton( new CommonMenus.MuteBreakpointsActionHandler( this::getBreakpointManager ) );
toolbar.add( titem );
toolbarPanel.add( toolbar, BorderLayout.CENTER );
return toolbarPanel;
public Debugger getDebugger()
return _debugger;
public void addLocationListener( Consumer listener )
_listeners.add( listener );
public void removeLocationListener( Consumer listener )
_listeners.remove( listener );
private void fireLocationChange( Location loc )
for( Consumer listener: _listeners )
listener.accept( loc );
private void debuggerChanged( Debugger debugger )
if( debugger.isSuspended() || debugger.isPaused() )
suspended( debugger.getThreads(), debugger.getSuspendedThread() );
private void suspended( List threads, ThreadReference thread )
updateThreads( threads, thread );
private void updateThreads( List threads, ThreadReference thread )
_cbThreads.setModel( makeThreadModel( threads ) );
if( thread != null )
_cbThreads.setSelectedItem( thread );
else if( threads != null && threads.size() > 0 )
_cbThreads.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
_cbThreads.setSelectedItem( null );
private void resumed()
updateThreads( new ArrayList<>(), null );
private void updateVars()
StackFrameRef frame = _listFrames.getSelectedValue();
DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel( new VarTree( frame ) );
_varTree.setModel( model );
if( frame == null )
fireLocationChange( frame.getRef().location() );
private void threadChanged()
ThreadReference thread = (ThreadReference)_cbThreads.getSelectedItem();
if( thread != null )
_listFrames.setModel( makeThreadsModel( thread.frames() ) );
_listFrames.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
_listFrames.setModel( makeThreadsModel( Collections.emptyList() ) );
catch( Exception e )
// eat
private ListModel makeThreadsModel( List frames )
DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel<>();
final int[] i = {0};
frames.forEach( e -> model.addElement( new StackFrameRef( i[0]++ ) ) );
return model;
private ComboBoxModel makeThreadModel( List threads )
return new DefaultComboBoxModel<>( threads.toArray( new ThreadReference[threads.size()] ) );
private JComponent makeVariablesAndWatchesPanel()
TabPane framePane = makeFramePane();
TabPane watchesPane = makeWatchesPane();
CollapsibleSplitPane varPanel = new CollapsibleSplitPane( SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, framePane, watchesPane );
varPanel.setPosition( 50 );
varPanel.toggleCollapse( watchesPane );
return varPanel;
private TabPane makeWatchesPane()
TabPane watchesTabPane = new TabPane( TabPosition.TOP, TabPane.MIN_MAX_REST );
watchesTabPane.addTab( "Watches", null, new JPanel() );
return watchesTabPane;
private TabPane makeFramePane()
_varTree = new JTree( new DefaultTreeModel( new VarTree( null ) ) );
_varTree.setBorder( null );
_varTree.setBackground( );
_varTree.setRootVisible( false );
_varTree.setShowsRootHandles( true );
_varTree.setRowHeight( 22 );
_varTree.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode( TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION );
_varTree.setVisibleRowCount( 20 );
_varTree.setCellRenderer( new VarTreeCellRenderer( _varTree ) );
JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane( _varTree );
scroller.setBorder( null );
TabPane varTabPane = new TabPane( TabPosition.TOP, TabPane.MIN_MAX_REST );
varTabPane.addTab( "Frame", EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/single_frame.png" ), scroller );
ToolContainer toolbar = varTabPane.getToolContainer();
addTools( toolbar.getToolBar() );
return varTabPane;
private void addTools( ToolBar tb )
int i = 0;
LabToolbarButton item;
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.EvaluateExpressionActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.ShowExecPointActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
tb.add( makeSeparator(), i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.StepOverActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.StepIntoActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.StepOutActionHandler( this::getDebugger ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
tb.add( makeSeparator(), i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.DropFrameActionHandler( this::getDebugger, this::getDropToFrame ) );
tb.add( item, i++ );
tb.add( makeSeparator(), i++ );
item = makeButton( new CommonMenus.RunToCursorActionHandler( this::getDebugger, this::getBreakpointManager, this::getCurrentGosuEditor ) );
tb.add( item, i );
private LabToolbarButton makeButton( Action action )
LabToolbarButton item = new LabToolbarButton( null, null, 2, 0 );
item.setAction( action );
return item;
private JSeparator makeSeparator()
JSeparator separator = new JSeparator( SwingConstants.VERTICAL );
separator.setMaximumSize( new Dimension( 4, 20 ) );
return separator;
private GosuEditor getCurrentGosuEditor()
return getGosuPanel().getCurrentGosuEditor();
private GosuPanel getGosuPanel()
return LabFrame.instance().getGosuPanel();
private BreakpointManager getBreakpointManager()
return getGosuPanel().getBreakpointManager();
public StackFrame getDropToFrame()
StackFrameRef ref = _listFrames.getSelectedValue();
StackFrame frame = ref.getRef();
if( isFilteredClass( frame.location().declaringType() ) )
// don't support dropping too far outside of filtered classes, otherwise
// we get InternalExceptions from jdwp
frame = null;
return frame;
public ThreadReference getSelectedThread()
return (ThreadReference)_cbThreads.getSelectedItem();
private class StackFrameCellRenderer extends AbstractListCellRenderer
private StackFrameCellRenderer()
super( _listFrames );
public void configure()
setBorder( new EmptyBorder( 0, 2, 0, 0 ) );
StackFrame frame = getNode().getRef();
if( frame != null )
Location loc;
loc = frame.location();
catch( InvalidStackFrameException e )
String fqn = loc.declaringType().name();
String className = fqn;
String pkg = "";
int iDot = fqn.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if( iDot > 0 )
pkg = fqn.substring( 0, iDot );
className = fqn.substring( iDot+1 );
Color textColor = _listFrames.getForeground();
String hex;
if( !isFilteredClass( frame.location().declaringType() ) )
hex = String.format( "#%02x%02x%02x", textColor.getRed(), textColor.getGreen(), textColor.getBlue() );
// gray out if we don't have the corresponding source
hex = "#7F8C8D";
String text = "" + HTMLEscapeUtil.escape( loc.method().name() ) + "():" + loc.lineNumber() + ", " + className + "(" + pkg + ") ";
setText( text );
setIcon( EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/single_frame.png" ) );
private boolean isFilteredClass( ReferenceType referenceType )
String fqn = Debugger.getOutermostType( referenceType );
return FileTreeUtil.find( fqn ) == null;
private class ThreadCellRenderer implements ListCellRenderer
private ListCellRenderer _delegate;
private ThreadCellRenderer( ListCellRenderer delegate )
//noinspection unchecked
_delegate = delegate;
public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList extends ThreadReference> list, ThreadReference thread, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus )
JLabel cell = (JLabel)_delegate.getListCellRendererComponent( list, null, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus );
if( thread != null && thread.isSuspended() )
String text = "" + + " @" + thread.uniqueID() + " group: " + thread.threadGroup().name() + " - " + Thread.State.values()[thread.status()].name() + " ";
cell.setText( text );
cell.setIcon( EditorUtilities.loadIcon( "images/thread.png" ) );
catch( VMDisconnectedException e )
// eat
return cell;
//!! using a reference object instead of direct StackFrame because the debugger can indirectly invalidate a StackFrame when it invokes a method remotely on a suspended.
//!! This happens because all threads are resumed when code executes in the remote VM i.e., a thread resumed after a StackFrame is stored renders the StackFrame unusable,
//!! so we have to get the latest one.
public class StackFrameRef
private final int _index;
StackFrameRef( int index )
_index = index;
StackFrame getRef()
if( !((ThreadReference)_cbThreads.getSelectedItem()).isSuspended() )
return null;
catch( VMDisconnectedException vde )
return null;
return ((ThreadReference)_cbThreads.getSelectedItem()).frame( _index );
catch( IncompatibleThreadStateException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );