com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2012, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
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* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
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* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.ContextReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.Env;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.ParsingRequest;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleStackTraceElement;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstance;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
* Represents the root node in a Truffle AST. The root node is a {@link Node node} that allows to be
* {@link #execute(VirtualFrame) executed} using a {@link VirtualFrame frame} instance created by
* the framework. Please note that the {@link RootNode} should not be executed directly but using
* {@link CallTarget#call(Object...)}. The structure of the frame is provided by the
* {@link FrameDescriptor frame descriptor} passed in the constructor. A root node has always a
* null
{@link #getParent() parent} and cannot be {@link #replace(Node) replaced}.
* Construction
* The root node can be constructed with a {@link TruffleLanguage language implementation} if it is
* available. The language implementation instance is obtainable while
* {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is
* executed. If no language environment is available, then null
can be passed. Please
* note that root nodes with null
language are considered not instrumentable and don't
* have access to its public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}.
* Execution
* In order to execute a root node, its call target is lazily created and can be accessed via
* {@link RootNode#getCallTarget()}. This allows the runtime system to optimize the execution of the
* AST. The {@link CallTarget} can either be {@link CallTarget#call(Object...) called} directly from
* runtime code or {@link DirectCallNode direct} and {@link IndirectCallNode indirect} call nodes
* can be created, inserted in a child field and {@link DirectCallNode#call(Object[]) called}. The
* use of direct call nodes allows the framework to automatically inline and further optimize call
* sites based on heuristics.
* After several calls to a call target or call node, the root node might get compiled using partial
* evaluation. The details of the compilation heuristic are unspecified, therefore the Truffle
* runtime system might decide to not compile at all.
* One root node instance refers to other classes using the following cardinalities:
* - one {@link TruffleLanguage language}
- one {@link CallTarget call target}
- many {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env) created} language contexts
* Instrumentation
* A root node can be {@linkplain com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation instrumented} if the
* following conditions apply:
* - A non-null {@link TruffleLanguage language} is passed in the root node constructor.
- {@link #isInstrumentable()} is overridden and returns
* - {@link #getSourceSection()} is overridden and returns a non-null value.
- The AST contains at least one node that implements
* {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode}.
- It is recommended that children of instrumentable root nodes are tagged with
* Note: It is recommended to override {@link #getSourceSection()} and provide a
* source section if available. This allows for better testing/tracing/tooling. If no concrete
* source section is available please consider using {@link Source#createUnavailableSection()}.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract class RootNode extends ExecutableNode {
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater LOCK_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RootNode.class, ReentrantLock.class, "lock");
@CompilationFinal private volatile RootCallTarget callTarget;
@CompilationFinal private FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor;
private volatile ReentrantLock lock;
volatile byte instrumentationBits;
* Creates new root node with a given language instance. The language instance is obtainable
* while {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or
* {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is executed. If no language environment is
* available, then null
can be passed. Please note that root nodes with
* null
language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its
* public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}.
* @param language the language this root node is associated with
* @since 0.25
protected RootNode(TruffleLanguage> language) {
this(language, null);
* Creates new root node given an language environment and frame descriptor. The language
* instance is obtainable while {@link TruffleLanguage#createContext(Env)} or
* {@link TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest)} is executed. If no language environment is
* available, then null
can be passed. Please note that root nodes with
* null
language are considered not instrumentable and don't have access to its
* public {@link #getLanguageInfo() language information}.
* @param language the language this root node is associated with
* @since 0.25
protected RootNode(TruffleLanguage> language, FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor) {
this.frameDescriptor = frameDescriptor == null ? new FrameDescriptor() : frameDescriptor;
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public Node copy() {
RootNode root = (RootNode) super.copy();
root.frameDescriptor = frameDescriptor;
return root;
private static void resetFieldsAfterCopy(RootNode root) {
root.callTarget = null;
root.instrumentationBits = 0;
root.lock = null;
* Returns a qualified name of the AST that in the best case uniquely identifiers the method. If
* the qualified name is not specified by the root, then the {@link #getName() name} is used by
* default. A root node that represents a Java method could consist of the package name, the
* class name and the method name. E.g. mypackage.MyClass.myMethod
* @since 20.0
public String getQualifiedName() {
return getName();
* Returns a simple name of the AST (expected to be a method or procedure name in most
* languages) that identifies the AST for the benefit of guest language programmers using tools;
* it might appear, for example in the context of a stack dump or trace and is not expected to
* be called often. Can be called on any thread and without a language context. The name of a
* root node that represents a Java method could consist of the method name. E.g.
* myMethod
* In some languages AST "compilation units" may have no intrinsic names. When no information is
* available, language implementations might simply use the first few characters of the code,
* followed by "{@code ...}". Language implementations should assign a more helpful name
* whenever it becomes possible, for example when a functional value is assigned. This means
* that the name might not be stable over time.
* Language execution semantics should not depend on either this name or the way that it is
* formatted. The name should be presented in the way expected to be most useful for
* programmers.
* @return a name that helps guest language programmers identify code corresponding to the AST,
* possibly {@code null} if the language implementation is unable to provide any useful
* information.
* @since 0.15
public String getName() {
return null;
* Returns true
if this root node should be considered internal and not be shown to
* a guest language programmer. This method has effect on tools and guest language stack traces.
* By default a {@link RootNode} is internal if no language was passed in the constructor or if
* the {@link #getSourceSection() root source section} is set and points to an internal source.
* This method is intended to be overwritten by guest languages, when the node's source is
* internal, the implementation should respect that. Can be called on any thread and without a
* language context.
* This method may be invoked on compiled code paths. It is recommended to implement this method
* such that it returns a compilation final constant.
* @since 0.27
public boolean isInternal() {
if (getLanguageInfo() == null) {
return true;
SourceSection sc = materializeSourceSection();
if (sc != null) {
return sc.getSource().isInternal();
return false;
* Returns true
if this root node should count towards
* {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.exception.AbstractTruffleException#getStackTraceElementLimit}.
* By default, returns the negation of {@link #isInternal()}.
* This method may be invoked on compiled code paths. It is recommended to implement this method
* or #isInternal() such that it returns a partial evaluation constant.
* @since 21.2.0
protected boolean countsTowardsStackTraceLimit() {
return !isInternal();
* Returns the current byte code index of the root node using a given node location and a frame.
* Depending on the strategy (see below) either the node or the frame may be used to find the
* bytecode index.
* This method is called by Truffle to determine the bytecode index when constructing
* {@link TruffleStackTraceElement} objects. There are two common strategies to implement this
* method:
* - If the bytecode index is stored in the frame, then
* {@link #isCaptureFramesForTrace(boolean)} should be overridden and return
* Next use the frame argument and read the bytecode index from the frame. Note that the
* provided frame may be null
even if {@link #isCaptureFramesForTrace(boolean)}
* returns true
* - If the bytecode index is stored in the call node, then {@link Node#getParent() parent}
* nodes should be walked to find the node containing the bytecode index.
* This method should return a negative bytecode index if it is unavailable or invalid. A
* language implementation may assign additional semantics for individual negative byte code
* indices, other languages will interpret any negative index as if the index is unavailable.
* @param node the top-most node of the activation or null
* @param frame the current frame of the activation or null
* @see FrameInstance#getBytecodeIndex() to access byte code indices
* @since 24.1
protected int findBytecodeIndex(Node node, Frame frame) {
return -1;
private SourceSection materializeSourceSection() {
return getSourceSection();
* @since 24.1
* @deprecated in 24.1, implement and use {@link #isCaptureFramesForTrace(boolean)} instead
protected boolean isCaptureFramesForTrace(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Node compiledFrame) {
return isCaptureFramesForTrace();
* Returns true
if an AbstractTruffleException leaving this node should capture
* {@link Frame} objects in its stack trace in addition to the default information. This is
* false
by default to avoid the attached overhead. The captured frames are then
* accessible through {@link TruffleStackTraceElement#getFrame()}.
* Using the compiledFrame argument can be useful to capture the frame only for interpreted
* frames. This way it is possible to store the {@link #findBytecodeIndex(Node, Frame) bytecode
* index} in the frame only in the interpreter, but never in compiled code. This is more
* efficient, because capturing the frame is a fast operation in the interpreter, but a slow
* operation for compiled frames.
* @param compiledFrame whether the frame would be from a compiled execution.
* @since 24.1
protected boolean isCaptureFramesForTrace(boolean compiledFrame) {
return isCaptureFramesForTrace(null);
* @since 0.31
* @deprecated in 24.1, implement and use {@link #isCaptureFramesForTrace(boolean)} instead
public boolean isCaptureFramesForTrace() {
return false;
* Returns true
if this {@link RootNode} is allowed to be cloned. The runtime
* system might decide to create deep copies of the {@link RootNode} in order to gather context
* sensitive profiling feedback. The default implementation returns false
. Guest
* language specific implementations may want to return true
here to indicate that
* gathering call site specific profiling information might make sense for this {@link RootNode}
* .
* @return true
if cloning is allowed else false
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public boolean isCloningAllowed() {
return false;
* Returns true
if {@link #cloneUninitialized()} can be used to create
* uninitialized copies of an already initialized / executed root node. By default, or if this
* method returns false
, an optimizing Truffle runtime might need to copy the AST
* before it is executed for the first time to ensure it is able to create new uninitialized
* copies when needed. By returning true
and therefore supporting uninitialized
* copies an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on
* its own and might therefore be able to save memory. The returned boolean needs to be
* immutable for a {@link RootNode} instance.
* @return true
if calls to {@link #cloneUninitialized() uninitialized copies} are
* supported.
* @see #cloneUninitialized()
* @since 0.24
protected boolean isCloneUninitializedSupported() {
return false;
* Creates an uninitialized copy of an already initialized/executed root node if it is
* {@link #isCloneUninitializedSupported() supported}. Throws an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException} exception by default. By default, or if
* {@link #isCloneUninitializedSupported()} returns false
, an optimizing Truffle
* runtime might need to copy the root node before it is executed for the first time to ensure
* it is able to create new uninitialized copies when needed. By supporting uninitialized copies
* an optimizing runtime does not need to keep a reference to an uninitialized copy on its own
* and might therefore be able to save memory.
* Two common strategies to implement {@link #cloneUninitialized()} are:
* - Reparsing: Support it by keeping a reference to the original source code including
* the lexical scope and create the uninitialized copy of the root node by reparsing the source.
- Resetting: Support it by traversing the {@link Node} tree and derive an
* uninitialized copy from each initialized node.
* @return an uninitialized copy of this root node if supported.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported
* @see #isCloneUninitializedSupported()
* @since 0.24
protected RootNode cloneUninitialized() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final RootNode cloneUninitializedImpl(CallTarget sourceCallTarget, RootNode uninitializedRootNode) {
RootNode clonedRoot;
if (isCloneUninitializedSupported()) {
assert uninitializedRootNode == null : "uninitializedRootNode should not have been created";
clonedRoot = cloneUninitialized();
// if the language copied we cannot be sure
// that the call target is not reset (with their own means of copying)
// so better make sure they are reset.
} else {
clonedRoot = NodeUtil.cloneNode(uninitializedRootNode);
// regular cloning guarantees that call target, instrumentation bits,
// and lock are null. See #copy().
assert clonedRoot.callTarget == null;
assert clonedRoot.instrumentationBits == 0;
assert clonedRoot.lock == null;
RootCallTarget clonedTarget = NodeAccessor.RUNTIME.newCallTarget(sourceCallTarget, clonedRoot);
ReentrantLock l = clonedRoot.getLazyLock();
try {
clonedRoot.setupCallTarget(clonedTarget, "callTarget not null. Was getCallTarget on the result of RootNode.cloneUninitialized called?");
} finally {
return clonedRoot;
* Executes this function using the specified frame and returns the result value.
* @param frame the frame of the currently executing guest language method
* @return the value of the execution
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame);
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public final RootCallTarget getCallTarget() {
RootCallTarget target = this.callTarget;
// Check isLoaded to avoid returning a CallTarget before notifyOnLoad() is done
if (target == null || !NodeAccessor.RUNTIME.isLoaded(target)) {
target = initializeTarget();
return target;
private RootCallTarget initializeTarget() {
RootCallTarget target;
ReentrantLock l = getLazyLock();
try {
target = this.callTarget;
if (target == null) {
target = NodeAccessor.RUNTIME.newCallTarget(null, this);
this.setupCallTarget(target, "callTarget was set by newCallTarget but should not");
} finally {
return target;
private void setupCallTarget(RootCallTarget callTarget, String message) {
assert getLazyLock().isHeldByCurrentThread();
if (this.callTarget != null) {
throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(message);
this.callTarget = callTarget;
// Call notifyOnLoad() after the callTarget field is set, so the invariant that if a
// CallTarget exists for a RootNode then that rootNode.callTarget points to the CallTarget
// always holds, and no matter what notifyOnLoad() does the 1-1 relation between the
// RootNode and CallTarget is already there.
final RootCallTarget getCallTargetWithoutInitialization() {
return callTarget;
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public final FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor() {
return frameDescriptor;
* Does this contain AST content that it is possible to instrument. Can be called on any thread
* and without a language context.
* @since 0.8 or earlier
protected boolean isInstrumentable() {
return true;
* Is this root node to be considered trivial by the runtime.
* A trivial root node is defined as a root node that:
* - Never increases code size when inlined, i.e. is always less complex then the call.
* - Never performs guest language calls.
* - Never contains loops.
* - Is small (for a language-specific definition of small).
* An good example of trivial root nodes would be getters and setters in java.
* @since 20.3.0
* @return true
if this root node should be considered trivial by the runtime.
* false
protected boolean isTrivial() {
return false;
* Provide a list of stack frames that led to a schedule of asynchronous execution of this root
* node on the provided frame. The asynchronous frames are expected to be found here when
* {@link Env#getAsynchronousStackDepth()} is positive. The language is free to provide
* asynchronous frames or longer list of frames when it's of no performance penalty, or if
* requested by other options. This method is invoked on slow-paths only and with a context
* entered.
* @param frame A frame, never null
* @return a list of {@link TruffleStackTraceElement}, or null
when no asynchronous
* stack is available.
* @see Env#getAsynchronousStackDepth()
* @since 20.1.0
protected List findAsynchronousFrames(Frame frame) {
return null;
* Translates the {@link TruffleStackTraceElement} into an interop object supporting the
* {@code hasExecutableName} and potentially {@code hasDeclaringMetaObject} and
* {@code hasSourceLocation} messages. An executable name must be provided, whereas the
* declaring meta object and source location is optional. Guest languages may typically return
* their function objects that typically already implement the required contracts.
* The intention of this method is to provide a guest language object for other languages that
* they can inspect using interop. An implementation of this method is expected to not fail with
* a guest error. Implementations are allowed to do {@link ContextReference#get(Node) context
* reference lookups} in the implementation of the method. This may be useful to access the
* function objects needed to resolve the stack trace element.
* @see TruffleStackTraceElement#getGuestObject() to access the guest object of a stack trace
* element.
* @since 20.3
protected Object translateStackTraceElement(TruffleStackTraceElement element) {
Node location = element.getLocation();
return NodeAccessor.EXCEPTION.createDefaultStackTraceElementObject(element.getTarget().getRootNode(), location != null ? location.getEncapsulatingSourceSection() : null);
* Allows languages to perform actions before a root node is attempted to be compiled without
* prior call to {@link #execute(VirtualFrame)}. By default this method returns
* null
to indicate that AOT compilation is not supported. Any non-null value
* indicates that compilation without execution is supported for this root node. This method is
* guaranteed to not be invoked prior to any calls to {@link #execute(VirtualFrame) execute}.
* Common tasks that need to be performed by this method:
* - Initialize local variable types in the {@link FrameDescriptor} of the root node. Without
* that any access to the frame will invalidate the code on first execute.
- Initialize specializing nodes with profiles that do not invalidate on first execution.
* For initialization of Truffle DSL nodes see {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.AOTSupport}.
- Compute the expected execution signature of a root node and return it.
* If possible an {@link ExecutionSignature execution signature} should be returned for better
* call efficiency. If the argument and return profile is not available or cannot be derived the
* {@link ExecutionSignature#GENERIC} can be used to indicate that any value needs to be
* expected for as argument from or as return value of the method. To indicate that a type is
* unknown a null
return or argument type should be used. The type
* Object
type should not be used in that case.
* This method is invoked when no context is currently {@link TruffleContext#enter(Node)
* entered} therefore no guest application code must be executed. The execution might happen on
* any thread, even threads unknown to the guest language implementation. It is allowed to
* create new {@link CallTarget call targets} during preparation of the root node or perform
* modifications to the {@link TruffleLanguage language} of this root node.
* @since 20.3
protected ExecutionSignature prepareForAOT() {
return null;
* Helper method to create a root node that always returns the same value. Certain operations
* (especially {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.interop inter-operability} API) require return of
* stable {@link RootNode root nodes}. To simplify creation of such nodes, here is a factory
* method that can create {@link RootNode} that returns always the same value.
* @param constant the constant to return
* @return root node returning the constant
* @since 0.8 or earlier
public static RootNode createConstantNode(Object constant) {
return new Constant(constant);
* If this root node has a lexical scope parent, this method returns its frame descriptor.
* As an example, consider the following pseudocode:
* def m {
* # For the "m" root node:
* # getFrameDescriptor returns FrameDescriptor(m)
* # getParentFrameDescriptor returns null
* var_method = 0
* a = () -> {
* # For the "a lambda" root node:
* # getFrameDescriptor returns FrameDescriptor(a)
* # getParentFrameDescriptor returns FrameDescriptor(m)
* var_lambda1 = 1
* b = () -> {
* # For the "b lambda" root node:
* # getFrameDescriptor returns FrameDescriptor(b)
* # getParentFrameDescriptor returns FrameDescriptor(a)
* var_method + var_lambda1
* }
* b.call
* }
* a.call
* }
* This info is used by the runtime to optimize compilation order by giving more priority to
* lexical parents which are likely to inline the child thus resulting in better performance
* sooner rather than waiting for the lexical parent to get hot on its own.
* @return The frame descriptor of the lexical parent scope if it exists. null
* otherwise.
* @since 22.3.0
protected FrameDescriptor getParentFrameDescriptor() {
return null;
* Tests if two frames are the same. This method is mainly used by instruments in case of
* yield
of the execution and later resume. Frame comparison is used to match the
* particular yielded and resumed execution.
* The default implementation compares the frames identity.
* @since 24.0
protected boolean isSameFrame(Frame frame1, Frame frame2) {
return frame1 == frame2;
final ReentrantLock getLazyLock() {
ReentrantLock l = this.lock;
if (l == null) {
l = initializeLock();
return l;
private ReentrantLock initializeLock() {
ReentrantLock l = new ReentrantLock();
if (!RootNode.LOCK_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, null, l)) {
// if CAS failed, lock is already initialized; cannot be null after that.
l = Objects.requireNonNull(this.lock);
return l;
* Computes a size estimate of this root node. This is intended to be overwritten if the size of
* the root node cannot be estimated from the natural AST size. For example, in case the root
* node is represented by a bytecode interpreter. If -1
is returned, the regular
* AST size estimate is going to be used. By default this method returns -1
* The size estimate is guaranteed to be invoked only once when the {@link CallTarget} is
* created. This corresponds to calls to {@link #getCallTarget()} for the first time. This
* method will never be invoked after the root node was already executed.
* @since 23.0
protected int computeSize() {
return -1;
private static final class Constant extends RootNode {
private final Object value;
Constant(Object value) {
this.value = value;
public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
return value;