Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) 2020, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Python Software Foundation
import static;
import static;
import java.util.List;
@CoreFunctions(defineModule = "cmath")
public final class CmathModuleBuiltins extends PythonBuiltins {
// Constants used for the definition of special values tables in node classes
static final double INF = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
static final double NAN = Double.NaN;
static final double P = Math.PI;
static final double P14 = 0.25 * Math.PI;
static final double P12 = 0.5 * Math.PI;
static final double P34 = 0.75 * Math.PI;
static final double LARGE_DOUBLE = Double.MAX_VALUE / 4.0; // used to avoid overflow
static final double LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE = Math.log(LARGE_DOUBLE);
static final double LN_2 = 0.6931471805599453094; // natural log of 2
static final double LN_10 = 2.302585092994045684; // natural log of 10
protected List extends NodeFactory extends PythonBuiltinBaseNode>> getNodeFactories() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.getFactories();
public void initialize(Python3Core core) {
// Add constant values
addBuiltinConstant("pi", Math.PI);
addBuiltinConstant("e", Math.E);
addBuiltinConstant("tau", 2 * Math.PI);
addBuiltinConstant("inf", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
addBuiltinConstant("nan", Double.NaN);
addBuiltinConstant("infj", core.factory().createComplex(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
addBuiltinConstant("nanj", core.factory().createComplex(0, Double.NaN));
static PComplex specialValue(PythonObjectFactory factory, ComplexConstant[][] table, double real, double imag) {
if (!Double.isFinite(real) || !Double.isFinite(imag)) {
ComplexConstant c = table[SpecialType.ofDouble(real).ordinal()][SpecialType.ofDouble(imag).ordinal()];
if (c == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("should not be reached");
return factory.createComplex(c.real, c.imag);
return null;
* Creates an instance of ComplexConstant. The name of this factory method is intentionally
* short to allow nested classess compact definition of their tables of special values.
* @param real the real part of the complex constant
* @param imag the imaginary part of the complex constant
* @return a new instance of ComplexConstant representing the complex number real + i * imag
static ComplexConstant C(double real, double imag) {
return new ComplexConstant(real, imag);
static class ComplexConstant {
final double real;
final double imag;
ComplexConstant(double real, double imag) {
this.real = real;
this.imag = imag;
enum SpecialType {
NINF, // 0, negative infinity
NEG, // 1, negative finite number (nonzero)
NZERO, // 2, -0.0
PZERO, // 3, +0.0
POS, // 4, positive finite number (nonzero)
PINF, // 5, positive infinity
NAN; // 6, Not a Number
static SpecialType ofDouble(double d) {
if (Double.isFinite(d)) {
if (d != 0) {
if (Math.copySign(1.0, d) == 1.0) {
return POS;
} else {
return NEG;
} else {
if (Math.copySign(1.0, d) == 1.0) {
return PZERO;
} else {
return NZERO;
if (Double.isNaN(d)) {
return NAN;
if (Math.copySign(1.0, d) == 1.0) {
return PINF;
} else {
return NINF;
abstract static class CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode extends PythonUnaryBuiltinNode {
public abstract PComplex executeComplex(VirtualFrame frame, Object value);
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
throw new IllegalStateException("should not be reached");
PComplex doL(VirtualFrame frame, long value) {
return compute(frame, value, 0);
PComplex doD(VirtualFrame frame, double value) {
return compute(frame, value, 0);
PComplex doC(VirtualFrame frame, PComplex value) {
return compute(frame, value.getReal(), value.getImag());
PComplex doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object value,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceToComplex) {
return doC(frame, coerceToComplex.execute(frame, value));
abstract static class CmathBooleanUnaryBuiltinNode extends PythonUnaryBuiltinNode {
boolean compute(@SuppressWarnings("unused") double real, @SuppressWarnings("unused") double imag) {
throw new IllegalStateException("should not be reached");
boolean doL(long value) {
return compute(value, 0);
boolean doD(double value) {
return compute(value, 0);
boolean doC(PComplex value) {
return compute(value.getReal(), value.getImag());
boolean doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object value,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceToComplex) {
return doC(coerceToComplex.execute(frame, value));
@Builtin(name = "isnan", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class IsNanNode extends CmathBooleanUnaryBuiltinNode {
boolean compute(double real, double imag) {
return Double.isNaN(real) || Double.isNaN(imag);
@Builtin(name = "isinf", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class IsInfNode extends CmathBooleanUnaryBuiltinNode {
boolean compute(double real, double imag) {
return Double.isInfinite(real) || Double.isInfinite(imag);
@Builtin(name = "isfinite", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class IsFiniteNode extends CmathBooleanUnaryBuiltinNode {
boolean compute(double real, double imag) {
return Double.isFinite(real) && Double.isFinite(imag);
@Builtin(name = "phase", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class PhaseNode extends PythonUnaryBuiltinNode {
double doL(long value) {
return value < 0 ? Math.PI : 0;
double doD(double value) {
return value < 0 ? Math.PI : 0;
double doC(PComplex value) {
return Math.atan2(value.getImag(), value.getReal());
double doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object value,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceToComplex) {
return doC(coerceToComplex.execute(frame, value));
@Builtin(name = "polar", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class PolarNode extends PythonUnaryBuiltinNode {
PTuple doL(long value) {
return doD(value);
PTuple doD(double value) {
return factory().createTuple(new Object[]{Math.abs(value), value < 0 ? Math.PI : 0});
PTuple doC(PComplex value,
@Shared @Cached ComplexBuiltins.AbsNode absNode) {
return toPolar(value, absNode);
PTuple doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object value,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceToComplex,
@Shared @Cached ComplexBuiltins.AbsNode absNode) {
return toPolar(coerceToComplex.execute(frame, value), absNode);
private PTuple toPolar(PComplex value, ComplexBuiltins.AbsNode absNode) {
double r = absNode.executeDouble(value);
return factory().createTuple(new Object[]{r, Math.atan2(value.getImag(), value.getReal())});
@Builtin(name = "rect", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 2)
abstract static class RectNode extends PythonBinaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(-INF, 0.0), C(-INF, -0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(-0.0, 0.0), C(-0.0, -0.0), null, C(0.0, 0.0), C(0.0, 0.0)},
{C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, 0.0), C(0.0, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex doLL(long r, long phi) {
return rect(r, phi);
PComplex doLD(long r, double phi) {
return rect(r, phi);
PComplex doDL(double r, long phi) {
return rect(r, phi);
PComplex doDD(double r, double phi) {
return rect(r, phi);
PComplex doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object r, Object phi,
@Bind("this") Node inliningTarget,
@Cached PyFloatAsDoubleNode rAsDoubleNode,
@Cached PyFloatAsDoubleNode phiAsDoubleNode) {
return rect(rAsDoubleNode.execute(frame, inliningTarget, r), phiAsDoubleNode.execute(frame, inliningTarget, phi));
private PComplex rect(double r, double phi) {
// deal with special values
if (!Double.isFinite(r) || !Double.isFinite(phi)) {
// need to raise an exception if r is a nonzero number and phi is infinite
if (r != 0.0 && !Double.isNaN(r) && Double.isInfinite(phi)) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
// if r is +/-infinity and phi is finite but nonzero then
// result is (+-INF +-INF i), but we need to compute cos(phi)
// and sin(phi) to figure out the signs.
if (Double.isInfinite(r) && Double.isFinite(phi) && phi != 0.0) {
double real = Math.copySign(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cos(phi));
double imag = Math.copySign(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.sin(phi));
if (r > 0) {
return factory().createComplex(real, imag);
} else {
return factory().createComplex(-real, -imag);
return specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, r, phi);
return factory().createComplex(r * Math.cos(phi), r * Math.sin(phi));
@Builtin(name = "log", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1, maxNumOfPositionalArgs = 2)
abstract static class LogNode extends PythonBinaryBuiltinNode {
abstract PComplex executeComplex(VirtualFrame frame, Object x, Object y);
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, -P34), C(INF, -P), C(INF, -P), C(INF, P), C(INF, P), C(INF, P34), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, C(-INF, -P), C(-INF, P), null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, C(-INF, -0.0), C(-INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P14), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, P14), C(INF, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
static LogNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.LogNodeFactory.create();
@Specialization(guards = "isNoValue(y)")
PComplex doComplexNone(PComplex x, @SuppressWarnings("unused") PNone y) {
return log(x);
PComplex doComplexComplex(VirtualFrame frame, PComplex x, PComplex y,
@Shared @Cached ComplexBuiltins.DivNode divNode) {
return divNode.executeComplex(frame, log(x), log(y));
@Specialization(guards = "isNoValue(yObj)")
PComplex doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object xObj, @SuppressWarnings("unused") PNone yObj,
@Shared @Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceXToComplex) {
return log(coerceXToComplex.execute(frame, xObj));
@Specialization(guards = "!isNoValue(yObj)")
PComplex doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object xObj, Object yObj,
@Shared @Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceXToComplex,
@Exclusive @Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceYToComplex,
@Shared @Cached ComplexBuiltins.DivNode divNode) {
PComplex x = log(coerceXToComplex.execute(frame, xObj));
PComplex y = log(coerceYToComplex.execute(frame, yObj));
return divNode.executeComplex(frame, x, y);
private PComplex log(PComplex z) {
PComplex r = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, z.getReal(), z.getImag());
if (r != null) {
return r;
double real = computeRealPart(z.getReal(), z.getImag());
double imag = Math.atan2(z.getImag(), z.getReal());
return factory().createComplex(real, imag);
private double computeRealPart(double real, double imag) {
double ax = Math.abs(real);
double ay = Math.abs(imag);
if (ax > LARGE_DOUBLE || ay > LARGE_DOUBLE) {
return Math.log(Math.hypot(ax / 2.0, ay / 2.0)) + LN_2;
if (ax < Double.MIN_NORMAL && ay < Double.MIN_NORMAL) {
if (ax > 0.0 || ay > 0.0) {
final double scaleUp = 0x1.0p53;
return Math.log(Math.hypot(ax * scaleUp, ay * scaleUp)) - 53 * LN_2;
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
double h = Math.hypot(ax, ay);
if (0.71 <= h && h <= 1.73) {
double am = Math.max(ax, ay);
double an = Math.min(ax, ay);
return Math.log1p((am - 1) * (am + 1) + an * an) / 2.0;
return Math.log(h);
@Builtin(name = "log10", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class Log10Node extends PythonUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child LogNode logNode = LogNode.create();
PComplex doComplex(VirtualFrame frame, PComplex z) {
PComplex r = logNode.executeComplex(frame, z, PNone.NO_VALUE);
return factory().createComplex(r.getReal() / LN_10, r.getImag() / LN_10);
PComplex doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object zObj,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceXToComplex) {
return doComplex(frame, coerceXToComplex.execute(frame, zObj));
@Builtin(name = "sqrt", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class SqrtNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, -INF), C(0.0, -INF), C(0.0, -INF), C(0.0, INF), C(0.0, INF), C(INF, INF), C(NAN, INF)},
{C(INF, -INF), null, null, null, null, C(INF, INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -INF), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(INF, INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -INF), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(INF, INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -INF), null, null, null, null, C(INF, INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -INF), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, INF), C(INF, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex result = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (real == 0.0 && imag == 0.0) {
return factory().createComplex(0.0, imag);
double ax = Math.abs(real);
double ay = Math.abs(imag);
double s;
if (ax < Double.MIN_NORMAL && ay < Double.MIN_NORMAL && (ax > 0.0 || ay > 0.0)) {
final double scaleUp = 0x1.0p53;
final double scaleDown = 0x1.0p-27;
ax *= scaleUp;
s = Math.sqrt(ax + Math.hypot(ax, ay * scaleUp)) * scaleDown;
} else {
ax /= 8.0;
s = 2.0 * Math.sqrt(ax + Math.hypot(ax, ay / 8.0));
double d = ay / (2.0 * s);
if (real >= 0.0) {
return factory().createComplex(s, Math.copySign(d, imag));
return factory().createComplex(d, Math.copySign(s, imag));
static SqrtNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.SqrtNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "acos", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AcosNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private SqrtNode sqrtNode = SqrtNode.create();
@Child private MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode realAsinhNode = MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode.create();
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(P34, INF), C(P, INF), C(P, INF), C(P, -INF), C(P, -INF), C(P34, -INF), C(NAN, INF)},
{C(P12, INF), null, null, null, null, C(P12, -INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(P12, INF), null, C(P12, 0.0), C(P12, -0.0), null, C(P12, -INF), C(P12, NAN)},
{C(P12, INF), null, C(P12, 0.0), C(P12, -0.0), null, C(P12, -INF), C(P12, NAN)},
{C(P12, INF), null, null, null, null, C(P12, -INF), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(P14, INF), C(0.0, INF), C(0.0, INF), C(0.0, -INF), C(0.0, -INF), C(P14, -INF), C(NAN, INF)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex result = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (result != null) {
return result;
double rreal;
double rimag;
if (Math.abs(real) > LARGE_DOUBLE || Math.abs(imag) > LARGE_DOUBLE) {
rreal = Math.atan2(Math.abs(imag), real);
double s = Math.log(Math.hypot(real / 2.0, imag / 2.0)) + LN_2 * 2.0;
if (real < 0.0) {
rimag = -Math.copySign(s, imag);
} else {
rimag = Math.copySign(s, -imag);
} else {
PComplex s1 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(1.0 - real, -imag));
PComplex s2 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(1.0 + real, imag));
rreal = 2.0 * Math.atan2(s1.getReal(), s2.getReal());
rimag = realAsinhNode.executeObject(frame, s2.getReal() * s1.getImag() - s2.getImag() * s1.getReal());
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
@Builtin(name = "acosh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AcoshNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private SqrtNode sqrtNode = SqrtNode.create();
@Child private MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode realAsinhNode = MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode.create();
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, -P34), C(INF, -P), C(INF, -P), C(INF, P), C(INF, P), C(INF, P34), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, C(0.0, -P12), C(0.0, P12), null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, C(0.0, -P12), C(0.0, P12), null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P14), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, -0.), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, P14), C(INF, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex result = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (result != null) {
return result;
double rreal;
double rimag;
if (Math.abs(real) > LARGE_DOUBLE || Math.abs(imag) > LARGE_DOUBLE) {
rreal = Math.log(Math.hypot(real / 2.0, imag / 2.0)) + LN_2 * 2.0;
rimag = Math.atan2(imag, real);
} else {
PComplex s1 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(real - 1.0, imag));
PComplex s2 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(real + 1.0, imag));
rreal = realAsinhNode.executeObject(frame, s1.getReal() * s2.getReal() + s1.getImag() * s2.getImag());
rimag = 2.0 * Math.atan2(s1.getImag(), s2.getReal());
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
@Builtin(name = "asin", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AsinNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private AsinhNode asinhNode = AsinhNode.create();
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex s = asinhNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(-imag, real));
return factory().createComplex(s.getImag(), -s.getReal());
@Builtin(name = "asinh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AsinhNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private SqrtNode sqrtNode = SqrtNode.create();
@Child private MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode realAsinhNode = MathModuleBuiltins.AsinhNode.create();
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(-INF, -P14), C(-INF, -0.0), C(-INF, -0.0), C(-INF, 0.0), C(-INF, 0.0), C(-INF, P14), C(-INF, NAN)},
{C(-INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(-INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(-INF, -P12), null, C(-0.0, -0.0), C(-0.0, 0.0), null, C(-INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(INF, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, -P14), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, P14), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(INF, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, -0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(INF, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex result = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (result != null) {
return result;
double rreal;
double rimag;
if (Math.abs(real) > LARGE_DOUBLE || Math.abs(imag) > LARGE_DOUBLE) {
double s = Math.log(Math.hypot(real / 2.0, imag / 2.0)) + LN_2 * 2.0;
if (imag >= 0.0) {
rreal = Math.copySign(s, real);
} else {
rreal = -Math.copySign(s, -real);
rimag = Math.atan2(imag, Math.abs(real));
} else {
PComplex s1 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(1.0 + imag, -real));
PComplex s2 = sqrtNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(1.0 - imag, real));
rreal = realAsinhNode.executeObject(frame, s1.getReal() * s2.getImag() - s2.getReal() * s1.getImag());
rimag = Math.atan2(imag, s1.getReal() * s2.getReal() - s1.getImag() * s2.getImag());
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
static AsinhNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.AsinhNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "atan", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AtanNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private AtanhNode atanhNode = AtanhNode.create();
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex s = atanhNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(-imag, real));
return factory().createComplex(s.getImag(), -s.getReal());
@Builtin(name = "atanh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class AtanhNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
static final double SQRT_LARGE_DOUBLE = Math.sqrt(LARGE_DOUBLE);
static final double CM_SQRT_DBL_MIN = Math.sqrt(Double.MIN_NORMAL);
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(-0.0, -P12), C(-0.0, -P12), C(-0.0, -P12), C(-0.0, P12), C(-0.0, P12), C(-0.0, P12), C(-0.0, NAN)},
{C(-0.0, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(-0.0, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(-0.0, -P12), null, C(-0.0, -0.0), C(-0.0, 0.0), null, C(-0.0, P12), C(-0.0, NAN)},
{C(0.0, -P12), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, P12), C(0.0, NAN)},
{C(0.0, -P12), null, null, null, null, C(0.0, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(0.0, -P12), C(0.0, -P12), C(0.0, -P12), C(0.0, P12), C(0.0, P12), C(0.0, P12), C(0.0, NAN)},
{C(0.0, -P12), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(0.0, P12), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex result = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (real < 0.0) {
return computeWithRealPositive(-real, -imag, -1.0);
return computeWithRealPositive(real, imag, 1.0);
private PComplex computeWithRealPositive(double real, double imag, double resultScale) {
double rreal;
double rimag;
double ay = Math.abs(imag);
double h = Math.hypot(real / 2.0, imag / 2.0);
rreal = real / 4.0 / h / h;
rimag = -Math.copySign(Math.PI / 2.0, -imag);
} else if (real == 1.0 && ay < CM_SQRT_DBL_MIN) {
if (ay == 0.0) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
rreal = -Math.log(Math.sqrt(ay) / Math.sqrt(Math.hypot(ay, 2.0)));
rimag = Math.copySign(Math.atan2(2.0, -ay) / 2, imag);
} else {
rreal = Math.log1p(((4.0 * real) / ((1 - real) * (1 - real) + ay * ay))) / 4.0;
rimag = -Math.atan2(-2.0 * imag, (1 - real) * (1 + real) - ay * ay) / 2.0;
return factory().createComplex(resultScale * rreal, resultScale * rimag);
static AtanhNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.AtanhNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "exp", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class ExpNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, 0.0), C(0.0, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, C(1.0, -0.0), C(1.0, 0.0), null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, C(1.0, -0.0), C(1.0, 0.0), null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, -0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
if (!Double.isFinite(real) || !Double.isFinite(imag)) {
PComplex r;
if (Double.isInfinite(real) && Double.isFinite(imag) && imag != 0.0) {
if (real > 0) {
r = factory().createComplex(Math.copySign(INF, Math.cos(imag)), Math.copySign(INF, Math.sin(imag)));
} else {
r = factory().createComplex(Math.copySign(0.0, Math.cos(imag)), Math.copySign(0.0, Math.sin(imag)));
} else {
r = specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (Double.isInfinite(imag) && (Double.isFinite(real) || (Double.isInfinite(real) && real > 0))) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
return r;
double rreal, rimag;
if (real > LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE) {
double l = Math.exp(real - 1.0);
rreal = l * Math.cos(imag) * Math.E;
rimag = l * Math.sin(imag) * Math.E;
} else {
double l = Math.exp(real);
rreal = l * Math.cos(imag);
rimag = l * Math.sin(imag);
if (Double.isInfinite(rreal) || Double.isInfinite(rimag)) {
throw raise(OverflowError, ErrorMessages.MATH_RANGE_ERROR);
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
@Builtin(name = "cos", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class CosNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private CoshNode coshNode = CoshNode.create();
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
return coshNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(-imag, real));
@Builtin(name = "cosh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class CoshNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(INF, 0.0), C(INF, -0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, 0.0), null, C(1.0, 0.0), C(1.0, -0.0), null, C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, 0.0), null, C(1.0, -0.0), C(1.0, 0.0), null, C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
if (!Double.isFinite(real) || !Double.isFinite(imag)) {
if (Double.isInfinite(imag) && !Double.isNaN(real)) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
if (Double.isInfinite(real) && Double.isFinite(imag) && imag != 0.0) {
double r = Math.copySign(INF, Math.sin(imag));
return factory().createComplex(Math.copySign(INF, Math.cos(imag)), real > 0 ? r : -r);
} else {
return specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
double rreal, rimag;
if (Math.abs(real) > LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE) {
double x_minus_one = real - Math.copySign(1.0, real);
rreal = Math.cos(imag) * Math.cosh(x_minus_one) * Math.E;
rimag = Math.sin(imag) * Math.sinh(x_minus_one) * Math.E;
} else {
rreal = Math.cos(imag) * Math.cosh(real);
rimag = Math.sin(imag) * Math.sinh(real);
if (Double.isInfinite(rreal) || Double.isInfinite(rimag)) {
throw raise(OverflowError, ErrorMessages.MATH_RANGE_ERROR);
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
static CoshNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.CoshNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "sin", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class SinNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private SinhNode sinhNode = SinhNode.create();
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex s = sinhNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(-imag, real));
return factory().createComplex(s.getImag(), -s.getReal());
@Builtin(name = "sinh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class SinhNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(-INF, -0.0), C(-INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(0.0, NAN), null, C(-0.0, -0.0), C(-0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, NAN), C(0.0, NAN)},
{C(0.0, NAN), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(0.0, NAN), C(0.0, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(INF, NAN), null, C(INF, -0.0), C(INF, 0.0), null, C(INF, NAN), C(INF, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, -0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
if (!Double.isFinite(real) || !Double.isFinite(imag)) {
if (Double.isInfinite(imag) && !Double.isNaN(real)) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
if (Double.isInfinite(real) && Double.isFinite(imag) && imag != 0.0) {
double r = Math.copySign(INF, Math.cos(imag));
return factory().createComplex(real > 0 ? r : -r, Math.copySign(INF, Math.sin(imag)));
} else {
return specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
double rreal, rimag;
if (Math.abs(real) > LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE) {
double x_minus_one = real - Math.copySign(1.0, real);
rreal = Math.cos(imag) * Math.sinh(x_minus_one) * Math.E;
rimag = Math.sin(imag) * Math.cosh(x_minus_one) * Math.E;
} else {
rreal = Math.cos(imag) * Math.sinh(real);
rimag = Math.sin(imag) * Math.cosh(real);
if (Double.isInfinite(rreal) || Double.isInfinite(rimag)) {
throw raise(OverflowError, ErrorMessages.MATH_RANGE_ERROR);
return factory().createComplex(rreal, rimag);
static SinhNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.SinhNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "tan", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class TanNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
@Child private TanhNode tanhNode = TanhNode.create();
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
PComplex s = tanhNode.executeComplex(frame, factory().createComplex(-imag, real));
return factory().createComplex(s.getImag(), -s.getReal());
@Builtin(name = "tanh", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 1)
abstract static class TanhNode extends CmathComplexUnaryBuiltinNode {
// @formatter:off
@CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal(dimensions = 2)
private static final ComplexConstant[][] SPECIAL_VALUES = {
{C(-1.0, 0.0), null, C(-1.0, -0.0), C(-1.0, 0.0), null, C(-1.0, 0.0), C(-1.0, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, C(-0.0, -0.0), C(-0.0, 0.0), null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, C(0.0, -0.0), C(0.0, 0.0), null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(NAN, NAN), null, null, null, null, C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
{C(1.0, 0.0), null, C(1.0, -0.0), C(1.0, 0.0), null, C(1.0, 0.0), C(1.0, 0.0)},
{C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, -0.0), C(NAN, 0.0), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN), C(NAN, NAN)},
// @formatter:on
PComplex compute(VirtualFrame frame, double real, double imag) {
if (!Double.isFinite(real) || !Double.isFinite(imag)) {
if (Double.isInfinite(imag) && Double.isFinite(real)) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR);
if (Double.isInfinite(real) && Double.isFinite(imag) && imag != 0.0) {
return factory().createComplex(real > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0, Math.copySign(0.0, 2.0 * Math.sin(imag) * Math.cos(imag)));
} else {
return specialValue(factory(), SPECIAL_VALUES, real, imag);
if (Math.abs(real) > LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE) {
return factory().createComplex(Math.copySign(1.0, real),
4.0 * Math.sin(imag) * Math.cos(imag) * Math.exp(-20. * Math.abs(real)));
double tx = Math.tanh(real);
double ty = Math.tan(imag);
double cx = 1.0 / Math.cosh(real);
double txty = tx * ty;
double denom = 1.0 + txty * txty;
return factory().createComplex(tx * (1.0 + ty * ty) / denom, ((ty / denom) * cx) * cx);
static TanhNode create() {
return CmathModuleBuiltinsFactory.TanhNodeFactory.create();
@Builtin(name = "isclose", minNumOfPositionalArgs = 2, maxNumOfPositionalArgs = 2, varArgsMarker = true, keywordOnlyNames = {"rel_tol", "abs_tol"})
abstract static class IsCloseNode extends PythonBuiltinNode {
private static final double DEFAULT_REL_TOL = 1e-09;
private static final double DEFAULT_ABS_TOL = 0;
@Child ComplexBuiltins.AbsNode abs = ComplexBuiltins.AbsNode.create();
boolean doCCDD(PComplex a, PComplex b, double relTolObj, double absTolObj) {
return isClose(a, b, relTolObj, absTolObj);
boolean doCCNN(PComplex a, PComplex b, PNone relTolObj, PNone absTolObj) {
return isClose(a, b, DEFAULT_REL_TOL, DEFAULT_ABS_TOL);
boolean doGeneral(VirtualFrame frame, Object aObj, Object bObj, Object relTolObj, Object absTolObj,
@Bind("this") Node inliningTarget,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceAToComplex,
@Cached CoerceToComplexNode coerceBToComplex,
@Cached PyFloatAsDoubleNode relAsDoubleNode,
@Cached PyFloatAsDoubleNode absAsDoubleNode) {
PComplex a = coerceAToComplex.execute(frame, aObj);
PComplex b = coerceBToComplex.execute(frame, bObj);
double relTol = PGuards.isNoValue(relTolObj) ? DEFAULT_REL_TOL : relAsDoubleNode.execute(frame, inliningTarget, relTolObj);
double absTol = PGuards.isPNone(absTolObj) ? DEFAULT_ABS_TOL : absAsDoubleNode.execute(frame, inliningTarget, absTolObj);
return isClose(a, b, relTol, absTol);
private boolean isClose(PComplex a, PComplex b, double relTol, double absTol) {
if (relTol < 0.0 || absTol < 0.0) {
throw raise(ValueError, ErrorMessages.TOLERANCE_MUST_NON_NEGATIVE);
if (a.getReal() == b.getReal() && a.getImag() == b.getImag()) {
return true;
if (Double.isInfinite(a.getReal()) || Double.isInfinite(a.getImag()) ||
Double.isInfinite(b.getReal()) || Double.isInfinite(b.getImag())) {
return false;
PComplex diff = factory().createComplex(a.getReal() - b.getReal(), a.getImag() - b.getImag());
double len = abs.executeDouble(diff);
return len <= absTol || len <= relTol * abs.executeDouble(b) || len <= relTol * abs.executeDouble(a);
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