com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
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package com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.ExactMath;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Idempotent;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.EncapsulatingNodeReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Property;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.BranchProfile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.InlinedConditionProfile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.strings.TruffleString;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.strings.TruffleStringBuilderUTF16;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.lang.JavaScriptLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JSGuards;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.IsObjectNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.IsPrimitiveNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToBigIntNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToBooleanNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToObjectNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToPrimitiveNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.OrdinaryToPrimitiveNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ExportValueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ForeignObjectPrototypeNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ImportValueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.ByteBufferAccess;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.TypedArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAbstractArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAdapter;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSBigInt;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSBoolean;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSError;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSErrorObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunction;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunctionObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSMap;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSNumber;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSOrdinary;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSOverloadedOperatorsObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSProxy;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSProxyObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSSet;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSString;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSSymbol;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSTypedArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.doubleconv.DoubleConversion;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.external.DToA;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.interop.InteropFunction;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.interop.JSInteropUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.IteratorRecord;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSAttributes;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSDynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSProperty;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Null;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Nullish;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.OperatorSet;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.PropertyDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.JSHashMap;
public final class JSRuntime {
private static final long NEGATIVE_ZERO_DOUBLE_BITS = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(-0.0);
private static final long POSITIVE_INFINITY_DOUBLE_BITS = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
public static final double TWO32 = 4294967296d;
public static final long INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX = -1;
public static final long MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4294967295L;
public static final int MAX_UINT32_DIGITS = 10;
public static final double MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
public static final double MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
public static final long MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG = (long) MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
public static final long MIN_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG = (long) MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
public static final long INVALID_INTEGER_INDEX = -1;
public static final int MAX_INTEGER_INDEX_DIGITS = 16;
public static final int MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_DIGITS = 16;
public static final int MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_IN_FLOAT = 1 << 24;
public static final long INVALID_SAFE_INTEGER = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static final HiddenKey ENUMERATE_ITERATOR_ID = new HiddenKey("EnumerateIterator");
public static final int ITERATION_KIND_KEY = 1 << 0;
public static final int ITERATION_KIND_VALUE = 1 << 1;
private JSRuntime() {
// this class should not be instantiated
public static boolean doubleIsRepresentableAsInt(double d) {
return doubleIsRepresentableAsInt(d, false);
public static boolean doubleIsRepresentableAsInt(double d, boolean ignoreNegativeZero) {
long longValue = (long) d;
return doubleIsRepresentableAsLong(d) && longIsRepresentableAsInt(longValue) && (ignoreNegativeZero || !isNegativeZero(d));
public static boolean doubleIsRepresentableAsUnsignedInt(double d, boolean ignoreNegativeZero) {
long longValue = (long) d;
return doubleIsRepresentableAsLong(d) && longIsRepresentableAsInt(longValue) && (ignoreNegativeZero || !isNegativeZero(d));
public static boolean isNegativeZero(double d) {
return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) == NEGATIVE_ZERO_DOUBLE_BITS;
public static boolean isPositiveInfinity(double d) {
return Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) == POSITIVE_INFINITY_DOUBLE_BITS;
public static Number doubleToNarrowestNumber(double d) {
if (doubleIsRepresentableAsInt(d)) {
return (int) d;
return d;
public static boolean longIsRepresentableAsInt(long value) {
return value == (int) value;
public static boolean isRepresentableAsUnsignedInt(long value) {
return (value & 0xffffffffL) == value;
public static boolean doubleIsRepresentableAsLong(double d) {
return d == (long) d;
public static Object positiveLongToIntOrDouble(long value) {
if (value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return (int) value;
} else {
return (double) value;
public static Number longToIntOrDouble(long value) {
if (Integer.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return (int) value;
} else {
return (double) value;
public static boolean longFitsInDouble(long l) {
double d = l;
return l != Long.MAX_VALUE && (long) d == l;
public static boolean isNaN(Object value) {
if (!(value instanceof Double)) {
return false;
double d = (Double) value;
return Double.isNaN(d);
public static TruffleString typeof(Object value) {
if (value == Null.instance) {
return Null.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (value == Undefined.instance) {
return Undefined.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (Strings.isTString(value)) {
return JSString.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (isNumber(value) || value instanceof Long) {
return JSNumber.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (isBigInt(value)) {
return JSBigInt.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return JSBoolean.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (value instanceof Symbol) {
return JSSymbol.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (JSObject.isJSObject(value)) {
JSObject object = (JSObject) value;
if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(object)) {
Object target = JSProxy.getTargetNonProxy(object);
return typeof(target);
} else if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(object)) {
return JSFunction.TYPE_NAME;
return JSOrdinary.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (value instanceof TruffleObject) {
assert !(value instanceof Symbol);
JSRealm realm = JSRealm.get(null);
if (realm.getContext().isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) {
TruffleLanguage.Env env = realm.getEnv();
if (env.isHostSymbol(value)) {
return JSFunction.TYPE_NAME;
TruffleObject object = (TruffleObject) value;
InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached();
if (interop.isBoolean(object)) {
return JSBoolean.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (interop.isString(object)) {
return JSString.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (interop.isNumber(object)) {
return JSNumber.TYPE_NAME;
} else if (interop.isExecutable(object) || interop.isInstantiable(object)) {
return JSFunction.TYPE_NAME;
} else {
return JSOrdinary.TYPE_NAME;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("typeof: don't know " + value.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Returns whether object is a JSObject. JS-Null and JS-Undefined are not considered objects.
public static boolean isObject(Object value) {
return value instanceof JSObject;
* Returns whether {@code value} is JS {@code null} or {@code undefined}.
public static boolean isNullOrUndefined(Object value) {
return value instanceof Nullish;
* Returns whether {@code value} is JS {@code null} or {@code undefined} or a foreign null.
public static boolean isNullish(Object value) {
return value == Null.instance || value == Undefined.instance || InteropLibrary.getUncached(value).isNull(value);
* Implementation of ECMA 7.1.1 "ToPrimitive", with NO hint given.
* @param value an Object to be converted to a primitive value
* @return an Object representing the primitive value of the parameter
public static Object toPrimitive(Object value) {
return toPrimitive(value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Default);
* Implementation of ECMA 7.1.1 "ToPrimitive".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a primitive value
* @param hint the preferred type of primitive to return ("number", "string" or "default")
* @return an Object representing the primitive value of the parameter
* @see com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToPrimitiveNode
public static Object toPrimitive(Object value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint hint) {
if (value == Null.instance || value == Undefined.instance) {
return value;
} else if (JSObject.isJSObject(value)) {
return JSObject.toPrimitive((JSObject) value, hint);
} else if (isForeignObject(value)) {
return toPrimitiveFromForeign(value, hint);
return value;
* Converts a foreign object to a primitive value.
public static Object toPrimitiveFromForeign(Object tObj, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint hint) {
assert isForeignObject(tObj);
InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(tObj);
Object primitive = JSInteropUtil.toPrimitiveOrDefaultLossless(tObj, null, interop, TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode.getUncached(), null);
if (primitive != null) {
return primitive;
// Try foreign object prototype [Symbol.toPrimitive] property first.
// e.g.: Instant and ZonedDateTime use Date.prototype[@@toPrimitive].
JSDynamicObject proto = ForeignObjectPrototypeNode.getUncached().execute(tObj);
Object exoticToPrim = JSObject.getOrDefault(proto, Symbol.SYMBOL_TO_PRIMITIVE, tObj, Undefined.instance);
if (!JSRuntime.isNullOrUndefined(exoticToPrim)) {
Object result = JSRuntime.call(exoticToPrim, tObj, new Object[]{hint.getHintName()});
if (IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(result)) {
primitive = result;
} else {
throw Errors.createTypeError("[Symbol.toPrimitive] method returned a non-primitive object", null);
} else {
if (JavaScriptLanguage.getCurrentEnv().isHostObject(tObj)) {
Object maybeResult = JSToPrimitiveNode.tryHostObjectToPrimitive(tObj, hint, interop);
if (maybeResult != null) {
return maybeResult;
primitive = foreignOrdinaryToPrimitive(tObj, hint == JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Default ? JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Number : hint, interop);
primitive = JSInteropUtil.toPrimitiveOrDefaultLossless(primitive, null, InteropLibrary.getUncached(primitive), TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode.getUncached(), null);
if (primitive != null) {
return primitive;
} else {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToPrimitiveValue();
private static Object foreignOrdinaryToPrimitive(Object obj, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint hint, InteropLibrary interop) {
TruffleString[] methodNames;
if (hint == JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.String) {
methodNames = new TruffleString[]{Strings.TO_STRING, Strings.VALUE_OF};
} else {
assert hint == JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Number;
methodNames = new TruffleString[]{Strings.VALUE_OF, Strings.TO_STRING};
JSDynamicObject proto = ForeignObjectPrototypeNode.getUncached().execute(obj);
for (TruffleString name : methodNames) {
if (interop.hasMembers(obj) && interop.isMemberInvocable(obj, Strings.toJavaString(name))) {
if (!OrdinaryToPrimitiveNode.isJavaArray(obj, interop)) {
try {
Object result = importValue(interop.invokeMember(obj, Strings.toJavaString(name)));
if (IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(result)) {
return result;
} catch (InteropException e) {
// ignore
Object method = JSObject.getMethod(proto, obj, name);
if (isCallable(method)) {
Object result = call(method, obj, new Object[]{});
if (IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(result)) {
return result;
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToPrimitiveValue();
* Implementation of ECMA 9.2 "ToBoolean".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a Boolean
* @return an Object representing the primitive value of the parameter
public static boolean toBoolean(Object value) {
return JSToBooleanNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(value);
private static Object toPrimitiveHintNumber(Object value) {
if (isObject(value)) {
return JSObject.toPrimitive((JSObject) value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Number);
} else if (isForeignObject(value)) {
return toPrimitiveFromForeign(value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.Number);
} else {
assert IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(value) : value;
return value;
* Implementation of ECMA 9.3 "ToNumber".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a Number
* @return an Object representing the Number value of the parameter
public static Number toNumber(Object value) {
Object primitive = toPrimitiveHintNumber(value);
return toNumberFromPrimitive(primitive);
public static Object toNumeric(Object value) {
Object primitive = toPrimitiveHintNumber(value);
if (primitive instanceof BigInt bigInt) {
if (!bigInt.isForeign()) {
return primitive;
} else {
return bigInt.doubleValue();
} else if (primitive instanceof Long longValue) {
return longValue.doubleValue();
} else {
return toNumberFromPrimitive(primitive);
private static Number toNumberFromPrimitive(Object value) {
if (isNumber(value)) {
return (Number) value;
} else if (value == Undefined.instance) {
return Double.NaN;
} else if (value == Null.instance) {
return 0;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean bool) {
return booleanToNumber(bool);
} else if (value instanceof TruffleString str) {
return stringToNumber(str);
} else if (value instanceof Symbol) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber("a Symbol value");
} else if (value instanceof BigInt bigInt) {
if (bigInt.isForeign()) {
return bigInt.doubleValue();
} else {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber("a BigInt value");
} else if (value instanceof Long longValue) {
return longValue.doubleValue();
throw toNumberTypeError(value);
private static JSException toNumberTypeError(Object value) {
assert false : "should never reach here, type " + value.getClass().getName() + " not handled.";
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToNumber(Strings.toJavaString(safeToString(value)));
public static int booleanToNumber(boolean value) {
return value ? 1 : 0;
public static boolean isNumber(Object value) {
return value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double || value instanceof SafeInteger;
public static BigInt toBigInt(Object value) {
return JSToBigIntNode.getUncached().execute(value);
public static boolean isBigInt(Object value) {
return value instanceof BigInt;
public static boolean isJavaNumber(Object value) {
return value instanceof Number;
* Implementation of ECMA 9.3.1 "ToNumber Applied to the String Type".
* @param string
* @return a Number
public static Number stringToNumber(TruffleString string) {
// "Infinity" written exactly like this
TruffleString strCamel = trimJSWhiteSpace(string);
int camelLength = Strings.length(strCamel);
if (camelLength == 0) {
return 0;
char firstChar = Strings.charAt(strCamel, 0);
if (camelLength >= Strings.length(Strings.INFINITY) && camelLength <= Strings.length(Strings.INFINITY) + 1 && Strings.endsWith(strCamel, Strings.INFINITY)) {
return identifyInfinity(firstChar, camelLength);
if (!(JSRuntime.isAsciiDigit(firstChar) || firstChar == '-' || firstChar == '.' || firstChar == '+')) {
return Double.NaN;
return stringToNumberParse(strCamel);
private static Number stringToNumberParse(TruffleString str) {
assert Strings.length(str) > 0;
boolean hex = Strings.startsWith(str, Strings.LC_0X) || Strings.startsWith(str, Strings.UC_0X);
int eIndex = firstExpIndexInString(str);
boolean sci = !hex && (0 <= eIndex && eIndex < Strings.length(str) - 1);
try {
if (!sci && Strings.length(str) <= 18 && Strings.indexOf(str, '.') == -1) {
// 18 digits always fit into long
if (hex) {
return Strings.parseLong(Strings.lazySubstring(str, 2), 16);
} else {
return stringToNumberLong(str);
} else {
return parseDoubleOrNaN(str);
} catch (TruffleString.NumberFormatException e) {
return Double.NaN;
private static Number stringToNumberLong(TruffleString strLower) throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException {
assert Strings.length(strLower) > 0;
long num = Strings.parseLong(strLower);
if (longIsRepresentableAsInt(num)) {
if (num == 0 && Strings.charAt(strLower, 0) == '-') {
return -0.0;
return (int) num;
} else {
return (double) num;
* Like {@link Double#parseDouble(String)}, but does not allow trailing {@code d} or {@code f}.
* @return double value or {@link Double#NaN} if not parsable.
public static double parseDoubleOrNaN(TruffleString input) {
// A valid JS number must end with either a digit or '.'.
// Double.parseDouble also accepts a trailing 'd', 'D', 'f', 'F'.
if (Strings.isEmpty(input) || Strings.charAt(input, Strings.length(input) - 1) > '9') {
return Double.NaN;
try {
return Strings.parseDouble(input);
} catch (TruffleString.NumberFormatException e) {
return Double.NaN;
* Returns the first index of a String that contains either 'e' or 'E'.
public static int firstExpIndexInString(TruffleString str) {
int firstIdx = Strings.indexOf(str, 'e', 0);
if (firstIdx >= 0) {
return firstIdx;
return Strings.indexOf(str, 'E', 0);
public static double identifyInfinity(char firstChar, int len) {
int infinityLength = Strings.length(Strings.INFINITY);
if (len == infinityLength) {
} else if (len == (infinityLength + 1)) {
if (firstChar == '+') {
} else if (firstChar == '-') {
return Double.NaN;
* Implementation of ECMA 9.4 "ToInteger".
* @param value an Object to be converted to an Integer
* @return an Object representing the Integer value of the parameter
public static long toInteger(Object value) {
Number number = toNumber(value);
return toInteger(number);
public static long toInteger(Number number) {
// NaN is converted to 0L by longValue().
return longValue(number);
* Implementation of ECMAScript6 7.1.15 "ToLength".
public static long toLength(Object value) {
long l = toInteger(value);
return toLength(l);
public static double toLength(double d) {
if (d <= 0) {
return 0;
if (d > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { // also checks for positive infinity
return d;
public static long toLength(long l) {
if (l <= 0) {
return 0;
return l;
public static int toLength(int value) {
if (value <= 0) {
return 0;
return value;
* Implementation of ECMA 9.7 "ToUInt16".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a UInt16
* @return an Object representing the Number value of the parameter
public static int toUInt16(Object value) {
Number number = toNumber(value);
return toUInt16(number);
public static int toUInt16(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Double) {
Double d = (Double) number;
if (isPositiveInfinity(d)) {
return 0;
return toUInt16(longValue(number));
public static int toUInt16(long number) {
return (int) (number & 0x0000FFFF);
* Implementation of ECMA 9.6 "ToUInt32".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a UInt32
* @return an Object representing the Number value of the parameter
public static long toUInt32(Object value) {
return toUInt32(toNumber(value));
* ToUint32 after previous ToNumber conversion.
public static long toUInt32(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return Integer.toUnsignedLong((int) number);
} else if (number instanceof Double) {
return toUInt32((double) number);
} else if (number instanceof SafeInteger) {
return toUInt32(((SafeInteger) number).longValue());
return toUInt32(longValueVirtual(number));
public static long toUInt32(long value) {
return (value & 0xFFFFFFFFL);
public static long toUInt32(double value) {
return toUInt32NoTruncate(truncateDouble(value));
public static long toUInt32NoTruncate(double value) {
assert !Double.isFinite(value) || value % 1 == 0;
double d = doubleModuloTwo32(value);
return toUInt32((long) d);
public static double truncateDouble(double value) {
return ExactMath.truncate(value);
* Implementation of ECMA 9.5 "ToInt32".
* @param value an Object to be converted to a Int32
* @return an Object representing the Number value of the parameter
public static int toInt32(Object value) {
Number number = toNumber(value);
return toInt32(number);
* Convert JS number to int32.
public static int toInt32(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Double) {
return toInt32(((Double) number).doubleValue());
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return (int) number;
if (number instanceof SafeInteger) {
return (int) number.longValue();
if (number instanceof Long) {
return (int) (long) number;
return toInt32Intl(number);
private static int toInt32Intl(Number number) {
return toInt32(number.doubleValue());
public static int toInt32(double value) {
return toInt32NoTruncate(truncateDouble(value));
public static int toInt32NoTruncate(double value) {
assert !Double.isFinite(value) || value % 1 == 0;
// equivalent, but slower: double d = value % two32;
return (int) (long) doubleModuloTwo32(value);
private static double doubleModuloTwo32(double value) {
return value - Math.floor(value / TWO32) * TWO32;
* Non-standard "ToDouble" utility function.
* @return the result of calling ToNumber, but converted to a primitive double
public static double toDouble(Object value) {
return doubleValue(toNumber(value));
* ToDouble for Numbers. In fact, just forwarding to doubleValue(). Keep it, as otherwise it is
* very easy to mistakenly call toDouble() inadvertently.
public static double toDouble(Number value) {
return doubleValue(value);
public static String toJavaString(Object value) {
return Strings.toJavaString(toString(value));
* The abstract operation ToString. Converts a value to a string.
public static TruffleString toString(Object value) {
if (value instanceof TruffleString) {
return (TruffleString) value;
} else if (value == Undefined.instance) {
return Undefined.NAME;
} else if (value == Null.instance) {
return Null.NAME;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return booleanToString((Boolean) value);
} else if (isNumber(value) || value instanceof Long) {
return numberToString((Number) value);
} else if (value instanceof Symbol) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToString("a Symbol value");
} else if (value instanceof BigInt) {
return Strings.fromBigInt((BigInt) value);
} else if (JSObject.isJSObject(value)) {
return toString(JSObject.toPrimitive((JSObject) value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.String));
} else if (value instanceof TruffleObject) {
assert !isJSNative(value);
return toString(toPrimitiveFromForeign(value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.String));
throw toStringTypeError(value);
public static TruffleString safeToString(Object value) {
return toDisplayString(value, false, ToDisplayStringFormat.getDefaultFormat());
public static TruffleString toDisplayString(Object value, boolean allowSideEffects) {
return toDisplayString(value, allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat.getDefaultFormat());
public static TruffleString toDisplayString(Object value, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format) {
return toDisplayStringImpl(value, allowSideEffects, format, 0, null);
public static TruffleString toDisplayStringInner(Object value, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int currentDepth, Object parent) {
return toDisplayStringImpl(value, allowSideEffects, format.withQuoteString(true), currentDepth + 1, parent);
* Converts the value to a String that can be printed on the console and used in error messages.
* @param format formatting parameters
* @param depth current recursion depth (starts at 0 = top level)
* @param parent parent object or null
public static TruffleString toDisplayStringImpl(Object value, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth, Object parent) {
if (value == parent) {
return Strings.PARENS_THIS;
} else if (value == Undefined.instance) {
return Undefined.NAME;
} else if (value == Null.instance) {
return Null.NAME;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return booleanToString((Boolean) value);
} else if (value instanceof TruffleString str) {
return format.quoteString() ? quote(str) : str;
} else if (value instanceof String str) {
return format.quoteString() ? quote(Strings.fromJavaString(str)) : Strings.fromJavaString(str);
} else if (JSObject.isJSObject(value)) {
return ((JSObject) value).toDisplayStringImpl(allowSideEffects, format, depth);
} else if (value instanceof Symbol) {
return ((Symbol) value).toTString();
} else if (value instanceof BigInt) {
return Strings.concat(((BigInt) value).toTString(), Strings.N);
} else if (isNumber(value)) {
Number number = (Number) value;
if (JSRuntime.isNegativeZero(number.doubleValue())) {
return Strings.NEGATIVE_ZERO;
} else {
return numberToString(number);
} else if (value instanceof InteropFunction) {
return toDisplayStringImpl(((InteropFunction) value).getFunction(), allowSideEffects, format, depth, parent);
} else if (value instanceof TruffleObject) {
assert !isJSNative(value) : value;
return foreignToString(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth);
} else {
return Strings.fromObject(value);
public static TruffleString objectToDisplayString(JSDynamicObject obj, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth, TruffleString name) {
return objectToDisplayString(obj, allowSideEffects, format, depth, name, null, null);
public static TruffleString objectToDisplayString(JSDynamicObject obj, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth, TruffleString name, TruffleString[] internalKeys,
Object[] internalValues) {
assert !JSFunction.isJSFunction(obj) && !JSProxy.isJSProxy(obj);
boolean v8CompatMode = JSObject.getJSContext(obj).isOptionV8CompatibilityMode();
var sb = Strings.builderCreate();
if (name != null) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, name);
boolean isArrayLike = false; // also TypedArrays
boolean isArray = false;
long length = -1;
if (JSArray.isJSArray(obj)) {
isArrayLike = true;
isArray = true;
length = JSArray.arrayGetLength(obj);
} else if (obj instanceof JSTypedArrayObject typedArrayObj) {
isArrayLike = true;
length = typedArrayObj.getLength();
} else if (JSString.isJSString(obj)) {
length = JSString.getStringLength(obj);
boolean isStringObj = JSString.isJSString(obj);
long prevArrayIndex = -1;
if (isArrayLike) {
if (length > 0) {
boolean topLevel = depth == 0;
if (depth >= format.getMaxDepth() || (!topLevel && length > format.getMaxElements())) {
if (name == null) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.UC_ARRAY);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_OPEN);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, length);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_CLOSE);
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
} else if (topLevel && length >= 2 && !v8CompatMode && format.includeArrayLength()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_OPEN);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, length);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_CLOSE);
} else if (depth >= format.getMaxDepth()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.EMPTY_OBJECT_DOTS);
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
char chr1 = isArrayLike ? '[' : '{';
Strings.builderAppend(sb, chr1);
int propertyCount = 0;
for (Object key : JSObject.ownPropertyKeys(obj)) {
if (!allowSideEffects && JSError.STACK_NAME.equals(key)) {
Property prop = obj.getShape().getProperty(JSError.STACK_NAME);
if (prop != null && JSProperty.isProxy(prop)) {
// stack PropertyProxy may have side effects
PropertyDescriptor desc = JSObject.getOwnProperty(obj, key);
if ((isArrayLike || isStringObj) && key.equals(Strings.LENGTH) ||
(isStringObj && JSRuntime.isArrayIndex(key) && JSRuntime.parseArrayIndexIsIndexRaw(key) < length)) {
// length for arrays is printed as very first item
// don't print individual characters (and length) for Strings
if (propertyCount > 0) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, v8CompatMode ? "," : ", ");
if (propertyCount >= format.getMaxElements()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.DOT_DOT_DOT);
if (isArray) {
// merge holes to "empty (times) (count)" entries
if (JSRuntime.isArrayIndex(key)) {
long index = JSRuntime.parseArrayIndexIsIndexRaw(key);
if ((index < length) && fillEmptyArrayElements(sb, index, prevArrayIndex, false)) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, ", ");
if (propertyCount >= format.getMaxElements()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, "...");
prevArrayIndex = index;
} else {
if (fillEmptyArrayElements(sb, length, prevArrayIndex, false)) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
if (propertyCount >= format.getMaxElements()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, "...");
prevArrayIndex = Math.max(prevArrayIndex, length);
if (!isArrayLike || !JSRuntime.isArrayIndex(key)) {
// print keys, but don't print array-indices
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.fromObject(key));
Strings.builderAppend(sb, ": ");
TruffleString valueStr;
if (desc.isDataDescriptor()) {
Object value = desc.getValue();
valueStr = toDisplayStringInner(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth, obj);
} else if (desc.isAccessorDescriptor()) {
valueStr = Strings.ACCESSOR;
} else {
valueStr = Strings.EMPTY;
Strings.builderAppend(sb, valueStr);
if (isArray && propertyCount < format.getMaxElements()) {
// fill "empty (times) (count)" entries at the end of the array
if (fillEmptyArrayElements(sb, length, prevArrayIndex, propertyCount > 0)) {
if (internalKeys != null) {
assert internalValues != null && internalKeys.length == internalValues.length;
for (int i = 0; i < internalKeys.length; i++) {
if (propertyCount > 0) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.BRACKET_OPEN_2);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, internalKeys[i]);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.BRACKET_CLOSE_2_COLON);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, toDisplayStringInner(internalValues[i], allowSideEffects, format, depth, obj));
char chr = isArrayLike ? ']' : '}';
Strings.builderAppend(sb, chr);
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
private static TruffleString foreignToString(Object value, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth) {
try {
InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(value);
if (interop.isNull(value)) {
return Strings.NULL;
} else if (interop.hasArrayElements(value)) {
return foreignArrayToString(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth);
} else if (interop.isString(value)) {
return format.quoteString() ? Strings.fromJavaString(quote(interop.asString(value))) : Strings.interopAsTruffleString(value);
} else if (interop.isBoolean(value)) {
return booleanToString(interop.asBoolean(value));
} else if (interop.isNumber(value)) {
Object unboxed = Strings.UC_NUMBER;
if (interop.fitsInInt(value)) {
unboxed = interop.asInt(value);
} else if (interop.fitsInLong(value)) {
unboxed = interop.asLong(value);
} else if (interop.fitsInDouble(value)) {
unboxed = interop.asDouble(value);
return JSRuntime.toDisplayString(unboxed, allowSideEffects, format);
} else if ((JavaScriptLanguage.getCurrentEnv()).isHostObject(value)) {
return hostObjectToString(value, interop);
} else if (interop.isMetaObject(value)) {
return Strings.interopAsTruffleString(interop.getMetaQualifiedName(value));
} else if (interop.hasMembers(value) && !(interop.isExecutable(value) || interop.isInstantiable(value))) {
return foreignObjectToString(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth);
} else {
return Strings.interopAsTruffleString(interop.toDisplayString(value, allowSideEffects));
} catch (InteropException e) {
return Strings.UC_OBJECT;
private static TruffleString hostObjectToString(Object value, InteropLibrary interop) throws UnsupportedMessageException {
if (interop.isMetaObject(value)) {
return Strings.concatAll(Strings.JAVA_CLASS_BRACKET, Strings.interopAsTruffleString(interop.getMetaQualifiedName(value)), Strings.BRACKET_CLOSE);
} else {
Object metaObject = interop.getMetaObject(value);
return Strings.concatAll(Strings.JAVA_OBJECT_BRACKET, Strings.interopAsTruffleString(InteropLibrary.getUncached().getMetaQualifiedName(metaObject)), Strings.BRACKET_CLOSE);
private static TruffleString foreignArrayToString(Object truffleObject, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth) throws InteropException {
InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(truffleObject);
assert interop.hasArrayElements(truffleObject);
long size = interop.getArraySize(truffleObject);
if (size == 0) {
return Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
} else if (depth >= format.getMaxDepth()) {
return Strings.concatAll(Strings.ARRAY_PAREN_OPEN, Strings.fromLong(size), Strings.PAREN_CLOSE);
boolean topLevel = depth == 0;
var sb = Strings.builderCreate();
if (topLevel && size >= 2 && format.includeArrayLength()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_OPEN);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, size);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_CLOSE);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, '[');
for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
if (i >= format.getMaxElements()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.DOT_DOT_DOT);
Object value = interop.readArrayElement(truffleObject, i);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, toDisplayStringInner(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth, truffleObject));
Strings.builderAppend(sb, ']');
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
private static TruffleString foreignObjectToString(Object truffleObject, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, int depth) throws InteropException {
InteropLibrary objInterop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(truffleObject);
assert objInterop.hasMembers(truffleObject);
if (allowSideEffects && objInterop.isMemberInvocable(truffleObject, Strings.TO_STRING_JLS)) {
return toString(objInterop.invokeMember(truffleObject, Strings.TO_STRING_JLS));
Object keys = objInterop.getMembers(truffleObject);
InteropLibrary keysInterop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(keys);
long keyCount = keysInterop.getArraySize(keys);
if (keyCount == 0) {
return Strings.EMPTY_OBJECT;
} else if (depth >= format.getMaxDepth()) {
return Strings.EMPTY_OBJECT_DOTS;
var sb = Strings.builderCreate();
Strings.builderAppend(sb, '{');
for (long i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
if (i >= format.getMaxElements()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.DOT_DOT_DOT);
Object key = keysInterop.readArrayElement(keys, i);
assert InteropLibrary.getUncached().isString(key);
String stringKey = Strings.interopAsString(key);
Object value = objInterop.readMember(truffleObject, stringKey);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, stringKey);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COLON_SPACE);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, toDisplayStringInner(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth, truffleObject));
Strings.builderAppend(sb, '}');
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
private static boolean fillEmptyArrayElements(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, long index, long prevArrayIndex, boolean prependComma) {
if (prevArrayIndex < (index - 1)) {
if (prependComma) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
long count = index - prevArrayIndex - 1;
if (count == 1) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.EMPTY);
} else {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.EMPTY_X);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, count);
return true;
return false;
public static TruffleString collectionToConsoleString(JSDynamicObject obj, boolean allowSideEffects, ToDisplayStringFormat format, TruffleString name, JSHashMap map, int depth) {
assert JSMap.isJSMap(obj) || JSSet.isJSSet(obj);
assert name != null;
int size = map.size();
var sb = Strings.builderCreate();
Strings.builderAppend(sb, name);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_OPEN);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, size);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.PAREN_CLOSE);
if (size > 0 && depth < format.getMaxDepth()) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, '{');
boolean isMap = JSMap.isJSMap(obj);
boolean isFirst = true;
JSHashMap.Cursor cursor = map.getEntries();
while (cursor.advance()) {
Object key = cursor.getKey();
if (key != null) {
if (!isFirst) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.COMMA_SPC);
Strings.builderAppend(sb, toDisplayStringInner(key, allowSideEffects, format, depth, obj));
if (isMap) {
Strings.builderAppend(sb, Strings.BIG_ARROW_SPACES);
Object value = cursor.getValue();
Strings.builderAppend(sb, toDisplayStringInner(value, allowSideEffects, format, depth, obj));
isFirst = false;
Strings.builderAppend(sb, '}');
return Strings.builderToString(sb);
private static JSException toStringTypeError(Object value) {
String what = (value == null ? "null" : (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(value) ? Strings.toJavaString(JSObject.defaultToString((JSDynamicObject) value)) : value.getClass().getName()));
throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToString(what);
public static TruffleString booleanToString(boolean value) {
return value ? JSBoolean.TRUE_NAME : JSBoolean.FALSE_NAME;
public static TruffleString toString(JSDynamicObject value) {
if (value == Undefined.instance) {
return Undefined.NAME;
} else if (value == Null.instance) {
return Null.NAME;
return toString(JSObject.toPrimitive(value, JSToPrimitiveNode.Hint.String));
public static TruffleString numberToString(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return Strings.fromInt(((Integer) number).intValue());
} else if (number instanceof SafeInteger) {
return doubleToString(((SafeInteger) number).doubleValue());
} else if (number instanceof Double) {
return doubleToString((Double) number);
} else if (number instanceof Long) {
return Strings.fromLong(number.longValue());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unknown number value: " + number.toString() + " " + number.getClass().getSimpleName());
// avoiding a virtual call for equals(), not fail on SVM.
// No TruffleBoundary, we want this to partially evaluate.
public static boolean propertyKeyEquals(TruffleString.EqualNode equalsNode, Object a, Object b) {
assert isPropertyKey(a);
if (a instanceof TruffleString) {
if (b instanceof TruffleString) {
return Strings.equals(equalsNode, (TruffleString) a, (TruffleString) b);
} else {
return false;
} else if (a instanceof Symbol) {
return ((Symbol) a).equals(b);
} else {
throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere();
public static Object doubleToString(double d, int radix) {
assert radix >= 2 && radix <= 36;
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
return Strings.NAN;
} else if (d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return Strings.INFINITY;
} else if (d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
} else if (d == 0) {
return Strings.ZERO;
return formatDtoA(d, radix);
* 9.8.1 ToString Applied to the Number Type.
* Better use JSDoubleToStringNode where appropriate.
public static TruffleString doubleToString(double d) {
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
return Strings.NAN;
} else if (d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return Strings.INFINITY;
} else if (d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
} else if (d == 0) {
return Strings.ZERO;
if (doubleIsRepresentableAsInt(d)) {
return Strings.fromInt((int) d);
return Strings.fromJavaString(formatDtoA(d));
public static String formatDtoA(double value) {
return DoubleConversion.toShortest(value);
public static Object formatDtoAPrecision(double value, int precision) {
return Strings.fromJavaString(DoubleConversion.toPrecision(value, precision));
public static Object formatDtoAExponential(double d, int digits) {
return Strings.fromJavaString(DoubleConversion.toExponential(d, digits));
public static Object formatDtoAExponential(double d) {
return Strings.fromJavaString(DoubleConversion.toExponential(d, -1));
public static Object formatDtoAFixed(double value, int digits) {
return Strings.fromJavaString(DoubleConversion.toFixed(value, digits));
public static Object formatDtoA(double d, int radix) {
return Strings.fromJavaString(DToA.jsDtobasestr(radix, d));
* Implementation of ECMA 9.9 "ToObject".
* @param value an Object to be converted to an Object
* @return an Object
public static Object toObject(Object value) {
return JSToObjectNode.getUncached().execute(value);
* 9.12 SameValue Algorithm.
public static boolean isSameValue(Object x, Object y) {
if (x == Undefined.instance && y == Undefined.instance) {
return true;
} else if (x == Null.instance && y == Null.instance) {
return true;
} else if (x instanceof Integer && y instanceof Integer) {
return (int) x == (int) y;
} else if ((isNumber(x) || x instanceof Long) && (isNumber(y) || y instanceof Long)) {
double xd = doubleValue((Number) x);
double yd = doubleValue((Number) y);
return Double.compare(xd, yd) == 0;
} else if (Strings.isTString(x) && Strings.isTString(y)) {
return x.toString().equals(y.toString());
} else if (x instanceof Boolean && y instanceof Boolean) {
return (boolean) x == (boolean) y;
} else if (isBigInt(x) && isBigInt(y)) {
return ((BigInt) x).compareTo((BigInt) y) == 0;
return x == y;
public static boolean equal(Object a, Object b) {
if (a == b) {
return true;
} else if (isNullOrUndefined(a)) {
return isNullish(b);
} else if (isNullOrUndefined(b)) {
return isNullish(a);
} else if (a instanceof Boolean && b instanceof Boolean) {
return a.equals(b);
} else if (Strings.isTString(a) && Strings.isTString(b)) {
return Strings.equals((TruffleString) a, (TruffleString) b);
} else if (isNumber(a) && isNumber(b)) {
double da = doubleValue((Number) a);
double db = doubleValue((Number) b);
return da == db;
} else if (isNumber(a) && Strings.isTString(b)) {
return equal(a, stringToNumber((TruffleString) b));
} else if (Strings.isTString(a) && isNumber(b)) {
return equal(stringToNumber((TruffleString) a), b);
} else if (isBigInt(a) && isBigInt(b)) {
return a.equals(b);
} else if (isBigInt(a) && Strings.isTString(b)) {
return a.equals(stringToBigInt((TruffleString) b));
} else if (Strings.isTString(a) && isBigInt(b)) {
return b.equals(stringToBigInt((TruffleString) a));
} else if (isNumber(a) && isBigInt(b)) {
return equalBigIntAndNumber((BigInt) b, (Number) a);
} else if (isBigInt(a) && isNumber(b)) {
return equalBigIntAndNumber((BigInt) a, (Number) b);
} else if (a instanceof Boolean) {
return equal(booleanToNumber((Boolean) a), b);
} else if (b instanceof Boolean) {
return equal(a, booleanToNumber((Boolean) b));
} else if (isObject(a)) {
assert !isNullOrUndefined(b);
if (JSOverloadedOperatorsObject.hasOverloadedOperators(a)) {
if (isObject(b) && !JSOverloadedOperatorsObject.hasOverloadedOperators(b)) {
return equal(a, JSObject.toPrimitive((JSDynamicObject) b));
if (isObject(b) || isNumber(b) || isBigInt(b) || Strings.isTString(b)) {
return equalOverloaded(a, b);
} else {
return false;
} else if (IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(b)) {
if (isNullish(b)) {
return false;
return equal(JSObject.toPrimitive((JSDynamicObject) a), b);
} else if (isObject(b)) {
assert !isNullOrUndefined(a) && !isObject(a);
if (JSOverloadedOperatorsObject.hasOverloadedOperators(b)) {
if (isNumber(a) || isBigInt(a) || Strings.isTString(a)) {
return equalOverloaded(a, b);
} else {
return false;
} else if (IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(a)) {
if (isNullish(a)) {
return false;
return equal(a, JSObject.toPrimitive((JSDynamicObject) b));
if (JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(a) || JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(b)) {
return equalInterop(a, b);
return false;
public static boolean isForeignObject(Object value) {
return value instanceof TruffleObject && isForeignObject((TruffleObject) value);
public static boolean isForeignObject(TruffleObject value) {
return !JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(value) && !(value instanceof Symbol) && !(value instanceof SafeInteger) &&
!(value instanceof BigInt) && !Strings.isTString(value);
private static boolean equalInterop(Object a, Object b) {
assert a != null && b != null && (JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(a) || JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(b));
boolean isAPrimitive = IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(a);
boolean isBPrimitive = IsPrimitiveNode.getUncached().executeBoolean(b);
if (!isAPrimitive && !isBPrimitive) {
// If both are of type Object, don't attempt ToPrimitive conversion.
return InteropLibrary.getUncached(a).isIdentical(a, b, InteropLibrary.getUncached(b));
// If at least one is nullish => both need to be nullish to be equal
if (isNullish(a)) {
return isNullish(b);
} else if (isNullish(b)) {
assert !isNullish(a);
return false;
// If one of them is primitive, we attempt to convert the other one ToPrimitive.
// Foreign primitive values always have to be converted to JS primitive values.
Object primA = !isAPrimitive || JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(a) ? toPrimitive(a) : a;
Object primB = !isBPrimitive || JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(b) ? toPrimitive(b) : b;
// Now that both are primitive values, we can compare them using normal JS semantics.
assert !isForeignObject(primA) && !isForeignObject(primB);
primA = primA instanceof Long ? BigInt.valueOf((long) primA) : primA;
primB = primB instanceof Long ? BigInt.valueOf((long) primB) : primB;
return equal(primA, primB);
private static boolean equalBigIntAndNumber(BigInt a, Number b) {
if (b instanceof Double || b instanceof Float) {
double numberVal = doubleValue(b);
return !Double.isNaN(numberVal) && a.compareValueTo(numberVal) == 0;
} else {
return a.compareValueTo(longValue(b)) == 0;
private static boolean equalOverloaded(Object a, Object b) {
Object operatorImplementation = OperatorSet.getOperatorImplementation(a, b, Strings.SYMBOL_EQUALS_EQUALS);
if (operatorImplementation == null) {
return false;
} else {
return toBoolean(call(operatorImplementation, Undefined.instance, new Object[]{a, b}));
public static boolean identical(Object a, Object b) {
if (a == b) {
if (a instanceof Double) {
return !Double.isNaN((Double) a);
return true;
if (a == Undefined.instance || b == Undefined.instance) {
return false;
if (a == Null.instance) {
assert b != Undefined.instance;
return InteropLibrary.getUncached(b).isNull(b);
} else if (b == Null.instance) {
assert a != Undefined.instance;
return InteropLibrary.getUncached(a).isNull(a);
if (isBigInt(a) && isBigInt(b)) {
return a.equals(b);
if (isNumber(a) && isNumber(b)) {
if (a instanceof Integer && b instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) a).intValue() == ((Integer) b).intValue();
} else {
return doubleValue((Number) a) == doubleValue((Number) b);
if ((a instanceof Boolean && b instanceof Boolean)) {
return a.equals(b);
if (Strings.isTString(a) && Strings.isTString(b)) {
return Strings.equals((TruffleString) a, (TruffleString) b);
if (isObject(a) || isObject(b)) {
return false;
boolean isAForeign = JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(a);
boolean isBForeign = JSGuards.isForeignObjectOrNumber(b);
if (!isAForeign && !isBForeign) {
return false;
InteropLibrary aInterop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(a);
InteropLibrary bInterop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(b);
if (aInterop.isNumber(a) && bInterop.isNumber(b)) {
try {
if (isAForeign != isBForeign) {
if (a instanceof BigInt) {
assert !(b instanceof BigInt) : b;
return false;
} else if (b instanceof BigInt) {
assert !(a instanceof BigInt) : a;
return false;
} else {
assert isAForeign && isBForeign && !(a instanceof BigInt || b instanceof BigInt);
if (aInterop.fitsInDouble(a) && bInterop.fitsInDouble(b)) {
return doubleValue(aInterop.asDouble(a)) == doubleValue(bInterop.asDouble(b));
} else if (aInterop.fitsInLong(a) && bInterop.fitsInLong(b)) {
return aInterop.asLong(a) == bInterop.asLong(b);
} else if (aInterop.fitsInBigInteger(a) && bInterop.fitsInBigInteger(b)) {
return BigInt.fromBigInteger(aInterop.asBigInteger(a)).compareTo(BigInt.fromBigInteger(bInterop.asBigInteger(b))) == 0;
} catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) {
assert false : e;
return aInterop.isIdentical(a, b, bInterop) || (aInterop.isNull(a) && bInterop.isNull(b));
* Implementation of the abstract operation RequireObjectCoercible.
public static T requireObjectCoercible(T argument) {
if (argument == Undefined.instance || argument == Null.instance || (isForeignObject(argument) && InteropLibrary.getUncached(argument).isNull(argument))) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotObjectCoercible(argument, null);
return argument;
* Implementation of the ToPropertyDescriptor function as defined in ECMA 8.10.5.
* @return a property descriptor
public static PropertyDescriptor toPropertyDescriptor(Object property) {
// 1.
if (!isObject(property) && !isForeignObject(property)) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotAnObject(property);
PropertyDescriptor desc = PropertyDescriptor.createEmpty();
// 3.
if (hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.ENUMERABLE)) {
desc.setEnumerable(toBoolean(get(property, JSAttributes.ENUMERABLE)));
// 4.
if (hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.CONFIGURABLE)) {
desc.setConfigurable(toBoolean(get(property, JSAttributes.CONFIGURABLE)));
// 5.
boolean hasValue = hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.VALUE);
if (hasValue) {
desc.setValue(get(property, JSAttributes.VALUE));
// 6.
boolean hasWritable = hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.WRITABLE);
if (hasWritable) {
desc.setWritable(toBoolean(get(property, JSAttributes.WRITABLE)));
// 7.
boolean hasGet = hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.GET);
if (hasGet) {
Object getter = get(property, JSAttributes.GET);
if (!JSRuntime.isCallable(getter) && getter != Undefined.instance) {
throw Errors.createTypeError("Getter must be a function");
// 8.
boolean hasSet = hasProperty(property, JSAttributes.SET);
if (hasSet) {
Object setter = get(property, JSAttributes.SET);
if (!JSRuntime.isCallable(setter) && setter != Undefined.instance) {
throw Errors.createTypeError("Setter must be a function");
// 9.
if (hasGet || hasSet) {
if (hasValue || hasWritable) {
throw Errors.createTypeError("Invalid property. A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value");
return desc;
public static int valueInRadix10(char c) {
if (isAsciiDigit(c)) {
return c - '0';
return -1;
public static int valueInRadix(char c, int radix) {
int val = valueInRadixIntl(c);
return val < radix ? val : -1;
private static int valueInRadixIntl(char c) {
if (isAsciiDigit(c)) {
return c - '0';
if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a' + 10;
if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
public static int valueInHex(char c) {
if (isAsciiDigit(c)) {
return c - '0';
if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') {
return c - 'a' + 10;
if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') {
return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
public static boolean isHex(char c) {
return isAsciiDigit(c) || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F');
public static long parseArrayIndexIsIndexRaw(Object o) {
assert isArrayIndex(o);
assert Strings.isTString(o) || o instanceof Number;
return parseArrayIndexRaw(o instanceof TruffleString str ? str : Strings.fromNumber((Number) o), TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
* NB: does not check whether the result fits into the uint32 range. The caller is responsible
* for the range check and must take care not to pass in too long strings.
* @return parsed unsigned integer value or INVALID_UINT32 if the string is not parsable.
* @see #isArrayIndex(long)
public static long parseArrayIndexRaw(TruffleString string, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node charAtNode) {
long value = 0;
int pos = 0;
int len = Strings.length(string);
if (len > 1 && Strings.charAt(charAtNode, string, pos) == '0') {
while (pos < len) {
char c = Strings.charAt(charAtNode, string, pos);
if (!isAsciiDigit(c)) {
value *= 10;
value += c - '0';
return value;
public static TruffleString trimJSWhiteSpace(TruffleString string) {
int firstIdx = firstNonWhitespaceIndex(string, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
int lastIdx = lastNonWhitespaceIndex(string, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
if (firstIdx == 0) {
if ((lastIdx + 1) == Strings.length(string)) {
return string;
} else if (firstIdx > lastIdx) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
// using unconditional lazy substring because the string doesn't escape in the only caller
// of this method, stringToNumber
return Strings.lazySubstring(string, firstIdx, lastIdx + 1 - firstIdx);
public static int firstNonWhitespaceIndex(TruffleString string, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node charAtNode) {
int idx = 0;
int len = Strings.length(string);
while (idx < len) {
char ch = Strings.charAt(charAtNode, string, idx);
if (!isWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(ch)) {
return idx;
public static int lastNonWhitespaceIndex(TruffleString string, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node charAtNode) {
int idx = Strings.length(string) - 1;
while (idx >= 0) {
char ch = Strings.charAt(charAtNode, string, idx);
if (!isWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(ch)) {
return idx;
* Union of WhiteSpace and LineTerminator (StrWhiteSpaceChar). Used by TrimString.
public static boolean isWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(char cp) {
return switch (cp) {
// @formatter:off
case 0x0009, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x1680, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF,
0x000A, 0x000D, 0x2028, 0x2029 -> true;
// @formatter:on
default -> false;
* WhiteSpace (excluding LineTerminator).
public static boolean isWhiteSpaceExcludingLineTerminator(char cp) {
return switch (cp) {
case 0x0009, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x1680, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF -> true;
default -> false;
public static boolean isLineTerminator(char codePoint) {
return switch (codePoint) {
case 0x000A, 0x000D, 0x2028, 0x2029 -> true;
default -> false;
* Checks whether a long value is within the valid range of array lengths. Note the difference
* to isArrayIndex, that does not allow the MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH value.
public static boolean isValidArrayLength(long longValue) {
return 0L <= longValue && longValue <= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH; // <= 2^32-1, according to 15.4
public static boolean isValidArrayLength(double doubleValue) {
long longValue = (long) doubleValue;
return doubleValue == longValue && isValidArrayLength(longValue);
public static boolean isValidArrayLength(int intValue) {
return intValue >= 0;
public static boolean isIntegerIndex(long longValue) {
return 0L <= longValue && longValue <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG;
public static boolean isArrayIndex(int intValue) {
return intValue >= 0;
public static boolean isArrayIndex(long longValue) {
return 0L <= longValue && longValue < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH; // < 2^32-1, according to 15.4
public static boolean isArrayIndex(double doubleValue) {
long longValue = (long) doubleValue;
return longValue == doubleValue && isArrayIndex(longValue);
public static boolean isArrayIndexString(TruffleString property) {
long idx = propertyNameToArrayIndex(property, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
return isArrayIndex(idx);
public static boolean isArrayIndex(Object property) {
if (property instanceof Integer) {
return isArrayIndex((int) property);
} else if (property instanceof Long) {
return isArrayIndex((long) property);
} else if (property instanceof Double) {
return isArrayIndex((double) property);
} else if (property instanceof TruffleString propertyName) {
long idx = propertyNameToArrayIndex(propertyName, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
return isArrayIndex(idx);
} else {
return false;
public static long castArrayIndex(double doubleValue) {
assert isArrayIndex(doubleValue);
return (long) doubleValue & 0xffff_ffffL;
public static long castArrayIndex(long longValue) {
assert isArrayIndex(longValue);
return longValue;
public static boolean isAsciiDigit(int c) {
return '0' <= c && c <= '9';
public static long propertyNameToArrayIndex(TruffleString propertyName, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node charAtNode) {
if (propertyName != null && arrayIndexLengthInRange(propertyName)) {
if (isAsciiDigit(Strings.charAt(propertyName, 0))) {
return parseArrayIndexRaw(propertyName, charAtNode);
public static boolean arrayIndexLengthInRange(TruffleString indexStr) {
int len = Strings.length(indexStr);
return 0 < len && len <= JSRuntime.MAX_UINT32_DIGITS;
public static long propertyKeyToArrayIndex(Object propertyKey) {
return propertyKey instanceof TruffleString propertyName ? propertyNameToArrayIndex(propertyName, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached()) : INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX;
public static long propertyNameToIntegerIndex(TruffleString propertyName) {
if (propertyName != null && Strings.length(propertyName) > 0 && Strings.length(propertyName) <= MAX_INTEGER_INDEX_DIGITS) {
if (isAsciiDigit(Strings.charAt(propertyName, 0))) {
return parseArrayIndexRaw(propertyName, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
public static long propertyKeyToIntegerIndex(Object propertyKey) {
return propertyKey instanceof TruffleString propertyName ? propertyNameToIntegerIndex(propertyName) : INVALID_INTEGER_INDEX;
* Is value a native JavaScript object or primitive?
public static boolean isJSNative(Object value) {
return JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(value) || isJSPrimitive(value);
public static boolean isJSPrimitive(Object value) {
return isNumber(value) || value instanceof Long || value instanceof BigInt || value instanceof Boolean || Strings.isTString(value) || value == Undefined.instance || value == Null.instance ||
value instanceof Symbol;
public static Object nullToUndefined(Object value) {
return value == null ? Undefined.instance : value;
public static Object undefinedToNull(Object value) {
return value == Undefined.instance ? null : value;
public static Object toJSNull(Object value) {
return value == null ? Null.instance : value;
public static Object toJavaNull(Object value) {
return value == Null.instance ? null : value;
public static boolean isPropertyKey(Object key) {
return Strings.isTString(key) || key instanceof Symbol;
public static TruffleString propertyKeyToFunctionNameString(Object key) {
assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key) : key;
if (key instanceof TruffleString) {
return (TruffleString) key;
} else {
return ((Symbol) key).toFunctionNameString();
public static BigInt stringToBigInt(TruffleString s) {
try {
return Strings.parseBigInt(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
* @see Number#intValue()
public static int intValue(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) number).intValue();
if (number instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) number).intValue();
return intValueVirtual(number);
public static int intValueVirtual(Number number) {
return number.intValue();
* @see Number#doubleValue()
public static double doubleValue(Number number) {
if (number instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) number).doubleValue();
if (number instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) number).doubleValue();
if (number instanceof SafeInteger) {
return ((SafeInteger) number).doubleValue();
return doubleValueVirtual(number);
public static double doubleValueVirtual(Number number) {
return number.doubleValue();
* @see Number#floatValue()
public static float floatValue(Number n) {
if (n instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) n).floatValue();
if (n instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) n).floatValue();
return floatValueVirtual(n);
public static float floatValueVirtual(Number n) {
return n.floatValue();
* @see Number#longValue()
public static long longValue(Number n) {
if (n instanceof Integer) {
return ((Integer) n).longValue();
if (n instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) n).longValue();
if (n instanceof SafeInteger) {
return ((SafeInteger) n).longValue();
return longValueVirtual(n);
private static long longValueVirtual(Number n) {
return n.longValue();
// ES2015,, FromPropertyDescriptor
public static JSDynamicObject fromPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor desc, JSContext context) {
if (desc == null) {
return Undefined.instance;
JSObject obj = JSOrdinary.create(context, JSRealm.get(null));
if (desc.hasValue()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.VALUE, desc.getValue());
if (desc.hasWritable()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.WRITABLE, desc.getWritable());
if (desc.hasGet()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.GET, desc.getGet());
if (desc.hasSet()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.SET, desc.getSet());
if (desc.hasEnumerable()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.ENUMERABLE, desc.getEnumerable());
if (desc.hasConfigurable()) {
JSObject.set(obj, JSAttributes.CONFIGURABLE, desc.getConfigurable());
return obj;
public static Object getArgOrUndefined(Object[] args, int i) {
return args.length > i ? args[i] : Undefined.instance;
public static Object getArg(Object[] args, int i, Object defaultValue) {
return args.length > i ? args[i] : defaultValue;
public static long getOffset(long start, long length, Node node, InlinedConditionProfile profile) {
if (profile.profile(node, start < 0)) {
return Math.max(start + length, 0);
} else {
return Math.min(start, length);
public static int getOffset(int start, int length, Node node, InlinedConditionProfile profile) {
if (profile.profile(node, start < 0)) {
return Math.max(start + length, 0);
} else {
return Math.min(start, length);
public static long parseSafeInteger(TruffleString s) {
return parseSafeInteger(s, 0, Strings.length(s), 10);
public static long parseSafeInteger(TruffleString s, int beginIndex, int endIndex, int radix) {
return parseLong(s, beginIndex, endIndex, radix, radix == 10, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG);
* Parses the substring as a signed long in the safe integer range in the specified radix.
* @return parsed integer value or {@link #INVALID_SAFE_INTEGER} if the string is not parsable
* or not in the safe integer range.
private static long parseLong(TruffleString s, int beginIndex, int endIndex, int radix, boolean parseSign, long limit) {
assert beginIndex >= 0 && beginIndex <= endIndex && endIndex <= Strings.length(s);
assert radix >= Character.MIN_RADIX && radix <= Character.MAX_RADIX;
assert limit <= Long.MAX_VALUE / radix - radix;
boolean negative = false;
int i = beginIndex;
if (i >= endIndex) { // ""
if (parseSign) {
char firstChar = Strings.charAt(s, i);
if (firstChar < '0') {
if (firstChar == '-') {
negative = true;
} else if (firstChar != '+') {
if (i >= endIndex) { // "-", "+"
long result = 0;
while (i < endIndex) {
char c = Strings.charAt(s, i);
int digit = JSRuntime.valueInRadix(c, radix);
if (digit < 0) {
result *= radix;
result += digit;
if (result > limit) {
assert result >= 0;
if (negative && result == 0) { // "-0"
return negative ? -result : result;
public static Number parseRawFitsLong(TruffleString string, int radix, int startPos, int endPos, boolean negate) {
assert startPos < endPos;
int pos = startPos;
long value = 0;
while (pos < endPos) {
char c = Strings.charAt(string, pos);
int cval = JSRuntime.valueInRadix(c, radix);
if (cval < 0) {
if (pos != startPos) {
} else {
return Double.NaN;
value *= radix;
value += cval;
if (value == 0 && negate && Strings.charAt(string, startPos) == '0') {
return -0.0;
assert value >= 0;
long signedValue = negate ? -value : value;
if (value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return (int) signedValue;
} else {
return (double) signedValue;
public static double parseRawDontFitLong(TruffleString string, int radix, int startPos, int endPos, boolean negate) {
assert startPos < endPos;
int pos = startPos;
double value = 0;
while (pos < endPos) {
char c = Strings.charAt(string, pos);
int cval = JSRuntime.valueInRadix(c, radix);
if (cval < 0) {
if (pos != startPos) {
} else {
return Double.NaN;
value *= radix;
value += cval;
assert value >= 0;
return negate ? -value : value;
* ES2015, 7.3.4 CreateDataProperty(O, P, V).
public static boolean createDataProperty(JSDynamicObject o, Object p, Object v) {
assert JSRuntime.isObject(o);
assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(p);
return JSObject.defineOwnProperty(o, p, PropertyDescriptor.createDataDefault(v));
public static boolean createDataProperty(JSDynamicObject o, Object p, Object v, boolean doThrow) {
assert JSRuntime.isObject(o);
assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(p);
boolean success = JSObject.defineOwnProperty(o, p, PropertyDescriptor.createDataDefault(v), doThrow);
assert !doThrow || success : "should have thrown";
return success;
* ES2015, 7.3.6 CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, P, V).
public static boolean createDataPropertyOrThrow(JSDynamicObject o, Object p, Object v) {
return createDataProperty(o, p, v, true);
* Error Cause 7.3.6 CreateNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow(O, P, V).
public static void createNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow(JSDynamicObject o, Object p, Object v) {
PropertyDescriptor newDesc = PropertyDescriptor.createData(v, JSAttributes.getDefaultNotEnumerable());
definePropertyOrThrow(o, p, newDesc);
* ES2016, 7.3.7 DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, P, desc).
public static void definePropertyOrThrow(JSDynamicObject o, Object key, PropertyDescriptor desc) {
assert JSRuntime.isObject(o);
assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key);
boolean success = JSObject.getJSClass(o).defineOwnProperty(o, key, desc, true);
assert success; // we should have thrown instead of returning false
public static boolean isPrototypeOf(JSDynamicObject object, JSDynamicObject prototype) {
JSDynamicObject prototypeChainObject = object;
do {
prototypeChainObject = JSObject.getPrototype(prototypeChainObject);
if (prototypeChainObject == prototype) {
return true;
} while (prototypeChainObject != Null.instance);
return false;
* ES2016 7.3.16 CreateArrayFromList(elements).
public static JSDynamicObject createArrayFromList(JSContext context, JSRealm realm, List extends Object> list) {
return JSArray.createConstant(context, realm, Boundaries.listToArray(list));
* ES2015 7.2.3 IsCallable(argument).
public static boolean isCallable(Object value) {
if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(value)) {
return true;
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(value)) {
return isCallableProxy((JSDynamicObject) value);
} else if (value instanceof TruffleObject) {
return isCallableForeign(value);
return false;
public static boolean isCallableIsJSObject(JSDynamicObject value) {
assert JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(value);
if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(value)) {
return true;
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(value)) {
return isCallableProxy(value);
return false;
public static boolean isCallableForeign(Object value) {
if (isForeignObject(value)) {
InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached();
return interop.isExecutable(value) || interop.isInstantiable(value);
return false;
public static boolean isCallableProxy(JSDynamicObject proxy) {
assert JSProxy.isJSProxy(proxy);
Object target = JSProxy.getTarget(proxy);
return isCallable(target);
* ES2015 7.2.2 IsArray(argument).
public static boolean isArray(Object obj) {
if (JSArray.isJSArray(obj)) {
return true;
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(obj)) {
return isProxyAnArray((JSDynamicObject) obj);
} else if (isForeignObject(obj)) {
return InteropLibrary.getUncached().hasArrayElements(obj);
return false;
public static boolean isProxyAnArray(JSDynamicObject proxy) {
assert JSProxy.isJSProxy(proxy);
if (JSProxy.isRevoked(proxy)) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorProxyRevoked();
return isArrayProxyRecurse(proxy);
private static boolean isArrayProxyRecurse(JSDynamicObject proxy) {
return isArray(JSProxy.getTarget(proxy));
* ES2015 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey(argument).
public static Object toPropertyKey(Object arg) {
if (Strings.isTString(arg)) {
return arg;
} else if (arg instanceof Symbol) {
return arg;
Object key = toPrimitive(arg);
if (key instanceof Symbol) {
return key;
} else if (Strings.isTString(key)) {
return key;
return toString(key);
* ES2015 7.3.12 Call(F, V, arguments).
public static Object call(Object fnObj, Object holder, Object[] arguments) {
if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(fnObj)) {
return JSFunction.call((JSFunctionObject) fnObj, holder, arguments);
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(fnObj)) {
return JSProxy.call((JSDynamicObject) fnObj, holder, arguments);
} else if (isForeignObject(fnObj)) {
return JSInteropUtil.call(fnObj, arguments);
} else {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotAFunction(fnObj);
public static Object call(Object fnObj, Object holder, Object[] arguments, Node encapsulatingNode) {
EncapsulatingNodeReference encapsulating = null;
Node prev = null;
if (encapsulatingNode != null) {
encapsulating = EncapsulatingNodeReference.getCurrent();
prev = encapsulating.set(encapsulatingNode);
try {
return call(fnObj, holder, arguments);
} finally {
if (encapsulatingNode != null) {
public static Object construct(Object fnObj, Object[] arguments) {
if (JSFunction.isConstructor(fnObj)) {
return JSFunction.construct((JSFunctionObject) fnObj, arguments);
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(fnObj) && isConstructorProxy((JSDynamicObject) fnObj)) {
return JSProxy.construct((JSDynamicObject) fnObj, arguments);
} else if (isForeignObject(fnObj)) {
return JSInteropUtil.construct(fnObj, arguments);
} else {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotAConstructor(fnObj, JavaScriptLanguage.get(null).getJSContext());
* ES2015, 7.1.16 CanonicalNumericIndexString().
public static Object canonicalNumericIndexString(TruffleString s) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(s) || !isNumericIndexStart(Strings.charAt(s, 0))) {
return Undefined.instance;
if (Strings.NEGATIVE_ZERO.equals(s)) {
return -0.0;
Number n = stringToNumber(s);
if (!numberToString(n).equals(s)) {
return Undefined.instance;
return n;
private static boolean isNumericIndexStart(char c) {
// Start of a number, "Infinity", or "NaN".
return isAsciiDigit(c) || c == '-' || c == 'I' || c == 'N';
* ES2015, 7.2.6 IsInteger.
public static boolean isInteger(Object obj) {
if (!JSRuntime.isNumber(obj)) {
return false;
double d = doubleValue((Number) obj);
return d - JSRuntime.truncateDouble(d) == 0.0;
* Compare property keys such that a stable sort using it would maintain the following order.
* - integer index keys, in ascending numeric index order
- string keys, in original insertion order
- symbols keys, in original insertion order
public static int comparePropertyKeys(Object key1, Object key2) {
assert isPropertyKey(key1) && isPropertyKey(key2);
boolean isString1 = Strings.isTString(key1);
boolean isString2 = Strings.isTString(key2);
if (isString1 && isString2) {
long index1 = JSRuntime.propertyNameToArrayIndex((TruffleString) key1, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
long index2 = JSRuntime.propertyNameToArrayIndex((TruffleString) key2, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached());
boolean isIndex1 = isArrayIndex(index1);
boolean isIndex2 = isArrayIndex(index2);
if (isIndex1 && isIndex2) {
return Long.compare(index1, index2);
} else if (isIndex1) {
return -1;
} else if (isIndex2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else if (isString1) {
return -1;
} else if (isString2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
* Carefully try getting the constructor name, must not throw.
public static TruffleString getConstructorName(JSDynamicObject receiver) {
// Try @@toStringTag first
Object toStringTag = getDataProperty(receiver, Symbol.SYMBOL_TO_STRING_TAG);
if (toStringTag instanceof TruffleString str) {
return str;
// Try function name of prototype.constructor
if (!isProxy(receiver)) {
JSDynamicObject prototype = JSObject.getPrototype(receiver);
if (prototype != Null.instance) {
Object constructor = getDataProperty(prototype, JSObject.CONSTRUCTOR);
if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(constructor)) {
return JSFunction.getName((JSFunctionObject) constructor);
// As a last resort, use class name
return JSObject.getClassName(receiver);
public static Object getDataProperty(JSDynamicObject thisObj, Object key) {
assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key);
JSDynamicObject current = thisObj;
while (current != Null.instance && current != null && !isProxy(current)) {
PropertyDescriptor desc = JSObject.getOwnProperty(current, key);
if (desc != null) {
if (desc.isDataDescriptor()) {
return desc.getValue();
} else {
current = JSObject.getPrototype(current);
return null;
private static boolean isProxy(JSDynamicObject receiver) {
return JSProxy.isJSProxy(receiver) || JSAdapter.isJSAdapter(receiver);
public static boolean isJSRootNode(RootNode rootNode) {
return rootNode instanceof JavaScriptRootNode;
public static boolean isJSFunctionRootNode(RootNode rootNode) {
return rootNode instanceof JavaScriptRootNode && ((JavaScriptRootNode) rootNode).isFunction();
public static boolean isSafeInteger(double value) {
return value >= JSRuntime.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && value <= JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
public static boolean isSafeInteger(long value) {
return value >= JSRuntime.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG && value <= JSRuntime.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER_LONG;
public static JSRealm getFunctionRealm(Object obj, JSRealm currentRealm) {
if (obj instanceof JSObject jsObj) {
if (jsObj instanceof JSFunctionObject function) {
if (jsObj instanceof JSFunctionObject.Bound boundFunction) {
return getFunctionRealm(boundFunction.getBoundTargetFunction(), currentRealm);
} else {
return JSFunction.getRealm(function);
} else if (jsObj instanceof JSProxyObject) {
if (JSProxy.getHandler(jsObj) == Null.instance) {
throw Errors.createTypeErrorProxyRevoked();
return getFunctionRealm(JSProxy.getTarget(jsObj), currentRealm);
return currentRealm;
* ES2016 7.2.4 IsConstructor().
public static boolean isConstructor(Object constrObj) {
if (JSFunction.isConstructor(constrObj)) {
return true;
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(constrObj)) {
return isConstructorProxy((JSDynamicObject) constrObj);
} else if (constrObj instanceof TruffleObject) {
return isConstructorForeign(constrObj);
return false;
public static boolean isConstructorForeign(Object value) {
if (isForeignObject(value)) {
return InteropLibrary.getUncached().isInstantiable(value);
return false;
public static boolean isConstructorProxy(JSDynamicObject constrObj) {
assert JSProxy.isJSProxy(constrObj);
return isConstructor(JSProxy.getTarget(constrObj));
public static boolean isGenerator(Object genObj) {
if (JSFunction.isJSFunction(genObj) && JSFunction.isGenerator((JSFunctionObject) genObj)) {
return true;
} else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(genObj)) {
return isGeneratorProxy((JSDynamicObject) genObj);
return false;
public static boolean isGeneratorProxy(JSDynamicObject genObj) {
assert JSProxy.isJSProxy(genObj);
return isGenerator(JSProxy.getTarget(genObj));
// ES2015: 7.3.17 CreateListFromArrayLike
public static List