org.opencypher.railroad.ShapeRenderer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.opencypher.railroad;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import static org.opencypher.railroad.ShapeRenderer.Shapes.Style.OUTLINE;
public final class ShapeRenderer
implements Diagram.Renderer, TextGlyphs, EX>
public interface Options
{ //
// fonts
default Font productionFont() { return plainFont(); }
default Font textFont() { return boldFont(); }
default Font anyCaseFont() { return plainFont(); }
default Font charsetFont() { return plainFont(); }
default Font loopDescriptionFont() { return italicFont(); }
// default fonts
default Font plainFont() { return new Font( "Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 10 ); }
default Font boldFont() { return new Font( "Verdana", Font.BOLD, 10 ); }
default Font italicFont() { return new Font( "Verdana", Font.ITALIC, 10 ); }
// diagram margins
default double diagramMargin() { return 8; }
// arrow and bullet styles
default double bulletRadius() { return 2.5; }
default double arrowWidth() { return 9; }
default double arrowHeight() { return 7; }
default double arrowIndent() { return 1d/3d; }
default double arrowBefore() { return 8; }
default double arrowAfter() { return 0; }
// token styles
default double tokenMargin() { return 1; }
default double tokenPadding() { return 1; }
default double nonTerminalPadding() { return 12; }
// branch styles
default double branchSpacing() { return 8; }
default double branchRadius() { return 7; }
default double branchBefore() { return 0; }
default double branchAfter() { return 4; }
// loop styles
default double loopSpacing() { return 8; }
default double loopRadius() { return 7; }
default double loopBefore() { return 6; }
default double loopAfter() { return 6; }
default double loopDescriptionMargin() { return 2; }
} //
public interface Linker
String referenceLink( String reference );
default String charsetLink( String charset )
return null;
public interface Shapes
default void begin() throws EX
void roundRect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height, double diameter ) throws EX;
void rect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height ) throws EX;
void arc( Style style, double cx, double cy, double radius, double start, double extent ) throws EX;
default void line( Style style, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) throws EX
try ( Path path = path( style ) )
path.moveTo( x1, y1 );
path.lineTo( x2, y2 );
default void polygon( Style style, Point... points ) throws EX
switch ( points.length )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
line( style, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y );
try ( Path path = path( style ) )
for ( int i = 0; i < points.length; i++ )
Point point = points[i];
if ( i == 0 )
path.moveTo( point.x, point.y );
if ( i == points.length - 1 && points[0].equals( point ) )
path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
void text( TextGlyphs text, double x, double y ) throws EX;
Path path( Style style );
default void end() throws EX
default Group group( String link ) throws EX
return new Group()
public void roundRect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height, double diameter )
throws EX
Shapes.this.roundRect( style, x, y, width, height, diameter );
public void rect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height ) throws EX
Shapes.this.rect( style, x, y, width, height );
public void arc( Style style, double cx, double cy, double radius, double start,
double extent ) throws EX
Shapes.this.arc( style, cx, cy, radius, start, extent );
public void text( TextGlyphs text, double x, double y ) throws EX
Shapes.this.text( text, x, y );
public Path path( Style style )
return Shapes.this.path( style );
public void close()
interface Group extends AutoCloseable
void roundRect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height, double diameter ) throws EX;
void rect( Style style, double x, double y, double width, double height ) throws EX;
void arc( Style style, double cx, double cy, double radius, double start, double extent ) throws EX;
default void line( Style style, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) throws EX
try ( Path path = path( style ) )
path.moveTo( x1, y1 );
path.lineTo( x2, y2 );
default void polygon( Style style, Point... points ) throws EX
switch ( points.length )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
line( style, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[1].x, points[1].y );
try ( Path path = path( style ) )
for ( int i = 0; i < points.length; i++ )
Point point = points[i];
if ( i == 0 )
path.moveTo( point.x, point.y );
if ( i == points.length - 1 && points[0].equals( point ) )
path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
void text( TextGlyphs text, double x, double y ) throws EX;
Path path( Style style );
void close() throws EX;
interface Path extends AutoCloseable
void arc( double rx, double ry, double xAxisRotation, boolean largeArc, boolean sweep, double x, double y );
void closePath();
void moveTo( double x, double y );
void lineTo( double x, double y );
void quadTo( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 );
void cubicTo( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3 );
void close() throws EX;
final class Point
public final double x, y;
private Point( double x, double y )
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public String toString()
return String.format( "Point{x=%s, y=%s}", x, y );
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( this == o )
return true;
if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() )
return false;
Point point = (Point) o;
return point.x, x ) == 0 && point.y, y ) == 0;
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash( x, y );
final class Style
public static final Style FILL = new Style( true, false ), OUTLINE = new Style( false, true );
final boolean fill, stroke;
private Style( boolean fill, boolean stroke )
this.fill = fill;
this.stroke = stroke;
private static Shapes.Point point( double x, double y )
return new Shapes.Point( x, y );
private final Linker linker;
private final FontRenderContext frc;
private final Font productionFont, textFont, anyCaseFont, charsetFont, loopDescriptionFont;
private final double diagramMargin;
private final double bulletRadius, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, arrowIndent, arrowBefore, arrowAfter;
private final double tokenPadding, tokenMargin, nonTerminalPadding;
private final double branchSpacing, branchRadius, branchBefore, branchAfter;
private final double loopSpacing, loopRadius, loopBefore, loopAfter, loopDescriptionMargin;
private final Size bulletSize, arrowSize;
ShapeRenderer( Option super Options>... options )
this( link -> null,
new FontRenderContext( new AffineTransform(), true, true ),
Option.options( Options.class, options ) );
public ShapeRenderer( Linker linker, FontRenderContext frc, Options options )
this.linker = linker;
this.frc = frc;
// Options
this.diagramMargin = options.diagramMargin();
// - fonts
this.productionFont = options.productionFont();
this.textFont = options.textFont();
this.anyCaseFont = options.anyCaseFont();
this.charsetFont = options.charsetFont();
this.loopDescriptionFont = options.loopDescriptionFont();
// - bullet style
this.bulletRadius = options.bulletRadius();
this.bulletSize = new Size( bulletRadius * 2, bulletRadius * 2, bulletRadius );
// - arrow style
this.arrowWidth = options.arrowWidth();
this.arrowHeight = options.arrowHeight();
this.arrowSize = new Size( arrowWidth, arrowHeight, arrowHeight / 2 );
this.arrowIndent = options.arrowIndent();
this.arrowBefore = options.arrowBefore();
this.arrowAfter = options.arrowAfter();
// - token styles
this.tokenPadding = options.tokenPadding();
this.tokenMargin = options.tokenMargin();
this.nonTerminalPadding = options.nonTerminalPadding();
// - branch styles
this.branchSpacing = options.branchSpacing();
this.branchRadius = options.branchRadius();
this.branchBefore = options.branchBefore();
this.branchAfter = options.branchAfter();
// - loop styles
this.loopSpacing = options.loopSpacing();
this.loopRadius = options.loopRadius();
this.loopBefore = options.loopBefore();
this.loopAfter = options.loopAfter();
this.loopDescriptionMargin = options.loopDescriptionMargin();
public Size diagramSize( Size root )
return new Size(
root.width + 2 * diagramMargin, root.height + 2 * diagramMargin, root.linePosition + diagramMargin );
public void renderDiagram( String name, Shapes extends EX> shapes, Diagram.Figure root ) throws EX
root.render( shapes, diagramMargin, diagramMargin, this, true );
public TextGlyphs renderText( String type, String text )
return new TextGlyphs( text, font( type ), frc );
private Font font( String type )
switch ( type )
case "anycase":
return anyCaseFont;
case "charset":
return charsetFont;
case "reference":
return productionFont;
case "text":
return textFont;
case "loop":
return loopDescriptionFont;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown text type: " + type );
public Size sizeOfBullet()
return bulletSize;
public void renderBullet( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y ) throws EX
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + bulletRadius, y + bulletRadius, bulletRadius, 0, 360 );
public Size sizeOfNothing()
return arrowSize;
public void renderNothing( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, boolean forward ) throws EX
arrow( shapes, x, y, forward );
private void arrow( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, boolean forward ) throws EX
// TODO: draw butts on the arrows
double width = arrowWidth, height = arrowHeight, linePos = height / 2, indent = arrowIndent * width;
if ( forward )
Shapes.Style.FILL, point( x + indent, y + linePos ),
point( x, y ),
point( x + width, y + linePos ),
point( x, y + height ),
point( x + indent, y + linePos ) );
Shapes.Style.FILL, point( x + width - indent, y + linePos ),
point( x + width, y ),
point( x, y + linePos ),
point( x + width, y + height ),
point( x + width - indent, y + linePos ) );
private void line( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) throws EX
if ( x1 != x2 || y1 != y2 )
shapes.line( OUTLINE, x1, y1, x2, y2 );
public Size sizeOfText( TextGlyphs text )
double margin = tokenMargin, hPadding = tokenPadding, vPadding = tokenPadding;
double diameter = text.getHeight() + vPadding * 2;
double height = text.getHeight() + vPadding * 2 + margin * 2;
double width = text.getWidth() + hPadding * 2 + margin * 2 + diameter;
return new Size( width, height, height / 2 );
public void renderText( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, TextGlyphs text ) throws EX
double margin = tokenMargin, hPadding = tokenPadding, vPadding = tokenPadding;
double width = text.getWidth(), height = text.getHeight();
double diameter = vPadding + height + vPadding;
x + margin + diameter / 2 + hPadding,
y + margin + vPadding );
OUTLINE, x + margin, y + margin,
width + diameter + hPadding * 2,
height + vPadding * 2,
diameter );
public Size sizeOfAnyCase( TextGlyphs textGlyphs )
return sizeOfText( textGlyphs );
public void renderAnyCase( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, TextGlyphs textGlyphs ) throws EX
renderText( shapes, x, y, textGlyphs );
public Size sizeOfReference( TextGlyphs name )
double margin = tokenMargin, hPadding = tokenPadding + nonTerminalPadding, vPadding = tokenPadding;
double height = name.getHeight() + vPadding * 2 + margin * 2;
double width = name.getWidth() + hPadding * 2 + margin * 2;
return new Size( width, height, height / 2 );
public void renderReference( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, String target, TextGlyphs name ) throws EX
double margin = tokenMargin, hPadding = tokenPadding + nonTerminalPadding, vPadding = tokenPadding;
double width = name.getWidth(), height = name.getHeight();
Shapes.Group extends EX> group = linker.referenceLink( target ) );
x + margin + hPadding,
y + margin + vPadding );
OUTLINE, x + margin, y + margin,
width + hPadding * 2,
height + vPadding * 2 );
public Size sizeOfCharset( TextGlyphs textGlyphs )
return sizeOfText( textGlyphs );
public void renderCharset( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, TextGlyphs text, String set ) throws EX
double margin = tokenMargin, hPadding = tokenPadding, vPadding = tokenPadding;
double width = text.getWidth(), height = text.getHeight();
double radius = (vPadding + height + vPadding) / 2;
Shapes.Group extends EX> group = linker.charsetLink( set ) );
x + margin + radius + hPadding,
y + margin + vPadding );
hexagon( group, x + margin, y + margin, radius, width + hPadding * 2 );
private void hexagon( Shapes.Group extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, double r, double w ) throws EX
point( x, y + r ),
point( x + r, y ),
point( x + r + w, y ),
point( x + r + w + r, y + r ),
point( x + r + w, y + 2 * r ),
point( x + r, y + 2 * r ),
point( x, y + r ) );
private static class LineSize
double width, hBefore, hAfter;
LineSize( Size size )
width = size.width;
hBefore = size.linePosition;
hAfter = size.height - size.linePosition;
LineSize( LineSize l, LineSize r )
width = l.width + r.width;
hBefore = Math.max( l.hBefore, r.hBefore );
hAfter = Math.max( l.hAfter, r.hAfter );
public Size sizeOfLine( Collection sequence )
double arrowWidth = arrowBefore + this.arrowWidth + arrowAfter;
LineSize size = sequence
.map( figure -> new LineSize( figure.size( this ) ) )
.reduce( LineSize::new )
.orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalStateException( "Empty sequence!" ) );
return new Size(
size.width + (sequence.size() - 1) * arrowWidth,
size.hBefore + size.hAfter,
size.hBefore );
public void renderLine( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, Size size, List sequence,
boolean forward ) throws EX
double arrowBefore = this.arrowBefore, arrowAfter = this.arrowAfter;
Iterator figures = sequence.iterator();
if ( !forward )
figures = reversed( sequence );
arrowBefore = arrowAfter;
arrowAfter = this.arrowBefore;
double currentX = x;
while ( figures.hasNext() )
Diagram.Figure figure =;
Size fSize = figure.size( this );
figure.render( shapes, currentX, y + size.linePosition - fSize.linePosition, this, forward );
currentX += fSize.width;
if ( figures.hasNext() )
line( shapes, currentX, y + size.linePosition, currentX + arrowBefore + arrowIndent * arrowWidth,
y + size.linePosition );
currentX += arrowBefore;
arrow( shapes, currentX, y + size.linePosition - arrowHeight / 2, forward );
currentX += arrowWidth;
line( shapes, currentX, y + size.linePosition, currentX + arrowAfter, y + size.linePosition );
currentX += arrowAfter;
private static Iterator reversed( List sequence )
return new Iterator()
int i = sequence.size();
public boolean hasNext()
return i > 0;
public Diagram.Figure next()
return sequence.get( --i );
public Size sizeOfBranch( Collection branches )
Size size =
.map( figure -> figure.size( this ) )
.reduce( ( l, r ) -> new Size(
Math.max( l.width, r.width ), // the width of the widest figure
l.height + r.height + branchSpacing, // accumulate the height of all figures
l.linePosition ) ) // the linePosition of the first figure
.orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalStateException( "Empty branch" ) );
return new Size(
branchRadius * 4 + branchBefore + size.width + branchAfter + arrowWidth * 2,
size.height, size.linePosition );
public void renderBranch( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, Size size,
Collection branches,
boolean forward ) throws EX
double maxWidth = size.width - (branchRadius * 4 + branchBefore + branchAfter + arrowWidth * 2);
double centerX = x + maxWidth / 2;
double before = branchBefore, after = branchAfter, radius = branchRadius, spacing = branchSpacing;
if ( !forward )
before = after;
after = branchBefore;
double currentY = y, lineEndY = y;
boolean first = true;
for ( Iterator figures = branches.iterator(); figures.hasNext(); )
Diagram.Figure figure =;
Size fSize = figure.size( this );
boolean drawArrows = !figure.isNothing();
// # Don't draw arrows if c is a loop and its component is not Nothing;
// # the arrows tend to appear superfluous in such a case
// if isinstance(c, rr.Loop) and not isinstance(c.component, rr.Nothing):
// draw_arrows = False
if ( !first )
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + 2 * radius, currentY + fSize.linePosition - radius, radius, 180, 90 );
if ( drawArrows )
arrow( shapes, x + radius * 2, currentY + fSize.linePosition - arrowHeight / 2, forward );
line( shapes, x + radius * 2, currentY + fSize.linePosition,
x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth, currentY + fSize.linePosition );
line( shapes, x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth, currentY + fSize.linePosition,
x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth + before, currentY + fSize.linePosition );
double left = x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth + before;
double figureX = centerX - fSize.width / 2 + radius * 2 + arrowWidth + before;
line( shapes, left, currentY + fSize.linePosition,
figureX, currentY + fSize.linePosition );
figure.render( shapes, figureX, currentY, this, forward );
line( shapes, figureX + fSize.width, currentY + fSize.linePosition,
left + maxWidth + after, currentY + fSize.linePosition );
if ( drawArrows )
arrow( shapes, left + maxWidth + after, currentY + fSize.linePosition - arrowHeight / 2, forward );
line( shapes, left + maxWidth + after, currentY + fSize.linePosition,
left + maxWidth + after + arrowWidth, currentY + fSize.linePosition );
if ( !first )
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, left + maxWidth + after + arrowWidth,
currentY + fSize.linePosition - radius,
radius, 270, 90 );
if ( !figures.hasNext() )
lineEndY = currentY + fSize.linePosition - radius;
currentY += spacing + fSize.height;
first = false;
// lines to the left
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x, y + size.linePosition + radius, radius, 0, 90 );
line( shapes, x + radius, y + size.linePosition + radius, x + radius, lineEndY );
line( shapes, x, y + size.linePosition, x + radius * 2, y + size.linePosition );
// lines to the right
double endX = x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth + before + maxWidth + after + arrowWidth;
line( shapes, endX, y + size.linePosition, endX + radius * 2, y + size.linePosition );
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, endX + 2 * radius, y + size.linePosition + radius, radius, 90, 90 );
line( shapes, endX + radius, y + size.linePosition + radius,
endX + radius, lineEndY );
public Size sizeOfLoop( Diagram.Figure forward, Diagram.Figure backward, TextGlyphs description )
Size fSize = forward.size( this ), bSize = backward.size( this );
double width = Math.max( fSize.width, bSize.width ), height = fSize.height + loopSpacing + bSize.height;
if ( description != null )
width = Math.max( width, description.getWidth() + loopDescriptionMargin );
height += description.getHeight() + loopSpacing;
width = loopRadius * 2 + arrowWidth + loopBefore + width + loopAfter + arrowWidth + loopRadius * 2;
double linePos = /*bSize.height + loopSpacing +*/ fSize.linePosition;
return new Size( width, height, linePos );
public void renderLoop( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, Size size, Diagram.Figure forward,
Diagram.Figure backward, TextGlyphs description, boolean fwd ) throws EX
Size fSize = forward.size( this ), bSize = backward.size( this );
boolean fArrow = !forward.isNothing(), bArrow = !backward.isNothing();
double spacing = loopSpacing, radius = loopRadius, before = loopBefore;
double dY = y + fSize.height + spacing;
double width = size.width, linePos = size.linePosition;
double maxWidth = Math.max( fSize.width, bSize.width );
if ( description != null )
dY += description.getHeight() + spacing;
maxWidth = Math.max( maxWidth, description.getWidth() + loopDescriptionMargin );
double centerX = x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth + before + maxWidth / 2;
// draw the forward edge
line( shapes, x, y + linePos, x + radius * 2, y + linePos );
arrowOrLine( shapes, x + radius * 2, y + linePos - arrowHeight / 2, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, fwd, fArrow );
line( shapes, x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth, y + linePos, centerX - fSize.width / 2, y + linePos );
forward.render( shapes, centerX - fSize.width / 2, y, this, fwd );
line( shapes, centerX + fSize.width / 2, y + linePos, x + width - radius * 2 - arrowWidth, y + linePos );
arrowOrLine( shapes, x + width - radius * 2 - arrowWidth, y + linePos - arrowHeight / 2, arrowWidth,
arrowHeight, fwd, fArrow );
line( shapes, x + width - radius * 2, y + linePos, x + width, y + linePos );
// draw the line up from the backward edge
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + 2 * radius, y + linePos + radius, radius, 90, 90 ); // upper left
line( shapes, x + radius, y + linePos + radius,
x + radius, dY + bSize.linePosition - radius );
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + 2 * radius, dY + bSize.linePosition - radius, radius, 180, 90 ); // lower left
// draw the backward edge
arrowOrLine( shapes,
x + radius * 2,
dY + bSize.linePosition - arrowHeight / 2,
arrowWidth, arrowHeight, !fwd, bArrow );
line( shapes, x + radius * 2 + arrowWidth, dY + bSize.linePosition,
centerX - bSize.width / 2, dY + bSize.linePosition );
backward.render( shapes, centerX - bSize.width / 2, dY, this, !fwd );
line( shapes, centerX + bSize.width / 2, dY + bSize.linePosition,
x + width - radius * 2 - arrowWidth, dY + bSize.linePosition );
arrowOrLine( shapes, x + width - radius * 2 - arrowWidth, dY + bSize.linePosition - arrowHeight / 2, arrowWidth,
arrowHeight, !fwd, bArrow );
// draw the line down to the backward edge
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + width - radius * 2, dY + bSize.linePosition - radius, radius, 270, 90 ); // lower right
line( shapes, x + width - radius, dY + bSize.linePosition - radius,
x + width - radius, y + linePos + radius );
shapes.arc( OUTLINE, x + width - radius * 2, y + linePos + radius, radius, 0, 90 ); // upper right
if ( description != null )
x + width - description.getWidth() - radius - loopDescriptionMargin,
y + fSize.height + spacing );
private void arrowOrLine( Shapes extends EX> shapes, double x, double y, double width, double height,
boolean forward, boolean arrow ) throws EX
if ( arrow )
arrow( shapes, x, y, forward );
line( shapes, x, y + height / 2, x + width, y + height / 2 );
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