Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// CheckStyle: start generated
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
final class JSExceptionGen {
private static final LibraryFactory INTEROP_LIBRARY_ = LibraryFactory.resolve(InteropLibrary.class);
static {
LibraryExport.register(JSException.class, new InteropLibraryExports());
private JSExceptionGen() {
private static final class InteropLibraryExports extends LibraryExport {
private InteropLibraryExports() {
super(InteropLibrary.class, JSException.class, false, false, 0);
protected InteropLibrary createUncached(Object receiver) {
assert receiver instanceof JSException;
InteropLibrary uncached = new Uncached(receiver);
return uncached;
protected InteropLibrary createCached(Object receiver) {
assert receiver instanceof JSException;
return new Cached(receiver);
private static final class Cached extends GraalJSExceptionGen.InteropLibraryExports.Cached {
* State Info:
* 0: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#getMembers(JSException, boolean, InteropLibrary)}
* 1: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#isMemberReadable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 2: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#isMemberModifiable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 3: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#isMemberInsertable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 4: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#isMemberRemovable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 5: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#isMemberInvocable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 6: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#hasMemberReadSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 7: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#hasMemberWriteSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 8: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#readMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 9: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#writeMember(JSException, String, Object, InteropLibrary)}
* 10: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#removeMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* 11: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#invokeMember(JSException, String, Object[], InteropLibrary)}
* 12: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#hasMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)}
* 13: SpecializationActive {@link JSException#getMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)}
@CompilationFinal private int state_0_;
* Source Info:
* Specialization: {@link IsIdenticalOrUndefined#doException}
* Parameter: {@link InteropLibrary} thisLib
@Child private InteropLibrary thisLib;
* Source Info:
* Specialization: {@link IsIdenticalOrUndefined#doException}
* Parameter: {@link InteropLibrary} otherLib
@Child private InteropLibrary otherLib;
* Source Info:
* Specialization: {@link JSException#getMembers}
* Parameter: {@link InteropLibrary} delegateLib
@Child private InteropLibrary delegateLib;
protected Cached(Object receiver) {
public ExceptionType getExceptionType(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
return (((JSException) receiver)).getExceptionType();
public boolean isExceptionIncompleteSource(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
return (((JSException) receiver)).isExceptionIncompleteSource();
public boolean hasMembers(Object receiver) {
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
return (((JSException) receiver)).hasMembers();
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#getMembers(JSException, boolean, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public Object getMembers(Object arg0Value_, boolean arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b1) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.getMembers(JSException, boolean, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.getMembers(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return getMembersNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private Object getMembersNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, boolean arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b1 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.getMembers(JSException, boolean, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.getMembers(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#isMemberReadable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean isMemberReadable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b10) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberReadable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.isMemberReadable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return isMemberReadableNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean isMemberReadableNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b10 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberReadable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.isMemberReadable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#isMemberModifiable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean isMemberModifiable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b100) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberModifiable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.isMemberModifiable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return isMemberModifiableNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean isMemberModifiableNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b100 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberModifiable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.isMemberModifiable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#isMemberInsertable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean isMemberInsertable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b1000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberInsertable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.isMemberInsertable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return isMemberInsertableNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean isMemberInsertableNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b1000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberInsertable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.isMemberInsertable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#isMemberRemovable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean isMemberRemovable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b10000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberRemovable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.isMemberRemovable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return isMemberRemovableNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean isMemberRemovableNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b10000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberRemovable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.isMemberRemovable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#isMemberInvocable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean isMemberInvocable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b100000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberInvocable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.isMemberInvocable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return isMemberInvocableNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean isMemberInvocableNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b100000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.isMemberInvocable(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.isMemberInvocable(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#hasMemberReadSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b1000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMemberReadSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.hasMemberReadSideEffects(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return hasMemberReadSideEffectsNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean hasMemberReadSideEffectsNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b1000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMemberReadSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.hasMemberReadSideEffects(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#hasMemberWriteSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b10000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return hasMemberWriteSideEffectsNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffectsNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b10000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#readMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public Object readMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b100000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.readMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.readMember(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
return readMemberNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private Object readMemberNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedMessageException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b100000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.readMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.readMember(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#writeMember(JSException, String, Object, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public void writeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value, Object arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b1000000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.writeMember(JSException, String, Object, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
arg0Value.writeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, delegateLib_);
writeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value, arg2Value);
private void writeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value, Object arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b1000000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.writeMember(JSException, String, Object, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
arg0Value.writeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#removeMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public void removeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b10000000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.removeMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
arg0Value.removeMember(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
removeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value);
private void removeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b10000000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.removeMember(JSException, String, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
arg0Value.removeMember(arg1Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#invokeMember(JSException, String, Object[], InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public Object invokeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value, Object... arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, ArityException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b100000000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.invokeMember(JSException, String, Object[], InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.invokeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, delegateLib_);
return invokeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value, arg1Value, arg2Value);
private Object invokeMemberNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value, String arg1Value, Object[] arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, ArityException, UnsupportedTypeException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b100000000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.invokeMember(JSException, String, Object[], InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.invokeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#hasMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public boolean hasMetaObject(Object arg0Value_) {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b1000000000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.hasMetaObject(delegateLib_);
return hasMetaObjectNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value);
private boolean hasMetaObjectNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value) {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b1000000000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.hasMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.hasMetaObject(delegateLib_);
* Debug Info:
* Specialization {@link JSException#getMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)}
* Activation probability: 0.06250
* With/without class size: 4/0 bytes
public Object getMetaObject(Object arg0Value_) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
assert assertAdopted();
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
if ((state_0 & 0b10000000000000) != 0 /* is SpecializationActive[JSException.getMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)] */) {
InteropLibrary delegateLib_ = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib_ != null) {
return arg0Value.getMetaObject(delegateLib_);
return getMetaObjectNode_AndSpecialize(arg0Value);
private Object getMetaObjectNode_AndSpecialize(JSException arg0Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
int state_0 = this.state_0_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib_;
InteropLibrary delegateLib__shared = this.delegateLib;
if (delegateLib__shared != null) {
delegateLib_ = delegateLib__shared;
} else {
delegateLib_ = this.insert((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)));
if (delegateLib_ == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A specialization returned a default value for a cached initializer. Default values are not supported for shared cached initializers because the default value is reserved for the uninitialized state.");
if (this.delegateLib == null) {
this.delegateLib = delegateLib_;
state_0 = state_0 | 0b10000000000000 /* add SpecializationActive[JSException.getMetaObject(JSException, InteropLibrary)] */;
this.state_0_ = state_0;
return arg0Value.getMetaObject(delegateLib_);
private static final class Uncached extends GraalJSExceptionGen.InteropLibraryExports.Uncached {
protected Uncached(Object receiver) {
public boolean accepts(Object receiver) {
return super.accepts(receiver);
public ExceptionType getExceptionType(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
return ((JSException) receiver) .getExceptionType();
public boolean isExceptionIncompleteSource(Object receiver) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
return ((JSException) receiver) .isExceptionIncompleteSource();
public boolean hasMembers(Object receiver) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(receiver) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
return ((JSException) receiver) .hasMembers();
public Object getMembers(Object arg0Value_, boolean arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.getMembers(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean isMemberReadable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.isMemberReadable(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean isMemberModifiable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.isMemberModifiable(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean isMemberInsertable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.isMemberInsertable(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean isMemberRemovable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.isMemberRemovable(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean isMemberInvocable(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.isMemberInvocable(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.hasMemberReadSideEffects(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public Object readMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedMessageException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.readMember(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public void writeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value, Object arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
arg0Value.writeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public void removeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
arg0Value.removeMember(arg1Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public Object invokeMember(Object arg0Value_, String arg1Value, Object... arg2Value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, ArityException, UnsupportedTypeException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.invokeMember(arg1Value, arg2Value, (INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public boolean hasMetaObject(Object arg0Value_) {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.hasMetaObject((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
public Object getMetaObject(Object arg0Value_) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
// declared: true
assert this.accepts(arg0Value_) : "Invalid library usage. Library does not accept given receiver.";
JSException arg0Value = ((JSException) arg0Value_);
return arg0Value.getMetaObject((INTEROP_LIBRARY_.getUncached()));
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