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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages
that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
import static;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.graalvm.options.OptionValues;
* Central coordinator class for the Truffle instrumentation framework. Allocated once per
* {@linkplain org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine engine}.
final class InstrumentationHandler {
/* Enable trace output to stdout. */
static final boolean TRACE = Boolean.getBoolean("truffle.instrumentation.trace");
private final Object polyglotEngine;
private final ThreadLocal> threadLocalNewSourcesLoaded = new ThreadLocal<>();
private final ThreadLocal> threadLocalNewSourcesExecuted = new ThreadLocal<>();
private final ThreadLocal> threadLocalSourceSectionLoadedList = new ThreadLocal<>();
final Collection loadedRoots = new WeakAsyncList<>(256);
private final Collection executedRoots = new WeakAsyncList<>(64);
private final Collection allocationReporters = new WeakAsyncList<>(16);
private volatile boolean hasLoadOrExecutionBinding = false;
private final CopyOnWriteList> executionBindings = new CopyOnWriteList<>(new EventBinding.Source>[0]);
private final CopyOnWriteList> sourceSectionBindings = new CopyOnWriteList<>(new EventBinding.Source>[0]);
private final SourceInstrumentationHandler sourcesLoaded = new SourceInstrumentationHandler(new BiConsumer[], Source>() {
public void accept(EventBinding.Source>[] bindings, Source source) {
notifySourceLoadedBindings(bindings, source);
private final SourceInstrumentationHandler sourcesExecuted = new SourceInstrumentationHandler(new BiConsumer[], Source>() {
public void accept(EventBinding.Source>[] bindings, Source source) {
notifySourceExecutedBindings(bindings, source);
private final Collection> outputStdBindings = new EventBindingList<>(1);
private final Collection> outputErrBindings = new EventBindingList<>(1);
private final Collection> allocationBindings = new EventBindingList<>(2);
private final Collection> contextsBindings = new EventBindingList<>(8);
private final Collection> threadsBindings = new EventBindingList<>(8);
private final Collection> threadsActivationBindings = new EventBindingList<>(8);
@CompilationFinal private volatile StableThreadsActivationListeners stableActivationListeners;
* Fast lookup of instrumenter instances based on a key provided by the accessor.
final ConcurrentHashMap instrumenterMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private DispatchOutputStream out; // effectively final
private DispatchOutputStream err; // effectively final
private InputStream in; // effectively final
private MessageTransport messageInterceptor; // effectively final
private final Map, Set>> cachedProvidedTags = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
final EngineInstrumenter engineInstrumenter;
InstrumentationHandler(Object polyglotEngine, DispatchOutputStream out, DispatchOutputStream err, InputStream in, MessageTransport messageInterceptor) {
this.polyglotEngine = polyglotEngine;
this.out = out;
this.err = err; = in;
this.messageInterceptor = messageInterceptor;
this.engineInstrumenter = new EngineInstrumenter();
Object getSourceVM() {
return polyglotEngine;
void onLoad(RootNode root) {
if (TRACE) {
String name = root.getName();
if (name == null) {
name = root.getClass().getName();
String lang = "None";
LanguageInfo info = root.getLanguageInfo();
if (info != null) {
lang = info.getId();
trace("ON-LOAD: %-5s CallTarget: %s%n", lang, name);
if (InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().getSharingLayer(root) == null) {
// fast path no bindings attached
if (hasLoadOrExecutionBinding) {
if (!sourceSectionBindings.isEmpty() || sourcesLoaded.hasBindings()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitRoot(root, root, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), false, true);
void onFirstExecution(RootNode root) {
if (!InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().isInstrumentable(root)) {
// fast path no bindings attached
if (hasLoadOrExecutionBinding) {
if (!executionBindings.isEmpty() || sourcesExecuted.hasBindings()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitRoot(root, root, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), false, true, true);
void initializeInstrument(Object polyglotInstrument, String instrumentClassName, Supplier extends Object> instrumentSupplier) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("Initialize instrument class %s %n", instrumentClassName);
Env env = new Env(polyglotInstrument, out, err, in, messageInterceptor);
TruffleInstrument instrument = (TruffleInstrument) instrumentSupplier.get();
if (instrument.contextLocals == null) {
instrument.contextLocals = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
instrument.contextLocals = Collections.unmodifiableList(instrument.contextLocals);
ENGINE.initializeInstrumentContextLocal(instrument.contextLocals, polyglotInstrument);
if (instrument.contextThreadLocals == null) {
instrument.contextThreadLocals = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
instrument.contextThreadLocals = Collections.unmodifiableList(instrument.contextThreadLocals);
ENGINE.initializeInstrumentContextThreadLocal(instrument.contextThreadLocals, polyglotInstrument);
try {
env.instrumenter = new InstrumentClientInstrumenter(env, instrumentClassName);
env.instrumenter.instrument = instrument;
} catch (Exception e) {
failInstrumentInitialization(env, String.format("Failed to create new instrumenter class %s", instrumentClassName), e);
if (TRACE) {
trace("Initialized instrument %s class %s %n", env.instrumenter.instrument, instrumentClassName);
addInstrumenter(polyglotInstrument, env.instrumenter);
void createInstrument(Object vmObject, String[] expectedServices, OptionValues optionValues) {
InstrumentClientInstrumenter instrumenter = ((InstrumentClientInstrumenter) instrumenterMap.get(vmObject));
instrumenter.env.options = optionValues;
void finalizeInstrumenter(Object key) {
AbstractInstrumenter finalisingInstrumenter = instrumenterMap.get(key);
if (finalisingInstrumenter == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Instrumenter already disposed.");
void disposeInstrumenter(Object key, boolean cleanupRequired) {
AbstractInstrumenter disposedInstrumenter = instrumenterMap.remove(key);
if (disposedInstrumenter == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Instrumenter already disposed.");
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Dispose instrumenter %n", key);
if (cleanupRequired) {
Collection> disposedExecutionBindings = filterBindingsForInstrumenter(executionBindings, disposedInstrumenter);
if (!disposedExecutionBindings.isEmpty()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addDisposeWrapperOperationForBindings(new CopyOnWriteList<>(disposedExecutionBindings.toArray(new EventBinding.Source>[0])));
visitRoots(executedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor());
Collection> disposedSourceSectionBindings = filterBindingsForInstrumenter(sourceSectionBindings, disposedInstrumenter);
disposeOutputBindingsBulk(out, outputStdBindings);
disposeOutputBindingsBulk(err, outputErrBindings);
synchronized (threadsActivationBindings) {
Collection> disposedThreadsActivationBindings = filterBindingsForInstrumenter(threadsActivationBindings, disposedInstrumenter);
if (!disposedThreadsActivationBindings.isEmpty()) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Disposed instrumenter %n", key);
private static void setDisposingBindingsBulk(Collection> list) {
for (EventBinding> binding : list) {
static void disposeBindingsBulk(Collection> list) {
for (EventBinding> binding : list) {
private static void disposeOutputBindingsBulk(DispatchOutputStream dos, Collection> list) {
for (EventBinding extends OutputStream> binding : list) {
InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().detachOutputConsumer(dos, binding.getElement());
Instrumenter forLanguage(TruffleLanguage> language) {
return new LanguageClientInstrumenter<>(language);
EventBinding addExecutionBinding(EventBinding.Source binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding execution binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
hasLoadOrExecutionBinding = true;
if (!executedRoots.isEmpty()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addInsertWrapperOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_ORIGINAL, binding);
visitRoots(executedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), true);
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added execution binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
return binding;
EventBinding addSourceSectionBinding(EventBinding.SourceSectionLoaded binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
hasLoadOrExecutionBinding = true;
if (binding.isNotifyLoaded()) {
if (!loadedRoots.isEmpty()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addNotifyLoadedOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_ORIGINAL, binding);
visitRoots(loadedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor());
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
return binding;
private void visitLoadedSourceSections(EventBinding.Source> binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Visiting loaded source sections %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
if (!loadedRoots.isEmpty()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addNotifyLoadedOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL, binding);
visitRoots(loadedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor());
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Visited loaded source sections %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
EventBinding addSourceLoadedBinding(EventBinding.SourceLoaded binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding source binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
hasLoadOrExecutionBinding = true;
SourceInstrumentationHandler.SourcesNotificationQueue notifications = sourcesLoaded.addBinding(binding, binding.isNotifyLoaded());
if (notifications != null) {
if (notifications.isSourcesInitializationRequired()) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added source binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
return binding;
EventBinding addSourceExecutionBinding(EventBinding.SourceExecuted binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding source execution binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
hasLoadOrExecutionBinding = true;
SourceInstrumentationHandler.SourcesNotificationQueue notifications = sourcesExecuted.addBinding(binding, binding.isNotifyLoaded());
if (notifications != null) {
if (notifications.isSourcesInitializationRequired()) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added source execution binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
return binding;
EventBinding addOutputBinding(EventBinding binding, boolean errorOutput) {
if (TRACE) {
String kind = (errorOutput) ? "error" : "standard";
trace("BEGIN: Adding " + kind + " output binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
if (errorOutput) {
InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().attachOutputConsumer(this.err, binding.getElement());
} else {
InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().attachOutputConsumer(this.out, binding.getElement());
if (TRACE) {
String kind = (errorOutput) ? "error" : "standard";
trace("END: Added " + kind + " output binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
return binding;
private EventBinding addAllocationBinding(EventBinding.Allocation binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding allocation binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
for (AllocationReporter allocationReporter : allocationReporters) {
if (binding.getAllocationFilter().contains(allocationReporter.language)) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added allocation binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
return binding;
private EventBinding addContextsBinding(EventBinding binding, boolean includeActiveContexts) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding contexts binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
if (includeActiveContexts) {
Accessor.EngineSupport engineAccess = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess();
engineAccess.reportAllLanguageContexts(polyglotEngine, binding.getElement());
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added contexts binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
return binding;
private EventBinding addThreadsBinding(EventBinding binding, boolean includeStartedThreads) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding threads binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
if (includeStartedThreads) {
Accessor.EngineSupport engineAccess = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess();
engineAccess.reportAllContextThreads(polyglotEngine, binding.getElement());
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added threads binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
return binding;
* Initializes sourcesLoaded by populating them from loadedRoots.
private void lazyInitializeSourcesLoadedList() {
try {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addFindSourcesOperation(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL, true);
visitRoots(loadedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), false);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
* Initializes sourcesExecuted by populating them from executedRoots.
private void lazyInitializeSourcesExecutedList() {
try {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitorBuilder.addFindSourcesExecutedOperation(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL, true);
visitRoots(executedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), true);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
private static void visitRoots(Collection roots, Visitor visitor) {
for (RootNode root : roots) {
visitRoot(root, root, visitor, false, false);
private static void visitRoots(Collection roots, Visitor visitor, boolean setExecutedRootNodeBit) {
for (RootNode root : roots) {
visitRoot(root, root, visitor, false, false, setExecutedRootNodeBit);
void disposeBinding(EventBinding> binding) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Dispose binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
if (binding instanceof EventBinding.Source) {
EventBinding.Source> sourceBinding = (EventBinding.Source>) binding;
if (sourceBinding.isExecutionEvent()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitRoots(executedRoots, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor());
} else {
Object listener = sourceBinding.getElement();
if (listener instanceof LoadSourceSectionListener) {
} else if (listener instanceof LoadSourceListener) {
} else if (listener instanceof ExecuteSourceEvent) {
} else if (binding instanceof EventBinding.Allocation) {
EventBinding.Allocation> allocationBinding = (EventBinding.Allocation>) binding;
AllocationListener l = (AllocationListener) binding.getElement();
for (AllocationReporter allocationReporter : allocationReporters) {
if (allocationBinding.getAllocationFilter().contains(allocationReporter.language)) {
} else {
Object elm = binding.getElement();
if (elm instanceof OutputStream) {
if (outputErrBindings.contains(binding)) {
InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().detachOutputConsumer(err, (OutputStream) elm);
} else if (outputStdBindings.contains(binding)) {
InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().detachOutputConsumer(out, (OutputStream) elm);
} else if (elm instanceof ContextsListener) {
// binding disposed
} else if (elm instanceof ThreadsListener) {
// binding disposed
} else if (elm instanceof ThreadsActivationListener) {
synchronized (threadsActivationBindings) {
} else {
assert false : "Unexpected binding " + binding + " with element " + elm;
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Disposed binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
EventBinding.Source>[] getExecutionBindingsSnapshot() {
return executionBindings.getArray();
EventChainNode createBindings(VirtualFrame frame, ProbeNode probeNodeImpl, EventBinding.Source>[] executionBindingsSnapshot) {
EventContext context = probeNodeImpl.getContext();
SourceSection sourceSection = context.getInstrumentedSourceSection();
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Lazy update for %s%n", sourceSection);
RootNode rootNode;
Node parentInstrumentable = null;
SourceSection parentInstrumentableSourceSection = null;
Node parentNode = probeNodeImpl.getParent();
while (parentNode != null && parentNode.getParent() != null) {
if (parentInstrumentable == null) {
SourceSection parentSourceSection = parentNode.getSourceSection();
if (isInstrumentableNode(parentNode)) {
parentInstrumentable = parentNode;
parentInstrumentableSourceSection = parentSourceSection;
parentNode = parentNode.getParent();
if (parentNode instanceof RootNode) {
rootNode = (RootNode) parentNode;
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
Node instrumentedNode = probeNodeImpl.getContext().getInstrumentedNode();
Set> providedTags = getProvidedTags(rootNode);
EventChainNode root = null;
EventChainNode parent = null;
for (EventBinding.Source> binding : executionBindingsSnapshot) {
if (binding.disposing) {
if (binding.isChildInstrumentedFull(providedTags, rootNode, parentInstrumentable, parentInstrumentableSourceSection, instrumentedNode, sourceSection)) {
if (TRACE) {
trace(" Found input value binding %s, %s%n", binding.getInputFilter(), System.identityHashCode(binding));
EventChainNode next = probeNodeImpl.createParentEventChainCallback(frame, binding, rootNode, providedTags);
if (next == null) {
// inconsistent AST
if (root == null) {
root = next;
} else {
assert parent != null;
parent = next;
if (binding.isInstrumentedFull(providedTags, rootNode, instrumentedNode, sourceSection)) {
if (TRACE) {
trace(" Found binding %s, %s%n", binding.getFilter(), binding.getElement());
EventChainNode next = probeNodeImpl.createEventChainCallback(frame, binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, sourceSection);
if (next == null) {
if (root == null) {
root = next;
} else {
assert parent != null;
parent = next;
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Lazy updated for %s%n", sourceSection);
return root;
public void onNodeInserted(RootNode rootNode, Node tree) {
// for input filters to be updated correctly we need to
// start traversing with the parent instrumentable node.
Node parentInstrumentable = tree;
while (parentInstrumentable != null && parentInstrumentable.getParent() != null) {
parentInstrumentable = parentInstrumentable.getParent();
if (InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(parentInstrumentable)) {
assert parentInstrumentable != null;
// fast path no bindings attached
if (hasLoadOrExecutionBinding) {
if (!sourceSectionBindings.isEmpty() || !executionBindings.isEmpty() || sourcesLoaded.hasBindings() || sourcesExecuted.hasBindings()) {
VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
visitRoot(rootNode, parentInstrumentable, visitorBuilder.buildVisitor(), true, false);
private static void notifySourceLoadedBindings(EventBinding.Source>[] bindings, Source source) {
for (EventBinding.Source> binding : bindings) {
notifySourceLoadedBinding(binding, source);
private static void notifySourceLoadedBinding(EventBinding.Source> binding, Source source) {
if (!binding.isDisposed() && binding.isInstrumentedSource(source)) {
try {
((LoadSourceListener) binding.getElement()).onLoad(new LoadSourceEvent(source));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (binding.isLanguageBinding()) {
throw t;
} else {
ProbeNode.exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, "onLoad", t);
private static void notifySourceExecutedBindings(EventBinding.Source>[] bindings, Source source) {
for (EventBinding.Source> binding : bindings) {
notifySourceExecutedBinding(binding, source);
private static void notifySourceExecutedBinding(EventBinding.Source> binding, Source source) {
if (!binding.isDisposed() && binding.isInstrumentedSource(source)) {
try {
((ExecuteSourceListener) binding.getElement()).onExecute(new ExecuteSourceEvent(source));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (binding.isLanguageBinding()) {
throw t;
} else {
ProbeNode.exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, "onExecute", t);
static void notifySourceSectionLoaded(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section) {
if (section == null || binding.isDisposed()) {
// Do not report null source sections to keep compatibility with the past behavior.
LoadSourceSectionListener listener = (LoadSourceSectionListener) binding.getElement();
try {
listener.onLoad(new LoadSourceSectionEvent(section, node));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (binding.isLanguageBinding()) {
throw t;
} else {
ProbeNode.exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, "onLoad", t);
private void addInstrumenter(Object key, AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter) throws AssertionError {
Object previousKey = instrumenterMap.putIfAbsent(key, instrumenter);
if (previousKey != null) {
throw new AssertionError("Instrumenter already present.");
static Collection> filterBindingsForInstrumenter(Collection extends EventBinding>> bindings, AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter) {
if (bindings.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Collection> newBindings = new ArrayList<>();
for (EventBinding> binding : bindings) {
if (binding.getInstrumenter() == instrumenter) {
return newBindings;
private void insertWrapper(Node instrumentableNode, SourceSection sourceSection) {
Lock lock = InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().getLock(instrumentableNode);
try {
insertWrapperImpl(instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
} finally {
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"})
private void insertWrapperImpl(Node node, SourceSection sourceSection) {
Node parent = node.getParent();
if (parent instanceof WrapperNode) {
// already wrapped, need to invalidate the wrapper something changed
invalidateWrapperImpl((WrapperNode) parent, node);
ProbeNode probe = new ProbeNode(InstrumentationHandler.this, sourceSection);
WrapperNode wrapper;
if (node instanceof InstrumentableNode) {
try {
wrapper = ((InstrumentableNode) node).createWrapper(probe);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create wrapper of " + node, e);
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
final Node wrapperNode = getWrapperNodeChecked(wrapper, node, parent);
node.replace(wrapperNode, "Insert instrumentation wrapper node.");
assert probe.getContext().validEventContextOnWrapperInsert();
private static Node getWrapperNodeChecked(Object wrapper, Node node, Node parent) {
if (wrapper == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No wrapper returned for " + node + " of class " + node.getClass().getName());
if (!(wrapper instanceof Node)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Implementation of %s must be a subclass of %s.",
wrapper.getClass().getName(), Node.class.getSimpleName()));
final Node wrapperNode = (Node) wrapper;
if (wrapperNode.getParent() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Instance of provided wrapper %s is already adopted by another parent: %s",
wrapper.getClass().getName(), wrapperNode.getParent().getClass().getName()));
if (parent == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Instance of instrumentable node %s is not adopted by a parent.", node.getClass().getName()));
if (!NodeUtil.isReplacementSafe(parent, node, wrapperNode)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("WrapperNode implementation %s cannot be safely replaced in parent node class %s.", wrapperNode.getClass().getName(), parent.getClass().getName()));
return wrapperNode;
private EventBinding attachFactory(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, SourceSectionFilter inputFilter, T factory) {
return addExecutionBinding(new EventBinding.Execution<>(instrumenter, filter, inputFilter, factory));
private EventBinding attachListener(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, SourceSectionFilter inputFilter, T listener) {
return addExecutionBinding(new EventBinding.Execution<>(instrumenter, filter, inputFilter, listener));
private EventBinding attachSourceListener(AbstractInstrumenter abstractInstrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
return addSourceLoadedBinding(new EventBinding.SourceLoaded<>(abstractInstrumenter, filter, null, listener, true, notifyLoaded));
private EventBinding attachSourceSectionListener(AbstractInstrumenter abstractInstrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
return addSourceSectionBinding(new EventBinding.SourceSectionLoaded<>(abstractInstrumenter, filter, null, listener, true, notifyLoaded));
private void visitLoadedSourceSections(AbstractInstrumenter abstractInstrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, LoadSourceSectionListener listener) {
visitLoadedSourceSections(new EventBinding.SourceSectionLoaded<>(abstractInstrumenter, filter, null, listener, true, true));
private EventBinding attachExecuteSourceListener(AbstractInstrumenter abstractInstrumenter, SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
return addSourceExecutionBinding(new EventBinding.SourceExecuted<>(abstractInstrumenter, filter, null, listener, true, notifyLoaded));
private EventBinding attachOutputConsumer(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, T stream, boolean errorOutput) {
return addOutputBinding(new EventBinding<>(instrumenter, stream), errorOutput);
private EventBinding attachAllocationListener(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, AllocationEventFilter filter, T listener) {
return addAllocationBinding(new EventBinding.Allocation<>(instrumenter, filter, listener));
private EventBinding attachContextsListener(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, T listener, boolean includeActiveContexts) {
assert listener != null;
return addContextsBinding(new EventBinding<>(instrumenter, listener), includeActiveContexts);
private EventBinding attachThreadsListener(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, T listener, boolean includeStartedThreads) {
assert listener != null;
return addThreadsBinding(new EventBinding<>(instrumenter, listener), includeStartedThreads);
private EventBinding attachThreadsActivationListener(AbstractInstrumenter instrumenter, T listener) {
assert listener != null;
EventBinding binding = new EventBinding<>(instrumenter, listener);
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Adding threads activaiton binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
synchronized (threadsActivationBindings) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Added threads activation binding %s%n", binding.getElement());
return binding;
private void invalidateThreadsActivationListeners() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(threadsActivationBindings);
StableThreadsActivationListeners stableListeners = stableActivationListeners;
if (stableListeners != null) {
stableActivationListeners = null;
ThreadsActivationListener[] getThreadsActivationListeners() {
StableThreadsActivationListeners stableListeners = stableActivationListeners;
if (stableListeners == null || !stableListeners.assumption.isValid()) {
stableListeners = updateStableActivationListeners();
return stableListeners.listeners;
private StableThreadsActivationListeners updateStableActivationListeners() {
StableThreadsActivationListeners stableListeners;
synchronized (threadsActivationBindings) {
stableListeners = stableActivationListeners;
if (stableListeners == null || !stableListeners.assumption.isValid()) {
List listeners = new ArrayList<>();
for (EventBinding extends ThreadsActivationListener> binding : threadsActivationBindings) {
StableThreadsActivationListeners oldListeners = stableListeners;
this.stableActivationListeners = stableListeners = new StableThreadsActivationListeners(listeners.toArray(new ThreadsActivationListener[listeners.size()]));
if (oldListeners != null) {
return stableListeners;
boolean hasContextBindings() {
return !contextsBindings.isEmpty();
boolean hasThreadBindings() {
return !threadsBindings.isEmpty();
void notifyContextCreated(TruffleContext context) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
void notifyContextClosed(TruffleContext context) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
void notifyContextResetLimit(TruffleContext context) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
void notifyLanguageContextCreate(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextCreate(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextCreated(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextCreated(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextCreateFailed(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextCreateFailed(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextInitialize(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextInitialize(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextInitialized(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextInitialized(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextInitializeFailed(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextInitializeFailed(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextFinalized(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextFinalized(context, language);
void notifyLanguageContextDisposed(TruffleContext context, LanguageInfo language) {
for (EventBinding extends ContextsListener> binding : contextsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onLanguageContextDisposed(context, language);
void notifyThreadStarted(TruffleContext context, Thread thread) {
for (EventBinding extends ThreadsListener> binding : threadsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onThreadInitialized(context, thread);
void notifyThreadFinished(TruffleContext context, Thread thread) {
for (EventBinding extends ThreadsListener> binding : threadsBindings) {
binding.getElement().onThreadDisposed(context, thread);
Set> getProvidedTags(TruffleLanguage> lang) {
if (lang == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Class> languageClass = lang.getClass();
Set> tags = cachedProvidedTags.get(languageClass);
if (tags == null) {
ProvidedTags languageTags = languageClass.getAnnotation(ProvidedTags.class);
List> languageTagsList = languageTags != null ? Arrays.asList(languageTags.value()) : Collections.> emptyList();
tags = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(languageTagsList));
cachedProvidedTags.put(languageClass, tags);
return tags;
Set> getProvidedTags(Node root) {
return getProvidedTags(InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().getLanguage(root.getRootNode()));
static boolean isInstrumentableNode(Node node) {
if (node instanceof WrapperNode) {
return false;
if (node instanceof InstrumentableNode) {
return ((InstrumentableNode) node).isInstrumentable();
} else {
return false;
static void trace(String message, Object... args) {
PrintStream out = System.out;
out.printf(message, args);
private static void visitRoot(RootNode root, final Node node, final Visitor visitor, boolean forceRootBitComputation, boolean firstExecution) {
visitRoot(root, node, visitor, forceRootBitComputation, firstExecution, false);
private static void visitRoot(RootNode root, final Node node, final Visitor visitor, boolean forceRootBitComputation, boolean firstExecution, boolean setExecutedRootNodeBit) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Visit root %s for %s%n", root.toString(), visitor);
if (InstrumentAccessor.runtimeAccess().isOSRRootNode(root)) {
* OSR Root nodes are always traversed by the parent root node. So walking OSR root
* nodes would be redundant work.
visitor.rootBits = RootNodeBits.get(root);
visitor.setExecutedRootNodeBit = setExecutedRootNodeBit;
visitor.preVisit(root, node, firstExecution);
try {
Lock lock = InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().getLock(node);
try {
visitor.rootBits = RootNodeBits.get(root);
if (visitor.shouldVisit() || forceRootBitComputation) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("BEGIN: Traverse root %s for %s%n", root.toString(), visitor);
if (forceRootBitComputation) {
visitor.computingRootNodeBits = RootNodeBits.isUninitialized(visitor.rootBits) ? RootNodeBits.getAll() : visitor.rootBits;
} else if (RootNodeBits.isUninitialized(visitor.rootBits)) {
visitor.computingRootNodeBits = RootNodeBits.getAll();
if (!RootNodeBits.isUninitialized(visitor.computingRootNodeBits)) {
RootNodeBits.set(visitor.root, visitor.computingRootNodeBits);
visitor.rootBits = visitor.computingRootNodeBits;
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Traverse root %s for %s%n", root.toString(), visitor);
if (setExecutedRootNodeBit && RootNodeBits.wasNotExecuted(visitor.rootBits)) {
visitor.rootBits = RootNodeBits.setExecuted(visitor.rootBits);
RootNodeBits.set(root, visitor.rootBits);
} finally {
} finally {
if (TRACE) {
trace("END: Visited root %s for %s%n", root.toString(), visitor);
static void removeWrapper(ProbeNode node) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("Remove wrapper for %s%n", node.getContext().getInstrumentedSourceSection());
WrapperNode wrapperNode = node.findWrapper();
((Node) wrapperNode).replace(wrapperNode.getDelegateNode());
private static void invalidateWrapper(Node node) {
Node parent = node.getParent();
if (!(parent instanceof WrapperNode)) {
// not yet wrapped
invalidateWrapperImpl((WrapperNode) parent, node);
private static void invalidateWrapperImpl(WrapperNode parent, Node node) {
ProbeNode probeNode = parent.getProbeNode();
if (TRACE) {
SourceSection section = probeNode.getContext().getInstrumentedSourceSection();
trace("Invalidate wrapper for %s, section %s %n", node, section);
if (probeNode != null) {
static boolean hasTagImpl(Set> providedTags, Node node, Class> tag) {
if (providedTags.contains(tag)) {
if (node instanceof InstrumentableNode) {
return ((InstrumentableNode) node).hasTag((Class extends Tag>) tag);
} else {
return false;
return false;
T lookup(Object key, Class type) {
AbstractInstrumenter value = instrumenterMap.get(key);
return value == null ? null : value.lookup(this, type);
AllocationReporter getAllocationReporter(LanguageInfo info) {
AllocationReporter allocationReporter = new AllocationReporter(info);
for (EventBinding.Allocation extends AllocationListener> binding : allocationBindings) {
if (binding.getAllocationFilter().contains(info)) {
return allocationReporter;
void finalizeStore() {
this.out = null;
this.err = null; = null;
void patch(DispatchOutputStream newOut, DispatchOutputStream newErr, InputStream newIn) {
this.out = newOut;
this.err = newErr; = newIn;
static void failInstrumentInitialization(Env env, String message, Throwable t) {
Exception exception = new Exception(message, t);
PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(env.err());
private static WrapperNode getWrapperNode(Node node) {
Node parent = node.getParent();
return parent instanceof WrapperNode ? (WrapperNode) parent : null;
private static void clearRetiredNodeReference(Node node) {
// There are no retired nodes the subtrees of which we need to traverse.
WrapperNode wrapperNode = getWrapperNode(node);
if (wrapperNode != null) {
// At this point the probe node might already have no chain, and it
// also might not be updated further, and so only invalidation makes
// sure the wrapper gets eventually removed.
invalidateWrapperImpl(wrapperNode, node);
private abstract static class VisitOperation {
* Scope of the operation in the AST. {@link Scope#ALL} means all nodes, i.e. both the
* original nodes that existed when the visitor using the operation was initiated from the
* root, and the new nodes in all the materialized subtrees that were created when nodes
* were materialized. {@link Scope#ONLY_ORIGINAL} means only the original nodes and
* {@link Scope#ONLY_MATERIALIZED} means only the new nodes in materialized subtrees. See
* {@link VisitorBuilder} for an example.
enum Scope {
protected final Scope scope;
protected EventBinding.Source>[] bindingsAtConstructionTime;
* True if this operation contains only one binding. The reason for storing this in a
* separate field is that the bindings collection is either a singleton list or an async
* collectionswhich does not support size(). Which one of those it is is know only at
* construction time.
private final boolean singleBindingOperation;
* If true, the operation is performed for each bindings, which, for instance, is not
* necessary for the InsertWrapperOperation as wrapper needs to be inserted only once.
private final boolean performForEachBinding;
* If true, then this operation is performed no matter the bindings.
private final boolean alwaysPerform;
VisitOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
this(scope, new EventBinding.Source>[]{binding}, true, true, false);
VisitOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source>[] bindingsArray, boolean performForEachBinding) {
this(scope, bindingsArray, false, performForEachBinding, false);
VisitOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source>[] bindingsArray, boolean performForEachBinding, boolean alwaysPerform) {
this(scope, bindingsArray, false, performForEachBinding, alwaysPerform);
VisitOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source>[] bindingsArray, boolean singleBindingOperation, boolean performForEachBinding, boolean alwaysPerform) {
this.scope = scope;
this.bindingsAtConstructionTime = bindingsArray;
this.singleBindingOperation = singleBindingOperation;
this.performForEachBinding = performForEachBinding;
this.alwaysPerform = alwaysPerform;
protected abstract void perform(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section, boolean executedRoot);
protected boolean shouldVisit(Set> providedTags, RootNode rootNode, SourceSection rootSourceSection, int rootNodeBits) {
for (EventBinding.Source> binding : bindingsAtConstructionTime) {
if (binding.isInstrumentedRoot(providedTags, rootNode, rootSourceSection, rootNodeBits)) {
return true;
return false;
protected void preVisit(RootNode root, SourceSection rootSourceSection, boolean executedRoot, Node visitRoot) {
protected void postVisitCleanup() {
protected void postVisitNotifications() {
private class InsertWrapperOperation extends VisitOperation {
InsertWrapperOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
super(scope, binding);
InsertWrapperOperation(Scope scope, CopyOnWriteList> bindings) {
super(scope, bindings.getArray(), false);
protected void perform(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section, boolean executedRoot) {
insertWrapper(node, section);
private class NotifyLoadedOperation extends VisitOperation {
List sourceSectionLoadedList;
boolean notifyBindings;
NotifyLoadedOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
super(scope, binding);
NotifyLoadedOperation(Scope scope, CopyOnWriteList> bindings) {
super(scope, bindings.getArray(), true);
protected void preVisit(RootNode root, SourceSection rootSourceSection, boolean executedRoot, Node visitRoot) {
List localSourceSectionLoadedList = threadLocalSourceSectionLoadedList.get();
if (localSourceSectionLoadedList == null) {
localSourceSectionLoadedList = new ArrayList<>();
notifyBindings = true;
} else {
notifyBindings = false;
sourceSectionLoadedList = localSourceSectionLoadedList;
protected void perform(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section, boolean executedRoot) {
if (section != null) {
sourceSectionLoadedList.add(new BindingLoadSourceSectionEvent(binding, node, section));
protected void postVisitCleanup() {
if (notifyBindings) {
protected void postVisitNotifications() {
if (notifyBindings) {
for (BindingLoadSourceSectionEvent loadEvent : sourceSectionLoadedList) {
notifySourceSectionLoaded(loadEvent.binding, loadEvent.node, loadEvent.sourceSection);
private static class BindingLoadSourceSectionEvent {
private final EventBinding.Source> binding;
private final Node node;
private final SourceSection sourceSection;
BindingLoadSourceSectionEvent(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection sourceSection) {
this.binding = binding;
this.node = node;
this.sourceSection = sourceSection;
private static class DisposeWrapperOperation extends VisitOperation {
DisposeWrapperOperation(Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
super(scope, binding);
DisposeWrapperOperation(Scope scope, CopyOnWriteList> bindings) {
super(scope, bindings.getArray(), false);
protected void perform(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section, boolean executedRoot) {
private static class FindSourcesOperation extends VisitOperation {
private final ThreadLocal> threadLocalNewSources;
private final boolean dontNotifyBindings;
private final SourceInstrumentationHandler sourceInstrumentationHandler;
private final boolean performOnlyOnExecutedAST;
private Map newSources;
private boolean updateGlobalSourceList;
FindSourcesOperation(Scope scope, ThreadLocal> threadLocalNewSources, SourceInstrumentationHandler sourceInstrumentationHandler, boolean dontNotifyBindings,
boolean performOnlyOnExecutedAST) {
super(scope, sourceInstrumentationHandler.getBindingsArray(), false, true);
this.threadLocalNewSources = threadLocalNewSources;
this.sourceInstrumentationHandler = sourceInstrumentationHandler;
this.dontNotifyBindings = dontNotifyBindings;
this.performOnlyOnExecutedAST = performOnlyOnExecutedAST;
protected boolean shouldVisit(Set> providedTags, RootNode rootNode, SourceSection rootSourceSection, int rootNodeBits) {
return bindingsAtConstructionTime.length > 0 && !RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits) &&
(!RootNodeBits.isSameSource(rootNodeBits) || rootSourceSection == null);
protected void preVisit(RootNode root, SourceSection rootSourceSection, boolean executedRoot, Node visitRoot) {
Map localNewSources = threadLocalNewSources.get();
if (localNewSources == null) {
localNewSources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
updateGlobalSourceList = true;
} else {
updateGlobalSourceList = false;
this.newSources = localNewSources;
* The root source needs to be tracked only when the operation starts from root, which
* is not the case when the operation is supposed to work only on materialized nodes or
* when the visitor itself does not start from root.
if (rootSourceSection != null && (!performOnlyOnExecutedAST || executedRoot) && scope != Scope.ONLY_MATERIALIZED && root == visitRoot) {
protected void perform(EventBinding.Source> binding, Node node, SourceSection section, boolean executedRoot) {
if (!performOnlyOnExecutedAST || executedRoot) {
if (section != null) {
void adoptSource(Source source) {
if (!newSources.containsKey(source)) {
newSources.put(source, null);
protected void postVisitCleanup() {
if (updateGlobalSourceList) {
protected void postVisitNotifications() {
if (updateGlobalSourceList) {
if (newSources.isEmpty()) {
SourceInstrumentationHandler.SourcesNotificationQueue notifications = sourceInstrumentationHandler.addNewSources(newSources, !dontNotifyBindings);
if (notifications != null) {
* Build {@link Visitor} with specified operations.
* Usage example:
* Build visitor with {@link NotifyLoadedOperation} operation for all source section bindings,
* scope is all nodes, used when an AST is first loaded:
* VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
* visitorBuilder.addNotifyLoadedOperationForAllBindings(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL);
* visitorBuilder.buildVisitor();
* Build visitor with two InsertWrapperOperation operations and one NotifyLoadedOperation
* operation. The visitor is used when a new execution binding is added. The first
* InsertWrapperOperation operation is only for the new execution binding and its scope is only
* original nodes. The second InsertWrapperOperation operation is for all execution bindings
* (including the new one) and its scope is new materialized subtrees only. The
* NotifyLoadedOperation operation is for all source section bindings and its scope is new
* materialized subtrees only. The new materialized subtrees are not instrumented at all, that
* is why we have to apply all bindings there. For the original nodes, applying just the new
* execution binding is sufficient, because the other bindings were applied when they were
* added. Please note that this example is siplified for better readability, in particular, it
* does not include find sources operations.
* VisitorBuilder visitorBuilder = new VisitorBuilder();
* visitorBuilder.addInsertWrapperOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_ORIGINAL, binding);
* visitorBuilder.addInsertWrapperOperationForAllBindings(VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_MATERIALIZED);
* visitorBuilder.addNotifyLoadedOperationForAllBindings(VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_MATERIALIZED);
* visitorBuilder.buildVisitor();
private class VisitorBuilder {
List operations = new ArrayList<>();
boolean shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes;
private boolean hasFindSourcesOperation;
private boolean hasFindSourcesExecutedOperation;
VisitorBuilder addNotifyLoadedOperationForAllBindings(VisitOperation.Scope scope) {
if (!sourceSectionBindings.isEmpty()) {
operations.add(new NotifyLoadedOperation(scope, sourceSectionBindings));
shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addNotifyLoadedOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
operations.add(new NotifyLoadedOperation(scope, binding));
shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addFindSourcesOperation(VisitOperation.Scope scope) {
return addFindSourcesOperation(scope, false);
VisitorBuilder addFindSourcesOperation(VisitOperation.Scope scope, boolean dontNotifyBindings) {
if (hasFindSourcesOperation) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Visitor can have at most one find sources operation!");
operations.add(new FindSourcesOperation(scope, threadLocalNewSourcesLoaded, sourcesLoaded, dontNotifyBindings, false));
hasFindSourcesOperation = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addFindSourcesExecutedOperation(VisitOperation.Scope scope) {
return addFindSourcesExecutedOperation(scope, false);
VisitorBuilder addFindSourcesExecutedOperation(VisitOperation.Scope scope, boolean dontNotifyBindings) {
if (hasFindSourcesExecutedOperation) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Visitor can have at most one find executed sources operation!");
operations.add(new FindSourcesOperation(scope, threadLocalNewSourcesExecuted, sourcesExecuted, dontNotifyBindings,
hasFindSourcesExecutedOperation = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addInsertWrapperOperationForAllBindings(VisitOperation.Scope scope) {
if (!executionBindings.isEmpty()) {
operations.add(new InsertWrapperOperation(scope, executionBindings));
shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addInsertWrapperOperationForBinding(VisitOperation.Scope scope, EventBinding.Source> binding) {
operations.add(new InsertWrapperOperation(scope, binding));
shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes = true;
return this;
VisitorBuilder addDisposeWrapperOperationForBinding(EventBinding.Source> binding) {
operations.add(new DisposeWrapperOperation(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL, binding));
return this;
VisitorBuilder addDisposeWrapperOperationForBindings(CopyOnWriteList> bindings) {
operations.add(new DisposeWrapperOperation(VisitOperation.Scope.ALL, bindings));
return this;
Visitor buildVisitor() {
return new Visitor(shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes, Collections.unmodifiableList(operations));
private final class Visitor implements NodeVisitor {
RootNode root;
SourceSection rootSourceSection;
Set> providedTags;
Set> materializeLimitedTags;
boolean firstExecution = false;
boolean setExecutedRootNodeBit = false;
/* cached root bits read from the root node. value is reliable. */
int rootBits;
/* temporary field for currently computing root bits. value is not reliable. */
int computingRootNodeBits;
/* flag set on when visiting a retired subtree that was replaced by materialization */
boolean visitingRetiredNodes;
/* flag set on when visiting a new subtree that was created by materialization */
boolean visitingMaterialized;
private final boolean shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes;
Set> materializeTags;
private final List operations;
* True
if there is exactly one non-always-perform operation that operates in
* the original tree and that operation has exactly one binding. It means that we can
* simplify the condition that tells us whether the operation should be performed for an
* instrumentable node.
private final boolean singleBindingOptimization;
* True
if singleBindingOptimization
is true
and the
* rootNode
is an instrumented root for the binding of the single binding
* operation. If this flag is false
it is a sufficient condition not to perform
* the single binding operation for any instrumentable node in the AST. If it is
* true
we can use simplified condition for determining whether to perform the
* single binding operation.
private boolean singleBindingOptimizationPass;
* True
if only always-perform operations should be performed in the AST.
private boolean onlyAlwaysPerformOperationsActive;
Visitor(boolean shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes, List operations) {
this.shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes = shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes;
this.operations = operations;
int singleBindingOperations = 0;
int multiBindingOriginalTreeOperations = 0;
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
* If the operation is always performed no matter its bindings, it has no effect on
* whether we can or cannot do single binding optimization.
if (!operation.alwaysPerform) {
if (operation.singleBindingOperation) {
} else if (operation.scope == VisitOperation.Scope.ALL || operation.scope == VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_ORIGINAL) {
this.singleBindingOptimization = ((operations.size() == 1 && singleBindingOperations == 1) ||
(singleBindingOperations == 1 && multiBindingOriginalTreeOperations == 0));
Set> compoundTags = null; // null means all provided tags by the language
outer: for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
* Operations that don't depend on their bindings do not influence materializations.
if (!operation.alwaysPerform) {
for (EventBinding.Source> sourceBinding : operation.bindingsAtConstructionTime) {
Set> limitedTags = sourceBinding.getLimitedTags();
if (limitedTags == null) {
compoundTags = null;
break outer;
} else {
if (compoundTags == null) {
compoundTags = new HashSet<>();
this.materializeLimitedTags = compoundTags != null ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(compoundTags) : null;
boolean shouldVisit() {
if (operations.isEmpty()) {
return false;
RootNode localRoot = root;
SourceSection localRootSourceSection = rootSourceSection;
int localRootBits = rootBits;
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
if (!operation.alwaysPerform) {
* If singleBindingOptimization == true then there is exactly one single binding
* non-always-perform operation and it is the only non-always-perform operation
* that operates in the original tree, so if the tree should not be visited for
* this binding, it should not be visited at all, because no new materialized
* subtrees would be created and so there would be no nodes the other operations
* could operate on. The exception is when there is always-perform operation
* that operates in the original tree. This is checked in the subsequent loop.
if (!singleBindingOptimization || operation.singleBindingOperation) {
boolean pass = operation.shouldVisit(providedTags, localRoot, localRootSourceSection, localRootBits);
if (pass) {
if (singleBindingOptimization) {
singleBindingOptimizationPass = true;
return true;
onlyAlwaysPerformOperationsActive = true;
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
if (operation.alwaysPerform) {
* If the previous loop did not return true, there can be no newly materialized
* nodes, so if the scope of an always-perform operation is ONLY_MATERIALIZED,
* we don't have to visit the tree for this operation at all.
if (operation.scope != VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_MATERIALIZED) {
if (operation.shouldVisit(providedTags, localRoot, localRootSourceSection, localRootBits)) {
return true;
onlyAlwaysPerformOperationsActive = false;
return false;
private void computeRootBits(SourceSection sourceSection) {
int bits = computingRootNodeBits;
if (RootNodeBits.isUninitialized(bits)) {
if (sourceSection != null) {
if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(bits)) {
bits = RootNodeBits.setHasSourceSection(bits);
if (rootSourceSection != null) {
if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(bits)) {
if (sourceSection.getCharIndex() < rootSourceSection.getCharIndex() //
|| sourceSection.getCharEndIndex() > rootSourceSection.getCharEndIndex()) {
bits = RootNodeBits.setSourceSectionsUnstructured(bits);
if (RootNodeBits.isSameSource(bits) && rootSourceSection.getSource() != sourceSection.getSource()) {
bits = RootNodeBits.setHasDifferentSource(bits);
} else {
bits = RootNodeBits.setSourceSectionsUnstructured(bits);
bits = RootNodeBits.setHasDifferentSource(bits);
computingRootNodeBits = bits;
private Node savedParent;
private SourceSection savedParentSourceSection;
public boolean visit(Node originalNode) {
Node node = originalNode;
SourceSection sourceSection = node.getSourceSection();
boolean instrumentable = InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(node);
Node previousParent = null;
SourceSection previousParentSourceSection = null;
if (instrumentable) {
boolean hasRetiredNodes = visitPreviouslyRetiredNodes(node);
if (!visitingRetiredNodes) {
node = materialize(node, sourceSection, originalNode);
if (saveAndVisitNewlyRetiredNode(node, sourceSection, originalNode)) {
hasRetiredNodes = true;
if (!hasRetiredNodes) {
visitInstrumentable(this.savedParent, this.savedParentSourceSection, node, sourceSection);
previousParent = this.savedParent;
previousParentSourceSection = this.savedParentSourceSection;
this.savedParent = node;
this.savedParentSourceSection = sourceSection;
* Although it is required that the materialized subtree is completely new and fully
* materialized, it is not strictly enforced, so it is possible that there will be
* further materializations in the materialized subtree, and so we must store the
* previous state of visitingMaterialized and restore it when we return from the
* recursive call.
boolean wasVisitingMaterialized = visitingMaterialized;
if (node != originalNode) {
visitingMaterialized = true;
try {
NodeUtil.forEachChild(node, this);
} finally {
visitingMaterialized = wasVisitingMaterialized;
if (instrumentable) {
this.savedParent = previousParent;
this.savedParentSourceSection = previousParentSourceSection;
return true;
private Node materialize(Node node, SourceSection sourceSection, Node originalNode) {
Node materializedNode = materializeSyntaxNodes(node, sourceSection);
assert !visitingMaterialized || materializedNode == originalNode : "New tree should be fully materialized!";
assert materializedNode == materializeSyntaxNodes(materializedNode, sourceSection) : "Node must not be materialized multiple times for the same set of tags!";
return materializedNode;
private boolean saveAndVisitNewlyRetiredNode(Node node, SourceSection sourceSection, Node originalNode) {
if (!firstExecution && node != originalNode) {
assert materializeTags != null : "Materialize tags must not be null when materialization happened.";
* If node is not the same as the originalNode, the original node is retired and we
* keep a reference to the retired node in the probe node of the wrapper of the
* materialized node that replaced the retired node. If the wrapper does not exist
* yet, we create it, otherwise the reference to the retired node would be lost.
WrapperNode wrapperNode = getWrapperNode(node);
if (wrapperNode == null) {
insertWrapper(node, sourceSection);
wrapperNode = getWrapperNode(node);
assert wrapperNode != null : "Node must have an instrumentation wrapper at this point!";
wrapperNode.getProbeNode().setRetiredNode(originalNode, materializeTags);
* We also need to traverse all children of the retired node that was just retired.
* This is necessary if the retired node is still currently executing and does not
* yet see the new (materialized) node. Unfortunately we don't know reliably whether
* we are currently executing that is why we always need to instrument the retired
* node as well. This is especially problematic for long or infinite loops in
* combination with cancel events.
return true;
return false;
* We need to traverse all the retired subtrees that are no longer reachable in the AST due
* to previous materializations.
private boolean visitPreviouslyRetiredNodes(Node node) {
if (!firstExecution) {
WrapperNode wrapperNode = getWrapperNode(node);
ProbeNode.RetiredNodeReference retiredNodeReference = (wrapperNode != null ? wrapperNode.getProbeNode().getRetiredNodeReference() : null);
if (retiredNodeReference != null) {
boolean hasRetiredNodes = false;
while (retiredNodeReference != null) {
Node nodeRefNode = retiredNodeReference.getNode();
if (nodeRefNode != null) {
hasRetiredNodes = true;
retiredNodeReference =;
return hasRetiredNodes;
return false;
* Visit retired subtree. The retired subtree might have references to previously retired
* subtrees, so we must store the previous state of visitingRetiredNodes and restore it when
* we return form the recursive call.
private void visitRetiredNodes(Node retiredSubtreeRoot) {
boolean wasVisitingRetiredNodes = visitingRetiredNodes;
visitingRetiredNodes = true;
try {
NodeUtil.forEachChild(retiredSubtreeRoot, this);
} finally {
visitingRetiredNodes = wasVisitingRetiredNodes;
private Node materializeSyntaxNodes(Node instrumentableNode, SourceSection sourceSection) {
if (!shouldMaterializeSyntaxNodes) {
return instrumentableNode;
if (instrumentableNode instanceof InstrumentableNode) {
assert materializeTags != null : "Materialize tags must not be null before materialization.";
InstrumentableNode currentNode = (InstrumentableNode) instrumentableNode;
assert currentNode.isInstrumentable();
InstrumentableNode materializedNode = currentNode.materializeInstrumentableNodes(materializeTags);
if (currentNode != materializedNode) {
if (!(materializedNode instanceof Node)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The returned materialized syntax node is not a Truffle Node.");
if (((Node) materializedNode).getParent() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The returned materialized syntax node is already adopted.");
SourceSection newSourceSection = ((Node) materializedNode).getSourceSection();
if (!Objects.equals(sourceSection, newSourceSection)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("The source section of the materialized syntax node must match the source section of the original node. %s != %s.", sourceSection,
Node currentParent = ((Node) currentNode).getParent();
// The current parent is a wrapper. We need to replace the wrapper.
if (currentParent instanceof WrapperNode && !NodeUtil.isReplacementSafe(currentParent, instrumentableNode, (Node) materializedNode)) {
ProbeNode probe = ((WrapperNode) currentParent).getProbeNode();
WrapperNode wrapper = materializedNode.createWrapper(probe);
final Node wrapperNode = getWrapperNodeChecked(wrapper, (Node) materializedNode, currentParent.getParent());
currentParent.replace(wrapperNode, "Insert instrumentation wrapper node.");
return (Node) materializedNode;
} else {
return ((Node) currentNode).replace((Node) materializedNode);
return instrumentableNode;
void preVisit(RootNode r, Node visitRoot, boolean firstExec) {
this.firstExecution = firstExec;
this.root = r;
this.providedTags = getProvidedTags(r);
this.rootSourceSection = r.getSourceSection();
this.materializeTags = (Set>) (this.materializeLimitedTags == null ? this.providedTags : this.materializeLimitedTags);
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
operation.preVisit(r, rootSourceSection, setExecutedRootNodeBit || RootNodeBits.wasExecuted(rootBits), visitRoot);
void postVisit() {
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
boolean shouldPerformForBinding(VisitOperation operation, EventBinding.Source> binding, Node parentInstrumentable, SourceSection parentSourceSection, Node instrumentableNode,
SourceSection sourceSection) {
if (singleBindingOptimization && operation.singleBindingOperation) {
if (singleBindingOptimizationPass) {
return binding.isInstrumentedLeaf(providedTags, instrumentableNode, sourceSection) ||
binding.isChildInstrumentedLeaf(providedTags, root, parentInstrumentable, parentSourceSection, instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return binding.isInstrumentedFull(providedTags, root, instrumentableNode, sourceSection) ||
binding.isChildInstrumentedFull(providedTags, root, parentInstrumentable, parentSourceSection, instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
void visitInstrumentable(Node parentInstrumentable, SourceSection parentSourceSection, Node instrumentableNode, SourceSection sourceSection) {
for (VisitOperation operation : operations) {
if (operation.scope == VisitOperation.Scope.ALL ||
(!visitingMaterialized && operation.scope == VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_ORIGINAL) ||
(visitingMaterialized && operation.scope == VisitOperation.Scope.ONLY_MATERIALIZED)) {
if (!operation.alwaysPerform) {
for (EventBinding.Source> binding : operation.bindingsAtConstructionTime) {
if (shouldPerformForBinding(operation, binding, parentInstrumentable, parentSourceSection, instrumentableNode, sourceSection)) {
assert !onlyAlwaysPerformOperationsActive : "No operation that depends on bindings should be performed here!";
if (TRACE) {
traceFilterCheck("hit", instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
operation.perform(binding, instrumentableNode, sourceSection, setExecutedRootNodeBit || RootNodeBits.wasExecuted(rootBits));
if (!operation.performForEachBinding) {
} else {
if (TRACE) {
traceFilterCheck("miss", instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
} else {
if (TRACE) {
traceFilterCheck("hit", instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
operation.perform(null, instrumentableNode, sourceSection, setExecutedRootNodeBit || RootNodeBits.wasExecuted(rootBits));
private static void traceFilterCheck(String result, Node instrumentableNode, SourceSection sourceSection) {
trace(" Filter %4s node:%s section:%s %n", result, instrumentableNode, sourceSection);
* Provider of instrumentation services for {@linkplain TruffleInstrument external clients} of
* instrumentation.
final class InstrumentClientInstrumenter extends AbstractInstrumenter {
private final String instrumentClassName;
private Object[] services;
TruffleInstrument instrument;
private final Env env;
InstrumentClientInstrumenter(Env env, String instrumentClassName) {
this.instrumentClassName = instrumentClassName;
this.env = env;
boolean isInstrumentableSource(Source source) {
return true;
boolean isInstrumentableRoot(RootNode rootNode) {
return true;
public Set> queryTags(Node node) {
return queryTagsImpl(node, null);
void verifyFilter(SourceSectionFilter filter) {
String getInstrumentClassName() {
return instrumentClassName;
Env getEnv() {
return env;
void create(String[] expectedServices) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("Create instrument %s class %s %n", instrument, instrumentClassName);
services = env.onCreate(instrument);
if (expectedServices != null && !TruffleOptions.AOT) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("Created instrument %s class %s %n", instrument, instrumentClassName);
private boolean checkServices(String[] expectedServices) {
LOOP: for (String name : expectedServices) {
for (Object obj : services) {
if (findType(name, obj.getClass())) {
continue LOOP;
failInstrumentInitialization(env, String.format("%s declares service %s but doesn't register it", instrumentClassName, name), null);
return true;
private boolean findType(String name, Class> type) {
if (type == null) {
return false;
if (type.getName().equals(name) || (type.getCanonicalName() != null && type.getCanonicalName().equals(name))) {
return true;
if (findType(name, type.getSuperclass())) {
return true;
for (Class> inter : type.getInterfaces()) {
if (findType(name, inter)) {
return true;
return false;
boolean isInitialized() {
return instrument != null;
TruffleInstrument getInstrument() {
return instrument;
public EventBinding attachContextsListener(T listener, boolean includeActiveContexts) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachContextsListener(this, listener, includeActiveContexts);
public EventBinding attachThreadsListener(T listener, boolean includeStartedThreads) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachThreadsListener(this, listener, includeStartedThreads);
void doFinalize() {
void dispose() {
public EventBinding extends ThreadsActivationListener> attachThreadsActivationListener(ThreadsActivationListener listener) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachThreadsActivationListener(this, listener);
T lookup(InstrumentationHandler handler, Class type) {
if (services != null) {
for (Object service : services) {
if (type.isInstance(service)) {
return type.cast(service);
return null;
* Provider of instrumentation services for {@linkplain TruffleLanguage language
* implementations}.
final class EngineInstrumenter extends AbstractInstrumenter {
void doFinalize() {
void dispose() {
T lookup(InstrumentationHandler handler, Class type) {
return null;
boolean isInstrumentableRoot(RootNode rootNode) {
return true;
boolean isInstrumentableSource(Source source) {
return true;
void verifyFilter(SourceSectionFilter filter) {
public Set> queryTags(Node node) {
return queryTagsImpl(node, null);
public EventBinding attachContextsListener(T listener, boolean includeActiveContexts) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachContextsListener(this, listener, includeActiveContexts);
public EventBinding attachThreadsListener(T listener, boolean includeStartedThreads) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachThreadsListener(this, listener, includeStartedThreads);
public EventBinding extends ThreadsActivationListener> attachThreadsActivationListener(ThreadsActivationListener listener) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in engine instrumenter.");
* Provider of instrumentation services for {@linkplain TruffleLanguage language
* implementations}.
final class LanguageClientInstrumenter extends AbstractInstrumenter {
private final LanguageInfo languageInfo;
private final TruffleLanguage> language;
LanguageClientInstrumenter(TruffleLanguage> language) {
this.language = language;
this.languageInfo = InstrumentAccessor.langAccess().getLanguageInfo(language);
boolean isInstrumentableSource(Source source) {
String mimeType = source.getMimeType();
if (mimeType == null) {
return false;
return languageInfo.getMimeTypes().contains(mimeType);
boolean isInstrumentableRoot(RootNode node) {
LanguageInfo langInfo = node.getLanguageInfo();
if (langInfo == null) {
return false;
if (langInfo != languageInfo) {
return false;
return true;
public Set> queryTags(Node node) {
return queryTagsImpl(node, languageInfo);
void verifyFilter(SourceSectionFilter filter) {
Set> providedTags = getProvidedTags(language);
// filters must not reference tags not declared in @RequiredTags
Set> referencedTags = filter.getReferencedTags();
if (!providedTags.containsAll(referencedTags)) {
Set> missingTags = new HashSet<>(referencedTags);
Set> allTags = new LinkedHashSet<>(providedTags);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{");
String sep = "";
for (Class> tag : allTags) {
sep = ", ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The attached filter %s references the following tags %s which are not declared as provided by the language. " +
"To fix this annotate the language class %s with @%s(%s).",
filter, missingTags, language.getClass().getName(), ProvidedTags.class.getSimpleName(), builder));
public EventBinding attachContextsListener(S listener, boolean includeActiveContexts) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in language instrumenter.");
public EventBinding attachThreadsListener(S listener, boolean includeStartedThreads) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in language instrumenter.");
public EventBinding extends ThreadsActivationListener> attachThreadsActivationListener(ThreadsActivationListener listener) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in language instrumenter.");
void doFinalize() {
// nothing to do
void dispose() {
// nothing to do
S lookup(InstrumentationHandler handler, Class type) {
return null;
* Shared implementation of instrumentation services for clients whose requirements and
* privileges may vary.
abstract class AbstractInstrumenter extends Instrumenter {
abstract void doFinalize();
abstract void dispose();
abstract T lookup(InstrumentationHandler handler, Class type);
void attachSourceLoadedBinding(EventBinding.SourceLoaded> binding) {
void attachSourceExecutedBinding(EventBinding.SourceExecuted> binding) {
void attachSourceSectionBinding(EventBinding.SourceSectionLoaded> binding) {
void disposeBinding(EventBinding> binding) {
abstract boolean isInstrumentableRoot(RootNode rootNode);
abstract boolean isInstrumentableSource(Source source);
final Set> queryTagsImpl(Node node, LanguageInfo onlyLanguage) {
if (!InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(node)) {
return Collections.emptySet();
RootNode root = node.getRootNode();
if (root == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
if (onlyLanguage != null && root.getLanguageInfo() != onlyLanguage) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The language instrumenter cannot query tags of nodes of other languages.");
Set> providedTags = getProvidedTags(root);
if (providedTags.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set> tags = new HashSet<>();
for (Class> providedTag : providedTags) {
if (hasTagImpl(providedTags, node, providedTag)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(tags);
public final ExecutionEventNode lookupExecutionEventNode(Node node, EventBinding> binding) {
if (!InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(node)) {
return null;
Node p = node.getParent();
if (p instanceof WrapperNode) {
WrapperNode w = (WrapperNode) p;
return w.getProbeNode().lookupExecutionEventNode(binding);
} else {
return null;
public EventBinding attachExecutionEventFactory(SourceSectionFilter filter, SourceSectionFilter inputFilter, T factory) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachFactory(this, filter, inputFilter, factory);
public EventBinding attachExecutionEventListener(SourceSectionFilter filter, SourceSectionFilter inputFilter, T listener) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachListener(this, filter, inputFilter, listener);
public EventBinding attachLoadSourceListener(SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean includeExistingSources) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachSourceListener(this, filter, listener, includeExistingSources);
public EventBinding attachLoadSourceListener(SourceFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
SourceSectionFilter sectionsFilter = SourceSectionFilter.newBuilder().sourceFilter(filter).build();
return attachLoadSourceListener(sectionsFilter, listener, notifyLoaded);
public EventBinding attachLoadSourceSectionListener(SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachSourceSectionListener(this, filter, listener, notifyLoaded);
public void visitLoadedSourceSections(SourceSectionFilter filter, LoadSourceSectionListener listener) {
InstrumentationHandler.this.visitLoadedSourceSections(this, filter, listener);
public EventBinding attachExecuteSourceListener(SourceFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
SourceSectionFilter sectionsFilter = SourceSectionFilter.newBuilder().sourceFilter(filter).build();
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachExecuteSourceListener(this, sectionsFilter, listener, notifyLoaded);
public EventBinding createLoadSourceBinding(SourceFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
SourceSectionFilter sectionsFilter = SourceSectionFilter.newBuilder().sourceFilter(filter).build();
return new EventBinding.SourceLoaded<>(this, sectionsFilter, null, listener, false, notifyLoaded);
public EventBinding createExecuteSourceBinding(SourceFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
SourceSectionFilter sectionsFilter = SourceSectionFilter.newBuilder().sourceFilter(filter).build();
return new EventBinding.SourceExecuted<>(this, sectionsFilter, null, listener, false, notifyLoaded);
public EventBinding createLoadSourceSectionBinding(SourceSectionFilter filter, T listener, boolean notifyLoaded) {
return new EventBinding.SourceSectionLoaded<>(this, filter, null, listener, false, notifyLoaded);
public EventBinding attachAllocationListener(AllocationEventFilter filter, T listener) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachAllocationListener(this, filter, listener);
public EventBinding attachOutConsumer(T stream) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachOutputConsumer(this, stream, false);
public EventBinding attachErrConsumer(T stream) {
return InstrumentationHandler.this.attachOutputConsumer(this, stream, true);
private void verifySourceOnly(SourceSectionFilter filter) {
if (!filter.isSourceOnly()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The attached filter %s uses filters that require source sections to verifiy. " +
"Source listeners can only use filter critera based on Source objects like mimeTypeIs or sourceIs.", filter));
abstract void verifyFilter(SourceSectionFilter filter);
static class CopyOnWriteList extends AbstractCollection {
private volatile E[] array;
CopyOnWriteList(E[] array) {
this.array = array;
public synchronized boolean add(E e) {
if (e == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
E[] oldArray = getArray();
int len = oldArray.length;
E[] newArray = Arrays.copyOf(oldArray, len + 1);
newArray[len] = e;
this.array = newArray;
return true;
public synchronized void clear() {
E[] oldArray = getArray();
E[] newArray = Arrays.copyOf(oldArray, 0);
this.array = newArray;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator<>() {
private final E[] snapshot = getArray();
private int cursor = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return cursor < snapshot.length;
public E next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return snapshot[cursor++];
public int size() {
return getArray().length;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size() == 0;
public E[] getArray() {
return array;
public synchronized boolean remove(Object o) {
E[] oldArray = getArray();
int index = -1;
int len = oldArray.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (oldArray[i].equals(o)) {
index = i;
if (index >= 0) {
E[] newArray = Arrays.copyOf(oldArray, len - 1);
System.arraycopy(oldArray, index + 1, newArray, index, len - index - 1);
this.array = newArray;
return true;
return false;
public synchronized boolean removeAll(Collection> c) {
E[] oldArray = getArray();
int len = oldArray.length;
if (len != 0) {
// temp array holds those elements we know we want to keep
int newlen = 0;
E[] temp = Arrays.copyOf(oldArray, len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
E element = oldArray[i];
if (!c.contains(element)) {
temp[newlen++] = element;
if (newlen != len) {
E[] newArray = Arrays.copyOf(temp, newlen);
this.array = newArray;
return true;
return false;
* A list collection data structure that is optimized for fast non-blocking traversals. There is
* adds and no explicit removal. Removals are based on a side effect of the element, by
* returning null
in {@link AbstractAsyncCollection#unwrap(Object)}. It is not
* possible to reliably query the {@link AbstractAsyncCollection#size()} of the collection,
* therefore it throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
private abstract static class AbstractAsyncCollection extends AbstractCollection {
* We use an atomic reference list as we don't want to see holes in the array when appending
* to it. This allows us to use null as a safe terminator for the array.
private volatile AtomicReferenceArray values;
* Size can be non volatile as it is not exposed or used for traversal.
private int nextInsertionIndex;
protected final int initialCapacity;
AbstractAsyncCollection(int initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid initial capacity " + initialCapacity);
this.values = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(initialCapacity);
this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
public final synchronized void clear() {
this.values = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(initialCapacity);
nextInsertionIndex = 0;
public final synchronized boolean add(R reference) {
T wrappedElement = wrap(reference);
if (wrappedElement == null) {
// fail early
throw new NullPointerException();
if (nextInsertionIndex >= values.length()) {
values.set(nextInsertionIndex++, wrappedElement);
return true;
public int size() {
// size cannot be supported reliably
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Once an element has been added to the collection,
* {@link AbstractAsyncCollection#isEmpty()} always returns false
, because
* {@link AbstractAsyncCollection#compact()} is called only on
* {@link AbstractAsyncCollection#add(Object)}.
public final boolean isEmpty() {
return values.get(0) == null;
protected abstract T wrap(R element);
protected abstract R unwrap(T element);
private void compact() {
AtomicReferenceArray localValues = values;
int liveElements = 0;
* We count the still alive elements.
for (int i = 0; i < localValues.length(); i++) {
T ref = localValues.get(i);
if (ref == null) {
if (unwrap(ref) != null) {
* We ensure that the capacity after compaction is always twice as big as the number of
* live elements. This can make the array grow or shrink as needed.
AtomicReferenceArray newValues = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(Math.max(liveElements * 2, initialCapacity));
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < localValues.length(); i++) {
T ref = localValues.get(i);
if (ref == null) {
if (unwrap(ref) != null) {
newValues.set(index++, ref);
this.nextInsertionIndex = index;
this.values = newValues;
* Returns an iterator which can be traversed without a lock. The iterator that is
* constructed is not sequentially consistent. In other words, the user of the iterator may
* observe values that were added after the iterator was created.
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iterator<>() {
* We need to capture the values field in the iterator to have a consistent view on
* the data while iterating.
private final AtomicReferenceArray values = AbstractAsyncCollection.this.values;
private int index;
private R queuedNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
R next = queuedNext;
if (next == null) {
next = queueNext();
queuedNext = next;
return next != null;
private R queueNext() {
int localIndex = index;
AtomicReferenceArray array = values;
while (true) {
if (localIndex >= array.length()) {
return null;
T localValue = array.get(localIndex);
if (localValue == null) {
return null;
R alive = unwrap(localValue);
if (alive == null) {
index = localIndex;
return alive;
public R next() {
R next = queuedNext;
if (next == null) {
next = queueNext();
if (next == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
queuedNext = null;
return next;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
int getNextInsertionIndex() {
return nextInsertionIndex;
* An async list implementation that removes elements whenever a binding was disposed.
private static final class EventBindingList> extends AbstractAsyncCollection {
EventBindingList(int initialCapacity) {
protected EB wrap(EB element) {
return element;
protected EB unwrap(EB element) {
if (element.isDisposed()) {
return null;
return element;
* An async list using weak references.
static final class WeakAsyncList extends AbstractAsyncCollection, T> {
WeakAsyncList(int initialCapacity) {
protected WeakReference wrap(T element) {
return new WeakReference<>(element);
protected T unwrap(WeakReference element) {
return element.get();
static final class StableThreadsActivationListeners {
final Assumption assumption;
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) final ThreadsActivationListener[] listeners;
StableThreadsActivationListeners(ThreadsActivationListener[] listeners) {
this.assumption = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Activation listeners stable.");
this.listeners = listeners;