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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;

 * Support for logging in Truffle languages and instruments.

* The logger's {@link Level} configuration is done using the * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder#options(java.util.Map) Context's options}. The level * option key has the following format: {@code log.languageId.className.level} or * {@code log.instrumentId.className.level}. The value is either the name of pre-defined * {@link Level} constant or a numeric {@link Level} value. If not explicitly set in * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder#options(java.util.Map) Context's options} the level * is inherited from the parent logger. *

* The {@link TruffleLogger} supports {@link LogRecord#getParameters() message parameters} of * primitive types and strings. The object parameters are converted into string value before they * are passed to the {@link Handler}. *

* The {@link TruffleLogger} instances are safe to be used on compiled code paths as well as from * multiple-threads. * * @since 19.0 */ public final class TruffleLogger { private static final String ROOT_NAME = ""; private static final int MAX_CLEANED_REFS = 100; private static final int OFF_VALUE = Level.OFF.intValue(); private static final int DEFAULT_VALUE = Level.INFO.intValue(); private static final ReferenceQueue loggersRefQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private static final Object childrenLock = new Object(); private final String name; private final LoggerCache loggerCache; @CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private volatile int levelNum; @CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal private volatile Assumption levelNumStable; private volatile Level levelObj; private volatile TruffleLogger parent; private Collection children; private TruffleLogger(final String loggerName, final LoggerCache loggerCache) { = loggerName; this.loggerCache = loggerCache; this.levelNum = DEFAULT_VALUE; this.levelNumStable = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Log Level Value stable for: " + loggerName); } private TruffleLogger(LoggerCache loggerCache) { this(ROOT_NAME, loggerCache); } /** * Find or create a root logger for a given language or instrument. If the root logger for given * language or instrument already exists it's returned, otherwise a new root logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */ public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id) { return getLogger(id, null, LoggerCache.getInstance()); } /** * Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument class. If a logger for the class * already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @param forClass the {@link Class} to create a logger for * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} or {@code forClass} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */ public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id, final Class forClass) { Objects.requireNonNull(forClass, "Class must be non null."); return getLogger(id, forClass.getName()); } /** * Find or create a logger for a given language or instrument. If a logger with given name * already exists it's returned, otherwise a new logger is created. * * @param id the unique id of language or instrument * @param loggerName the the name of a {@link TruffleLogger}, if a {@code loggerName} is null or * empty a root logger for language or instrument is returned * @return a {@link TruffleLogger} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code id} is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid language or instrument id. * @since 19.0 */ public static TruffleLogger getLogger(final String id, final String loggerName) { return getLogger(id, loggerName, LoggerCache.getInstance()); } static TruffleLogger getLogger(String id, String loggerName, LoggerCache loggerCache) { Objects.requireNonNull(id, "LanguageId must be non null."); return loggerCache.getOrCreateLogger(id, loggerName); } LoggerCache getLoggerCache() { return this.loggerCache; } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void config(final String message) { log(Level.CONFIG, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#CONFIG config level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void config(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.CONFIG, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs entry into method. *

* This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY" * and the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} is logged with {@link Level#FINER * finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @since 19.0 */ public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "ENTRY"); } /** * Logs entry into method with single parameter. *

* This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY", * the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and given parameter is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @param parameter the method parameter * @since 19.0 */ public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object parameter) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "ENTRY {0}", parameter); } /** * Logs entry into method with multiple parameters. *

* This method can be used to log entry into a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message "ENTRY", * the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and given parameters is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the entered class * @param sourceMethod the entered method * @param parameters the method parameters * @since 19.0 */ public void entering(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object[] parameters) { String msg = "ENTRY"; if (parameters == null) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, msg); return; } if (!isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { msg = msg + " {" + i + "}"; } logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, msg, parameters); } /** * Logs a return from method. *

* This method can be used to log return from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message * "RETURN" and the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} is logged with * {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the exiting class * @param sourceMethod the exiting method * @since 19.0 */ public void exiting(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "RETURN"); } /** * Logs a return from method with result. *

* This method can be used to log return from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with message * "RETURN", the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and method result is logged * with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the exiting class * @param sourceMethod the exiting method * @param result the return value * @since 19.0 */ public void exiting(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Object result) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "RETURN {0}", result); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINE fine level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void fine(final String message) { log(Level.FINE, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINE fine level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINE fine level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void fine(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINE, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void finer(final String message) { log(Level.FINER, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINER finer level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void finer(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINER, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void finest(final String message) { log(Level.FINEST, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#FINEST finest level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void finest(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.FINEST, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#INFO info level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void info(final String message) { log(Level.INFO, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#INFO info level}. The message is constructed only when the * logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#INFO info level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void info(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.INFO, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void severe(final String message) { log(Level.SEVERE, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#SEVERE severe level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void severe(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.SEVERE, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs throwing an exception. *

* This method can be used to log exception thrown from a method. A {@link LogRecord} with * message "THROW",the given {@code sourceMethod} and {@code sourceClass} and {@code thrown} is * logged with {@link Level#FINER finer level}. * * @param sourceClass the class throwing an exception * @param sourceMethod the method throwing an exception * @param thrown the thrown exception * @since 19.0 */ public T throwing(final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final T thrown) { logp(Level.FINER, sourceClass, sourceMethod, "THROW", thrown); return thrown; } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level} the message is sent to * the {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void warning(final String message) { log(Level.WARNING, message); } /** * Logs a message with {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. The message is constructed only when * the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the {@link Level#WARNING warning level} the message is sent to * the {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void warning(final Supplier messageSupplier) { log(Level.WARNING, messageSupplier); } /** * Logs a message. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final String message) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, (Object[]) null); } /** * Logs a message. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given * {@code level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final Supplier messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, null, null, null); } /** * Logs a message with single parameter. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param parameter the log message parameter * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Object parameter) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, parameter); } /** * Logs a message with multiple parameters. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param parameters the log message parameters * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Object[] parameters) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, parameters); } /** * Logs a message with an exception. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param message the message to log * @param thrown the exception to log * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final String message, final Throwable thrown) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, null, null, thrown); } /** * Logs a message with an exception. The message is constructed only when the logger is enabled * for the given {@code level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param thrown the exception to log * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void log(final Level level, final Throwable thrown, final Supplier messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, null, null, thrown); } /** * Logs a message, specifying source class and source method. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, (Object[]) null); } /** * Logs a message, specifying source class and source method. The message is constructed only * when the logger is enabled for the given {@code level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Supplier messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, sourceClass, sourceMethod, null); } /** * Logs a message with single parameter, specifying source class and source method. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param parameter the log message parameter * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, final Object parameter) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, parameter); } /** * Log a message with multiple parameters, specifying source class and source method. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param parameters the log message parameters * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, Object[] parameters) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, parameters); } /** * Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param message the message to log * @param thrown the exception to log * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final String message, final Throwable thrown) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, message, sourceClass, sourceMethod, thrown); } /** * Logs a message with an exception, specifying source class and source method. The message is * constructed only when the logger is enabled for the given {@code level}. *

* If the logger is enabled for the given {@code level} the message is sent to the * {@link Handler} registered in the current {@link Context}. * * @param level the required {@link Level} * @param sourceClass the class issued the logging request * @param sourceMethod the method issued the logging request * @param thrown the exception to log * @param messageSupplier the {@link Supplier} called to produce the message to log * @since 19.0 */ public void logp(final Level level, final String sourceClass, final String sourceMethod, final Throwable thrown, final Supplier messageSupplier) { if (!isLoggable(level)) { return; } doLog(level, messageSupplier, sourceClass, sourceMethod, thrown); } /** * Returns the name of the logger. * * @return the logger name * @since 19.0 */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the parent {@link TruffleLogger}. * * @return the parent {@link TruffleLogger} or null when the {@link TruffleLogger} has no * parent. * @since 19.0 */ public TruffleLogger getParent() { return parent; } /** * Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger. * * @param level the required logging level * @return true if message is loggable by this logger * @since 19.0 */ public boolean isLoggable(final Level level) { int value = getLevelNum(); if (level.intValue() < value || value == OFF_VALUE) { return false; } return isLoggableSlowPath(level); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private boolean isLoggableSlowPath(final Level level) { return loggerCache.isLoggable(getName(), level); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Object param) { doLog(level, message, className, methodName, new Object[]{param}); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Object[] params) { final LogRecord logRecord = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createLogRecord( loggerCache.getSPI(), level, getName(), message, className, methodName, params, null); callHandlers(logRecord); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final String message, final String className, final String methodName, final Throwable thrown) { final LogRecord logRecord = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createLogRecord( loggerCache.getSPI(), level, getName(), message, className, methodName, null, thrown); callHandlers(logRecord); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary private void doLog( final Level level, final Supplier messageSupplier, final String className, final String methodName, final Throwable thrown) { doLog(level, messageSupplier.get(), className, methodName, thrown); } private void callHandlers(final LogRecord record) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation("Log handler should never be called from compiled code."); for (TruffleLogger current = this; current != null; current = current.getParent()) { if (current == loggerCache.polyglotRootLogger) { LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLogHandler(loggerCache.getSPI()).publish(record); } } } private void removeChild(final ChildLoggerRef child) { synchronized (childrenLock) { if (children != null) { for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if ( == child) { it.remove(); return; } } } } } private void updateLevelNum(boolean singleContext) { int value; if (levelObj != null) { value = levelObj.intValue(); if (parent != null && !singleContext) { value = Math.min(value, parent.getLevelNum()); } } else if (parent != null) { value = parent.getLevelNum(); } else { value = DEFAULT_VALUE; } setLevelNum(value); if (children != null) { for (ChildLoggerRef ref : children) { final TruffleLogger logger = ref.get(); if (logger != null) { logger.updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } } } private int getLevelNum() { if (!levelNumStable.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); } return levelNum; } private boolean setLevelNum(final int value) { if (this.levelNum != value) { this.levelNum = value; final Assumption currentAssumtion = levelNumStable; levelNumStable = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Log Level Value stable for: " + getName()); currentAssumtion.invalidate(); return true; } return false; } private void setLevel(final Level level, final boolean singleContext) { synchronized (childrenLock) { this.levelObj = level; updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } private void setParent(final TruffleLogger newParent, final boolean singleContext) { Objects.requireNonNull(newParent, "Parent must be non null."); synchronized (childrenLock) { ChildLoggerRef found = null; if (parent != null) { for (Iterator it = parent.children.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final ChildLoggerRef childRef =; final TruffleLogger childLogger = childRef.get(); if (childLogger == this) { found = childRef; it.remove(); break; } } } this.parent = newParent; if (found == null) { found = new ChildLoggerRef(this); } found.setParent(parent); if (parent.children == null) { parent.children = new ArrayList<>(2); } parent.children.add(found); updateLevelNum(singleContext); } } private static void cleanupFreedReferences() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANED_REFS; i++) { final AbstractLoggerRef ref = (AbstractLoggerRef) loggersRefQueue.poll(); if (ref == null) { break; } ref.close(); } } private abstract static class AbstractLoggerRef extends WeakReference implements Closeable { private final AtomicBoolean closed; AbstractLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger) { super(logger, loggersRefQueue); this.closed = new AtomicBoolean(); } @Override public abstract void close(); boolean shouldClose() { return !closed.getAndSet(true); } } private static final class ChildLoggerRef extends AbstractLoggerRef { private volatile Reference parent; ChildLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger) { super(logger); } void setParent(TruffleLogger parent) { this.parent = new WeakReference<>(parent); } @Override public void close() { if (shouldClose()) { final Reference p = parent; if (p != null) { TruffleLogger parentLogger = p.get(); if (parentLogger != null) { parentLogger.removeChild(this); } parent = null; } } } } static final class LoggerCache { private static final ReferenceQueue contextsRefQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private static final LoggerCache INSTANCE = new LoggerCache(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().createDefaultLoggerCache()); private final Object loggerCache; // an instance of // private final TruffleLogger polyglotRootLogger; private final Map loggers; private final LoggerNode root; private final Set activeContexts; private Map effectiveLevels; private volatile Set knownIds; LoggerCache(Object loggerCacheSpi) { Objects.requireNonNull(loggerCacheSpi); this.loggerCache = loggerCacheSpi; this.polyglotRootLogger = new TruffleLogger(this); this.loggers = new HashMap<>(); this.loggers.put(ROOT_NAME, new NamedLoggerRef(this.polyglotRootLogger, ROOT_NAME)); this.root = new LoggerNode(null, new NamedLoggerRef(this.polyglotRootLogger, ROOT_NAME)); this.activeContexts = new HashSet<>(); this.effectiveLevels = Collections.emptyMap(); } synchronized void addLogLevelsForVMObject(final Object vmObject, final Map addedLevels) { activeContexts.add(new ContextWeakReference(vmObject, contextsRefQueue, addedLevels)); final Set toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); reconfigure(addedLevels, toRemove); } synchronized void removeLogLevelsForVMObject(final Object vmObject) { Set toRemove = removeContext(vmObject); reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); } synchronized void close() { Object owner = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLoggerOwner(loggerCache); if (owner == null) { return; } Set toRemove = removeContext(owner); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); } } synchronized boolean isLoggable(final String loggerName, final Level level) { final Set toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { reconfigure(Collections.emptyMap(), toRemove); // Logger's effective level may changed return getLogger(loggerName).isLoggable(level); } final Map current = LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLogLevels(getSPI()); if (current == null) { return noContext(); } if (current.isEmpty()) { final int currentLevel = DEFAULT_VALUE; return level.intValue() >= currentLevel && currentLevel != OFF_VALUE; } if (activeContexts.size() == 1) { return true; } final int currentLevel = computeLevel(loggerName, current); return level.intValue() >= currentLevel && currentLevel != OFF_VALUE; } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static boolean noContext() { boolean assertionsEnabled = false; assert assertionsEnabled = true; if (assertionsEnabled) { throw new IllegalStateException("Thread using TruffleLogger has to have a current context or the TruffleLogger has to be bound to an engine."); } return false; } private static int computeLevel(String loggeName, final Map levels) { for (String currentName = loggeName; currentName != null;) { final Level l = levels.get(currentName); if (l != null) { return l.intValue(); } if (currentName.isEmpty()) { currentName = null; } else { final int index = currentName.lastIndexOf('.'); currentName = index == -1 ? "" : currentName.substring(0, index); } } return DEFAULT_VALUE; } private TruffleLogger getOrCreateLogger(final String loggerName) { TruffleLogger found = getLogger(loggerName); if (found == null) { for (final TruffleLogger logger = new TruffleLogger(loggerName, this); found == null;) { if (addLogger(logger)) { found = logger; break; } found = getLogger(loggerName); } } return found; } private TruffleLogger getOrCreateLogger(final String id, final String loggerName) { Set ids = getKnownIds(); if (!ids.contains(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown language or instrument id " + id + ", known ids: " + String.join(", ", ids)); } final String globalLoggerId = loggerName == null || loggerName.isEmpty() ? id : id + '.' + loggerName; return getOrCreateLogger(globalLoggerId); } private Set getKnownIds() { Set result = knownIds; if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<>(); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getInternalIds()); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getLanguageIds()); result.addAll(LanguageAccessor.engineAccess().getInstrumentIds()); knownIds = result; } return result; } Object getSPI() { return this.loggerCache; } private synchronized TruffleLogger getLogger(final String loggerName) { TruffleLogger res = null; final NamedLoggerRef ref = loggers.get(loggerName); if (ref != null) { res = ref.get(); if (res == null) { ref.close(); } } return res; } private boolean addLogger(final TruffleLogger logger) { final String loggerName = logger.getName(); if (loggerName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Logger must have non null name."); } cleanupFreedReferences(); synchronized (this) { NamedLoggerRef ref = loggers.get(loggerName); if (ref != null) { final TruffleLogger loggerInstance = ref.get(); if (loggerInstance != null) { return false; } else { ref.close(); } } ref = new NamedLoggerRef(logger, loggerName); loggers.put(loggerName, ref); setLoggerLevel(logger, loggerName, activeContexts.size() <= 1); createParents(loggerName); final LoggerNode node = findLoggerNode(loggerName); node.setLoggerRef(ref); final TruffleLogger parentLogger = node.findParentLogger(); if (parentLogger != null) { logger.setParent(parentLogger, activeContexts.size() <= 1); } node.updateChildParents(); ref.setNode(node); return true; } } private Level getEffectiveLevel(final String loggerName) { return effectiveLevels.get(loggerName); } private Set removeContext(Object vmObject) { final Set toRemove = collectRemovedLevels(); for (Iterator it = activeContexts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final ContextWeakReference ref =; final Object active = ref.get(); if (vmObject.equals(active)) { toRemove.addAll(ref.configuredLoggers.keySet()); it.remove(); break; } } return toRemove; } private Set collectRemovedLevels() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); final Set toRemove = new HashSet<>(); ContextWeakReference ref; while ((ref = (ContextWeakReference) contextsRefQueue.poll()) != null) { activeContexts.remove(ref); toRemove.addAll(ref.configuredLoggers.keySet()); } return toRemove; } private void reconfigure(final Map addedLevels, final Set toRemove) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); assert !addedLevels.isEmpty() || !toRemove.isEmpty(); final Collection loggersWithRemovedLevels = new HashSet<>(); final Collection loggersWithChangedLevels = new HashSet<>(); effectiveLevels = computeEffectiveLevels( effectiveLevels, toRemove, addedLevels, activeContexts, loggersWithRemovedLevels, loggersWithChangedLevels); boolean singleContext = activeContexts.size() <= 1; for (String loggerName : loggersWithRemovedLevels) { final TruffleLogger logger = getLogger(loggerName); if (logger != null) { logger.setLevel(null, singleContext); } } for (String loggerName : loggersWithChangedLevels) { final TruffleLogger logger = getLogger(loggerName); if (logger != null) { setLoggerLevel(logger, loggerName, singleContext); createParents(loggerName); } else { getOrCreateLogger(loggerName); } } } private void setLoggerLevel(final TruffleLogger logger, final String loggerName, final boolean singleContext) { final Level l = getEffectiveLevel(loggerName); if (l != null) { logger.setLevel(l, singleContext); } } private void createParents(final String loggerName) { int index = -1; for (int start = 1;; start = index + 1) { index = loggerName.indexOf('.', start); if (index < 0) { break; } final String parentName = loggerName.substring(0, index); if (getEffectiveLevel(parentName) != null) { getOrCreateLogger(parentName); } } } private LoggerNode findLoggerNode(final String loggerName) { LoggerNode node = root; String currentName = loggerName; while (!currentName.isEmpty()) { int index = currentName.indexOf('.'); String currentNameCompoment; if (index > 0) { currentNameCompoment = currentName.substring(0, index); currentName = currentName.substring(index + 1); } else { currentNameCompoment = currentName; currentName = ""; } if (node.children == null) { node.children = new HashMap<>(); } LoggerNode child = node.children.get(currentNameCompoment); if (child == null) { child = new LoggerNode(node, null); node.children.put(currentNameCompoment, child); } node = child; } return node; } static LoggerCache getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private static Map computeEffectiveLevels( final Map currentEffectiveLevels, final Set removed, final Map added, final Collection contexts, final Collection removedLevels, final Collection changedLevels) { final Map newEffectiveLevels = new HashMap<>(currentEffectiveLevels); for (String loggerName : removed) { final Level level = findMinLevel(loggerName, contexts); if (level == null) { newEffectiveLevels.remove(loggerName); removedLevels.add(loggerName); } else { final Level currentLevel = newEffectiveLevels.get(loggerName); if (currentLevel != level) { newEffectiveLevels.put(loggerName, level); changedLevels.add(loggerName); } } } // In a multi context scenario there can be a logger with higher effective log level // than a default one. When the newly configured context does not specify log level // explicitly the effective log level of such a logger needs to be set to the default // level. Map addedWithDefaults = new HashMap<>(added); for (String loggerName : newEffectiveLevels.keySet()) { addedWithDefaults.putIfAbsent(loggerName, Level.INFO); } for (Map.Entry addedLevel : addedWithDefaults.entrySet()) { final String loggerName = addedLevel.getKey(); final Level loggerLevel = addedLevel.getValue(); final Level currentLevel = newEffectiveLevels.get(loggerName); if (currentLevel == null || min(loggerLevel, currentLevel) != currentLevel) { newEffectiveLevels.put(loggerName, loggerLevel); changedLevels.add(loggerName); } } return newEffectiveLevels; } private static Level findMinLevel(final String loggerName, final Collection contexts) { Level min = null; for (ContextWeakReference contextRef : contexts) { final Object context = contextRef.get(); final Level level = context == null ? null : contextRef.configuredLoggers.get(loggerName); if (level == null) { continue; } if (min == null) { min = level; } else { min = min(min, level); } } return min; } private static Level min(final Level l1, final Level l2) { return l1.intValue() < l2.intValue() ? l1 : l2; } private final class NamedLoggerRef extends AbstractLoggerRef { private final String loggerName; private LoggerNode node; NamedLoggerRef(final TruffleLogger logger, final String loggerName) { super(logger); this.loggerName = loggerName; } void setNode(final LoggerNode node) { assert Thread.holdsLock(LoggerCache.this); this.node = node; } @Override public void close() { if (shouldClose()) { synchronized (LoggerCache.this) { if (node != null) { if (node.loggerRef == this) { LoggerCache.this.loggers.remove(loggerName); node.loggerRef = null; } node = null; } } } } } private final class LoggerNode { final LoggerNode parent; Map children; private NamedLoggerRef loggerRef; LoggerNode(final LoggerNode parent, final NamedLoggerRef loggerRef) { this.parent = parent; this.loggerRef = loggerRef; } void setLoggerRef(final NamedLoggerRef loggerRef) { this.loggerRef = loggerRef; } void updateChildParents() { final TruffleLogger logger = loggerRef.get(); updateChildParentsImpl(logger); } TruffleLogger findParentLogger() { if (parent == null) { return null; } TruffleLogger logger; if (parent.loggerRef != null && (logger = parent.loggerRef.get()) != null) { return logger; } return parent.findParentLogger(); } private void updateChildParentsImpl(final TruffleLogger parentLogger) { if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) { return; } for (LoggerNode child : children.values()) { TruffleLogger childLogger = child.loggerRef != null ? child.loggerRef.get() : null; if (childLogger != null) { childLogger.setParent(parentLogger, activeContexts.size() <= 1); } else { child.updateChildParentsImpl(parentLogger); } } } } private static final class ContextWeakReference extends WeakReference { private final Map configuredLoggers; ContextWeakReference(final Object context, final ReferenceQueue referenceQueue, final Map logLevels) { super(context, referenceQueue); configuredLoggers = logLevels; } } } }