com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2018, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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* This license is subject to the following condition:
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.library;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.AOTSupport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.GenerateAOT;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Specialization;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.DefaultExport;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.provider.EagerExportProvider;
* Allows to export messages of Truffle libraries. The exported library {@link ExportLibrary#value()
* value} specifies the library class that is exported. If there are abstract methods specified by a
* library then those messages need to be implemented. A receiver may export multiple libraries at
* the same time, by specifying multiple export annotations. Subclasses of the receiver type inherit
* all exported messages and may also be exported again. In this case the subclass overrides the
* base class export.
* Method Exports
* Messages are exported by specifying methods annotated by
* {@linkplain ExportMessage @ExportMessage} that match the name and signature of a library message.
* By default the message name is inferred by the method name and the library is automatically
* detected if it can be unambiguously identified by its simple name. If the receiver type is
* implicit then the receiver type parameter can be omitted. Exported messages allow the use of
* {@linkplain Cached} and {@linkplain CachedLibrary} parameters at the end of the method. This
* allows the use of nodes in implementations.
Usage example
* Example usage with implicit receiver type:
* @ExportLibrary(ArrayLibrary.class)
* static final class BufferArray {
* private int length;
* private int[] buffer;
* BufferArray(int length) {
* this.length = length;
* this.buffer = new int[length];
* }
* @ExportMessage
* boolean isArray() {
* return true;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* int read(int index) {
* return buffer[index];
* }
* }
* Class exports
* If a message export requires more than one {@link Specialization specialization} then the export
* must be specified as class. In this case the simple name of the message is resolved by using the
* class name and turning the first character lower-case. So for an exported class named
* Read
the message read
would be used. It is not allowed to use a method
* export and a class export for the same message at the same time. Multiple {@link ExportMessage}
* annotations may be used for the same method or class to export them for multiple messages. In
* this case the {@link ExportMessage#name() message name} needs to be specified explicitly and the
* target signatures need to match for all exported messages.
Usage example
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class)
* static final class SequenceArray {
* final int start;
* final int stride;
* final int length;
* SequenceArray(int start, int stride, int length) {
* this.start = start;
* this.stride = stride;
* this.length = length;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* boolean isArray() {
* return true;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* static class Read {
* @Specialization(guards = {"seq.stride == cachedStride",
* "seq.start == cachedStart"}, limit = "1")
* static int doSequenceCached(SequenceArray seq, int index,
* @Cached("seq.start") int cachedStart,
* @Cached("seq.stride") int cachedStride) {
* return cachedStart + cachedStride * index;
* }
* @Specialization(replaces = "doSequenceCached")
* static int doSequence(SequenceArray seq, int index) {
* return doSequenceCached(seq, index, seq.start, seq.stride);
* }
* }
* }
* Explicit Receiver Types
* For {@link DefaultExport default exports} or types that support {@link DynamicDispatchLibrary
* dynamic dispatch} the export may declare an {@link #receiverType() explicit receiver type}.
* @see GenerateLibrary
* @see CachedLibrary
* @since 19.0
public @interface ExportLibrary {
* The library class that specifies the messages that are exported.
* @since 19.0
Class extends Library> value();
* The explicit receiver type to use if specified. This is useful to specifying the receiver
* type for {@link DefaultExport default exports} or types that are
* {@link DynamicDispatchLibrary dynamically dispatched}. If specified, all exported methods
* need to be declared statically with the receiver type argument as first parameter.
* Usage example
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class, receiverType = Integer.class)
* static final class ScalarIntegerArray {
* @ExportMessage
* static boolean isArray(Integer receiver) {
* return true;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* int read(Integer receiver, int index) {
* if (index == 0) {
* return receiver;
* } else {
* throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
* }
* }
* }
* @since 19.0
Class> receiverType() default Void.class;
* Automatically forwards all messages of the library which are not exported to the value of a
* delegate field. This can be used to conveniently build wrapper types that do not delegate all
* but only some of the messages. To forward messages from unknown libraries, this can be
* combined with {@link ReflectionLibrary reflection proxies}.
* The specified field name must link to a field in the specified {@link #receiverType()
* receiver type}, or in the annotated type if no receiver type is specified. The field must
* have the modifier final
. The specified field must be visible to the generated
* code and therefore not private. The referenced field must not be static.
Usage example
* @GenerateLibrary
* public abstract class ArrayLibrary extends Library {
* public String toDisplayString(Object receiver) {
* return receiver.toString();
* }
* public String otherMessage(Object receiver) {
* return "otherResult";
* }
* }
* In the following wrapper all messages of ArrayLibrary will be forwarded to the value of the
* delegate field.
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate")
* final class ArrayDelegateWrapper {
* final Object delegate;
* ArrayDelegateWrapper(Object delegate) {
* this.delegate = delegate;
* }
* }
* In the following wrapper the toDisplayString will be re-exported and not delegated to the
* delegate field. All other messages of the ArrayLibrary are implicitly delegated to the value
* of the delegate field.
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate")
* final class ArrayOverrideWrapper {
* final Object delegate;
* ArrayOverrideWrapper(Object delegate) {
* this.delegate = delegate;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* final String toDisplayString() {
* return "Wrapped";
* }
* }
* In the following wrapper the toDisplayString will be exported but forwards to the delegate
* manually adding brackets around the delegate value.
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate")
* final class ArrayManualDelegateWrapper {
* final Object delegate;
* ArrayManualDelegateWrapper(Object delegate) {
* this.delegate = delegate;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* final String toDisplayString(
* @CachedLibrary("this.delegate") ArrayLibrary arrayLibrary) {
* return "Wrapped[" + arrayLibrary.toDisplayString(delegate) + "]";
* }
* }
* In the following wrapper the toDisplayString message is re-exported. Other messages of the
* ArrayLibrary are delegated as well as all messages of any other library that supports
* reflection.
* @ExportLibrary(value = ArrayLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate")
* @ExportLibrary(value = ReflectionLibrary.class, delegateTo = "delegate")
* final class ArrayFullWrapper {
* final Object delegate;
* ArrayFullWrapper(Object delegate) {
* this.delegate = delegate;
* }
* @ExportMessage
* final String toDisplayString() {
* return "Wrapped";
* }
* }
* @since 20.0
String delegateTo() default "";
* Specifies the priority for service provider lookup based default exports. Needs to be
* specified for exports with explicit receiver type, that are not declared as default exports.
* Positive values indicate a priority higher than library builtin {@link DefaultExport default
* exports}, negative values lower than default exports. A priority equal to 0 is invalid.
* @since 20.1
int priority() default 0;
* By default export libraries don't allow changes in the behavior of accepts for a receiver
* instance. If this assumption is violated then an {@link AssertionError} is thrown. If the
* transition limit is set then the accepts condition is allowed to transition from
* true
to false
for a library created for a receiver instance. The
* limit expression specifies how many fallback library instances should be created until the
* library is dispatching to uncached cases of the library. By default accepts transitions are
* not allowed. Note this option is only relevant if you use a custom accepts implementation in
* the export. If the receiver transitions in parallel then there are no guarantees provided.
* The library caller is responsible to provide proper synchronization.
* This feature is useful to implement runtime value representations that dynamically transition
* from one state to the next. With arrays, a common example is the access strategy that changes
* from sparse or dense arrays. Another use-case is the Truffle object model, where the shape
* should be used in the accepts condition, to common out the shape check, but at the same time
* the shape should be able to transition due to a property write.
* The transition limit expression is allowed to access visible static fields or methods of the
* enclosing class. If the limit needs to be looked up from an option it is recommended to
* extract the option lookup in a static Java method.
* Performance note: If any number of transitions is enabled, the accepts guard of this
* library effectively needs to be repeated on every message invocation of this export. It is
* therefore recommended to not set this property for performance reasons, if possible. It is
* also recommended to double check that the duplicated accepts guard for every message is
* eliminated in the compiler graphs after Partial evaluation.
* @see Library#accepts(Object)
* @since 20.1
String transitionLimit() default "";
* Enables {@link AOTSupport#prepareForAOT(com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode) AOT
* preparation} for this export. An exported library must use the {@link GenerateAOT} annotation
* on the library class to allow exports to enable AOT. Multiple AOT exports may be specified
* for each library. The library may be used for implicit and explicit receivers, dynamic
* dispatch and default exports. Merged libraries are currently not supported for AOT enabled
* exports. A {@link #useForAOTPriority() priority} must be set in order to resolve a
* deterministic order for AOT initialized exports.
* All exported libraries with AOT enabled are loaded and initialized eagerly when a library
* that supports AOT is used for the first time. In order for this to work the exported library
* automatically generates subclass of {@link EagerExportProvider}, that must be registered in
* the module descriptor as a provided service. When the language is compiled using native-image
* then this is not necessary as native-image compilation discovers all AOT exports for a
* library during native image generation.
* @since 21.2
boolean useForAOT() default false;
* Specifies the priority for the export when used for AOT preparation. A higher priority
* indicates that this export should be ordered earlier in the code rather than later. For
* example if a library has two exports and one has a higher priority then the export with the
* higher priority with be inserted first in the inline cache. Consequently, the library export
* accepts method will be invoked earlier for a higher priority.
* @since 21.2
int useForAOTPriority() default 0;
* Repeat annotation for {@link ExportLibrary}.
* @since 19.0
public @interface Repeat {
* Repeat value for {@link ExportLibrary}.
* @since 19.0
ExportLibrary[] value();