org.graphstream.algorithm.Dijkstra Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2006 - 2013
* Stefan Balev
* Julien Baudry
* Antoine Dutot
* Yoann Pigné
* Guilhelm Savin
* This file is part of GraphStream .
* GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
* graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
* This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
* CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
* License. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
* of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
* URL or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
package org.graphstream.algorithm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.graphstream.algorithm.util.FibonacciHeap;
import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
import org.graphstream.graph.Path;
* Dijkstra's algorithm computes the shortest paths from a given node called
* source to all the other nodes in a graph. It produces a shortest path tree
* rooted in the source. This algorithm works only for nonnegative
* lengths.
* This implementation uses internally Fibonacci Heap, a data structure that
* makes it run faster for big graphs.
* Length of a path
* Traditionally the length of a path is defined as the sum of the lengths of
* its edges. This implementation allows to take into account also the "lengths"
* of the nodes. This is done by a parameter of type {@link Element} passed in
* the constructors.
* The lengths of individual elements (edges or/and nodes) are defined using
* another constructor parameter called {@code lengthAttribute}. If this
* parameter is {@code null}, the elements are considered to have unit lengths.
* In other words, the length of a path is the number of its edges or/and nodes.
* If the parameter is not null, the elements are supposed to have a numeric
* attribute named {@code lengthAttribute} used to store their lengths.
* Solutions
* Internal solution data is stored in attributes of the nodes of the underlying
* graph. The name of this attribute is another constructor parameter called
* {@code resultAttribute}. This name must be specified in order to avoid
* conflicts with existing attributes, but also to distinguish between solutions
* produced by different instances of this class working on the same graph (for
* example when computing shortest paths from two different sources). If not
* specified, a unique name is chosen automatically based on the hash code of
* the Dijkstra instance. The attributes store opaque internal objects and must
* not be accessed, modified or deleted. The only way to retrieve the solution
* is using different solution access methods.
* Usage
* A typical usage of this class involves the following steps:
* - Instantiation using one of the constructors with appropriate parameters
* - Initialization of the algorithm using {@link #init(Graph)}
* - Computation of the shortest paths using {@link #compute()}
* - Retrieving the solution using different solution access methods
* - Cleaning up using {@link #clear()}
* Note that if the graph changes after the call of {@link #compute()} the
* computed solution is no longer valid. In this case the behavior of the
* different solution access methods is undefined.
* Example
* Graph graph = ...;
* // Edge lengths are stored in an attribute called "length"
* // The length of a path is the sum of the lengths of its edges
* // The algorithm will store its results in attribute called "result"
* Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra(Dijkstra.Element.edge, "result", "length");
* // Compute the shortest paths in g from A to all nodes
* dijkstra.init(graph);
* dijkstra.setSource(graph.getNode("A"));
* dijkstra.compute();
* // Print the lengths of all the shortest paths
* for (Node node : graph)
* System.out.printf("%s->%s:%6.2f%n", dijkstra.getSource(), node, dijkstra.getPathLength(node));
* // Color in blue all the nodes on the shortest path form A to B
* for (Node node : dijkstra.getPathNodes(graph.getNode("B")))
* node.addAttribute("ui.style", "fill-color: blue;");
* // Color in red all the edges in the shortest path tree
* for (Edge edge : dijkstra.getTreeEdges())
* edge.addAttribute("ui.style", "fill-color: red;");
* // Print the shortest path from A to B
* System.out.println(dijkstra.getPath(graph.getNode("B"));
* // Build a list containing the nodes in the shortest path from A to B
* // Note that nodes are added at the beginning of the list
* // because the iterator traverses them in reverse order, from B to A
* List <Node> list1 = new ArrayList<Node>();
* for (Node node : dijkstra.getPathNodes(graph.getNode("B")))
* list1.add(0, node);
* // A shorter but less efficient way to do the same thing
* List<Node> list2 = dijkstra.getPath(graph.getNode("B")).getNodePath();
* @author Stefan Balev
public class Dijkstra extends AbstractSpanningTree {
protected static class Data {
FibonacciHeap.Node fn;
Edge edgeFromParent;
double distance;
* This enumeration is used to specify how the length of a path is computed
* @author Stefan Balev
public static enum Element {
* The length of a path is the sum of the lengths of its edges.
* The length of a path is the sum of the lengths of its nodes.
* The length of a path is the sum of the lengths of its edges and
* nodes.
protected Element element;
protected String resultAttribute;
protected String lengthAttribute;
protected Node source;
// *** Helpers ***
protected double getLength(Edge edge, Node dest) {
double lenght = 0;
if (element != Element.NODE)
lenght += lengthAttribute == null ? 1 : edge
if (element != Element.EDGE)
lenght += lengthAttribute == null ? 1 : dest
if (lenght < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Edge " + edge.getId()
+ " has negative lenght " + lenght);
return lenght;
protected double getSourceLength() {
if (element == Element.EDGE)
return 0;
return lengthAttribute == null ? 1 : source.getNumber(lengthAttribute);
// *** Constructors ***
* Constructs an instance with the specified parameters. The edges of the shortest path tree are not tagged.
* @param element
* Graph elements (edges or/and nodes) used to compute the path
* lengths. If {@code null}, the length of the path is computed
* using edges.
* @param resultAttribute
* Attribute name used to store internal solution data in the
* nodes of the graph. If {@code null}, a unique name is chosen
* automatically.
* @param lengthAttribute
* Attribute name used to define individual element lengths. If
* {@code null} the length of the elements is considered to be
* one.
public Dijkstra(Element element, String resultAttribute,
String lengthAttribute) {
this(element, resultAttribute, lengthAttribute, null, null, null);
* Constructs an instance in which the length of the path is considered to
* be the number of edges. Unique result attribute is chosen automatically. The edges of the shortest path tree are not tagged.
public Dijkstra() {
this(null, null, null, null, null, null);
* Constructs an instance with the specified parameters.
* @param element
* Graph elements (edges or/and nodes) used to compute the path
* lengths. If {@code null}, the length of the path is computed
* using edges.
* @param resultAttribute
* Attribute name used to store internal solution data in the
* nodes of the graph. If {@code null}, a unique name is chosen
* automatically.
* @param lengthAttribute
* Attribute name used to define individual element lengths. If
* {@code null} the length of the elements is considered to be
* one.
* @param flagAttribute
* attribute used to set if an edge is in the spanning tree
* @param flagOn
* value of the flagAttribute if edge is in the spanning
* tree
* @param flagOff
* value of the flagAttribute if edge is not in the
* spanning tree
public Dijkstra(Element element, String resultAttribute, String lengthAttribute, String flagAttribute, Object flagOn, Object flagOff) {
super(flagAttribute, flagOn, flagOff);
this.element = element == null ? Element.EDGE : element;
this.resultAttribute = resultAttribute == null ? toString()
+ "_result_" : resultAttribute;
this.lengthAttribute = lengthAttribute;
graph = null;
source = null;
// *** Some basic methods ***
* Dijkstra's algorithm computes shortest paths from a given source node to
* all nodes in a graph. This method returns the source node.
* @return the source node
* @see #setSource(Node)
public T getSource() {
return (T) source;
* Dijkstra's algorithm computes shortest paths from a given source node to
* all nodes in a graph. This method sets the source node.
* @param source
* The new source node.
* @see #getSource()
public void setSource(Node source) {
this.source = source;
* Removes the attributes used to store internal solution data in the nodes
* of the graph. Use this method to free memory. Solution access methods
* must not be used after calling this method.
public void clear() {
for (Node node : graph) {
Data data = node.getAttribute(resultAttribute);
if (data != null) {
data.fn = null;
data.edgeFromParent = null;
// *** Methods of Algorithm interface ***
* Computes the shortest paths from the source node to all nodes in the
* graph.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if {@link #init(Graph)} or {@link #setSource(Node)} have not
* been called before or if elements with negative lengths are
* discovered.
* @see org.graphstream.algorithm.Algorithm#compute()
* @complexity O(m + nlogn) where m is
* the number of edges and n is the number of nodes in
* the graph.
public void compute() {
// check if computation can start
if (graph == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No graph specified. Call init() first.");
if (source == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No source specified. Call setSource() first.");
protected void makeTree() {
// initialization
FibonacciHeap heap = new FibonacciHeap();
for (Node node : graph) {
Data data = new Data();
double v = node == source ? getSourceLength()
data.fn = heap.add(v, node);
data.edgeFromParent = null;
node.addAttribute(resultAttribute, data);
// main loop
while (!heap.isEmpty()) {
Node u = heap.extractMin();
Data dataU = u.getAttribute(resultAttribute);
dataU.distance = dataU.fn.getKey();
dataU.fn = null;
if (dataU.edgeFromParent != null)
for (Edge e : u.getEachLeavingEdge()) {
Node v = e.getOpposite(u);
Data dataV = v.getAttribute(resultAttribute);
if (dataV.fn == null)
double tryDist = dataU.distance + getLength(e, v);
if (tryDist < dataV.fn.getKey()) {
dataV.edgeFromParent = e;
heap.decreaseKey(dataV.fn, tryDist);
// *** Iterators ***
protected class NodeIterator implements Iterator {
protected Node nextNode;
protected NodeIterator(Node target) {
nextNode = Double.isInfinite(getPathLength(target)) ? null : target;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextNode != null;
public T next() {
if (nextNode == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Node node = nextNode;
nextNode = getParent(nextNode);
return (T) node;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"remove is not supported by this iterator");
protected class EdgeIterator implements Iterator {
protected Node nextNode;
protected T nextEdge;
protected EdgeIterator(Node target) {
nextNode = target;
nextEdge = getEdgeFromParent(nextNode);
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextEdge != null;
public T next() {
if (nextEdge == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T edge = nextEdge;
nextNode = getParent(nextNode);
nextEdge = getEdgeFromParent(nextNode);
return edge;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"remove is not supported by this iterator");
protected class PathIterator implements Iterator {
protected List nodes;
protected List> iterators;
protected Path nextPath;
protected void extendPathStep() {
int last = nodes.size() - 1;
Node v = nodes.get(last);
double lengthV = getPathLength(v);
Iterator it = iterators.get(last);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Edge e = it.next();
Node u = e.getOpposite(v);
if (getPathLength(u) + getLength(e, v) == lengthV) {
protected void extendPath() {
while (!nodes.isEmpty() && nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1) != source)
protected void constructNextPath() {
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
nextPath = null;
nextPath = new Path();
for (int i = nodes.size() - 1; i > 0; i--)
nodes.get(i - 1).getId()));
public PathIterator(Node target) {
nodes = new ArrayList();
iterators = new ArrayList>();
if (Double.isInfinite(getPathLength(target))) {
nextPath = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextPath != null;
public Path next() {
if (nextPath == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
nodes.remove(nodes.size() - 1);
iterators.remove(iterators.size() - 1);
Path path = nextPath;
return path;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"remove is not supported by this iterator");
protected class TreeIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator nodeIt;
T nextEdge;
protected void findNextEdge() {
nextEdge = null;
while (nodeIt.hasNext() && nextEdge == null)
nextEdge = getEdgeFromParent(nodeIt.next());
protected TreeIterator() {
nodeIt = graph.getNodeIterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextEdge != null;
public T next() {
if (nextEdge == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T edge = nextEdge;
return edge;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"remove is not supported by this iterator");
// *** Methods to access the solution ***
* Returns the length of the shortest path from the source node to a given
* target node.
* @param target
* A node
* @return the length of the shortest path or
* {@link java.lang.Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} if there is no path
* from the source to the target
* @complexity O(1)
public double getPathLength(Node target) {
return target. getAttribute(resultAttribute).distance;
* Dijkstra's algorithm produces a shortest path tree rooted in the source
* node. This method returns the total length of the tree.
* @return the length of the shortest path tree
* @complexity O(n) where n is the number of nodes is the
* graph.
public double getTreeLength() {
double length = getSourceLength();
for (Edge edge : getTreeEdges()) {
Node node = edge.getNode0();
if (getEdgeFromParent(node) != edge)
node = edge.getNode1();
length += getLength(edge, node);
return length;
* Returns the edge between the target node and the previous node in the
* shortest path from the source to the target. This is also the edge
* connecting the target to its parent in the shortest path tree.
* @param target
* a node
* @return the edge between the target and its predecessor in the shortest
* path, {@code null} if there is no path from the source to the
* target or if the target and the source are the same node.
* @see #getParent(Node)
* @complexity O(1)
public T getEdgeFromParent(Node target) {
return (T) target. getAttribute(resultAttribute).edgeFromParent;
* Returns the node preceding the target in the shortest path from the
* source to the target. This node is the parent of the target in the
* shortest path tree.
* @param target
* a node
* @return the predecessor of the target in the shortest path, {@code null}
* if there is no path from the source to the target or if the
* target and the source are the same node.
* @see #getEdgeFromParent(Node)
* @complexity O(1)
public T getParent(Node target) {
Edge edge = getEdgeFromParent(target);
if (edge == null)
return null;
return edge.getOpposite(target);
* This iterator traverses the nodes on the shortest path from the source
* node to a given target node. The nodes are traversed in reverse order:
* the target node first, then its predecessor, ... and finally the source
* node. If there is no path from the source to the target, no nodes are
* traversed. This iterator does not support
* {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}.
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterator on the nodes of the shortest path from the source to
* the target
* @see #getPathNodes(Node)
* @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
* iterator takes O(1) time
public Iterator getPathNodesIterator(Node target) {
return new NodeIterator(target);
* An iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the source node
* to a given target node. Uses {@link #getPathNodesIterator(Node)}.
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterable view of the nodes on the shortest path from the
* source to the target
* @see #getPathNodesIterator(Node)
public Iterable getPathNodes(final Node target) {
return new Iterable() {
public Iterator iterator() {
return getPathNodesIterator(target);
* This iterator traverses the edges on the shortest path from the source
* node to a given target node. The edges are traversed in reverse order:
* first the edge between the target and its predecessor, ... and finally
* the edge between the source end its successor. If there is no path from
* the source to the target or if he source and the target are the same
* node, no edges are traversed. This iterator does not support
* {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}.
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterator on the edges of the shortest path from the source to
* the target
* @see #getPathEdges(Node)
* @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
* iterator takes O(1) time
public Iterator getPathEdgesIterator(Node target) {
return new EdgeIterator(target);
* An iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the source node
* to a given target node. Uses {@link #getPathEdgesIterator(Node)}.
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterable view of the edges on the shortest path from the
* source to the target
* @see #getPathEdgesIterator(Node)
public Iterable getPathEdges(final Node target) {
return new Iterable() {
public Iterator iterator() {
return getPathEdgesIterator(target);
* This iterator traverses all the shortest paths from the source
* node to a given target node. If there is more than one shortest paths
* between the source and the target, other solution access methods choose
* one of them (the one from the shortest path tree). This iterator can be
* used if one needs to know all the paths. Each call to
* {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} method of this iterator returns a
* shortest path in the form of {@link org.graphstream.graph.Path} object.
* This iterator does not support {@link java.util.Iterator#remove()}.
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterator on all the shortest paths from the source to the
* target
* @see #getAllPaths(Node)
* @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
* iterator takes O(m) time in the worst case, where
* m is the number of edges in the graph
public Iterator getAllPathsIterator(Node target) {
return new PathIterator(target);
* An iterable view of of all the shortest paths from the source
* node to a given target node. Uses {@link #getAllPathsIterator(Node)}
* @param target
* a node
* @return an iterable view of all the shortest paths from the source to the
* target
* @see #getAllPathsIterator(Node)
public Iterable getAllPaths(final Node target) {
return new Iterable() {
public Iterator iterator() {
return getAllPathsIterator(target);
* Dijkstra's algorithm produces a shortest path tree rooted in the source
* node. This iterator traverses the edges of this tree. The edges are
* traversed in no particular order.
* @return an iterator on the edges of the shortest path tree
* @see #getTreeEdges()
* @complexity Each call of {@link java.util.Iterator#next()} of this
* iterator takes O(1) time
public Iterator getTreeEdgesIterator() {
return new TreeIterator();
* Returns the shortest path from the source node to a given target node. If
* there is no path from the source to the target returns an empty path.
* This method constructs a {@link org.graphstream.graph.Path} object which
* consumes heap memory proportional to the number of edges and nodes in the
* path. When possible, prefer using {@link #getPathNodes(Node)} and
* {@link #getPathEdges(Node)} which are more memory- and time-efficient.
* @param target
* a node
* @return the shortest path from the source to the target
* @complexity O(p) where p is the number of the nodes in
* the path
public Path getPath(Node target) {
Path path = new Path();
if (Double.isInfinite(getPathLength(target)))
return path;
Stack stack = new Stack();
for (Edge e : getPathEdges(target))
while (!stack.isEmpty())
return path;