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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages
that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.collections.Equivalence;
import org.graalvm.collections.Pair;
* A Shape is an immutable descriptor of the current object "shape" of a DynamicObject, i.e., object
* layout, metadata ({@linkplain Shape#getDynamicType() type}, {@linkplain Shape#getFlags() flags}),
* and a mapping of {@linkplain Property properties} to storage locations. This allows cached
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} to do a simple shape check to determine the contents of an object
* and do fast, constant-time property accesses.
* Shapes are shared between objects that assume the same shape if they follow the same shape
* transitions, like adding the same properties in the same order, starting from a common root
* shape. Shape transitions are automatically, weakly cached.
* Dynamic objects start off with an initial shape that has no instance properties (but may have
* constant properties that are stored in the shape). Initial shapes are created via
* {@link Shape#newBuilder()}.
* @see DynamicObject
* @see Shape#newBuilder()
* @see Property
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract class Shape {
static final int OBJECT_FLAGS_MASK = 0x0000_00ff;
static final int OBJECT_FLAGS_SHIFT = 0;
static final int OBJECT_SHARED = 1 << 16;
static final int OBJECT_PROPERTY_ASSUMPTIONS = 1 << 17;
* Creates a new initial shape builder.
* The builder instance is not thread-safe and must not be used from multiple threads at the
* same time.
* @since 20.2.0
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Internal superclass shared by {@link Builder} and {@link DerivedBuilder}.
* @since 20.2.0
abstract static class AbstractBuilder> {
* Sets initial dynamic object type identifier.
* See {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#setDynamicType(DynamicObject, Object)} for more
* information.
* @param dynamicType a non-null object type identifier
* @throws NullPointerException if the type is {@code null}
* @since 20.2.0
public abstract T dynamicType(Object dynamicType);
* Sets initial shape flags (default: 0). Currently limited to 8 bits.
* See {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)} for more information.
* @param flags an int value in the range from 0 to 255 (inclusive)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the flags value is not in the supported range
* @since 20.2.0
public abstract T shapeFlags(int flags);
* Adds a property with a constant value to the shape. The key must not be {@code null} and
* must not be equal to any previously added property's key.
* @param key the property's key
* @param value the property's value
* @param flags the property's flags
* @throws NullPointerException if the key is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a property with the key already exists
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#putConstant(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)
* @since 20.2.0
public abstract T addConstantProperty(Object key, Object value, int flags);
static Object checkDynamicType(Object dynamicType) {
Objects.requireNonNull(dynamicType, "dynamicType");
return dynamicType;
static int checkShapeFlags(int flags) {
if ((flags & ~OBJECT_FLAGS_MASK) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("flags must be in the range (0, 255)");
return flags;
* Builder class to construct initial {@link Shape} instances.
* The builder instance is not thread-safe and must not be used from multiple threads at the
* same time.
* @see Shape#newBuilder()
* @since 20.2.0
@SuppressWarnings({"hiding", "deprecation"})
public static final class Builder extends AbstractBuilder {
private Class extends DynamicObject> layoutClass = DynamicObject.class;
private Object dynamicType = ObjectType.DEFAULT;
private int shapeFlags;
private boolean allowImplicitCastIntToDouble;
private boolean allowImplicitCastIntToLong;
private boolean shared;
private boolean propertyAssumptions;
private Object sharedData;
private Assumption singleContextAssumption;
private EconomicMap> properties;
Builder() {
* Sets custom object layout class (default: {@link DynamicObject} base class).
* Enables the use of dynamic object fields declared in subclasses using the
* {@code DynamicField} annotation.
* Examples:
* public class MyObject extends DynamicObject implements TruffleObject {
* @DynamicField private Object _obj1;
* @DynamicField private Object _obj2;
* @DynamicField private long _long1;
* @DynamicField private long _long2;
* public MyObject(Shape shape) {
* super(shape);
* }
* }
* Shape myObjShape = Shape.newBuilder().layout(MyObject.class).build();
* MyObject obj = new MyObject(myObjShape);
* @param layoutClass custom object layout class
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder layout(Class extends DynamicObject> layoutClass) {
if (!DynamicObject.class.isAssignableFrom(layoutClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Expected a subclass of %s but got: %s",
DynamicObject.class.getName(), layoutClass.getTypeName()));
this.layoutClass = layoutClass;
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#getDynamicType(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#setDynamicType(DynamicObject, Object)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder dynamicType(Object dynamicType) {
this.dynamicType = checkDynamicType(dynamicType);
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#getShapeFlags(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder shapeFlags(int flags) {
this.shapeFlags = checkShapeFlags(flags);
return this;
* If {@code true}, makes the object shared (default: {@code false}).
* @see Shape#isShared()
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#isShared(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#markShared(DynamicObject)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder shared(boolean isShared) {
this.shared = isShared;
return this;
* If {@code true}, enables the use of {@linkplain Shape#getPropertyAssumption(Object)
* property assumptions} for this object shape and any derived shapes (default:
* {@code false}). Property assumptions allow speculating on select properties being absent
* or stable across shape changes.
* Use of property assumptions can be beneficial in single-context mode for long-lived
* objects with stable properties but recurrent shape changes due to properties being added
* (e.g. global objects of a context), in which case a shape cache would be unstable while
* the property assumption allows for a stable cache.
* @see Shape#getPropertyAssumption(Object)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder propertyAssumptions(boolean enable) {
this.propertyAssumptions = enable;
return this;
* Sets shared data to be associated with the root shape and any derived shapes (e.g. a
* {@code TruffleLanguage} instance). May be null (the default).
* @see Shape#getSharedData()
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder sharedData(Object sharedData) {
this.sharedData = sharedData;
return this;
* Sets an assumption that allows specializations on constant object instances with this
* shape, as long as the assumption is valid. The assumption should be valid only if code is
* not shared across contexts and invalidated when this is not longer true. The assumption
* may be {@code null} in which case this feature is disabled (the default).
* @see #propertyAssumptions(boolean)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder singleContextAssumption(Assumption assumption) {
this.singleContextAssumption = assumption;
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#putConstant(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder addConstantProperty(Object key, Object value, int flags) {
Objects.requireNonNull(key, "key");
if (properties == null) {
properties = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT);
if (properties.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Property already exists: %s.", key));
properties.put(key, Pair.create(value, flags));
return this;
* Allows values to be implicitly cast from int to long in this shape and any derived
* shapes.
* @see #layout(Class)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder allowImplicitCastIntToLong(boolean allow) {
this.allowImplicitCastIntToLong = allow;
return this;
* Allows values to be implicitly cast from int to double in this shape and any derived
* shapes.
* @see #layout(Class)
* @since 20.2.0
public Builder allowImplicitCastIntToDouble(boolean allow) {
this.allowImplicitCastIntToDouble = allow;
return this;
* Builds a new shape using the configuration of this builder.
* @since 20.2.0
public Shape build() {
int flags = shapeFlags;
if (shared) {
flags = shapeFlags | OBJECT_SHARED;
if (propertyAssumptions) {
int implicitCastFlags = (allowImplicitCastIntToDouble ? Layout.INT_TO_DOUBLE_FLAG : 0) | (allowImplicitCastIntToLong ? Layout.INT_TO_LONG_FLAG : 0);
Shape shape = Layout.getFactory().createShape(new Object[]{layoutClass, implicitCastFlags, dynamicType, sharedData, flags, properties, singleContextAssumption});
assert shape.isShared() == shared && shape.getFlags() == shapeFlags && shape.getDynamicType() == dynamicType;
return shape;
* Creates a new derived shape builder that allows changing a root shape's flags and dynamic
* type and adding constant properties.
* The builder instance is not thread-safe and must not be used from multiple threads at the
* same time.
* @param baseShape the shape to be modified
* @see Shape#newBuilder()
* @since 20.2.0
public static DerivedBuilder newBuilder(Shape baseShape) {
return new DerivedBuilder(baseShape);
* Builder class to construct derived {@link Shape} instances.
* The builder instance is not thread-safe and must not be used from multiple threads at the
* same time.
* @see Shape#newBuilder(Shape)
* @since 20.2.0
public static final class DerivedBuilder extends AbstractBuilder {
private final Shape baseShape;
private Object dynamicType;
private int shapeFlags;
private EconomicMap properties;
DerivedBuilder(Shape baseShape) {
this.baseShape = baseShape;
this.dynamicType = baseShape.getDynamicType();
this.shapeFlags = baseShape.getFlags();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#getDynamicType(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#setDynamicType(DynamicObject, Object)
* @since 20.2.0
public DerivedBuilder dynamicType(Object dynamicType) {
this.dynamicType = checkDynamicType(dynamicType);
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#getShapeFlags(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)
* @since 20.2.0
public DerivedBuilder shapeFlags(int flags) {
this.shapeFlags = checkShapeFlags(flags);
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#putConstant(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)
* @since 20.2.0
public DerivedBuilder addConstantProperty(Object key, Object value, int flags) {
Objects.requireNonNull(key, "key");
if (properties == null) {
properties = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT);
if (baseShape.getProperty(key) != null || properties.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Property already exists: %s.", key));
Location location = baseShape.allocator().constantLocation(value);
properties.put(key, Property.create(key, location, flags));
return this;
* Builds a derived shape from the base shape supplied to the constructor using the
* configuration of this builder.
* @return a new or cached shape
* @since 20.2.0
public Shape build() {
Shape derivedShape = baseShape;
if (dynamicType != derivedShape.getDynamicType()) {
derivedShape = derivedShape.setDynamicType(dynamicType);
if (shapeFlags != derivedShape.getFlags()) {
derivedShape = derivedShape.setFlags(shapeFlags);
if (properties != null) {
for (Property property : properties.getValues()) {
derivedShape = derivedShape.addProperty(property);
return derivedShape;
* Constructor for subclasses.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
protected Shape() {
* Get a property entry by key.
* @param key the identifier to look up
* @return a Property object, or {@code null} if not found
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Property getProperty(Object key);
* Add a new property in the map, yielding a new or cached Shape object.
* @param property the property to add
* @return the new Shape
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#put} or {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags}
* to add properties to an object.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Shape addProperty(Property property);
* Add or change property in the map, yielding a new or cached Shape object.
* @return the shape after defining the property
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#put(DynamicObject, Object, Object)} or
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)}.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Shape defineProperty(Object key, Object value, int flags);
* Add or change property in the map, yielding a new or cached Shape object.
* @return the shape after defining the property
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#put(DynamicObject, Object, Object)} or
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)} or
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putConstant(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int)}
@Deprecated(since = "20.2")
public abstract Shape defineProperty(Object key, Object value, int flags, @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") LocationFactory locationFactory);
* An {@link Iterable} over the shape's properties in insertion order.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Iterable getProperties();
* Get a list of all properties that this Shape stores.
* Properties with a {@link HiddenKey} are not included.
* @return list of properties
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract List getPropertyList();
* Returns all (also hidden) property objects in this shape.
* @param ascending desired order ({@code true} for insertion order, {@code false} for reverse
* insertion order)
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract List getPropertyListInternal(boolean ascending);
* Get a list of all property keys in insertion order.
* Properties with a {@link HiddenKey} are not included.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract List getKeyList();
* Get all property keys in insertion order.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Iterable getKeys();
* Get an assumption that the shape is valid.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Assumption getValidAssumption();
* Check whether this shape is valid.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract boolean isValid();
* Get an assumption that the shape is a leaf.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Assumption getLeafAssumption();
* Check whether this shape is a leaf in the transition graph, i.e. transitionless.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract boolean isLeaf();
* @return the parent shape or {@code null} if none.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated no replacement, do not rely on a specific parent shape
@Deprecated(since = "20.2")
public abstract Shape getParent();
* Check whether the shape has a property with the given key.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract boolean hasProperty(Object key);
* Remove the given property from the shape.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#removeKey} to remove properties from an object.
@Deprecated(since = "20.2")
public abstract Shape removeProperty(Property property);
* Replace a property in the shape.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#put} to replace properties in an object.
@Deprecated(since = "20.2")
public abstract Shape replaceProperty(Property oldProperty, Property newProperty);
* Get the last property.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Property getLastProperty();
* Returns the language-specific shape flags previously set using
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)} or
* {@link Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int)}. If no shape flags were explicitly set, the default of
* 0 is returned.
* These flags may be used to tag objects that possess characteristics that need to be queried
* efficiently on fast and slow paths. For example, they can be used to mark objects as frozen.
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#getShapeFlags(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)
* @see Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int)
* @since 20.2.0
public int getFlags() {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Returns a copy of the shape, with the shape flags set to {@code newFlags}.
* @param newFlags the new shape flags; an int value in the range from 0 to 255 (inclusive)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the flags value is not in the supported range
* @see Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int)
* @since 20.2.0
protected Shape setFlags(int newFlags) {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Obtain an {@link Allocator} instance for the purpose of allocating locations.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated no replacement.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Allocator allocator();
* Returns the number of properties in this shape.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract int getPropertyCount();
* Get the shape's object type info.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @see #getDynamicType()
* @deprecated Deprecated since 20.3.0. Replaced by {@link #getDynamicType()}.
@Deprecated(since = "20.3")
public abstract ObjectType getObjectType();
* Get the shape's dynamic object type identifier.
* @since 20.2.0
public Object getDynamicType() {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Returns a copy of the shape, with the dynamic object type identifier set to
* {@code dynamicType}.
* @param dynamicType the new dynamic object type identifier
* @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null.
* @see Shape.Builder#dynamicType(Object)
* @since 20.2.0
protected Shape setDynamicType(Object dynamicType) {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Get the root shape.
* Planned to be deprecated.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Shape getRoot();
* Checks whether the given object's shape is identical to this shape.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract boolean check(DynamicObject subject);
* Get the shape's layout.
* @see Shape.Builder#layout(Class)
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated since 21.1. You can get the shape's layout class using {@link #getLayoutClass()}.
@Deprecated(since = "21.1")
public abstract Layout getLayout();
* Get the shape's layout class.
* @see Shape.Builder#layout(Class)
* @since 21.1
public Class extends DynamicObject> getLayoutClass() {
return getLayout().getType();
* Get the shape's shared data.
* @see Shape.Builder#sharedData(Object)
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Object getSharedData();
* Change the shape's type, yielding a new shape.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated No replacement. Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#setDynamicType} instead.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Shape changeType(@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") ObjectType newOps);
* Create a new {@link DynamicObject} instance with this shape.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this layout does not support construction
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated no replacement.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract DynamicObject newInstance();
* Create a {@link DynamicObjectFactory} for creating instances of this shape.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this layout does not support construction
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated no replacement.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract DynamicObjectFactory createFactory();
* Get mutex object shared by related shapes, i.e. shapes with a common root.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated no replacement.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Object getMutex();
* Try to merge two related shapes to a more general shape that has the same properties and can
* store at least the values of both shapes.
* @return this, other, or a new shape that is compatible with both shapes
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Shape tryMerge(Shape other);
* Returns {@code true} if this shape is marked as shared.
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#isShared(DynamicObject)
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#markShared(DynamicObject)
* @see Shape.Builder#shared(boolean)
* @since 0.18
public boolean isShared() {
return false;
* Make a shared variant of this shape, to allow safe usage of this object between threads.
* Shared shapes will not reuse storage locations for other fields. In combination with careful
* synchronization on writes, this can prevent reading out-of-thin-air values.
* Note: Where possible, avoid using this method and use
* {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#markShared(DynamicObject)} instead.
* @return a cached and shared variant of this shape
* @see #isShared()
* @see DynamicObjectLibrary#markShared(DynamicObject)
* @since 0.18
public Shape makeSharedShape() {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Returns {@code true} if this shape has instance properties (i.e., stored in the object).
* @since 20.2.0
protected boolean hasInstanceProperties() {
return true;
* Gets a stable property assumption for the given property key. May be invalid. If a valid
* assumption is returned, it may be used to assume this particular property is still absent or
* present at the current storage location in objects of this shape. The assumption is
* invalidated if a shape change is triggered because of a property with the given key was
* added, removed, or changed, or a {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#resetShape resetShape}.
* Only applicable if {@linkplain Builder#propertyAssumptions(boolean) property assumptions} are
* enabled for this shape, otherwise always returns an invalid assumption.
* @param key the property key of interest
* @return an assumption that the property is stable or an invalid assumption
* @see Shape.Builder#propertyAssumptions(boolean)
* @since 20.2.0
public Assumption getPropertyAssumption(Object key) {
return Assumption.NEVER_VALID;
* Tests if all properties in the shape match the provided predicate. May not evaluate the
* predicate on all properties if a predicate did not match. If the shape does not contain any
* properties, returns {@code true} and does not evaluate the predicate.
* @return {@code true} if the all properties match the predicate, else {@code false}
* @since 20.2.0
public boolean allPropertiesMatch(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Predicate predicate) {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere();
* Makes a property getter for this shape and the given property key, if it exists. Otherwise,
* returns {@code null}.
* Note that the returned {@link PropertyGetter} only accepts objects of this particular
* {@link Shape}.
* @param key the identifier to look up
* @return a {@link PropertyGetter}, or {@code null} if the property was not found in this shape
* @since 22.2
public PropertyGetter makePropertyGetter(Object key) {
Property property = getProperty(key);
if (property == null) {
return null;
return new PropertyGetter(this, property);
* Utility class to allocate locations in an object layout.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated since 22.1, without replacement. Property locations are automatically allocated
* by {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} methods; there's no need for manual allocation.
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract static class Allocator {
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
protected Allocator() {
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Deprecated(since = "19.3")
protected abstract Location locationForValue(Object value, boolean useFinal, boolean nonNull);
* Create a new location compatible with the given initial value.
* Use {@link #locationForType(Class)} or {@link Shape#defineProperty(Object, Object, int)}
* instead.
* @param value the initial value this location is going to be assigned
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "20.2")
public final Location locationForValue(Object value) {
return locationForValue(value, false, value != null);
* Create a new location compatible with the given initial value.
* @param value the initial value this location is going to be assigned
* @param modifiers additional restrictions and semantics
* @since 0.8 or earlier
* @deprecated use {@link #locationForType(Class, EnumSet)} or
* {@link Shape#defineProperty(Object, Object, int)} instead
@Deprecated(since = "19.3")
public final Location locationForValue(Object value, EnumSet modifiers) {
assert value != null || !modifiers.contains(LocationModifier.NonNull);
return locationForValue(value, modifiers.contains(LocationModifier.Final), modifiers.contains(LocationModifier.NonNull));
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
protected abstract Location locationForType(Class> type, boolean useFinal, boolean nonNull);
* Create a new location for a fixed type. It can only be assigned to values of this type.
* @param type the Java type this location must be compatible with (may be primitive)
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public final Location locationForType(Class> type) {
return locationForType(type, false, false);
* Create a new location for a fixed type.
* @param type the Java type this location must be compatible with (may be primitive)
* @param modifiers additional restrictions and semantics
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public final Location locationForType(Class> type, EnumSet modifiers) {
return locationForType(type, modifiers.contains(LocationModifier.Final), modifiers.contains(LocationModifier.NonNull));
* Creates a new location from a constant value. The value is stored in the shape rather
* than in the object.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Location constantLocation(Object value);
* Creates a new declared location with a default value. A declared location only assumes a
* type after the first set (initialization).
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Location declaredLocation(Object value);
* Reserves space for the given location, so that it will not be available to subsequently
* allocated locations.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Allocator addLocation(Location location);
* Creates an copy of this allocator state.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
@Deprecated(since = "22.2")
public abstract Allocator copy();