[email protected]@[email protected]@GrailsPlugin.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package @grails.codegen.defaultPackage@
import grails.plugins.*
class @grails.codegen.projectClassName@GrailsPlugin extends Plugin {
// the version or versions of Grails the plugin is designed for
def grailsVersion = "@grails.version@ > *"
// resources that are excluded from plugin packaging
def pluginExcludes = [
// TODO Fill in these fields
def title = "@grails.codegen.projectNaturalName@" // Headline display name of the plugin
def author = "Your name"
def authorEmail = "[email protected]"
def description = '''\
Brief summary/description of the plugin.
def profiles = ['web']
// URL to the plugin's documentation
def documentation = "https://github.com/grace-plugins/@grails.codegen.projectName@"
// Extra (optional) plugin metadata
// License: one of 'APACHE', 'GPL2', 'GPL3'
// def license = "APACHE"
// Details of company behind the plugin (if there is one)
// def organization = [ name: "My Company", url: "https://www.my-company.com/" ]
// Any additional developers beyond the author specified above.
// def developers = [ [ name: "Your name", email: "[email protected]" ] ]
// Location of the plugin's issue tracker.
// def issueManagement = [ system: "GITHUB", url: "https://github.com/grace-plugins/@grails.codegen.projectName@/issues" ]
// Online location of the plugin's browseable source code.
// def scm = [ url: "https://github.com/grace-plugins/@grails.codegen.projectName@" ]
Closure doWithSpring() { {->
// TODO Implement runtime spring config (optional)
void doWithDynamicMethods() {
// TODO Implement registering dynamic methods to classes (optional)
void doWithApplicationContext() {
// TODO Implement post initialization spring config (optional)
void onChange(Map event) {
// TODO Implement code that is executed when any artefact that this plugin is
// watching is modified and reloaded. The event contains: event.source,
// event.application, event.manager, event.ctx, and event.plugin.
void onConfigChange(Map event) {
// TODO Implement code that is executed when the project configuration changes.
// The event is the same as for 'onChange'.
void onShutdown(Map event) {
// TODO Implement code that is executed when the application shuts down (optional)