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org.graylog2.shared.journal.KafkaJournal Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 6.0.2
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 * This file is part of Graylog.
 * Graylog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Graylog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Graylog.  If not, see .
package org.graylog2.shared.journal;

import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.util.Size;
import kafka.common.KafkaException;
import kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException;
import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition;
import kafka.log.CleanerConfig;
import kafka.log.Log;
import kafka.log.LogAppendInfo;
import kafka.log.LogConfig;
import kafka.log.LogManager;
import kafka.log.LogSegment;
import kafka.message.ByteBufferMessageSet;
import kafka.message.Message;
import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset;
import kafka.message.MessageSet;
import kafka.server.BrokerState;
import kafka.server.RunningAsBroker;
import kafka.utils.KafkaScheduler;
import kafka.utils.Time;
import org.graylog2.plugin.GlobalMetricNames;
import org.graylog2.plugin.ServerStatus;
import org.graylog2.plugin.ThrottleState;
import org.graylog2.plugin.lifecycles.LoadBalancerStatus;
import org.graylog2.shared.metrics.HdrTimer;
import org.graylog2.shared.utilities.ByteBufferUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import scala.Option;
import scala.collection.Iterator;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions;
import scala.collection.Map$;
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static org.graylog2.plugin.Tools.bytesToHex;

public class KafkaJournal extends AbstractIdleService implements Journal {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaJournal.class);
    private static final int NUM_IO_THREADS = 1;

    public static final long DEFAULT_COMMITTED_OFFSET = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    public static final int NOTIFY_ON_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE = 95;
    private final ServerStatus serverStatus;

    // this exists so we can use JodaTime's millis provider in tests.
    // kafka really only cares about the milliseconds() method in here
    private static final Time JODA_TIME = new Time() {
        public long milliseconds() {
            return DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis();

        public long nanoseconds() {
            return System.nanoTime();

        public void sleep(long ms) {
            Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(ms, MILLISECONDS);

    private final LogManager logManager;
    private final Log kafkaLog;
    private final File committedReadOffsetFile;
    private final AtomicLong committedOffset = new AtomicLong(DEFAULT_COMMITTED_OFFSET);
    private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler;
    private final Timer writeTime;

    private final Timer readTime;
    private final KafkaScheduler kafkaScheduler;
    private final Meter writtenMessages;
    private final Meter readMessages;
    private final Meter writeDiscardedMessages;

    private final OffsetFileFlusher offsetFlusher;
    private final DirtyLogFlusher dirtyLogFlusher;
    private final RecoveryCheckpointFlusher recoveryCheckpointFlusher;
    private final LogRetentionCleaner logRetentionCleaner;
    private final long maxSegmentSize;
    private final int maxMessageSize;

    private long nextReadOffset = 0L;
    private ScheduledFuture checkpointFlusherFuture;
    private ScheduledFuture dirtyLogFlushFuture;
    private ScheduledFuture logRetentionFuture;
    private ScheduledFuture offsetFlusherFuture;
    private volatile boolean shuttingDown;
    private final AtomicReference throttleState = new AtomicReference<>();
    private final AtomicInteger purgedSegmentsInLastRetention = new AtomicInteger();

    private final int throttleThresholdPercentage;

    public KafkaJournal(@Named("message_journal_dir") File journalDirectory,
                        @Named("scheduler") ScheduledExecutorService scheduler,
                        @Named("message_journal_segment_size") Size segmentSize,
                        @Named("message_journal_segment_age") Duration segmentAge,
                        @Named("message_journal_max_size") Size retentionSize,
                        @Named("message_journal_max_age") Duration retentionAge,
                        @Named("message_journal_flush_interval") long flushInterval,
                        @Named("message_journal_flush_age") Duration flushAge,
                        @Named("lb_throttle_threshold_percentage") int throttleThresholdPercentage,
                        MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
                        ServerStatus serverStatus) {
        this.scheduler = scheduler;
        this.throttleThresholdPercentage = intRange(throttleThresholdPercentage, 0, 100);
        this.serverStatus = serverStatus;
        this.maxSegmentSize = segmentSize.toBytes();
        // Max message size should not be bigger than max segment size.
        this.maxMessageSize = Ints.saturatedCast(maxSegmentSize);

        this.writtenMessages = metricRegistry.meter(name(this.getClass(), "writtenMessages"));
        this.readMessages = metricRegistry.meter(name(this.getClass(), "readMessages"));
        this.writeDiscardedMessages = metricRegistry.meter(name(this.getClass(), "writeDiscardedMessages"));

        registerUncommittedGauge(metricRegistry, name(this.getClass(), "uncommittedMessages"));

        // the registerHdrTimer helper doesn't throw on existing metrics
        this.writeTime = registerHdrTimer(metricRegistry, name(this.getClass(), "writeTime"));
        this.readTime = registerHdrTimer(metricRegistry, name(this.getClass(), "readTime"));

        final Map config = ImmutableMap.builder()
                // segmentSize: The soft maximum for the size of a segment file in the log
                .put(LogConfig.SegmentBytesProp(), Ints.saturatedCast(segmentSize.toBytes()))
                // segmentMs: The soft maximum on the amount of time before a new log segment is rolled
                .put(LogConfig.SegmentMsProp(), segmentAge.getMillis())
                // segmentJitterMs The maximum random jitter subtracted from segmentMs to avoid thundering herds of segment rolling
                .put(LogConfig.SegmentJitterMsProp(), 0)
                // flushInterval: The number of messages that can be written to the log before a flush is forced
                .put(LogConfig.FlushMessagesProp(), flushInterval)
                // flushMs: The amount of time the log can have dirty data before a flush is forced
                .put(LogConfig.FlushMsProp(), flushAge.getMillis())
                // retentionSize: The approximate total number of bytes this log can use
                .put(LogConfig.RetentionBytesProp(), retentionSize.toBytes())
                // retentionMs: The age approximate maximum age of the last segment that is retained
                .put(LogConfig.RetentionMsProp(), retentionAge.getMillis())
                // maxMessageSize: The maximum size of a message in the log (ensure that it's not larger than the max segment size)
                .put(LogConfig.MaxMessageBytesProp(), maxMessageSize)
                // maxIndexSize: The maximum size of an index file
                .put(LogConfig.SegmentIndexBytesProp(), Ints.saturatedCast(Size.megabytes(1L).toBytes()))
                // indexInterval: The approximate number of bytes between index entries
                .put(LogConfig.IndexIntervalBytesProp(), 4096)
                // fileDeleteDelayMs: The time to wait before deleting a file from the filesystem
                .put(LogConfig.FileDeleteDelayMsProp(), MINUTES.toMillis(1L))
                // deleteRetentionMs: The time to retain delete markers in the log. Only applicable for logs that are being compacted.
                .put(LogConfig.DeleteRetentionMsProp(), DAYS.toMillis(1L))
                // minCleanableRatio: The ratio of bytes that are available for cleaning to the bytes already cleaned
                .put(LogConfig.MinCleanableDirtyRatioProp(), 0.5)
                // compact: Should old segments in this log be deleted or de-duplicated?
                .put(LogConfig.Compact(), false)
                // uncleanLeaderElectionEnable Indicates whether unclean leader election is enabled; actually a controller-level property
                //                             but included here for topic-specific configuration validation purposes
                .put(LogConfig.UncleanLeaderElectionEnableProp(), true)
                // minInSyncReplicas If number of insync replicas drops below this number, we stop accepting writes with -1 (or all) required acks
                .put(LogConfig.MinInSyncReplicasProp(), 1)
        final LogConfig defaultConfig = new LogConfig(config);

        // these are the default values as per kafka, except we don't turn on the cleaner
        // Cleaner really is log compaction with respect to "deletes" in the log.
        // we never insert a message twice, at least not on purpose, so we do not "clean" logs, ever.
        final CleanerConfig cleanerConfig =
                new CleanerConfig(

        if (!journalDirectory.exists() && !journalDirectory.mkdirs()) {
            LOG.error("Cannot create journal directory at {}, please check the permissions",
            Throwables.propagate(new AccessDeniedException(journalDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), null, "Could not create journal directory."));

        // TODO add check for directory, etc
        committedReadOffsetFile = new File(journalDirectory, "graylog2-committed-read-offset");
        try {
            if (!committedReadOffsetFile.createNewFile()) {
                final String line = Files.readFirstLine(committedReadOffsetFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                // the file contains the last offset graylog2 has successfully processed.
                // thus the nextReadOffset is one beyond that number
                if (line != null) {
                    nextReadOffset = committedOffset.get() + 1;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Cannot access offset file: {}", e.getMessage());
            Throwables.propagate(new AccessDeniedException(committedReadOffsetFile.getAbsolutePath(),
        try {
            final BrokerState brokerState = new BrokerState();
            kafkaScheduler = new KafkaScheduler(2, "kafka-journal-scheduler-", false); // TODO make thread count configurable
            logManager = new LogManager(
                    new File[]{journalDirectory},
                    kafkaScheduler, // Broker state

            final TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition("messagejournal", 0);
            final Option messageLog = logManager.getLog(topicAndPartition);
            if (messageLog.isEmpty()) {
                kafkaLog = logManager.createLog(topicAndPartition, logManager.defaultConfig());
            } else {
                kafkaLog = messageLog.get();
  "Initialized Kafka based journal at {}", journalDirectory);

            offsetFlusher = new OffsetFileFlusher();
            dirtyLogFlusher = new DirtyLogFlusher();
            recoveryCheckpointFlusher = new RecoveryCheckpointFlusher();
            logRetentionCleaner = new LogRetentionCleaner();
        } catch (KafkaException e) {
            // most likely failed to grab lock
            LOG.error("Unable to start logmanager.", e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


     * Ensures that an integer is within a given range.
     * @param i   The number to check.
     * @param min The minimum value to return.
     * @param max The maximum value to return.
     * @return {@code i} if the number is between {@code min} and {@code max},
     *         {@code min} if {@code i} is less than the minimum,
     *         {@code max} if {@code i} is greater than the maximum.
    private static int intRange(int i, int min, int max) {
        return Integer.min(Integer.max(min, i), max);

    private Timer registerHdrTimer(MetricRegistry metricRegistry, final String metricName) {
        Timer timer;
        try {
            timer = metricRegistry.register(metricName, new HdrTimer(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, 1));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            final SortedMap timers = metricRegistry.getTimers((name, metric) -> metricName.equals(name));
            timer = Iterables.getOnlyElement(timers.values());
        return timer;

    private void registerUncommittedGauge(MetricRegistry metricRegistry, String name) {
        try {
                    (Gauge) () -> Math.max(0, getLogEndOffset() - 1 - committedOffset.get()));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
            // already registered, we'll ignore that.

    public int getPurgedSegmentsInLastRetention() {
        return purgedSegmentsInLastRetention.get();

    private void setupKafkaLogMetrics(final MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "size"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::size);
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "logEndOffset"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::logEndOffset);
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "numberOfSegments"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::numberOfSegments);
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "unflushedMessages"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::unflushedMessages);
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "recoveryPoint"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::recoveryPoint);
        metricRegistry.register(name(KafkaJournal.class, "lastFlushTime"), (Gauge) kafkaLog::lastFlushTime);
        // must not be a lambda, because the serialization cannot determine the proper Metric type :(
        metricRegistry.register(GlobalMetricNames.JOURNAL_OLDEST_SEGMENT, (Gauge) new Gauge() {
            public Date getValue() {
                long oldestSegment = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                for (final LogSegment segment : KafkaJournal.this.getSegments()) {
                    oldestSegment = Math.min(oldestSegment, segment.created());

                return new Date(oldestSegment);

     * Creates an opaque object which can be passed to {@link #write(java.util.List)} for a bulk journal write.
     * @param idBytes      a byte array which represents the key for the entry
     * @param messageBytes the journal entry's payload, i.e. the message itself
     * @return a journal entry to be passed to {@link #write(java.util.List)}
    public Entry createEntry(byte[] idBytes, byte[] messageBytes) {
        return new Entry(idBytes, messageBytes);

     * Writes the list of entries to the journal.
     * @param entries journal entries to be written
     * @return the last position written to in the journal
    public long write(List entries) {
        try (Timer.Context ignored = writeTime.time()) {
            long payloadSize = 0L;
            long messageSetSize = 0L;
            long lastWriteOffset = 0L;

            final List messages = new ArrayList<>(entries.size());
            for (final Entry entry : entries) {
                final byte[] messageBytes = entry.getMessageBytes();
                final byte[] idBytes = entry.getIdBytes();

                payloadSize += messageBytes.length;

                final Message newMessage = new Message(messageBytes, idBytes);
                // Calculate the size of the new message in the message set by including the overhead for the log entry.
                final int newMessageSize = MessageSet.entrySize(newMessage);

                if (newMessageSize > maxMessageSize) {
                    LOG.warn("Message with ID <{}> is too large to store in journal, skipping! (size: {} bytes / max: {} bytes)",
                            new String(idBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), newMessageSize, maxMessageSize);
                    payloadSize = 0;

                // If adding the new message to the message set would overflow the max segment size, flush the current
                // list of message to avoid a MessageSetSizeTooLargeException.
                if ((messageSetSize + newMessageSize) > maxSegmentSize) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Flushing {} bytes message set with {} messages to avoid overflowing segment with max size of {} bytes",
                                messageSetSize, messages.size(), maxSegmentSize);
                    lastWriteOffset = flushMessages(messages, payloadSize);
                    // Reset the messages list and size counters to start a new batch.
                    messageSetSize = 0;
                    payloadSize = 0;
                messageSetSize += newMessageSize;

                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    LOG.trace("Message {} contains bytes {}", bytesToHex(idBytes), bytesToHex(messageBytes));

            // Flush the rest of the messages.
            if (messages.size() > 0) {
                lastWriteOffset = flushMessages(messages, payloadSize);

            return lastWriteOffset;

    private long flushMessages(List messages, long payloadSize) {
        if (messages.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("No messages to flush, not trying to write an empty message set.");
            return -1L;

        final ByteBufferMessageSet messageSet = new ByteBufferMessageSet(JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(messages).toSeq());

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Trying to write ByteBufferMessageSet with size of {} bytes to journal", messageSet.sizeInBytes());

        final LogAppendInfo appendInfo = kafkaLog.append(messageSet, true);
        long lastWriteOffset = appendInfo.lastOffset();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Wrote {} messages to journal: {} bytes (payload {} bytes), log position {} to {}",
                    messages.size(), messageSet.sizeInBytes(), payloadSize, appendInfo.firstOffset(), lastWriteOffset);

        return lastWriteOffset;

     * Writes a single message to the journal and returns the new write position
     * @param idBytes      byte array congaing the message id
     * @param messageBytes encoded message payload
     * @return the last position written to in the journal
    public long write(byte[] idBytes, byte[] messageBytes) {
        final Entry journalEntry = createEntry(idBytes, messageBytes);
        return write(Collections.singletonList(journalEntry));

    public List read(long requestedMaximumCount) {
        return read(nextReadOffset, requestedMaximumCount);

    public List read(long readOffset, long requestedMaximumCount) {
        // Always read at least one!
        final long maximumCount = Math.max(1, requestedMaximumCount);
        long maxOffset = readOffset + maximumCount;

        if (shuttingDown) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        final List messages = new ArrayList<>(Ints.saturatedCast(maximumCount));
        try (Timer.Context ignored = readTime.time()) {
            final long logStartOffset = getLogStartOffset();

            if (readOffset < logStartOffset) {
                        "Read offset {} before start of log at {}, starting to read from the beginning of the journal.",
                readOffset = logStartOffset;
                maxOffset = readOffset + maximumCount;
            LOG.debug("Requesting to read a maximum of {} messages (or 5MB) from the journal, offset interval [{}, {})",
                    maximumCount, readOffset, maxOffset);

            // TODO benchmark and make read-ahead strategy configurable for performance tuning
            final MessageSet messageSet =,
                    5 * 1024 * 1024,

            final Iterator iterator = messageSet.iterator();
            long firstOffset = Long.MIN_VALUE;
            long lastOffset = Long.MIN_VALUE;
            long totalBytes = 0;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                final MessageAndOffset messageAndOffset =;

                if (firstOffset == Long.MIN_VALUE) firstOffset = messageAndOffset.offset();
                // always remember the last seen offset for debug purposes below
                lastOffset = messageAndOffset.offset();

                final byte[] payloadBytes = ByteBufferUtils.readBytes(messageAndOffset.message().payload());
                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    final byte[] keyBytes = ByteBufferUtils.readBytes(messageAndOffset.message().key());
                    LOG.trace("Read message {} contains {}", bytesToHex(keyBytes), bytesToHex(payloadBytes));
                totalBytes += payloadBytes.length;
                messages.add(new JournalReadEntry(payloadBytes, messageAndOffset.offset()));
                // remember where to read from
                nextReadOffset = messageAndOffset.nextOffset();
            if (messages.isEmpty()) {
                LOG.debug("No messages available to read for offset interval [{}, {}).", readOffset, maxOffset);
            } else {
                        "Read {} messages, total payload size {}, from journal, offset interval [{}, {}], requested read at {}",

        } catch (OffsetOutOfRangeException e) {
            // This is fine, the reader tries to read faster than the writer committed data. Next read will get the data.
            LOG.debug("Offset out of range, no messages available starting at offset {}", readOffset);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // the scala code does not declare the IOException in so we can't catch it here
            // sigh.
            if (shuttingDown) {
                LOG.debug("Caught exception during shutdown, ignoring it because we might have been blocked on a read.");
                return Collections.emptyList();
            //noinspection ConstantConditions
            if (e instanceof ClosedByInterruptException) {
                LOG.debug("Interrupted while reading from journal, during shutdown this is harmless and ignored.", e);
            } else {
                throw e;

        return messages;

     * Upon fully processing, and persistently storing, a batch of messages, the system should mark the message with the
     * highest offset as committed. A background job will write the last position to disk periodically.
     * @param offset the offset of the latest committed message
    public void markJournalOffsetCommitted(long offset) {
        long prev;
        // the caller will not care about offsets going backwards, so we need to make sure we don't backtrack
        int i = 0;
        do {
            prev = committedOffset.get();
            // at least warn if this spins often, that would be a sign of very high contention, which should not happen
            if (++i % 10 == 0) {
                LOG.warn("Committing journal offset spins {} times now, this might be a bug. Continuing to try update.",
        } while (!committedOffset.compareAndSet(prev, Math.max(offset, prev)));


     * A Java transliteration of what the scala implementation does, which unfortunately is declared as private
    protected void flushDirtyLogs() {
        LOG.debug("Checking for dirty logs to flush...");

        final Set> entries = JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(logManager.logsByTopicPartition()).entrySet();
        for (final Map.Entry topicAndPartitionLogEntry : entries) {
            final TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = topicAndPartitionLogEntry.getKey();
            final Log kafkaLog = topicAndPartitionLogEntry.getValue();
            final long timeSinceLastFlush = JODA_TIME.milliseconds() - kafkaLog.lastFlushTime();
            try {
                        "Checking if flush is needed on {} flush interval {} last flushed {} time since last flush: {}",
                if (timeSinceLastFlush >= kafkaLog.config().flushMs()) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error flushing topic " + topicAndPartition.topic(), e);

    public long getCommittedOffset() {
        return committedOffset.get();

    public long getNextReadOffset() {
        return nextReadOffset;

    protected void startUp() throws Exception {
        // do NOT let Kafka's LogManager create its management threads, we will run them ourselves.
        // The problem is that we can't reliably decorate or subclass them, so we will peel the methods out and call
        // them ourselves. it sucks, but i haven't found a better way yet.
        // /* don't call */ logManager.startup();

        // flush dirty logs regularly
        dirtyLogFlushFuture = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(dirtyLogFlusher,

        // write recovery checkpoint files
        checkpointFlusherFuture = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(recoveryCheckpointFlusher,

        // custom log retention cleaner
        logRetentionFuture = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(logRetentionCleaner,

        // regularly write the currently committed read offset to disk
        offsetFlusherFuture = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(offsetFlusher, 1, 1, SECONDS);

    protected void shutDown() throws Exception {
        LOG.debug("Shutting down journal!");
        shuttingDown = true;


        // final flush;

    public int cleanupLogs() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Unable to delete expired segments.", e);
            return 0;

    // default visibility for tests
    public Iterable getSegments() {
        return JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(kafkaLog.logSegments());

     * Returns the journal size in bytes, exluding index files.
     * @return journal size in bytes
    public long size() {
        return kafkaLog.size();

     * Returns the number of segments this journal consists of.
     * @return number of segments
    public int numberOfSegments() {
        return kafkaLog.numberOfSegments();

     * Returns the highest journal offset that has been writting to persistent storage by Graylog.

* Every message at an offset prior to this one can be considered as processed and does not need to be held in * the journal any longer. By default Graylog will try to aggressively flush the journal to consume a smaller * amount of disk space. *

* * @return the offset of the last message which has been successfully processed. */ public long getCommittedReadOffset() { return committedOffset.get(); } /** * Discards all data in the journal prior to the given offset. * * @param offset offset to truncate to, so that no offset in the journal is larger than this. */ public void truncateTo(long offset) { kafkaLog.truncateTo(offset); } /** * Returns the first valid offset in the entire journal. * * @return first offset */ public long getLogStartOffset() { final Iterable logSegments = JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(kafkaLog.logSegments()); final LogSegment segment = Iterables.getFirst(logSegments, null); if (segment == null) { return 0; } return segment.baseOffset(); } /** * returns the offset for the next value to be inserted in the entire journal. * * @return the next offset value (last valid offset is this number - 1) */ public long getLogEndOffset() { return kafkaLog.logEndOffset(); } /** * For informational purposes this method provides access to the current state of the journal. * * @return the journal state for throttling purposes */ public ThrottleState getThrottleState() { return throttleState.get(); } public void setThrottleState(ThrottleState state) { throttleState.set(state); } public class OffsetFileFlusher implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { // Do not write the file if committedOffset has never been updated. if (committedOffset.get() == DEFAULT_COMMITTED_OFFSET) { return; } try (final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(committedReadOffsetFile)) { fos.write(String.valueOf(committedOffset.get()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // flush stream fos.flush(); // actually sync to disk fos.getFD().sync(); } catch (SyncFailedException e) { LOG.error("Cannot sync " + committedReadOffsetFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to disk. Continuing anyway," + " but there is no guarantee that the file has been written.", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot write " + committedReadOffsetFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to disk.", e); } } } /** * Java implementation of the Kafka log retention cleaner. */ public class LogRetentionCleaner implements Runnable, Callable { private final Logger loggerForCleaner = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogRetentionCleaner.class); @Override public void run() { try { call(); } catch (Exception e) { loggerForCleaner.error("Unable to delete expired segments. Will try again.", e); } } @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { loggerForCleaner.debug("Beginning log cleanup"); int total = 0; final Timer.Context ctx = new Timer().time(); for (final Log kafkaLog : JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(logManager.allLogs())) { if (kafkaLog.config().compact()) continue; loggerForCleaner.debug("Garbage collecting {}",; total += cleanupExpiredSegments(kafkaLog) + cleanupSegmentsToMaintainSize(kafkaLog) + cleanupSegmentsToRemoveCommitted(kafkaLog); } loggerForCleaner.debug("Log cleanup completed. {} files deleted in {} seconds", total, NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(ctx.stop())); return total; } private int cleanupExpiredSegments(final Log kafkaLog) { // don't run if nothing will be done if (kafkaLog.size() == 0 && kafkaLog.numberOfSegments() < 1) { KafkaJournal.this.purgedSegmentsInLastRetention.set(0); return 0; } int deletedSegments = kafkaLog.deleteOldSegments(new AbstractFunction1() { @Override public Object apply(LogSegment segment) { final long segmentAge = JODA_TIME.milliseconds() - segment.lastModified(); final boolean shouldDelete = segmentAge > kafkaLog.config().retentionMs(); if (shouldDelete) { loggerForCleaner.debug( "[cleanup-time] Removing segment with age {}s, older than then maximum retention age {}s", MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(segmentAge), MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(kafkaLog.config().retentionMs())); } return shouldDelete; } }); KafkaJournal.this.purgedSegmentsInLastRetention.set(deletedSegments); return deletedSegments; } /** * Change the load balancer status from ALIVE to THROTTLE, or vice versa depending on the * journal utilization percentage. As the utilization ratio is reliable only after cleanup, * that's where this is called from. */ private void updateLoadBalancerStatus(double utilizationPercentage) { final LoadBalancerStatus currentStatus = serverStatus.getLifecycle().getLoadbalancerStatus(); // Flip the status. The next lifecycle events may change status. This should be good enough, because // throttling does not offer hard guarantees. if (currentStatus == LoadBalancerStatus.THROTTLED && utilizationPercentage < throttleThresholdPercentage) { serverStatus.running();, "Journal usage is %.2f%% (threshold %d%%), changing load balancer status from THROTTLED to ALIVE", utilizationPercentage, throttleThresholdPercentage)); } else if (currentStatus == LoadBalancerStatus.ALIVE && utilizationPercentage >= throttleThresholdPercentage) { serverStatus.throttle();, "Journal usage is %.2f%% (threshold %d%%), changing load balancer status from ALIVE to THROTTLED", utilizationPercentage, throttleThresholdPercentage)); } } private int cleanupSegmentsToMaintainSize(Log kafkaLog) { final long retentionSize = kafkaLog.config().retentionSize(); final long currentSize = kafkaLog.size(); final double utilizationPercentage = retentionSize > 0 ? (currentSize * 100) / retentionSize : 0.0; if (utilizationPercentage > KafkaJournal.NOTIFY_ON_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE) { LOG.warn("Journal utilization ({}%) has gone over {}%.", utilizationPercentage, KafkaJournal.NOTIFY_ON_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE); } updateLoadBalancerStatus(utilizationPercentage); if (retentionSize < 0 || currentSize < retentionSize) { KafkaJournal.this.purgedSegmentsInLastRetention.set(0); return 0; } final long[] diff = {currentSize - retentionSize}; int deletedSegments = kafkaLog.deleteOldSegments(new AbstractFunction1() { // sigh scala @Override public Object apply(LogSegment segment) { if (diff[0] - segment.size() >= 0) { diff[0] -= segment.size(); loggerForCleaner.debug( "[cleanup-size] Removing segment starting at offset {}, size {} bytes, to shrink log to new size {}, target size {}", segment.baseOffset(), segment.size(), diff[0], retentionSize); return true; } else { return false; } } }); KafkaJournal.this.purgedSegmentsInLastRetention.set(deletedSegments); return deletedSegments; } private int cleanupSegmentsToRemoveCommitted(Log kafkaLog) { if (kafkaLog.numberOfSegments() <= 1) { loggerForCleaner.debug( "[cleanup-committed] The journal is already minimal at {} segment(s), not trying to remove more segments.", kafkaLog.numberOfSegments()); return 0; } // we need to iterate through all segments to the find the cutoff point for the committed offset. // unfortunately finding the largest offset contained in a segment is expensive (it involves reading the entire file) // so we have to get a global view. final long committedOffset = KafkaJournal.this.committedOffset.get(); final HashSet logSegments = Sets.newHashSet( JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(kafkaLog.logSegments(committedOffset, Long.MAX_VALUE)) ); loggerForCleaner.debug("[cleanup-committed] Keeping segments {}", logSegments); return kafkaLog.deleteOldSegments(new AbstractFunction1() { @Override public Object apply(LogSegment segment) { final boolean shouldDelete = !logSegments.contains(segment); if (shouldDelete) { loggerForCleaner.debug( "[cleanup-committed] Should delete segment {} because it is prior to committed offset {}", segment, committedOffset); } return shouldDelete; } }); } } public class RecoveryCheckpointFlusher implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { logManager.checkpointRecoveryPointOffsets(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to flush checkpoint recovery point offsets. Will try again.", e); } } } public class DirtyLogFlusher implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { flushDirtyLogs(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to flush dirty logs. Will try again.", e); } } } }