schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.src.ygraphics.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The valid line types for an edge or node realizer.
Valid values are:
line: for a continous line
dashed: for a dashed line
dotted: for a dotted line
dashed_dotted: for a dash-dotted line
The valid font types for a label.
Valid values are:
: for a plain font
: for a bold font
: for an italic font
: for a bold and italic font
The shape types for a ShapeNodeRealizer.
Valid values are:
: for a rectangular shape
: for a rectangular shape with rounded corners
: for an elliptical shape
: for a parallelogram shape
: for a hexagonal shape
: for a octagonal shape
: for a diamond shape
: for a triangular shape
: for a trapezoidal shape, whose upper line is half as long as its lower line
: for a trapezoidal shape, whose lower line is half as long as its upper line
: for a rectangular shape with 3D-ish looks
The arrow types for EdgeRealizers.
Valid values are:
- standard: for the default arrow
- delta: for a triangular arrow shape
- white_delta: like delta, but filled white
- diamond: for a diamond arrow shape
- white_diamond: like diamond, but filled white
- none: for no arrow
- plain: for the plain arrow
- concave: for a concave arrow
- convex: for a convex arrow
- circle: for a circle arrow
- dash: for a dash arrow
- transparent_circle: for a transparent circle arrow
- skewed_dash: for a skewed dash arrow
- t_shape: for a T-shaped arrow
The valid alignemts for labels.
Valid values are:
- center: center alignment
- left: left alignment
- right: right alignment
The valid label models for node labels.
Valid values are:
- free: free model
- sides: sides model
- corners: corners model
- eight_pos: sides+corners model
- sandwich: sandwich model
- internal: internal model
- custom: custom model
The valid label positions for node labels.
For a given node label model, the set of valid
label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
actual node label model.
Valid values are:
- n: north (outside)
- nw: north west (outside)
- ne: north east(outside)
- w: west (outside)
- e: east (outside)
- sw: south west (outside)
- s: south (outside)
- se: south east (outside)
- c: center (inside)
- tl: top left (inside)
- t: top (inside)
- tr: top right (inside)
- r: right (inside)
- l: left (inside)
- bl: bottom left (inside)
- b: bottom (inside)
- br: bottom right (inside)
- anywhere: anywhere
The auto size policies for node labels.
Valid values are:
- node_width: resize to node width
- node_height:resize to node height
- content: resize to content size
- none: no automatic resizing
The valid label models for node labels.
Valid values are:
- centered: edge center
- center_slider: edge center, freeley movable
- side_slider: edge side, freely movable
- free: free model
- two_pos: source or target only
- three_center: three positions at edge center
- six_pos: three positions at either source or target
- custom: for a custom model
The valid label positions for edge labels.
For a given edge label model, the set of valid
label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
actual edge label model.
Valid values are:
- center: at source on the edge segment
- tcentr: at target on the edge segment
- scentr: at center on the edge segment
- stail: at source below the edge segment
- ttail: at target below the edge segment
- tail: at center below the edge segment
- shead: at source above the edge segment
- thead: at target above the edge segment
- head: at center above the edge segment
- anywhere: anywhere
The valid preferred label positions for edge labels.
For a given edge label model, the set of valid
preferred label positions is a subset of this enumeration that depends on the
actual edge label model. This value is evaluated by automatic label layout algorithms and may differ
from the actual label position.
Valid values are:
- target_right: at target right from the edge segment
- target: anywhere at the target
- target_left: at target left from the edge segment
- target_on_edge: at target on the edge segment
- source_right: at source right from the edge segment
- source: anywhere at the source
- source_left: at source left from the edge segment
- source_on_edge: at source on the edge segment
- center_right: at center right from the edge segment
- center: anywhere at the center
- center_left: at center left from the edge segment
- center_on_edge: at center on the edge segment
- anywhere: anywhere
- on_edge: anywhere on the edge
- left: anywhere left from the edge
- right: anywhere right from the edge
The valid horizontal text vs. icon alignements for labels.
Valid values are:
- left: place text to the left of the icon
- right: place text to the right of the icon
- center: place text on center of the icon
- left_aligned: align text to the left of the icon
- right_aligned: align text to the right of the icon
The valid vertical text vs. icon alignements for labels.
Valid values are:
- top: place text above the icon
- bottom: place text below the icon
- center: place text on center of the icon
Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional location, specified by the x and y attribute.
The x coordinate of the point.
The y coordinate of the point.
Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional rectangle.
The location is specified by the x and y attribute, the dimension by the width and height attributes.
The x coordinate of the rectangle.
The y coordinate of the rectangle.
The width of the rectangle.
The height of the rectangle.
Type definition for rectangles.
Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional rectangle, where attribtue values are optional.
The location is specified by the x and y attribute, the dimension by the width and height attributes.
The x coordinate of the rectangle.
The y coordinate of the rectangle.
The width of the rectangle.
The height of the rectangle.
Attribute group that describes a two-dimensional path, consisting of a point list together with optional source
and target locations.
The source resp. target location is specified by the sx and sy resp. tx and ty attributes.
Single control point for two dimensional paths.
true iff the path should be rendered in reverse order.
The x coordinate of the source point.
The y coordinate of the source point.
The x coordinate of the target point.
The y coordinate of the target point.
Simple type that encodes a color value.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a line style.
The color of the line.
Whether the line has a color set. If false, the line is invisible.
The type of the line.
The width of the line.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a drop shadow.
The color of the drop shadow.
The offset in x direction.
The offset in y direction.
Complex type that describes the common attributes of node and edge labels.
The (optional) custom label model.
The (optional) custom label model parameter.
Whether the label is visible or not.
The alignment of the label.
The text color of the label.
The border color of the label's content rectangle.
Whether the label border should be painted.
The background color of the label's content rectangle.
Whether the label background should be painted.
Whether the label has (possibly empty) text.
The font family for the label text.
The font size for the label text.
The font style for the label text.
The rotation angle style for the label.
The URL of an icon for the label.
Reference to an embedded image resource.
Reference to an embedded arbitrary serializable resource.
Whether to underline the label text.
The horizontal text position wrt to an optional icon.
The vertical text position wrt to an optional icon.
The distance between the label text and an optional icon.
The optional configuration of the label.
Complex type that describes the additional attributes of node labels.
The label model.
The actual label position in the current label model.
The auto size policy of the label.
The distance of the label to the node.
Complex type that describes the additional attributes of edge labels.
The label model.
The actual label position in the current label model.
The preferred label position in the current label model.
The current label distance from the edge.
The current label position along the edge, expressed as ratio from source to target.
Complex type that describes the label model for both row and column labels in TableGroupNodes.
The offset of the label.
Complex type that describes the common properties of the label model parameter for both row and column labels in TableGroupNodes.
The id of the column/row for the label.
Whether the label lies inside or not.
Element type definition for a row label model in TableGroupNodes.
Element type definition for a column label model in TableGroupNodes.
Element type definition for a row label model parameter in TableGroupNodes.
The horizontal position of the label.
Element type definition for a column label model parameter in TableGroupNodes.
The vertical position of the label.
Complex type that describes the geometry of simple graph elements.
Complex type that describes the common attributes of a node realizer in yFiles.
The location and size of the node.
The fill attributes of the node.
Whether the node has a visible fill color.
The first fill color.
The second fill color (for gradient fills).
Whether the node is transparent.
The LineStyle of the border.
The (optional) node label.
The (optional) node port list.
Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
each <NodePort> element in this resource block.
Whether the node is currently selected.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a ShapeNodeRealizer in yFiles.
The actual shape of a ShapeNodeRealizer.
The shape type.
The drop shadow.
Complex type that describes the attributes of an ImageNodeRealizer in yFiles.
Encodes an image for an ImageNodeRealizer.
The URL of an image for external image sources.
Whether to use alpha channel information from the image.
Reference to an inlined image resource.
The refid must point to an existing inlined image resource in a toplevel graphml y:Resource
Type that can be used to describe insets in integer precision.
The minimal inset at the top in integer precision.
The minimal inset at the bottom in integer precision.
The minimal inset at the left in integer precision.
The minimal inset at the right in integer precision.
Type that can be used to describe insets in double precision.
The minimal inset at the top in double precision.
The minimal inset at the bottom in double precision.
The minimal inset at the left in double precision.
The minimal inset at the right in double precision.
Type that can be used to describe insets in both integer and double precision.
The minimal inset at the top in double precision.
The minimal inset at the bottom in double precision.
The minimal inset at the left in double precision.
The minimal inset at the right in double precision.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a GroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
The actual shape of a GroupNodeRealizer.
The shape type.
The drop shadow.
The state of a GroupNodeRealizer (open/closed etc.).
Whether the group is currently closed.
Whether to display the inner graph even in closed state.
Type that can be used to describe additional data for node bounds determination.
Whether the size of the label should be respected for automatic bounds calculation.
The minimal insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
The extra insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a ProxyShapeNodeRealizer in yFiles.
This Realizer can multiplex between several different realizers for a node.
List of subordinate realizers for this node realizer.
The list index of the currently active realizer (zero based).
Type for the UserData that holds the actual state of a generic Node or Edge Realizer.
Class name of the data holder instance.
String representation of the user data value.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a GenericNodeRealizer in yFiles.
Represents the UserData that holds the actual state of this realizer instance.
Represents the StyleProperties of this realizer instance.
The name of the configuration. This configuration must have been registered previously.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a GenericGroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
The state of a GenericGroupNodeRealizer (open/closed etc.).
Whether the group is currently closed.
Whether the group node should automatically resize itself.
The height of the group node in closed state.
The width of the group node in closed state.
The minimal insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
The extra insets of a GroupNodeRealizer.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a TableGroupNodeRealizer in yFiles.
Represents the table structure of this realizer instance.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a TableNodeRealizer in yFiles.
The default insets for a column.
The default insets for a row.
The insets for the table.
List of columns for this table.
A single column element
List of rows for this table.
A single row element
Whether to automatically resize the table.
The default column width of the table.
The default minimum column width of the table.
The default row height of the table.
The default minimum row height of the table.
Type definition for a TableNodeRealizer table column.
The insets of the column
The unique id of the column.
The minimum width of the column.
The width of the column.
Type definition for a TableNodeRealizer table row.
The insets of the row.
The unique id of the row.
The minimum height of the row.
The height of the row.
ShapeNodeRealizer element definition.
ImageNodeRealizer element definition.
GroupNodeRealizer element definition.
GenericNodeRealizer element definition.
GenericGroupNodeRealizer element definition.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer element definition.
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer element definition.
TableGroupNodeRealizer element definition.
Complex type that describes the common attributes of an edge realizer in yFiles.
The edge path.
The line style used to draw the edge.
The source and target arrows.
The source arrow type.
The target arrow type.
The edge label(s).
The visual edge source port.
The visual edge target port.
Whether the edge currently is selected.
The type of a visual edge port.
The icon of the port.
The type of the port, currently fixed to InterfacePort.
Type definition for an icon.
The URL of an icon.
Reference to an embedded image resource.
Reference to an embedded arbitrary serializable resource.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a PolylineEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
The style used to draw the bends.
Whether to draw smooth instead of angular bends.
The arc types for ArcEdgeRealizers.
Valid values are:
- fixedHeight: fixed height, but variable ratio
- fixedRatio: fixed ration, but variable height
Complex type that describes the attributes of an ArcEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
The Arc.
The arc type.
The current height of the arc.
The current ratio of the arc.
Complex type that describes the attributes of a QuadCurveEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
The straightness of the curve.
Complex type that describes the attributes of an GenericEdgeRealizer in yFiles.
Represents the UserData that holds the actual state of this realizer instance.
Class name of the data holder instance.
String representation of the user data value.
The name of the configuration. This configuration must have been registered previously.
PolyLineEdgeRealizer element definition.
ArcEdgeRealizer element definition.
BezierEdgeRealizer element definition.
SplineEdgeRealizer element definition.
QuadCurveEdgeRealizer element definition.
GenericEdgeRealizer element definition.
Complex type that describes the geometry of port elements.
Port geometry element definition.
The valid port location policies for NodeScaledPortLocationModel.
Valid values are:
Complex type that describes a NodeScaledPortLocationModel.
NodeScaledPortLocationModel element definition.
Complex type that describes a list of node ports.
A single node port element
Complex type that describes a NodePort.
The id of the port.
Complex type that describes the label model for node ports.
Whether to allow local candidates.
The offset of the label.
The valid parameter positions for PortLabelModelParameter.
Valid values are:
- north
- south
- east
- west
- center
Complex type that describes a PortLabelModelParameter.
The id of the port for the label.
The position of the parameter.
PortLabelModelParameter element definition.
PortLabelModel element definition.
Complex type that describes the visual configuration for node ports.
The port graphics configuration.
Whether the port is selected.
PortGraphics element definition.
UserData element definition.
Complex type for a shared resource element inside a resource block container.
The actual content. Note that arbitrary (wellformed) content is allowed here.
The id of the shared resource. Needed to reference this resource.
The type of the shared resource.
The format of the shared resource.
Complex type for a shared resource block container.
A shared resource element.
Resource block element definition.
Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of
each <Resource> element in this resource block.
Complex type definition for a single style property.
The name of the property.
The class name of the property.
The string value of the property.
Complex type definition for a set of style properties for generic node/edge realizers.
Element type definition for a simple style property.
The fill color of the style.
The line color of the style.
The line type of the style.
The line width of the style.