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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;


 * A sharing layer is a set of language instances that share code within one or more polyglot
 * contexts. In previous versions language instances were shared individually whenever a new
 * language context was created. Instead language instances are reused for a new context if and only
 * if the entire layer can be shared. A layer can be shared if all initialized languages of a layer
 * support the same context policy and their options are compatible.

* The shared part of a sharing layer is initialized lazily when the first non-host language is * initialized. This process is internally referred to as * {@link #claimLayerForContext(PolyglotSharingLayer, PolyglotContextImpl, PolyglotLanguage) * claiming}. {@link RootNode Root nodes} might be created before a layer is claimed, e.g. for the * host language, therefore we need to later patch the sharing layer with a {@link Shared} instance. *

* Read more on sharing in {@link ContextPolicy}. */ final class PolyglotSharingLayer { final PolyglotEngineImpl engine; /** * Every context has its own sharing layer instance. Only the internal shared data structure is * shared across contexts. Use {@link #equals(Object)} to find out whether layers are equal. */ @CompilationFinal volatile Shared shared; /** * Temporary place for the host language instance to reside until a layer is claimed. */ PolyglotLanguageInstance hostLanguage; static final class Shared { final PolyglotSourceCache sourceCache = new PolyglotSourceCache(); // indexed by engine index, not static index @CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private final PolyglotLanguageInstance[] instances; @CompilationFinal ContextPolicy contextPolicy; Map previousLanguageOptions; final WeakAssumedValue singleContextValue = new WeakAssumedValue<>("single context"); private volatile Object[] fastThreadLocalsCache; /* * Configuration that is common to all contexts created from this layer. */ volatile PreinitConfig preinitConfig; volatile PolyglotContextImpl preInitializedContext; int claimedCount; private Shared(PolyglotEngineImpl engine, ContextPolicy contextPolicy, Map previousLanguageOptions) { this.contextPolicy = contextPolicy; this.instances = new PolyglotLanguageInstance[engine.languageCount]; this.previousLanguageOptions = previousLanguageOptions; } void updatePreinitConfig(PolyglotContextConfig config) { PreinitConfig newConfig; PreinitConfig prev = preinitConfig; if (prev == null) { newConfig = new PreinitConfig(config); } else { newConfig = new PreinitConfig(prev, config); } this.preinitConfig = newConfig; } Object[] getFastThreadLocals(PolyglotEngineImpl engine) { Object[] data = fastThreadLocalsCache; if (data == null) { data = PolyglotFastThreadLocals.createFastThreadLocals(engine, instances); fastThreadLocalsCache = data; } return data; } void resetFastThreadLocalsCache() { fastThreadLocalsCache = null; } } PolyglotSharingLayer(PolyglotEngineImpl engine) { this.engine = engine; } public boolean claimLayerForContext(PolyglotSharingLayer sharableLayer, PolyglotContextImpl context, Set requestingLanguages) { assert Thread.holdsLock(engine.lock); assert !isClaimed() : "already claimed"; assert sharableLayer == null || (sharableLayer.isClaimed() && sharableLayer.getContextPolicy() != ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE); assert hostLanguage != null || engine.inEnginePreInitialization; Shared s = sharableLayer != null ? sharableLayer.shared : null; /* * Fast-path check for non-reusable layers. Avoids expensive computation of the effective * context policy if it can be decided earlier */ if (s != null) { switch (s.contextPolicy) { case EXCLUSIVE: return false; case REUSE: // with policy REUSE a context must be freed before a layer can be reused if (s.claimedCount > 0) { return false; } break; case SHARED: break; default: CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); break; } } // try reuse the shared layer by checking all previous options Map newLanguageOptions = collectLanguageOptions(context.config, requestingLanguages); // determine new requested policy ContextPolicy newPolicy; if (engine.isSharingEnabled(context.config)) { newPolicy = computeMinContextPolicyPolicy(newLanguageOptions.keySet()); } else { if (s != null && !context.config.isCodeSharingDisabled()) { // a layer was loaded from persistence => try to use the layer. newPolicy = s.contextPolicy; } else { newPolicy = ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE; } } Map previousLanguageOptions = null; if (s == null) { // exclusive layer or first time usage s = new Shared(engine, newPolicy, newLanguageOptions); s.instances[PolyglotEngineImpl.HOST_LANGUAGE_INDEX] = this.hostLanguage; if (newPolicy != ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE && !areLanguageOptionsCompatible(s, newLanguageOptions, newLanguageOptions)) { // if any language returns false with the same set of options we need to // fallback to EXCLUSIVE. We can still modify the contextPolicy // as the sharing layer is not published. s.contextPolicy = ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE; } } else { // layer was used before and is sharable previousLanguageOptions = s.previousLanguageOptions; if (!isContextPolicyCompatible(s.contextPolicy, newPolicy)) { if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceClaimLayer(false, s, context, requestingLanguages, previousLanguageOptions); } return false; } // fill in options from previous languages that are not configured in this context for (PolyglotLanguage language : previousLanguageOptions.keySet()) { if (!newLanguageOptions.containsKey(language)) { newLanguageOptions.put(language, context.config.getLanguageOptionValues(language)); } } if (!areLanguageOptionsCompatible(s, previousLanguageOptions, newLanguageOptions)) { if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceClaimLayer(false, s, context, requestingLanguages, previousLanguageOptions); } return false; } s.previousLanguageOptions = newLanguageOptions; /* * Host instances are needed early so they are initialized right when the context is * created. A layer is claimed when the first non-host language is initialized. * Therefore we need to assume EXCLUSIVE sharing until the layer is claimed. After that * we want to share the host code in the layer. */ PolyglotLanguageInstance hostInstance = s.instances[PolyglotEngineImpl.HOST_LANGUAGE_INDEX]; assert hostInstance != null : "host instance must always be initialized before claiming a shared layer"; context.getHostContext().patchInstance(hostInstance); } s.updatePreinitConfig(context.config); assert this.shared == null || this.shared == s; this.shared = s; if (isSingleContext()) { s.singleContextValue.update(context); } else { s.singleContextValue.invalidate(); hostLanguage.singleLanguageContext.invalidate(); } s.claimedCount++; if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceClaimLayer(true, s, context, requestingLanguages, previousLanguageOptions); } return true; } boolean isSingleContext() { Shared s = this.shared; return (s == null || s.contextPolicy == ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE) && !engine.isStoreEngine(); } public void preInitialize() { assert Thread.holdsLock(engine.lock); assert engine.isSharingEnabled(null); if (!isClaimed()) { // preinitialization does not make sense for layers without initialized languages. return; } Shared s = this.shared; PreinitConfig preinitConfig = s.preinitConfig; assert preinitConfig != null : "preinit config must be initialized"; // deterministic iteration order Set toInitialize = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (PolyglotLanguageInstance instance : s.instances) { if (instance != null && !instance.language.isHost()) { toInitialize.add(instance.language); } } s.preInitializedContext = PolyglotContextImpl.preinitialize(engine, preinitConfig, this, toInitialize, false); assert s.preInitializedContext.layer.equals(this) : "invalid resulting layer"; } public PolyglotContextImpl loadPreinitializedContext(PolyglotContextConfig config) { assert Thread.holdsLock(engine.lock); assert engine.isSharingEnabled(null); Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { return null; } PolyglotContextImpl preinitContext = s.preInitializedContext; if (preinitContext == null) { return null; } Set usedLanguages = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (PolyglotLanguageInstance instance : s.instances) { if (instance != null && !instance.language.isHost()) { usedLanguages.add(instance.language); } } Map newLanguageOptions = collectLanguageOptions(config, usedLanguages); // we eagerly check options to avoid that patching later on fails. if (!areLanguageOptionsCompatible(s, s.previousLanguageOptions, newLanguageOptions)) { if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceContextPreinit(false, s, preinitContext, s.previousLanguageOptions, newLanguageOptions); } return null; } if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceContextPreinit(true, s, preinitContext, s.previousLanguageOptions, newLanguageOptions); } assert s.preInitializedContext == preinitContext : "must only be mutated while engine lock is held"; // a context can only be used once. s.preInitializedContext = null; return preinitContext; } public void freeSharingLayer(PolyglotContextImpl context) { assert Thread.holdsLock(engine.lock); assert isClaimed(); shared.claimedCount--; if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceFreeLayer(context); } } public PolyglotLanguageInstance allocateHostLanguage(PolyglotLanguage language) { assert !isClaimed(); assert hostLanguage == null : "host language allocated twice"; this.hostLanguage = language.createInstance(this); return hostLanguage; } PolyglotLanguageInstance patchHostLanguage(PolyglotLanguage language) { this.hostLanguage = language.createInstance(this); if (this.shared != null) { this.shared.instances[PolyglotEngineImpl.HOST_LANGUAGE_INDEX] = this.hostLanguage; } return hostLanguage; } public PolyglotLanguageInstance allocateInstance(PolyglotContextImpl context, PolyglotLanguage language) { assert Thread.holdsLock(engine.lock); assert isClaimed() : "allocateInstance before claim"; assert !language.isHost() : "not host language"; PolyglotContextConfig config = context.config; Shared s = this.shared; ContextPolicy languagePolicy; ContextPolicy layerPolicy = s.contextPolicy; if (layerPolicy == ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE) { assert s.claimedCount <= 1; languagePolicy = ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE; } else { languagePolicy = language.cache.getPolicy(); if (languagePolicy != ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE && config != null) { OptionValuesImpl values = config.getLanguageOptionValues(language); if (!areOptionsCompatible(s, language, values, values)) { languagePolicy = ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE; } } } if (!isContextPolicyCompatible(layerPolicy, languagePolicy)) { /* * We cannot continue here as the language does not support being allocated as part of a * sharable layer and we can also not create a new layer for an existing context for * this language as other languages were already created. If we continue here nodes of * languages that do not support sharing might be used shared. */ String resolution; String reason; String id = language.getId(); if (!engine.boundEngine) { reason = String.format("The context was configured with a shared engine but lazily initialized language '%s' does not support sharing. ", id); resolution = String.format(" To resolve this either: %n" + // " - Ensure all languages are known when the context is constructed, by providing all required languages in the Context.newBuilder(\"%s\") method. %n" + // " - Avoid lazy initialization of language '%s' by initializing as the first language using Context.initialize(\"%s\"). %n" + " - Disable sharing for the polyglot context by removing the explicit engine configuration with Context.Builder.engine(...).", id, id, id, id); } else if (engine.storeEngine) { reason = String.format("The engine was configured to be stored but lazily initialized language '%s' does not support storing sharing data. ", id); resolution = ""; // there is no real solution when a context is stored } else { reason = String.format("The engine was forced to use code sharing but lazily initialized language '%s' does not support sharing. ", id); resolution = ""; } throw new SharingLazyInitializationError(String.format( "%sNon sharable languages cannot be initialized lazily and must be known ahead of time when the context is created. " + "Use the --engine.TraceCodeCache option to print debug details on the sharing decisions.%s", reason, resolution)); } PolyglotLanguageInstance instance = s.instances[language.engineIndex]; if (instance == null) { instance = language.createInstance(this); s.instances[language.engineIndex] = instance; s.resetFastThreadLocalsCache(); if (!isSingleContext()) { EngineAccessor.LANGUAGE.initializeMultiContext(instance.spi); } if (engine.getEngineOptionValues().get(PolyglotEngineOptions.TraceCodeSharing)) { traceAllocateLanguageInstance(context, language); } } return instance; } public PolyglotSourceCache getSourceCache() { assert isClaimed() : "source cache access before claim"; return shared.sourceCache; } public PolyglotLanguageInstance getInstance(PolyglotLanguage language) { Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { return null; } else { return getInstance(s, language); } } private static PolyglotLanguageInstance getInstance(Shared s, PolyglotLanguage language) { return s.instances[language.engineIndex]; } public PolyglotContextImpl getSingleConstantContext() { if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() || !CompilerDirectives.isPartialEvaluationConstant(this)) { return null; } Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { // we need to be conservative here and not do any speculation // as long as the sharing layer is not claimed. return null; } else { return s.singleContextValue.getConstant(); } } public PolyglotLanguageContext getSingleConstantLanguageContext(PolyglotLanguage language) { if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() || !CompilerDirectives.isPartialEvaluationConstant(this)) { return null; } CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(language); Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { // we need to be conservative here and not do any speculation // as long as the sharing layer is not claimed. return null; } else { PolyglotLanguageInstance instance = s.instances[language.engineIndex]; CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(instance); if (instance == null) { return null; } return instance.singleLanguageContext.getConstant(); } } Object[] getFastThreadLocals() { Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { return null; } return s.getFastThreadLocals(engine); } public ContextPolicy getContextPolicy() { assert isClaimed() : "context policy lookup before claim"; return shared.contextPolicy; } public boolean isClaimed() { return shared != null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof PolyglotSharingLayer)) { return false; } PolyglotSharingLayer other = (PolyglotSharingLayer) obj; return this.engine == other.engine && shared == other.shared; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(engine, shared); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(); Shared s = this.shared; if (s == null) { string.append("state=unclaimed"); } else { string.append("state=claimed layer-policy="); string.append(s.contextPolicy); string.append(" languages=["); String sep = ""; for (PolyglotLanguageInstance instance : s.instances) { if (instance != null) { string.append(sep); string.append(instance.language.getId()); sep = ", "; } } string.append("]"); } return "PolyglotSharingLayer[" + string + "]"; } private static boolean isContextPolicyCompatible(ContextPolicy prevPolicy, ContextPolicy newPolicy) { if (prevPolicy.ordinal() <= newPolicy.ordinal()) { // policy is either the same or upgraded from REUSE to SHARED. // we just keep the previous contextPolicy we cannot go SHARED with a REUSE layer return true; } else { // layer is currently SHARED but effective policy is EXCLUSIVE // => we cannot reuse the layer return false; } } private static ContextPolicy computeMinContextPolicyPolicy(Set languages) { assert !languages.isEmpty() : "cannot compute sharing for empty set of languages"; ContextPolicy newPolicy = ContextPolicy.SHARED; for (PolyglotLanguage language : languages) { ContextPolicy policy = language.cache.getPolicy(); if (policy.ordinal() < newPolicy.ordinal()) { newPolicy = policy; if (newPolicy == ContextPolicy.EXCLUSIVE) { break; } } } return newPolicy; } private static boolean areLanguageOptionsCompatible(Shared s, Map oldLanguageOptions, Map newLanguageOptions) { for (Entry entry : newLanguageOptions.entrySet()) { PolyglotLanguage language = entry.getKey(); OptionValuesImpl newOptions = entry.getValue(); assert newOptions != null; OptionValuesImpl prevOptions = oldLanguageOptions.get(language); if (prevOptions == null) { prevOptions = language.getOptionValues(); } if (!areOptionsCompatible(s, language, prevOptions, newOptions)) { return false; } } return true; } private static boolean areOptionsCompatible(Shared s, PolyglotLanguage language, OptionValuesImpl previousOptions, OptionValuesImpl newOptions) { PolyglotLanguageInstance instance = resolveInstance(s, language); return EngineAccessor.LANGUAGE.areOptionsCompatible(instance.spi, previousOptions, newOptions); } private static PolyglotLanguageInstance resolveInstance(Shared s, PolyglotLanguage language) { PolyglotLanguageInstance instance = getInstance(s, language); if (instance == null) { instance = language.getInitLanguage(); } return instance; } private Map collectLanguageOptions(PolyglotContextConfig config, Set forcedLanguages) { Map newOptions = new HashMap<>(); Set languages = config.getConfiguredLanguages(); if (!languages.containsAll(forcedLanguages)) { // we need to resolve dependencies of not yet configured languages // the set of configured languages is already resolved languages = new HashSet<>(languages); for (PolyglotLanguage language : forcedLanguages) { config.addConfiguredLanguage(this.engine, languages, language); } } for (PolyglotLanguage language : languages) { newOptions.put(language, config.getLanguageOptionValues(language)); } return newOptions; } public void listCachedSources(Set sources) { Shared s = this.shared; if (s != null) { s.sourceCache.listCachedSources(engine.getImpl(), sources); } } /* * Layer validation and error code. */ public static AssertionError invalidSharingError(Node node, PolyglotSharingLayer previousLayer, PolyglotSharingLayer currentLayer) throws AssertionError { PolyglotSharingLayer prev = previousLayer; PolyglotSharingLayer current = currentLayer; Exception e = new Exception(); StringBuilder stack = new StringBuilder(); Exception exceptionCreating = null; try { TruffleStackTrace.fillIn(e); stack.append(String.format("%n <>")); printLayerChange(stack, prev, current); if (node != null) { RootNode root = node.getRootNode(); if (root != null) { stack.append(String.format("%n %s(%s)", createJavaStackFrame(root, node.getEncapsulatingSourceSection()), node)); } } for (TruffleStackTraceElement stackTrace : TruffleStackTrace.getStackTrace(e)) { RootNode root = stackTrace.getTarget().getRootNode(); current = (PolyglotSharingLayer) EngineAccessor.NODES.getSharingLayer(root); printLayerChange(stack, prev, current); SourceSection sourceSection = null; Node location = stackTrace.getLocation(); if (location != null) { sourceSection = location.getEncapsulatingSourceSection(); } stack.append(String.format("%n %s", createJavaStackFrame(root, sourceSection))); if (current != null) { prev = current; } } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionCreating = ex; } AssertionError error = new AssertionError( String.format("Invalid sharing of AST nodes detected. " + // "The current context uses a different sharing layer than the executed node. " + // "A common cause of this are CallTargets that are reused across different contexts in an invalid way." + // "Stack trace: %s", stack.toString())); if (exceptionCreating != null) { error.addSuppressed(exceptionCreating); } throw error; } private static void printLayerChange(StringBuilder stack, PolyglotSharingLayer previousLayer, PolyglotSharingLayer newLayer) { if (newLayer != null && !Objects.equals(previousLayer, newLayer)) { stack.append(String.format("%n <-- Sharing Layer Change: 0x%H => 0x%H -->", System.identityHashCode(previousLayer.shared), System.identityHashCode(newLayer.shared))); } } private static StackTraceElement createJavaStackFrame(RootNode root, SourceSection sourceSection) { SourceSection sc = sourceSection; if (sc == null) { sc = root.getSourceSection(); } PolyglotLanguageInstance instance = lookupLanguageInstance(root); String language = instance != null ? instance.language.getId() : "Unknown"; String rootName = root.getName(); String declaringClass = "<" + language + ">"; String methodName = rootName == null ? "" : rootName; String fileName = sc != null ? sc.getSource().getName() : "Unknown"; int startLine = sc != null ? sc.getStartLine() : -1; return new StackTraceElement(declaringClass, methodName, fileName, startLine); } private static PolyglotLanguageInstance lookupLanguageInstance(RootNode root) { TruffleLanguage spi = EngineAccessor.NODES.getLanguage(root); if (spi != null) { return (PolyglotLanguageInstance) EngineAccessor.LANGUAGE.getPolyglotLanguageInstance(spi); } return null; } /* * Tracing code. */ private void traceContextPreinit(boolean success, Shared s, PolyglotContextImpl context, Map previousOptions, Map newLanguageOptions) { trace(context, s, "loading pre-init", String.format("claimedCount:%s sharingEnabled:%s ", success ? (s.claimedCount - 1) : s.claimedCount, engine.isSharingEnabled(context.config))); for (Entry entry : newLanguageOptions.entrySet()) { traceCompatibility(s, context, previousOptions, entry); } trace(context, s, success ? "loaded" : "failed to load pre-init", ""); } private void traceClaimLayer(boolean success, Shared s, PolyglotContextImpl context, Set requestingLangauges, Map previousOptions) { trace(context, s, "claiming", String.format("claimedCount:%s sharingEnabled:%s ", success ? (s.claimedCount - 1) : s.claimedCount, engine.isSharingEnabled(context.config))); Map newLanguageOptions = collectLanguageOptions(context.config, requestingLangauges); for (Entry entry : newLanguageOptions.entrySet()) { traceCompatibility(s, context, previousOptions, entry); } trace(context, s, success ? "claimed" : "failed to claim", String.format("claimedCount:%s layer-policy:%s", s.claimedCount, s.contextPolicy)); } private void traceCompatibility(Shared s, PolyglotContextImpl context, Map previousOptions, Entry entry) { StringBuilder languageInfos = new StringBuilder(); PolyglotLanguage language = entry.getKey(); ContextPolicy policy = language.cache.getPolicy(); languageInfos.append(String.format("%s registration-policy:%s ", language.getId(), policy)); boolean optionsCompatible = isContextPolicyCompatible(s.contextPolicy, policy); if (optionsCompatible && engine.isSharingEnabled(context.config)) { OptionValuesImpl newOptions = entry.getValue(); OptionValuesImpl prevOptions = previousOptions != null ? previousOptions.get(language) : newOptions; if (prevOptions == null) { prevOptions = language.getOptionValues(); } optionsCompatible = areOptionsCompatible(s, language, prevOptions, newOptions); languageInfos.append( String.format("%s.areOptionsCompatibleWith(%s, %s) == %s", resolveInstance(s, language).spi.getClass().getSimpleName(), prevOptions, newOptions, optionsCompatible)); } trace(context, s, optionsCompatible ? " compatible" : " incompatible", languageInfos.toString()); } private void traceFreeLayer(PolyglotContextImpl context) { trace(context, shared, "freed", String.format("claimedCount:%s", context.layer.shared.claimedCount)); } private void traceAllocateLanguageInstance(PolyglotContextImpl context, PolyglotLanguage language) { trace(context, this.shared, "created language", String.format("%s for policy %s", language.getId(), shared.contextPolicy)); } private void trace(PolyglotContextImpl context, Shared s, String label, String message) { engine.getEngineLogger().info( String.format("[sharing] engine 0x%8H context 0x%8H layer 0x%8H: %-20s %s", engine.hashCode(), Objects.hash(context), s.hashCode(), label, message)); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class SharingLazyInitializationError extends AbstractTruffleException { SharingLazyInitializationError(String message) { super(message); } } }