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package life
uses java.awt.GridBagLayout
uses java.awt.GridBagConstraints
uses javax.swing.JPanel
uses javax.swing.JLabel
uses javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder
uses java.awt.SystemColor
uses javax.swing.border.MatteBorder
uses javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder
class StatusBoard extends JPanel {
var _board: Board as Board
var _frame: BoardFrame
var _liveCount: JLabel
var _genRate: JLabel
var _generation: JLabel
var _labelCellSize: JLabel
var _labelFrequency: JLabel
var _labelCell: JLabel as CursorCell
var _mark: long
construct( model: Board, frame: BoardFrame ) {
_board = model
_frame = frame
Border = new EmptyBorder( 0, 0, 4, 0 )
MaximumSize = PreferredSize
_board.addResetListener( \ board ->
board.Model.addGenerationListener( \-> update() )
board.addFrequencyListener( \-> updateFrequency() )
} )
var cursorCellHandler = new CellHandler( this )
_board.addMouseMotionListener( cursorCellHandler )
_board.addMouseListener( cursorCellHandler )
function init() {
_liveCount.Text = String.valueOf( _board.Model.LiveCells.size() )
private function addControls() {
var layout = new GridBagLayout()
Layout = layout
var x = 0
// Live cell count
_liveCount = new JLabel( "1" )
_liveCount.ToolTipText = "Live cell count"
_liveCount.Font = new( _liveCount.Font.Name, _liveCount.Font.Style & ~Font.BOLD, _liveCount.Font.Size )
_liveCount.HorizontalAlignment = JLabel.RIGHT
_liveCount.PreferredSize = new( 90, _liveCount.PreferredSize.height )
_liveCount.Border = new EmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 10 )
var gc = new GridBagConstraints()
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _liveCount, gc )
// Generation rate
_genRate = new JLabel( "1" )
_genRate.ToolTipText = "Generation rate"
_genRate.Font = new( _genRate.Font.Name, _genRate.Font.Style & ~Font.BOLD, _genRate.Font.Size )
_genRate.HorizontalAlignment = JLabel.RIGHT
_genRate.PreferredSize = new( 100, _genRate.PreferredSize.height )
_genRate.Border = new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder( 0, 1, 0, 0, SystemColor.controlDkShadow ), new EmptyBorder( 0, 10, 0, 10 ) )
_board.addResetListener( \e -> _board.Model.addGenerationListener( \-> updateGenRate() ) )
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _genRate, gc )
// Generation count
_generation = new JLabel( "1" )
_generation.ToolTipText = "Generation"
_generation.Font = new( _generation.Font.Name, _generation.Font.Style & ~Font.BOLD, _generation.Font.Size )
_generation.HorizontalAlignment = JLabel.RIGHT
_generation.Border = new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder( 0, 1, 0, 0, SystemColor.controlDkShadow ), new EmptyBorder( 0, 10, 0, 10 ) )
var count = 0
_board.addResetListener( \e -> _board.Model.addGenerationListener( \-> {count++ _generation.Text = String.format( "%,d gen", {count} )} ) )
_board.addResetListener( \ board -> {count = 0})
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _generation, gc )
_labelCellSize = new JLabel()
_labelCellSize.ToolTipText = "Cell size"
_labelCellSize.Font = _liveCount.Font
_labelCellSize.Border = new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder( 0, 1, 0, 0, SystemColor.controlDkShadow ), new EmptyBorder( 0, 10, 0, 10 ) )
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _labelCellSize, gc )
_labelFrequency = new JLabel()
_labelFrequency.ToolTipText = "Tick rate"
_labelFrequency.Font = _liveCount.Font
_labelFrequency.Border = new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder( 0, 1, 0, 0, SystemColor.controlDkShadow ), new EmptyBorder( 0, 10, 0, 10 ) )
_board.addFrequencyListener( \-> updateFrequency() )
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _labelFrequency, gc )
_labelCell = new JLabel()
_labelCell.ToolTipText = "Cell under cursor"
_labelCell.Font = _liveCount.Font
_labelCell.Border = new CompoundBorder( new MatteBorder( 0, 1, 0, 0, SystemColor.controlDkShadow ), new EmptyBorder( 0, 10, 0, 0 ) )
gc.gridx = x x++
add( _labelCell, gc )
var remainder = new JLabel()
gc.gridx = x x++
gc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL
gc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER
gc.insets = new ( 0, 10, 0, 0 )
gc.weightx = 1
add( remainder, gc )
private function update() {
_liveCount.Text = String.format( "%,d", {_board.Model.LiveCells.size()} ) + " live"
_labelCellSize.Text = _board.Model.CellSize + "px"
private function updateFrequency() {
_labelFrequency.Text = String.format( "%.3f", {_board.Frequency/1000f} ) + "s"
private function updateGenRate() {
_mark = _mark == 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : _mark
var now = System.currentTimeMillis()
var rate = now - _mark
_mark = now
if( rate < .0001 ) {
_genRate.Text = genPerSecond( rate )
function genPerSecond( rate: long ): String {
var value = Math.round( 1d/(rate/1000d) )
return String.format( "%,d", {value} ) + " gen / s"