org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk.RandomWalk Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2006 - 2013
* Stefan Balev
* Julien Baudry
* Antoine Dutot
* Yoann Pigné
* Guilhelm Savin
* This file is part of GraphStream .
* GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
* graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
* This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
* CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
* License. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
* of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
* URL or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
package org.graphstream.algorithm.randomWalk;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Random;
import org.graphstream.algorithm.DynamicAlgorithm;
import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
import org.graphstream.stream.SinkAdapter;
import static org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit.*;
* A random walk on a graph.
* Idea
* This algorithm create a given number of entities first associated with random
* nodes in the graph. Then by turns, each entity chooses an edge at random and
* crosses it. This is iterated a given number of turns. Each time an entity
* crosses an edge, a count is incremented on it and each time it arrives on
* a node a count is counted on it.
* You can override the entity class to provide your own behaviour for entity
* movement.
* Counts on edges and nodes
* If the algorithm was run for an infinite number of turns, each counter would
* have the same value. However we can choose to stop the algorithm when needed.
* Furthermore the algorithm can be biased by providing each entity with a
* memory of the already crossed edges. It can avoid these edges when choosing
* at random its next edge.
* When an entity has no edge to choose (either because of its memory or because
* it reached a node that is only reachable via a one directed edge), the entity
* will jump randomly on another node.
* When the number of turns
* awaited is reached, one can observe the counts on each edge and node. Edges
* and nodes that are very attractive in terms of topology should have a more
* important count than others.
* This algorithm does not cope well with dynamic graphs. You can however improve
* this by using evaporation. When evaporation is activated, at each turn, the
* node and edge counts are multiplied by a number between 0 and 1. Therefore each
* edge or node count must be constantly updated by entities leading to a value that
* stabilizes in time.
* The basic tabu entity
* At each step, the default entities move from their current node to another via
* an edge randomly chosen. This is done in the {@link Entity#step()} method.
* This method makes a list of all leaving edges of the current node. If the
* node has no leaving edge, the entity jumps to another randomly chosen node.
* Then an edge is chosen at random in the list of leaving edges. The edge is
* chosen uniformly if there are no weights on the edges, else, an edge with
* an higher weight has more chances to be chosen than an edge with a lower
* weight.
* When crossed, if the memory is larger than 0, the edge crossed is remembered
* so that the entity will not choose it anew until it crosses as many edges as
* the memory size.
* Usage
* With the default entities, you can make a node entirely tabu by putting the
* ``tabu`` attribute on it. No entity will traverse an edge that leads
* to such a node.
* You can change the default entity class either by overriding the
* {@link #createEntity()} method or by changing the entity class name
* using {@link #setEntityClass(String)}.
* If the edges have weights, the entities can use them to favour edges
* with higher weights when randomly choosing them. By default the
* weights are searched on edges using the ``weight`` attribute. However
* you can override this using {@link #setWeightAttribute(String)} method.
* If you choose to have evaporation on edge counts at each turn, you can
* set it using {@link #setEvaporation(double)}. The evaporation is a number
* between 0 and 1. If set to 1 (the default), the counts are not modified,
* else the counts are multiplied by the evaporation at each turn.
* To compute a turn, use the {@link #compute()} method. This will move each
* entity from one node to another.
* Once computed each edge and node will have an attribute ``passes`` stored
* on it containing the number of passage of an entity. You can change the
* name of this attribute using {@link #setPassesAttribute(String)}. After
* each computation of a turn, you can obtain the edge and nodes counts using
* either the passes attribute, or the utility methods {@link #getPasses(Node)}
* and {@link #getPasses(Edge)}.
* You can count only the passes on the nodes or edges using the two methods
* {@link #computeEdgesPasses(boolean)} and {@link #computeNodePasses(boolean)}.
* As some entities may have jumped from their node to another one chosen
* randomly, you can obtain the number of entities that jumped using
* {@link #getJumpCount()}.
* Complexity
* The complexity, at each turn is O(n) with n the number of entities.
* Example
* Here is how to compute a simple pass count for 1000 steps:
* Graph graph = new MultiGraph("random walk");
* RandomWalk rwalk = new RandomWalk();
* // Populate the graph.
* rwalk.setEntityCount(graph.getNodeCount()/2);
* rwalk.init(graph);
* for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
* rwalk.compute();
* }
* rwalk.terminate();
* for(Edge edge: graph.getEachEdge()) {
* System.out.println("Edge %s counts %f%n", edge.getId(), rwalk.getPasses(edge));
* }
public class RandomWalk extends SinkAdapter implements DynamicAlgorithm {
// Attribute
public class Context {
* The graph.
protected Graph graph;
* The name of the attribute used to count the number of pass on an edge.
protected String passesAttribute = "passes";
* The name of the attribute on edges that give their respective importance.
protected String weightAttribute = null;
* Random number generator.
protected Random random;
* The node tabu list.
protected int entityMemory = 0;
* Number of entities that jump at each step.
protected int jumpCount = 0, goCount = 0, waitCount = 0;
public String getPassesAttribute() {
return passesAttribute;
public String getWeightAttribute() {
return weightAttribute;
public Random getRandom() {
return random;
public int getEntityMemory() {
return entityMemory;
* The informations shared between this class an entities.
protected Context context = new Context();
* The entity class to use.
protected String entityClass = TabuEntity.class.getName();// "org.graphstream.algorithm.RandomWalk#TabuEntity";
* The set of entities travelling on the graph.
protected ArrayList entities = new ArrayList();
* The random seed.
protected long randomSeed;
* Initial count of entities.
protected int entityCount = 100;
* Allow to reduce the amount counted on each edge at each turn. At each turn
* the edges counts are multiplied by the evaporation.
protected double evaporation = 1;
* Compute counts on nodes.
protected boolean doNodes = true;
* Compute counts on edges.
protected boolean doEdges = true;
// Constructor
* New random walk with a new random seed (based on time), with an entity
* memory set to 10 nodes (tabu list), with an attributes to store passes
* named "passes" and no weight attribute.
public RandomWalk() {
* New random walk with a given random seed, with an entity memory set to 10
* nodes (tabu list), with an attributes to store passes named "passes" and
* no weight attribute.
* @param randomSeed
* The random seed.
public RandomWalk(long randomSeed) {
this.randomSeed = randomSeed;
this.context.random = new Random(randomSeed);
* The name of the attribute where the number of entities passes are stored
* (for edges and nodes).
* @return A string representing the attribute name for entity passes.
public String getPassesAttribute() {
return context.passesAttribute;
* Set the name of the entity class to use. If set to null, the default entity
* class will be used (RandomWalk.TabuEntity).
* @param name The name of the entity class to use.
public void setEntityClass(String name) {
if(name == null) {
entityClass = TabuEntity.class.getName();//"org.graphstream.algorithm.RandomWalk#TabuEntity";
} else {
entityClass = name;
* Set the entity memory in number of nodes remembered. This memory is used
* as a tabu list, that is a set of nodes not to cross.
* @param size
* The memory size, 0 is a valid size to disable the tabu list.
public void setEntityMemory(int size) {
if (size < 0)
size = 0;
context.entityMemory = size;
* Set the evaporation of edge counts. This is a number between 0 and 1. If less
* than 1, at each turn, each edge count is multiplied by this factor. The use
* of evaporation allows to stabilize the counts.
* @param evaporation A number between 0 and 1.
public void setEvaporation(double evaporation) {
if(evaporation>=0 && evaporation<1) {
this.evaporation = evaporation;
* The evaporation value.
* @return The evaporation.
public double getEvaporation() {
return evaporation;
* The random seed used.
* @return A long integer containing the random seed.
public long getRandomSeed() {
return randomSeed;
* Number of entities.
* @return The number of entities.
public int getEntityCount() {
return entities.size();
* Number of entities that jumped instead of traversing an edge at last
* step. An entity executes a jump when it is blocked in a dead end (either
* a real one, or because of its tabu list).
* @return The jump count.
public int getJumpCount() {
return context.jumpCount;
public int getWaitCount() {
return context.waitCount;
public int getGoCount() {
return context.goCount;
* Ratio of entities that executed a jump instead of traversing an edge at
* last step. An entity executes a jump when it is blocked in a dead end
* (either a real one, or because of its tabu list).
* @return The jump ratio (in [0-1]).
public double getJumpRatio() {
return (((double) context.jumpCount) / ((double) entities.size()));
* The name of the attribute used to fetch edges importance.
* @param name
* A string giving the weight name.
public void setWeightAttribute(String name) {
context.weightAttribute = name;
* Set the name of the attribute used to store the number of passes of each
* entity on each edge or node.
* @param name
* A string giving the passes name.
public void setPassesAttribute(String name) {
if (context.graph != null) {
for (Edge e : context.graph.getEachEdge()) {
e.addAttribute(name, e.getNumber(context.passesAttribute));
for (Node n : context.graph) {
n.addAttribute(name, n.getNumber(context.passesAttribute));
context.passesAttribute = name;
* The number of entity passage on the given edge.
* @param edge The edge to look at.
* @return The number of passes on the edge.
public double getPasses(Edge edge) {
return edge.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
* The number of entity passage on the given node.
* @param node The node to look at.
* @return The number of passes on the node.
public double getPasses(Node node) {
return node.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
* Set the number of entities which will be created at the algorithm
* initialization.
* @param entityCount
public void setEntityCount(int entityCount) {
this.entityCount = entityCount;
* Activate or not the counts on edges when entities cross thems.
* @param on If true (the default) the edges passes are counted.
public void computeEdgesPasses(boolean on) {
doEdges = on;
* Activate or not the counts on nodes when entities cross thems.
* @param on If true (the default) the nodes passes are counted.
public void computeNodePasses(boolean on) {
doNodes = on;
* Create an entity. Override this method to create different kinds of
* entities or change the entity class name. The default one is the "TabuEntity".
* @return The new entity.
* @see #setEntityClass(String)
public Entity createEntity() {
try {
Object o = Class.forName(entityClass).newInstance();
if(o instanceof Entity) {
Entity e = (Entity) o;
e.init(context, randomNode(context.graph, context.random));
return e;
} else {
System.err.printf("Object %s pointed at by class name '%s' does not implement Entity.%n", o.getClass().getName(), entityClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.printf("Error: %s%n", e.getMessage());
return null;
* Initialize the algorithm for a given graph with a given entity count. The
* entities are created at random locations on the graph.
* @param graph
* The graph to explore.
public void init(Graph graph) {
if (context.graph != null)
throw new RuntimeException(
"cannot begin a random walk if the previous one was not finished, use end().");
context.graph = graph;
for (int i = 0; i < entityCount; i++)
* Execute one step of the algorithm. During one step, each entity choose a
* next edge to cross, toward a new node. The passes attribute of these edge
* and node are updated.
public void compute() {
context.jumpCount = 0;
context.goCount = 0;
context.waitCount = 0;
for (Entity entity : entities) {
* Apply evaporation on each edge.
protected void evaporate() {
for(Edge edge: context.graph.getEachEdge()) {
edge.setAttribute(context.passesAttribute, edge.getNumber(context.passesAttribute)*evaporation);
for(Node node: context.graph) {
node.setAttribute(context.passesAttribute, node.getNumber(context.passesAttribute)*evaporation);
* End the algorithm by removing any listener on the graph and releasing
* memory.
public void terminate() {
context.graph = null;
protected void equipGraph() {
for (Edge e : context.graph.getEachEdge()) {
e.addAttribute(context.passesAttribute, 0.0);
for (Node n : context.graph) {
n.addAttribute(context.passesAttribute, 0.0);
* Sort all edges by their "passes" attribute and return the array of sorted
* edges.
* @return An array with all edges of the graph sorted by their number of
* entity pass.
public ArrayList findTheMostUsedEdges() {
ArrayList edges = new ArrayList(context.graph.getEdgeCount());
Iterator extends Edge> i = context.graph.getEdgeIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Collections.sort(edges, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
int n1 = (int) e1.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
int n2 = (int) e2.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
return (n1 - n2);
return edges;
* Sort all nodes by their "passes" attribute and return the array of sorted
* nodes.
* @return An array with all nodes of the graph sorted by their number of
* entity pass.
public ArrayList findTheMostUsedNodes() {
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList(context.graph.getNodeCount());
Iterator extends Node> i = context.graph.getNodeIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Collections.sort(nodes, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Node e1, Node e2) {
int n1 = (int) e1.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
int n2 = (int) e2.getNumber(context.passesAttribute);
return (n1 - n2);
return nodes;
// Graph listener
public void edgeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String edgeId,
String fromNodeId, String toNodeId, boolean directed) {
Edge edge = context.graph.getEdge(edgeId);
if (edge != null)
edge.addAttribute(context.passesAttribute, 0.0);
public void nodeAdded(String graphId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
Node node = context.graph.getNode(nodeId);
node.addAttribute(context.passesAttribute, 0.0);
// Nested classes
public class TabuTimedEntity extends TabuEntity {
protected static final float SPEED = 1000;
protected double crossing = 0;
public void init(Node start) {
public void step() {
if (crossing > 0) {
crossing -= SPEED;
} else {
protected void jump() {
crossing = 0;
protected void cross(Edge edge) {
float speed = 1f;
if (edge.hasLabel("SPEED_CAT")) {
String s = (String) edge.getLabel("SPEED_CAT");
speed = 9 - Float.parseFloat(s);
if (edge.hasLabel("LANE_CAT")) {
String s = (String) edge.getLabel("LANE_CAT");
speed *= Float.parseFloat(s);
if (speed <= 0)
speed = 1f;
crossing = edgeLength(edge) / speed;