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We found some errors!


Please correct the following errors before saving this Event Definition:

    \n { => {\n return validation.errors[field].map((error) => {\n const effectiveError = (field === 'config' ? error.replace('config', 'condition') : error);\n\n return
  • {effectiveError}
  • ;\n });\n })}\n
\n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default EventDefinitionValidationSummary;\n","import api from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import content from \"!!../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--10-1!./EventDefinitionSummary.css\";\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = \"head\";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport default content.locals || {};","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\nimport { PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\nimport moment from 'moment';\nimport {} from 'moment-duration-format';\nimport naturalSort from 'javascript-natural-sort';\n\nimport { Alert, Col, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { isPermitted } from 'util/PermissionsMixin';\nimport EventDefinitionPriorityEnum from 'logic/alerts/EventDefinitionPriorityEnum';\n\n// Import built-in plugins\nimport {} from 'components/event-definitions/event-definition-types';\nimport {} from 'components/event-notifications/event-notification-types';\n\nimport EventDefinitionValidationSummary from './EventDefinitionValidationSummary';\nimport styles from './EventDefinitionSummary.css';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nclass EventDefinitionSummary extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n notifications: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n validation: undefined,\n };\n\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n\n this.state = {\n showValidation: false,\n };\n }\n\n componentDidUpdate() {\n this.showValidation();\n }\n\n showValidation = () => {\n const { showValidation } = this.state;\n\n if (!showValidation) {\n this.setState({ showValidation: true });\n }\n };\n\n renderDetails = (eventDefinition) => {\n return (\n <>\n


{eventDefinition.title || 'No title given'}
{eventDefinition.description || 'No description given'}
\n \n );\n };\n\n getPlugin = (name, type) => {\n if (type === undefined) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return PluginStore.exports(name).find((edt) => edt.type === type) || {};\n };\n\n renderCondition = (config) => {\n const { currentUser } = this.props;\n const conditionPlugin = this.getPlugin('eventDefinitionTypes', config.type);\n const component = (conditionPlugin.summaryComponent\n ? React.createElement(conditionPlugin.summaryComponent, {\n config: config,\n currentUser: currentUser,\n })\n :

Condition plugin {config.type} does not provide a summary.

\n );\n\n return (\n <>\n

{conditionPlugin.displayName || config.type}

\n {component}\n \n );\n };\n\n renderField = (fieldName, config, keys) => {\n const { currentUser } = this.props;\n\n if (!config.providers || config.providers.length === 0) {\n return No field value provider configured.;\n }\n\n const provider = config.providers[0] || {};\n const fieldProviderPlugin = this.getPlugin('fieldValueProviders', provider.type);\n\n return (fieldProviderPlugin.summaryComponent\n ? React.createElement(fieldProviderPlugin.summaryComponent, {\n fieldName: fieldName,\n config: config,\n keys: keys,\n key: fieldName,\n currentUser: currentUser,\n })\n :

Provider plugin {provider.type} does not provide a summary.

\n );\n };\n\n renderFieldList = (fieldNames, fields, keys) => {\n return (\n <>\n
{keys.length > 0 ? keys.join(', ') : 'No Keys configured for Events based on this Definition.'}
\n {fieldNames.sort(naturalSort).map((fieldName) => this.renderField(fieldName, fields[fieldName], keys))}\n \n );\n };\n\n renderFields = (fields, keys) => {\n const fieldNames = Object.keys(fields);\n\n return (\n <>\n


\n {fieldNames.length === 0\n ?

No Fields configured for Events based on this Definition.

\n : this.renderFieldList(fieldNames, fields, keys)}\n \n );\n };\n\n renderNotification = (definitionNotification) => {\n const { notifications } = this.props;\n const notification = notifications.find((n) => === definitionNotification.notification_id);\n\n let content;\n\n if (notification) {\n const notificationPlugin = this.getPlugin('eventNotificationTypes', notification.config.type);\n\n content = (notificationPlugin.summaryComponent\n ? React.createElement(notificationPlugin.summaryComponent, {\n type: notificationPlugin.displayName,\n notification: notification,\n definitionNotification: definitionNotification,\n })\n :

Notification plugin {notification.config.type} does not provide a summary.

\n );\n } else {\n content = (\n

\n Could not find information for Notification {definitionNotification.notification_id}.\n

\n );\n }\n\n return (\n \n {content}\n \n );\n };\n\n renderNotificationSettings = (notificationSettings) => {\n const formattedDuration = moment.duration(notificationSettings.grace_period_ms)\n .format('d [days] h [hours] m [minutes] s [seconds]', { trim: 'all' });\n\n const formattedGracePeriod = (notificationSettings.grace_period_ms\n ? `Grace Period is set to ${formattedDuration}`\n : 'Grace Period is disabled');\n\n const formattedBacklogSize = (notificationSettings.backlog_size\n ? `Notifications will include ${notificationSettings.backlog_size} messages`\n : 'Notifications will not include any messages.');\n\n return (\n <>\n


\n \n );\n };\n\n renderNotifications = (definitionNotifications, notificationSettings) => {\n const { currentUser } = this.props;\n\n const effectiveDefinitionNotifications = definitionNotifications\n .filter((n) => isPermitted(currentUser.permissions, `eventnotifications:read:${n.notification_id}`));\n const notificationsWithMissingPermissions = definitionNotifications\n .filter((n) => ! => nObj.notification_id).includes(n.notification_id));\n const warning = notificationsWithMissingPermissions.length > 0\n ? (\n \n Missing Notifications Permissions for:
\n { => n.notification_id).join(', ')}\n
\n )\n : null;\n\n return (\n <>\n



\n {warning}\n

\n {effectiveDefinitionNotifications.length === 0 && notificationsWithMissingPermissions.length <= 0\n ?

This Event is not configured to trigger any Notifications.

\n : (\n <>\n {this.renderNotificationSettings(notificationSettings)}\n {}\n \n )}\n \n );\n };\n\n render() {\n const { eventDefinition, validation } = this.props;\n const { showValidation } = this.state;\n\n return (\n \n \n

Event Summary

\n {showValidation && }\n \n \n {this.renderDetails(eventDefinition)}\n \n \n {this.renderCondition(eventDefinition.config)}\n \n \n \n \n {this.renderFields(eventDefinition.field_spec, eventDefinition.key_spec)}\n \n \n {this.renderNotifications(eventDefinition.notifications, eventDefinition.notification_settings)}\n \n \n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default EventDefinitionSummary;\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([, \"._2s90hHZjKiUUh4X3m-VBrX {\\n margin-top: 35px;\\n}\\n\\n.TEb2Hf5lzMf8sqQmuGSD4 {\\n margin-left: 15px;\\n margin-right: 15px;\\n}\\n\", \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./src/components/event-definitions/event-definition-form/EventConditionForm.css\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\"AAAA;IACI,gBAAgB;AACpB;;AAEA;IACI,iBAAiB;IACjB,kBAAkB;AACtB\",\"sourcesContent\":[\":local(.conditionTypesInfo) {\\n margin-top: 35px;\\n}\\n\\n:local(.hr) {\\n margin-left: 15px;\\n margin-right: 15px;\\n}\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.locals = {\n\t\"conditionTypesInfo\": \"_2s90hHZjKiUUh4X3m-VBrX\",\n\t\"hr\": \"TEb2Hf5lzMf8sqQmuGSD4\"\n};\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nconst EventDefinitionPriorityEnum = {\n LOW: 1,\n NORMAL: 2,\n HIGH: 3,\n properties: {\n 1: { name: 'low' },\n 2: { name: 'normal' },\n 3: { name: 'high' },\n },\n};\n\nexport default EventDefinitionPriorityEnum;\n","// Imports\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/cssWithMappingToString.js\";\nimport ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___ from \"../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js\";\nvar ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___ = ___CSS_LOADER_API_IMPORT___(___CSS_LOADER_API_SOURCEMAP_IMPORT___);\n// Module\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.push([, \"._2q2dz5xrzDdZeqNxSb3VmY dl dl {\\n padding-left: 10px;\\n margin-bottom: 5px;\\n}\\n\", \"\",{\"version\":3,\"sources\":[\"webpack://./src/components/event-definitions/event-definition-form/EventDefinitionSummary.css\"],\"names\":[],\"mappings\":\"AAAA;IACI,kBAAkB;IAClB,kBAAkB;AACtB\",\"sourcesContent\":[\":local(.eventSummary) dl dl {\\n padding-left: 10px;\\n margin-bottom: 5px;\\n}\\n\"],\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}]);\n// Exports\n___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___.locals = {\n\t\"eventSummary\": \"_2q2dz5xrzDdZeqNxSb3VmY\"\n};\nexport default ___CSS_LOADER_EXPORT___;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport { Col, ControlLabel, FormGroup, HelpBlock, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Select } from 'components/common';\nimport { Input } from 'components/bootstrap';\nimport EventDefinitionPriorityEnum from 'logic/alerts/EventDefinitionPriorityEnum';\nimport * as FormsUtils from 'util/FormsUtils';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nconst priorityOptions =, (value, key) => ({ value: key, label: lodash.upperFirst( }));\n\nclass EventDetailsForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n handleChange = (event) => {\n const { name } =;\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n\n onChange(name, FormsUtils.getValueFromInput(;\n };\n\n handlePriorityChange = (nextPriority) => {\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n\n onChange('priority', lodash.toNumber(nextPriority));\n };\n\n render() {\n const { eventDefinition, validation } = this.props;\n\n return (\n \n \n

Event Details

\n \n\n Description (Optional)}\n type=\"textarea\"\n help=\"Longer description for this Event Definition.\"\n value={eventDefinition.description}\n onChange={this.handleChange}\n rows={2} />\n\n \n Priority\n \n \n {lodash.get(validation, 'errors.config[0]', 'Choose the type of Condition for this Event.')}\n \n \n \n\n \n \n {this.renderConditionTypeDescriptions()}\n \n \n \n\n {eventDefinitionTypeComponent && (\n <>\n
\n \n {eventDefinitionTypeComponent}\n \n \n )}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default EventConditionForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport { Popover } from 'components/graylog';\n\nclass EventKeyHelpPopover extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n };\n\n render() {\n const { id, ...otherProps } = this.props;\n\n return (\n \n

\n Event Keys are Fields used to arrange Events into groups. A group is created for each unique Key, so\n Graylog will generate as many Events as unique Keys are found. Example:\n


\n No Event Keys: One Event for each Login failure message.
\n Event Key username: One Event for each username with a Login failure message.\n

\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default EventKeyHelpPopover;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport {\n Button,\n ButtonToolbar,\n Col,\n ControlLabel,\n FormControl,\n FormGroup,\n HelpBlock,\n InputGroup,\n OverlayTrigger,\n Row,\n} from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Input } from 'components/bootstrap';\nimport { Icon, Select } from 'components/common';\nimport EventKeyHelpPopover from 'components/event-definitions/common/EventKeyHelpPopover';\nimport * as FormsUtils from 'util/FormsUtils';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nconst requiredFields = [\n 'fieldName',\n 'config.providers[0].type',\n];\n\nclass FieldForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n fieldName: PropTypes.string,\n config: PropTypes.object,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n keys: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n fieldName: '',\n config: {},\n };\n\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n const keyIndex = props.keys.indexOf(props.fieldName);\n\n this.state = {\n fieldName: props.fieldName,\n config: { data_type: 'string', providers: [], ...props.config },\n isKey: keyIndex >= 0,\n keyPosition: keyIndex >= 0 ? keyIndex + 1 : props.keys.length + 1,\n validation: { errors: {} },\n };\n }\n\n getProviderPlugin = (type) => {\n if (type === undefined) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return PluginStore.exports('fieldValueProviders').find((edt) => edt.type === type) || {};\n };\n\n getConfigProviderType = (config, defaultValue) => {\n return lodash.get(config, 'providers[0].type', defaultValue);\n };\n\n validate = () => {\n const { isKey, keyPosition, config } = this.state;\n const errors = {};\n\n const providerType = this.getConfigProviderType(config);\n let pluginRequiredFields = [];\n\n if (providerType) {\n const providerPlugin = this.getProviderPlugin(providerType);\n\n pluginRequiredFields = providerPlugin.requiredFields;\n }\n\n requiredFields.forEach((requiredField) => {\n if (!lodash.get(this.state, requiredField)) {\n errors[requiredField] = 'Field cannot be empty.';\n }\n });\n\n if (isKey && (!lodash.isNumber(keyPosition) || Number(keyPosition) < 1)) {\n errors.key_position = 'Field must be a positive number.';\n }\n\n pluginRequiredFields.forEach((requiredField) => {\n if (!lodash.get(config, `providers[0].${requiredField}`)) {\n errors[requiredField] = 'Field cannot be empty.';\n }\n });\n\n const errorNumber = Object.keys(errors).length;\n\n if (errorNumber > 0) {\n this.setState({ validation: { errors: errors } });\n }\n\n return errorNumber === 0;\n };\n\n handleSubmit = () => {\n if (this.validate()) {\n const { fieldName: prevFieldName, onChange } = this.props;\n const { fieldName, config, isKey, keyPosition } = this.state;\n\n onChange(prevFieldName, fieldName, config, isKey, keyPosition - 1);\n }\n };\n\n handleFieldNameChange = (event) => {\n const nextFieldName = FormsUtils.getValueFromInput(;\n\n this.setState({ fieldName: nextFieldName });\n };\n\n handleConfigChange = (nextConfig) => {\n this.setState({ config: nextConfig });\n };\n\n handleProviderTypeChange = (nextProvider) => {\n const { config } = this.state;\n const providerPlugin = this.getProviderPlugin(nextProvider);\n const defaultProviderConfig = providerPlugin.defaultConfig || {};\n const nextConfig = {\n ...config,\n providers: [{\n ...defaultProviderConfig,\n type: nextProvider,\n }],\n };\n\n this.handleConfigChange(nextConfig);\n };\n\n handleKeySortChange = (event) => {\n const nextPosition = === '' ? '' : FormsUtils.getValueFromInput(;\n\n this.setState({ keyPosition: nextPosition });\n };\n\n toggleKey = (event) => {\n const checked = FormsUtils.getValueFromInput(;\n\n this.setState({ isKey: checked });\n };\n\n renderFieldValueProviderForm = () => {\n const { fieldName, config, validation } = this.state;\n const { currentUser } = this.props;\n\n const providerType = this.getConfigProviderType(config);\n\n if (!providerType) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const providerPlugin = this.getProviderPlugin(providerType);\n\n return (providerPlugin.formComponent\n ? React.createElement(providerPlugin.formComponent, {\n fieldName: fieldName,\n config: config,\n onChange: this.handleConfigChange,\n validation: validation,\n currentUser: currentUser,\n })\n :
Selected provider is not available.
\n );\n };\n\n formatFieldValueProviders = () => {\n return PluginStore.exports('fieldValueProviders')\n .map((type) => ({ label: type.displayName, value: type.type }));\n };\n\n render() {\n const { fieldName: prevFieldName, onCancel } = this.props;\n const { fieldName, isKey, keyPosition, config, validation } = this.state;\n\n return (\n \n \n

\n {prevFieldName ? `Custom Field \"${fieldName}\"` : 'New Custom Field'}\n

\n\n \n\n \n \n Use Field as Event Key \n }>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {validation.errors.key_position || 'Indicates if this Field should be a Key and its order.'}\n \n \n\n \n Field Data Type\n String\n \n\n \n Set Value From\n \n\n \n \n Require all template values to be set\n \n Check this option to validate that all variables used in the Template have values.\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default TemplateFieldValueProviderForm;\n","import api from \"!../../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import content from \"!!../../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--10-1!./CommonFieldValueProviderSummary.css\";\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = \"head\";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport default content.locals || {};","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport { Table, Button } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Icon } from 'components/common';\n\nimport styles from './CommonFieldValueProviderSummary.css';\n\nclass CommonFieldValueProviderSummary extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n fieldName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n keys: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n children: PropTypes.element.isRequired,\n };\n\n state = {\n displayDetails: false,\n };\n\n toggleDisplayDetails = () => {\n const { displayDetails } = this.state;\n\n this.setState({ displayDetails: !displayDetails });\n };\n\n render() {\n const { fieldName, config, keys, children } = this.props;\n const { displayDetails } = this.state;\n\n return (\n
\n \n {displayDetails && (\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {children}\n \n
Is Key?{keys.includes(fieldName) ? 'Yes' : 'No'}
Data Type{config.data_type}
\n )}\n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default CommonFieldValueProviderSummary;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport CommonFieldValueProviderSummary from './CommonFieldValueProviderSummary';\n\nclass TemplateFieldValueProviderSummary extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n fieldName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n keys: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n };\n\n render() {\n const { config } = this.props;\n\n return (\n \n <>\n \n Value source\n Template\n \n \n Template\n {config.providers[0].template}\n \n \n Validate that all Template values are set\n {config.providers[0].require_values ? 'Yes' : 'No'}\n \n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default TemplateFieldValueProviderSummary;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport { Col, ControlLabel, FormGroup, HelpBlock, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Select } from 'components/common';\nimport * as FormsUtils from 'util/FormsUtils';\nimport { naturalSortIgnoreCase } from 'util/SortUtils';\n\nclass LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n allFieldTypes: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n lookupTables: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n static type = 'lookup-v1';\n\n static defaultConfig = {\n table_name: '',\n key_field: '',\n };\n\n static requiredFields = [\n 'table_name',\n 'key_field',\n ];\n\n formatMessageFields = lodash.memoize(\n (fieldTypes) => {\n return fieldTypes\n .sort((ftA, ftB) => naturalSortIgnoreCase(,\n .map((fieldType) => {\n return {\n label: `${} – ${fieldType.value.type.type}`,\n value:,\n };\n });\n },\n (fieldTypes) => =>'-'),\n );\n\n propagateChanges = (key, value) => {\n const { config, onChange } = this.props;\n const nextProviders = lodash.cloneDeep(config.providers);\n const lookupProvider = nextProviders.find((provider) => provider.type === LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm.type);\n\n lookupProvider[key] = value;\n onChange({ ...config, providers: nextProviders });\n };\n\n handleChange = (event) => {\n const { name } =;\n const value = FormsUtils.getValueFromInput(;\n\n this.propagateChanges(name, value);\n };\n\n handleSelectChange = (key) => {\n return (nextLookupTable) => {\n this.propagateChanges(key, nextLookupTable);\n };\n };\n\n formatLookupTables = (lookupTables) => {\n return lookupTables\n .sort((lt1, lt2) => naturalSortIgnoreCase(lt1.title, lt2.title))\n .map((table) => ({ label: table.title, value: }));\n };\n\n render() {\n const { allFieldTypes, config, lookupTables, validation } = this.props;\n const provider = config.providers.find((p) => p.type === LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm.type);\n\n return (\n \n \n \n Select Lookup Table\n \n \n {validation.errors.key_field || 'Message Field name whose value will be used as Lookup Table Key.'}\n \n \n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport { Col, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Spinner } from 'components/common';\nimport connect from 'stores/connect';\nimport CombinedProvider from 'injection/CombinedProvider';\nimport { FieldTypesStore } from 'views/stores/FieldTypesStore';\nimport PermissionsMixin from 'util/PermissionsMixin';\n\nimport LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm from './LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm';\n\nconst { LookupTablesStore, LookupTablesActions } = CombinedProvider.get('LookupTables');\n\nconst LOOKUP_PERMISSIONS = [\n 'lookuptables:read',\n];\n\nclass LookupTableFieldValueProviderFormContainer extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n fieldTypes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n lookupTables: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n componentDidMount() {\n const { currentUser } = this.props;\n\n if (!PermissionsMixin.isPermitted(currentUser.permissions, LOOKUP_PERMISSIONS)) {\n return;\n }\n\n LookupTablesActions.searchPaginated(1, 0, undefined, false);\n }\n\n render() {\n const { lookupTables, fieldTypes, currentUser, ...otherProps } = this.props;\n\n if (!PermissionsMixin.isPermitted(currentUser.permissions, LOOKUP_PERMISSIONS)) {\n return (\n \n \n

No Lookup Tables found.

\n \n
\n );\n }\n\n const isLoading = typeof fieldTypes.all !== 'object' || !lookupTables.tables;\n\n if (isLoading) {\n return ;\n }\n\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default connect(LookupTableFieldValueProviderFormContainer, {\n fieldTypes: FieldTypesStore,\n lookupTables: LookupTablesStore,\n});\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport { IfPermitted } from 'components/common';\n\nimport CommonFieldValueProviderSummary from './CommonFieldValueProviderSummary';\n\nclass LookupTableFieldValueProviderSummary extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n fieldName: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n keys: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n };\n\n render() {\n const { config } = this.props;\n const provider = config.providers[0];\n\n return (\n \n \n <>\n \n Value source\n Lookup Table\n \n \n Lookup Table\n {provider.table_name}\n \n \n Lookup Table Key Field\n {provider.key_field}\n \n \n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default LookupTableFieldValueProviderSummary;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport { PluginManifest, PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\n\nimport TemplateFieldValueProviderForm from './TemplateFieldValueProviderForm';\nimport TemplateFieldValueProviderSummary from './TemplateFieldValueProviderSummary';\nimport LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm from './LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm';\nimport LookupTableFieldValueProviderFormContainer from './LookupTableFieldValueProviderFormContainer';\nimport LookupTableFieldValueProviderSummary from './LookupTableFieldValueProviderSummary';\n\nPluginStore.register(new PluginManifest({}, {\n fieldValueProviders: [\n {\n type: TemplateFieldValueProviderForm.type,\n displayName: 'Template',\n formComponent: TemplateFieldValueProviderForm,\n summaryComponent: TemplateFieldValueProviderSummary,\n defaultConfig: TemplateFieldValueProviderForm.defaultConfig,\n requiredFields: TemplateFieldValueProviderForm.requiredFields,\n },\n {\n type: LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm.type,\n displayName: 'Lookup Table',\n formComponent: LookupTableFieldValueProviderFormContainer,\n summaryComponent: LookupTableFieldValueProviderSummary,\n defaultConfig: LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm.defaultConfig,\n requiredFields: LookupTableFieldValueProviderForm.requiredFields,\n },\n ],\n}));\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport { Alert, Col, OverlayTrigger, Row, Button } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Icon } from 'components/common';\nimport EventKeyHelpPopover from 'components/event-definitions/common/EventKeyHelpPopover';\n\nimport FieldForm from './FieldForm';\nimport FieldsList from './FieldsList';\n\n// Import built-in Field Value Providers\nimport {} from './field-value-providers';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nclass FieldsForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n state = {\n editField: undefined,\n showFieldForm: false,\n };\n\n removeCustomField = (fieldName) => {\n const { eventDefinition, onChange } = this.props;\n const nextFieldSpec = lodash.omit(eventDefinition.field_spec, fieldName);\n\n onChange('field_spec', nextFieldSpec);\n\n // Filter out all non-existing field names from key_spec\n const fieldNames = Object.keys(nextFieldSpec);\n const nextKeySpec = eventDefinition.key_spec.filter((key) => fieldNames.includes(key));\n\n onChange('key_spec', nextKeySpec);\n };\n\n addCustomField = (prevFieldName, fieldName, config, isKey, keyPosition) => {\n const { eventDefinition, onChange } = this.props;\n const nextFieldSpec = (prevFieldName === fieldName\n ? lodash.cloneDeep(eventDefinition.field_spec)\n : lodash.omit(eventDefinition.field_spec, prevFieldName));\n\n nextFieldSpec[fieldName] = config;\n onChange('field_spec', nextFieldSpec);\n\n // Filter out all non-existing field names from key_spec and the current field name\n const fieldNames = Object.keys(nextFieldSpec);\n let nextKeySpec = eventDefinition.key_spec.filter((key) => fieldNames.includes(key) && key !== fieldName);\n\n if (isKey) {\n // Add key to its new position\n nextKeySpec = [...nextKeySpec.slice(0, keyPosition), fieldName, ...nextKeySpec.slice(keyPosition)];\n }\n\n onChange('key_spec', nextKeySpec);\n\n this.toggleFieldForm();\n };\n\n toggleFieldForm = (fieldName) => {\n const { showFieldForm } = this.state;\n\n this.setState({ showFieldForm: !showFieldForm, editField: showFieldForm ? undefined : fieldName });\n };\n\n render() {\n const { eventDefinition, validation, currentUser } = this.props;\n const { editField, showFieldForm } = this.state;\n\n if (showFieldForm) {\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n const fieldErrors = lodash.get(validation, 'errors.field_spec', []);\n const keyErrors = lodash.get(validation, 'errors.key_spec', []);\n const errors = [...fieldErrors, ...keyErrors];\n\n return (\n \n \n

Event Fields (optional)


\n Include additional information in Events generated from this Event Definition by adding custom Fields. That\n can help you search Events or having more context when receiving Notifications.\n

\n\n {errors.length > 0 && (\n \n

Fields with errors


Please correct the following errors before saving this Event Definition:

    \n { => {\n return
  • {error}
  • ;\n })}\n
\n )}\n\n {Object.keys(eventDefinition.field_spec).length > 0 && (\n
\n Keys\n }>\n \n \n
{eventDefinition.key_spec.length > 0 ? eventDefinition.key_spec.join(', ') : 'No Keys configured yet.'}
\n )}\n \n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default FieldsForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\n\nimport { Select } from 'components/common';\nimport { Button, ButtonToolbar, Col, ControlLabel, FormGroup, HelpBlock, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport EventNotificationFormContainer\n from 'components/event-notifications/event-notification-form/EventNotificationFormContainer';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nclass AddNotificationForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n notifications: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n hasCreationPermissions: PropTypes.bool,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n hasCreationPermissions: false,\n };\n\n state = {\n selectedNotification: undefined,\n displayNewNotificationForm: false,\n };\n\n handleNewNotificationSubmit = (promise) => {\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n\n promise.then((notification) => onChange(;\n };\n\n handleSubmit = () => {\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n const { selectedNotification } = this.state;\n\n onChange(selectedNotification);\n };\n\n handleSelectNotificationChange = (nextNotificationId) => {\n if (nextNotificationId === 'create') {\n this.setState({ displayNewNotificationForm: true });\n\n return;\n }\n\n this.setState({ selectedNotification: nextNotificationId, displayNewNotificationForm: false });\n };\n\n formatNotifications = (notifications) => {\n const { hasCreationPermissions } = this.props;\n const formattedNotifications = => ({ label: n.title, value: }));\n\n if (hasCreationPermissions) {\n formattedNotifications.unshift({\n label: 'Create New Notification...',\n value: 'create',\n });\n }\n\n return formattedNotifications;\n };\n\n render() {\n const { notifications, onCancel } = this.props;\n const { displayNewNotificationForm, selectedNotification } = this.state;\n const doneButton = displayNewNotificationForm\n ? \n : ;\n\n return (\n \n \n

Add Notification

\n \n Choose Notification\n \n \n \n \n Number of messages to be included in Notifications.\n \n
\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default NotificationSettingsForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\n\nimport { Button } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { DataTable } from 'components/common';\n\nclass NotificationList extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n notifications: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n onAddNotificationClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onRemoveNotificationClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n getNotificationPlugin = (type) => {\n if (type === undefined) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return PluginStore.exports('eventNotificationTypes').find((n) => n.type === type) || {};\n };\n\n handleRemoveClick = (notificationId) => {\n return () => {\n const { onRemoveNotificationClick } = this.props;\n\n onRemoveNotificationClick(notificationId);\n };\n };\n\n notificationFormatter = (notification) => {\n // Guard in case it is a new Notification or the Notification was deleted\n if (notification.missing) {\n return (\n \n Could not find information for Notification {notification.title}\n \n \n \n \n );\n }\n\n const plugin = this.getNotificationPlugin(notification.config.type);\n\n return (\n \n {notification.title}\n {plugin.displayName || notification.config.type}\n \n \n \n \n );\n };\n\n render() {\n const { eventDefinition, notifications, onAddNotificationClick } = this.props;\n\n const definitionNotifications = eventDefinition.notifications\n .map((edn) => {\n return notifications.find((n) => === edn.notification_id) || {\n title: edn.notification_id,\n missing: true,\n };\n });\n const addNotificationButton = (\n \n );\n\n if (definitionNotifications.length === 0) {\n return (\n <>\n

\n This Event is not configured to trigger any Notifications yet.\n

\n {addNotificationButton}\n \n );\n }\n\n return (\n <>\n \n {addNotificationButton}\n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default NotificationList;\n","import api from \"!../../../../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js\";\n import content from \"!!../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--10-1!./NotificationsForm.css\";\n\nvar options = {};\n\noptions.insert = \"head\";\noptions.singleton = false;\n\nvar update = api(content, options);\n\n\n\nexport default content.locals || {};","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport { LinkContainer } from 'components/graylog/router';\nimport { Alert, Col, Row, Button } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Icon } from 'components/common';\nimport Routes from 'routing/Routes';\nimport { isPermitted } from 'util/PermissionsMixin';\n\nimport AddNotificationForm from './AddNotificationForm';\nimport NotificationSettingsForm from './NotificationSettingsForm';\nimport NotificationList from './NotificationList';\nimport styles from './NotificationsForm.css';\n\nimport commonStyles from '../common/commonStyles.css';\n\nclass NotificationsForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n notifications: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n defaults: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n state = {\n showAddNotificationForm: false,\n };\n\n toggleAddNotificationForm = () => {\n const { showAddNotificationForm } = this.state;\n\n this.setState({ showAddNotificationForm: !showAddNotificationForm });\n };\n\n handleAssignNotification = (nextNotification) => {\n const { onChange, eventDefinition } = this.props;\n const nextNotifications = lodash.cloneDeep(eventDefinition.notifications);\n\n nextNotifications.push({\n notification_id: nextNotification,\n });\n\n onChange('notifications', nextNotifications);\n this.toggleAddNotificationForm();\n };\n\n handleRemoveNotification = (notificationId) => {\n const { onChange, eventDefinition } = this.props;\n const notification = eventDefinition.notifications.find((n) => n.notification_id === notificationId);\n const nextNotifications = lodash.without(eventDefinition.notifications, notification);\n\n onChange('notifications', nextNotifications);\n };\n\n render() {\n const { eventDefinition, notifications, defaults, currentUser, onChange } = this.props;\n const { showAddNotificationForm } = this.state;\n\n const notificationIds = => n.notification_id);\n const missingPermissions = notificationIds.filter((id) => !isPermitted(currentUser.permissions, `eventnotifications:read:${id}`));\n\n if (missingPermissions.length > 0) {\n return (\n \n \n \n Missing Notifications Permissions for:
{missingPermissions.join(', ')}\n
\n \n
\n );\n }\n\n if (notifications.length < 1) {\n return (\n \n \n

No Notifications found.

\n \n
\n );\n }\n\n if (showAddNotificationForm) {\n return (\n \n );\n }\n\n return (\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n

Notifications (optional)


\n Is this Event important enough that requires your attention? Make it an Alert by adding Notifications to it.\n

\n\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default NotificationsForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\nimport { PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\n\nimport { Button, ButtonToolbar, Col, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Wizard } from 'components/common';\n\nimport EventDetailsForm from './EventDetailsForm';\nimport EventConditionForm from './EventConditionForm';\nimport FieldsForm from './FieldsForm';\nimport NotificationsForm from './NotificationsForm';\nimport EventDefinitionSummary from './EventDefinitionSummary';\n\nconst STEP_KEYS = ['event-details', 'condition', 'fields', 'notifications', 'summary'];\n\nclass EventDefinitionForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n action: PropTypes.oneOf(['create', 'edit']),\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n entityTypes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n notifications: PropTypes.array.isRequired,\n defaults: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n action: 'edit',\n };\n\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n\n this.state = {\n activeStep: STEP_KEYS[0],\n };\n }\n\n // TODO: Add validation when step changes\n handleStepChange = (nextStep) => {\n this.setState({ activeStep: nextStep });\n };\n\n handleSubmit = (event) => {\n const { activeStep } = this.state;\n\n if (event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n if (activeStep === lodash.last(STEP_KEYS)) {\n const { onSubmit } = this.props;\n\n onSubmit();\n }\n };\n\n getConditionPlugin = (type) => {\n if (type === undefined) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return PluginStore.exports('eventDefinitionTypes').find((edt) => edt.type === type) || {};\n };\n\n renderButtons = (activeStep) => {\n if (activeStep === lodash.last(STEP_KEYS)) {\n const { onCancel } = this.props;\n\n return (\n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n );\n }\n\n const activeStepIndex = STEP_KEYS.indexOf(activeStep);\n const previousStep = activeStepIndex > 0 ? STEP_KEYS[activeStepIndex - 1] : undefined;\n const nextStep = STEP_KEYS[activeStepIndex + 1];\n\n return (\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n );\n };\n\n render() {\n const {\n action,\n entityTypes,\n eventDefinition,\n notifications,\n onChange,\n validation,\n defaults,\n currentUser,\n } = this.props;\n const { activeStep } = this.state;\n\n const defaultStepProps = {\n key:, // Recreate components if ID changed\n action,\n entityTypes,\n eventDefinition,\n onChange,\n validation,\n currentUser,\n };\n\n const eventDefinitionType = this.getConditionPlugin(eventDefinition.config.type);\n\n const steps = [\n {\n key: STEP_KEYS[0],\n title: 'Event Details',\n component: ,\n },\n {\n key: STEP_KEYS[1],\n title: lodash.defaultTo(eventDefinitionType.displayName, 'Condition'),\n component: ,\n },\n {\n key: STEP_KEYS[2],\n title: 'Fields',\n component: ,\n },\n {\n key: STEP_KEYS[3],\n title: 'Notifications',\n component: ,\n },\n {\n key: STEP_KEYS[4],\n title: 'Summary',\n component: (\n \n ),\n },\n ];\n\n return (\n \n \n \n {this.renderButtons(activeStep)}\n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default EventDefinitionForm;\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\n\nimport history from 'util/History';\nimport Routes from 'routing/Routes';\nimport connect from 'stores/connect';\nimport EventDefinitionPriorityEnum from 'logic/alerts/EventDefinitionPriorityEnum';\nimport CombinedProvider from 'injection/CombinedProvider';\nimport { ConfirmLeaveDialog, Spinner } from 'components/common';\n\nimport EventDefinitionForm from './EventDefinitionForm';\n// Import built-in plugins\nimport {} from 'components/event-definitions/event-definition-types';\nimport {} from 'components/event-notifications/event-notification-types';\n\nconst { EventDefinitionsActions } = CombinedProvider.get('EventDefinitions');\nconst { AvailableEventDefinitionTypesStore } = CombinedProvider.get('AvailableEventDefinitionTypes');\nconst { EventNotificationsStore, EventNotificationsActions } = CombinedProvider.get('EventNotifications');\nconst { ConfigurationActions } = CombinedProvider.get('Configuration');\nconst { CurrentUserStore } = CombinedProvider.get('CurrentUser');\n\nclass EventDefinitionFormContainer extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n action: PropTypes.oneOf(['create', 'edit']),\n eventDefinition: PropTypes.object,\n currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n entityTypes: PropTypes.object,\n notifications: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n onEventDefinitionChange: PropTypes.func,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n action: 'edit',\n eventDefinition: {\n title: '',\n description: '',\n priority: EventDefinitionPriorityEnum.NORMAL,\n config: {},\n field_spec: {},\n key_spec: [],\n notification_settings: {\n grace_period_ms: 0,\n // Defaults to system setting for notification backlog size\n backlog_size: null,\n },\n notifications: [],\n alert: false,\n },\n entityTypes: undefined,\n onEventDefinitionChange: () => {},\n };\n\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n\n this.state = {\n eventDefinition: props.eventDefinition,\n validation: {\n errors: {},\n },\n eventsClusterConfig: undefined,\n isDirty: false,\n };\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n this.fetchClusterConfig();\n this.fetchNotifications();\n }\n\n fetchNotifications = () => {\n EventNotificationsActions.listAll();\n };\n\n fetchClusterConfig = () => {\n ConfigurationActions.listEventsClusterConfig().then((config) => this.setState({ eventsClusterConfig: config }));\n };\n\n handleChange = (key, value) => {\n this.setState((state) => {\n const nextEventDefinition = lodash.cloneDeep(state.eventDefinition);\n\n nextEventDefinition[key] = value;\n const { onEventDefinitionChange } = this.props;\n\n onEventDefinitionChange(nextEventDefinition);\n\n return { eventDefinition: nextEventDefinition, isDirty: true };\n });\n };\n\n handleCancel = () => {\n history.push(Routes.ALERTS.DEFINITIONS.LIST);\n };\n\n handleSubmitSuccessResponse = () => {\n this.setState({ isDirty: false }, () => history.push(Routes.ALERTS.DEFINITIONS.LIST));\n };\n\n handleSubmitFailureResponse = (errorResponse) => {\n const { body } = errorResponse.additional;\n\n if (errorResponse.status === 400) {\n if (body && body.failed) {\n this.setState({ validation: body });\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (body.type && body.type === 'ApiError') {\n if (body.message.includes('')\n || body.message.includes('')\n || body.message.includes('')) {\n this.setState({\n validation: {\n errors: { conditions: ['Aggregation condition is not valid'] },\n },\n });\n\n return;\n }\n\n if (body.message.includes('embryonic')) {\n this.setState({\n validation: {\n errors: { query_parameters: ['Query parameters must be declared'] },\n },\n });\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n handleSubmit = () => {\n const { action } = this.props;\n const { eventDefinition } = this.state;\n\n if (action === 'create') {\n EventDefinitionsActions.create(eventDefinition)\n .then(this.handleSubmitSuccessResponse, this.handleSubmitFailureResponse);\n } else {\n EventDefinitionsActions.update(, eventDefinition)\n .then(this.handleSubmitSuccessResponse, this.handleSubmitFailureResponse);\n }\n };\n\n render() {\n const { action, entityTypes, notifications, currentUser } = this.props;\n const { isDirty, eventDefinition, eventsClusterConfig, validation } = this.state;\n const isLoading = !entityTypes || !notifications.all || !eventsClusterConfig;\n\n if (isLoading) {\n return ;\n }\n\n const defaults = { default_backlog_size: eventsClusterConfig.events_notification_default_backlog };\n\n return (\n <>\n {isDirty && (\n \n )}\n \n \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default connect(EventDefinitionFormContainer, {\n entityTypes: AvailableEventDefinitionTypesStore,\n notifications: EventNotificationsStore,\n currentUser: CurrentUserStore,\n},\n({ currentUser, ...otherProps }) => ({\n ...otherProps,\n currentUser: currentUser.currentUser,\n}));\n","/*\n * Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.\n *\n * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,\n * as published by MongoDB, Inc.\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n * Server Side Public License for more details.\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License\n * along with this program. If not, see\n * .\n */\nimport React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport lodash from 'lodash';\nimport { PluginStore } from 'graylog-web-plugin/plugin';\n\nimport { Alert, Button, ButtonToolbar, Col, ControlLabel, FormControl, FormGroup, HelpBlock, Row } from 'components/graylog';\nimport { Select, Spinner } from 'components/common';\nimport { Input } from 'components/bootstrap';\nimport { getValueFromInput } from 'util/FormsUtils';\n\nclass EventNotificationForm extends React.Component {\n static propTypes = {\n action: PropTypes.oneOf(['create', 'edit']),\n notification: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n validation: PropTypes.object.isRequired,\n testResult: PropTypes.shape({\n isLoading: PropTypes.bool,\n error: PropTypes.bool,\n message: PropTypes.string,\n }).isRequired,\n formId: PropTypes.string,\n embedded: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,\n onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n onTest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,\n };\n\n static defaultProps = {\n action: 'edit',\n formId: undefined,\n };\n\n handleSubmit = (event) => {\n const { notification, onSubmit } = this.props;\n\n event.preventDefault();\n\n onSubmit(notification);\n };\n\n handleChange = (event) => {\n const { name } =;\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n\n onChange(name, getValueFromInput(;\n };\n\n handleConfigChange = (nextConfig) => {\n const { onChange } = this.props;\n\n onChange('config', nextConfig);\n };\n\n getNotificationPlugin = (type) => {\n if (type === undefined) {\n return {};\n }\n\n return PluginStore.exports('eventNotificationTypes').find((n) => n.type === type) || {};\n };\n\n handleTypeChange = (nextType) => {\n const notificationPlugin = this.getNotificationPlugin(nextType);\n const defaultConfig = notificationPlugin.defaultConfig || {};\n\n this.handleConfigChange({ ...defaultConfig, type: nextType });\n };\n\n handleTestTrigger = () => {\n const { notification, onTest } = this.props;\n\n onTest(notification);\n };\n\n formattedEventNotificationTypes = () => {\n return PluginStore.exports('eventNotificationTypes')\n .map((type) => ({ label: type.displayName, value: type.type }));\n };\n\n render() {\n const { action, embedded, formId, notification, onCancel, validation, testResult } = this.props;\n\n const notificationPlugin = this.getNotificationPlugin(notification.config.type);\n const notificationFormComponent = notificationPlugin.formComponent\n ? React.createElement(notificationPlugin.formComponent, {\n config: notification.config,\n onChange: this.handleConfigChange,\n validation: validation,\n })\n : null;\n\n const testButtonText = testResult.isLoading ? : 'Execute Test Notification';\n\n return (\n \n \n
\n \n\n Description (Optional)}\n type=\"textarea\"\n help=\"Longer description for this Notification.\"\n value={notification.description}\n onChange={this.handleChange}\n rows={2} />\n\n \n Notification Type\n