editor.util.WaitCursorRunner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package editor.util;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import static editor.util.EditorUtilities.*;
public final class WaitCursorRunner
private static final WaitCursorRunner WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER = new WaitCursorRunner();
private WeakHashMap _waitCursorMap;
private WeakHashMap _rootPaneMap;
private boolean _bWait;
private WeakReference _c;
private WaitCursorRunner()
_waitCursorMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
_rootPaneMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
static Component showWaitCursor( boolean bWait )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
// Can only do this safely from within the AWT Dispatch thread.
// Also note we can't make any assumptions about interaction between
// the AWT Dispatch thread and other threads e.g., we can't call invokeAndWait() here.
return null;
return WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER.run();
static void showWaitCursor( boolean bWait, Component c )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() )
// Can only do this safely from within the AWT Dispatch thread.
// Also note we can't make any assumptions about interaction between
// the AWT Dispatch thread and other threads e.g., we can't call invokeAndWait() here.
WAIT_CURSOR_RUNNER._c = new WeakReference<>( c );
public Component run()
if( _c != null )
JRootPane rootPane = _rootPaneMap.get( _c.get() );
if( rootPane != null )
showWaitCursorNow( _bWait, rootPane );
return rootPane;
Component focus = _c == null ? getActiveWindow() : _c.get();
focus = focus == null ? getFocusedWindow() : focus;
JRootPane rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( focus );
if( rootPane == null )
// Just use the active window's rootpane.
// (e.g., the component is no longer attatched to a rootpane
focus = getActiveWindow();
focus = focus == null ? getFocusedWindow() : focus;
rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( focus );
if( rootPane == null )
return null;
if( !_bWait && !rootPane.isShowing() )
Window win = windowForComponent( rootPane );
if( win != null )
win = win.getOwner();
if( win != null )
rootPane = rootPaneForComponent( win );
_rootPaneMap.put( focus, rootPane );
showWaitCursorNow( _bWait, rootPane );
return rootPane;
void showWaitCursorNow( boolean bWait, JRootPane rootPane )
if( rootPane == null )
RefCounter refCounter = _waitCursorMap.get( rootPane );
Component glassPane = rootPane.getGlassPane();
if( bWait && refCounter == null )
Cursor cursorWait = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR );
rootPane.setCursor( cursorWait );
glassPane.setCursor( cursorWait );
glassPane.setVisible( true );
refCounter = new RefCounter();
_waitCursorMap.put( rootPane, refCounter );
else if( !bWait && (refCounter == null || refCounter._iRefCount == 1) )
Cursor cursorDefault = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR );
glassPane.setVisible( false );
glassPane.setCursor( cursorDefault );
rootPane.setCursor( cursorDefault );
_waitCursorMap.remove( rootPane );
//## NOTE: Do NOT validate here. Side effects could include perpetual validation.
// rootPane.validate();
catch( Exception e )
handleUncaughtException( e );
if( refCounter != null )
refCounter._iRefCount += (bWait ? 1 : -1);
if( refCounter._iRefCount < 0 )
_waitCursorMap.remove( rootPane );
static final class RefCounter
public int _iRefCount;