com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.NpmCompatibleESModuleLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSRequireBuiltin.log;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.CJS_EXT;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.FILE;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.JSON_EXT;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.JS_EXT;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.MJS_EXT;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.NODE_MODULES;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.PACKAGE_JSON;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.getCoreModuleReplacement;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.joinPaths;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.builtins.commonjs.CommonJSResolution.loadJsonObject;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.lang.JavaScriptLanguage.ID;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings.EXPORTS_PROPERTY_NAME;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings.MODULE;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings.NAME;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings.PACKAGE_JSON_MAIN_PROPERTY_NAME;
import static com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings.TYPE;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.List;
import com.oracle.js.parser.ir.Module.ModuleRequest;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleFile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.strings.TruffleString;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSArguments;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSErrorType;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSException;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRealm;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Strings;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunction;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunctionObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.DefaultESModuleLoader;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSDynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSModuleData;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSModuleRecord;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Null;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.ScriptOrModule;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
public final class NpmCompatibleESModuleLoader extends DefaultESModuleLoader {
private static final URI TryCommonJS = URI.create("custom:///try-common-js-token");
private static final URI TryCustomESM = URI.create("custom:///try-custom-esm-token");
private static final String MODULE_NOT_FOUND = "Module not found: '";
private static final String UNSUPPORTED_JSON = "JSON packages not supported.";
private static final String FAILED_BUILTIN = "Failed to load built-in ES module: '";
private static final String INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER = "Invalid module specifier: '";
private static final String UNSUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSION = "Unsupported file extension: '";
private static final String UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_EXPORTS = "Unsupported package exports: '";
private static final String UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_IMPORTS = "Unsupported package imports: '";
private static final String UNSUPPORTED_DIRECTORY_IMPORT = "Unsupported directory import: '";
private static final String INVALID_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION = "Invalid package configuration: '";
public static NpmCompatibleESModuleLoader create(JSRealm realm) {
return new NpmCompatibleESModuleLoader(realm);
private NpmCompatibleESModuleLoader(JSRealm realm) {
* Node.js-compatible implementation of ES modules loading.
* @see ES Modules
* @see Resolver algorithm
* @param referencingModule Referencing ES Module.
* @param moduleRequest ES Modules Request.
* @return ES Module record for this module.
public JSModuleRecord resolveImportedModule(ScriptOrModule referencingModule, ModuleRequest moduleRequest) {
String specifier = moduleRequest.getSpecifier().toJavaStringUncached();
log("IMPORT resolve ", specifier);
String moduleReplacementName = getCoreModuleReplacement(realm, specifier);
if (moduleReplacementName != null) {
return loadCoreModuleReplacement(referencingModule, moduleRequest, moduleReplacementName);
try {
TruffleLanguage.Env env = realm.getEnv();
URI parentURL = getFullPath(referencingModule).toUri();
URI resolution = esmResolve(specifier, parentURL, env);
if (resolution == TryCommonJS) {
// Compatibility mode: try loading as a CommonJS module.
return tryLoadingAsCommonjsModule(specifier);
} else {
if (resolution == TryCustomESM) {
// Failed ESM resolution. Give the virtual FS a chance to map to a file.
// A custom Truffle FS might still try to map a package specifier to some file.
TruffleFile maybeFile = env.getPublicTruffleFile(specifier);
if (maybeFile.exists() && !maybeFile.isDirectory()) {
return loadModuleFromUrl(referencingModule, moduleRequest, maybeFile, maybeFile.getPath());
} else if (resolution != null) {
TruffleFile file = env.getPublicTruffleFile(resolution);
return loadModuleFromUrl(referencingModule, moduleRequest, file, file.getPath());
// Really could not load as ESM.
throw fail(MODULE_NOT_FOUND, specifier);
} catch (IOException | SecurityException | UnsupportedOperationException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
log("IMPORT resolve ", specifier, " FAILED ", e.getMessage());
throw Errors.createErrorFromException(e);
private JSModuleRecord loadCoreModuleReplacement(ScriptOrModule referencingModule, ModuleRequest moduleRequest, String moduleReplacementName) {
String specifier = moduleRequest.getSpecifier().toJavaStringUncached();
log("IMPORT resolve built-in ", specifier);
JSModuleRecord existingModule = moduleMap.get(specifier);
if (existingModule != null) {
log("IMPORT resolve built-in from cache ", specifier);
return existingModule;
Source src;
if (moduleReplacementName.endsWith(MJS_EXT)) {
URI maybeUri = asURI(moduleReplacementName);
if (maybeUri != null) {
// Load from URI
TruffleLanguage.Env env = realm.getEnv();
URI parentURL = getFullPath(referencingModule).toUri();
URI resolution = esmResolve(moduleReplacementName, parentURL, env);
assert resolution != null;
try {
TruffleFile file = env.getPublicTruffleFile(resolution);
return loadModuleFromUrl(referencingModule, moduleRequest, file, file.getPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw fail(FAILED_BUILTIN, specifier);
} else {
// Just load the module
try {
String cwdOption = realm.getContextOptions().getRequireCwd();
TruffleFile cwd = cwdOption.isEmpty() ? realm.getEnv().getCurrentWorkingDirectory() : realm.getEnv().getPublicTruffleFile(cwdOption);
TruffleFile modulePath = joinPaths(cwd, moduleReplacementName);
src = Source.newBuilder(ID, modulePath).build();
} catch (IOException | SecurityException e) {
throw fail(FAILED_BUILTIN, specifier);
} else {
// Else, try loading as commonjs built-in module replacement
return tryLoadingAsCommonjsModule(specifier);
JSModuleData parsedModule = realm.getContext().getEvaluator().envParseModule(realm, src);
JSModuleRecord record = new JSModuleRecord(parsedModule, this);
moduleMap.put(specifier, record);
return record;
private JSModuleRecord tryLoadingAsCommonjsModule(String specifier) {
JSModuleRecord existingModule = moduleMap.get(specifier);
if (existingModule != null) {
log("IMPORT resolve built-in from cache ", specifier);
return existingModule;
JSFunctionObject require = (JSFunctionObject) realm.getCommonJSRequireFunctionObject();
// Any exception thrown during module loading will be propagated
Object maybeModule = JSFunction.call(JSArguments.create(Undefined.instance, require, Strings.fromJavaString(specifier)));
if (maybeModule == Undefined.instance || !JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(maybeModule)) {
throw fail(FAILED_BUILTIN, specifier);
JSDynamicObject module = (JSDynamicObject) maybeModule;
// Wrap any exported symbol in an ES module.
List exportedValues = JSObject.enumerableOwnNames(module);
var moduleBody = Strings.builderCreate();
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, "const builtinModule = require('");
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, specifier);
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, "');\n");
for (TruffleString s : exportedValues) {
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, "export const ");
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, s);
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, " = builtinModule.");
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, s);
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, ";\n");
Strings.builderAppend(moduleBody, "export default builtinModule;");
Source src = Source.newBuilder(ID, Strings.builderToJavaString(moduleBody), specifier + "-internal.mjs").build();
JSModuleData parsedModule = realm.getContext().getEvaluator().envParseModule(realm, src);
JSModuleRecord record = new JSModuleRecord(parsedModule, this);
moduleMap.put(specifier, record);
return record;
// #### ESM resolution algorithm emulation.
// Best-effort implementation based on Node.js' v16.15.0 resolution algorithm.
* ESM_RESOLVE(specifier, parentURL).
private URI esmResolve(String specifier, URI parentURL, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
// 1. Let resolved be undefined.
URI resolved = asURI(specifier);
// 2. If specifier is a valid URL, then
// 2.1 Set resolved to the result of parsing and reserializing specifier as a URL.
if (resolved == null) {
if (!specifier.isEmpty() && specifier.charAt(0) == '/' || isRelativePathFileName(specifier)) {
// 3. Otherwise, if specifier starts with "/", "./" or "../", then
// 3.1 Set resolved to the URL resolution of specifier relative to parentURL.
resolved = resolveRelativeToParent(specifier, parentURL);
} else if (!specifier.isEmpty() && specifier.charAt(0) == '#') {
// 4. Otherwise, if specifier starts with "#", then
throw fail(UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_IMPORTS, specifier);
} else {
// 5.1 Note: specifier is now a bare specifier.
// 5.2 Set resolvedURL the result of PACKAGE_RESOLVE(specifier, parentURL).
resolved = packageResolve(specifier, parentURL, env);
if (resolved == null) {
// package was not found: will try loading as CommonJS module instead
return TryCommonJS;
} else if (resolved == TryCommonJS || resolved == TryCustomESM) {
// Try customFS lookup
return resolved;
// 6. Let format be undefined.
Format format;
// 7. If resolved is a "file:" URL, then
if (isFileURI(resolved)) {
// 7.1 If resolvedURL contains any percent encodings of "/" or "\" ("%2f" and "%5C"
// respectively), then
if (resolved.toString().toUpperCase().contains("%2F") || resolved.toString().toUpperCase().contains("%5C")) {
// 7.1.1 Throw an Invalid Module Specifier error.
throw fail(INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER, specifier);
// 7.2 If the file at resolved is a directory, then
if (isDirectory(resolved, env)) {
// 7.2.1 Throw an Unsupported Directory Import error.
throw fail(UNSUPPORTED_DIRECTORY_IMPORT, specifier);
// 7.3 If the file at resolved does not exist, then
if (!fileExists(resolved, env)) {
// 7.3.1 Throw a Module Not Found error.
throw fail(MODULE_NOT_FOUND, specifier);
// 7.4 Set resolved to the real path of resolved, maintaining the same URL querystring
// and fragment components.
resolved = resolved.normalize();
// 7.5 Set format to the result of ESM_FILE_FORMAT(resolved).
format = esmFileFormat(resolved, env);
} else {
// 8. Otherwise
// 8.1 Set format the module format of the content type associated with the URL
// resolved.
format = getAssociatedDefaultFormat(resolved);
if (format == Format.CommonJS) {
// Will load as CommonJS.
return TryCommonJS;
} else {
// Will load as ESM.
return resolved;
private Format esmFileFormat(URI url, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
// 1. Assert: url corresponds to an existing file.
assert fileExists(url, env);
// 2. If url ends in ".mjs", Return "module".
if (url.getPath().endsWith(MJS_EXT)) {
return Format.ESM;
// 3. If url ends in ".cjs", Return "module".
if (url.getPath().endsWith(CJS_EXT)) {
// Note: we will try loading as CJS like Node.js does.
return Format.CommonJS;
// 4. If url ends in ".mjs", Return "module".
if (url.getPath().endsWith(JSON_EXT)) {
throw failMessage(UNSUPPORTED_JSON);
// 5. Let packageURL be the result of LOOKUP_PACKAGE_SCOPE(url).
URI packageUri = lookupPackageScope(url, env);
if (packageUri != null) {
// 6. Let pjson be the result of READ_PACKAGE_JSON(packageURL).
PackageJson pjson = readPackageJson(packageUri, env);
// 7. If pjson?.type exists and is "module", then
if (pjson != null && pjson.hasTypeModule()) {
// 7.1 If url ends in ".js", then Return "module"
if (url.getPath().endsWith(JS_EXT)) {
return Format.ESM;
} else if (url.getPath().endsWith(JS_EXT)) {
// Np Package.json with .js extension: try loading as CJS like Node.js does.
return Format.CommonJS;
// 8. Otherwise, Throw an Unsupported File Extension error.
throw fail(UNSUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSION, url.toString());
* PACKAGE_RESOLVE(packageSpecifier, parentURL).
private URI packageResolve(String packageSpecifier, URI parentURL, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
// 1. Let packageName be undefined.
String packageName;
// 2. If packageSpecifier is an empty string, then
if (packageSpecifier.isEmpty()) {
// Throw an Invalid Module Specifier error.
throw fail(INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER, packageSpecifier);
// 3. Note: we ignore Node.js builtin module names.
int packageSpecifierSeparator = packageSpecifier.indexOf('/');
// 4. If packageSpecifier does not start with "@", then
if (packageSpecifier.charAt(0) != '@') {
// Set packageName to the substring of packageSpecifier until the first "/"
if (packageSpecifierSeparator != -1) {
packageName = packageSpecifier.substring(0, packageSpecifierSeparator);
} else {
// or the end of the string.
packageName = packageSpecifier;
} else {
// 5. Otherwise, if packageSpecifier does not contain a "/" separator, then
if (packageSpecifierSeparator == -1) {
// Throw an Invalid Module Specifier error.
throw fail(INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER, packageSpecifier);
// Set packageName to the substring of packageSpecifier until the second "/" separator
int secondSeparator = packageSpecifier.indexOf('/', packageSpecifierSeparator + 1);
if (secondSeparator != -1) {
packageName = packageSpecifier.substring(0, secondSeparator);
} else {
// or the end of the string.
packageName = packageSpecifier;
// 6. If packageName starts with "." or contains "\" or "%", then
if (packageName.charAt(0) == '.' || packageName.indexOf('\\') >= 0 || packageName.indexOf('%') >= 0) {
// Throw an Invalid Module Specifier error.
throw fail(INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER, packageSpecifier);
// 7. Let packageSubpath be "." concatenated with the substring of packageSpecifier from the
// position at the length of packageName.
String packageSpecifierSub = packageSpecifier.substring(packageName.length());
String packageSubpath = DOT + packageSpecifierSub;
// 8. If packageSubpath ends in "/", then
if (packageSubpath.endsWith(SLASH)) {
// Throw an Invalid Module Specifier error.
throw fail(INVALID_MODULE_SPECIFIER, packageSpecifier);
// 9. Let selfUrl be the result of PACKAGE_SELF_RESOLVE(packageName, packageSubpath,
// parentURL).
URI selfUrl = packageSelfResolve(packageName, parentURL, env);
// 10. If selfUrl is not undefined, return selfUrl.
if (selfUrl != null) {
return selfUrl;
TruffleFile currentParentUrl = env.getPublicTruffleFile(parentURL);
// 11. While parentURL is not the file system root,
while (currentParentUrl != null && !isRoot(currentParentUrl)) {
// 11.1 Let packageURL be the URL resolution of "node_modules/" concatenated with
// packageSpecifier, relative to parentURL.
URI packageUrl = getPackageUrl(packageName, currentParentUrl);
// 11.2 Set parentURL to the parent folder URL of parentURL.
currentParentUrl = currentParentUrl.getParent();
// 11.3 If the folder at packageURL does not exist, then
TruffleFile maybeFolder = packageUrl != null ? env.getPublicTruffleFile(packageUrl) : null;
if (maybeFolder == null || !maybeFolder.exists() || !maybeFolder.isDirectory()) {
// 11.4 Let pjson be the result of READ_PACKAGE_JSON(packageURL).
PackageJson pjson = readPackageJson(packageUrl, env);
// 11.5 If pjson is not null and pjson.exports is not null or undefined, then
if (pjson != null && pjson.hasExportsProperty()) {
throw fail(UNSUPPORTED_PACKAGE_EXPORTS, packageSpecifier);
} else if (packageSubpath.equals(DOT)) {
// 11.6 Otherwise, if packageSubpath is equal to ".", then
// 11.6.1 If pjson.main is a string, then return the URL resolution of main in
// packageURL.
if (pjson != null && pjson.hasMainProperty()) {
TruffleString main = pjson.getMainProperty();
return packageUrl.resolve(main.toString());
} else {
// For backwards compatibility: return null and try loading as a legacy CJS.
// https://github.com/oracle/graaljs/blob/master/graal-nodejs/lib/internal/modules/esm/resolve.js#L918
return TryCommonJS;
// 7. Otherwise, Return the URL resolution of packageSubpath in packageURL.
return packageUrl.resolve(packageSubpath);
// 12. Will Throw a Module Not Found error.
return TryCustomESM;
private static boolean isRoot(TruffleFile file) {
if (file.isDirectory() && file.isAbsolute()) {
return file.getParent() == null;
return false;
* PACKAGE_SELF_RESOLVE(packageName, packageSubpath, parentURL).
private URI packageSelfResolve(String packageName, URI parentURL, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
// 1. Let packageURL be the result of LOOKUP_PACKAGE_SCOPE(parentURL).
URI packageUrl = lookupPackageScope(parentURL, env);
// 2. If packageURL is null, then Return undefined.
if (packageUrl == null) {
return null;
// 3. Let pjson be the result of READ_PACKAGE_JSON(packageURL).
PackageJson pjson = readPackageJson(packageUrl, env);
// 4. If pjson is null or if pjson.exports is null or undefined, Return undefined.
if (pjson == null || !pjson.hasExportsProperty()) {
return null;
// 5. If pjson.name is equal to packageName, then
if (pjson.namePropertyEquals(packageName)) {
// 6. Otherwise, return undefined.
return null;
private URI lookupPackageScope(URI url, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
// 1. Let scopeURL be url
URI scopeUrl = url;
// 2. While scopeURL is not the file system root,
while (scopeUrl != null) {
// 2.1. Set scopeURL to the parent URL of scopeURL.
scopeUrl = getParentUrl(scopeUrl, env);
if (scopeUrl == null) {
// 2.2 If scopeURL ends in a "node_modules" path segment, return null.
if (scopeUrl.toString().endsWith(NODE_MODULES)) {
return null;
// 2.3 Let pjsonURL be the resolution of "package.json" within scopeURL.
// 2.4 if the file at pjsonURL exists, then Return scopeURL
if (readPackageJson(scopeUrl, env) != null) {
return scopeUrl;
// 3. Return null.
return null;
// ##### Utils
private enum Format {
private static class PackageJson {
private final JSDynamicObject jsonObj;
PackageJson(JSDynamicObject jsonObj) {
assert jsonObj != null;
assert JSObject.isJSObject(jsonObj);
this.jsonObj = jsonObj;
boolean hasTypeModule() {
if (hasNonNullProperty(jsonObj, TYPE)) {
Object nameValue = JSObject.get(jsonObj, TYPE);
if (nameValue instanceof TruffleString nameStr) {
return Strings.equals(MODULE, nameStr);
return false;
private static boolean hasNonNullProperty(JSDynamicObject object, TruffleString keyName) {
if (JSObject.hasProperty(object, keyName)) {
Object value = JSObject.get(object, keyName);
return value != Null.instance && value != Undefined.instance;
return false;
public boolean hasExportsProperty() {
return hasNonNullProperty(jsonObj, EXPORTS_PROPERTY_NAME);
public boolean hasMainProperty() {
if (JSObject.hasProperty(jsonObj, PACKAGE_JSON_MAIN_PROPERTY_NAME)) {
Object value = JSObject.get(jsonObj, PACKAGE_JSON_MAIN_PROPERTY_NAME);
return Strings.isTString(value);
return false;
public TruffleString getMainProperty() {
assert hasMainProperty();
Object value = JSObject.get(jsonObj, PACKAGE_JSON_MAIN_PROPERTY_NAME);
return (TruffleString) value;
public boolean namePropertyEquals(String name) {
TruffleString packageName = Strings.fromJavaString(name);
if (hasNonNullProperty(jsonObj, NAME)) {
Object nameValue = JSObject.get(jsonObj, NAME);
if (nameValue instanceof TruffleString nameStr) {
return Strings.equals(packageName, nameStr);
return false;
private PackageJson readPackageJson(URI packageUrl, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
URI pjsonUrl = packageUrl.resolve(PACKAGE_JSON);
if (!fileExists(pjsonUrl, env)) {
return null;
JSDynamicObject jsonObj = loadJsonObject(env.getPublicTruffleFile(pjsonUrl), realm);
if (!JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(jsonObj)) {
return new PackageJson(jsonObj);
private static boolean fileExists(URI url, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
return CommonJSResolution.fileExists(env.getPublicTruffleFile(url));
private static boolean isFileURI(URI maybe) {
return maybe != null && maybe.getScheme().equals(FILE);
private static URI getPackageUrl(String packageSpecifier, TruffleFile parentURL) {
try {
URI combined = new URI("./" + NODE_MODULES + "/" + packageSpecifier);
TruffleFile resolved = parentURL.resolve(String.valueOf(combined));
return resolved.toUri();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// will handle null return
return null;
private static URI getParentUrl(URI scopeUrl, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
TruffleFile asFile = env.getPublicTruffleFile(scopeUrl);
if (asFile.getParent() != null) {
return asFile.getParent().toUri();
return null;
private static Format getAssociatedDefaultFormat(URI resolved) {
assert resolved.getPath() != null;
if (resolved.getPath().endsWith(MJS_EXT)) {
return Format.ESM;
// By default, try loading as CJS if not .mjs
return Format.CommonJS;
private static boolean isDirectory(URI resolved, TruffleLanguage.Env env) {
return env.getPublicTruffleFile(resolved).isDirectory();
private static URI resolveRelativeToParent(String specifier, URI parentURL) {
return parentURL.resolve(specifier);
private TruffleFile getFullPath(ScriptOrModule referencingModule) {
String refPath = referencingModule == null ? null : referencingModule.getSource().getPath();
if (refPath == null) {
refPath = realm.getContextOptions().getRequireCwd();
return realm.getEnv().getPublicTruffleFile(refPath);
private static JSException failMessage(String message) {
return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, message);
private static JSException fail(String errorType, String moduleIdentifier) {
return failMessage(errorType + moduleIdentifier + Strings.SINGLE_QUOTE);
private static boolean isRelativePathFileName(String moduleIdentifier) {
return moduleIdentifier.startsWith(DOT_SLASH) || moduleIdentifier.startsWith(DOT_DOT_SLASH);
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