org.graphstream.algorithm.PageRank Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2006 - 2015
* Stefan Balev
* Julien Baudry
* Antoine Dutot
* Yoann Pigné
* Guilhelm Savin
* This file is part of GraphStream .
* GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
* graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
* This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
* CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
* License. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
* of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
* URL or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.
package org.graphstream.algorithm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
* The PageRank is an algorithm that measures the "importance" of the nodes in a
* graph. It assigns to each node a rank. This rank corresponds to the
* probability that a "random surfer" visits the node. The surfer goes from node
* to node in the following way: with probability d she chooses a
* random outgoing arc and with probability 1 - d she "teleports" to a
* random node (possibly not connected to the current). The probability
* d is called damping factor. By default it is 0.85 but it can be
* customized (see {@link #setDampingFactor(double)}). The ranks are real
* numbers between 0 and 1 and sum up to one.
* Usage
* This implementation uses a variant of the power iteration algorithm to
* compute the node ranks. It computes the approximate ranks iteratively going
* closer to the exact values at each iteration. The accuracy can be controlled
* by a precision parameter (see {@link #setPrecision(double)}). When the L1
* norm of the difference between two consecutive rank vectors becomes less than
* this parameter, the result is considered precise enough and the computation
* stops.
* This implementation works with both directed and undirected edges. An
* undirected edge acts as two directed arcs.
* The graph dynamics is taken into account and the ranks are not computed from
* scratch at each modification in the structure of the graph. However, the
* ranks become less and less accurate after each modification. To establish the
* desired precision, one must either explicitly call {@link #compute()} or ask
* for a rank of a node by calling {@link #getRank(Node)}.
* The computed ranks are stored in node attribute. The name of this attribute
* can be changed by a call to {@link #setRankAttribute(String)} but only before
* the call to {@link #init(Graph)}. Another way to obtain the ranks is to call
* {@link #getRank(Node)}. The second method is preferable because it will
* update the ranks if needed and will always return values within the desired
* precision.
* Example
* Graph graph = new SingleGraph("test");
* graph.addAttribute("ui.antialias", true);
* graph.addAttribute("ui.stylesheet",
* "node {fill-color: red; size-mode: dyn-size;} edge {fill-color:grey;}");
* graph.display();
* DorogovtsevMendesGenerator generator = new DorogovtsevMendesGenerator();
* generator.setDirectedEdges(true, true);
* generator.addSink(graph);
* PageRank pageRank = new PageRank();
* pageRank.init(graph);
* generator.begin();
* while (graph.getNodeCount() < 100) {
* generator.nextEvents();
* for (Node node : graph) {
* double rank = pageRank.getRank(node);
* node.addAttribute("ui.size",
* 5 + Math.sqrt(graph.getNodeCount() * rank * 20));
* node.addAttribute("ui.label", String.format("%.2f%%", rank * 100));
* }
* Thread.sleep(1000);
* }
* @complexity Each iteration takes O(m + n) time, where n is the number of
* nodes and m is the number of edges. The number of iterations
* needed to converge depends on the desired precision.
* @reference Lawrence Page, Sergey Brin, Rajeev Motwani and Terry Winograd. The
* PageRank citation ranking: Bringing order to the Web. 1999
public class PageRank implements DynamicAlgorithm, ElementSink {
* Default damping factor
public static final double DEFAULT_DAMPING_FACTOR = 0.85;
* Default precision
public static final double DEFAULT_PRECISION = 1.0e-5;
* Default rank attribute
public static final String DEFAULT_RANK_ATTRIBUTE = "PageRank";
* Current damping factor
protected double dampingFactor;
* Current numeric precision
protected double precision;
* Current rank attribute
protected String rankAttribute;
* Our graph
protected Graph graph;
* Am I up to date ?
protected boolean upToDate;
* The L1 norm of the difference between two consecutive rank vectors
protected double normDiff;
* Used to temporary store the new ranks during an iteration
protected List newRanks;
* total iteration count
protected int iterationCount;
* Verbose mode
protected boolean verbose;
* Creates a new instance.
* The damping factor, the precision and the rank attribute are set to their
* default values
public PageRank() {
* Creates a new instance.
* @param dampingFactor
* Damping factor
* @param precision
* Numeric precision
* @param rankAttribute
* Rank attribute
public PageRank(double dampingFactor, double precision, String rankAttribute) {
verbose = false;
// parameters
* Returns the current damping factor.
* @return The current damping factor
public double getDampingFactor() {
return dampingFactor;
* Sets the damping factor.
* @param dampingFactor
* The new damping factor
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the damping factor is less than 0.01 or greater than 0.99
public void setDampingFactor(double dampingFactor)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (dampingFactor < 0.01 || dampingFactor > 0.99)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The damping factor must be between 0.01 and 0.99");
this.dampingFactor = dampingFactor;
upToDate = false;
* Returns the currently used numeric precision
* @return The precision
public double getPrecision() {
return precision;
* Sets the numeric precision. Precision values close to zero lead to more
* accurate results, but slower convergence
* @param precision
* The new precision
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the precision is less than 1.0e-7
public void setPrecision(double precision) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (precision < 1.0e-7)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Precision is too small");
this.precision = precision;
upToDate = false;
* Returns the current rank attribute
* @return The current rank attribute
public String getRankAttribute() {
return rankAttribute;
* Sets the rank attribute.
* The computed ranks of each node are stored as values of this attribute.
* @param rankAttribute
* The node attribute used to store the computed ranks
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the algorithm is already initialized
public void setRankAttribute(String rankAttribute)
throws IllegalStateException {
if (graph != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"this method can be called only before init");
this.rankAttribute = rankAttribute;
* Switches on or off the verbose mode.
* In verbose mode the algorithm prints at each iteration the number of
* iterations and the L1 norm of the difference between the current and the
* previous rank vectors.
* @param verbose
* Verbose mode
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
this.verbose = verbose;
// DynamicAlgorithm implementation
public void init(Graph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
double initialRank = 1.0 / graph.getNodeCount();
for (Node node : graph)
node.addAttribute(rankAttribute, initialRank);
newRanks = new ArrayList(graph.getNodeCount());
upToDate = false;
iterationCount = 0;
public void compute() {
if (upToDate)
do {
if (verbose)
System.err.printf("%6d%16.8f%n", iterationCount, normDiff);
} while (normDiff > precision);
upToDate = true;
public void terminate() {
newRanks = null;
graph = null;
// ElementSink implementation
public void nodeAdded(String sourceId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
// the initial rank of the new node will be 0
graph.getNodeCount() == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
upToDate = false;
public void nodeRemoved(String sourceId, long timeId, String nodeId) {
// removed node will give equal parts of its rank to the others
double part = graph.getNode(nodeId).getNumber(rankAttribute)
/ (graph.getNodeCount() - 1);
for (Node node : graph)
if (!node.getId().equals(nodeId))
node.addAttribute(rankAttribute, node.getNumber(rankAttribute)
+ part);
upToDate = false;
public void edgeAdded(String sourceId, long timeId, String edgeId,
String fromNodeId, String toNodeId, boolean directed) {
upToDate = false;
public void edgeRemoved(String sourceId, long timeId, String edgeId) {
upToDate = false;
public void graphCleared(String sourceId, long timeId) {
upToDate = true;
public void stepBegins(String sourceId, long timeId, double step) {
// helpers
protected void iteration() {
double dampingTerm = (1 - dampingFactor) / graph.getNodeCount();
double danglingRank = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < graph.getNodeCount(); i++) {
Node node = graph.getNode(i);
double sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < node.getInDegree(); j++) {
Node other = node.getEnteringEdge(j).getOpposite(node);
sum += other.getNumber(rankAttribute) / other.getOutDegree();
newRanks.add(dampingTerm + dampingFactor * sum);
if (node.getOutDegree() == 0)
danglingRank += node.getNumber(rankAttribute);
danglingRank *= dampingFactor / graph.getNodeCount();
normDiff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < graph.getNodeCount(); i++) {
Node node = graph.getNode(i);
double currentRank = node.getNumber(rankAttribute);
double newRank = newRanks.get(i) + danglingRank;
normDiff += Math.abs(newRank - currentRank);
node.addAttribute(rankAttribute, newRank);
// results
* Returns the rank of a node. If the ranks are not up to date, recomputes
* them
* @param node
* A node
* @return The rank of the node
public double getRank(Node node) {
return node.getNumber(rankAttribute);
* Returns the total number of iterations.
* This number accumulates the number of iterations performed by each call
* to {@link #compute()}. It is reset to zero in the calls to
* {@link #init(Graph)}.
* @return The number of iterations
public int getIterationCount() {
return iterationCount;