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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


 * Represents a single debugging session of a Debugger.

Session lifetime



  • A debugging client {@linkplain Debugger#startSession(SuspendedCallback) requests} a new * {@linkplain DebuggerSession session} from the {@linkplain Debugger Debugger}.
  • * *
  • A client uses a session to request suspension of guest language execution threads, for * example by setting breakpoints or stepping.
  • * *
  • When a session suspends a guest language execution thread, it passes its client a new * {@link SuspendedEvent} via synchronous {@linkplain SuspendedCallback callback} on the execution * thread.
  • * *
  • A suspended guest language execution thread resumes language execution only after the client * callback returns.
  • * *
  • Sessions that are no longer needed should be {@linkplain #close() closed}; a closed session * has no further affect on engine execution.
  • *

* *

Debugging requests


* Session clients can manage guest language execution in several ways: *

  • {@linkplain #install(Breakpoint) Install} a newly created {@link Breakpoint}.
  • * *
  • {@linkplain #suspendNextExecution() Request} suspension of the next execution on the first * thread that is encountered.
  • * *
  • Request a stepping action (e.g. {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#prepareStepInto(int) step into}, * {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#prepareStepOver(int) step over}, * {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#prepareKill() kill}) on a suspended execution thread, to take effect * after the client callback returns.
  • *

* *

Event merging


* A session may suspend a guest language execution thread in response to more than one request from * its client. For example: *

  • A stepping action may land where a breakpoint is installed.
  • *
  • Multiple installed breakpoints may apply to a particular location.
  • *
* In such cases the client receives a single merged event. A call to * {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#getBreakpoints()} lists all breakpoints (possibly none) that apply to * the suspended event's location. *

* *

Multiple sessions


* There can be multiple sessions associated with a single engine, which are independent of one * another in the following ways: *

  • Breakpoints created by a session are not visible to clients of other sessions.
  • * *
  • A client receives no notification when guest language execution threads are suspended by * sessions other than its own.
  • * *
  • Events are not merged across sessions. For example, when a guest language execution * thread hits a location where two sessions have installed breakpoints, each session notifies its * client with a new {@link SuspendedEvent} instance.
  • *
* Because all sessions can control engine execution, some interactions are inherently possible. For * example: *
  • A session's client can {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#prepareKill() kill} an execution at just * about any time.
  • *
  • A session's client can starve execution by not returning from the synchronous * {@linkplain SuspendedCallback callback} on the guest language execution thread.
  • *


* Usage example: * * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/debug/" * region="DebuggerSessionSnippets#example"} * * @since 0.17 */ /* * Javadoc for package-protected APIs: * *

  • {@link #suspend(Thread)} suspends the next or current execution on a particular thread.
  • *
  • {@link #suspendAll()} suspends the next or current execution on all threads.
  • */ public final class DebuggerSession implements Closeable { private static final AtomicInteger SESSIONS = new AtomicInteger(0); private static final ThreadLocal inEvalInContext = new ThreadLocal<>(); static final Set ANCHOR_SET_BEFORE = Collections.singleton(SuspendAnchor.BEFORE); static final Set ANCHOR_SET_AFTER = Collections.singleton(SuspendAnchor.AFTER); static final Set ANCHOR_SET_ALL = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(SuspendAnchor.BEFORE, SuspendAnchor.AFTER))); private final Debugger debugger; private final SuspendedCallback callback; private final Set sourceElements; private final boolean hasExpressionElement; private final boolean hasRootElement; private final List breakpoints = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); private EventBinding syntaxElementsBinding; final Set> allBindings = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); private final ConcurrentHashMap currentSuspendedEventMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap strategyMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private volatile boolean suspendNext; private volatile boolean suspendAll; private final StableBoolean stepping = new StableBoolean(false); private final StableBoolean ignoreLanguageContextInitialization = new StableBoolean(false); private volatile boolean includeInternal = false; private volatile boolean includeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly = false; private volatile boolean showHostStackFrames = false; private Predicate sourceFilter; @CompilationFinal private volatile Assumption suspensionFilterUnchanged = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Unchanged suspension filter"); private final StableBoolean alwaysHaltBreakpointsActive = new StableBoolean(true); private final StableBoolean locationBreakpointsActive = new StableBoolean(true); private final StableBoolean exceptionBreakpointsActive = new StableBoolean(true); private final DebuggerExecutionLifecycle executionLifecycle; final ThreadLocal threadSuspensions = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final DebugSourcesResolver sources; private final ThreadLocal> steppingEnabledSlots = new ThreadLocal<>(); private final int sessionId; private volatile boolean closed; DebuggerSession(Debugger debugger, SuspendedCallback callback, SourceElement... sourceElements) { this.sessionId = SESSIONS.incrementAndGet(); this.debugger = debugger; this.callback = callback; switch (sourceElements.length) { case 0: this.sourceElements = Collections.emptySet(); break; case 1: this.sourceElements = Collections.singleton(sourceElements[0]); break; default: this.sourceElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(sourceElements))); break; } this.hasExpressionElement = this.sourceElements.contains(SourceElement.EXPRESSION); this.hasRootElement = this.sourceElements.contains(SourceElement.ROOT); if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("open with callback %s", callback); } sources = new DebugSourcesResolver(debugger.getEnv()); addBindings(includeInternal, sourceFilter); executionLifecycle = new DebuggerExecutionLifecycle(this); } private void trace(String msg, Object... parameters) { Debugger.trace(this + ": " + msg, parameters); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 0.17 */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Session[id=%s]", sessionId); } /** * Returns the {@link Debugger debugger} instance that this session is associated with. Can be * used also after the session has already been closed. * * @since 0.17 */ public Debugger getDebugger() { return debugger; } /** * Returns a language top scope. The top scopes have global validity and unlike * {@link DebugStackFrame#getScope()} have no relation to the suspended location. * * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception * @since 0.30 */ public DebugScope getTopScope(String languageId) throws DebugException { LanguageInfo info = debugger.getEnv().getLanguages().get(languageId); if (info == null) { return null; } try { Object scope = debugger.getEnv().getScope(info); if (scope == null) { return null; } return new DebugScope(scope, this, info); } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw DebugException.create(this, ex, info); } } /** * Returns a polyglot scope - symbols explicitly exported by languages. * * @since 0.30 */ public Map getExportedSymbols() { return new AbstractMap<>() { private final DebugValue polyglotBindings = new DebugValue.HeapValue(DebuggerSession.this, "polyglot", debugger.getEnv().getPolyglotBindings()); @Override public Set> entrySet() { Set> entries = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (DebugValue property : polyglotBindings.getProperties()) { entries.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(property.getName(), property)); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(entries); } @Override public DebugValue get(Object key) { if (!(key instanceof String name)) { return null; } return polyglotBindings.getProperty(name); } }; } /** * Set to provide host information in stack traces. When true, * {@link DebugStackFrame#isHost() host frames} and {@link DebugStackTraceElement#isHost() host * trace elements} are provided, when available. * * @since 20.3 * @see DebugStackFrame#isHost() * @see DebugStackTraceElement#isHost() */ public void setShowHostStackFrames(boolean showHostStackFrames) { this.showHostStackFrames = showHostStackFrames; } boolean isShowHostStackFrames() { return showHostStackFrames; } /** * Set a stepping suspension filter. Prepared steps skip code that does not match this filter. * * @since 0.26 */ public void setSteppingFilter(SuspensionFilter steppingFilter) { this.ignoreLanguageContextInitialization.set(steppingFilter.isIgnoreLanguageContextInitialization()); synchronized (this) { boolean oldIncludeInternal = this.includeInternal; this.includeInternal = steppingFilter.isInternalIncluded(); boolean oldIncludeOnlyAvailableSourceSections = this.includeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly; this.includeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly = steppingFilter.isIncludeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly(); Predicate oldSourceFilter = this.sourceFilter; this.sourceFilter = steppingFilter.getSourcePredicate(); this.suspensionFilterUnchanged.invalidate(); this.suspensionFilterUnchanged = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Unchanged suspension filter"); if (oldIncludeInternal != this.includeInternal || oldIncludeOnlyAvailableSourceSections != this.includeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly || oldSourceFilter != this.sourceFilter) { removeBindings(); addBindings(this.includeInternal, this.sourceFilter); } } } boolean isIncludeInternal() { return includeInternal; } boolean isSourceFilteredOut(Source source) { Predicate filter = sourceFilter; if (filter != null) { return !filter.test(source); } else { return false; } } Assumption getSuspensionFilterUnchangedAssumption() { return suspensionFilterUnchanged; } /** * Suspends the next execution on the first thread that is encountered. After the first thread * was suspended no further executions are suspended unless {@link #suspendNextExecution()} is * called again. If multiple threads are executing at the same time then there are no guarantees * on which thread is going to be suspended. Will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if the * session is already closed. * * @since 0.17 */ public synchronized void suspendNextExecution() { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("suspend next execution"); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session closed"); } suspendNext = true; updateStepping(); } /** * Suspend immediately at the current location of the current execution thread. A {@link Node} * argument can be provided as an exact current location, if known. This method can be called on * the guest execution thread only. *

    * This method calls {@link SuspendedCallback#onSuspend(SuspendedEvent)} synchronously, with * {@link SuspendedEvent} created at the actual location of the current thread. This method can * not be called from an existing {@link SuspendedCallback#onSuspend(SuspendedEvent) callback}. * * @param node the top Node of the execution, or null * @return true when there is a guest code execution on the current thread and * {@link SuspendedCallback} was called, false otherwise. * @throws IllegalStateException when the current thread is suspended already * @throws IllegalArgumentException when a node with no {@link RootNode} is provided, or it's * root node does not match the current execution root, or the node does not match * the current call node, if known. * @since 20.3 */ public boolean suspendHere(Node node) { SuspendedEvent event = currentSuspendedEventMap.get(Thread.currentThread()); if (event != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Suspended already"); } RootNode nodeRoot; if (node != null) { nodeRoot = node.getRootNode(); if (nodeRoot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The node %s does not have a root.", node)); } } else { nodeRoot = null; } SuspendContextAndFrame result = Truffle.getRuntime().iterateFrames((frameInstance) -> { RootNode root = ((RootCallTarget) frameInstance.getCallTarget()).getRootNode(); if (!includeInternal) { if (root.isInternal()) { return null; } } if (nodeRoot != null && nodeRoot != root) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The node %s belongs to a root %s, which is different from the current root %s.", node, nodeRoot, root)); } Node callNode = frameInstance.getCallNode(); if (callNode == null) { callNode = node; if (callNode == null) { // We have no idea where in the function we are. callNode = root; } } if (node != null && node != callNode) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The node %s does not match the current known call node %s.", node, callNode)); } Node icallNode = InstrumentableNode.findInstrumentableParent(callNode); if (icallNode != null) { callNode = icallNode; } MaterializedFrame frame = frameInstance.getFrame(FrameAccess.MATERIALIZE).materialize(); SuspendedContext context = SuspendedContext.create(callNode, null); return new SuspendContextAndFrame(context, frame); }); if (result == null) { return false; } doSuspend(result.context, SuspendAnchor.BEFORE, result.frame, null, false, false); return true; } // Session-specific stepping control. void restoreSteppingOnCurrentThread() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); assert debugger.getEnv().getEnteredContext() != null : "Need to be called on a context thread"; int count = debugger.getSteppingDisabledCount(); if (count == 0) { // There is nothing to restore return; } Set enabledSlots = steppingEnabledSlots.get(); if (enabledSlots == null) { enabledSlots = new HashSet<>(); steppingEnabledSlots.set(enabledSlots); } enabledSlots.add(count); } // Session-specific stepping control, delegates to Debugger.getSteppingDisabledCount(). boolean isSteppingEnabledOnCurrentThread() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); assert debugger.getEnv().getEnteredContext() != null : "Need to be called on a context thread"; int count = debugger.getSteppingDisabledCount(); if (count == 0) { return true; } Set enabledSlots = steppingEnabledSlots.get(); return enabledSlots != null && enabledSlots.contains(count); } // Clear session-specific stepping control void clearDisabledSteppingOnCurrentThread(int count) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); assert debugger.getEnv().getEnteredContext() != null : "Need to be called on a context thread"; assert count > 0 : "Wrong count = " + count; Set enabledSlots = steppingEnabledSlots.get(); if (enabledSlots != null) { enabledSlots.remove(count); if (enabledSlots.isEmpty()) { steppingEnabledSlots.remove(); } } } static final class SuspendContextAndFrame { final SuspendedContext context; final MaterializedFrame frame; SuspendContextAndFrame(SuspendedContext context, MaterializedFrame frame) { this.context = context; this.frame = frame; } } /** * Suspends the current or the next execution of a given thread. Will throw an * {@link IllegalStateException} if the session is already closed. * * Note that if a stepping strategy is currently active, we preserve the stepping state. * * @since 20.0 */ public void suspend(Thread t) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("suspend thread %s ", t); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session closed"); } // If there's an ongoing step request, we want to preserve that, so we use the preserve // after halt strategy for suspend requests. In case the current strategy is a preserve halt // strategy, we re-establish the halt next execution within the strategy. This is to // avoid multiple nested levels of dual concurrent strategies. SteppingStrategy currentStrategy = this.strategyMap.get(t); SteppingStrategy newStrategy; SuspendedEvent suspendedEvent = currentSuspendedEventMap.get(t); if (suspendedEvent != null) { // we're currently suspended and the old single step // will be consumed if completed, hence we pick the next strategy if (suspendedEvent.isStep()) { currentStrategy = suspendedEvent.getNextStrategy(); } } if (currentStrategy != null) { if (currentStrategy.isSingleStep()) { newStrategy = SteppingStrategy.createPreserveAfterHalt(currentStrategy); } else if (currentStrategy instanceof SteppingStrategy.PreserveAfterHalt preserveAfterHalt) { // re-establish the halt strategy while preserving the current one preserveAfterHalt.haltNextExecution(); newStrategy = preserveAfterHalt; } else { newStrategy = SteppingStrategy.createAlwaysHalt(); } } else { newStrategy = SteppingStrategy.createAlwaysHalt(); } setSteppingStrategy(t, newStrategy, true); } /** * Suspends the current or the next execution on all threads. All new executing threads will * start suspended until {@link #resumeAll()} is called or the session is closed. Will throw an * {@link IllegalStateException} if the session is already closed. * * @since 20.0 */ public synchronized void suspendAll() { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("suspend all threads"); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session closed"); } suspendAll = true; // iterating concurrent hashmap should be save for (Thread t : strategyMap.keySet()) { suspend(t); } updateStepping(); } /** * Resumes all suspended executions that have not yet been notified. * * @since 0.17 */ public synchronized void resumeAll() { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("resume all threads"); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session closed"); } clearStrategies(); } /** * Resumes the execution on a given thread if it has not been suspended yet. * * @param t the thread to resume * * @since 20.0 */ public synchronized void resume(Thread t) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("resume threads", t); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session closed"); } setSteppingStrategy(t, SteppingStrategy.createContinue(), true); } private synchronized void setSteppingStrategy(Thread thread, SteppingStrategy strategy, boolean updateStepping) { if (closed) { return; } assert strategy != null; SteppingStrategy oldStrategy = this.strategyMap.put(thread, strategy); if (oldStrategy != strategy) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("set stepping for thread: %s with strategy: %s", thread, strategy); } if (updateStepping) { updateStepping(); } } } private synchronized void clearStrategies() { suspendAll = false; suspendNext = false; strategyMap.clear(); updateStepping(); } private SteppingStrategy getSteppingStrategy(Thread value) { return strategyMap.get(value); } private void updateStepping() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); boolean needsStepping = suspendNext || suspendAll; if (!needsStepping) { // iterating concurrent hashmap should be save for (Thread t : strategyMap.keySet()) { SteppingStrategy s = strategyMap.get(t); assert s != null; if (!s.isDone()) { needsStepping = true; break; } } } stepping.set(needsStepping); } @TruffleBoundary void setThreadSuspendEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (!enabled) { // temporarily disable suspensions in the given thread threadSuspensions.set(ThreadSuspension.DISABLED); } else { threadSuspensions.remove(); } } private void addBindings(boolean includeInternalCode, Predicate sFilter) { if (syntaxElementsBinding == null) { if (!sourceElements.isEmpty()) { Class[] syntaxTags = new Class[this.sourceElements.size() + (hasRootElement ? 0 : 1)]; int i = 0; for (SourceElement element : this.sourceElements) { syntaxTags[i++] = element.getTag(); } assert i == sourceElements.size(); if (!hasRootElement) { syntaxTags[i] = RootTag.class; } this.syntaxElementsBinding = createBinding(includeInternalCode, sFilter, new ExecutionEventNodeFactory() { @Override public ExecutionEventNode create(EventContext context) { if (context.hasTag(RootTag.class)) { return new RootSteppingDepthNode(context); } else { return new SteppingNode(context); } } }, hasExpressionElement, syntaxTags); allBindings.add(syntaxElementsBinding); } } } private EventBinding createBinding(boolean includeInternalCode, Predicate sFilter, ExecutionEventNodeFactory factory, boolean onInput, Class... tags) { Builder builder = SourceSectionFilter.newBuilder().tagIs(tags); builder.includeInternal(includeInternalCode); builder.sourceSectionAvailableOnly(includeAvailableSourceSectionsOnly); if (sFilter != null) { builder.sourceIs(new SourceSectionFilter.SourcePredicate() { @Override public boolean test(Source source) { return sFilter.test(source); } }); } SourceSectionFilter ssf =; if (onInput) { return debugger.getInstrumenter().attachExecutionEventFactory(ssf, ssf, factory); } else { return debugger.getInstrumenter().attachExecutionEventFactory(ssf, factory); } } private void removeBindings() { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (syntaxElementsBinding != null) { allBindings.remove(syntaxElementsBinding); syntaxElementsBinding.dispose(); syntaxElementsBinding = null; if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("disabled stepping"); } } } Set getSourceElements() { return sourceElements; } /** * Creates a {@link DebugValue} object that wraps a primitive value. Strings and boxed Java * primitive types are considered primitive. Throws {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the * value is not primitive. * * @param primitiveValue a primitive value * @param language guest language this value is value is associated with. Some value attributes * depend on the language, like {@link DebugValue#getMetaObject()}. Can be * null. * @return a {@link DebugValue} that wraps the primitive value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is not a boxed Java primitive or a String. * @since 21.2 */ public DebugValue createPrimitiveValue(Object primitiveValue, LanguageInfo language) throws IllegalArgumentException { DebugValue.checkPrimitive(primitiveValue); return new DebugValue.HeapValue(this, language, null, primitiveValue); } /** * Closes the current debugging session and disposes all installed breakpoints. * * @since 0.17 */ public synchronized void close() { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("close session"); } if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session already closed"); } clearStrategies(); removeBindings(); for (Breakpoint breakpoint : this.breakpoints) { breakpoint.sessionClosed(this); } currentSuspendedEventMap.clear(); allBindings.clear(); debugger.disposedSession(this); closed = true; } /** * Returns all breakpoints {@link #install( installed} * in this session, in the install order. The returned list contains a current snapshot of * breakpoints, those that were {@link Breakpoint#dispose() disposed}, or * {@link Debugger#install( installed on Debugger} are * not included. * * @since 0.17 * @see Debugger#getBreakpoints() */ public List getBreakpoints() { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("session already closed"); } List b; synchronized (this.breakpoints) { // need to synchronize manually breakpoints are iterated which is not // synchronized by default. b = new ArrayList<>(this.breakpoints); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(b); } void visitBreakpoints(Consumer consumer) { synchronized (this.breakpoints) { for (Breakpoint b : this.breakpoints) { consumer.accept(b); } } } /** * Set whether breakpoints are active in this session. This has no effect on breakpoints * enabled/disabled state. Breakpoints need to be active to actually break the execution. The * breakpoints are active by default. * * @param active true to make all breakpoints active, false to make * all breakpoints inactive. * @since 0.24 * @deprecated Use {@link #setBreakpointsActive(Breakpoint.Kind, boolean)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "19.0") public void setBreakpointsActive(boolean active) { for (Breakpoint.Kind kind : Breakpoint.Kind.VALUES) { setBreakpointsActive(kind, active); } } /** * Set whether breakpoints of the given kind are active in this session. This has no effect on * breakpoints enabled/disabled state. Breakpoints need to be active to actually break the * execution. The breakpoints are active by default. * * @param breakpointKind the kind of breakpoints to activate/deactivate * @param active true to make breakpoints active, false to make * breakpoints inactive. * @since 19.0 */ public void setBreakpointsActive(Breakpoint.Kind breakpointKind, boolean active) { switch (breakpointKind) { case SOURCE_LOCATION: locationBreakpointsActive.set(active); break; case EXCEPTION: exceptionBreakpointsActive.set(active); break; case HALT_INSTRUCTION: alwaysHaltBreakpointsActive.set(active); break; default: CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled breakpoint kind: " + breakpointKind); } } /** * Test whether breakpoints are active in this session. Breakpoints do not break execution when * not active. * * @since 0.24 * @deprecated Use {@link #isBreakpointsActive(Breakpoint.Kind)} instead. */ @Deprecated(since = "19.0") public boolean isBreakpointsActive() { for (Breakpoint.Kind kind : Breakpoint.Kind.VALUES) { if (isBreakpointsActive(kind)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Test whether breakpoints of the given kind are active in this session. Breakpoints do not * break execution when not active. * * @param breakpointKind the kind of breakpoints to test * @since 19.0 */ public boolean isBreakpointsActive(Breakpoint.Kind breakpointKind) { switch (breakpointKind) { case SOURCE_LOCATION: return locationBreakpointsActive.get(); case EXCEPTION: return exceptionBreakpointsActive.get(); case HALT_INSTRUCTION: return alwaysHaltBreakpointsActive.get(); default: CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled breakpoint kind: " + breakpointKind); } } /** * Adds a new breakpoint to this session and makes it capable of suspending execution. *

    * The breakpoint suspends execution by making a {@link SuspendedCallback callback} to this * session, together with an event description that includes * {@linkplain SuspendedEvent#getBreakpoints() which breakpoint(s)} were hit. * * @param breakpoint a new breakpoint * @return the installed breakpoint * @throws IllegalStateException if the session has been closed * * @since 0.17 */ public synchronized Breakpoint install(Breakpoint breakpoint) { install(breakpoint, false); return breakpoint; } synchronized void install(Breakpoint breakpoint, boolean global) { if (closed) { if (!global) { throw new IllegalStateException("Debugger session is already closed. Cannot install new breakpoints."); } else { return; } } if (!breakpoint.install(this, !global)) { return; } if (!global) { // Do not keep global breakpoints in the list this.breakpoints.add(breakpoint); } if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("installed session breakpoint %s", breakpoint); } } synchronized void disposeBreakpoint(Breakpoint breakpoint) { breakpoints.remove(breakpoint); if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("disposed session breakpoint %s", breakpoint); } } /** * Request for languages to provide stack frames of scheduled asynchronous execution. Languages * might not provide asynchronous stack frames by default for performance reasons. At most * depth asynchronous stack frames are asked for. When multiple debugger sessions * or other instruments call this method, the languages get a maximum depth of these calls and * may therefore provide longer asynchronous stacks than requested. Also, languages may provide * asynchronous stacks if it's of no performance penalty, or if requested by other options. *

    * Asynchronous stacks can then be accessed via {@link SuspendedEvent#getAsynchronousStacks()}, * or {@link DebugException#getDebugAsynchronousStacks()}. * * @param depth the requested stack depth, 0 means no asynchronous stack frames are required. * @see SuspendedEvent#getAsynchronousStacks() * @see DebugException#getDebugAsynchronousStacks() * @since 20.1.0 */ public void setAsynchronousStackDepth(int depth) { debugger.getEnv().setAsynchronousStackDepth(depth); } /** * Set a {@link DebugContextsListener listener} to be notified about changes in contexts in * guest language application. One listener can be set at a time, call with null to * remove the current listener. * * @param listener a listener to receive the context events, or null to reset it * @param includeActiveContexts whether or not this listener should be notified for present * active contexts * @since 0.30 */ public void setContextsListener(DebugContextsListener listener, boolean includeActiveContexts) { executionLifecycle.setContextsListener(listener, includeActiveContexts); } /** * Set a {@link DebugThreadsListener listener} to be notified about changes in threads in guest * language application. One listener can be set at a time, call with null to * remove the current listener. * * @param listener a listener to receive the context events * @param includeInitializedThreads whether or not this listener should be notified for present * initialized threads * @since 0.30 */ public void setThreadsListener(DebugThreadsListener listener, boolean includeInitializedThreads) { executionLifecycle.setThreadsListener(listener, includeInitializedThreads); } /** * Set a list of source path roots that are used to resolve relative {@link Source#getURI() * source URIs}. All debugger methods that provide {@link Source} object, resolve relative * sources with respect to this source-path. When the resolution does not succeed (the relative * path does not exist under any of the supplied source-path elements), the original relative * {@link Source} is provided. * * @param uris a list of absolute URIs * @throws IllegalArgumentException when an URI is not absolute * @see #resolveSource(Source) * @since 19.0 */ public void setSourcePath(Iterable uris) { sources.setSourcePath(uris); } /** * Resolve the source with respect to the actual {@link #setSourcePath(Iterable) source path}. * Sources with relative {@link Source#getURI() URI} are subject to resolution to an existing * absolute location. The first source-path URI that resolves to an existing location is used. * * @param source the source to resolve * @return the provided source if no resolution is necessary, or the resolved source, or * null when it's not possible to resolve the provided source * @since 19.0 */ public Source resolveSource(Source source) { return sources.resolve(source); } /** * Resolve the {@link SourceSection}, or return the original when resolution is not possible. */ SourceSection resolveSection(SourceSection section) { return sources.resolve(section); } SourceSection resolveSection(Node node) { return sources.resolve(DebugSourcesResolver.findEncapsulatedSourceSection(node)); } @TruffleBoundary Object notifyCallback(EventContext context, DebuggerNode source, MaterializedFrame frame, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, InputValuesProvider inputValuesProvider, Object returnValue, DebugException exception, BreakpointConditionFailure conditionFailure) { ThreadSuspension suspensionDisabled = threadSuspensions.get(); if (suspensionDisabled != null && !suspensionDisabled.enabled) { return returnValue; } // SuspensionFilter: if (source.isStepNode()) { if (ignoreLanguageContextInitialization.get() && !source.getContext().isLanguageContextInitialized()) { return returnValue; } } Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); SuspendedEvent event = currentSuspendedEventMap.get(currentThread); if (event != null) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("ignored suspended reason: recursive from source:%s context:%s location:%s", source, source.getContext(), source.getSuspendAnchors()); } // avoid recursive suspensions in non legacy mode. return returnValue; } if (source.consumeIsDuplicate(this)) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("ignored suspended reason: duplicate from source:%s context:%s location:%s", source, source.getContext(), source.getSuspendAnchors()); } return returnValue; } // only the first DebuggerNode for a source location and thread will reach here. // mark all other nodes at this source location as duplicates List nodes = collectDebuggerNodes(source, suspendAnchor); for (DebuggerNode node : nodes) { if (node == source) { // for the current one we won't call isDuplicate continue; } node.markAsDuplicate(this); } SteppingStrategy s = getSteppingStrategy(currentThread); if (suspendNext) { synchronized (this) { // double checked locking to avoid more than one suspension if (suspendNext) { s = SteppingStrategy.createAlwaysHalt(); setSteppingStrategy(currentThread, s, true); suspendNext = false; } } } if (s == null) { // a new Thread just appeared s = notifyNewThread(currentThread); } Map breakpointFailures = null; if (conditionFailure != null) { breakpointFailures = new HashMap<>(); Breakpoint fb = conditionFailure.getBreakpoint(); if (fb.isGlobal()) { fb = fb.getROWrapper(); } breakpointFailures.put(fb, conditionFailure.getConditionFailure()); } Object newReturnValue = processBreakpointsAndStep(context, nodes, s, source, frame, suspendAnchor, inputValuesProvider, returnValue, exception, breakpointFailures, new Supplier() { @Override public SuspendedContext get() { return SuspendedContext.create(source.getContext(), debugger.getEnv()); } }); return newReturnValue; } private static void clearFrame(RootNode root, MaterializedFrame frame) { FrameDescriptor descriptor = frame.getFrameDescriptor(); if (root.getFrameDescriptor() == descriptor) { // Clear only those frames that correspond to the current root Object value = descriptor.getDefaultValue(); for (int slot = 0; slot < descriptor.getNumberOfSlots(); slot++) { if (frame.isStatic(slot)) { frame.setObjectStatic(slot, value); } else { frame.setObject(slot, value); } } for (int slot = 0; slot < descriptor.getNumberOfAuxiliarySlots(); slot++) { frame.setAuxiliarySlot(slot, null); } } } private void notifyUnwindCallback(MaterializedFrame frame, InsertableNode insertableNode) { Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); SteppingStrategy s = getSteppingStrategy(currentThread); // We must have an active stepping strategy on this thread when unwind finished assert s != null; assert s.isUnwind(); assert s.step(this, null, null); s.consume(); // Clear the frame that is to be re-entered clearFrame(((Node) insertableNode).getRootNode(), frame); // Fake the caller context Caller caller = findCurrentCaller(this, includeInternal); SuspendedContext context = SuspendedContext.create(caller.node, ((SteppingStrategy.Unwind) s).unwind); doSuspend(context, SuspendAnchor.AFTER, caller.frame, insertableNode, false, true); } static Caller findCurrentCaller(DebuggerSession session, boolean includeInternal) { return Truffle.getRuntime().iterateFrames(new FrameInstanceVisitor() { private int depth = 0; @Override public Caller visitFrame(FrameInstance frameInstance) { // we stop at eval root stack frames if (!SuspendedEvent.isEvalRootStackFrame(session, frameInstance) && (depth++ == 0)) { return null; } Node callNode = frameInstance.getCallNode(); RootNode rootNode; if (callNode == null) { // GR-52192 temporary workaround for Espresso, where a meaningful call node // cannot always be set as encapsulated node reference. rootNode = ((RootCallTarget) frameInstance.getCallTarget()).getRootNode(); callNode = rootNode; } else { while (callNode != null && !SourceSectionFilter.ANY.includes(callNode)) { callNode = callNode.getParent(); } rootNode = callNode != null ? callNode.getRootNode() : null; if (rootNode == null) { // can't handle disconnected call nodes return null; } } if (!includeInternal && rootNode.isInternal()) { return null; } return new Caller(frameInstance, callNode); } }); } private Object notifyCallerReturn(EventContext context, SteppingStrategy s, DebuggerNode source, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, Object returnValue) { // SuspensionFilter: if (source.isStepNode()) { if (ignoreLanguageContextInitialization.get() && !source.getContext().isLanguageContextInitialized()) { return returnValue; } } // Fake the caller context Caller caller = findCurrentCaller(this, includeInternal); if (caller == null) { // We did not find a caller node return returnValue; } return notifyAtCaller(context, caller, s, source, suspendAnchor, returnValue, null, null); } Object notifyAtCaller(EventContext context, Caller caller, SteppingStrategy s, DebuggerNode source, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, Object returnValue, DebugException exception, BreakpointConditionFailure conditionFailure) { ThreadSuspension suspensionDisabled = threadSuspensions.get(); if (suspensionDisabled != null && !suspensionDisabled.enabled) { return returnValue; } Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); SuspendedEvent event = currentSuspendedEventMap.get(currentThread); if (event != null) { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("ignored suspended reason: recursive from source:%s context:%s location:%s", source, source.getContext(), source.getSuspendAnchors()); } // avoid recursive suspensions in non legacy mode. return returnValue; } List nodes = collectDebuggerNodes(caller.node, suspendAnchor); for (DebuggerNode node : nodes) { Breakpoint breakpoint = node.getBreakpoint(); if (breakpoint == null || isBreakpointsActive(breakpoint.getKind()) && breakpoint.getCondition() == null) { // Not a breakpoint node, nor unconditional breakpoint. // We will suspend there later on. return returnValue; } } // Suspend on the return from the caller and mark all existing nodes as duplicate for (DebuggerNode node : nodes) { node.markAsDuplicate(this); } nodes.add(source); SteppingStrategy strategy = s; if (strategy == null) { strategy = getSteppingStrategy(currentThread); if (strategy == null) { // a new Thread just appeared strategy = notifyNewThread(currentThread); } } Map breakpointFailures = null; if (conditionFailure != null) { breakpointFailures = new HashMap<>(); Breakpoint fb = conditionFailure.getBreakpoint(); if (fb.isGlobal()) { fb = fb.getROWrapper(); } breakpointFailures.put(fb, conditionFailure.getConditionFailure()); } Object newReturnValue = processBreakpointsAndStep(context, nodes, strategy, source, caller.frame, suspendAnchor, null, returnValue, exception, breakpointFailures, new Supplier() { @Override public SuspendedContext get() { return SuspendedContext.create(caller.node, null); } }); return newReturnValue; } @SuppressWarnings("all") // The parameter breakpointFailures should not be assigned private Object processBreakpointsAndStep(EventContext context, List nodes, SteppingStrategy s, DebuggerNode source, MaterializedFrame frame, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, InputValuesProvider inputValuesProvider, Object returnValue, DebugException exception, Map breakpointFailures, Supplier contextSupplier) { List breaks = null; for (DebuggerNode node : nodes) { Breakpoint breakpoint = node.getBreakpoint(); if (breakpoint == null || !isBreakpointsActive(breakpoint.getKind())) { continue; // not a breakpoint node } boolean hit = true; BreakpointConditionFailure failure = null; try { hit = breakpoint.notifyIndirectHit(context, source, node, frame, exception); } catch (BreakpointConditionFailure e) { failure = e; } if (hit) { if (breaks == null) { breaks = new ArrayList<>(); } breaks.add(breakpoint.isGlobal() ? breakpoint.getROWrapper() : breakpoint); } if (failure != null) { if (breakpointFailures == null) { breakpointFailures = new HashMap<>(); } Breakpoint fb = failure.getBreakpoint(); if (fb.isGlobal()) { fb = fb.getROWrapper(); } breakpointFailures.put(fb, failure.getConditionFailure()); } } if (breaks == null) { breaks = Collections.emptyList(); } if (breakpointFailures == null) { breakpointFailures = Collections.emptyMap(); } boolean hitStepping = s.step(this, source.getContext(), suspendAnchor); boolean hitBreakpoint = !breaks.isEmpty(); boolean singleStepCompleted = hitStepping ? s.isSingleStepCompleted() : false; Object newReturnValue = returnValue; if (hitStepping || hitBreakpoint) { s.consume(); newReturnValue = doSuspend(contextSupplier.get(), suspendAnchor, frame, source, inputValuesProvider, returnValue, exception, breaks, breakpointFailures, singleStepCompleted, s.isUnwind()); } else { if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("ignored suspended reason: strategy(%s) from source:%s context:%s location:%s", s, source, source.getContext(), source.getSuspendAnchors()); } } if (s.isKill()) { // ComposedStrategy can become kill performKill(source.getContext().getInstrumentedNode()); } return newReturnValue; } private void doSuspend(SuspendedContext context, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, MaterializedFrame frame, InsertableNode insertableNode, boolean singleStepCompleted, boolean isUnwind) { doSuspend(context, suspendAnchor, frame, insertableNode, null, null, null, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyMap(), singleStepCompleted, isUnwind); } private Object doSuspend(SuspendedContext context, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor, MaterializedFrame frame, InsertableNode insertableNode, InputValuesProvider inputValuesProvider, Object returnValue, DebugException exception, List breaks, Map conditionFailures, boolean singleStepCompleted, boolean isUnwind) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); SuspendedEvent suspendedEvent; Object newReturnValue; try { suspendedEvent = new SuspendedEvent(this, currentThread, context, frame, suspendAnchor, insertableNode, inputValuesProvider, returnValue, exception, breaks, conditionFailures, singleStepCompleted, isUnwind); if (exception != null) { exception.setSuspendedEvent(suspendedEvent); } currentSuspendedEventMap.put(currentThread, suspendedEvent); try { callback.onSuspend(suspendedEvent); } finally { currentSuspendedEventMap.remove(currentThread); newReturnValue = suspendedEvent.getReturnObject(); /* * In case the debug client did not behave and did store the suspended event. */ suspendedEvent.clearLeakingReferences(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // let the instrumentation handle this throw t; } if (closed) { // session got closed in the meantime return newReturnValue; } SteppingStrategy strategy = suspendedEvent.getNextStrategy(); if (!strategy.isKill()) { // suspend(...) has been called during SuspendedEvent notification. this is only // possible in non-legacy mode. SteppingStrategy currentStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(currentThread); if (currentStrategy != null && !currentStrategy.isConsumed()) { strategy = currentStrategy; } } strategy.initialize(context, suspendAnchor); if (Debugger.TRACE) { trace("end suspend with strategy %s at %s location %s", strategy, context, suspendAnchor); } setSteppingStrategy(currentThread, strategy, true); if (strategy.isKill()) { performKill(context.getInstrumentedNode()); } else if (strategy.isUnwind()) { ThreadDeath unwind = context.createUnwind(null, syntaxElementsBinding); ((SteppingStrategy.Unwind) strategy).unwind = unwind; throw unwind; } return newReturnValue; } private void performKill(Node location) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(inEvalInContext.get())) { throw new KillException(location); } else { TruffleContext truffleContext = debugger.getEnv().getEnteredContext(); truffleContext.closeCancelled(location, KillException.MESSAGE); } } private List collectDebuggerNodes(DebuggerNode source, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor) { EventContext context = source.getContext(); List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); nodes.add(source); Iterator nodesIterator = context.lookupExecutionEventNodes(allBindings); if (SuspendAnchor.BEFORE.equals(suspendAnchor)) { // We collect nodes following the source (these nodes remain to be executed) boolean after = false; while (nodesIterator.hasNext()) { DebuggerNode node = (DebuggerNode); if (after) { if (node.isActiveAt(suspendAnchor)) { nodes.add(node); } } else { after = node == source; } } } else { // We collect nodes preceding the source (these nodes remain to be executed) while (nodesIterator.hasNext()) { DebuggerNode node = (DebuggerNode); if (node == source) { break; } if (node.isActiveAt(suspendAnchor)) { nodes.add(node); } } } return nodes; } private List collectDebuggerNodes(Node iNode, SuspendAnchor suspendAnchor) { List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (allBindings) { // allBindings is a synchronized set, but we still need to synchronize // iteration against manipulations, to avoid ConcurrentModificationExceptions for (EventBinding binding : allBindings) { DebuggerNode node = (DebuggerNode) debugger.getInstrumenter().lookupExecutionEventNode(iNode, binding); if (node != null && node.isActiveAt(suspendAnchor)) { nodes.add(node); } } } return nodes; } private synchronized SteppingStrategy notifyNewThread(Thread currentThread) { SteppingStrategy s = getSteppingStrategy(currentThread); // double checked locking if (s == null) { if (suspendAll) { // all suspended s = SteppingStrategy.createAlwaysHalt(); } else { // not suspended continue execution for this thread s = SteppingStrategy.createContinue(); } setSteppingStrategy(currentThread, s, true); } assert s != null; return s; } /** * Evaluates a snippet of code in a halted execution context. Assumes frame is part of the * current execution stack, behavior is undefined if not. * * @param ev event notification where execution is halted * @param code text of the code to be executed * @param frameInstance frame where execution is halted * @throws DebugException */ static Object evalInContext(SuspendedEvent ev, String code, FrameInstance frameInstance) throws DebugException { Node node; MaterializedFrame frame; if (frameInstance == null) { node = ev.getContext().getInstrumentedNode(); frame = ev.getMaterializedFrame(); } else { node = frameInstance.getCallNode(); frame = frameInstance.getFrame(FrameAccess.MATERIALIZE).materialize(); } try { inEvalInContext.set(Boolean.TRUE); return evalInContext(ev, node, frame, code); } catch (KillException kex) { throw DebugException.create(ev.getSession(), "Evaluation was killed."); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Throwable ex) { LanguageInfo language = null; RootNode root = node.getRootNode(); if (root != null) { language = root.getLanguageInfo(); } throw DebugException.create(ev.getSession(), ex, language); } finally { inEvalInContext.remove(); } } private static Object evalInContext(SuspendedEvent ev, Node node, MaterializedFrame frame, String code) { RootNode rootNode = node.getRootNode(); if (rootNode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot evaluate in context using a node that is not yet adopted using a RootNode."); } LanguageInfo info = rootNode.getLanguageInfo(); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot evaluate in context using a without an associated TruffleLanguage."); } final Source source = Source.newBuilder(info.getId(), code, "eval in context").internal(false).build(); ExecutableNode fragment = ev.getSession().getDebugger().getEnv().parseInline(source, node, frame); if (fragment != null) { ev.getInsertableNode().setParentOf(fragment); return fragment.execute(frame); } else { if (!info.isInteractive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not evaluate in a non-interactive language."); } return Debugger.ACCESSOR.evalInContext(source, node, frame); } } /** * Information about a caller node. */ static final class Caller { final Node node; final MaterializedFrame frame; Caller(FrameInstance frameInstance) { this.node = frameInstance.getCallNode(); this.frame = frameInstance.getFrame(FrameAccess.MATERIALIZE).materialize(); } Caller(FrameInstance frameInstance, Node callNode) { this.node = callNode; this.frame = frameInstance.getFrame(FrameAccess.MATERIALIZE).materialize(); } } static final class ThreadSuspension { static final ThreadSuspension ENABLED = new ThreadSuspension(true); static final ThreadSuspension DISABLED = new ThreadSuspension(false); boolean enabled; ThreadSuspension(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } } private class SteppingNode extends DebuggerNode implements InputValuesProvider { SteppingNode(EventContext context) { super(context); } @Override boolean isStepNode() { return true; } @Override protected void onEnter(VirtualFrame frame) { if (stepping.get()) { doStepBefore(frame.materialize()); } } @Override protected void onReturnValue(VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { if (stepping.get()) { Object newResult = doStepAfter(frame.materialize(), result); if (newResult != result) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw getContext().createUnwind(new ChangedReturnInfo(newResult)); } } } @Override protected void onReturnExceptional(VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { if (stepping.get()) { doStepAfter(frame.materialize(), exception); } } @Override protected void onYield(VirtualFrame frame, Object value) { if (stepping.get()) { doYield(frame.materialize()); doStepAfter(frame.materialize(), value); } } @TruffleBoundary private void doYield(MaterializedFrame frame) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { steppingStrategy.setYieldBreak(frame, context.getInstrumentedSourceSection()); } } @Override protected void onResume(VirtualFrame frame) { if (stepping.get()) { doYieldResume(frame.materialize()); doStepBefore(frame.materialize()); } } @TruffleBoundary private void doYieldResume(MaterializedFrame frame) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { steppingStrategy.setYieldResume(context, frame); } } @Override protected void onInputValue(VirtualFrame frame, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { if (stepping.get() && hasExpressionElement) { saveInputValue(frame, inputIndex, inputValue); } } @TruffleBoundary private void doStepBefore(MaterializedFrame frame) { SuspendAnchor anchor = SuspendAnchor.BEFORE; boolean doCallback; if (suspendNext || suspendAll) { doCallback = isSteppingEnabledOnCurrentThread(); } else { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); doCallback = steppingStrategy != null && isSteppingEnabledOnCurrentThread() && steppingStrategy.isActiveOnStepTo(context, anchor); } if (doCallback) { notifyCallback(context, this, frame, anchor, null, null, null, null); } } @TruffleBoundary protected final Object doStepAfter(MaterializedFrame frame, Object result) { SuspendAnchor anchor = SuspendAnchor.AFTER; SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null && isSteppingEnabledOnCurrentThread() && steppingStrategy.isActiveOnStepTo(context, anchor)) { return notifyCallback(context, this, frame, anchor, this, result, null, null); } return result; } @Override public Object[] getDebugInputValues(MaterializedFrame frame) { return getSavedInputValues(frame); } @Override Set getSuspendAnchors() { return DebuggerSession.ANCHOR_SET_ALL; } @Override boolean isActiveAt(SuspendAnchor anchor) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { return steppingStrategy.isActive(context, anchor); } else { return false; } } } /** * Combines stepping with stack depth control, stop after a call and unwind. */ private final class RootSteppingDepthNode extends SteppingNode { RootSteppingDepthNode(EventContext context) { super(context); } @Override boolean isStepNode() { return hasRootElement; } @Override protected void onEnter(VirtualFrame frame) { if (stepping.get()) { doEnter(); if (hasRootElement) { super.onEnter(frame); } } } @Override public void onReturnValue(VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { if (stepping.get()) { doReturn(frame.materialize(), result); } } @Override public void onReturnExceptional(VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { if (stepping.get()) { doReturn(); } } @Override protected Object onUnwind(VirtualFrame frame, Object info) { Object ret = super.onUnwind(frame, info); if (ret != null) { return ret; } if (stepping.get()) { return doUnwind(frame.materialize()); } else { return null; } } @Override public void setParentOf(Node child) { insert(child); } @TruffleBoundary private void doEnter() { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = strategyMap.get(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { steppingStrategy.notifyCallEntry(); } } @TruffleBoundary private void doReturn(MaterializedFrame frame, Object result) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy; Object newResult = null; try { if (hasRootElement) { newResult = doStepAfter(frame, result); } } finally { steppingStrategy = strategyMap.get(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { // Stepping out of a function. steppingStrategy.notifyCallExit(); } } if (steppingStrategy != null && steppingStrategy.isStopAfterCall()) { newResult = notifyCallerReturn(context, steppingStrategy, this, SuspendAnchor.AFTER, newResult != null ? newResult : result); if (newResult != result) { throw getContext().createUnwind(new ChangedReturnInfo(newResult)); } } } @Override protected void onYield(VirtualFrame frame, Object value) { if (stepping.get()) { doReturn(frame.materialize(), value); } } @Override protected void onResume(VirtualFrame frame) { if (stepping.get()) { doYieldResume(frame.materialize()); if (hasRootElement) { super.onEnter(frame); } } } @TruffleBoundary private void doYieldResume(MaterializedFrame frame) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = getSteppingStrategy(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { steppingStrategy.setYieldResume(context, frame); steppingStrategy.notifyCallEntry(); } } @TruffleBoundary private void doReturn() { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = strategyMap.get(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { steppingStrategy.notifyCallExit(); } } @TruffleBoundary private Object doUnwind(MaterializedFrame frame) { SteppingStrategy steppingStrategy = strategyMap.get(Thread.currentThread()); if (steppingStrategy != null) { Object info = steppingStrategy.notifyOnUnwind(); if (info == ProbeNode.UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER) { notifyUnwindCallback(frame, this); } return info; } else { return null; } } @Override Set getSuspendAnchors() { return DebuggerSession.ANCHOR_SET_ALL; } @Override boolean isActiveAt(SuspendAnchor anchor) { return hasRootElement; } } /** * Helper class that uses an assumption to switch between stepping mode and non-stepping mode * efficiently. */ static final class StableBoolean { @CompilationFinal private volatile Assumption unchanged; @CompilationFinal private volatile boolean value; StableBoolean(boolean initialValue) { this.value = initialValue; this.unchanged = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Unchanged boolean"); } boolean get() { if (unchanged.isValid()) { return value; } else { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); return value; } } void set(boolean value) { if (this.value != value) { this.value = value; Assumption old = this.unchanged; unchanged = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Unchanged boolean"); old.invalidate(); } } } } class DebuggerSessionSnippets { @SuppressFBWarnings("") public void example() { // @formatter:off // @replace regex='.*' replacement='' TruffleInstrument.Env instrumentEnv = null; // @start region="DebuggerSessionSnippets#example" try (DebuggerSession session = Debugger.find(instrumentEnv). startSession(new SuspendedCallback() { public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { // step into the next event event.prepareStepInto(1); } })) { Source someCode = Source.newBuilder("...", "...", "example").build(); // install line breakpoint session.install(Breakpoint.newBuilder(someCode).lineIs(3).build()); } // @end region="DebuggerSessionSnippets#example" // @formatter:on // @replace regex='.*' replacement='' } }

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