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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
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 * portions of the Software.

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import java.util.Arrays;


// @formatter:off
// mx eclipseformat currently doesn't format sealed classes correctly
 * The {@link TruffleString} equivalent to {@link java.lang.StringBuilder}. This builder eagerly
 * fills up a byte array with all strings passed to its {@code Append}-nodes. For lazy string
 * concatenation, use {@link TruffleString.ConcatNode} instead.
 * @since 22.1
public abstract sealed class TruffleStringBuilder permits TruffleStringBuilderGeneric, TruffleStringBuilderUTF8, TruffleStringBuilderUTF16, TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 {
// @formatter:on

    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;

    byte[] buf;
    int length;
    int codeRange;
    final Encoding encoding;
    int stride;
    int codePointLength;

    TruffleStringBuilder(Encoding encoding, int initialSize, int codeRange) {
        this.buf = new byte[initialSize];
        this.codeRange = codeRange;
        this.encoding = encoding;

     * Returns true if this string builder is empty.
     * @since 22.1
    public final boolean isEmpty() {
        return length == 0;

     * Returns this string builder's byte length.
     * @since 22.1
    public final int byteLength() {
        return length << encoding.naturalStride;

    final void updateCodeRange(int newCodeRange) {
        codeRange = TSCodeRange.commonCodeRange(codeRange, newCodeRange);

    final void appendLength(int addLength) {
        appendLength(addLength, addLength);

    final void appendLength(int addLength, int addCodePointLength) {
        length += addLength;
        codePointLength += addCodePointLength;

     * Create a new string builder with the given encoding.

* If the encoding is known ahead of time, use {@link #createUTF8()}, {@link #createUTF16()} or * {@link #createUTF32()} instead. * * @since 22.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilder create(Encoding encoding) { return create(encoding, 16); } /** * Create a new string builder with the given encoding, and pre-allocate the given number of * bytes. *

* If the encoding is known ahead of time, use {@link #createUTF8(int)}, * {@link #createUTF16(int)} or {@link #createUTF32(int)} instead. * * @since 22.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilder create(Encoding encoding, int initialCapacity) { if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_8) { return createUTF8(initialCapacity); } else if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_16) { return createUTF16(initialCapacity); } else if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_32) { return createUTF32(initialCapacity); } return createGeneric(encoding, initialCapacity); } /** * Create a new UTF-8 string builder. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 createUTF8() { return createUTF8(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY); } /** * Create a new UTF-8 string builder and pre-allocate the given number of bytes. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 createUTF8(int initialCapacity) { return new TruffleStringBuilderUTF8(initialCapacity); } /** * Create a new UTF-16 string builder. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 createUTF16() { return createUTF16(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY); } /** * Create a new UTF-16 string builder and pre-allocate the given number of chars. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 createUTF16(int initialCapacity) { return new TruffleStringBuilderUTF16(initialCapacity); } /** * Create a new UTF-32 string builder. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 createUTF32() { return createUTF32(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY); } /** * Create a new UTF-32 string builder and pre-allocate the given number of codepoints. * * @since 23.1 */ public static TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 createUTF32(int initialCapacity) { return new TruffleStringBuilderUTF32(initialCapacity); } /** * Create a new generic string builder, which can be used for non-UTF encodings. * * @param encoding must not be {@link Encoding#UTF_8}, {@link Encoding#UTF_16} or * {@link Encoding#UTF_32}. */ static TruffleStringBuilderGeneric createGeneric(Encoding encoding, int initialCapacity) { if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_8 || encoding == Encoding.UTF_16 || encoding == Encoding.UTF_32) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("use createUTF* methods for UTF encodings!"); } return new TruffleStringBuilderGeneric(encoding, initialCapacity); } /** * Node to append a single byte to a string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendByteNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendByteNode() { } /** * Append a single byte to the string builder. Does not support UTF-16 and UTF-32; use * {@link AppendCharUTF16Node} and {@link AppendCodePointNode} instead. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, byte value); @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, byte value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { appendByte(sb, value, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile, TSCodeRange.markImprecise(TSCodeRange.getBrokenMultiByte())); } @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, byte value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { appendByte(sb, value, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile, TSCodeRange.asciiLatinBytesNonAsciiCodeRange(sb.encoding)); } private void appendByte(TruffleStringBuilder sb, byte value, InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile, int nonAsciiCodeRange) { sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, 1, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); sb.buf[sb.length++] = value; if (value < 0) { sb.codeRange = nonAsciiCodeRange; } sb.codePointLength++; } /** * Create a new {@link AppendByteNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendByteNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendByteNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendByteNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendByteNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendByteNodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendByteNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendByteUncached(byte value) { AppendByteNode.getUncached().execute(this, value); } /** * Node to append a single char to a string builder. For UTF-16 only. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendCharUTF16Node extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendCharUTF16Node() { } /** * Append a single char to the string builder. For UTF-16 only. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, char value); @Specialization void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, char value, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile nonAsciiProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if ((sb.stride | (value >>> 7)) == 0) { // fast path: string builder is in byte stride and codepoint is ASCII sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, 1, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); sb.buf[sb.length++] = (byte) value; } else { nonAsciiProfile.enter(this); final int codeRangeA; final int strideA; if (value <= 0x7f) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get7Bit(); strideA = 0; } else if (value <= 0xff) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get8Bit(); strideA = 0; } else if (Encodings.isUTF16Surrogate(value)) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.markImprecise(TSCodeRange.getBrokenMultiByte()); strideA = 1; } else { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get16Bit(); strideA = 1; } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(this, 1, strideA, inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.writeToByteArray(sb.buf, sb.stride, sb.length++, value); } sb.codePointLength++; } /** * Create a new {@link AppendCharUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendCharUTF16Node create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendCharUTF16NodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendCharUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendCharUTF16Node getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendCharUTF16NodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendCharUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendCharUTF16Uncached(char value) { AppendCharUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, value); } /** * Node to append a codepoint to a string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendCodePointNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendCodePointNode() { } /** * Append a codepoint to the string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public final void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, int codepoint) { execute(sb, codepoint, 1); } /** * Append a codepoint to the string builder, {@code repeat} times. * * @since 22.2 */ public final void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, int codepoint, int repeat) { execute(sb, codepoint, repeat, false); } /** * Append a codepoint to the string builder, {@code repeat} times. * * If {@code allowUTF16Surrogates} is {@code true}, {@link Character#isSurrogate(char) * UTF-16 surrogate values} passed as {@code codepoint} will not cause an * {@link IllegalArgumentException}, but instead be encoded on a best-effort basis. This * option is only supported on {@link Encoding#UTF_16} and {@link Encoding#UTF_32}. * * @since 22.2 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates); @Specialization void append(TruffleStringBuilder sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates, @Cached AppendCodePointIntlNode appendCodePointIntlNode) { if (repeat < 1) { throw InternalErrors.illegalArgument("number of repetitions must be at least 1"); } appendCodePointIntlNode.execute(this, sb, codepoint, repeat, allowUTF16Surrogates); } /** * Create a new {@link AppendCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendCodePointNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendCodePointNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendCodePointNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendCodePointNodeGen.getUncached(); } } abstract static class AppendCodePointIntlNode extends AbstractInternalNode { abstract void execute(Node node, TruffleStringBuilder sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates); @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile multiByteProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x7f) <= 0) { appendAscii(node, sb, (byte) codepoint, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } else { multiByteProfile.enter(node); if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x10ffff) > 0 || !allowUTF16Surrogates && Encodings.isUTF16Surrogate(codepoint)) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } else { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.getValidMultiByte()); int length = Encodings.utf8EncodedSize(codepoint); try { sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, Math.multiplyExact(repeat, length), bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { errorProfile.enter(node); throw InternalErrors.outOfMemory(); } for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { Encodings.utf8Encode(codepoint, sb.buf, sb.length, length); sb.length += length; } } } sb.codePointLength += repeat; } @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile nonAsciiProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile multiByteProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if ((sb.stride | (codepoint >>> 7)) == 0) { // fast path: string builder is in byte stride and codepoint is ASCII appendAscii(node, sb, (byte) codepoint, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } else { if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0xff) <= 0) { if (codepoint > 0x7f) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.get8Bit()); } sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { TStringOps.writeToByteArray(sb.buf, sb.stride, sb.length++, codepoint); } } else if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0xffff) <= 0) { nonAsciiProfile.enter(node); final int codeRangeA; if (Encodings.isUTF16Surrogate(codepoint)) { if (!allowUTF16Surrogates) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.getBrokenMultiByte(); } else { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get16Bit(); } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(node, repeat, 1, inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); assert sb.stride == 1; for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { TStringOps.writeToByteArray(sb.buf, 1, sb.length++, codepoint); } } else if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x10ffff) > 0) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } else { multiByteProfile.enter(node); sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.getValidMultiByte()); try { sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(node, Math.multiplyExact(repeat, 2), 1, inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { errorProfile.enter(node); throw InternalErrors.outOfMemory(); } for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { Encodings.utf16EncodeSurrogatePair(codepoint, sb.buf, sb.length); sb.length += 2; } } } sb.codePointLength += repeat; } @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile nonAsciiProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if ((sb.stride | (codepoint >>> 7)) == 0) { // fast path: string builder is in byte stride and codepoint is ASCII appendAscii(node, sb, (byte) codepoint, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } else { nonAsciiProfile.enter(node); final int codeRangeA; final int strideA; if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x7f) <= 0) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get7Bit(); strideA = 0; } else if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0xff) <= 0) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get8Bit(); strideA = 0; } else if (Encodings.isUTF16Surrogate(codepoint)) { if (!allowUTF16Surrogates) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.getBrokenFixedWidth(); strideA = 2; } else if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0xffff) <= 0) { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.get16Bit(); strideA = 1; } else if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x10ffff) > 0) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } else { codeRangeA = TSCodeRange.getValidFixedWidth(); strideA = 2; } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(node, repeat, strideA, inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { TStringOps.writeToByteArray(sb.buf, sb.stride, sb.length++, codepoint); } } } @Specialization static void generic(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, int codepoint, int repeat, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean allowUTF16Surrogates, @Cached @Exclusive InlinedConditionProfile supportedProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (supportedProfile.profile(node, isAsciiBytesOrLatin1(sb.encoding))) { if (codepoint > 0xff) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(node, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (codepoint > 0x7f) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.asciiLatinBytesNonAsciiCodeRange(sb.encoding)); } Arrays.fill(sb.buf, sb.length, sb.length + repeat, (byte) codepoint); sb.length += repeat; } else { assert isUnsupportedEncoding(sb.encoding); if (Integer.compareUnsigned(codepoint, 0x10ffff) > 0) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } JCodings.Encoding jCodingsEnc = JCodings.getInstance().get(sb.encoding); int length = JCodings.getInstance().getCodePointLength(jCodingsEnc, codepoint); if (!(sb.encoding.is7BitCompatible() && codepoint <= 0x7f)) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.getValid(JCodings.getInstance().isSingleByte(jCodingsEnc))); } if (length < 1) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(node, length * repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { int ret = JCodings.getInstance().writeCodePoint(jCodingsEnc, codepoint, sb.buf, sb.length); if (ret != length || JCodings.getInstance().getCodePointLength(jCodingsEnc, sb.buf, sb.length, sb.length + length) != ret || JCodings.getInstance().readCodePoint(jCodingsEnc, sb.buf, sb.length, sb.length + length, DecodingErrorHandler.RETURN_NEGATIVE) != codepoint) { throw InternalErrors.invalidCodePoint(codepoint); } sb.length += length; } } sb.codePointLength += repeat; } private static void appendAscii(Node node, TruffleStringBuilder sb, byte codepoint, int repeat, InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, repeat, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { sb.buf[sb.length++] = codepoint; } } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendCodePointUncached(int codepoint) { AppendCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, codepoint); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.2 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendCodePointUncached(int codepoint, int repeat) { AppendCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, codepoint, repeat); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendCodePointNode}. * * @since 22.2 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendCodePointUncached(int codepoint, int repeat, boolean allowUTF16Surrogates) { AppendCodePointNode.getUncached().execute(this, codepoint, repeat, allowUTF16Surrogates); } /** * Node to append an integer to a string builder. See * {@link #execute(TruffleStringBuilder, int)} for details. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendIntNumberNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendIntNumberNode() { } /** * Append the base-10 string equivalent of a given integer to the string builder. For * ASCII-compatible encodings only. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, int value); @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, int value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthInt(value); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } sb.length += len; sb.codePointLength += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, int value, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile stride0Profile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthInt(value); sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (sb.stride == 0 && len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { if (stride0Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 0)) { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } else { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 1, sb.length, len); } } sb.length += len; sb.codePointLength += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, int value, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile stride0Profile, @Cached @Exclusive InlinedConditionProfile stride1Profile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthInt(value); sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (sb.stride == 0 && len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { if (stride0Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 0)) { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } else if (stride1Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 1)) { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 1, sb.length, len); } else { NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 2, sb.length, len); } } sb.length += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, int value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (!is7BitCompatible(sb.encoding)) { throw InternalErrors.unsupportedOperation("appendIntNumber is supported on ASCII-compatible encodings only"); } int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthInt(value); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); NumberConversion.writeIntToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); sb.appendLength(len); } /** * Create a new {@link AppendIntNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendIntNumberNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendIntNumberNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendIntNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendIntNumberNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendIntNumberNodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendIntNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendIntNumberUncached(int value) { AppendIntNumberNode.getUncached().execute(this, value); } /** * Node to append a {@code long} value to a string builder. See * {@link #execute(TruffleStringBuilder, long)} for details. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendLongNumberNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendLongNumberNode() { } /** * Append the base-10 string equivalent of a given long value to the string builder. For * ASCII-compatible encodings only. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, long value); @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, long value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthLong(value); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } sb.length += len; sb.codePointLength += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, long value, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile stride0Profile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthLong(value); sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (sb.stride == 0 && len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { if (stride0Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 0)) { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } else { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 1, sb.length, len); } } sb.length += len; sb.codePointLength += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, long value, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile stride0Profile, @Cached @Exclusive InlinedConditionProfile stride1Profile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthLong(value); sb.ensureCapacityWithStride(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); if (sb.stride == 0 && len == 1) { sb.buf[sb.length] = (byte) ('0' + value); } else { if (stride0Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 0)) { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); } else if (stride1Profile.profile(this, sb.stride == 1)) { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 1, sb.length, len); } else { NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 2, sb.length, len); } } sb.length += len; } @Specialization void doAppend(TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, long value, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (!is7BitCompatible(sb.encoding)) { throw InternalErrors.unsupportedOperation("appendIntNumber is supported on ASCII-compatible encodings only"); } int len = NumberConversion.stringLengthLong(value); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, len, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); NumberConversion.writeLongToBytes(this, value, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, len); sb.appendLength(len); } /** * Create a new {@link AppendLongNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendLongNumberNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendLongNumberNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendLongNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendLongNumberNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendLongNumberNodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendLongNumberNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendLongNumberUncached(long value) { AppendLongNumberNode.getUncached().execute(this, value); } /** * Node to append a given {@link TruffleString} to a string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendStringNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendStringNode() { } /** * Append a given {@link TruffleString} to the string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, AbstractTruffleString a); @Specialization void append(TruffleStringBuilder sb, AbstractTruffleString a, @Cached AppendStringIntlNode intlNode) { intlNode.execute(this, sb, a); } /** * Create a new {@link AppendStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendStringNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendStringNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendStringNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendStringNodeGen.getUncached(); } } abstract static class AppendStringIntlNode extends AbstractInternalNode { public abstract void execute(Node node, TruffleStringBuilder sb, AbstractTruffleString a); @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (a.length() == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_8); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(node, a,; sb.updateCodeRange(a.codeRange()); sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, a.length(), bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, 0, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, a.length()); sb.codePointLength += a.codePointLength(); sb.length += a.length(); } @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Exclusive TStringInternalNodes.GetPreciseCodeRangeNode getPreciseCodeRangeNode, @Cached @Exclusive TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode getCodePointLengthNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile slowPathProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (a.length() == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_16); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(node, a,; if ((a.stride() | sb.stride) == 0) { sb.updateCodeRange(a.codeRange()); sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, a.length(), bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, 0, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, a.length()); sb.codePointLength += a.length(); } else { slowPathProfile.enter(node); int codeRangeA = getPreciseCodeRangeNode.execute(node, a, Encoding.UTF_16); sb.codePointLength += getCodePointLengthNode.execute(node, a, Encoding.UTF_16); sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(node, a.length(), Stride.fromCodeRangeUTF16(codeRangeA), inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), a.stride(), 0, sb.buf, 0, sb.stride, sb.length, a.length()); } sb.length += a.length(); } @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Exclusive TStringInternalNodes.GetPreciseCodeRangeNode getPreciseCodeRangeNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile slowPathProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (a.length() == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_32); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(node, a,; if ((a.stride() | sb.stride) == 0) { sb.updateCodeRange(a.codeRange()); sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, a.length(), bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, 0, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, a.length()); } else { slowPathProfile.enter(node); int codeRangeA = getPreciseCodeRangeNode.execute(node, a, Encoding.UTF_32); sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(node, a.length(), Stride.fromCodeRangeUTF32(codeRangeA), inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), a.stride(), 0, sb.buf, 0, sb.stride, sb.length, a.length()); } sb.length += a.length(); } @Specialization static void append(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, AbstractTruffleString a, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Exclusive TStringInternalNodes.GetPreciseCodeRangeNode getPreciseCodeRangeNode, @Cached @Exclusive TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode getCodePointLengthNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (a.length() == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(sb.encoding); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(node, a,; int codeRangeA = getPreciseCodeRangeNode.execute(node, a, sb.encoding); sb.updateCodeRange(codeRangeA); sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, a.length(), bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, 0, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, a.length()); sb.appendLength(a.length(), getCodePointLengthNode.execute(node, a, sb.encoding)); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendStringUncached(TruffleString a) { AppendStringNode.getUncached().execute(this, a); } /** * Node to append a substring of a given {@link TruffleString} to a string builder. See * {@link #execute(TruffleStringBuilder, AbstractTruffleString, int, int)} for details. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendSubstringByteIndexNode extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendSubstringByteIndexNode() { } /** * Append a substring of a given {@link TruffleString}, starting at byte index * {@code fromByteIndex} and ending at byte index {@code fromByteIndex + byteLength}, to the * string builder. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, AbstractTruffleString a, int fromByteIndex, int byteLength); @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, int fromIndex, int length, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (length == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_8); a.boundsCheckRegionRaw(fromIndex, length); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(this, a,; if (!is7Bit(a.codeRange())) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.markImprecise(a.codeRange())); } sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, length, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, length); sb.codePointLength += length; sb.length += length; } @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, int fromByteIndex, int byteLength, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile slowPathProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (byteLength == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_16); final int fromIndex = TruffleString.rawIndexUTF16(fromByteIndex); final int length = TruffleString.rawIndexUTF16(byteLength); a.boundsCheckRegionRaw(fromIndex, length); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(this, a,; if ((a.stride() | sb.stride) == 0) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.markImprecise(a.codeRange())); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, length, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, length); sb.codePointLength += length; } else { slowPathProfile.enter(this); final int codeRangeA = a.codeRange(); final int codePointLength; final int codeRange; if (a.stride() == 0) { codeRange = TSCodeRange.markImprecise(codeRangeA); codePointLength = length; } else if (fromIndex == 0 && length == a.length()) { codeRange = codeRangeA; codePointLength = a.codePointLength(); } else if (TSCodeRange.is16Bit(codeRangeA)) { assert a.stride() == 1; codeRange = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesBMP(this, arrayA, a.offset() + fromByteIndex, length); codePointLength = length; } else if (TSCodeRange.isValidMultiByte(codeRangeA)) { long attrs = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF16(this, arrayA, a.offset() + fromByteIndex, length, true); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } else { long attrs = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF16(this, arrayA, a.offset() + fromByteIndex, length, false); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRange); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(this, a.length(), Stride.fromCodeRangeUTF16AllowImprecise(codeRangeA), inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayA, a.offset(), a.stride(), fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, sb.stride, sb.length, length); sb.codePointLength += codePointLength; } sb.length += length; } @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, AbstractTruffleString a, int fromByteIndex, int byteLength, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile slowPathProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (byteLength == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(Encoding.UTF_32); final int fromIndex = TruffleString.rawIndexUTF32(fromByteIndex); final int length = TruffleString.rawIndexUTF32(byteLength); a.boundsCheckRegionRaw(fromIndex, length); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(this, a,; if ((a.stride() | sb.stride) == 0) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.markImprecise(a.codeRange())); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, length, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, length); } else { slowPathProfile.enter(this); final int codeRangeA = a.codeRange(); final int codeRange; if (a.stride() == 0 || fromIndex == 0 && length == a.length() || !TSCodeRange.isMoreGeneralThan(codeRangeA, sb.codeRange)) { codeRange = TSCodeRange.markImprecise(codeRangeA); } else if (a.stride() == 1) { codeRange = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesBMP(this, arrayA, a.offset() + (fromIndex << 1), length); } else { assert a.stride() == 2; codeRange = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF32(this, arrayA, a.offset() + fromByteIndex, length); } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRange); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(this, a.length(), Stride.fromCodeRangeUTF32AllowImprecise(codeRangeA), inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayA, a.offset(), a.stride(), fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, sb.stride, sb.length, length); } sb.length += length; } @Specialization static void append(TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, AbstractTruffleString a, int fromIndex, int length, @Bind("this") Node node, @Cached @Shared TruffleString.ToIndexableNode toIndexableNode, @Cached TStringInternalNodes.GetCodePointLengthNode getCodePointLengthNode, @Cached TStringInternalNodes.GetPreciseCodeRangeNode getPreciseCodeRangeNode, @Cached TStringInternalNodes.CalcStringAttributesNode calcAttributesNode, @Cached InlinedConditionProfile calcAttrsProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached @Shared InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (length == 0) { return; } a.checkEncoding(sb.encoding); a.boundsCheckRegionRaw(fromIndex, length); Object arrayA = toIndexableNode.execute(node, a,; final int codeRangeA = getPreciseCodeRangeNode.execute(node, a, sb.encoding); final int codeRange; final int codePointLength; if (fromIndex == 0 && length == a.length()) { codeRange = codeRangeA; codePointLength = getCodePointLengthNode.execute(node, a, sb.encoding); } else if (isFixedWidth(codeRangeA) && !TSCodeRange.isMoreGeneralThan(codeRangeA, sb.codeRange)) { codeRange = codeRangeA; codePointLength = length; } else if (calcAttrsProfile.profile(node, !isBroken(sb.codeRange))) { long attrs = calcAttributesNode.execute(node, a, arrayA, a.offset(), length, a.stride(), sb.encoding, fromIndex, codeRangeA); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } else { codeRange = TSCodeRange.getUnknownCodeRangeForEncoding(; codePointLength = 0; } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRange); sb.ensureCapacityS0(node, length, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(node, arrayA, a.offset(), 0, fromIndex, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, length); sb.appendLength(length, codePointLength); } /** * Create a new {@link AppendSubstringByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendSubstringByteIndexNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendSubstringByteIndexNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendSubstringByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendSubstringByteIndexNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendSubstringByteIndexNodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendSubstringByteIndexNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendSubstringByteIndexUncached(TruffleString a, int fromByteIndex, int byteLength) { AppendSubstringByteIndexNode.getUncached().execute(this, a, fromByteIndex, byteLength); } /** * Node to append a substring of a given {@link java.lang.String} to a string builder. See * {@link #execute(TruffleStringBuilder, String, int, int)} for details. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class AppendJavaStringUTF16Node extends AbstractPublicNode { AppendJavaStringUTF16Node() { } /** * Append a substring of a given {@link java.lang.String} to the string builder. For UTF-16 * only. * * @since 22.1 */ public final void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, String a) { execute(sb, a, 0, a.length()); } /** * Append a substring of a given {@link java.lang.String}, starting at char index * {@code fromIndex} and ending at {@code fromIndex + length}, to the string builder. For * UTF-16 only. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract void execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, String a, int fromCharIndex, int charLength); @Specialization final void append(TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, String javaString, int fromIndex, int lengthStr, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile slowPathProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, @Cached InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (lengthStr == 0) { return; } boundsCheckRegionI(fromIndex, lengthStr, javaString.length()); final byte[] arrayStr = TStringUnsafe.getJavaStringArray(javaString); final int strideStr = TStringUnsafe.getJavaStringStride(javaString); final int offsetStr = fromIndex << strideStr; if ((strideStr | sb.stride) == 0) { sb.updateCodeRange(TSCodeRange.markImprecise(TSCodeRange.get8Bit())); sb.ensureCapacityS0(this, lengthStr, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayStr, offsetStr, 0, 0, sb.buf, 0, 0, sb.length, lengthStr); sb.codePointLength += lengthStr; } else { slowPathProfile.enter(this); final int codePointLength; final int codeRange; if (strideStr == 0) { codeRange = TSCodeRange.markImprecise(TSCodeRange.get8Bit()); codePointLength = lengthStr; } else { long attrs = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF16(this, arrayStr, offsetStr, lengthStr, false); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } sb.updateCodeRange(codeRange); sb.ensureCapacityAndInflate(this, lengthStr, Stride.fromCodeRangeUTF16AllowImprecise(codeRange), inflateProfile, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); TStringOps.arraycopyWithStride(this, arrayStr, offsetStr, strideStr, 0, sb.buf, 0, sb.stride, sb.length, lengthStr); sb.codePointLength += codePointLength; } sb.length += lengthStr; } /** * Create a new {@link AppendJavaStringUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static AppendJavaStringUTF16Node create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendJavaStringUTF16NodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link AppendJavaStringUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static AppendJavaStringUTF16Node getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.AppendJavaStringUTF16NodeGen.getUncached(); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendJavaStringUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendJavaStringUTF16Uncached(String a) { AppendJavaStringUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, a); } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link AppendJavaStringUTF16Node}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final void appendJavaStringUTF16Uncached(String a, int fromCharIndex, int charLength) { AppendJavaStringUTF16Node.getUncached().execute(this, a, fromCharIndex, charLength); } /** * Node to materialize a string builder as a {@link TruffleString}. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract static class ToStringNode extends AbstractPublicNode { ToStringNode() { } /** * Materialize this string builder to a {@link TruffleString}. * * @since 22.1 */ public final TruffleString execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb) { return execute(sb, false); } /** * Materialize this string builder to a {@link TruffleString}. * * If {@code lazy} is {@code true}, {@code sb}'s internal storage will be re-used even if * there are unused bytes. Since the resulting string will have a reference to {@code sb}'s * internal storage, and {@link TruffleString} currently does not resize/trim the * substring's internal storage at any point, the {@code lazy} variant effectively creates a * memory leak! The caller is responsible for deciding whether this is acceptable or not. * * @since 22.1 */ public abstract TruffleString execute(TruffleStringBuilder sb, boolean lazy); @Specialization final TruffleString createString(TruffleStringBuilder sb, boolean lazy, @Cached ToStringIntlNode intlNode) { return intlNode.execute(this, sb, lazy); } /** * Create a new {@link ToStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @NeverDefault public static ToStringNode create() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.ToStringNodeGen.create(); } /** * Get the uncached version of {@link ToStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ public static ToStringNode getUncached() { return TruffleStringBuilderFactory.ToStringNodeGen.getUncached(); } } abstract static class ToStringIntlNode extends AbstractInternalNode { public abstract TruffleString execute(Node node, TruffleStringBuilder sb, boolean lazy); @Specialization static TruffleString createString(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF8 sb, boolean lazy, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile calcAttributesProfile, @Cached @Exclusive InlinedConditionProfile brokenProfile) { if (sb.length == 0) { return TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_8.getEmpty(); } final int codeRange; final int codePointLength; if (calcAttributesProfile.profile(node, !TSCodeRange.isPrecise(sb.codeRange) || TSCodeRange.isBrokenMultiByte(sb.codeRange))) { long attrs = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF8(node, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, false, true, brokenProfile); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } else { codeRange = sb.codeRange; codePointLength = sb.codePointLength; } byte[] bytes = lazy || sb.buf.length == sb.length ? sb.buf : Arrays.copyOf(sb.buf, sb.length); return TruffleString.createFromByteArray(bytes, sb.length, 0, TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_8, codePointLength, codeRange); } @Specialization static TruffleString createString(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderUTF16 sb, boolean lazy, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile calcAttributesProfile) { if (sb.length == 0) { return TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_16.getEmpty(); } final int codeRange; final int codePointLength; if (calcAttributesProfile.profile(node, TSCodeRange.isBrokenMultiByte(sb.codeRange))) { assert sb.stride == 1; long attrs = TStringOps.calcStringAttributesUTF16(node, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, false); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } else { codeRange = sb.codeRange; codePointLength = sb.codePointLength; } int byteLength = sb.length << sb.stride; byte[] bytes = lazy || sb.buf.length == byteLength ? sb.buf : Arrays.copyOf(sb.buf, byteLength); return TruffleString.createFromByteArray(bytes, sb.length, sb.stride, TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_16, codePointLength, codeRange); } @Specialization static TruffleString createString(TruffleStringBuilderUTF32 sb, boolean lazy) { if (sb.length == 0) { return TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_32.getEmpty(); } int byteLength = sb.length << sb.stride; byte[] bytes = lazy || sb.buf.length == byteLength ? sb.buf : Arrays.copyOf(sb.buf, byteLength); return TruffleString.createFromByteArray(bytes, sb.length, sb.stride, TruffleString.Encoding.UTF_32, sb.length, sb.codeRange); } @Specialization static TruffleString createString(Node node, TruffleStringBuilderGeneric sb, boolean lazy, @Cached @Shared InlinedConditionProfile calcAttributesProfile, @Cached TStringInternalNodes.CalcStringAttributesNode calcAttributesNode) { if (sb.length == 0) { return sb.encoding.getEmpty(); } final int codeRange; final int codePointLength; if (calcAttributesProfile.profile(node, !TSCodeRange.isPrecise(sb.codeRange) || TSCodeRange.isBrokenMultiByte(sb.codeRange))) { long attrs = calcAttributesNode.execute(node, null, sb.buf, 0, sb.length, 0, sb.encoding, 0, sb.codeRange); codeRange = StringAttributes.getCodeRange(attrs); codePointLength = StringAttributes.getCodePointLength(attrs); } else { codeRange = sb.codeRange; codePointLength = sb.codePointLength; } byte[] bytes = lazy || sb.buf.length == sb.length ? sb.buf : Arrays.copyOf(sb.buf, sb.length); return TruffleString.createFromByteArray(bytes, sb.length, 0, sb.encoding, codePointLength, codeRange); } } /** * Shorthand for calling the uncached version of {@link ToStringNode}. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary public final TruffleString toStringUncached() { return ToStringNode.getUncached().execute(this); } final void ensureCapacityAndInflate(Node node, int appendLength, int appendStride, InlinedBranchProfile inflateProfile, InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { if (appendStride > stride) { inflateProfile.enter(node); buf = TStringOps.arraycopyOfWithStride(node, buf, 0, length, stride, buf.length >> stride, appendStride); stride = appendStride; } ensureCapacityWithStride(node, appendLength, bufferGrowProfile, errorProfile); } final void ensureCapacityWithStride(Node node, int appendLength, InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int minimumCapacity = length + appendLength; int oldCapacity = buf.length >> stride; if (minimumCapacity - oldCapacity > 0) { bufferGrowProfile.enter(node); buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, newCapacityWithStride(node, minimumCapacity, errorProfile)); } } final void ensureCapacityS0(Node node, int appendLength, InlinedBranchProfile bufferGrowProfile, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int minimumCapacity = length + appendLength; int oldCapacity = buf.length; if (minimumCapacity - oldCapacity > 0) { bufferGrowProfile.enter(node); buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, newCapacityS0(node, minimumCapacity, errorProfile)); } } final int newCapacityS0(Node node, int minCapacity, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int oldLength = buf.length; int growth = minCapacity - oldLength; int newLength = newLength(node, oldLength, growth, oldLength + 2, errorProfile); assert 0 < newLength && newLength <= TStringConstants.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; return newLength; } final int newCapacityWithStride(Node node, int minCapacity, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int oldBytes = buf.length; int minCapacityBytes = minCapacity << stride; int growth = minCapacityBytes - oldBytes; int newLengthBytes = newLength(node, oldBytes, growth, oldBytes + (2 << stride), errorProfile); assert 0 < newLengthBytes && newLengthBytes <= TStringConstants.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; return newLengthBytes; } private static int newLength(Node node, int oldLength, int minGrowth, int prefGrowth, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int prefLength = oldLength + Math.max(minGrowth, prefGrowth); // might overflow if (Integer.compareUnsigned(prefLength, TStringConstants.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) <= 0) { return prefLength; } else { return hugeLength(node, oldLength, minGrowth, errorProfile); } } private static int hugeLength(Node node, int oldLength, int minGrowth, InlinedBranchProfile errorProfile) { int minLength = oldLength + minGrowth; if (Integer.compareUnsigned(minLength, TStringConstants.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) > 0) { // overflow errorProfile.enter(node); throw InternalErrors.outOfMemory(); } else { return TStringConstants.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } } /** * Convert the string builder's content to a java string. Do not use this on a fast path. * * @since 22.1 */ @TruffleBoundary @Override public final String toString() { return ToStringNode.getUncached().execute(this).toJavaStringUncached(); } }

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