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Truffle is a multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages that achieves high performance when combined with Graal.

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 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Language;


 * Representation of a source code unit and its contents that can be evaluated in a language. Each
 * source is associated with the the ID of the language.

From a file on disk

* * Each file is represented as a canonical object, indexed by the absolute, canonical path name of * the file. File content is read eagerly and may be optionally cached. Sample * usage:
* * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromFile"} * * The starting point is {@link Source#newBuilder(String, TruffleFile)} method. * *

Read from a URL

* * One can read remote or in JAR resources using the {@link Source#newBuilder(String,} * factory:
* * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromURL"} * * Each URL source is represented as a canonical object, indexed by the URL. Contents are read * eagerly once the {@link SourceBuilder#build()} method is called. * *

Source from a literal text

* * An anonymous immutable code snippet can be created from a string via the * {@link Source#newBuilder(String, CharSequence, String) } factory method:
* * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromAString"} * *

Reading from a stream

* * If one has a {@link Reader} one can convert its content into a {@link Source} via * {@link Source#newBuilder(String,, String)} method:
* * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromReader"} * * the content is read eagerly once the {@link SourceBuilder#build()} method is called. * *

Reading from bytes

* * Sources can be created from bytes. Please note that all character related methods will throw an * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if that is the case. * * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromBytes"} * *


* * The source object can be associated with various attributes like {@link #getName()} , * {@link #getURI() ()}, {@link #getMimeType()} and these are immutable. The system makes the best * effort to derive values of these attributes from the location and/or content of the * {@link Source} object. However, to give the user that creates the source control over these * attributes, the API offers an easy way to alter values of these attributes. * *

Character and binary based Sources

* * A source is {@link #hasBytes() byte} or {@link #hasCharacters() character} based, or none of * those when {@link #CONTENT_NONE no content} is specified. For literal sources it depends on * whether the byte or character based factory method was used. When the source was loaded from a * {@link File file} or {@link URL url} then the {@link LanguageInfo#getDefaultMimeType() default * MIME type} of the provided language will be used to determine whether bytes or characters should * be loaded. The behavior can be customized by specifying a {@link SourceBuilder#mimeType(String) * MIME type} or {@link SourceBuilder#content(ByteSequence) content} explicitly. If the specified or * inferred MIME type starts with 'text/ or the MIME types is null then it * will be interpreted as character based, otherwise byte based. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public abstract class Source { /** * Constant to be used as an argument to {@link SourceBuilder#content(CharSequence)} to set no * content to the Source built. The created sections will contain location information only and * no characters. That's useful mainly when the source code is not available, but there are * relative file paths, like in Java bytecode or LLVM bitcode. It's up to tools to resolve those * relative paths and use the section location in resolved sources. * * @since 19.0 */ public static final CharSequence CONTENT_NONE = null; private static final CharSequence CONTENT_UNSET = new String(); private static final byte[] CONTENT_EMPTY = new byte[0]; private static final Source EMPTY = new SourceImpl.ImmutableKey(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, false, null, false).toSourceNotInterned(); private static final String NO_FASTPATH_SUBSOURCE_CREATION_MESSAGE = "do not create sub sources from compiled code"; private static final String URI_SCHEME = "truffle"; private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; static final Class BYTE_SEQUENCE_CLASS = ByteSequence.create(new byte[0]).getClass(); static final InternedSources SOURCES = new InternedSources(); private volatile TextMap textMap; private volatile URI computedURI; /* * We use the original polyglot source as an e polyglot embedding API indicato whether we should * continue to hold on to caches(ASTs, code) related to this source. If this reference is strong * it would keep that polyglot reference potentially always alive, because Truffle sources are * interned. * * If no one is referencing the polyglot source anymore we can assume that no one relies on the * identity of the original polyglot source. So we can just as well free it. */ volatile WeakReference cachedPolyglotSource; abstract Object getSourceId(); abstract Object getSourceKey(); Source() { } /** * Returns the language this source was created with. The string returned matches the * {@link LanguageInfo#getId() id} of the language. * * @return the language of this source. * @since 0.28 */ public abstract String getLanguage(); /** * Returns the name of this resource holding a guest language program. An example would be the * name of a guest language source code file. Name is supposed to be shorter than * {@link #getPath()}. * * @return the name of the guest language program * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public abstract String getName(); /** * The fully qualified name of the source. In case this source originates from a {@link File} or * {@link TruffleFile}, then the path is the normalized, {@link File#getCanonicalPath() * canonical path}. If {@link SourceBuilder#canonicalizePath(boolean) canonicalizePath(false)} * is used when building the source then {@link TruffleFile#getPath()} is used instead. If the * source originates from an {@link URL}, then it's the path component of the URL. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public abstract String getPath(); /** * Check whether this source has been marked as internal, meaning that it has been * provided by the infrastructure, language implementation, or system library. Internal * sources are presumed to be irrelevant to guest language programmers, as well as possibly * confusing and revealing of language implementation details. *

* On the other hand, tools should be free to make internal sources visible in * (possibly privileged) modes that are useful for language implementors. *

* One can specify whether a source is internal when {@link SourceBuilder#internal(boolean) * building it}. * * @return whether this source is marked as internal * @since 0.15 */ public abstract boolean isInternal(); /** * Returns true if code caching is enabled for this source. If true * then the source does not require parsing every time this source is evaluated. If * false then the source requires parsing every time the source is evaluated but * does not remember any state. Disabling caching may be useful if the source is known to only * be evaluated once. * * @return whether this source is allowed to be cached * @since 19.0 */ public abstract boolean isCached(); /** * Check whether this source has been marked as interactive. Interactive sources are * provided by an entity which is able to interactively read output and provide an input during * the source execution; that can be a user I/O through an interactive shell for instance. *

* Depending on {@link * language interactive} capability, when interactive sources are executed, the * appropriate result can be passed directly to the environment * {@link output stream} or * {@link error stream} and * {@link input stream} can be used to read user * input during the execution, to clarify the execution behavior by asking questions for * instance. Non-interactive languages are expected to ignore this property. *

* One can specify whether a source is interactive when * {@link SourceBuilder#interactive(boolean) building it}. * * @return whether this source is marked as interactive * @since 0.21 */ public abstract boolean isInteractive(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Source)) { return false; } boolean result = getSourceId().equals(((Source) obj).getSourceId()); // Can be turned into "result == ..." once GR-26875 is fixed assert !result || getSourceKey().equals(((Source) obj).getSourceKey()); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public final int hashCode() { return getSourceId().hashCode(); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain Source Source instance} that represents the contents of a sub-range of * an this {@link Source}. * * @param baseCharIndex 0-based index of the first character of the sub-range * @param length the number of characters in the sub-range * @return a new instance representing a sub-range of another Source * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified sub-range is not contained in the base * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @since 0.15 */ public Source subSource(int baseCharIndex, int length) { if (hasBytes()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(NO_FASTPATH_SUBSOURCE_CREATION_MESSAGE); return SubSourceImpl.create(this, baseCharIndex, length); } /** * Returns all characters of the source. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @since 0.28 */ public abstract CharSequence getCharacters(); /** * Returns true if this source represents a byte based source, else * false. A source is either a byte based, a character based, or with * {@link #CONTENT_NONE no content}, but never both byte and character based at the same time. *

* The method {@link #getBytes()} is only supported if this method returns true. * * @see #getBytes() * @since 19.0 */ public abstract boolean hasBytes(); /** * Returns true if this source represents a character based source, else * false. A source is either a byte based, a character based, or with * {@link #CONTENT_NONE no content}, but never both byte and character based at the same time. * *

* The following methods are only supported if {@link #hasCharacters()} is true: *

  • {@link #getReader()} *
  • {@link #getCharacters()} *
  • {@link #getLineCount()} *
  • {@link #getLineNumber(int)} *
  • {@link #getColumnNumber(int)} *
  • {@link #getLineStartOffset(int)} *
  • {@link #getLineLength(int)} *
* * @since 19.0 */ public abstract boolean hasCharacters(); /** * Returns the bytes of the source if it is a {@link #hasBytes() byte based source}. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasBytes() bytes} * . * @see #hasBytes() * @since 19.0 */ public abstract ByteSequence getBytes(); /** * The URL if the source is retrieved via URL. * * @return URL or null * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public abstract URL getURL(); abstract URI getOriginalURI(); /** * Get URI of the source. Every source has an associated {@link URI}, which can be used as a * persistent identification of the source. For example one can * {@link * register a breakpoint using a URI} to a source that isn't loaded yet and it will be activated * when the source is evaluated. The {@link URI} returned by this method should be as unique as * possible, yet it can happen that different {@link Source sources} return the same * {@link #getURI} - for example when content of a {@link Source#newBuilder(String, TruffleFile) * file on a disk} changes and is re-loaded. * * @return a URI, it's never null * @since 0.14 */ public final URI getURI() { URI uri = getOriginalURI(); if (uri == null) { uri = computedURI; if (uri == null) { byte[] bytes; if (hasBytes()) { bytes = getBytes().toByteArray(); } else if (hasCharacters()) { bytes = getCharacters().toString().getBytes(); } else { bytes = CONTENT_EMPTY; } uri = computedURI = getNamedURI(getName(), bytes); } } return uri; } /** * Returns the MIME type that is associated with this source. Sources have a null * MIME type by default. If the MIME type is null then the * {@link Language#getDefaultMimeType() default MIME type} of the language will be used to * interpret the source. If set explicitly then the language needs to * {@link Language#getMimeTypes() support} the MIME type in order to * {@link Context#eval(org.graalvm.polyglot.Source)} evaluate} the source. If not * null the MIME type is already verified containing no spaces and a '/' between * group and sub-group. An example for a valid MIME type is: text/javascript. *

* The MIME type can be guessed by the system based on {@link #findMimeType(TruffleFile) files} * or {@link #findMimeType(URL) urls} * * @see LanguageInfo#getDefaultMimeType() * @see LanguageInfo#getMimeTypes() * @see Source#findMimeType(TruffleFile) * @see Source#findMimeType(URL) * @return MIME type of this source or null, if not explicitly set. * @since 19.0 */ public abstract String getMimeType(); /** * Access to the source contents. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final Reader getReader() { return new CharSequenceReader(getCharacters()); } /** * Gets the number of characters or bytes of the source. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source does not contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}, nor {@link #hasBytes() bytes}. * @since 0.8 */ public final int getLength() { if (hasCharacters()) { return getCharacters().length(); } else if (hasBytes()) { return getBytes().length(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for sources with character or byte content."); } } /** * Gets the text (not including a possible terminating newline) in a (1-based) numbered line. * Causes the contents of this source to be loaded if they are loaded lazily. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @since 0.28 */ public final CharSequence getCharacters(int lineNumber) { final int offset = getTextMap().lineStartOffset(lineNumber); final int length = getTextMap().lineLength(lineNumber); return getCharacters().subSequence(offset, offset + length); } /** * The number of text lines in the source, including empty lines; characters at the end of the * source without a terminating newline count as a line. Causes the contents of this source to * be loaded if they are loaded lazily. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final int getLineCount() { return getTextMap().lineCount(); } /** * Given a 0-based character offset, return the 1-based number of the line that includes the * position. Causes the contents of this source to be loaded if they are loaded lazily. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the offset is outside the text contents * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final int getLineNumber(int offset) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getTextMap().offsetToLine(offset); } /** * Given a 0-based character offset, return the 1-based number of the column at the position. * Causes the contents of this source to be loaded if they are loaded lazily. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the offset is outside the text contents * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final int getColumnNumber(int offset) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getTextMap().offsetToCol(offset); } /** * Given a 1-based line number, return the 0-based offset of the first character in the line. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no such line in the text * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final int getLineStartOffset(int lineNumber) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getTextMap().lineStartOffset(lineNumber); } /** * The number of characters (not counting a possible terminating newline) in a (1-based) * numbered line. Causes the contents of this source to be loaded if they are loaded lazily. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no such line in the text * @since 0.8 or earlier */ public final int getLineLength(int lineNumber) throws IllegalArgumentException { return getTextMap().lineLength(lineNumber); } /** * Returns an unavailable source section indicating that the source location is not available. * Unavailable source sections have the same characteristics as empty source sections with * character index 0, but returns false for * {@link SourceSection#isAvailable()}. Unavailable source sections may be created for character * and byte based sources. * * @see SourceSection#isAvailable() * @since 0.18 */ public final SourceSection createUnavailableSection() { return new SourceSectionUnavailable(this); } /** * Create representation of a contiguous region in the source that does not have the character * content available. * * @param startLine 1-based line number of the first character in the section * @param startColumn 1-based column number of the first character in the section, or * -1 when the column is not defined * @param endLine 1-based line number of the last character in the section * @param endColumn 1-based column number of the last character in the section, or * -1 when the column is not defined * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source has {@link #hasBytes() bytes}. * @since 19.0 */ public final SourceSection createSection(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { if (hasBytes()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } if (startLine < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("lineNumber < 1"); } if (startLine > endLine) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startLine " + startLine + " > endLine " + endLine); } if (startLine == endLine && startColumn > endColumn) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startColumn " + startColumn + " > endColumn " + endColumn); } if (hasCharacters()) { if (startColumn < 1 || endColumn < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("columnNumber < 1"); } final int charIndex = getTextMap().lineColumnToOffset(startLine, startColumn); final int endIndex = getTextMap().lineColumnToOffset(endLine, endColumn); assert charIndex <= endIndex : charIndex + " > " + endIndex; int length = endIndex + 1 - charIndex; int sourceLength = getTextMap().length(); if (length == 1 && charIndex + length > sourceLength) { // When the start and end position is the same, reduce to zero-length section // when on the very end of the source length = 0; } if (charIndex + length > sourceLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end position out of range"); } SourceSection section = new SourceSectionLoaded(this, charIndex, length); assert assertValid(section); return section; } else { if (startColumn == -1) { if (endColumn != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("endColumn can not be specified when startColumn is not."); } return new SourceSectionUnloaded.Lines(this, startLine, endLine); } else { if (startColumn < 1 || endColumn < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("columnNumber < 1"); } return new SourceSectionUnloaded.LinesAndColumns(this, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn); } } } /** * Creates a representation of a line of text in the source identified only by line number, from * which the character information will be computed. Please note that calling this method does * cause the {@link Source#getCharacters() code} of this source to be loaded, if there is any. * If no {@link Source#getCharacters() code} is {@link Source#hasCharacters() available}, a * SourceSection without {@link SourceSection#getCharacters() character content} is created with * the {@link SourceSection#getStartLine() start line} and the same * {@link SourceSection#getEndLine() end line} defined only. * * @param lineNumber 1-based line number of the first character in the section * @return newly created object representing the specified line * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source contains {@link #hasBytes() bytes}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given lineNumber does not exist the source * @since 0.17 */ public final SourceSection createSection(int lineNumber) { if (hasBytes()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } if (lineNumber < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("lineNumber < 1"); } SourceSection section; if (hasCharacters()) { final int charIndex = getTextMap().lineStartOffset(lineNumber); final int length = getTextMap().lineLength(lineNumber); section = new SourceSectionLoaded(this, charIndex, length); assert assertValid(section); } else { section = new SourceSectionUnloaded.Lines(this, lineNumber, lineNumber); } return section; } /** * Creates a representation of a contiguous region of text in the source. Please note that * calling this method does only cause the {@link Source#getCharacters() code} of this source to * be loaded if assertions enabled. The bounds of the source section are only verified if * assertions (-ea) are enabled in the host system. An {@link IllegalArgumentException} is * thrown if the given indices are out of bounds of the source bounds. * * @param charIndex 0-based position of the first character in the section * @param length the number of characters in the section * @return newly created object representing the specified region * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source cannot contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if charIndex < 0 or length < 0; in case assertions are * enabled also if the given bounds are out of the source bounds. * @since 0.17 */ public final SourceSection createSection(int charIndex, int length) { if (hasBytes()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } if (charIndex < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("charIndex < 0"); } else if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("length < 0"); } SourceSection section; if (hasCharacters()) { section = new SourceSectionLoaded(this, charIndex, length); assert assertValid(section); } else { section = new SourceSectionUnloaded.Indexed(this, charIndex, length); } return section; } /** * Creates a representation of a contiguous region of text in the source. When character content * is available, computes the {@code charIndex} value by building a text map of lines in the * source. Please note that calling this method does cause the {@link Source#getCharacters() * code} of this source to be loaded, if there is any. If no {@link Source#getCharacters() code} * is {@link Source#hasCharacters() available}, {@link UnsupportedOperationException} is thrown. * Use {@link #createSection(int, int, int, int)} to create a SourceSection without character * content. * * @param startLine 1-based line number of the first character in the section * @param startColumn 1-based column number of the first character in the section * @param length the number of characters in the section * @return newly created object representing the specified region * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this source does not contain {@link #hasCharacters() * characters}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if arguments are outside the text of the source bounds * @see #createSection(int, int) * @see #createSection(int, int, int, int) * @since 0.17 */ public final SourceSection createSection(int startLine, int startColumn, int length) { if (hasBytes() || !hasCharacters()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } if (startLine <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startLine < 1"); } else if (startColumn <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("startColumn < 1"); } else if (hasCharacters() && length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("length < 0"); } final int lineStartOffset = getTextMap().lineStartOffset(startLine); final int lineLength = getTextMap().lineLength(startLine); if (startColumn > (lineLength + 1)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("column out of range"); } final int charIndex = lineStartOffset + startColumn - 1; if (charIndex + length > getCharacters().length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("charIndex out of range"); } SourceSection section = new SourceSectionLoaded(this, charIndex, length); assert assertValid(section); return section; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public String toString() { return "Source [language=" + getLanguage() + ", name=" + getName() + ", path=" + getPath() + ", internal=" + isInternal() + ", cached=" + isCached() + ", interactive=" + isInteractive() + ", hasBytes=" + hasBytes() + ", hasCharacters=" + hasCharacters() + ", URL=" + getURL() + ", URI=" + getURI() + ", mimeType=" + getMimeType() + "]"; } private static boolean assertValid(SourceSection section) { if (!section.isValid()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source section bounds."); } return true; } abstract Source copy(); final TextMap getTextMap() { if (hasBytes()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation is only enabled for character based sources."); } TextMap res = textMap; if (res == null) { res = textMap = createTextMap(); } assert res != null; return res; } TextMap createTextMap() { final CharSequence code = getCharacters(); if (code == null) { throw new RuntimeException("can't read file " + getName()); } return TextMap.fromCharSequence(code); } private URI getNamedURI(String name, byte[] bytes) { return getNamedURI(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length); } private URI getNamedURI(String name, byte[] bytes, int byteIndex, int length) { String digest; if (bytes != null) { digest = digest(bytes, byteIndex, length); } else { digest = Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(this), 16); } if (name != null) { digest += '/' + name; } try { return new URI(URI_SCHEME, digest, null); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new Error(ex); // Should not happen } } /** * Creates a new character based literal source from a character sequence. The given characters * must not mutate after they were accessed for the first time. *

* Use this method for sources that do originate from a literal. For file or URL sources use the * appropriate builder constructor and {@link SourceBuilder#content(CharSequence)}. *

* Example usage: {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromAString"} * * @param language the language id, must not be null * @param characters the character sequence or string, must not be null * @param name the name of the source, if null then "Unnamed" will be * used as name. * @since 19.0 */ public static LiteralBuilder newBuilder(String language, CharSequence characters, String name) { return LiteralBuilder(language, characters, false).name(name); } /** * Creates a new byte based literal source from a byte sequence. The given bytes must not mutate * after they were accessed for the first time. *

* Use this method for sources that do originate from a literal. For file or URL sources use the * appropriate builder constructor and {@link SourceBuilder#content(ByteSequence)}. *

* Example usage: {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromBytes"} * * @param language the language id, must not be null * @param bytes the byte sequence or string, must not be null * @param name the name of the source, if null then "Unnamed" will be * used as name. * @since 19.0 */ public static LiteralBuilder newBuilder(String language, ByteSequence bytes, String name) { return LiteralBuilder(language, bytes, false).name(name); } /** * Creates a new file based source builder from a given file. A file based source is either * interpreted as {@link Source#hasBytes() binary} or {@link Source#hasCharacters() character} * source depending on the {@link LanguageInfo#getDefaultMimeType() default MIME type} of the * language, the {@link SourceBuilder#content(ByteSequence) contents} or the specified * {@link SourceBuilder#mimeType(String) MIME type}. A language may be detected from an existing * file using {@link #findLanguage(TruffleFile)}. *

* Example usage: {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromFile"} * * @param language the language id, must not be null * @param file the file to use and load, must not be null * @since 19.0 */ public static SourceBuilder newBuilder(String language, TruffleFile file) { return LiteralBuilder(language, file, true); } /* * Internal constructor only for polyglot sources. */ static SourceBuilder newBuilder(String language, File source) { return LiteralBuilder(language, source, true); } /** * Creates a new URL based source builder from a given URL. A URL based source is either * interpreted as {@link Source#hasBytes() binary} or {@link Source#hasCharacters() character} * source depending on the {@link LanguageInfo#getDefaultMimeType() default MIME type} of the * language, the {@link SourceBuilder#content(ByteSequence) contents} or the specified * {@link SourceBuilder#mimeType(String) MIME type}. A language may be detected from an existing * file using {@link #findLanguage(URL)}. *

* Example usage: {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromURL"} * * @param language the language id, must not be null * @param url the URL to use and load, must not be null * @since 19.0 */ public static SourceBuilder newBuilder(String language, URL url) { return LiteralBuilder(language, url, true); } /** * Creates new character based literal source from a reader. *

* Use this method for sources that do originate from a literal. For file or URL sources use the * appropriate builder constructor and {@link SourceBuilder#content(CharSequence)}. *

* Example usage: {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromReader"} * * @since 19.0 */ public static SourceBuilder newBuilder(String language, Reader source, String name) { return LiteralBuilder(language, source, true).name(name); } /** * Creates a new source builder that inherits from the given Source. The Source properties can * be modified using the builder methods. * * @param source the source to inherit the properties from * @since 19.2.0 */ public static LiteralBuilder newBuilder(Source source) { return LiteralBuilder(source); } /** * Returns the first language that supports evaluating the probed mime type of a given * {@link File file}. This method is a shortcut for: * * *

     * String mimeType = Source.findMimeType(file);
     * return mimeType != null ? Source.findLanguage(mimeType) : null;
* * * @param file the file to find the first language for * @throws IOException if an error opening the file occurred. * @see #findMimeType(URL) * @see #findLanguage(String) * @since 19.0 */ public static String findLanguage(TruffleFile file) throws IOException { String mimeType = findMimeType(file); return mimeType != null ? findLanguage(mimeType) : null; } /** * Returns the first language that supports evaluating the probed mime type of a given * {@link URL URL}. This method is a shortcut for: * * *
     * String mimeType = Source.findMimeType(url);
     * return mimeType != null ? Source.findLanguage(mimeType) : null;
* * @param url the url to find the first language for * @throws IOException if an error opening the url occurred. * @see #findMimeType(URL) * @see #findLanguage(String) * @since 19.0 */ public static String findLanguage(URL url) throws IOException { String mimeType = findMimeType(url); return mimeType != null ? findLanguage(mimeType) : null; } /** * Returns the probed MIME type for a given file, or null if no MIME type could be * resolved. Typically the MIME type is identified using the file extension and/or using its * contents. Probing the MIME type of an {@link TruffleFile} may require to opening the file. * * @throws IOException if an error opening the file occurred. * @throws SecurityException if the used {@link FileSystem filesystem} denied file reading. * @see #findLanguage(TruffleFile) * @since 19.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static String findMimeType(TruffleFile file) throws IOException { return file.detectMimeType(); } /** * Returns the probed MIME type for a given url, or null if no MIME type could be * resolved. Typically the MIME type is identified using the file extension, connection * meta-data and/or using it contents. Returns null if the language of the given * file could not be detected. Probing the language of an URL may require to open a new URL * connection. * * @throws IOException if an error opening the url occurred. * @throws SecurityException if the used {@link FileSystem filesystem} denied file reading. * @see #findLanguage(URL) * @since 19.0 */ public static String findMimeType(URL url) throws IOException { return findMimeType(url, url.openConnection(), null, SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getCurrentFileSystemContext()); } /** * Returns the first installed language that supports evaluating sources for a given MIME type. * Returns null if no language was found that supports a given MIME type. The * languages are queried in the same order as returned by {@link Engine#getLanguages()}. * * @since 19.0 */ public static String findLanguage(String mimeType) { return org.graalvm.polyglot.Source.findLanguage(mimeType); } private static IllegalArgumentException invalidMimeType() { return new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid MIME type provided. MIME types consist of a type and a subtype separated by '/'."); } private static final boolean ALLOW_IO = SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().isIOSupported(); static Source buildSource(String language, Object origin, String name, String path, boolean canonicalizePath, String mimeType, Object content, URL url, URI uri, Charset encoding, boolean internal, boolean interactive, boolean cached, Object fileSystemContext, boolean embedderSource) throws IOException { String useName = name; URI useUri = uri; Object useContent = content; String useMimeType = mimeType; String usePath = path; URL useUrl = url; Object useOrigin = origin; Charset useEncoding = encoding; TruffleFile useTruffleFile = null; Object useFileSystemContext = fileSystemContext; if (useOrigin instanceof File) { final File file = (File) useOrigin; assert useFileSystemContext != null : "file system context must be provided by polyglot embedding API"; try { useOrigin = SourceAccessor.getTruffleFile(file.toPath().toString(), useFileSystemContext); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new AssertionError("Inconsistent path", e); } } if (useOrigin == CONTENT_UNSET) { useContent = useContent == CONTENT_UNSET ? null : useContent; } else if (useOrigin instanceof TruffleFile) { useTruffleFile = (TruffleFile) useOrigin; if (!canonicalizePath || useContent == CONTENT_NONE) { // Do not canonicalize the file, and use a relative URI if the file is relative if (useUri == null) { useUri = useTruffleFile.isAbsolute() ? useTruffleFile.toUri() : useTruffleFile.toRelativeUri(); } } else { // Canonicalize the file if it exists useTruffleFile = getCanonicalFileIfItExists(useTruffleFile); } useFileSystemContext = SourceAccessor.LANGUAGE.getFileSystemContext(useTruffleFile); useName = useName == null ? useTruffleFile.getName() : useName; usePath = usePath == null ? useTruffleFile.getPath() : usePath; useUri = useUri == null ? useTruffleFile.toUri() : useUri; useMimeType = useMimeType == null ? SourceAccessor.detectMimeType(useTruffleFile, getValidMimeTypes(useFileSystemContext, language)) : useMimeType; if (useContent == CONTENT_UNSET) { if (isCharacterBased(useFileSystemContext, language, useMimeType)) { useEncoding = useEncoding == null ? findEncoding(useTruffleFile, useMimeType) : useEncoding; useContent = read(useTruffleFile, useEncoding); } else { useContent = ByteSequence.create(useTruffleFile.readAllBytes()); } } } else if (useOrigin instanceof URL) { useUrl = (URL) useOrigin; String urlPath = useUrl.getPath(); int lastIndex = urlPath.lastIndexOf('/'); useName = useName == null && lastIndex != -1 ? useUrl.getPath().substring(lastIndex + 1) : useName; URI tmpUri; try { tmpUri = useUrl.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IOException("Bad URL: " + useUrl, ex); } useUri = useUri == null ? tmpUri : useUri; usePath = usePath == null ? useUrl.getPath() : usePath; useFileSystemContext = useFileSystemContext == null ? SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getCurrentFileSystemContext() : useFileSystemContext; assert useTruffleFile == null; try { useTruffleFile = SourceAccessor.getTruffleFile(tmpUri, useFileSystemContext); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { if (ALLOW_IO && SourceAccessor.isSocketIOAllowed(useFileSystemContext)) { // Not a recognized by FileSystem, fall back to URLConnection only for allowed // IO without a custom FileSystem URLConnection connection = useUrl.openConnection(); useEncoding = useEncoding == null ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : useEncoding; if (useContent == CONTENT_UNSET) { if (isCharacterBased(useFileSystemContext, language, useMimeType)) { useContent = read(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), useEncoding)); } else { useContent = ByteSequence.create(readBytes(connection)); } } } else { throw new SecurityException("Reading of URL " + useUrl + " is not allowed."); } } if (useTruffleFile != null) { useTruffleFile = getCanonicalFileIfItExists(useTruffleFile); if (useContent == CONTENT_UNSET) { if (isCharacterBased(useFileSystemContext, language, useMimeType)) { String fileMimeType = useMimeType == null ? SourceAccessor.detectMimeType(useTruffleFile, getValidMimeTypes(useFileSystemContext, language)) : useMimeType; useEncoding = useEncoding == null ? findEncoding(useTruffleFile, fileMimeType) : useEncoding; useContent = read(useTruffleFile, useEncoding); } else { useContent = ByteSequence.create(useTruffleFile.readAllBytes()); } } } } else if (useOrigin instanceof Reader) { final Reader r = (Reader) useOrigin; useContent = useContent == CONTENT_UNSET ? read(r) : useContent; } else if (useOrigin instanceof ByteSequence) { useContent = useContent == CONTENT_UNSET ? useOrigin : useContent; } else { assert useOrigin instanceof CharSequence; useContent = useContent == CONTENT_UNSET ? useOrigin : useContent; } if (useName == null) { useName = "Unnamed"; } useContent = enforceInterfaceContracts(useContent); String relativePathInLanguageHome = null; if (useTruffleFile != null) { /* * The relativePathInLanguageHome has to be calculated also for Sources created in the * image execution time. They have to have the same hash code as sources created during * the context pre-initialization. */ relativePathInLanguageHome = SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getRelativePathInResourceRoot(useTruffleFile); if (relativePathInLanguageHome != null) { Object fsEngineObject = SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().getFileSystemEngineObject(SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().getFileSystemContext(useTruffleFile)); if (SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().inContextPreInitialization(fsEngineObject)) { SourceImpl.Key key = new SourceImpl.ReinitializableKey(useTruffleFile, useContent, useMimeType, language, useUrl, useUri, useName, usePath, internal, interactive, cached, relativePathInLanguageHome, embedderSource); Source source = SOURCES.intern(key); SourceAccessor.onSourceCreated(source); return source; } } } SourceImpl.Key key = new SourceImpl.ImmutableKey(useContent, useMimeType, language, useUrl, useUri, useName, usePath, internal, interactive, cached, relativePathInLanguageHome, embedderSource); return SOURCES.intern(key); } private static TruffleFile getCanonicalFileIfItExists(TruffleFile file) throws IOException { if (file.exists()) { try { return file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) { // The file may have been deleted between exists() and getCanonicalFile(). // We handle this race condition as if the file did not exist. } } return file; } static byte[] readBytes(URLConnection connection) throws IOException { long size = connection.getContentLengthLong(); if (size < 0) { size = BUFFER_SIZE; } else { if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new OutOfMemoryError("Too many bytes."); } } try (InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream()) { return readBytes(inputStream, (int) size); } } /* * Copied from Files#read */ private static byte[] readBytes(InputStream source, int initialSize) throws IOException { int capacity = initialSize; byte[] buf = new byte[capacity]; int nread = 0; int n; for (;;) { // read to EOF which may read more or less than initialSize (eg: file // is truncated while we are reading) while ((n =, nread, capacity - nread)) > 0) { nread += n; } // if last call to returned -1, we are done // otherwise, try to read one more byte; if that failed we're done too if (n < 0 || (n = < 0) { break; } // one more byte was read; need to allocate a larger buffer if (capacity <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - capacity) { capacity = Math.max(capacity << 1, BUFFER_SIZE); } else { if (capacity == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { throw new OutOfMemoryError("Required array size too large"); } capacity = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; } buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, capacity); buf[nread++] = (byte) n; } return (capacity == nread) ? buf : Arrays.copyOf(buf, nread); } static String read(TruffleFile file, Charset encoding) throws IOException { return new String(file.readAllBytes(), encoding); } static String read(Reader reader) throws IOException { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); final char[] buffer = new char[1024]; try { while (true) { final int n =; if (n == -1) { break; } builder.append(buffer, 0, n); } } finally { reader.close(); } return builder.toString(); } private static String digest(byte[] message, int from, int length) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(message, from, length); byte[] digest = md.digest(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & digest[i]); if (hex.length() == 1) { result.append('0'); } result.append(hex); } return result.toString(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new AssertionError("The message digest algorithm SHA-256 is not supported.", e); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) static E raise(Class type, Exception ex) throws E { throw (E) ex; } @SuppressWarnings("all") static Object enforceInterfaceContracts(Object sequence) { boolean assertions = false; assert assertions = true; if (assertions) { if (sequence instanceof CharSequence) { return enforceCharSequenceContracts((CharSequence) sequence); } else if (sequence != null) { assert sequence instanceof ByteSequence; return enforceByteSequenceContracts((ByteSequence) sequence); } } return sequence; } static ByteSequence enforceByteSequenceContracts(ByteSequence sequence) { if (BYTE_SEQUENCE_CLASS.isInstance(sequence)) { return sequence; } else if (sequence instanceof ByteSequenceWrapper) { // already wrapped return sequence; } else { return new ByteSequenceWrapper(sequence); } } static CharSequence enforceCharSequenceContracts(CharSequence sequence) { if (sequence instanceof String) { return sequence; } else if (sequence instanceof CharSequenceWrapper) { // already wrapped return sequence; } else { return new CharSequenceWrapper(sequence); } } static String findMimeType(final URL url, URLConnection connection, Set validMimeTypes, Object fileSystemContext) { try { URI uri = url.toURI(); TruffleFile file = SourceAccessor.getTruffleFile(uri, fileSystemContext); String firstGuess = SourceAccessor.detectMimeType(file, validMimeTypes); if (firstGuess != null) { return firstGuess; } } catch (URISyntaxException | IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // swallow and go on } if (!ALLOW_IO || !SourceAccessor.isSocketIOAllowed(fileSystemContext)) { throw new SecurityException("Reading of URL " + url + " is not allowed."); } String contentType = connection.getContentType(); if (contentType != null && (validMimeTypes == null || validMimeTypes.contains(contentType))) { return contentType; } return null; } static boolean isCharacterBased(Object fileSystemContext, String language, String mimeType) { Object engineObject = SourceAccessor.LANGUAGE.getFileSystemEngineObject(fileSystemContext); return SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().isCharacterBasedSource(engineObject, language, mimeType); } static Set getValidMimeTypes(Object fileSystemContext, String language) { EngineSupport support = SourceAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport(); if (support == null) { return null; } return support.getValidMimeTypes(SourceAccessor.LANGUAGE.getFileSystemEngineObject(fileSystemContext), language); } private static void validateMimeType(String mimeType) { if (mimeType == null) { return; } int index = mimeType.indexOf('/'); if (index == -1 || index == 0 || index == mimeType.length() - 1) { throw invalidMimeType(); } if (mimeType.indexOf('/', index + 1) != -1) { throw invalidMimeType(); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) static RuntimeException silenceException(Class type, Exception ex) throws E { throw (E) ex; } private static Charset findEncoding(TruffleFile file, String mimeType) { Charset encoding = mimeType == null ? null : SourceAccessor.detectEncoding(file, mimeType); encoding = encoding == null ? StandardCharsets.UTF_8 : encoding; return encoding; } /** * Allows one to specify additional attribute before {@link #build() creating} new * {@link Source} instance. * * To load a source from disk one can use: *

* {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromFile"} *

* To load source from a {@link URL} one can use: *

* {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromURL"} *

* To create a source representing characters: *

* {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromAString"} *

* or read a source from a {@link Reader}: *

* {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromReader"} *

* To create a source representing bytes: *

* {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region="SourceSnippets#fromBytes"} * * Once your builder is configured, call {@link #build()} to perform the loading and * construction of new {@link Source}. * * @since 19.0 */ public class SourceBuilder { private final String language; private final Object origin; private URI uri; URL url; private String name; String path; private boolean canonicalizePath = true; private String mimeType; private Object content = CONTENT_UNSET; private boolean internal; private boolean interactive; private boolean cached = true; private Charset fileEncoding; private Object fileSystemContext; private boolean embedderSource; SourceBuilder(String language, Object origin) { Objects.requireNonNull(language); Objects.requireNonNull(origin); this.language = language; this.origin = origin; } /** * Specifies a name to the {@link #build() to-be-built} {@link Source}. * * @param newName name that replaces the previously given one. If set to null * then "Unnamed" will be used. * @return instance of this builder * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder name(String newName) { = newName; return this; } /** * Specifies character based content of {@link #build() to-be-built} {@link Source}. Using * this method one can ignore the real content of a file or URL and use already read one, or * completely different one. Use {@link #CONTENT_NONE} to set no content, * {@link Source#hasCharacters()} will be false then. The given characters must * not mutate after they were accessed for the first time. Example: * * {@snippet file="com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" * region="SourceSnippets#fromURLWithOwnContent"} * * @param characters the code to be available via {@link Source#getCharacters()}, or * {@link #CONTENT_NONE} * @return instance of this builder - which's {@link #build()} method no longer throws an * {@link IOException} * @since 19.0 */ public LiteralBuilder content(CharSequence characters) { this.content = characters; return (LiteralBuilder) this; } /** * Specifies byte based content of {@link #build() to-be-built} {@link Source}. Using this * method one can ignore the real content of a file or URL and use already read one, or * completely different one. The given bytes must not mutate after they were accessed for * the first time. Example: * * {@snippet file = "com/oracle/truffle/api/source/" region = * "SourceSnippets#fromURLWithOwnContent"} * * @param bytes the code to be available via {@link Source#getBytes()} * @return instance of this builder - which's {@link #build()} method no longer throws an * {@link IOException} * @since 19.0 */ public LiteralBuilder content(ByteSequence bytes) { this.content = bytes; return (LiteralBuilder) this; } /** * Explicitly assigns a {@link Source#getMimeType() MIME type} to the {@link #build() * to-be-built} {@link Source}. If the MIME type is null then the * {@link Language#getDefaultMimeType() default MIME type} of the language will be used to * interpret the source. If set explicitly then the language needs to * {@link Language#getMimeTypes() support} the MIME type in order to * {@link, String...) parse} a * source. If not null then the MIME type will be verified containing no spaces * and a '/' between group and sub-group. An example for a valid MIME type is: * text/javascript. *

* The MIME type can be guessed by the system based on {@link #findMimeType(TruffleFile) * files} or {@link #findMimeType(URL) urls}. * * @param mimeType the new mime type to be assigned, or null if default MIME * type should be used. * @return instance of this builder ready to {@link #build() create new source} * @see LanguageInfo#getDefaultMimeType() * @see LanguageInfo#getMimeTypes() * @see Source#findMimeType(TruffleFile) * @see Source#findMimeType(URL) * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder mimeType(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") String mimeType) { validateMimeType(mimeType); this.mimeType = mimeType; return this; } /** * Enables or disables code caching for this source. By default code caching is enabled. If * true then the source does not require parsing every time this source is * evaluated. If false then the source requires parsing every time the source * is evaluated but does not remember any code. Disabling caching may be useful if the * source is known to only be evaluated once. *

* If a source instance is no longer referenced by the client then all code caches will be * freed automatically. Also, if the underlying context or engine is no longer referenced * then cached code for evaluated sources will be freed automatically. * * @return instance of this builder ready to {@link #build() create new source} * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder cached(boolean enabled) { this.cached = enabled; return this; } /** * Marks the source as internal. Internal sources are those that aren't created by user, but * rather inherently present by the language system. Calling this method influences result * of create {@link Source#isInternal()} * * @return the instance of this builder * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder internal(boolean enabled) { this.internal = enabled; return this; } /** * Marks the source as interactive. Evaluation of interactive sources by an * {@link interactive * language} can use the {@link environment} * streams to print the result and read an input. However, non-interactive languages are * expected to ignore the interactive property of sources and not use the environment * streams. Any desired printing of the evaluated result provided by a non-interactive * language needs to be handled by the caller. Calling of this method influences the result * of {@link Source#isInteractive()}. * * @return the instance of this builder * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder interactive(boolean enabled) { this.interactive = enabled; return this; } /** * Assigns new {@link URI} to the {@link #build() to-be-created} {@link Source}. Each source * provides {@link Source#getURI()} as a persistent identification of its location. A * default value for the method is deduced from the location or content, but one can change * it by using this method * * @param ownUri the URL to use instead of default one, cannot be null * @return the instance of this builder * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder uri(URI ownUri) { this.uri = ownUri; return this; } /** * Whether the {@link Source#getPath()} (from the {@link TruffleFile}) should be * canonicalized. By default the path is canonicalized to improve Source caching. If set to * {@code false}, then {@link Source#getPath()} will be the same as the passed TruffleFile * {@link TruffleFile#getPath()}. * * @param canonicalize whether to canonicalize the path from the the TruffleFile * @return the instance of this builder * @since 20.2 */ public SourceBuilder canonicalizePath(boolean canonicalize) { this.canonicalizePath = canonicalize; return this; } /** * Explicitly assigns an encoding used to read the file content. If the encoding is * {@code null} then the file contained encoding information is used. If the file doesn't * provide an encoding information the default {@code UTF-8} encoding is used. * * @param encoding the new file encoding to be used for reading the content * @return instance of this builder ready to {@link #build() create new source} * @since 19.0 */ public SourceBuilder encoding(Charset encoding) { this.fileEncoding = encoding; return this; } SourceBuilder fileSystemContext(Object context) { this.fileSystemContext = context; return this; } void embedderSource(boolean b) { this.embedderSource = b; } void url(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") URL url) { this.url = url; } void path(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") String path) { this.path = path; } /** * Uses configuration of this builder to create new {@link Source} object. The method throws * an {@link IOException} if an error loading the source occurred. * * @return the source object * @throws IOException if an error reading the content occurred * @throws SecurityException if the used {@link FileSystem filesystem} denied file reading * @since 19.0 */ public Source build() throws IOException { assert this.language != null; Source source = buildSource(this.language, this.origin,, this.path, this.canonicalizePath, this.mimeType, this.content, this.url, this.uri, this.fileEncoding, this.internal, this.interactive, this.cached, fileSystemContext, this.embedderSource); // make sure origin is not consumed again if builder is used twice if (source.hasBytes()) { this.content = source.getBytes(); } else if (source.hasCharacters()) { this.content = source.getCharacters(); } assert source.getName() != null; assert !source.hasCharacters() || source.getCharacters() != null; assert !source.hasBytes() || source.getBytes() != null; assert source.getLanguage() != null; return source; } } private static Object getSourceContent(Source source) { Object content = ((SourceImpl) source).toKey().content; if (content == CONTENT_NONE) { return CONTENT_UNSET; } else { return content; } } /** * Allows one to specify additional attribute before {@link #build() creating} new * {@link Source} instance. * * @see SourceBuilder For examples on how to use it. * @since 19.0 */ public final class LiteralBuilder extends SourceBuilder { private boolean buildThrowsIOException; LiteralBuilder(String language, Object origin, boolean originReadingThrows) { super(language, origin); this.buildThrowsIOException = originReadingThrows; } LiteralBuilder(Source source) { super(source.getLanguage(), getSourceContent(source)); cached(source.isCached()); interactive(source.isInteractive()); internal(source.isInternal()); mimeType(source.getMimeType()); name(source.getName()); uri(((SourceImpl) source).toKey().getURI()); path = source.getPath(); url = source.getURL(); buildThrowsIOException = false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.3 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder content(CharSequence characters) { buildThrowsIOException = false; return super.content(characters); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.3 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder content(ByteSequence bytes) { buildThrowsIOException = false; return super.content(bytes); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder name(String newName) { return (LiteralBuilder); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder mimeType(String newMimeType) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.mimeType(newMimeType); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder cached(boolean cached) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.cached(cached); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder internal(boolean enabled) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.internal(enabled); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder interactive(boolean enabled) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.interactive(enabled); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder uri(URI ownUri) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.uri(ownUri); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 20.2 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder canonicalizePath(boolean canonicalize) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.canonicalizePath(canonicalize); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 19.0 */ @Override public LiteralBuilder encoding(Charset encoding) { return (LiteralBuilder) super.encoding(encoding); } /** * Uses configuration of this builder to create new {@link Source} object. * * @return the source object * @throws SecurityException if the used {@link FileSystem filesystem} denied file reading * @since 19.0 */ @Override public Source build() { try { return; } catch (IOException e) { if (buildThrowsIOException) { throw silenceException(RuntimeException.class, e); } else { throw new AssertionError("Unexpected IOException", e); } } } } /** * Resets cached sources after native image generation. *

* NOTE: this method is called reflectively by downstream projects * {@code}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void resetNativeImageState() { SOURCES.resetNativeImageState(); } static { // force loading source accessor SourceAccessor.load(); } } // @formatter:off // @replace regex='.*' replacement='' // Checkstyle: stop class SourceSnippets { public static Source fromFile(TruffleFile file) throws IOException { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromFile" assert file.getName().endsWith(".java") : "Imagine 'c:\\sources\\' file"; String language = Source.findLanguage(file); Source source = Source.newBuilder(language, file).build(); assert file.getName().equals(source.getName()); assert file.getPath().equals(source.getPath()); assert file.toUri().equals(source.getURI()); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromFile" return source; } public static Source fromURL(Class relativeClass) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromURL" URL resource = relativeClass.getResource("sample.js"); Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", resource) .build(); assert resource.toExternalForm().equals(source.getPath()); assert "sample.js".equals(source.getName()); assert resource.toURI().equals(source.getURI()); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromURL" return source; } public static Source fromURLWithOwnContent(Class relativeClass) { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromURLWithOwnContent" URL resource = relativeClass.getResource("sample.js"); Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", resource) .content("{}") .build(); assert resource.toExternalForm().equals(source.getPath()); assert "sample.js".equals(source.getName()); assert resource.toExternalForm().equals(source.getURI().toString()); assert "{}".equals(source.getCharacters()); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromURLWithOwnContent" return source; } public static Source fromReader(Class relativeClass) throws IOException { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromReader" Reader stream = new InputStreamReader( relativeClass.getResourceAsStream("sample.js") ); Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", stream, "sample.js") .build(); assert "sample.js".equals(source.getName()); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromReader" return source; } public static Source fromAString() { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromAString" Source source = Source.newBuilder("js", "function() {\n" + " return 'Hi';\n" + "}\n", "hi.js").build(); assert "hi.js".equals(source.getName()); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromAString" return source; } public static Source fromBytes() { // @start region="SourceSnippets#fromBytes" byte[] bytes = new byte[] {/* Binary */}; Source source = Source.newBuilder("llvm", ByteSequence.create(bytes), "").build(); // @end region="SourceSnippets#fromBytes" return source; } public static boolean loaded = true; } // @formatter:on // @replace regex='.*' replacement=''