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import editor.ExternalFileTree;
import editor.FileTree;
import editor.FileTreeUtil;
import editor.GosuPanel;
import editor.LabFrame;
import editor.NodeKind;
import editor.util.EditorUtilities;
import editor.util.ModalEventQueue;
import editor.util.ProgressFeedback;
import gw.lang.parser.IDynamicPropertySymbol;
import gw.lang.parser.IDynamicSymbol;
import gw.lang.parser.IExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.IFunctionSymbol;
import gw.lang.parser.IParseTree;
import gw.lang.parser.IParsedElement;
import gw.lang.parser.ISourceCodeTokenizer;
import gw.lang.parser.ISymbol;
import gw.lang.parser.IToken;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IBeanMethodCallExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IIdentifierExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IMemberAccessExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IMethodCallExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.INewExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IPropertyAccessIdentifier;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IPropertyAsMethodCallIdentifier;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.ITypeLiteralExpression;
import gw.lang.parser.expressions.IVarStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IClassFileStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IClassStatement;
import gw.lang.parser.statements.IMemberAssignmentStatement;
import gw.lang.reflect.IConstructorInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IErrorType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IFeatureInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IFunctionType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IMethodInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.INamespaceType;
import gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IPropertyInfoDelegate;
import gw.lang.reflect.IRelativeTypeInfo;
import gw.lang.reflect.IType;
import gw.lang.reflect.ITypeInfo;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class UsageSearcher extends AbstractSearcher
private final UsageTarget _target;
private final boolean _searchText;
private boolean _includeMemberUsage;
private SearchTree _results;
public UsageSearcher( UsageTarget target, boolean searchText, boolean includeMemberUsage )
_target = target;
_searchText = searchText;
_includeMemberUsage = includeMemberUsage;
boolean includeMemberUsage()
return _includeMemberUsage;
public boolean search( FileTree tree, SearchTree results )
if( isExcluded( tree ) )
return false;
IType type = tree.getType();
if( _searchText && !(type instanceof IGosuClass) )
return maybeSearchForText( tree, results );
List locations = findUsage( (IGosuClass)type );
if( locations.isEmpty() )
return false;
SearchTree searchTree = getOrMakePath( tree, results );
for( SearchLocation loc : locations )
SearchTree.SearchTreeNode node = new SearchTree.SearchTreeNode( tree, loc );
SearchTree res = new SearchTree( NodeKind.Info, node );
if( searchTree.getTree() != null )
EditorUtilities.invokeInDispatchThread( () -> {
searchTree.addViaModel( res );
((DefaultTreeModel)searchTree.getTree().getModel()).nodeChanged( _results );
} );
// no tree when searching locally (highlighting usages in editor)
results.insert( res, res.getChildCount() );
return true;
List findUsage( IGosuClass gsClass )
IClassStatement classStmt = gsClass.getClassStatement();
if( classStmt != null )
IParsedElement pe;
IClassFileStatement classFileStmt = classStmt.getClassFileStatement();
if( classFileStmt != null )
pe = classFileStmt;
pe = classStmt;
return findUsage( pe );
return Collections.emptyList();
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe )
//noinspection unchecked
final List[] locations = new List[]{Collections.emptyList()};
IFeatureInfo rootFi = _target.getRootFeatureInfo();
if( rootFi instanceof ITypeInfo )
IType type = rootFi.getOwnersType();
pe.visit( elem -> locations[0] = findUsage( elem, type, locations[0] ) );
else if( rootFi instanceof IPropertyInfo )
pe.visit( elem -> locations[0] = findUsage( elem, (IPropertyInfo)rootFi, locations[0] ) );
else if( rootFi instanceof IMethodInfo )
pe.visit( elem -> locations[0] = findUsage( elem, (IMethodInfo)rootFi, locations[0] ) );
else if( rootFi instanceof IConstructorInfo )
pe.visit( elem -> locations[0] = findUsage( elem, (IConstructorInfo)rootFi, locations[0] ) );
else if( rootFi instanceof LocalVarFeatureInfo )
pe.visit( elem -> locations[0] = findUsage( elem, (LocalVarFeatureInfo)rootFi, locations[0] ) );
throw new IllegalStateException();
return locations[0];
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe, IConstructorInfo findCi, List locations )
if( pe instanceof INewExpression )
IConstructorInfo ci = ((INewExpression)pe).getConstructor();
if( ci == findCi )
return addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
if( ci == null )
return locations;
IType declaringType = ci.getOwnersType();
if( declaringType == findCi.getOwnersType() )
ITypeInfo typeInfo = declaringType.getTypeInfo();
if( typeInfo instanceof IRelativeTypeInfo )
IConstructorInfo latestCi = ((IRelativeTypeInfo)typeInfo).getConstructor( declaringType, FeatureUtil.getParamTypes( ci.getParameters() ) );
if( latestCi != null && FeatureUtil.constructorInfosEqual(
FeatureUtil.findRootConstructorInfo( latestCi ), findCi ) )
return addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
return locations;
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe, IMethodInfo findMi, List locations )
if( pe instanceof IMethodCallExpression )
IFunctionSymbol funcSym = ((IMethodCallExpression)pe).getFunctionSymbol();
if( funcSym == null || !findMi.getDisplayName().equals( funcSym.getDisplayName() ) )
return locations;
IFunctionType functionType = ((IMethodCallExpression)pe).getFunctionType();
if( functionType != null )
IFeatureInfo mi = functionType.getMethodOrConstructorInfo();
if( mi != null && FeatureUtil.methodInfosEqual( FeatureUtil.findRootMethodInfo( (IMethodInfo)mi ), findMi ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findMi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
else if( pe instanceof IBeanMethodCallExpression )
if( !findMi.getDisplayName().equals( ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)pe).getMemberName() ) )
return locations;
IFunctionType functionType = ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)pe).getFunctionType();
if( functionType != null )
IFeatureInfo mi = functionType.getMethodOrConstructorInfo();
if( mi instanceof IMethodInfo && FeatureUtil.methodInfosEqual( FeatureUtil.findRootMethodInfo( (IMethodInfo)mi ), findMi ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)pe).getMemberName(), pe ), locations );
else if( findMi.getName().startsWith( "@" ) )
String propertyName = findMi.getDisplayName().substring( 1 );
if( pe instanceof IMemberAccessExpression )
if( ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getType() instanceof INamespaceType )
return locations;
if( !propertyName.equals( ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getMemberName() ) )
return locations;
boolean bSetter = findMi.getParameters().length > 0;
IGosuClass gsClass = (IGosuClass)findMi.getOwnersType();
IPropertyInfo findPi = gsClass.getTypeInfo().getProperty( gsClass, propertyName );
IPropertyInfo pi;
pi = ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getPropertyInfo();
if( pi != null && propertyInfosEqual( pi, findPi ) )
IParsedElement parent = pe.getParent();
if( bSetter )
if( parent instanceof IMemberAssignmentStatement && (((IMemberAssignmentStatement)parent).getMemberAccess() == pe || ((IMemberAssignmentStatement)parent).getRootExpression() == pe) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
if( !(parent instanceof IMemberAssignmentStatement && (((IMemberAssignmentStatement)parent).getMemberAccess() == pe || ((IMemberAssignmentStatement)parent).getRootExpression() == pe)) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
catch( Exception e )
return locations;
else if( pe instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
if( pe instanceof IPropertyAccessIdentifier ||
pe instanceof IPropertyAsMethodCallIdentifier )
boolean bSetter = findMi.getParameters().length > 0;
IGosuClass gsClass = (IGosuClass)findMi.getOwnersType();
IPropertyInfo findPi = gsClass.getTypeInfo().getProperty( gsClass, propertyName );
IPropertyInfo pi = (IPropertyInfo)((IDynamicPropertySymbol)((IIdentifierExpression)pe).getSymbol()).getPropertyInfo();
if( pi != null && propertyInfosEqual( pi, findPi ) )
IParsedElement parent = pe.getParent();
if( bSetter )
if( parent instanceof IAssignmentStatement && ((IAssignmentStatement)parent).getIdentifier() == pe )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
if( !(parent instanceof IAssignmentStatement) || ((IAssignmentStatement)parent).getIdentifier() != pe )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
ISymbol symbol = ((IIdentifierExpression)pe).getSymbol();
if( symbol instanceof IDynamicSymbol )
boolean bSetter = findMi.getParameters().length > 0;
IGosuClass gsClass = (IGosuClass)findMi.getOwnersType();
IPropertyInfo findPi = gsClass.getTypeInfo().getProperty( gsClass, propertyName );
IType type = symbol.getScriptPart().getContainingType();
if( type == findPi.getOwnersType() && symbol.getName().equals( findPi.getName() ) )
IParsedElement parent = pe.getParent();
if( bSetter )
if( parent instanceof IAssignmentStatement && ((IAssignmentStatement)parent).getIdentifier() == pe )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
if( !(parent instanceof IAssignmentStatement) || ((IAssignmentStatement)parent).getIdentifier() != pe )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
return locations;
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe, IPropertyInfo findPi, List locations )
if( pe instanceof IMemberAccessExpression )
if( ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getType() instanceof INamespaceType )
return locations;
if( !findPi.getName().equals( ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getMemberName() ) )
return locations;
IPropertyInfo pi;
pi = ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getPropertyInfo();
if( pi != null && propertyInfosEqual( pi, findPi ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
catch( Exception e )
return locations;
else if( pe instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
if( pe instanceof IPropertyAccessIdentifier ||
pe instanceof IPropertyAsMethodCallIdentifier )
IPropertyInfo pi = (IPropertyInfo)((IDynamicPropertySymbol)((IIdentifierExpression)pe).getSymbol()).getPropertyInfo();
if( pi != null && propertyInfosEqual( pi, findPi ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
ISymbol symbol = ((IIdentifierExpression)pe).getSymbol();
if( symbol instanceof IDynamicSymbol )
IType type = symbol.getScriptPart().getContainingType();
if( type == findPi.getOwnersType() && symbol.getName().equals( findPi.getName() ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( findNameToken( findPi.getDisplayName(), pe ), locations );
return locations;
private boolean propertyInfosEqual( IPropertyInfo pi, IPropertyInfo findPi )
if( pi == findPi )
return true;
while( pi instanceof IPropertyInfoDelegate )
pi = ((IPropertyInfoDelegate)pi).getSource();
String name = pi.getName();
return name != null && name.equals( findPi.getName() ) &&
findPi.getOwnersType().isAssignableFrom( pi.getOwnersType() );
private IToken findNameToken( String name, IParsedElement pe )
for( IToken token: pe.getTokens() )
int tt = token.getType();
if( (tt == ISourceCodeTokenizer.TT_WORD ||
tt == ISourceCodeTokenizer.TT_KEYWORD) &&
token.getStringValue().contains( name ) )
return token;
throw new IllegalStateException();
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe, LocalVarFeatureInfo findLocal, List locations )
if( pe instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
LocalVarFeatureInfo local = new LocalVarFeatureInfo( (IIdentifierExpression)pe );
if( local.equals( findLocal ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
return locations;
private List findUsage( IParsedElement pe, IType type, List locations )
if( pe instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression )
IType t = ((ITypeLiteralExpression)pe).getType().getType();
while( t.isArray() )
t = t.getComponentType();
if( t == type )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( pe instanceof INewExpression )
ITypeLiteralExpression typeLiteral = ((INewExpression)pe).getTypeLiteral();
if( typeLiteral == null )
IConstructorInfo ctor = ((INewExpression)pe).getConstructor();
if( ctor != null && ctor.getType() == type )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( ((INewExpression)pe).getType() == type )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( pe instanceof IVarStatement )
IVarStatement varStmt = (IVarStatement)pe;
if( varStmt.getTypeLiteral() == null )
IType varType = varStmt.getType();
if( varType != null && referencesType( varType, type ) )
locations = addZeroLengthSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( includeMemberUsage() )
if( pe instanceof IMethodCallExpression )
IFunctionType functionType = ((IMethodCallExpression)pe).getFunctionType();
if( functionType != null )
IType declaringType = functionType.getEnclosingType();
if( declaringType != null && encloses( type, declaringType ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( pe instanceof IBeanMethodCallExpression )
IFunctionType functionType = ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)pe).getFunctionType();
if( functionType != null )
IType declaringType = functionType.getEnclosingType();
IExpression rootExpression = ((IBeanMethodCallExpression)pe).getRootExpression();
if( rootExpression != null && rootExpression instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression )
IType typeLiteral = ((ITypeLiteralExpression)rootExpression).getType().getType();
if( typeLiteral != type && encloses( type, declaringType ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( declaringType != null && encloses( type, declaringType ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( pe instanceof IMemberAccessExpression )
if( ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getType() instanceof INamespaceType )
return locations;
IPropertyInfo pi;
pi = ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getPropertyInfo();
catch( Exception e )
return locations;
if( pi != null )
locations = getSearchLocations( pe, type, locations, pi );
else if( pe instanceof IIdentifierExpression )
if( pe instanceof IPropertyAccessIdentifier ||
pe instanceof IPropertyAsMethodCallIdentifier )
IFeatureInfo pi = ((IDynamicPropertySymbol)((IIdentifierExpression)pe).getSymbol()).getPropertyInfo();
if( pi != null )
locations = getSearchLocations( pe, type, locations, pi );
return locations;
private List getSearchLocations( IParsedElement pe, IType type, List locations, IFeatureInfo pi )
IType declaringType = pi.getOwnersType();
IExpression rootExpression = ((IMemberAccessExpression)pe).getRootExpression();
if( rootExpression != null && rootExpression instanceof ITypeLiteralExpression )
IType typeLiteral = ((ITypeLiteralExpression)rootExpression).getType().getType();
if( typeLiteral != type && encloses( type, declaringType ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
else if( declaringType != null && encloses( type, declaringType ) )
locations = addSearchLocation( pe, locations );
return locations;
private boolean referencesType( IType ref, IType type )
if( ref == type )
return true;
if( ref.isArray() )
return referencesType( ref.getComponentType(), type );
if( ref.isParameterizedType() )
for( IType param : ref.getTypeParameters() )
if( referencesType( param, type ) )
return true;
return false;
private boolean encloses( IType type, IType inner )
return inner != null && (inner == type || encloses( type, inner.getEnclosingType() ));
private List addZeroLengthSearchLocation( IParsedElement elem, List locations )
IParseTree parseTree = elem.getLocation();
SearchLocation loc = makeZeroLengthSearchLocation( parseTree );
if( locations.isEmpty() )
locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add( loc );
return locations;
private List addSearchLocation( IParsedElement elem, List locations )
IParseTree parseTree = elem.getLocation();
SearchLocation loc = makeSearchLocation( parseTree );
if( locations.isEmpty() )
locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add( loc );
return locations;
private List addSearchLocation( IToken token, List locations )
SearchLocation loc = makeSearchLocation( token );
if( locations.isEmpty() )
locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add( loc );
return locations;
private SearchLocation makeZeroLengthSearchLocation( IParseTree parseTree )
SearchLocation loc = makeSearchLocation( parseTree );
loc._iLength = 0;
return loc;
public static SearchLocation makeSearchLocation( IParseTree parseTree )
SearchLocation loc = new SearchLocation();
loc._iOffset = parseTree.getOffset();
loc._iLength = parseTree.getLength();
loc._iLineOffset = 0;
loc._iLine = parseTree.getLineNum();
loc._iColumn = parseTree.getColumn();
return loc;
private SearchLocation makeSearchLocation( IToken token )
SearchLocation loc = new SearchLocation();
loc._iOffset = token.getTokenStart();
loc._iLength = token.getTokenEnd() - token.getTokenStart();
loc._iLineOffset = 0;
loc._iLine = token.getLine();
loc._iColumn = token.getTokenColumn();
return loc;
private SearchLocation makeSearchLocation( SearchElement target )
SearchLocation loc = new SearchLocation();
loc._iOffset = target.getOffset();
loc._iLength = target.getLength();
loc._iLineOffset = 0;
loc._iLine = target.getLine();
loc._iColumn = target.getColumn();
return loc;
private boolean maybeSearchForText( FileTree tree, SearchTree results )
if( !(_target instanceof ITypeInfo) )
return false;
IType type = _target.getSelectedFeatureInfo().getOwnersType();
if( type instanceof IErrorType )
return false;
return new TextSearcher( type.getName(), true, true, false ).search( tree, results );
public void search( FileTree tree )
GosuPanel gosuPanel = LabFrame.instance().getGosuPanel();
gosuPanel.showSearches( false );
SearchPanel searchPanel = gosuPanel.showSearches( true );
//searchPanel.setReplacePattern( (String)_cbReplace.getSelectedItem() );
_results = new SearchTree( "$count usages of '" + _target.getRootFeatureInfo().getName() + "' in " + tree.getName(), NodeKind.Directory, SearchTree.empty() );
searchPanel.add( _results );
doSearch( tree );
EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> selectFirstMatch( _results ) );
public void headlessSearch( FileTree tree )
_results = new SearchTree( _target.getRootFeatureInfo().getName() + " : " + tree.getName(), NodeKind.Directory, SearchTree.empty() );
doSearch( tree );
private void doSearch( FileTree tree )
boolean[] bFinished = {false};
ProgressFeedback.runWithProgress( "Searching...",
progress -> {
progress.setLength( tree.getTotalFiles() );
searchTree( tree, _results, ft -> ft.getType() instanceof IGosuClass, progress );
bFinished[0] = true;
} );
new ModalEventQueue( () -> !bFinished[0] ).run();
public List searchLocal()
GosuPanel gosuPanel = LabFrame.instance().getGosuPanel();
FileTree tree = FileTreeUtil.find( gosuPanel.getCurrentFile(), gosuPanel.getCurrentEditor().getParsedClass().getName() );
IType type = tree.getType();
SearchTree results = new SearchTree( "root", NodeKind.Directory, SearchTree.empty() );
searchTree( tree, results, ft -> ft.getType() instanceof IGosuClass, null );
List locations = findLocations( results, new ArrayList<>() );
SearchElement target = _target.getTargetElement();
if( target != null && getOuterMostEnclosingType( target.getEnclosingType() ) == getOuterMostEnclosingType( type ) )
locations.add( makeSearchLocation( target ) );
return locations;
private IType getOuterMostEnclosingType( IType innerClass )
IType outerMost = innerClass;
while( outerMost != null && outerMost.getEnclosingType() != null )
outerMost = outerMost.getEnclosingType();
return outerMost;
private List findLocations( SearchTree tree, List locations )
if( tree == null )
return locations;
SearchTree.SearchTreeNode node = tree.getNode();
if( node != null && node.getLocation() != null )
locations.add( node.getLocation() );
for( int i = 0; i < tree.getChildCount(); i++ )
findLocations( tree.getChildAt( i ), locations );
return locations;
// private void addReplaceInfo( SearchPanel searchPanel )
// {
// if( _bReplace )
// {
// String text = (String)_cbReplace.getSelectedItem();
// SearchTree results = new SearchTree( "Replace occurrences with '" + text + "' ", NodeKind.Info, SearchTree.empty() );
// searchPanel.add( results );
// }
// }
private void selectFirstMatch( SearchTree results )
if( results.getChildCount() == 0 )
selectFirstMatch( results.getChildAt( 0 ) );