org.graylog2.Configuration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2020 Graylog, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1,
* as published by MongoDB, Inc.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Server Side Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* .
package org.graylog2;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.Parameter;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.ValidationException;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.Validator;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.ValidatorMethod;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.converters.StringSetConverter;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.converters.TrimmedStringSetConverter;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.util.Duration;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.PositiveDurationValidator;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.PositiveIntegerValidator;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.PositiveLongValidator;
import com.github.joschi.jadconfig.validators.StringNotBlankValidator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.graylog2.cluster.leader.AutomaticLeaderElectionService;
import org.graylog2.cluster.leader.LeaderElectionMode;
import org.graylog2.cluster.leader.LeaderElectionService;
import org.graylog2.cluster.lock.MongoLockService;
import org.graylog2.configuration.converters.JavaDurationConverter;
import org.graylog2.notifications.Notification;
import org.graylog2.utilities.IPSubnetConverter;
import org.graylog2.utilities.IpSubnet;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.graylog2.shared.utilities.StringUtils.f;
* Helper class to hold configuration of Graylog
public class Configuration extends CaConfiguration {
public static final String SAFE_CLASSES = "safe_classes";
* Deprecated! Use isLeader() instead.
@Parameter(value = "is_master")
private boolean isMaster = true;
@Parameter(value = "stream_aware_field_types")
private boolean streamAwareFieldTypes = false;
* Used for initializing static leader election. You shouldn't use this for other purposes, but if you must, don't
* use @{@link javax.inject.Named} injection but the getter isLeader() instead.
@Parameter(value = "is_leader")
private Boolean isLeader;
@Parameter(value = "password_secret", required = true, validators = StringNotBlankValidator.class)
private String passwordSecret;
@Parameter(value = "output_batch_size", required = true, validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int outputBatchSize = 500;
@Parameter(value = "output_flush_interval", required = true, validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int outputFlushInterval = 1;
@Parameter(value = "outputbuffer_processors", required = true, validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int outputBufferProcessors = 3;
@Parameter(value = "outputbuffer_processor_threads_core_pool_size", required = true, validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int outputBufferProcessorThreadsCorePoolSize = 3;
@Parameter(value = "node_id_file", validators = NodeIdFileValidator.class)
private String nodeIdFile = "/etc/graylog/server/node-id";
@Parameter(value = "root_username")
private String rootUsername = "admin";
// Required unless "root-user" is deactivated in the "deactivated_builtin_authentication_providers" setting
@Parameter(value = "root_password_sha2")
private String rootPasswordSha2;
@Parameter(value = "root_timezone")
private DateTimeZone rootTimeZone = DateTimeZone.UTC;
@Parameter(value = "root_email")
private String rootEmail = "";
@Parameter(value = "allow_leading_wildcard_searches")
private boolean allowLeadingWildcardSearches = false;
@Parameter(value = "allow_highlighting")
private boolean allowHighlighting = false;
@Parameter(value = "lb_recognition_period_seconds", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int loadBalancerRecognitionPeriodSeconds = 3;
@Parameter(value = "lb_throttle_threshold_percentage", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int loadBalancerThrottleThresholdPercentage = 100;
@Parameter(value = "stream_processing_timeout", validators = PositiveLongValidator.class)
private long streamProcessingTimeout = 2000;
@Parameter(value = "stream_processing_max_faults", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int streamProcessingMaxFaults = 3;
@Parameter(value = "output_module_timeout", validators = PositiveLongValidator.class)
private long outputModuleTimeout = 10000;
@Parameter(value = "output_fault_count_threshold", validators = PositiveLongValidator.class)
private long outputFaultCountThreshold = 5;
@Parameter(value = "output_fault_penalty_seconds", validators = PositiveLongValidator.class)
private long outputFaultPenaltySeconds = 30;
* Deprecated! Use staleLeaderTimeout instead
@Parameter(value = "stale_master_timeout", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int staleMasterTimeout = 2000;
* Don't use @{@link javax.inject.Named} injection but the getter getStaleLeaderTimeout() instead.
@Parameter(value = "stale_leader_timeout", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private Integer staleLeaderTimeout;
@Parameter(value = "ldap_connection_timeout", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int ldapConnectionTimeout = 2000;
@Parameter(value = "alert_check_interval", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int alertCheckInterval = 60;
@Parameter(value = "default_message_output_class")
private String defaultMessageOutputClass = "";
@Parameter(value = "dashboard_widget_default_cache_time", validators = PositiveDurationValidator.class)
private Duration dashboardWidgetDefaultCacheTime = Duration.seconds(10L);
@Parameter(value = "user_password_default_algorithm")
private String userPasswordDefaultAlgorithm = "bcrypt";
@Parameter(value = "user_password_bcrypt_salt_size", validators = PositiveIntegerValidator.class)
private int userPasswordBCryptSaltSize = 10;
@Parameter(value = "content_packs_loader_enabled")
private boolean contentPacksLoaderEnabled = false;
@Parameter(value = "content_packs_dir")
private Path contentPacksDir = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR.resolve("contentpacks");
@Parameter(value = "content_packs_auto_install", converter = TrimmedStringSetConverter.class)
private Set contentPacksAutoInstall = Collections.emptySet();
@Parameter(value = "index_ranges_cleanup_interval", validators = PositiveDurationValidator.class)
private Duration indexRangesCleanupInterval = Duration.hours(1L);
@Parameter(value = "trusted_proxies", converter = IPSubnetConverter.class)
private Set trustedProxies = Collections.emptySet();
@Parameter(value = "deactivated_builtin_authentication_providers", converter = StringSetConverter.class)
private Set deactivatedBuiltinAuthenticationProviders = Collections.emptySet();
// This is needed for backwards compatibility. The setting in TLSProtocolsConfiguration should be used instead.
@Parameter(value = "enabled_tls_protocols", converter = StringSetConverter.class)
private Set enabledTlsProtocols = null;
@Parameter(value = "failure_handling_queue_capacity", validators = {PositiveIntegerValidator.class})
private int failureHandlingQueueCapacity = 1000;
@Parameter(value = "failure_handling_shutdown_await", validators = {PositiveDurationValidator.class})
private Duration failureHandlingShutdownAwait = Duration.milliseconds(3000);
@Parameter(value = "is_cloud")
private boolean isCloud = false;
@Parameter(value = "auto_restart_inputs")
private boolean autoRestartInputs = false;
@Parameter(value = "run_migrations")
private boolean runMigrations = true;
@Parameter(value = "ignore_migration_failures")
private boolean ignoreMigrationFailures = false;
@Parameter(value = "skip_preflight_checks")
private boolean skipPreflightChecks = false;
@Parameter(value = "enable_preflight_web")
private boolean enablePreflightWeb = false;
@Parameter(value = "leader_election_mode", converter = LeaderElectionMode.Converter.class)
private LeaderElectionMode leaderElectionMode = LeaderElectionMode.STATIC;
@Parameter(value = "leader_election_lock_polling_interval", converter = JavaDurationConverter.class)
private java.time.Duration leaderElectionLockPollingInterval = AutomaticLeaderElectionService.DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL;
@Parameter(value = "lock_service_lock_ttl", converter = JavaDurationConverter.class)
private java.time.Duration lockServiceLockTTL = MongoLockService.MIN_LOCK_TTL;
@Parameter(value = "system_event_excluded_types", converter = TrimmedStringSetConverter.class)
private Set systemEventExcludedTypes = Sets.newHashSet(;
@Parameter(value = "datanode_proxy_api_allowlist")
private boolean datanodeProxyAPIAllowlist = true;
@Parameter(value = "minimum_auto_refresh_interval", required = true)
private Period minimumAutoRefreshInterval = Period.seconds(1);
* Classes considered safe to load by name. A set of prefixes matched against the fully qualified class name.
@Parameter(value = SAFE_CLASSES, converter = StringSetConverter.class, validators = SafeClassesValidator.class)
private Set safeClasses = Set.of("org.graylog.", "org.graylog2.");
@Parameter(value = "field_value_suggestion_mode", required = true, converter = FieldValueSuggestionModeConverter.class)
private FieldValueSuggestionMode fieldValueSuggestionMode = FieldValueSuggestionMode.ON;
public boolean maintainsStreamAwareFieldTypes() {
return streamAwareFieldTypes;
* @deprecated Use {@link #isLeader()} instead.
public boolean isMaster() {
return isLeader();
* Returns the configured leader status. This is only valid for static leader election. You should probably
* use {@link LeaderElectionService#isLeader()} instead.
public boolean isLeader() {
return isLeader != null ? isLeader : isMaster;
* @deprecated Use {@link #setIsLeader(boolean)} instead
public void setIsMaster(boolean is) {
* We should remove this method after refactoring {@link org.graylog2.cluster.leader.StaticLeaderElectionService}
* and {@link org.graylog2.commands.Server} so that they don't need this to communicate demotion from leader to
* follower anymore.
public void setIsLeader(boolean is) {
isLeader = isMaster = is;
public LeaderElectionMode getLeaderElectionMode() {
return leaderElectionMode;
public java.time.Duration getLockServiceLockTTL() {
return lockServiceLockTTL;
public Set getSystemEventExcludedTypes() {
return systemEventExcludedTypes;
public java.time.Duration getLeaderElectionLockPollingInterval() {
return leaderElectionLockPollingInterval;
public String getPasswordSecret() {
return passwordSecret.trim();
public int getOutputBatchSize() {
return outputBatchSize;
public int getOutputFlushInterval() {
return outputFlushInterval;
public int getOutputBufferProcessors() {
return outputBufferProcessors;
public int getOutputBufferProcessorThreadsCorePoolSize() {
return outputBufferProcessorThreadsCorePoolSize;
public boolean isCloud() {
return isCloud;
public boolean getAutoRestartInputs() {
return autoRestartInputs;
public boolean runMigrations() {
return runMigrations;
public boolean ignoreMigrationFailures() {
return ignoreMigrationFailures;
public boolean getSkipPreflightChecks() {
return skipPreflightChecks;
public String getNodeIdFile() {
return nodeIdFile;
public String getRootUsername() {
return rootUsername;
public String getRootPasswordSha2() {
return rootPasswordSha2;
public DateTimeZone getRootTimeZone() {
return rootTimeZone;
public String getRootEmail() {
return rootEmail;
public boolean isAllowLeadingWildcardSearches() {
return allowLeadingWildcardSearches;
public boolean isAllowHighlighting() {
return allowHighlighting;
public int getLoadBalancerRecognitionPeriodSeconds() {
return loadBalancerRecognitionPeriodSeconds;
public long getStreamProcessingTimeout() {
return streamProcessingTimeout;
public int getStreamProcessingMaxFaults() {
return streamProcessingMaxFaults;
public long getOutputModuleTimeout() {
return outputModuleTimeout;
public long getOutputFaultCountThreshold() {
return outputFaultCountThreshold;
public long getOutputFaultPenaltySeconds() {
return outputFaultPenaltySeconds;
* @deprecated Use getStaleLeaderTimeout instead
public int getStaleMasterTimeout() {
return getStaleLeaderTimeout();
public int getStaleLeaderTimeout() {
return staleLeaderTimeout != null ? staleLeaderTimeout : staleMasterTimeout;
public int getLdapConnectionTimeout() {
return ldapConnectionTimeout;
public int getAlertCheckInterval() {
return alertCheckInterval;
public String getDefaultMessageOutputClass() {
return defaultMessageOutputClass;
public Duration getDashboardWidgetDefaultCacheTime() {
return dashboardWidgetDefaultCacheTime;
public String getUserPasswordDefaultAlgorithm() {
return userPasswordDefaultAlgorithm;
public int getUserPasswordBCryptSaltSize() {
return userPasswordBCryptSaltSize;
public boolean isContentPacksLoaderEnabled() {
return contentPacksLoaderEnabled;
public Path getContentPacksDir() {
return contentPacksDir;
public Set getContentPacksAutoInstall() {
return contentPacksAutoInstall;
public Duration getIndexRangesCleanupInterval() {
return indexRangesCleanupInterval;
public Set getTrustedProxies() {
return trustedProxies;
public int getLoadBalancerRequestThrottleJournalUsage() {
return loadBalancerThrottleThresholdPercentage;
public Set getDeactivatedBuiltinAuthenticationProviders() {
return deactivatedBuiltinAuthenticationProviders;
public int getFailureHandlingQueueCapacity() {
return failureHandlingQueueCapacity;
public Duration getFailureHandlingShutdownAwait() {
return failureHandlingShutdownAwait;
public Period getMinimumAutoRefreshInterval() {
return minimumAutoRefreshInterval;
public Set getSafeClasses() {
return safeClasses;
public FieldValueSuggestionMode getFieldValueSuggestionMode() {
return fieldValueSuggestionMode;
* This is needed for backwards compatibility. The setting in TLSProtocolsConfiguration should be used instead.
public Set getEnabledTlsProtocols() {
return enabledTlsProtocols;
public void validatePasswordSecret() throws ValidationException {
final String passwordSecret = getPasswordSecret();
if (passwordSecret == null || passwordSecret.length() < 16) {
throw new ValidationException("The minimum length for \"password_secret\" is 16 characters.");
public void validateRootUser() throws ValidationException {
if (getRootPasswordSha2() == null && !isRootUserDisabled()) {
throw new ValidationException("Required parameter \"root_password_sha2\" not found.");
public void validateLeaderElectionTimeouts() throws ValidationException {
if (leaderElectionMode != LeaderElectionMode.AUTOMATIC) {
if (lockServiceLockTTL.compareTo(MongoLockService.MIN_LOCK_TTL) < 0) {
throw new ValidationException("The minimum valid \"lock_service_lock_ttl\" is 60 seconds");
if (leaderElectionLockPollingInterval.compareTo(java.time.Duration.ofSeconds(1)) < 0) {
throw new ValidationException("The minimum valid \"leader_election_lock_polling_interval\" is 1 second");
if (lockServiceLockTTL.compareTo(leaderElectionLockPollingInterval) < 1) {
throw new ValidationException("The \"leader_election_lock_polling_interval\" needs to be greater than the \"lock_service_lock_ttl\"!");
* The root user is disabled if the {@link RootAccountRealm} is deactivated.
public boolean isRootUserDisabled() {
return getDeactivatedBuiltinAuthenticationProviders().contains(RootAccountRealm.NAME);
public boolean enablePreflightWebserver() {
return enablePreflightWeb;
public static class NodeIdFileValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(String name, String path) throws ValidationException {
if (path == null) {
final File file = Paths.get(path).toFile();
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (!file.exists()) {
final File parent = file.getParentFile();
if (!parent.isDirectory()) {
throw new ValidationException("Parent path " + parent + " for Node ID file at " + path + " is not a directory");
} else {
if (!parent.canRead()) {
throw new ValidationException("Parent directory " + parent + " for Node ID file at " + path + " is not readable");
if (!parent.canWrite()) {
throw new ValidationException("Parent directory " + parent + " for Node ID file at " + path + " is not writable");
// parent directory exists and is readable and writable
if (!file.isFile()) {
b.append("a file");
final boolean readable = file.canRead();
final boolean writable = file.canWrite();
if (!readable) {
if (b.length() > 0) {
b.append(", ");
final boolean empty = file.length() == 0;
if (!writable && readable && empty) {
if (b.length() > 0) {
b.append(", ");
b.append("writable, but it is empty");
if (b.length() == 0) {
// all good
throw new ValidationException("Node ID file at path " + path + " isn't " + b + ". Please specify the correct path or change the permissions");
public static class SafeClassesValidator implements Validator> {
public void validate(String name, Set set) throws ValidationException {
if (set.isEmpty()) {
throw new ValidationException(f("\"%s\" must not be empty. Please specify a comma-separated list of " +
"fully-qualified class name prefixes.", name));
if ( {
throw new ValidationException(f("\"%s\" must only contain non-empty class name prefixes.", name));
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