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editor.debugger.DebuggerExpression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor.debugger;
import com.sun.jdi.AbsentInformationException;
import com.sun.jdi.ArrayReference;
import com.sun.jdi.ArrayType;
import com.sun.jdi.BooleanValue;
import com.sun.jdi.ByteValue;
import com.sun.jdi.CharValue;
import com.sun.jdi.ClassType;
import com.sun.jdi.DoubleValue;
import com.sun.jdi.FloatValue;
import com.sun.jdi.IntegerValue;
import com.sun.jdi.InvocationException;
import com.sun.jdi.LocalVariable;
import com.sun.jdi.Location;
import com.sun.jdi.LongValue;
import com.sun.jdi.Method;
import com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference;
import com.sun.jdi.PrimitiveValue;
import com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType;
import com.sun.jdi.ShortValue;
import com.sun.jdi.StackFrame;
import com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference;
import com.sun.jdi.Value;
import com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine;
import editor.RunMe;
import editor.util.EditorUtilities;
import gw.lang.GosuShop;
import gw.util.GosuExceptionUtil;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
public class DebuggerExpression
private String _strText;
private String _strClassContext;
private String _strContextElementClass;
private int _iContextLocation;
private WeakHashMap _runtimeStateMap;
public DebuggerExpression( String expr,
String strClassContext, String strContextElementClass,
int iContextLocation )
_strText = expr;
_strClassContext = strClassContext;
_strContextElementClass = strContextElementClass;
_iContextLocation = iContextLocation;
_runtimeStateMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
// EvaluationContextImpl should be at the same stackFrame as it was in the call to
public Value evaluate( Debugger debugger ) throws InvocationException
RuntimeState runtimeState = getRuntimeState( debugger );
Location suspendedLoc = debugger.getSuspendedLocation();
VirtualMachine vm = suspendedLoc.virtualMachine();
ClassType classType = runtimeState.getCodeRunnerClass( vm );
Value thisObject = findThisObjectFromCtx( debugger.getSuspendedThread() );
Value value = classType.invokeMethod(
debugger.getSuspendedThread(), runtimeState.getRunMeSomeCodeMethod(),
makeExternalsSymbolsForLocals( runtimeState, vm, debugger ),
vm.mirrorOf( _strText ),
vm.mirrorOf( _strClassContext ),
vm.mirrorOf( _strContextElementClass ),
vm.mirrorOf( _iContextLocation ) ), 0 );
// Primitive boolean value needed for conditional breakpoint expression
return unboxIfBoxed( runtimeState, debugger.getSuspendedThread(), value );
catch( Exception e )
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( e );
private RuntimeState getRuntimeState( Debugger debugger )
RuntimeState runtimeState = _runtimeStateMap.get( debugger );
if( runtimeState == null )
runtimeState = new RuntimeState();
_runtimeStateMap.put( debugger, runtimeState );
return runtimeState;
private Value findThisObjectFromCtx( ThreadReference suspendedThread )
List localVariables;
StackFrame frame;
frame = suspendedThread.frame( 0 );
catch( Exception e )
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( e );
localVariables = frame.visibleVariables();
catch( AbsentInformationException e )
return frame.thisObject();
for( LocalVariable localVar : localVariables )
if( "$that$" ) )
// Use the enhanced object for the 'this' ref in enhancements
return frame.getValue( localVar );
return frame.thisObject();
private ArrayReference makeExternalsSymbolsForLocals( RuntimeState runtimeState, VirtualMachine vm, Debugger debugger )
Location suspendedLoc = debugger.getSuspendedLocation();
ThreadReference suspendedThread = debugger.getSuspendedThread();
List values = new ArrayList<>();
StackFrame frame = suspendedThread.frame( 0 );
List localVariables = frame.visibleVariables();
Map localValues = frame.getValues( localVariables );
for( LocalVariable localVar : localValues.keySet() )
values.add( suspendedLoc.virtualMachine().mirrorOf( ) );
Value value = localValues.get( localVar );
values.add( boxIfPrimitive( runtimeState, suspendedThread, value ) );
catch( Exception e )
ArrayType objectArrayClass = runtimeState.getArrayType( vm, "java.lang.Object[]" );
if( objectArrayClass == null )
throw new IllegalStateException();
ArrayReference argArray = objectArrayClass.newInstance( values.size() );
debugger.retain( argArray ); // prevents ObjectCollectedException
argArray.setValues( values );
catch( Exception e )
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( e );
return argArray;
public Value boxIfPrimitive( RuntimeState runtimeState, ThreadReference suspendedThread, Value value )
if( value == null || value instanceof ObjectReference )
return value;
if( value instanceof BooleanValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (BooleanValue)value, "java.lang.Boolean" );
if( value instanceof ByteValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (ByteValue)value, "java.lang.Byte" );
if( value instanceof CharValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (CharValue)value, "java.lang.Character" );
if( value instanceof ShortValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (ShortValue)value, "java.lang.Short" );
if( value instanceof IntegerValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (IntegerValue)value, "java.lang.Integer" );
if( value instanceof LongValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (LongValue)value, "java.lang.Long" );
if( value instanceof FloatValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (FloatValue)value, "java.lang.Float" );
if( value instanceof DoubleValue )
return convertToWrapper( runtimeState, suspendedThread, (DoubleValue)value, "java.lang.Double" );
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot perform boxing conversion for a value of type " + value.type().name() );
public Value unboxIfBoxed( RuntimeState runtimeState, ThreadReference suspendedThread, Value value )
if( value == null || !(value instanceof ObjectReference) )
return value;
ObjectReference valueRef = (ObjectReference)value;
ReferenceType type = valueRef.referenceType();
//System.out.println( "TYPE IS: " + );
if( Boolean.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Boolean.class.getName(), "booleanValue" );
if( Byte.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Byte.class.getName(), "byteValue" );
if( Character.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Character.class.getName(), "charValue" );
if( Short.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Short.class.getName(), "shortValue" );
if( Integer.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Integer.class.getName(), "intValue" );
if( Long.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Long.class.getName(), "longValue" );
if( Float.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Float.class.getName(), "floatValue" );
if( Double.class.getName() ) )
return unbox( runtimeState, suspendedThread, valueRef, Double.class.getName(), "doubleValue" );
return value;
private Value convertToWrapper( RuntimeState runtimeState, ThreadReference suspendedThread, PrimitiveValue value, String wrapperTypeName )
ClassType wrapperClass = runtimeState.getClassType( suspendedThread.virtualMachine(), wrapperTypeName );
String methodSignature = "(" + GosuShop.toSignature( value.type().name() ) + ")L" + wrapperTypeName.replace( '.', '/' ) + ";";
List methods = wrapperClass.methodsByName( "valueOf", methodSignature );
if( methods.size() == 0 )
{ // older JDK version
methods = wrapperClass.methodsByName( "", methodSignature );
if( methods.size() == 0 )
throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot construct wrapper object for value of type " + value.type() + ": Unable to find either valueOf() or constructor method" );
Method factoryMethod = methods.get( 0 );
ArrayList args = new ArrayList<>();
args.add( value );
return wrapperClass.invokeMethod( suspendedThread, factoryMethod, args, 0 );
catch( Exception e )
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( e );
private Value unbox( RuntimeState runtimeState, ThreadReference suspendedThread, ObjectReference value, String wrapperTypeName, String strMethod )
ClassType wrapperClass = runtimeState.getClassType( suspendedThread.virtualMachine(), wrapperTypeName );
List methods = wrapperClass.methodsByName( strMethod );
if( methods.size() == 0 )
throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find method " + strMethod + "()" );
Method factoryMethod = methods.get( 0 );
return value.invokeMethod( suspendedThread, factoryMethod, Collections.emptyList(), 0 );
catch( Exception e )
throw GosuExceptionUtil.forceThrow( e );
private static class RuntimeState
private ClassType _codeRunnerClass;
private Method _runMeSomeCodeMethod;
private Map _classTypes = new HashMap<>();
public ClassType getCodeRunnerClass( VirtualMachine vm )
if( _codeRunnerClass == null )
List types = vm.classesByName( "gw.internal.gosu.parser.ContextSensitiveCodeRunner" );
_codeRunnerClass = (ClassType)types.get( 0 );
return _codeRunnerClass;
public Method getRunMeSomeCodeMethod()
if( _runMeSomeCodeMethod == null )
_runMeSomeCodeMethod = _codeRunnerClass.methodsByName( "runMeSomeCode" ).get( 0 );
return _runMeSomeCodeMethod;
public ClassType getClassType( VirtualMachine vm, String name )
return (ClassType)getType( vm, name );
public ArrayType getArrayType( VirtualMachine vm, String name )
return (ArrayType)getType( vm, name );
private ReferenceType getType( VirtualMachine vm, String name )
ReferenceType classType = _classTypes.get( name );
if( classType == null )
classType = vm.classesByName( name ).get( 0 );
_classTypes.put( name, classType );
return classType;