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org.neo4j.cypher.internal.runtime.QueryContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 "Graph Foundation"
 * Graph Foundation, Inc. []
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2020 "Neo4j,"
 * Neo4j Sweden AB []
 * This file is part of ONgDB.
 * ONgDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .
package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.runtime


import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.LongIterator
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.planner.v3_6.spi.{IdempotentResult, IndexDescriptor, KernelStatisticProvider, TokenContext}
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.v3_6.expressions.SemanticDirection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.v3_6.logical.plans.{IndexOrder, QualifiedName}
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.v3_6.util.EntityNotFoundException
import org.neo4j.graphdb.{Path, PropertyContainer}
import org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api._
import org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.helpers.RelationshipSelectionCursor
import org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.procs.ProcedureCallContext
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.dbms.DbmsOperations
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.EmbeddedProxySPI
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.DatabaseInfo
import org.neo4j.values.AnyValue
import org.neo4j.values.storable.{TextValue, Value}
import org.neo4j.values.virtual.{NodeValue, RelationshipValue}

import scala.collection.Iterator

 * Developer note: This is an attempt at an internal graph database API, which defines a clean cut between
 * two layers, the query engine layer and, for lack of a better name, the core database layer.
 * Building the query engine layer on top of an internal layer means we can move much faster, not
 * having to worry about deprecations and so on. It is also acceptable if this layer is a bit clunkier, in this
 * case we are, for instance, not exposing any node or relationship objects, but provide direct methods for manipulating
 * them by ids instead.
 * The driver for this was clarifying who is responsible for ensuring query isolation. By exposing a query concept in
 * the core layer, we can move that responsibility outside of the scope of cypher.
trait QueryContext extends TokenContext with DbAccess {

  // See QueryContextAdaptation if you need a dummy that overrides all methods as ??? for writing a test

  def entityAccessor: EmbeddedProxySPI

  def transactionalContext: QueryTransactionalContext

  def withActiveRead: QueryContext

  def resources: ResourceManager

  def nodeOps: Operations[NodeValue]

  def relationshipOps: Operations[RelationshipValue]

  def createNode(labels: Array[Int]): NodeValue

  def createNodeId(labels: Array[Int]): Long

  def createRelationship(start: Long, end: Long, relType: Int): RelationshipValue

  def getOrCreateRelTypeId(relTypeName: String): Int

  def getRelationshipsForIds(node: Long, dir: SemanticDirection, types: Option[Array[Int]]): Iterator[RelationshipValue]

  def getRelationshipsForIdsPrimitive(node: Long, dir: SemanticDirection, types: Option[Array[Int]]): RelationshipIterator

  def getRelationshipsCursor(node: Long, dir: SemanticDirection, types: Option[Array[Int]]): RelationshipSelectionCursor

  def getRelationshipFor(relationshipId: Long, typeId: Int, startNodeId: Long, endNodeId: Long): RelationshipValue

  def getOrCreateLabelId(labelName: String): Int

  def isLabelSetOnNode(label: Int, node: Long): Boolean

  def setLabelsOnNode(node: Long, labelIds: Iterator[Int]): Int

  def removeLabelsFromNode(node: Long, labelIds: Iterator[Int]): Int

  def getOrCreatePropertyKeyId(propertyKey: String): Int

  def getOrCreatePropertyKeyIds(propertyKeys: Array[String]): Array[Int]

  def addIndexRule(descriptor: IndexDescriptor): IdempotentResult[IndexReference]

  def dropIndexRule(descriptor: IndexDescriptor)

  def indexReference(label: Int, properties: Int*): IndexReference

  def indexSeek[RESULT <: AnyRef](index: IndexReference,
                                  needsValues: Boolean,
                                  indexOrder: IndexOrder,
                                  queries: Seq[IndexQuery]): NodeValueIndexCursor

  def indexSeekByContains[RESULT <: AnyRef](index: IndexReference,
                                            needsValues: Boolean,
                                            indexOrder: IndexOrder,
                                            value: TextValue): NodeValueIndexCursor

  def indexSeekByEndsWith[RESULT <: AnyRef](index: IndexReference,
                                            needsValues: Boolean,
                                            indexOrder: IndexOrder,
                                            value: TextValue): NodeValueIndexCursor

  def indexScan[RESULT <: AnyRef](index: IndexReference,
                                  needsValues: Boolean,
                                  indexOrder: IndexOrder): NodeValueIndexCursor

  def lockingUniqueIndexSeek[RESULT](index: IndexReference, queries: Seq[IndexQuery.ExactPredicate]): NodeValueIndexCursor

  def getNodesByLabel(id: Int): Iterator[NodeValue]

  def getNodesByLabelPrimitive(id: Int): LongIterator

  /* return true if the constraint was created, false if preexisting, throws if failed */
  def createNodeKeyConstraint(descriptor: IndexDescriptor): Boolean

  def dropNodeKeyConstraint(descriptor: IndexDescriptor)

  /* return true if the constraint was created, false if preexisting, throws if failed */
  def createUniqueConstraint(descriptor: IndexDescriptor): Boolean

  def dropUniqueConstraint(descriptor: IndexDescriptor)

  /* return true if the constraint was created, false if preexisting, throws if failed */
  def createNodePropertyExistenceConstraint(labelId: Int, propertyKeyId: Int): Boolean

  def dropNodePropertyExistenceConstraint(labelId: Int, propertyKeyId: Int)

  /* return true if the constraint was created, false if preexisting, throws if failed */
  def createRelationshipPropertyExistenceConstraint(relTypeId: Int, propertyKeyId: Int): Boolean

  def dropRelationshipPropertyExistenceConstraint(relTypeId: Int, propertyKeyId: Int)

  def getOptStatistics: Option[QueryStatistics] = None

  def getImportURL(url: URL): Either[String,URL]

   * This should not be used. We'll remove sooner (or later). Don't do it.
  def withAnyOpenQueryContext[T](work: QueryContext => T): T

  This is an ugly hack to get multi threading to work
  def createNewQueryContext(): QueryContext

  def nodeGetDegree(node: Long, dir: SemanticDirection): Int = dir match {
    case SemanticDirection.OUTGOING => nodeGetOutgoingDegree(node)
    case SemanticDirection.INCOMING => nodeGetIncomingDegree(node)
    case SemanticDirection.BOTH => nodeGetTotalDegree(node)

  def nodeGetDegree(node: Long, dir: SemanticDirection, relTypeId: Int): Int = dir match {
    case SemanticDirection.OUTGOING => nodeGetOutgoingDegree(node, relTypeId)
    case SemanticDirection.INCOMING => nodeGetIncomingDegree(node, relTypeId)
    case SemanticDirection.BOTH => nodeGetTotalDegree(node, relTypeId)

  def nodeIsDense(node: Long): Boolean

  def asObject(value: AnyValue): AnyRef

  // Legacy dependency between kernel and compiler
  def variableLengthPathExpand(realNode: Long, minHops: Option[Int], maxHops: Option[Int], direction: SemanticDirection, relTypes: Seq[String]): Iterator[Path]

  def singleShortestPath(left: Long, right: Long, depth: Int, expander: Expander, pathPredicate: KernelPredicate[Path],
                         filters: Seq[KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]]): Option[Path]

  def allShortestPath(left: Long, right: Long, depth: Int, expander: Expander, pathPredicate: KernelPredicate[Path],
                      filters: Seq[KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]]): Iterator[Path]

  def nodeCountByCountStore(labelId: Int): Long

  def relationshipCountByCountStore(startLabelId: Int, typeId: Int, endLabelId: Int): Long

  def lockNodes(nodeIds: Long*)

  def lockRelationships(relIds: Long*)

  def callReadOnlyProcedure(id: Int, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]
  def callReadOnlyProcedure(name: QualifiedName, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]

  def callReadWriteProcedure(id: Int, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]
  def callReadWriteProcedure(name: QualifiedName, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]

  def callSchemaWriteProcedure(id: Int, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]
  def callSchemaWriteProcedure(name: QualifiedName, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]

  def callDbmsProcedure(id: Int, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]
  def callDbmsProcedure(name: QualifiedName, args: Seq[Any], allowed: Array[String], context: ProcedureCallContext): Iterator[Array[AnyRef]]

  def callFunction(id: Int, args: Seq[AnyValue], allowed: Array[String]): AnyValue
  def callFunction(name: QualifiedName, args: Seq[AnyValue], allowed: Array[String]): AnyValue

  def aggregateFunction(id: Int, allowed: Array[String]): UserDefinedAggregator
  def aggregateFunction(name: QualifiedName, allowed: Array[String]): UserDefinedAggregator

  def detachDeleteNode(id: Long): Int

  def assertSchemaWritesAllowed(): Unit

  override def nodeById(id: Long): NodeValue = nodeOps.getById(id)

  override def relationshipById(id: Long): RelationshipValue = relationshipOps.getById(id)

  override def propertyKey(name: String): Int = transactionalContext.tokenRead.propertyKey(name)

  override def nodeLabel(name: String): Int = transactionalContext.tokenRead.nodeLabel(name)

  override def relationshipType(name: String): Int = transactionalContext.tokenRead.relationshipType(name)

  override def nodeProperty(node: Long, property: Int): Value = nodeOps.getProperty(node, property)

  override def nodePropertyIds(node: Long): Array[Int] = nodeOps.propertyKeyIds(node)

  override def nodeHasProperty(node: Long, property: Int): Boolean = nodeOps.hasProperty(node, property)

  override def relationshipProperty(relationship: Long, property: Int): Value = relationshipOps.getProperty(relationship, property)

  override def relationshipPropertyIds(relationship: Long): Array[Int] = relationshipOps.propertyKeyIds(relationship)

  override def relationshipHasProperty(relationship: Long, property: Int): Boolean =
    relationshipOps.hasProperty(relationship, property)

trait Operations[T] {
  def delete(id: Long)

  def setProperty(obj: Long, propertyKeyId: Int, value: Value)

  def removeProperty(obj: Long, propertyKeyId: Int)

  def getProperty(obj: Long, propertyKeyId: Int): Value

  def hasProperty(obj: Long, propertyKeyId: Int): Boolean

    * @return `None` if there are no changes.
    *         `Some(NO_VALUE)` if the property was deleted.
    *         `Some(v)` if the property was set to v
    * @throws EntityNotFoundException if the node was deleted
  def getTxStateProperty(obj: Long, propertyKeyId: Int): Option[Value]

    * @return `true` if TxState has no changes, which indicates the cached node property must exist,
    *        or if the property was changed.
    *        `false` if the property or the node were deleted in TxState.
  def hasTxStatePropertyForCachedNodeProperty(nodeId: Long, propertyKeyId: Int): Boolean

  def propertyKeyIds(obj: Long): Array[Int]

  def getById(id: Long): T

  def isDeletedInThisTx(id: Long): Boolean

  def all: Iterator[T]

  def allPrimitive: LongIterator

  def acquireExclusiveLock(obj: Long): Unit

  def releaseExclusiveLock(obj: Long): Unit

  def getByIdIfExists(id: Long): Option[T]

trait QueryTransactionalContext extends CloseableResource {

  def transaction : Transaction

  def cursors : CursorFactory

  def dataRead: Read

  def tokenRead: TokenRead

  def schemaRead: SchemaRead

  def dataWrite: Write

  def dbmsOperations: DbmsOperations

  def isTopLevelTx: Boolean

  def close(success: Boolean)

  def commitAndRestartTx()

  def kernelStatisticProvider: KernelStatisticProvider

  def databaseInfo: DatabaseInfo

trait KernelPredicate[T] {
  def test(obj: T): Boolean

trait Expander {
  def addRelationshipFilter(newFilter: KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]): Expander
  def addNodeFilter(newFilter: KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]): Expander
  def nodeFilters: Seq[KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]]
  def relFilters: Seq[KernelPredicate[PropertyContainer]]

trait UserDefinedAggregator {
  def update(args: IndexedSeq[Any]): Unit
  def result: Any

trait CloseableResource {
  def close(success: Boolean)

object NodeValueHit {
  val EMPTY = new NodeValueHit(-1L, null)

class NodeValueHit(val nodeId: Long, val values: Array[Value]) extends NodeValueIndexCursor {

  private var _next = nodeId != -1L

  override def numberOfProperties(): Int = values.length

  override def propertyKey(offset: Int): Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  override def hasValue: Boolean = true

  override def propertyValue(offset: Int): Value = values(offset)

  override def node(cursor: NodeCursor): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")

  override def nodeReference(): Long = nodeId

  override def next(): Boolean = {
    val temp = _next
    _next = false

  override def close(): Unit = _next = false

  override def isClosed: Boolean = _next

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