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 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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 * portions of the Software.


 * Utility class to to create all kinds of ECMAScript-defined Error Objects.
public final class Errors {

    private Errors() {
        // don't instantiate this

    public static JSException createAggregateError(Object errors, String message, Node originatingNode) {
        JSContext context = JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode).getJSContext();
        JSRealm realm = JSRealm.get(originatingNode);
        JSErrorObject errorObj = JSError.createErrorObject(context, realm, JSErrorType.AggregateError);
        if (message != null) {
            JSError.setMessage(errorObj, Strings.fromJavaString(message));
        JSObjectUtil.putDataProperty(errorObj, JSError.ERRORS_NAME, errors, JSError.ERRORS_ATTRIBUTES);
        JSException exception = JSException.create(JSErrorType.AggregateError, message, errorObj, realm);
        JSError.setException(realm, errorObj, exception, false);
        return exception;

    public static JSException createAggregateError(Object errors, Node originatingNode) {
        return createAggregateError(errors, null, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.Error, message);

    public static JSException createEvalError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.EvalError, message);

    public static JSException createRangeError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RangeError, message);

    public static JSException createRangeError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RangeError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorFormat(String message, Node originatingNode, Object... args) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RangeError, String.format(message, args), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createURIError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.URIError, message);

    public static JSException createTypeError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, message);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorFormat(String message, Object... args) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, String.format(message, args));

    public static JSException createTypeError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeError(String message, Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, message, cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotMixBigIntWithOtherTypes(Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions.", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createErrorCannotConvertToBigInt(JSErrorType type, Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(type, String.format("Cannot convert %s to a BigInt.", JSRuntime.safeToString(value)), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertBigIntToNumber(Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number.", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAFunction(Object functionObj) {
        return createTypeErrorNotAFunction(functionObj, null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAFunction(Object functionObj, Node originatingNode) {
        assert !JSFunction.isJSFunction(functionObj); // don't lie to me
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, String.format("%s is not a function", JSRuntime.safeToString(functionObj)), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAConstructor(Object object, JSContext context) {
        return createTypeErrorNotAConstructor(object, null, context);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAConstructor(Object object, Node originatingNode, JSContext context) {
        String msg = String.format(context.isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode() ? "%s is not a constructor function" : "%s is not a constructor", JSRuntime.safeToString(object));
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, msg, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorTypeXExpected(Object type) {
        return createTypeErrorFormat("%s object expected.", type);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCalledOnNonObject() {
        return createTypeError("called on non-object");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorMethodCalledOnNonObjectOrWrongType(String method) {
        return createTypeErrorFormat("Method %s called on a non-object or on a wrong type of object.", method);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorSegmenterExpected() {
        return createTypeError("Segmenter object expected.");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorSegmentsExpected() {
        return createTypeError("Segments object expected.");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorDisplayNamesExpected() {
        return createTypeError("DisplayNames object expected.");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorLocaleExpected() {
        return createTypeError("Locale object expected.");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNoOverloadFound(TruffleString operatorName, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("No overload found for " + Strings.toJavaString(operatorName), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createSyntaxError(ParserException cause, JSContext context) {
        String message = context.isOptionV8CompatibilityMode() ? cause.getRawMessage() : cause.getMessage();
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, message, cause, null);

    public static JSException createSyntaxError(String message, Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, message, cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createSyntaxError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, message);

    public static JSException createSyntaxError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createSyntaxErrorFormat(String message, Node originatingNode, Object... args) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, String.format(message, args), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createSyntaxError(String message, Throwable cause, SourceSection sourceLocation, boolean isIncompleteSource) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.SyntaxError, message, cause, sourceLocation, isIncompleteSource);

    public static JSException createSyntaxErrorVariableAlreadyDeclared(TruffleString varName, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createSyntaxError("Variable \"" + varName + "\" has already been declared", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createReferenceError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.ReferenceError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createReferenceError(String message, Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.ReferenceError, message, cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createReferenceError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.ReferenceError, message);

    public static JSException createReferenceError(String message, SourceSection sourceLocation) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.ReferenceError, message, sourceLocation, false);

    public static JSException createReferenceErrorDerivedConstructorThisNotInitialized(Node originatingNode) {
        return createReferenceError("Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or returning from derived constructor", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorDerivedConstructorReturnedIllegalType(Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorClassConstructorRequiresNew(TruffleString className, Node originatingNode) {
        if (className != null && !Strings.isEmpty(className)) {
            return createTypeError("Class constructor " + className + " cannot be invoked without 'new'", originatingNode);
        return createTypeError("Class constructors cannot be invoked without 'new'", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotObjectCoercible(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        JavaScriptLanguage language = JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode);
        if (language.getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
            return Errors.createTypeErrorNotAnObject(value, originatingNode);
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object: " + JSRuntime.safeToString(value), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAnObject(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorNotAnObject(value, null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAnObject(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not an Object", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIterResultNotAnObject(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorNotAnObject(value, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotIterable(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not iterable", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotIterator(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not iterator", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorPropertyDescriptorNotAnObject(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Property description must be an object: " + JSRuntime.safeToString(value), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInvalidPrototype(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object or null: " + JSRuntime.safeToString(value));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInvalidInstanceofTarget(Object target, Node originatingNode) {
        if (JSRuntime.isForeignObject(target)) {
            return Errors.createTypeError("Right-hand-side of instanceof is not a meta object", originatingNode);
        } else if (!JSRuntime.isObject(target)) {
            return Errors.createTypeError("Right-hand-side of instanceof is not an object", originatingNode);
        } else {
            assert !JSRuntime.isCallable(target);
            return Errors.createTypeError("Right-hand-side of instanceof is not callable", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToPrimitiveValue() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot convert object to primitive value");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToPrimitiveValue(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot convert object to primitive value", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToString(String what) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToString(what, null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToString(String what, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot convert " + what + " to a string", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber(String what) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber(what, null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber(String what, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot convert " + what + " to a number", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIncompatibleReceiver(TruffleString methodName, Object receiver) {
        return createTypeErrorIncompatibleReceiver(Strings.toJavaString(methodName), receiver);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIncompatibleReceiver(String methodName, Object receiver) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Method " + methodName + " called on incompatible receiver " + JSRuntime.safeToString(receiver));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIncompatibleReceiver(Object what) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("incompatible receiver: " + JSRuntime.safeToString(what));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotSetProto(JSDynamicObject thisObj, JSDynamicObject proto) {
        if (!JSNonProxy.checkProtoCycle(thisObj, proto)) {
            if (JSObject.getJSContext(thisObj).isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
                return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot create__proto__ cycle for " + JSObject.defaultToString(thisObj));
            return Errors.createTypeError("Cyclic __proto__ value");
        throw Errors.createTypeError("Cannot set __proto__ of non-extensible " + JSObject.defaultToString(thisObj));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(Object key, Object thisObj, Node originatingNode) {
        String message;
        JavaScriptLanguage language = JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode);
        if (language.getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
            message = quoteIfString(key) + " is not a writable property of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(thisObj);
        } else {
            message = "Cannot assign to read only property '" + keyToString(key) + "' of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(thisObj);
        return Errors.createTypeError(message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(long index, Object thisObj, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(Strings.fromLong(index), thisObj, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorLengthNotWritable() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot assign to read only property 'length'");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotConfigurableProperty(Object key) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, quoteIfString(key) + " is not a configurable property");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotExtensible(JSDynamicObject thisObj, Object key) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot add new property " + quoteIfString(key) + " to non-extensible " + JSObject.defaultToString(thisObj));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorSetNonObjectReceiver(Object receiver, Object key) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot add property " + quoteIfString(key) + " to non-object " + JSRuntime.safeToString(receiver));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorConstReassignment(Object key, Node originatingNode) {
        if (JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode).getJSContext().isOptionV8CompatibilityMode()) {
            return Errors.createTypeError("Assignment to constant variable.", originatingNode);
        return Errors.createTypeError("Assignment to constant \"" + key + "\"", originatingNode);

    private static String keyToString(Object key) {
        return JSRuntime.safeToString(key).toString();

    private static String quoteIfString(Object key) {
        return key instanceof TruffleString str ? '"' + Strings.toJavaString(str) + '"' : keyToString(key);

    public static JSException createReferenceErrorNotDefined(Object key, Node originatingNode) {
        String format = JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode).getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()
                        ? "\"%s\" is not defined"
                        : "%s is not defined";
        return Errors.createReferenceError(String.format(format, keyToString(key)), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotRedefineProperty(Object key) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorFormat("Cannot redefine property: %s", keyToString(key));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotRedefineProperty(long index) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorCannotRedefineProperty((Object) index);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotRedefineTypedArrayElement() {
        throw Errors.createTypeError("Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elements");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotSetProperty(Object keyOrIndex, Object object, Node originatingNode) {
        String key = keyToString(keyOrIndex);
        String errorMessage;
        if (JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode).getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
            errorMessage = "Cannot set property \"" + key + "\" of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(object);
        } else {
            errorMessage = "Cannot set property '" + key + "' of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(object);
        return createTypeError(errorMessage, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotSetAccessorProperty(Object key, JSDynamicObject store, Node originatingNode) {
        JavaScriptLanguage language = JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode);
        String message = language.getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()
                        ? "Cannot set property \"%s\" of %s that has only a getter"
                        : "Cannot set property %s of %s which has only a getter";
        return createTypeError(String.format(message, keyToString(key), JSObject.defaultToString(store)), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotGetAccessorProperty(Object key, JSDynamicObject store, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError(String.format("Cannot get property %s of %s which has only a setter", keyToString(key), JSObject.defaultToString(store)), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotGetProperty(Object keyOrIndex, Object object, boolean isGetMethod, Node originatingNode) {
        String key = keyToString(keyOrIndex);
        String errorMessage;
        if (JavaScriptLanguage.get(originatingNode).getJSContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
            if (isGetMethod) {
                errorMessage = JSRuntime.safeToString(object) + " has no such function \"" + key + "\"";
            } else {
                if (object == Null.instance) {
                    errorMessage = "Cannot get property \"" + key + "\" of " + Null.NAME;
                } else {
                    errorMessage = "Cannot read property \"" + key + "\" from " + JSRuntime.safeToString(object);
        } else {
            errorMessage = "Cannot read property '" + key + "' of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(object);
        return createTypeError(errorMessage, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotDeclareGlobalFunction(Object varName, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Cannot declare global function '" + varName + "'", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorCurrencyNotWellFormed(String currencyCode) {
        return createRangeError(String.format("Currency, %s, is not well formed.", currencyCode));

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidUnitArgument(String functionName, Object unit) {
        return createRangeError(String.format("Invalid unit argument for %s() '%s'", functionName, unit));

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidLanguageId(String languageId) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid language ID: %s", null, languageId);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidLanguageSubtag(String language) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid language subtag: %s", null, language);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidRegion(String region) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid region subtag: %s", null, region);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidScript(String script) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid script subtag: %s", null, script);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidCalendar(String calendar) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid calendar: %s", null, calendar);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidDateTimeField(String dateTimeField) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid date-time field: %s", null, dateTimeField);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidUnitIdentifier(String unitIdentifier) {
        return createRangeErrorFormat("Invalid unit identifier: %s", null, unitIdentifier);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidTimeValue() {
        return createRangeError("Invalid time value");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInvalidTimeValue() {
        return createTypeError("Invalid time value");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorMapExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Map expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorSetExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Set expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorOutOfBoundsTypedArray() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Out of bounds typed array");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorDetachedBuffer() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Detached buffer");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInvalidDetachKey() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Invalid detach key");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorReadOnlyBuffer() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Read-only buffer");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorArrayBufferExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("ArrayBuffer expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorArrayBufferViewExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("TypedArray expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCallableExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Callable expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorGeneratorObjectExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Not a generator object");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorAsyncGeneratorObjectExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Not an async generator object");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotADataView() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Not a DataView");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotADate() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("not a Date object");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorFinalizationRegistryExpected() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("FinalizationRegistry expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotANumber(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not a Number");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotAString(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not a String");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotARegExp(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeError(JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not a RegExp");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorGlobalObjectNotExtensible(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Global object is not extensible", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorTooManyArguments() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Maximum call stack size exceeded");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorBigIntMaxSizeExceeded() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Maximum BigInt size exceeded");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorStackOverflow() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Maximum call stack size exceeded");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorStackOverflow(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Maximum call stack size exceeded", cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidStringLength() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Invalid string length");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidStringLength(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Invalid string length", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidArrayLength(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Invalid array length", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidArrayLength() {
        return createRangeErrorInvalidArrayLength(null);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorIndexNegative(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createRangeError("index is negative", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeErrorIndexTooLarge(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createRangeError("index is too large", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIndexTooLarge() {
        return Errors.createTypeError("index is too large");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidBufferSize() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Buffer too large");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidBufferOffset() {
        return Errors.createRangeError("Invalid buffer offset");

    public static JSException createRangeErrorInvalidTimeZone(String timeZoneName) {
        return Errors.createRangeError(String.format("Invalid time zone %s", timeZoneName));

    public static RuntimeException unsupported(String message) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message);

    public static RuntimeException notImplemented(String message) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented: " + message);

    public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere() {
        throw new IllegalStateException("should not reach here");

    public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere(String message) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("should not reach here: " + message);

    public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHere(Throwable exception) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("should not reach here", exception);

    public static RuntimeException shouldNotReachHereUnexpectedValue(Object value) {
        throw shouldNotReachHere("unexpected value: " + value);

    public static OutOfMemoryError outOfMemoryError() {
        return new OutOfMemoryError();

    public static JSException createTypeErrorConfigurableExpected() {
        return createTypeError("configurable expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorSameResultExpected() {
        return createTypeError("same result expected");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorYieldStarThrowMethodMissing(Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("yield* protocol violation: iterator does not have a throw method", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotDeletePropertyOf(Object key, Object object) {
        return createTypeError("Cannot delete property \"" + keyToString(key) + "\" of " + JSRuntime.safeToString(object));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotDeletePropertyOfSealedArray(long index) {
        return createTypeErrorFormat("Cannot delete property \"%d\" of sealed array", index);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorJSObjectExpected() {
        return createTypeError("only JavaScript objects are supported by this operation");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorPrivateSymbolInProxy() {
        return createTypeErrorPrivateSymbolInProxy(null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorPrivateSymbolInProxy(Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError("Cannot pass private property name to proxy trap", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorTrapReturnedFalsish(Object trap, Object propertyKey) {
        return createTypeError("'" + trap + "' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '" + propertyKey + "'");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorOwnKeysTrapMissingKey(Object propertyKey) {
        return createTypeErrorFormat("'ownKeys' on proxy: trap result did not include '%s'", propertyKey);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorProxyRevoked(TruffleString trap, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError(trap != null ? "Cannot perform '" + trap + "' on a proxy that has been revoked" : "proxy has been revoked", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorProxyRevoked() {
        return createTypeErrorProxyRevoked(null, null);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorProxyTargetNotExtensible() {
        return createTypeError("target is not extensible");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorProxyGetInvariantViolated(Object propertyKey, Object expectedValue, Object actualValue) {
        String propertyName = propertyKey.toString();
        Object expected = JSRuntime.safeToString(expectedValue);
        Object actual = JSRuntime.safeToString(actualValue);
        return createTypeError("'get' on proxy: property '" + propertyName +
                        "' is a read-only and non-configurable data property on the proxy target but the proxy did not return its actual value (expected '" + expected + "' but got '" + actual + "')");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInteropException(Object receiver, InteropException cause, String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeErrorInteropException(receiver, cause, message, null, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInteropException(Object receiver, InteropException cause, String message, Object messageDetails, Node originatingNode) {
        String reason = cause.getMessage();
        if (reason == null) {
            reason = cause.getClass().getSimpleName();
        String receiverStr = toDisplayStringSafe(receiver);
        String messageTxt = (messageDetails == null) ? message : String.format("%s (%s)", message, messageDetails);
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, messageTxt + " on " + receiverStr + " failed due to: " + reason, cause, originatingNode);

    private static String toDisplayStringSafe(Object receiver) {
        InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached();
        try {
            return interop.asString(interop.toDisplayString(receiver, false));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // ignore
            return "foreign object";

    public static JSException createTypeErrorUnboxException(Object receiver, InteropException cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeErrorInteropException(receiver, cause, "ToPrimitive", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorUnsupportedInteropType(Object value) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("type " + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not supported in JavaScript");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorNotATruffleObject(String message) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("cannot call " + message + " on a non-interop object");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorInvalidIdentifier(Object identifier) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Invalid identifier: " + JSRuntime.safeToString(identifier));

    public static JSException createTypeErrorClassNotFound(Object className) {
        return Errors.createTypeErrorFormat("Access to host class %s is not allowed or does not exist.", className);

    public static JSException createNotAFileError(String path) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Not a file: " + path);

    public static JSException createErrorFromException(Throwable e) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.Error, e.getMessage(), e, null);

    public static JSException createError(String message, Throwable e) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.Error, message, e, null);

    public static JSException createICU4JDataError(Exception e) {
        return Errors.createError("ICU data not found. ICU4J library not properly configured. " +
                        "Set the system property " +
                        "" +
                        " to your icudt path." +
                        (e.getMessage() != null && !e.getMessage().isEmpty() ? " (" + e.getMessage() + ")" : ""), e);

    public static JSException createEvalDisabled() {
        return Errors.createEvalError("dynamic evaluation of code is disabled.");

    public static JSException createTypeErrorIteratorResultNotObject(Object value, Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Iterator result " + JSRuntime.safeToString(value) + " is not an object", originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotGetPrivateMember(boolean fieldAccess, TruffleString name, Node originatingNode) {
        String message;
        if (fieldAccess) {
            message = String.format("Cannot read private member %s from an object whose class did not declare it.", name);
        } else {
            message = "Receiver must be an instance of class";
        return createTypeError(message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotSetPrivateMember(Object name, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError(String.format("Cannot write private member %s to an object whose class did not declare it.", name), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorCannotAddPrivateMember(String name, Node originatingNode) {
        return createTypeError(String.format("Duplicate private member %s.", name), originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeError(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.TypeError, cause.getMessage(), cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeError(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RangeError, cause.getMessage(), cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRangeError(String message, Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RangeError, message, cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createCompileError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.CompileError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createCompileError(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.CompileError, cause.getMessage(), cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createLinkError(String message) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.LinkError, message);

    public static JSException createLinkError(String message, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.LinkError, message, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createLinkError(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.LinkError, cause.getMessage(), cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createRuntimeError(String message, JSRealm realm) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RuntimeError, message, null, null, realm);

    public static JSException createRuntimeError(Throwable cause, Node originatingNode) {
        return JSException.create(JSErrorType.RuntimeError, cause.getMessage(), cause, originatingNode);

    public static JSException createTypeErrorWrongDecoratorReturn(Node originatingNode) {
        return Errors.createTypeError("Class decorator must return undefined or function", originatingNode);

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