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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.

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 * Abstract base class for Truffle strings. Useful when a value can be both a {@link TruffleString}
 * or a {@link MutableTruffleString}. Note that values of this type are not valid interop values.
 * They must be converted to {@link TruffleString} before passing them to other languages.
 * @see TruffleString
 * @since 22.1
public abstract class AbstractTruffleString {

    static final boolean DEBUG_STRICT_ENCODING_CHECKS = Boolean.getBoolean("truffle.strings.debug-strict-encoding-checks");
    static final boolean DEBUG_NON_ZERO_OFFSET = Boolean.getBoolean("truffle.strings.debug-non-zero-offset-arrays");
    static final boolean DEBUG_ALWAYS_CREATE_JAVA_STRING = Boolean.getBoolean("truffle.strings.debug-always-create-java-string");

     * String content. This can be one of the following:
  • {@code byte[]}
  • *
  • {@link LazyLong}
  • *
  • {@link LazyConcat}
  • *
  • {@link NativePointer}
  • *
  • {@link String} (only for caching results of {@link #toJavaStringUncached()})
  • *
*/ private Object data; /** * String content offset in bytes. Used for string views / lazy substrings. */ private final int offset; /** * String length, scaled to the string's {@link TruffleString.Encoding#naturalStride natural * stride}, i.e.: if the string encoding is UTF-32, the length is int-based, UTF-16 implies * char-based length, and all other encodings use byte-based length. This is useful for string * compaction. */ private final int length; /** * String encoding id, stored as a byte to save space. Resolve with * {@link TruffleString.Encoding#get(int)}. */ private final byte encoding; /** * String content's {@link Stride stride} in log2 format (0 for byte-stride, 1 for char-stride, * 2 for int-stride). Used for string compaction in UTF-32 and UTF-16 encodings. */ private final byte stride; /** * Flags. The only flag defined at the moment is {@link TruffleString#isCacheHead()}. */ private final byte flags; /** * Coarse information about the string's content, specified in {@link TSCodeRange}. */ private byte codeRange; /** * String length in codepoints, or -1 if the length has not been calculated yet. */ private int codePointLength; /** * Cached {@link TruffleString.HashCodeNode hash code}. The hash method never returns zero, so a * hashCode value of zero always means that the hash is not calculated yet. */ int hashCode = 0; AbstractTruffleString(Object data, int offset, int length, int stride, Encoding encoding, int flags, int codePointLength, int codeRange) { validateData(data, offset, length, stride); assert isByte(stride); assert isByte(flags); assert validateCodeRange(encoding, codeRange); assert isSupportedEncoding(encoding) || TStringAccessor.ENGINE.requireLanguageWithAllEncodings(encoding); = data; this.encoding =; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; this.stride = (byte) stride; this.flags = (byte) flags; this.codeRange = (byte) codeRange; this.codePointLength = codePointLength; } static boolean isByte(int i) { return Byte.MIN_VALUE <= i && i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE; } private static void validateData(Object data, int offset, int length, int stride) { if (data instanceof byte[]) { TStringOps.validateRegion((byte[]) data, offset, length, stride); } else if (data instanceof String) { TStringOps.validateRegion(TStringUnsafe.getJavaStringArray((String) data), offset, length, stride); } else if (data instanceof LazyLong || data instanceof LazyConcat) { validateDataLazy(offset, length, stride); } else if (data instanceof NativePointer) { validateDataNative(offset, length, stride); } else { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); } } private static void validateDataLazy(int offset, int length, int stride) { if (!Stride.isStride(stride) || offset != 0 || Integer.toUnsignedLong(length) << stride > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); } } private static void validateDataNative(int offset, int length, int stride) { if (!Stride.isStride(stride) || offset < 0 || Integer.toUnsignedLong(length) << stride > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); } } private static boolean validateCodeRange(Encoding encoding, int codeRange) { assert isByte(codeRange); assert TSCodeRange.isCodeRange(codeRange); assert !isAscii(encoding) || is7Bit(codeRange) || isBrokenFixedWidth(codeRange); assert !isLatin1(encoding) || is7Bit(codeRange) || is8Bit(codeRange); assert !isUTF8(encoding) || !is8Bit(codeRange) && !is16Bit(codeRange) && !isValidFixedWidth(codeRange) && !isBrokenFixedWidth(codeRange); assert !isUTF16(encoding) || !isValidFixedWidth(codeRange) && !isBrokenFixedWidth(codeRange); assert !isUTF32(encoding) || !isValidMultiByte(codeRange) && !isBrokenMultiByte(codeRange); assert !isBytes(encoding) || is7Bit(codeRange) || isValidFixedWidth(codeRange); return true; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is empty. This method is allowed to be used on fast * paths. * * @since 22.1 */ public final boolean isEmpty() { return length() == 0; } /** * Get this string's length in bytes. This method is allowed to be used on fast paths. * * @since 22.1 */ public final int byteLength(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { checkEncoding(expectedEncoding); return length() << expectedEncoding.naturalStride; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is compatible to the given encoding. * * @since 22.1 * @deprecated use {@link #isCompatibleToUncached(Encoding)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "23.0") public final boolean isCompatibleTo(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return isCompatibleToUncached(expectedEncoding); } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is compatible to the given encoding. Compatible for * {@link TruffleString} means it is byte-equivalent in both the encoding used to create this * string and the given encoding. For {@link MutableTruffleString} this method only returned * true if the passed encoding is the same encoding used to create this string. * * @since 23.0 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean isCompatibleToUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { if (isImmutable() && !isCompatibleToIntl(expectedEncoding)) { getCodeRangeUncached(Encoding.get(encoding)); } return isCompatibleToIntl(expectedEncoding); } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is not backed by a native pointer. * * @since 22.1 */ public final boolean isManaged() { return !isNative(); } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is backed by a native pointer. * * @since 22.1 */ public final boolean isNative() { return data instanceof NativePointer; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is immutable, i.e. an instance of {@link TruffleString}. * * @since 22.1 */ public final boolean isImmutable() { return this instanceof TruffleString; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is mutable, i.e. an instance of * {@link MutableTruffleString}. * * @since 22.1 */ public final boolean isMutable() { assert this instanceof TruffleString || this instanceof MutableTruffleString; return !isImmutable(); } final boolean isCompatibleToIntl(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return isCompatibleToIntl(, expectedEncoding.maxCompatibleCodeRange); } final boolean isCompatibleToIntl(int enc, int maxCompatibleCodeRange) { // GR-31985: workaround: the binary OR avoids unnecessary loop unswitching on this check return (this.encoding() == enc) | isCodeRangeCompatibleTo(codeRange(), maxCompatibleCodeRange); } final boolean isCodeRangeCompatibleTo(int codeRangeA, Encoding expectedEncoding) { return isCodeRangeCompatibleTo(codeRangeA, expectedEncoding.maxCompatibleCodeRange); } final boolean isCodeRangeCompatibleTo(int codeRangeA, int maxCompatibleCodeRange) { return (!DEBUG_STRICT_ENCODING_CHECKS && this instanceof TruffleString && TSCodeRange.isMoreRestrictiveThan(codeRangeA, maxCompatibleCodeRange)); } /** * Get this string's backing data. This may be a byte array, a {@link String}, a * {@link NativePointer}, a {@link LazyLong}, or a {@link LazyConcat}. */ final Object data() { return data; } final void setData(byte[] array) { if (offset() != 0 || length() << stride() != array.length) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); } = array; } /** * Get this string's base offset in bytes. This property is used to accommodate string views / * lazy strings, and also allow "storage agnostic" access to the string's content. All methods * accessing {@link #data()} will shift their indices by this offset. */ final int offset() { return offset; } final int byteArrayOffset() { assert data instanceof byte[] || data instanceof NativePointer || data instanceof LazyLong; return data instanceof NativePointer ? 0 : offset(); } /** * Get this string's length in raw values (bytes/characters/integers...), where the actual * bit-width of one value is defined by {@link #stride()}. This means that a UTF-8 string will * report its length in 8-bit values, but a UTF-16 string may be reporting its length in 8-bit * or 16-bit values, depending on whether the string was compressed to 8-bit values or not. * Consequently, this behavior makes string compression transparent to the caller: a UTF-32 * string of codepoint-length of four will always report a "raw" length of four as well, * regardless of whether those four codepoints are actually stored in 32-bit, 16-bit, or 8-bit * array slots. *

* The length reported by this method may not reflect the underlying array's length, if this * string is a string view / lazy substring. */ final int length() { return length; } /** * Get the index representing a string encoding as defined in {@link Encodings}. */ final int encoding() { return encoding; } /** * Get this string's stride as defined in {@link Stride}. */ final int stride() { return stride; } /** * Get this string's flags byte. */ final int flags() { return flags; } final int codeRange() { return codeRange; } final int codePointLength() { return codePointLength; } final void updateAttributes(int newCodePointLength, int newCodeRange) { assert newCodePointLength >= 0; assert TSCodeRange.isCodeRange(newCodeRange); assert TSCodeRange.isPrecise(newCodeRange); this.codePointLength = newCodePointLength; this.codeRange = (byte) newCodeRange; } final void invalidateCodeRange() { codeRange = TSCodeRange.getUnknownCodeRangeForEncoding(encoding()); } final void invalidateCodePointLength() { codePointLength = -1; } final void invalidateHashCode() { hashCode = 0; } final int getHashCodeUnsafe() { assert isHashCodeCalculated(); return hashCode; } final boolean isHashCodeCalculated() { return hashCode != 0; } // don't use this on fast path final boolean isMaterialized(Encoding expectedEncoding) { return data instanceof byte[] || isLazyLong() && ((AbstractTruffleString.LazyLong) data).bytes != null || isNative() && (isSupportedEncoding(expectedEncoding) || ((NativePointer) data).byteArrayIsValid); } final boolean isLazyConcat() { return data instanceof AbstractTruffleString.LazyConcat; } final boolean isLazyLong() { return data instanceof AbstractTruffleString.LazyLong; } final boolean isJavaString() { return data instanceof String; } static TruffleStringIterator forwardIterator(AbstractTruffleString a, Object arrayA, int codeRangeA, Encoding encoding) { return forwardIterator(a, arrayA, codeRangeA, encoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling.BEST_EFFORT); } static TruffleStringIterator forwardIterator(AbstractTruffleString a, Object arrayA, int codeRangeA, Encoding encoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling errorHandling) { return new TruffleStringIterator(a, arrayA, codeRangeA, encoding, errorHandling, 0); } static TruffleStringIterator backwardIterator(AbstractTruffleString a, Object arrayA, int codeRangeA, Encoding encoding) { return backwardIterator(a, arrayA, codeRangeA, encoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling.BEST_EFFORT); } static TruffleStringIterator backwardIterator(AbstractTruffleString a, Object arrayA, int codeRangeA, Encoding encoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling errorHandling) { return new TruffleStringIterator(a, arrayA, codeRangeA, encoding, errorHandling, a.length()); } final void checkEncoding(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { if (!isCompatibleToIntl(expectedEncoding)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.wrongEncoding(expectedEncoding); } } final void looseCheckEncoding(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, int codeRangeA) { if (!isLooselyCompatibleTo(, expectedEncoding.maxCompatibleCodeRange, codeRangeA)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.wrongEncoding(expectedEncoding); } } final boolean isLooselyCompatibleTo(Encoding expectedEncoding) { return isLooselyCompatibleTo(, expectedEncoding.maxCompatibleCodeRange, codeRange()); } final boolean isLooselyCompatibleTo(int expectedEncoding, int maxCompatibleCodeRange, int codeRangeA) { return encoding() == expectedEncoding || TSCodeRange.isMoreRestrictiveThan(codeRangeA, maxCompatibleCodeRange); } static int rawIndex(int byteIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { if (isUTF16(expectedEncoding) && (byteIndex & 1) != 0) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("misaligned byte index on UTF-16 string"); } else if (isUTF32(expectedEncoding) && (byteIndex & 3) != 0) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("misaligned byte index on UTF-32 string"); } return byteIndex >> expectedEncoding.naturalStride; } static int rawIndexUTF16(int byteIndex) { if ((byteIndex & 1) != 0) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("misaligned byte index on UTF-16 string"); } return byteIndex >> Encoding.UTF_16.naturalStride; } static int rawIndexUTF32(int byteIndex) { if ((byteIndex & 3) != 0) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("misaligned byte index on UTF-32 string"); } return byteIndex >> Encoding.UTF_32.naturalStride; } static int byteIndex(int rawIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { assert rawIndex < 0 || (rawIndex << expectedEncoding.naturalStride) >= 0; assert rawIndex >= 0 || (rawIndex << expectedEncoding.naturalStride) < 0; return rawIndex << expectedEncoding.naturalStride; } final void boundsCheck(Node node, int index, Encoding expectedEncoding, TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode codePointLengthNode) { boundsCheckI(index, codePointLengthNode.execute(node, this, expectedEncoding)); } final void boundsCheck(Node node, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Encoding expectedEncoding, TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode codePointLengthNode) { boundsCheckI(fromIndex, toIndex, codePointLengthNode.execute(node, this, expectedEncoding)); } final void boundsCheckRegion(Node node, int fromIndex, int regionLength, Encoding expectedEncoding, TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode codePointLengthNode) { boundsCheckRegionI(fromIndex, regionLength, codePointLengthNode.execute(node, this, expectedEncoding)); } final void boundsCheckByteIndexS0(int byteIndex) { assert stride() == 0; boundsCheckI(byteIndex, length()); } final void boundsCheckByteIndexUTF16(int byteIndex) { boundsCheckI(byteIndex, length() << TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_16.naturalStride); } final void boundsCheckByteIndexUTF32(int byteIndex) { boundsCheckI(byteIndex, length() << TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_32.naturalStride); } final void boundsCheckRaw(int index) { boundsCheckI(index, length()); } final void boundsCheckRawLength(int index) { if (Integer.compareUnsigned(index, length()) > 0) { throw InternalErrors.indexOutOfBounds(); } } final void boundsCheckRaw(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { boundsCheckI(fromIndex, toIndex, length()); } final void boundsCheckRegionRaw(int fromIndex, int regionLength) { boundsCheckRegionI(fromIndex, regionLength, length()); } static void boundsCheckI(int index, int arrayLength) { assert arrayLength >= 0; if (Integer.compareUnsigned(index, arrayLength) >= 0) { throw InternalErrors.indexOutOfBounds(); } } static void boundsCheckI(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int arrayLength) { assert arrayLength >= 0; if (Integer.compareUnsigned(fromIndex, arrayLength) >= 0 || Integer.compareUnsigned(toIndex, arrayLength) > 0) { throw InternalErrors.indexOutOfBounds(); } } static void boundsCheckRegionI(int fromIndex, int regionLength, int arrayLength) { assert arrayLength >= 0; if (Integer.toUnsignedLong(fromIndex) + Integer.toUnsignedLong(regionLength) > arrayLength) { throw InternalErrors.indexOutOfBounds(); } } static void nullCheck(Object o) { if (o == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new NullPointerException("unexpected null pointer"); } } static void checkByteLength(int byteLength, Encoding encoding) { if (isUTF16(encoding)) { TruffleString.checkByteLengthUTF16(byteLength); } else if (isUTF32(encoding)) { TruffleString.checkByteLengthUTF32(byteLength); } } static void checkByteLengthUTF16(int byteLength) { if ((byteLength & 1) != 0) { throw InternalErrors.illegalByteArrayLength("UTF-16 string byte length is not a multiple of 2"); } } static void checkByteLengthUTF32(int byteLength) { if ((byteLength & 3) != 0) { throw InternalErrors.illegalByteArrayLength("UTF-32 string byte length is not a multiple of 4"); } } static void checkArrayRange(byte[] value, int byteOffset, int byteLength) { checkArrayRange(value.length, byteOffset, byteLength); } static void checkArrayRange(int arrayLength, int byteOffset, int byteLength) { if (Integer.toUnsignedLong(byteOffset) + Integer.toUnsignedLong(byteLength) > arrayLength) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.substringOutOfBounds(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.FromByteArrayNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString asTruffleStringUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.AsTruffleStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.AsManagedNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString asManagedTruffleStringUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.AsManagedNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.AsManagedNode}. * * @since 23.0 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString asManagedTruffleStringUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, boolean cacheResult) { return TruffleString.AsManagedNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding, cacheResult); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link MutableTruffleString.AsMutableTruffleStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final MutableTruffleString asMutableTruffleStringUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return MutableTruffleString.AsMutableTruffleStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.AsManagedNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final MutableTruffleString asManagedMutableTruffleStringUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return MutableTruffleString.AsManagedNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.MaterializeNode}. * * @since 23.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public void materializeUncached(AbstractTruffleString a, Encoding expectedEncoding) { TruffleString.MaterializeNode.getUncached().execute(a, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.GetCodeRangeNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString.CodeRange getCodeRangeUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetCodeRangeNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.GetCodeRangeImpreciseNode}. * * @since 23.0 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString.CodeRange getCodeRangeImpreciseUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetCodeRangeImpreciseNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.GetByteCodeRangeNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString.CodeRange getByteCodeRangeUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetByteCodeRangeNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodeRangeEqualsNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean codeRangeEqualsUncached(TruffleString.CodeRange otherCodeRange) { return TruffleString.CodeRangeEqualsNode.getUncached().execute(this, otherCodeRange); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.IsValidNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean isValidUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.IsValidNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.GetStringCompactionLevelNode}. * * @since 23.0 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString.CompactionLevel getStringCompactionLevelUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetStringCompactionLevelNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodePointLengthNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointLengthUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CodePointLengthNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.HashCodeNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int hashCodeUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.HashCodeNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ReadByteNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int readByteUncached(int i, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ReadByteNode.getUncached().execute(this, i, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int readCharUTF16Uncached(int i) { return TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, i); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CodePointIndexToByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteLengthOfCodePointUncached(int byteIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteLengthOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CodePointIndexToByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.3 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteLengthOfCodePointUncached(int byteIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling errorHandling) { return TruffleString.ByteLengthOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteIndex, expectedEncoding, errorHandling); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.ByteIndexToCodePointIndexNode}. * * @since 22.2 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteIndexToCodePointIndexUncached(int byteOffset, int byteIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteIndexToCodePointIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteOffset, byteIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CodePointIndexToByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointIndexToByteIndexUncached(int byteOffset, int codepointIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CodePointIndexToByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteOffset, codepointIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodePointAtIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointAtIndexUncached(int i, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CodePointAtIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, i, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodePointAtIndexNode}. * * @since 22.3 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointAtIndexUncached(int i, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling errorHandling) { return TruffleString.CodePointAtIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, i, expectedEncoding, errorHandling); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodePointAtByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointAtByteIndexUncached(int i, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CodePointAtByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, i, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CodePointAtByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.3 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int codePointAtByteIndexUncached(int i, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, TruffleString.ErrorHandling errorHandling) { return TruffleString.CodePointAtByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, i, expectedEncoding, errorHandling); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ByteIndexOfAnyByteNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteIndexOfAnyByteUncached(int fromByteIndex, int maxByteIndex, byte[] values, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteIndexOfAnyByteNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromByteIndex, maxByteIndex, values, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CharIndexOfAnyCharUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int charIndexOfAnyCharUTF16Uncached(int fromCharIndex, int maxCharIndex, char[] values) { return TruffleString.CharIndexOfAnyCharUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, fromCharIndex, maxCharIndex, values); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.IntIndexOfAnyIntUTF32Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int intIndexOfAnyIntUTF32Uncached(int fromIntIndex, int maxIntIndex, int[] values) { return TruffleString.IntIndexOfAnyIntUTF32Node.getUncached().execute(this, fromIntIndex, maxIntIndex, values); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.IndexOfCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int indexOfCodePointUncached(int cp, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.IndexOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, cp, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ByteIndexOfCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteIndexOfCodePointUncached(int cp, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteIndexOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, cp, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.LastIndexOfCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int lastIndexOfCodePointUncached(int cp, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.LastIndexOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, cp, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int lastByteIndexOfCodePointUncached(int cp, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, cp, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.IndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int indexOfStringUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.IndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ByteIndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteIndexOfStringUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteIndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ByteIndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int byteIndexOfStringUncached(TruffleString.WithMask b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.ByteIndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b.string, fromIndex, toIndex, b.mask, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.LastIndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int lastIndexOfStringUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.LastIndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int lastByteIndexOfStringUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int lastByteIndexOfStringUncached(TruffleString.WithMask b, int fromIndex, int toIndex, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, fromIndex, toIndex, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CompareBytesNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int compareBytesUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CompareBytesNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CompareCharsUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int compareCharsUTF16Uncached(AbstractTruffleString b) { return TruffleString.CompareCharsUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, b); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CompareIntsUTF32Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int compareIntsUTF32Uncached(AbstractTruffleString b) { return TruffleString.CompareIntsUTF32Node.getUncached().execute(this, b); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.RegionEqualNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean regionEqualsUncached(int fromIndexA, AbstractTruffleString b, int fromIndexB, int regionLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.RegionEqualNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromIndexA, b, fromIndexB, regionLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.RegionEqualByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean regionEqualByteIndexUncached(int fromByteIndexA, AbstractTruffleString b, int fromByteIndexB, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.RegionEqualByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromByteIndexA, b, fromByteIndexB, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.RegionEqualByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean regionEqualByteIndexUncached(int fromByteIndexA, TruffleString.WithMask b, int fromByteIndexB, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.RegionEqualByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromByteIndexA, b, fromByteIndexB, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ConcatNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString concatUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, boolean lazy) { return TruffleString.ConcatNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, expectedEncoding, lazy); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.RepeatNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString repeatUncached(int n, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.RepeatNode.getUncached().execute(this, n, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.SubstringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString substringUncached(int fromIndex, int substringLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, boolean lazy) { return TruffleString.SubstringNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromIndex, substringLength, expectedEncoding, lazy); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.SubstringByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString substringByteIndexUncached(int fromByteIndex, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, boolean lazy) { return TruffleString.SubstringByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, fromByteIndex, byteLength, expectedEncoding, lazy); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.EqualNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final boolean equalsUncached(AbstractTruffleString b, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.EqualNode.getUncached().execute(this, b, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ParseIntNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int parseIntUncached() throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException { return parseIntUncached(10); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ParseIntNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final int parseIntUncached(int radix) throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException { return TruffleString.ParseIntNode.getUncached().execute(this, radix); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ParseLongNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final long parseLongUncached() throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException { return parseLongUncached(10); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ParseLongNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final long parseLongUncached(int radix) throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException { return TruffleString.ParseLongNode.getUncached().execute(this, radix); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ParseDoubleNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final double parseDoubleUncached() throws TruffleString.NumberFormatException { return TruffleString.ParseDoubleNode.getUncached().execute(this); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.GetInternalByteArrayNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final InternalByteArray getInternalByteArrayUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetInternalByteArrayNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.GetInternalNativePointerNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final Object getInternalNativePointerUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.GetInternalNativePointerNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode}. * * @since 22.3 */ @TruffleBoundary public final byte[] copyToByteArrayUncached(Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode}. * * @deprecated since 22.3, use {@link #copyToByteArrayUncached(int, byte[], int, int, Encoding)} * instead. * * @since 22.1 */ @Deprecated(since = "22.3") @TruffleBoundary public final void copyToByteArrayNodeUncached(int byteFromIndexA, byte[] dst, int byteFromIndexDst, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { copyToByteArrayUncached(byteFromIndexA, dst, byteFromIndexDst, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void copyToByteArrayUncached(int byteFromIndexA, byte[] dst, int byteFromIndexDst, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteFromIndexA, dst, byteFromIndexDst, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CopyToNativeMemoryNode}. * * @deprecated since 22.3, use * {@link #copyToNativeMemoryUncached(int, Object, int, int, Encoding)} instead. * * @since 22.1 */ @Deprecated(since = "22.3") @TruffleBoundary public final void copyToNativeMemoryNodeUncached(int byteFromIndexA, Object pointerObject, int byteFromIndexDst, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { copyToNativeMemoryUncached(byteFromIndexA, pointerObject, byteFromIndexDst, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.CopyToNativeMemoryNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void copyToNativeMemoryUncached(int byteFromIndexA, Object pointerObject, int byteFromIndexDst, int byteLength, TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { TruffleString.CopyToNativeMemoryNode.getUncached().execute(this, byteFromIndexA, pointerObject, byteFromIndexDst, byteLength, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ToJavaStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final String toJavaStringUncached() { return TruffleString.ToJavaStringNode.getUncached().execute(this); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString switchEncodingUncached(TruffleString.Encoding targetEncoding) { return TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode.getUncached().execute(this, targetEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode}. * * @since 23.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString switchEncodingUncached(TruffleString.Encoding targetEncoding, TranscodingErrorHandler errorHandler) { return TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode.getUncached().execute(this, targetEncoding, errorHandler); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link TruffleString.ForceEncodingNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString forceEncodingUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding, TruffleString.Encoding targetEncoding) { return TruffleString.ForceEncodingNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding, targetEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CreateCodePointIteratorNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleStringIterator createCodePointIteratorUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { return TruffleString.CreateCodePointIteratorNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of * {@link TruffleString.CreateBackwardCodePointIteratorNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleStringIterator createBackwardCodePointIteratorUncached(TruffleString.Encoding expectedEncoding) { TruffleStringIterator it = TruffleString.CreateCodePointIteratorNode.getUncached().execute(this, expectedEncoding); it.setRawIndex(length()); return it; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this string is equal to {@code obj}. {@link TruffleString} does not * attempt to automatically convert differently encoded strings during comparison, make sure to * convert both strings to a common encoding before comparing them! * * @see TruffleString.EqualNode * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof AbstractTruffleString)) { return false; } AbstractTruffleString b = (AbstractTruffleString) obj; int enc = encoding(); if (enc != b.encoding()) { if (!b.isLooselyCompatibleTo(enc, TruffleString.Encoding.getMaxCompatibleCodeRange(enc), b.codeRange())) { enc = b.encoding(); } if (!isLooselyCompatibleTo(enc, TruffleString.Encoding.getMaxCompatibleCodeRange(enc), codeRange())) { return false; } } return TruffleString.EqualNode.checkContentEquals(TruffleString.EqualNode.getUncached(), this, b, ToIndexableNodeGen.getUncached(), ToIndexableNodeGen.getUncached(), InlinedConditionProfile.getUncached(), InlinedBranchProfile.getUncached(), InlinedConditionProfile.getUncached()); } /** * Returns this string's hashcode. Note that the hashcode is dependent on the string's encoding, * make sure to convert strings to a common encoding before comparing their hash codes! * * @see TruffleString.HashCodeNode * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary @Override public final int hashCode() { if (!isHashCodeCalculated()) { return hashCodeUncached(TruffleString.Encoding.get(encoding())); } return hashCode; } /** * Returns a {@link String} representation of this string. Do not use this on fast paths. * * @see TruffleString.ToJavaStringNode * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary @Override public final String toString() { if (encoding == { if (!is7Bit(codeRange())) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); TruffleStringIterator it = createCodePointIteratorUncached(Encoding.BYTES); while (it.hasNext()) { int c = it.nextUncached(); if (c <= 0x7f) { sb.append((char) c); } else { sb.append(String.format("\\x%02X", c)); } } return sb.toString(); } } return toJavaStringUncached(); } /** * Returns debug information about this string. For debugging purposes only. The format of the * information returned by this method is unspecified and may change at any time. * * @since 22.1 */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @TruffleBoundary public final String toStringDebug() { return String.format("TString(%s, %s, off: %d, len: %d, str: %d, cpLen: %d, \"%s\")", TruffleString.Encoding.get(encoding()), TSCodeRange.toString(codeRange()), offset(), length(), stride(), codePointLength(), toJavaStringUncached()); } static final class LazyConcat { private final TruffleString left; private final TruffleString right; LazyConcat(TruffleString left, TruffleString right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } @TruffleBoundary static byte[] flatten(Node location, TruffleString a) { byte[] dst = new byte[a.length() << a.stride()]; flatten(location, a, 0, a.length(), dst, 0, a.stride()); return dst; } @TruffleBoundary private static void flatten(Node location, TruffleString src, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, byte[] dst, int dstBegin, int dstStride) { TruffleString str = src; int from = srcBegin; int to = srcEnd; int dstFrom = dstBegin; for (;;) { assert 0 <= from && from <= to && to <= str.length(); Object data =; if (data instanceof LazyConcat) { TruffleString left = ((LazyConcat) data).left; TruffleString right = ((LazyConcat) data).right; int mid = left.length(); if (to - mid >= mid - from) { // right is longer, recurse left if (from < mid) { if (left.isLazyConcat()) { flatten(location, left, from, mid, dst, dstFrom, dstStride); } else { copy(location, left, dst, dstFrom, dstStride); } dstFrom += mid - from; from = 0; } else { from -= mid; } to -= mid; str = right; } else { // left is longer, recurse right if (to > mid) { if (right.isLazyConcat()) { flatten(location, right, 0, to - mid, dst, dstFrom + mid - from, dstStride); } else { copy(location, right, dst, dstFrom + mid - from, dstStride); } to = mid; } str = left; } } else { copy(location, str, dst, dstFrom, dstStride); return; } } } @TruffleBoundary private static void copy(Node location, TruffleString src, byte[] dst, int dstFrom, int dstStride) { Object arrayA = ToIndexableNodeGen.getUncached().execute(location, src,; TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(location, arrayA, src.offset(), src.stride(), 0, dst, 0, dstStride, dstFrom, src.length()); } } static final class LazyLong { final long value; byte[] bytes; LazyLong(long value) { this.value = value; } void setBytes(TruffleString a, byte[] bytes) { if (a.offset() != 0 || a.length() != bytes.length) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); } this.bytes = bytes; } } static final class NativePointer { /** * The Interop object the long pointer was extracted from. We keep this reference in case * the native pointer's lifetime depends on the pointer object's lifetime. */ private final Object pointerObject; final long pointer; private byte[] bytes; private volatile boolean byteArrayIsValid = false; private NativePointer(Object pointerObject, long pointer) { this.pointerObject = pointerObject; this.pointer = pointer; } static NativePointer create(Node nodeThis, Object pointerObject, Node interopLibrary) { if (!TStringAccessor.isNativeAccessAllowed(nodeThis)) { throw InternalErrors.nativeAccessRequired(); } return new NativePointer(pointerObject, TStringAccessor.INTEROP.unboxPointer(interopLibrary, pointerObject)); } NativePointer copy() { return new NativePointer(pointerObject, pointer); } Object getPointerObject() { return pointerObject; } byte[] getBytes() { assert bytes != null; return bytes; } void materializeByteArray(Node node, AbstractTruffleString a, InlinedConditionProfile profile) { materializeByteArray(node, a.offset(), a.length() << a.stride(), profile); } void materializeByteArray(Node node, int byteOffset, int byteLength, InlinedConditionProfile profile) { if (profile.profile(node, !byteArrayIsValid)) { if (bytes == null) { bytes = new byte[byteLength]; } TStringUnsafe.copyFromNative(pointer, byteOffset, bytes, 0, byteLength); byteArrayIsValid = true; } } void invalidateCachedByteArray() { byteArrayIsValid = false; } } }

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