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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2021, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Objects;


 * Contains classes to support node object inlining in Truffle. These classes are only needed if
 * manual node inlining is implemented. Typically Truffle DSL's {@link GenerateInline} takes care of
 * applying these APIs correctly. For manual usage see
 * {@link} as an example.
 * @see GenerateInline
 * @since 23.0
public final class InlineSupport {

    private InlineSupport() {
        // no instances

     * Shortcut to {@link InlinableField#validate(Node) validate} multiple inlinable fields.
     * @since 23.0
    public static boolean validate(Node node, InlinableField field0, InlinableField field1, InlinableField... fields) {
        for (InlinableField field : fields) {
        return true;

     * Shortcut to {@link InlinableField#validate(Node) validate} multiple inlinable fields.
     * @since 23.0
    public static boolean validate(Node node, InlinableField field0, InlinableField field1) {
        return true;

     * Shortcut to {@link InlinableField#validate(Node) validate} multiple inlinable fields.
     * @since 23.0
    public static boolean validate(Node node, InlinableField field0) {
        return true;

    private static String getEnclosingSimpleName(Class c) {
        if (c.getEnclosingClass() != null) {
            return getEnclosingSimpleName(c.getEnclosingClass()) + "." + c.getSimpleName();
        return c.getSimpleName();

    static final ReferenceField PARENT = new ReferenceField<>(Node.class, Node.class, DSLAccessor.nodeAccessor().nodeLookup(), "parent", Node.class);

     * Used to specify fields for node object inlining in inline methods for the {@link InlineTarget
     * inline target}.

* See {@link InlineTarget} for a full usage example. * * @since 23.0 */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER}) @Repeatable(RequiredFields.class) public @interface RequiredField { /** * Species which field type is expected. See subclasses of {@link InlinableField}. * * @since 23.0 */ Class value(); /** * Specifies the number of bits needed for {@link StateField state fields}. This property * only has an effect for {@link StateField}. The number of bits must be between * 1 and32. * * @since 23.0 */ int bits() default 0; /** * 90 Specifies the the value type for {@link ReferenceField reference} required fields. * This property only has an effect for {@link ReferenceField}. * * @since 23.0 */ Class type() default InlinableField.class; /** * Specifies the compilation final {@link CompilationFinal#dimensions() dimensions} of the * required inlined field. This property has only an effect with array types and * {@link ReferenceField reference fields}. * * @since 23.0 */ int dimensions() default 0; } /** * Marks a field to be accessed with unsafe. This annotation is useful to communicate fields * that must not e rewritten by code obfuscation tools like Proguard. * * @since 23.0 */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @Target({ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface UnsafeAccessedField { } /** * Used to specify multiple {@link RequiredField}. * * @see RequiredField * @since 23.0 **/ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER}) public @interface RequiredFields { /** * Used to specify multiple {@link RequiredField}. * * @since 23.0 **/ RequiredField[] value(); } /** * An inline targert for an inlinable node. This is used as first parameter of an inline method. * The inline method is used by generated Truffle DSL code as well as manually written inlinable * nodes. * * Usage example: * *

     * public static InlinedCountingConditionProfile inline(
     *                 @RequiredField(value = StateField.class, bits = 7) //
     *                 @RequiredField(value = PrimitiveIntField.class) //
     *                 @RequiredField(value = ReferenceField.class, type = String.class) InlineTarget target) {
     *     StateField state = target.getState(0, 7);
     *     PrimitiveIntField primitive = target.getPrimitive(1, PrimitiveIntField.class);
     *     ReferenceField reference = target.getReference(2, String.class);
     *     // pass fields on to inline node
     * }
* * @since 23.0 */ public static final class InlineTarget { private final Class targetClass; private final InlinableField[] updaters; InlineTarget(Class targetClass, InlinableField[] updaters) { this.targetClass = targetClass; this.updaters = updaters; } /** * Returns static target class this inlining specification was applied. * * @since 23.0 */ public Class getTargetClass() { return targetClass; } /** * Requests a primitive field for a given field index. Fields that are requested from a * target must match the required fields specified using {@link RequiredField} on the target * parameter of an inline method otherwise an {@link IncompatibleClassChangeError} is * thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public T getPrimitive(int index, Class fieldClass) { Objects.requireNonNull(fieldClass); if (!isPrimitiveField(fieldClass)) { throw incompatibleAccessError(String.format("Invalid or modified field type. Expected primitive field but got %s.", fieldClass.getName())); } return get(index, fieldClass); } /** * Requests a state field for a given field index. Fields that are requested from a target * must match the required fields specified using {@link RequiredField} on the target * parameter of an inline method otherwise an {@link IncompatibleClassChangeError} is * thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public StateField getState(int index, int minimumBits) { if (minimumBits <= 0 || minimumBits > 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minimum bits. Expected >= 0 and <= 32 but was " + minimumBits + "."); } StateField field = get(index, StateField.class); if (!(minimumBits <= field.bitLength)) { throw incompatibleAccessError( String.format("Expected minimum state bits %s, but got %s.", minimumBits, field.bitLength)); } return field; } /** * Requests a reference field for a given field index. Fields that are requested from a * target must match the required fields specified using {@link RequiredField} on the target * parameter of an inline method otherwise an {@link IncompatibleClassChangeError} is * thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ReferenceField getReference(int index, Class valueClass) { Objects.requireNonNull(valueClass); ReferenceField reference = get(index, ReferenceField.class); Class varType = reference.valueClass; if (!varType.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { throw incompatibleAccessError(String.format("Expected reference type %s, but got %s. ", valueClass.getName(), varType.getName())); } return (ReferenceField) reference; } private T get(int index, Class fieldClass) throws IncompatibleClassChangeError { if (index >= updaters.length) { throw incompatibleAccessError( String.format("Expected number of updaters %s, but got %s. ", index + 1, updaters.length)); } else if (updaters[index].getClass() != fieldClass) { throw incompatibleAccessError( String.format("Expected field type %s, but got %s. ", fieldClass, updaters[index].getClass())); } return fieldClass.cast(updaters[index]); } private static IncompatibleClassChangeError incompatibleAccessError(String detailMessage) { return new IncompatibleClassChangeError( String.format("Node inlining specification has changed in an incompatible way. %sRecompilation from source may solve this problem.", detailMessage)); } private static boolean isReferenceField(Class fieldClass) { return fieldClass == ReferenceField.class; } private static boolean isStateField(Class fieldClass) { return fieldClass == StateField.class; } private static boolean isPrimitiveField(Class fieldClass) { return !isReferenceField(fieldClass) && !isStateField(fieldClass); } /** * Creates an inline target for an inlined node. Intended for use by generated code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static InlineTarget create(Class targetClass, InlinableField... updaters) { Objects.requireNonNull(targetClass); Objects.requireNonNull(updaters); for (InlinableField updater : updaters) { Objects.requireNonNull(updater); } return new InlineTarget(targetClass, updaters); } } /** * Base class for inlined field references. * * @since 23.0 */ /* * Swap the super class to switch between VarHandleField and UnsafeField. * * SVM is not yet ready for the VarHandle implementation. */ @SuppressWarnings({"static-method"}) public abstract static class InlinableField extends UnsafeField { InlinableField(Class receiverClass, Class declaringClass, Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName, Class valueClass) { super(receiverClass, declaringClass, declaringLookup, fieldName, valueClass); } InlinableField(InlinableField prev) { super(prev); } /** * Validates a receiver of an inlined field. This is used for generated DSL code to fail * early for usage mistakes. * * @since 23.0 */ public final boolean validate(Node node) { // this receiver class is more precise than the // var handle type, so this produces better errors. resolveReceiver(node); // return boolean for convenient use in assertions return true; } static RuntimeException invalidValue(Class expectedClass, Object value) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); String message = String.format("Invalid parameter type passed to set. Instance of type '%s' expected but was '%s'. ", getEnclosingSimpleName(expectedClass), value != null ? getEnclosingSimpleName(value.getClass()) : "null"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } /** * Represents a field for updating state fields in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class StateField extends InlinableField { final int bitOffset; final int bitLength; final int bitMask; StateField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName, int offset, int length) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, int.class); this.bitOffset = offset; this.bitLength = length; this.bitMask = computeMask(offset, length); } StateField(StateField prev, int offset, int length) { super(prev); this.bitOffset = prev.bitOffset + offset; this.bitLength = length; this.bitMask = computeMask(bitOffset, length); } private static int computeMask(int offset, int length) { int mask = 0; for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) { mask |= 1 << i; } return mask; } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public StateField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * Creates a sub updater for a subset of bits in a state field. This method is intended to * be used by DSL-generated code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public StateField subUpdater(int newOffset, int newLength) { if (newOffset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("New offset parameter must not be negative."); } else if (newOffset + newLength > this.bitLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal new length parameter must not exceed the available bit length."); } else if (newLength <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid new length."); } else if (newOffset == 0 && newLength == this.bitLength) { return this; } else { return new StateField(this, newOffset, newLength); } } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public int get(Node node) { return (getInt(node) & bitMask) >>> bitOffset; } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, int value) { assert noBitsLost(value); Object receiver = node; int newState = getInt(receiver) & ~bitMask | ((value << bitOffset) & bitMask); setInt(receiver, newState); } private boolean noBitsLost(int providedBits) { int writtenBits = ((providedBits << bitOffset) & bitMask) >>> bitOffset; if (writtenBits != providedBits) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Bits lost in masked state updater set. Provided bits: 0x%s Written bits: 0x%s. " + "This could indicate a bug in subUpdater indices in the node object inlining logic.", Integer.toHexString(providedBits), Integer.toHexString(writtenBits))); } return true; } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static StateField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new StateField(declaringLookup, field, 0, 32); } } /** * Represents a field for references in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class ReferenceField extends InlinableField { final Class valueClass; ReferenceField(Class receiverClass, Class lookupFieldClass, Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName, Class valueClass) { super(receiverClass, lookupFieldClass, declaringLookup, fieldName, valueClass); this.valueClass = valueClass; } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public ReferenceField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T get(Node node) { return (T) getObject(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, T value) { setObject(node, value, valueClass); } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node using volatile * semantics. The node parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the * type is not compatible, an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is * provided, then a {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getVolatile(Node node) { return (T) getObjectVolatile(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node and expected * value using compare and set semantics. The node parameter must match the class the field * was created with. If the type is not compatible, an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. * If null is provided, then a {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public boolean compareAndSet(Node node, T expect, T update) { return compareAndSetObject(node, expect, update, valueClass); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class, field name and value class. The * lookup class requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field * is not found or the field type is not compatible, then an * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. The given field must not be final. This * method is intended to be used by DSL-generated code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static ReferenceField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field, Class valueClass) { Class lookupClass = declaringLookup.lookupClass(); return new ReferenceField<>(lookupClass, lookupClass, declaringLookup, field, valueClass); } } /** * Represents a field for boolean primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class BooleanField extends InlinableField { BooleanField(Lookup lookup, String fieldName) { super(lookup.lookupClass(), lookup.lookupClass(), lookup, fieldName, boolean.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public BooleanField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public boolean get(Node node) { return getBoolean(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, boolean value) { setBoolean(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static BooleanField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new BooleanField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for byte primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class ByteField extends InlinableField { ByteField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, byte.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public ByteField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public byte get(Node node) { return getByte(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, byte value) { setByte(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static ByteField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new ByteField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for short primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class ShortField extends InlinableField { ShortField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, short.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public ShortField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public short get(Node node) { return getShort(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, short value) { setShort(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static ShortField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new ShortField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for char primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class CharField extends InlinableField { CharField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, char.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public CharField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public char get(Node node) { return getChar(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, char value) { setChar(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static CharField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new CharField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for float primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class FloatField extends InlinableField { FloatField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, float.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public FloatField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public float get(Node node) { return getFloat(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, float value) { setFloat(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static FloatField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new FloatField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for int primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class IntField extends InlinableField { IntField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, int.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public IntField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public int get(Node node) { return getInt(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, int value) { setInt(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static IntField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new IntField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for long primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class LongField extends InlinableField { LongField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, long.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public LongField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public long get(Node node) { return getLong(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, long value) { setLong(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static LongField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new LongField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Represents a field for double primitives in inlined nodes. * * @since 23.0 */ public static final class DoubleField extends InlinableField { DoubleField(Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName) { super(declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup.lookupClass(), declaringLookup, fieldName, double.class); } /** * This method creates a parent accessor field. A parent accessor allows access to a field * through a parent pointer. The given class must exactly match the given receiver. This * method is intended to be used by the DSL-generated code. * * @since 23.0 * @deprecated in 23.1 - no longer needed */ @Deprecated public DoubleField createParentAccessor(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class parentClass) { return this; } /** * This method returns the value of the target field given a target node. The node parameter * must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, an * {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public double get(Node node) { return getDouble(node); } /** * This method sets the value of the target field giving the a target node. The node * parameter must match the class the field was created with. If the type is not compatible, * an {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. If null is provided, then a * {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * * @since 23.0 */ public void set(Node node, double value) { setDouble(node, value); } /** * This method creates a new field given a lookup class and a field name. The lookup class * requires access to the field and must be directly accessible. If the field is not found * or the field type is not compatible, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * The given field must not be final. This method is intended to be used by DSL-generated * code only. * * @since 23.0 */ public static DoubleField create(Lookup declaringLookup, String field) { return new DoubleField(declaringLookup, field); } } /** * Unsafe base class for fields. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "deprecation"}) abstract static class UnsafeField { // used for TruffleBaseFeature substitution final Class declaringClass; // used for TruffleBaseFeature substitution final String name; // used for precise checking -> exact type final Class receiverClass; final long offset; UnsafeField(UnsafeField prev) { this.offset = prev.offset; this.receiverClass = prev.receiverClass; this.declaringClass = prev.declaringClass; =; } UnsafeField(Class receiverClass, Class declaringClass, Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName, Class valueClass) { Objects.requireNonNull(receiverClass); Objects.requireNonNull(declaringClass); Objects.requireNonNull(declaringLookup); Objects.requireNonNull(fieldName); Objects.requireNonNull(valueClass); Field field; Class fieldClass; try { this.declaringClass = declaringClass; = fieldName; field = new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Field run() throws NoSuchFieldException { if (declaringLookup == null) { return null; } return declaringClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } }); fieldClass = field.getType(); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { if (pae.getException() instanceof NoSuchFieldException) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No such field %s.%s.", declaringClass.getName(), fieldName), pae); } throw new AssertionError(pae.getException()); } if (!fieldClass.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Expected field type %s, but got %s. ", valueClass.getName(), fieldClass.getName())); } if (!declaringClass.isAssignableFrom(receiverClass)) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("Receiver class %s is not assignable to the declaring class %s.", receiverClass.getName(), declaringClass.getName())); } final int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be final field"); } this.receiverClass = receiverClass; this.offset = U.objectFieldOffset(field); } final Object resolveReceiver(Object node) { CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(this); CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(node); Object value; // trigger implicit NPE here if (node.getClass() == receiverClass) { // fast common path value = node; } else { // slow path with parent resolve value = resolveReceiverSlow(node); } return receiverClass.cast(value); } /** * Looks up the parent {@link SpecializationDataNode} instances to find the correct * receiver. */ @ExplodeLoop private Object resolveReceiverSlow(Object node) { if (receiverClass.isInstance(node)) { /* * if the receiver type does not happen to be exact, handle this here to not slow * down the fast-path. */ return node; } Object receiver = node; while (receiver != null) { assert validateForParentLookup(node, receiver); receiver = U.getObject(receiver, PARENT.offset); if (receiverClass.isInstance(receiver)) { break; } } if (receiver == null) { throw nullError(node); } return receiver; } /** * Validates that we are allowed to do a parent lookup for the inline context. Parent * lookups are only allowed for all instances of {@link SpecializationDataNode} generated by * the DSL. Any further parent lookups are invalid. */ @TruffleBoundary private boolean validateForParentLookup(Object inlineTarget, Object parent) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return true; } if (parent == null) { return true; } /* * If the inline context is a specialization data node we can check that all consecutive * nodes in the parent chain are specialization data classes too. If code has not yet * been recompiled with the latest DSL version we do not provide bad errors. */ if (inlineTarget instanceof SpecializationDataNode) { if (!(parent instanceof SpecializationDataNode)) { throw invalidReceiver(inlineTarget); } } return true; } private RuntimeException nullError(Object node) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); if (node == null) { throw nullReceiver(node); } else { throw invalidReceiver(node); } } private NullPointerException nullReceiver(Object node) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); return new NullPointerException(String.format( "Invalid inline context node passed to an inlined field. A receiver of type '%s' was expected but is null. " + "Did you pass the wrong node to an execute method of an inlined cached node?", getEnclosingSimpleName(receiverClass))); } private RuntimeException invalidReceiver(Object inlineTarget) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); throw new ClassCastException(String.format("Invalid inline context node passed to an inlined field. A receiver of type '%s' was expected but is '%s'. " + // "Did you pass the wrong node to an execute method of an inlined cached node?", getEnclosingSimpleName(receiverClass), getEnclosingSimpleName(((Node) inlineTarget).getClass()))); } final boolean getBoolean(Object node) { return U.getBoolean(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final byte getByte(Object node) { return U.getByte(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final short getShort(Object node) { return U.getShort(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final char getChar(Object node) { return U.getChar(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final int getInt(Object node) { return U.getInt(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final float getFloat(Object node) { return U.getFloat(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final long getLong(Object node) { return U.getLong(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final double getDouble(Object node) { return U.getDouble(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final Object getObject(Object node) { return U.getObject(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final void setBoolean(Object node, boolean v) { U.putBoolean(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setByte(Object node, byte v) { U.putByte(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setShort(Object node, short v) { U.putShort(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setChar(Object node, char v) { U.putChar(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setInt(Object node, int v) { U.putInt(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setFloat(Object node, float v) { U.putFloat(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setLong(Object node, long v) { U.putLong(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setDouble(Object node, double v) { U.putDouble(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final void setObject(Object node, Object v, Class valueClass) { if (!valueClass.isInstance(v) && v != null) { throw InlinableField.invalidValue(valueClass, v); } U.putObject(resolveReceiver(node), offset, v); } final Object getObjectVolatile(Object node) { return U.getObjectVolatile(resolveReceiver(node), offset); } final boolean compareAndSetObject(Object node, Object expect, Object update, Class valueClass) { if (!valueClass.isInstance(update) && update != null) { throw InlinableField.invalidValue(valueClass, update); } return U.compareAndSwapObject(resolveReceiver(node), offset, expect, update); } private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() { try { return sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException e) { } try { Field theUnsafeInstance = sun.misc.Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafeInstance.setAccessible(true); return (sun.misc.Unsafe) theUnsafeInstance.get(sun.misc.Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe.theUnsafe via reflection:", e); } } static final sun.misc.Unsafe U = getUnsafe(); } /* * Dead code expected to be revitalized as soon as SVM supports better optimizations of var * handles. */ abstract static class VarHandleField { private final Class receiverClass; private final VarHandle handle; @SuppressWarnings("unused") VarHandleField(Class receiverClass, Class lookupClass, Lookup declaringLookup, String fieldName, Class valueClass) { try { this.receiverClass = receiverClass; this.handle = declaringLookup.findVarHandle(lookupClass, fieldName, valueClass); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } VarHandleField(VarHandleField prev) { this.handle = prev.handle; this.receiverClass = prev.receiverClass; } Class getFieldClass() { return handle.varType(); } final boolean getBoolean(Object node) { return (boolean) handle.get(node); } final byte getByte(Object node) { return (byte) handle.get(node); } final short getShort(Object node) { return (short) handle.get(node); } final char getChar(Object node) { return (char) handle.get(node); } final int getInt(Object node) { return (int) handle.get(node); } final float getFloat(Object node) { return (float) handle.get(node); } final long getLong(Object node) { return (long) handle.get(node); } final double getDouble(Object node) { return (double) handle.get(node); } final void setBoolean(Object node, boolean v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setByte(Object node, byte v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setShort(Object node, short v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setChar(Object node, char v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setInt(Object node, int v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setFloat(Object node, float v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setLong(Object node, long v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setDouble(Object node, double v) { handle.set(node, v); } final void setObject(Object node, Object v) { handle.set(node, v); } final Object getObject(Object node) { return handle.get(node); } final Object getObjectVolatile(Object node) { return handle.getVolatile(node); } final boolean compareAndSetObject(Object node, Object expect, Object update) { return handle.compareAndSet(node, expect, update); } @Override public final String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()); b.append("["); b.append(handle); b.append("]"); return b.toString(); } } }

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