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org.graalvm.collections.LockFreePrefixTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2021, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package org.graalvm.collections;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import static java.lang.Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros;

 * Thread-safe and lock-free prefix-tree implementation in which keys are sequences of 64-bit
 * values, and the values are 64-bit values. The LockFreePrefixTree supports the same operations as
 * the PrefixTree as follows:

* The LockFreePrefixTree supports a single operation {@code root}, which returns the root node. The * nodes support the following operations: {@code at} to obtain a child node, {@code value} to * obtain the value at the current node, {@code setValue} to atomically set the value, and * {@code incValue} to atomically increment the value. *

* * The LockFreePrefix tree represents a Tree of nodes of class{@code Node}, with each node having a * key and an atomic reference array of children. The underlying {@code children} structure is * represented as a LinearArray if the number of children is under a threshold, and represented by a * hash table once the threshold is reached. * * Any additions or accesses to the datastructure are done using the {@code at} function. The * {@code at} function takes a key value as a parameter and either returns an already existing node * or inserts a new node and returns it. The function may cause the underlying AtomicReferenceArray * to grow in size, either with {@code tryResizeLinear} or {@code tryResizeHash}. Insertion of new * nodes is always done with the CAS operation, to ensure atomic updates and guarantee the progress * of at least a single thread in the execution. Additionally, any growth operations occur * atomically, as we perform a CAS with the reference to the Array to a new, freshly allocated array * object. * * @since 22.3 */ public class LockFreePrefixTree { /** * @since 22.3 */ public static class Node extends AtomicLong { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; private static final class LinearChildren extends AtomicReferenceArray { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; LinearChildren(int length) { super(length); } } private static final class HashChildren extends AtomicReferenceArray { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; HashChildren(int length) { super(length); } } private static final class FrozenNode extends Node { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; FrozenNode() { super(-1); } } private static final FrozenNode FROZEN_NODE = new FrozenNode(); // Requires: INITIAL_HASH_NODE_SIZE >= MAX_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE // otherwise we have an endless loop private static final int INITIAL_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE = 2; private static final int INITIAL_HASH_NODE_SIZE = 16; private static final int MAX_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE = 8; private static final int MAX_HASH_SKIPS = 10; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater CHILDREN_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(Node.class, AtomicReferenceArray.class, "children"); /** * The 64-bit key of the node. This field should not be changed after the node is inserted * into the data structure. It is not final to allow pooling nodes, and specifying the key * after they are allocated on the heap. It is not volatile, because it must be set before * the insertion into the concurrent data structure -- the concurrent data structure thus * establishes a happens-before relationship between the write to this field and the other * threads that read this field. */ private long key; private volatile AtomicReferenceArray children; private Node(long key) { this.key = key; } /** * This constructor variant is only meant to be used when nodes are preallocated and pooled. */ private Node() { this.key = 0; } /** * @return The value of the {@link Node} * @since 22.3 */ public long value() { return get(); } private long getKey() { return this.key; } /** * Set the value for the {@link Node}. * * @param value the new value. * @since 22.3 */ public void setValue(long value) { set(value); } /** * Increment value. * * @return newly incremented value of the {@link Node}. * * @since 22.3 */ public long incValue() { return incrementAndGet(); } /** * Atomically does the bitwise-or on the current value. * * @param pattern a bit pattern to do bitwise-or with * @return the value immediately after the bitwise-or operation * * @since 23.0 */ public long bitwiseOrValue(long pattern) { while (true) { long oldValue = get(); long newValue = oldValue | pattern; if (compareAndSet(oldValue, newValue)) { return newValue; } } } /** * Get existing (or create if missing) child with the given key. * * May return {@code null} if the operation cannot complete, for example, due to inability * to allocate nodes. * * @param childKey the key of the child. * @return The child with the given childKey, or {@code null} if cannot complete. * @since 22.3 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Node at(Allocator allocator, long childKey) { try { ensureChildren(allocator); while (true) { AtomicReferenceArray children0 = readChildren(); if (children0 instanceof LinearChildren) { // Find first empty slot. Node newChild = getOrAddLinear(allocator, childKey, children0); if (newChild != null) { return newChild; } else { // Children array is full, we need to resize. tryResizeLinear(allocator, children0); } } else { // children0 instanceof HashChildren. Node newChild = getOrAddHash(allocator, childKey, children0); if (newChild != null) { return newChild; } else { // Case for growth: the MAX_HASH_SKIPS have been exceeded. tryResizeHash(allocator, children0); } } } } catch (FailedAllocationException e) { return null; } } // Postcondition: if return value is null, then no subsequent mutations will be done on the // array object ( the children array is full) private static Node getOrAddLinear(Allocator allocator, long childKey, AtomicReferenceArray childrenArray) { for (int i = 0; i < childrenArray.length(); i++) { Node child = read(childrenArray, i); if (child == null) { Node newChild = allocator.newNode(childKey); if (cas(childrenArray, i, null, newChild)) { return newChild; } else { // We need to check if the failed CAS was due to another thread inserting // this childKey. Node child1 = read(childrenArray, i); if (child1.getKey() == childKey) { return child1; } else { continue; } } } else if (child.getKey() == childKey) { return child; } } // Array is full, triggers resize. return null; } // Precondition: childrenArray is full. private void tryResizeLinear(Allocator allocator, AtomicReferenceArray childrenArray) { AtomicReferenceArray newChildrenArray; if (childrenArray.length() < MAX_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE) { newChildrenArray = allocator.newLinearChildren(2 * childrenArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < childrenArray.length(); i++) { Node toCopy = read(childrenArray, i); write(newChildrenArray, i, toCopy); } } else { newChildrenArray = allocator.newHashChildren(INITIAL_HASH_NODE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < childrenArray.length(); i++) { Node toCopy = read(childrenArray, i); addChildToLocalHash(toCopy, newChildrenArray); } } CHILDREN_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, childrenArray, newChildrenArray); } private static Node getOrAddHash(Allocator allocator, long childKey, AtomicReferenceArray hashTable) { int index = hash(childKey) % hashTable.length(); int skips = 0; while (true) { Node node0 = read(hashTable, index); if (node0 == null) { Node newNode = allocator.newNode(childKey); if (cas(hashTable, index, null, newNode)) { return newNode; } else { // Rechecks same index spot if the node has been inserted by other thread. continue; } } else if (node0 != FROZEN_NODE && node0.getKey() == childKey) { return node0; } index = (index + 1) % hashTable.length(); skips++; if (skips > MAX_HASH_SKIPS) { // Returning null triggers hash growth. return null; } } } // This method can only get called in the grow hash function, or when converting from linear // to hash, meaning it is only exposed to a SINGLE thread // Precondition: reachable from exactly one thread private static void addChildToLocalHash(Node node, AtomicReferenceArray hashTable) { int index = hash(node.getKey()) % hashTable.length(); while (read(hashTable, index) != null) { index = (index + 1) % hashTable.length(); } write(hashTable, index, node); } private void tryResizeHash(Allocator allocator, AtomicReferenceArray children0) { freezeHash(children0); // All elements of children0 are non-null => ensures no updates are made to old children // while we are copying to new children. AtomicReferenceArray newChildrenHash = allocator.newHashChildren(2 * children0.length()); for (int i = 0; i < children0.length(); i++) { Node toCopy = read(children0, i); if (toCopy != FROZEN_NODE) { addChildToLocalHash(toCopy, newChildrenHash); } } casChildren(children0, newChildrenHash); } // Postcondition: Forall element in childrenHash => element != null. private static void freezeHash(AtomicReferenceArray childrenHash) { for (int i = 0; i < childrenHash.length(); i++) { if (read(childrenHash, i) == null) { cas(childrenHash, i, null, FROZEN_NODE); } } } private static boolean cas(AtomicReferenceArray childrenArray, int i, Node expected, Node updated) { return childrenArray.compareAndSet(i, expected, updated); } private static Node read(AtomicReferenceArray childrenArray, int i) { return childrenArray.get(i); } private static void write(AtomicReferenceArray childrenArray, int i, Node newNode) { childrenArray.set(i, newNode); } private void ensureChildren(Allocator allocator) { if (readChildren() == null) { AtomicReferenceArray newChildren = allocator.newLinearChildren(INITIAL_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE); casChildren(null, newChildren); } } private boolean casChildren(AtomicReferenceArray expected, AtomicReferenceArray updated) { return CHILDREN_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, expected, updated); } private AtomicReferenceArray readChildren() { return children; } private static int hash(long key) { long v = key * 0x9e3775cd9e3775cdL; v = Long.reverseBytes(v); v = v * 0x9e3775cd9e3775cdL; return 0x7fff_ffff & (int) (v ^ (v >> 32)); } private void topDown(C currentContext, BiFunction createContext, BiConsumer consumeValue) { AtomicReferenceArray childrenSnapshot = readChildren(); consumeValue.accept(currentContext, get()); if (childrenSnapshot == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < childrenSnapshot.length(); i++) { Node child = read(childrenSnapshot, i); if (child != null && child != FROZEN_NODE) { long childKey = child.getKey(); C extendedContext = createContext.apply(currentContext, childKey); child.topDown(extendedContext, createContext, consumeValue); } } } /** * @since 22.3 */ @Override public String toString() { return "Node<" + value() + ">"; } } private Allocator allocator; private Node root; /** * Create new {@link LockFreePrefixTree} with root being a Node with key 0. * * @since 22.3 */ public LockFreePrefixTree(Allocator allocator) { this.allocator = allocator; this.root = allocator.newNode(0); } public Allocator allocator() { return allocator; } /** * The root node of the tree. * * @return the root of the tree * * @since 22.3 */ public Node root() { return root; } /** * Traverse the tree top-down while maintaining a context. * * The context is a generic data structure corresponding to the depth of the traversal, i.e. * given the initialContext and a createContext function, a new context is created for each * visited child using the createContext function, starting with initialContext. * * @param initialContext The context for the root of the tree * @param createContext A function defining how the context for children is created * @param consumeValue A function that consumes the nodes value * @param The type of the context * * @since 22.3 */ public void topDown(C initialContext, BiFunction createContext, BiConsumer consumeValue) { root.topDown(initialContext, createContext, consumeValue); } /** * Exception denoting that an allocation failed. * * @since 23.0 */ private static class FailedAllocationException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; FailedAllocationException() { } FailedAllocationException(String message) { super(message); } @Override public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } } /** * Policy for allocating objects of the lock-free prefix tree. * * @since 23.0 */ public abstract static class Allocator { /** * Allocates a new Node object. * * @param key The key to use for the {@code Node} object. * @return A fresh {@code Node} object, possibly preallocated. * @throws FailedAllocationException If the allocation request cannot be fulfilled. * * @since 23.0 */ public abstract Node newNode(long key); /** * Allocates a new reference array of child nodes stored linearly. * * @param length The length of the allocated array. * @return A fresh array, possibly preallocated. * @throws FailedAllocationException If the allocation request cannot be fulfilled. * * @since 23.0 */ public abstract Node.LinearChildren newLinearChildren(int length); /** * Allocates a new reference array of child nodes stored as a hash table. * * @param length The length of the allocated array. * @return A fresh array, possibly preallocated. * @throws FailedAllocationException If the allocation request cannot be fulfilled. * * @since 23.0 */ public abstract Node.HashChildren newHashChildren(int length); /** * Releases the allocator's resources. Allocator should not be used after calling this * method. * * @since 23.0 */ public abstract void shutdown(); } /** * Allocator that allocates objects directly on the managed heap. * * @since 23.0 */ public static class HeapAllocator extends Allocator { @Override public Node newNode(long key) { return new Node(key); } @Override public Node.LinearChildren newLinearChildren(int length) { return new Node.LinearChildren(length); } @Override public Node.HashChildren newHashChildren(int length) { return new Node.HashChildren(length); } @Override public void shutdown() { } } /** * Allocator that internally maintains several pools of preallocated objects, and allocates * objects from those pools. This allocator is guaranteed not to allocate any objects inside the * invocations to its methods. * * To ensure that the internal pools have sufficiently many preallocated objects, this allocator * has a housekeeping thread that periodically wakes up, allocates objects and inserts them into * the pools. This allocator tracks the requests that failed since the last housekeeping * session, and the housekeeping thread will strive to accomodate requests that have not been * fulfilled since the last housekeeping session (i.e. it will preallocate those types of * additional objects whose allocation request previously failed, and it will allocate at least * as many objects as there were previous failed allocation requests). * * This implementation only allows allocating {@code Node.LinearChildren} and * {@code Node.HashChildren} arrays whose length is a power of 2 (because * {@link LockFreePrefixTree} only ever allocates arrays that are a power of 2). If the * requested array length is not a power of 2, an exception is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public static class ObjectPoolingAllocator extends Allocator { /** * A preallocated exception object that denotes failed allocations. */ private static final FailedAllocationException FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION = new FailedAllocationException(); /** * A preallocated exception object, thrown when an invalid length is specified for the * object to allocate. */ private static final FailedAllocationException UNSUPPORTED_SIZE_EXCEPTION = new FailedAllocationException("Only arrays that have power-of-two length can be allocated."); /** * Preallocated exception object, thrown when an inconsistent internal state is detected. */ private static final FailedAllocationException INTERNAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION = new FailedAllocationException("Allocation failed due to internal exception."); /** * Minimum sleep time of the housekeeping thread, in milliseconds. */ private static final int MIN_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS = 4; /** * The default sleep time of the housekeeping thread, in milliseconds. */ private static final int DEFAULT_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS = 72; /** * The number of different power-of-two lengths that can be requested when allocating an * array. This number means that the largest array that can be allocated is 2^27. */ private static final int SIZE_CLASS_COUNT = 27; /** * The number of {@code Node} objects that will be preallocated when the node-pool becomes * empty. The allocator may decide to preallocate more nodes, after repetitively having the * pool drained. */ private static final int INITIAL_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT = 4096; /** * The number of {@code LinearChildren} objects that will be preallocated within a certain * size-class, after the respective pool becomes empty. */ private static final int INITIAL_LINEAR_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT = 4096; /** * The number of {@code HashChildren} objects that will be preallocated within a certain * size-class, after the respective pool becomes empty. */ private static final int INITIAL_HASH_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT = 256; /** * The maximum number of {@code Node} objects that the allocator may preallocate. */ private static final int MAX_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT = 1 << 22; /** * The maximum number of array objects that the allocator may preallocate in a specific size * class. */ private static final int MAX_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT = 1 << 20; /** * The expected maximum size of a {@code HashChildren} array, in most use-cases. Nodes for * larger size classes are preallocated more conservatively. */ private static final int EXPECTED_MAX_HASH_NODE_SIZE = 1024; /** * When set to {@code true}, this field will allow debugging the behavior of the pool. */ private static final boolean LOGGING = false; /** * The pool that contains the preallocated {@code Node} objects. */ private final LockFreePool nodePool; /** * An array of pools, one for each size class, where each pool contains preallocated * {@code LinearChildren} objects. */ private final LockFreePool[] linearChildrenPool; /** * An array of pools, one for each size class, where each pool contains preallocated * {@code HashChildren} objects. */ private final LockFreePool[] hashChildrenPool; /** * The number of failed {@code Node}-allocation requests since the last housekeeping * iteration. */ private final AtomicInteger missedNodePoolRequestCount; /** * The number of failed {@code LinearChildren}-allocation requests since the last * housekeeping iteration, one for each size class. */ private final AtomicIntegerArray missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts; /** * The number of failed {@code HashChildren}-allocation requests since the last housekeeping * iteration, one for each size class. */ private final AtomicIntegerArray missedHashChildrenRequestCounts; /** * The thread that periodically wakes up and refills the object pools. */ private final HousekeepingThread housekeepingThread; public ObjectPoolingAllocator() { this(DEFAULT_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS); } public ObjectPoolingAllocator(int housekeepingPeriodMillis) { this.nodePool = createNodePool(); this.linearChildrenPool = createLinearChildrenPool(); this.hashChildrenPool = createHashChildrenPool(); this.missedNodePoolRequestCount = new AtomicInteger(0); this.missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts = new AtomicIntegerArray(SIZE_CLASS_COUNT); this.missedHashChildrenRequestCounts = new AtomicIntegerArray(SIZE_CLASS_COUNT); this.housekeepingThread = new HousekeepingThread(housekeepingPeriodMillis); this.housekeepingThread.start(); } private static LockFreePool createNodePool() { LockFreePool pool = new LockFreePool<>(); for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT; i++) { pool.add(new Node()); } return pool; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static LockFreePool[] createLinearChildrenPool() { LockFreePool[] pools = new LockFreePool[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < pools.length; sizeClass++) { pools[sizeClass] = new LockFreePool<>(); if (numberOfTrailingZeros(Node.INITIAL_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE) <= sizeClass && sizeClass <= numberOfTrailingZeros(Node.MAX_LINEAR_NODE_SIZE)) { // Preallocate size classes that we know will be needed. for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_LINEAR_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT; i++) { pools[sizeClass].add(new Node.LinearChildren(1 << sizeClass)); } } } return pools; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static LockFreePool[] createHashChildrenPool() { LockFreePool[] pools = new LockFreePool[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < pools.length; sizeClass++) { pools[sizeClass] = new LockFreePool<>(); if (sizeClass >= numberOfTrailingZeros(Node.INITIAL_HASH_NODE_SIZE) && sizeClass <= numberOfTrailingZeros(EXPECTED_MAX_HASH_NODE_SIZE)) { // Preallocate size classes that are most likely to be allocated. for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_HASH_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT; i++) { pools[sizeClass].add(new Node.HashChildren(1 << sizeClass)); } } } return pools; } @Override public Node newNode(long key) { Node obj = nodePool.get(); if (obj != null) { obj.key = key; return obj; } else { missedNodePoolRequestCount.incrementAndGet(); throw FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION; } } @Override public Node.LinearChildren newLinearChildren(int length) { checkPowerOfTwo(length); if (Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(length) >= SIZE_CLASS_COUNT) { // Above maximum allowed length. throw FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION; } int sizeClass = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(length); Node.LinearChildren obj = linearChildrenPool[sizeClass].get(); if (obj != null) { return obj; } else { if (sizeClass >= missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts.length()) { throw INTERNAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION; } missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts.incrementAndGet(sizeClass); throw FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION; } } @Override public Node.HashChildren newHashChildren(int length) { checkPowerOfTwo(length); if (Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(length) >= SIZE_CLASS_COUNT) { // Above maximum allowed length. throw FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION; } int sizeClass = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(length); Node.HashChildren obj = hashChildrenPool[sizeClass].get(); if (obj != null) { return obj; } else { if (sizeClass >= missedHashChildrenRequestCounts.length()) { throw INTERNAL_FAILURE_EXCEPTION; } missedHashChildrenRequestCounts.incrementAndGet(sizeClass); throw FAILED_ALLOCATION_EXCEPTION; } } @Override public void shutdown() { housekeepingThread.isEnabled.set(false); try { housekeepingThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while waiting for housekeeping thread shutdown.", e); } } public String status() { StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("ObjectPoolingAllocator").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append("======================").append(System.lineSeparator()); // Misses statistics. content.append(" current node alloc misses: ").append(missedNodePoolRequestCount.get()).append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" current linear children misses: ").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" miss count "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts.get(sizeClass))); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" current hash children misses: ").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" miss count "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", missedHashChildrenRequestCounts.get(sizeClass))); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); // Preallocation levels. content.append(" node prealloc growth: ").append(housekeepingThread.nodePreallocationGrowth).append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" linear children prealloc growth:").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" log_2(#) "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(housekeepingThread.linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]))); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" hash children prealloc growth: ").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" log_2(#) "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%4d", 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(housekeepingThread.hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]))); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); // Total preallocation counts. content.append(" node prealloc total: ").append(housekeepingThread.nodePreallocationTotal).append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" linear children prealloc total: ").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%8d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" log_2(#) "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format(" %7.1e", 1.0 * housekeepingThread.linearChildrenPreallocationTotal[sizeClass])); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" hash children prealloc total: ").append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" size class "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format("%8d", sizeClass)); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); content.append(" log_2(#) "); for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < SIZE_CLASS_COUNT; sizeClass++) { content.append(String.format(" %7.1e", 1.0 * housekeepingThread.hashChildrenPreallocationTotal[sizeClass])); } content.append(System.lineSeparator()); return content.toString(); } private static void checkPowerOfTwo(int length) { if (Integer.bitCount(length) != 1) { throw UNSUPPORTED_SIZE_EXCEPTION; } } private static void log(String formatting, int a1) { if (LOGGING) { System.out.println(String.format(formatting, a1)); } } private static void log(String formatting, int a1, int a2) { if (LOGGING) { System.out.println(String.format(formatting, a1, a2)); } } private static void log(String formatting, int a1, int a2, int a3) { if (LOGGING) { System.out.println(String.format(formatting, a1, a2, a3)); } } private class HousekeepingThread extends Thread { /** * Whether the thread is enabled. When {@code false}, the thread should terminate after * the next housekeeping session. */ private final AtomicBoolean isEnabled; /** * The default amount of time between two housekeeping sessions. */ private final int defaultHousekeepingPeriodMillis; /** * The current amount of time between two housekeeping sessions. This time is decreased * whenever an empty pool is found, and increased after a housekeeping session in which * not empty pools were found. */ private int nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis; /** * The minimum number of {@code Node} objects to preallocate. */ private int nodePreallocationGrowth; /** * The minimum number of {@code LinearChildren} objects to preallocate, per size-class. */ private final int[] linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth; /** * The minimum number of {@code HashChildren} objects to preallocate, per size-class. */ private final int[] hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth; /** * Total number of preallocated {@code Node} objects. Used only for statistics dumping. */ private long nodePreallocationTotal; /** * Total number of preallocated {@code LinearChildren} objects, per size class. Used * only for statistics dumping. */ private final long[] linearChildrenPreallocationTotal; /** * Total number of preallocated {@code HashChildren} objects, per size class. Used only * for statistics dumping. */ private final long[] hashChildrenPreallocationTotal; HousekeepingThread(int defaultHousekeepingPeriodMillis) { setDaemon(true); this.isEnabled = new AtomicBoolean(true); this.defaultHousekeepingPeriodMillis = defaultHousekeepingPeriodMillis; this.nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis = MIN_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS; this.nodePreallocationGrowth = 1; this.linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth = new int[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < this.linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth.length; sizeClass++) { this.linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] = 1; } this.hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth = new int[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < this.hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth.length; sizeClass++) { this.hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] = sizeClass < 16 ? 4 : 1; } this.nodePreallocationTotal = 0; this.linearChildrenPreallocationTotal = new long[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; this.hashChildrenPreallocationTotal = new long[SIZE_CLASS_COUNT]; } private void housekeep() { housekeepNodePool(); housekeepLinearChildrenPools(); housekeepHashChildrenPools(); } private void housekeepNodePool() { int count = missedNodePoolRequestCount.get(); if (count > 0) { // Preallocation rules: // Allocate at least INITIAL_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT nodes. // Allocate at least as many nodes as there were missed requests. // Allocate at least nodePreallocationGrowth nodes, which is a value that // doubles each time the pool is emptied, and is divided by two each time it is // not empty. int growthEstimate = Math.max(INITIAL_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, count); growthEstimate = Math.max(growthEstimate, nodePreallocationGrowth); log("node prealloc = %d, prealloc growth = %d", growthEstimate, nodePreallocationGrowth); for (int i = 0; i < growthEstimate; i++) { nodePool.add(new Node()); } missedNodePoolRequestCount.set(0); nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis = MIN_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS; nodePreallocationGrowth = Math.min(MAX_NODE_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, nodePreallocationGrowth * 2); nodePreallocationTotal += growthEstimate; } } private void housekeepLinearChildrenPools() { for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < linearChildrenPool.length; sizeClass++) { int count = missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts.get(sizeClass); if (count > 0) { // Preallocation rules: // Allocate at least INITIAL_LINEAR_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT nodes. // Allocate at least as many nodes as there were missed requests. // Allocate at least linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth nodes, which is a // value that doubles each time the pool is emptied, and is divided by two // each time it is not empty. int growthEstimate = Math.max(INITIAL_LINEAR_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, count); growthEstimate = Math.max(growthEstimate, linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]); log("linear size class %d prealloc = %d, prealloc growth = %d", sizeClass, growthEstimate, linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]); for (int i = 0; i < growthEstimate; i++) { linearChildrenPool[sizeClass].add(new Node.LinearChildren(1 << sizeClass)); } missedLinearChildrenRequestCounts.set(sizeClass, 0); nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis = MIN_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS; linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] = Math.min(MAX_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, linearChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] * 2); linearChildrenPreallocationTotal[sizeClass] += growthEstimate; } } } private void housekeepHashChildrenPools() { for (int sizeClass = 0; sizeClass < hashChildrenPool.length; sizeClass++) { int count = missedHashChildrenRequestCounts.get(sizeClass); if (count > 0) { int growthEstimate; if (sizeClass < Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(EXPECTED_MAX_HASH_NODE_SIZE)) { // Preallocation rules: // Allocate at least INITIAL_HASH_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT nodes. // Allocate at least as many nodes as there were missed requests. // Allocate at least hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth nodes, which is a // value that doubles each time the pool is emptied, and is divided by // two each // time it is not empty. growthEstimate = Math.max(INITIAL_HASH_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, count); growthEstimate = Math.max(growthEstimate, hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]); } else { // We expect that the case of allocating very wide nodes is rare. // // Preallocation rules: // Allocate at least as many nodes as there were missed requests. // Allocate at least hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth nodes, which is // a value that doubles each time the pool is emptied, and is divided by // two each time it is not empty. growthEstimate = count; growthEstimate = Math.max(growthEstimate, hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]); } log("hash size class %d prealloc = %d, prealloc growth = %d", sizeClass, growthEstimate, hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass]); for (int i = 0; i < growthEstimate; i++) { hashChildrenPool[sizeClass].add(new Node.HashChildren(1 << sizeClass)); } missedHashChildrenRequestCounts.set(sizeClass, 0); nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis = MIN_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD_MILLIS; hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] = Math.min(MAX_CHILDREN_PREALLOCATION_COUNT, hashChildrenPreallocationGrowth[sizeClass] * 2); hashChildrenPreallocationTotal[sizeClass] += growthEstimate; } } } @Override public void run() { while (isEnabled.get()) { try { synchronized (this) { log("housekeeping thread sleeping... %d ms.", nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis); this.wait(nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis); // Decrease housekeeping period up to maximum using an exponential // backoff. nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis = Math.min(defaultHousekeepingPeriodMillis, nextHousekeepingPeriodMillis * 2); } housekeep(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Allocator's housekeeping thread was interrupted.", e); } } } } } }

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